Increased skin pigmentation. Process control systems. Synthesis and regulation of melanin formation

Before starting the fight against hyperpigmentation, it is advisable to find out the causes of the appearance of age spots on the face in women and men - the choice of the right strategy and tactics for dealing with age spots largely depends on this.

What are pigment spots and how do they occur?

Pigment spots occur due to the uneven distribution of melanin pigment in the skin.

Melanin is produced by our skin cells called melanocytes, and in general, the color of our skin depends largely on the activity and number of these cells. And if suddenly some groups of melanocytes for some reason become more active than others, that is, they produce more melanin, then a pigment spot appears in this place.

A simple example of increased activity of melanocytes: as soon as the spring sun appears, some people immediately show freckles.

Causes of age spots

What can provoke the appearance of age spots:

  1. Excessive exposure to the sun or abuse of the solarium.
  2. Prolonged inflammatory processes on the skin. For example, with acne, age spots often remain in place of acne.
  3. Various injuries and burns of the skin, for example, after or permanent cauterization of acne with alcohol and other means.
  4. Aggressive procedures - such as facial cleansing, chemical peels, injections, laser hair removal, plastic surgery.
  5. Pregnancy and taking hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Taking antibiotics and certain other medications that make our skin more sensitive to the sun.
  7. Predisposition to the appearance of age spots - for example, with a tendency to freckles or old age.

Therefore, before starting the fight against age spots, it is imperative to find out the cause of their occurrence. Since in some cases age spots can go away on their own, and you should not spend money or time on their elimination.

And in some cases, on the contrary, it is impossible to completely eliminate age spots, so it makes no sense to use expensive, potent and not harmless for skin health products for the sake of a temporary result.

Age spots during pregnancy and taking OK

If the appearance of your age spots is due to pregnancy or taking hormonal contraceptives, then bleaching such spots is a waste of time, money and effort.

Brown spots that appear during pregnancy are called "pregnancy mask" and usually disappear on their own a few months after childbirth.

And if pigmentation is caused by taking hormonal contraceptives, then to eliminate it, it is usually enough to simply switch to other non-hormonal methods of contraception, and after a while, pigment spots are likely to disappear by themselves.

Freckles and age spots

If there is a predisposition to the appearance of hyperpigmentation - freckles or age spots, there is no point in resorting to potent bleaching agents.

In such cases, it will still not be possible to eliminate stains once and for all, they will appear again and again, so it is wiser to limit yourself to sun protection and gentle bleaching agents that can be used independently in home care.

Post-traumatic pigmentation

If your age spots appeared at the site of acne or after any aggressive cosmetic procedures, that is, we are dealing with post-traumatic pigmentation - in such cases, removing age spots is usually quite difficult, and you will have to be patient.

For skin whitening, you will most likely need a combination of in-salon treatments, such as chemical peels, and at-home depigmenting serums and creams. Or alternatively, you can resort to removing age spots with a laser.

How to eliminate age spots quickly, effectively and safely

As you probably already guess, unfortunately, there is no universal remedy that can quickly, effectively and safely eliminate age spots.

All existing tools have their advantages and disadvantages. Relatively safe means for whitening age spots, as a rule, require quite a long and persistent application.

And the use of potent bleaching agents can cause serious complications - allergic reactions, skin irritation, and even increased pigmentation.

Or vice versa, when removing age spots with a laser, another problem may arise - a depigmented spot. That is, you will change the awl for soap.

Contact a beautician

Before starting the fight against age spots, I still recommend that you consult with a professional.

Firstly, in order to determine the causes of pigmentation disorders and choose the most optimal strategy for dealing with age spots in your case.

And secondly, in order to choose professional whitening products that are right for you.

General principles for dealing with age spots

sun protection- whatever method of dealing with age spots you choose - it is imperative to use sunscreen, otherwise you can negate all efforts to whiten the skin.

Exfoliators- peelings with AHA acids, both professional, which can only be used by a cosmetologist in a beauty salon, and peelings for home use are very effective in combating pigmentation disorders.

Whitening creams, masks and serums for home use- these cosmetics usually contain components that reduce the synthesis of melanin pigment by inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme, and also have whitening, antioxidant and moisturizing properties.

I will name just a few of the most effective and well-known components of bleaching agents:

  • Kojic acid
  • Vitamin C derivatives (ascorbyl palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate)
  • Arbutin
  • Extracts of brown algae, bearberry, mulberry and many others

That is, in some cases, for example, in the presence of freckles or age spots, it is enough to use good sunscreen and gentle exfoliating agents in your care - enzyme peels or a cream with AHA acids for home use.

In other situations, in addition to sunscreen and exfoliating products, it is worth including whitening serums and masks in your home care.

And in difficult situations, a combination of whitening home remedies and some salon procedures, for example, is necessary to eliminate age spots.

Folk remedies for age spots

Quite often, people whiten their skin on their own - either for the sake of economy, or because of seeming simplicity - it seems that you do not need to have a special education to smear a stain with something and see if it brightens or does not brighten 🙂

On the Internet, you can find a lot of folk recipes and tips on how to use effective means for whitening ill-fated stains in the kitchen - from completely harmless, but ineffective folk remedies like kefir or lemon juice, to potent and rather dangerous drugs, such as or salicylic alcohol.

But perhaps not everyone knows that melanocytes are very sensitive cells and they can enhance melanin synthesis not only when exposed to sunlight, but also in response to any aggressive procedures, including bleaching ones. That is, as a result of illiterate actions, instead of lightening the spot, you can get the opposite effect - increased pigmentation.

Therefore, modern professional whitening products contain antioxidants and moisturizing ingredients that smooth out the negative effects of whitening ingredients and minimize the risk of various undesirable consequences.

But thermonuclear compositions prepared in the kitchen, as a rule, do not contain anything of the kind, and therefore the risk of earning various complications in such cases is quite high.

If you decide to get rid of age spots, it’s better not to self-medicate, but to find a good specialist in your city who will select the right skin whitening products for you at home, and, if necessary, carry out a number of effective salon procedures.

The appearance of unattractive age spots on the face is a problem, as a rule, for women. They are small spots of brown or white color with clearly defined boundaries, having a different shape and size. They appear most often on the face, since it is this open part of the body that is most exposed to sunlight.

Causes of pigmentation

The reasons for the appearance of spots can be very different: excessive exposure to sunlight, dysfunction of some internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, gallbladder. Spots can also appear when chemicals come into contact with the skin, as well as during pregnancy due to a lack of vitamins. As a result, under the influence of negative factors, the melanin pigment contained in the skin begins to be distributed unevenly. In those places where it is more, the skin color becomes noticeably darker. These dark areas are age spots. Such a manifestation does not threaten health, with the exception of diseases of the internal organs.

In the spring, the sun is very active. The most favorable conditions are created for the formation of these manifestations, especially if the skin is prone to pigmentation. In such cases, it is necessary to take measures and protect yourself from ultraviolet rays with the help of special creams.

The tendency to pigmentation is observed, most often, in women over the age of forty. This is due to the fact that at a more mature age, skin cells produce more pigment. In the same period, hormonal restructuring of the female body begins, further complicating the situation.

Increased pigmentation can begin after exposure to a southern tan, if various sun protection products were used. In this case, whitening agents help well. Well hide irregularities in skin color and self-tanning products.

The reason for the appearance of age spots on the face may be the improper use of certain perfumes and cosmetics, as well as improper cleaning of the skin of the face. The sensitivity of the skin can also increase as a result of the use of cosmetic preparations, which contain essential oils in large quantities.

The appearance of stains creates serious moral problems. A woman loses confidence in herself and in her attractiveness. In addition, a lot of time and money is spent on the purchase of miraculous drugs in order to hide the shortcomings as much as possible.

Photo of manifestations on the skin of the face and hands

White spots Brown spots Multiple age spots in a woman

Pigmentation on the hands

Removal of age spots

The achievements of modern medicine make the removal of excess pigmentation not such an insoluble problem. In specialized salons and cosmetic clinics, this issue can be resolved quite easily. In addition to the use of modern cosmetics, various types of whitening peeling are widely used. The essence of peeling is that when exposed to the skin, the necrosis of its surface layer occurs. After that, the skin begins to intensively renew itself and completely changes, acquiring a uniform, healthy and light color.

Ultrasonic peeling is based on the introduction of special preparations into the skin of the face using ultrasound, which give the effect of whitening, helping to get rid of unaesthetic spots on the face, hands and other parts of the body. A good, stable result is achieved with at least ten procedures.

The effect of laser peeling is that with the help of a special laser the topmost layer of the skin is removed. This procedure gives a tangible impetus to accelerate the growth of young new cells. This method is quite painful, so it is necessary to use special healing preparations for some time after the procedure. Laser peeling is used mainly in winter, because at this time of the year the lowest solar activity. Within 3-4 months, direct sunlight should not fall on the skin. Laser exposure gives the most effective result.

In some cases, chemical peeling is used. In this case, the top layer of the skin is removed under the influence of special chemicals.

Treatment at home

However, visiting beauty salons is quite expensive. There are folk remedies for skin whitening that can be used at home:

  • making various masks: mixing curdled milk and lemon juice, white lily with honey. You can wipe your face with fresh juices of currants, carrots, dandelions, celery or parsley;
  • for sensitive and dry skin, a mixture of finely grated radish and vegetable oil is used;
  • during the day repeatedly wipe the face with an aqueous infusion of parsley roots. The whitening effect can be enhanced by adding a few drops of lemon or plantain juice to the infusion;
  • the so-called "Swedish recipe": boil the potatoes in their skins, peel, mash and add the egg yolk. Steam the resulting mixture for about 20 minutes. Before applying, the face must be cleaned, the mask should be kept for 20 minutes, covering it with a dense cloth, then remove the remnants;
  • a yeast mask has a good effect. Mix brewer's yeast in the amount of 15-20 grams with lemon and grapefruit juice, one teaspoon each. It is applied to the skin of the face, keeps for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. Be sure to apply skin cream;
  • almonds in the amount of half a glass pour boiling water. After steaming, turn the almonds through a meat grinder, add lemon juice and dilute with water until smooth. Keep on the face for 20 minutes;
  • Bulgarian pepper (half of the pod) rub through a grater, preferably plastic. Apply the paste on a cleansed face. Wash off after 20-25 minutes, lubricate the skin with cream.

You should always remember about prevention. One of the reliable and proven ways is to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible at the end of winter, which contain a lot of vitamin C. Additionally, take nicotinic acid. These activities will significantly reduce the risk of age spots on the face with the onset of spring.

On the facial area, unfortunately, they are often not related to age-related changes in the body, they can begin to appear at any age and are quite difficult to treat or disguise.

Risk group

The fair sex falls into the main risk group for the occurrence of pigmentation on the face, for whom this cosmetic nuisance becomes a real headache, forcing them to look for causes and ways to get rid of these very unnecessary, and sometimes very noticeable external manifestations.

The failure of internal processes occurring in the body, the impact of environmental harmful external factors are sometimes expressed in a sharp concentration of a natural coloring matter - melonin - which is manifested in the appearance of spots on the face. These can be light, almost white, or very dark formations, expressed in the form of freckles scattered over the face, or more serious and dangerous lentigo or benign nevi. Large concentrations of melanin under the skin often appear as large protruding (sometimes pimply) circles that clearly spoil the appearance and cause trouble to their owner.

Melanin is responsible for the color of human skin.

Causes of spots

One of the most common reasons why such negative phenomena can occur is the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin of the face, which, as you know, needs additional special protection. In particular, this affects people with fair, especially burnt skin. When exposed to UV radiation, yellow spots appear, which quickly darken. However, often the drugs themselves, designed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, can give such an unpleasant chemical reaction.

Paradoxically, the appearance of pigmentation on the face can become the main symptom of the failure of some of the body's metabolic processes, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidney system, liver and gallbladder, lack or excess of some vitamin or microelement. As a rule, in such cases, the spots are red, and the skin of the halo becomes dry.

Often, improperly selected or poor-quality cosmetics can cause such unpleasant manifestations.

Pregnancy, accompanied by various hormonal changes, all kinds of disorders of the nervous system, age-related changes associated with the production of an excessive dose of pigment - all these are the causes of the appearance of pigmentation on the face, which requires specialist advice and long-term and high-quality treatment in gentle ways, limiting sun exposure and excluding active cosmetics.

Pigmented spots on the face lead women to a cosmetology clinic almost more often than the desire to undergo anti-aging procedures. This is not surprising, since the appearance of dark areas on the skin is not only disturbing, but also upsetting by its unaesthetic. Very often, after studies prescribed by a doctor, it turns out that pigmentation on the face appeared against the background of a hormonal imbalance.

Pigmentation and hormones appearing on the face - what is the relationship

As you know, age spots are a concentration in large quantities of melanin pigment. The production of this pigment is a kind of adaptive, protective mechanism, since melanin acts as an optical filter that can absorb UV radiation. Melanocytes, located in the basal layer of the skin, are responsible for the synthesis of the pigment. Melanocytes are associated with keratinocytes by their receptors. Under the action of ultraviolet rays on keratinocytes, peripheral receptors are irritated and transmit impulses to the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis, as a result, melanin-stimulating hormones begin to be synthesized and enter the bloodstream. Under their influence, the production and transport of pigment is activated in melanocytes.

However, we should not forget that the skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and the work of skin cells, including melanocytes, is affected by sex hormones (estrogen,). In addition, the synthesis of melanin is also controlled by such pituitary hormones as thyroid-stimulating, somatotropic, adrenocorticotropic.

All of these hormones, under the influence of ultraviolet light, trigger a cascade reaction leading to skin pigmentation.

This explains the fact that the risk of age spots is significantly increased when taking hormonal contraceptives, a number of drugs, and even in various phases of a woman's ovulatory cycle, not to mention pregnancy or menopause. In addition, age spots also appear against the background of severe stress, neuropsychiatric disorders, and a number of endocrine diseases.

Pigmentation and hormones: different types of spots and their characteristics

Melasma is uneven brown spots with irregular outlines that can appear against the background of a pituitary tumor, as well as during pregnancy. Their occurrence is explained by fluctuations in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. The location of age spots can be symmetrical on the cheeks, on the forehead, temples, chin, upper lip.

Chloasma- clearly defined spots of irregular shape, experts associate this pigmentation and estrogen hormones, to which hypersensitivity develops. The impetus for the manifestation of this type of pigmentation can be the first menstruation in a girl, childbirth, inflammatory gynecological disease, the start of taking oral contraceptives. Often, chloasma spots disappear on their own, but they can persist for many years.

eyelid hyperpigmentation- provoked by solar active radiation, due to an imbalance of hormones that develops in diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, in young women under 25 years old can be caused by oral contraception.

Lentigo- spots of rounded shape and different colors, from yellow to brown, appear most often in older people and are called senile ripples. This pigmentation and hormones are interconnected precisely by the age of the patient, when the amount of sex hormones produced in the body is significantly reduced, their ratio changes.

Broca's dermatosis- age spots of yellow-brown color and indistinct outlines that appear symmetrically around the mouth, near the nasolabial folds. The cause of pigmentation is a violation of the production of hormones due to ovarian disease.

How to Consider Pigmentation and Hormones When Prescribing a Treatment for Facial Spots

The choice of treatment for age spots depends on the cause of their occurrence, which is clarified at a preliminary consultation with a doctor. The principles of influence on pigmentation are as follows:

  • reduce melanin synthesis,
  • reduce the appearance of pigmentation with exfoliating procedures,
  • take measures against the reappearance of age spots.

Reducing the production of melanin is carried out by drugs that inhibit the action of tyrosinase, which are usually administered by mesotherapy or phonophoresis. Next, peels or hardware procedures are applied that remove pigmented cells.

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Violation of skin pigmentation is a problem that occurs in 70% of the world's population. This is due to a violation of the production of melanin - the pigment that gives the skin its color. It occurs for various reasons, most often due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

The danger of age spots is that they can degenerate into melanoma. According to statistics, people who have more than 30 age spots on the body are at risk of getting skin cancer.

To get rid of hyperpigmentation, you should find out the causes that provoke the problem. We will talk about this in the article. You will also learn which types of age spots can be treated on their own, and which are treated only by traditional methods. This will help you reduce the risk of melanoma and other malignant growths on the body.

You will need:

Causes of skin pigmentation

  1. Prolonged exposure to the sun, a significant effect on the skin of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Liver disease or problems with metabolism, digestive organs. If the endocrine system is susceptible to diseases such as Graves' disease, pituitary tumor, pituitary insufficiency, then age spots appear on the body (not only hyper-, but also).
  3. Mental disorders in people with a hysterical type of character.
  4. Vitamin C deficiency.
  5. Gynecological diseases.
  6. The presence of a neuropsychiatric disease.
  7. Repeated repetition of stressful situations.
  8. Pigmentation during pregnancy. Passes after the birth of the child.

    Places of localization

    - Back;
    - Face;
    - Arms.

Pigmented brown spots with clear boundaries.

  1. The size and shape of the spots can be different, they do not cause pain, do not cause itching.
  2. The brightness of their shade is due to the amount of melanin in the epidermis.

Women are more prone to hyperpigmentation than men. They tend to have hormonal imbalances.

Causes of chloasma:

  • Poor quality cosmetics;
  • Problems with the bile duct, liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inflammatory process in the female genital organs;
  • Skin damage due to self-removal of acne;
  • Solarium abuse;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Lack of vitamins C and B;
  • Nervous diseases;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Neglect of protective equipment during exposure to the sun.

Most often, chloasma is characterized by scattered spots, but sometimes they can merge into one large area. You can get rid of chloasma only with cosmetic procedures.

The Latin word "lentigo" means "lentil spot, freckle".

These age spots are similar to lentils:

  • Dense, slightly rise above the surface of the skin;
  • They are dark brown in color and no larger than a lentil seed.

Lentigo is congenital, youthful and senile.


    It is called lentigiosis and is characterized by large spots that can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.


    It cannot be reborn into a cancerous tumor.


    Associated with liver disease and can transform into skin cancer. The site of a sunburn is the most vulnerable area to appear.

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to systematically examine the skin areas subject to pigmentation.

It is expressed in the absence of melanin on some segments of the body.

It is believed that tissue damage due to autoimmune processes leads to vitiligo.

  1. The development of the disease begins with the appearance on the body of clearly defined spots of a pale shade.
  2. They appear on open areas of the skin and are prone to overgrowth.
  3. Vitiligo does not affect the mucous membranes, soles, palms.

Body segments with a lack of melanin appear in those areas where the skin is squeezed, rubbed. Also, spots can spontaneously disappear.

The formation of nevus cells begins in the womb. This form of pigmentation affects most Europeans. In childhood, a nevus can be inconspicuous, and manifest itself in adolescence. In old age, such a pigment spot usually disappears for good.

Nevi are divided into borderline, complex and intradermal.


    They appear at a young age and may disappear after 30 years. They have a smooth surface and are devoid of hair.


    They differ in dense consistency and spherical shape.


    They have a domed shape, similar to a wart.

The peculiarity of the nevus is that the more it is raised above the skin, the lighter its color.

It is necessary to remove such pigmentation completely. Partial liquidation can lead to negative consequences.

Features of age spots in children

In children, hyperpigmentation can occur both in infancy and in adolescence. It happens that these spots disappear as the child grows up, but more often they remain.

Parents should ensure that age spots are not rubbed with clothes or injured. Any mechanical damage can lead to infection and inflammation.

The main causes of pigmentation in children:

  • genetic predisposition. Usually, those children whose parents had a similar problem are prone to the appearance of age spots.
  • Hemangioma. The color of the skin area may have a darker color due to abnormal development of the circulatory system. Such spots are a clot
    capillaries and they do not bear any harm to health;
  • Influence of an aggressive external environment;
  • Problems with the digestive tract;
  • The influence of the sun's rays.

If parents notice spots in a child that have a coffee color and increase in size, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is how neurofibromatosis can manifest itself.

You can not use the methods of dealing with age spots used by adults. The method of removal is determined by the doctor.

Medicines and ointments

Zinc ointment

Designed to whiten age spots. It also helps to fight fine wrinkles, pimples and blackheads.

  • The drug is applied to the affected area, after cleaning it;
  • During the course of treatment, it is necessary to minimize the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • The ointment is hypoallergenic.


It's an antibiotic. It does not harm health, as it penetrates only into the upper layers of the skin. It can not be used for a long time, because it causes the adaptation of the body, which reduces its effectiveness.

  • Peroxide 1 tsp
    1. Cucumber cut into two parts;
    2. Grind one of them with a grater and dilute with hydrogen peroxide;
    3. Apply for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water.

    Lemon juice

    • Lemon 1 part
    • Water 1 part

    This tool can whiten even spots with very dark pigmentation.

    1. It is necessary to squeeze the juice of a lemon.
    2. Add room temperature water to it.
    3. Use only ceramic or glassware.
    4. A gauze swab dipped in a solution is applied to pigmented areas for a quarter of an hour.
    5. Wash and lubricate the surface of the skin with cream.

    Celandine decoction

    • Water 2 cups
    • Celandine 5 tbsp. l.

    1. Pour celandine with water and put on fire;
    2. Simmer the boiled solution under the lid for a quarter of an hour, after reducing the heat;
    3. Cover with a thick cloth and leave for an hour;
    4. Strained broth can be used for its intended purpose, wetting a gauze napkin in it and applying it to the body for a quarter of an hour;
    5. After finishing the procedure, wash and lubricate the skin with cream.

    apple mask

    1. Make a puree from a sour apple by chopping it with a grater.
    2. Apply a gauze napkin, in which applesauce is wrapped, to a pigmented spot.
    3. After half an hour, remove the compress and wash.
    4. Apply cream or sour cream to the skin.

    Egg-lemon mask

    • Lemon 1/2 part
    • Egg white 1 pc.

    Particularly suitable for people with oily skin types.

    1. Mix lemon juice with egg white, beat until stiff foam;
    2. Distribute the finished mask tightly over the surface of the skin;
    3. After half an hour, rinse and lubricate the body with fat-free sour cream.

    Pigmented spots on the face lead women to a cosmetology clinic almost more often than the desire to undergo anti-aging procedures. This is not surprising, since the appearance of dark areas on the skin is not only disturbing, but also upsetting by its unaesthetic.

    Very often, after studies prescribed by a doctor, it turns out that pigmentation on the face appeared against the background of a hormonal imbalance.

    Pigmentation and hormones - what is the relationship

    As you know, age spots are a concentration in large quantities of melanin pigment. The production of this pigment is a kind of adaptive, protective mechanism, since melanin acts as an optical filter that can absorb UV radiation.

    Melanocytes, located in the basal layer of the skin, are responsible for the synthesis of the pigment. Melanocytes are associated with keratinocytes by their receptors.

    Under the action of ultraviolet rays on keratinocytes, peripheral receptors are irritated and transmit impulses to the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis, as a result, melanin-stimulating hormones begin to be synthesized and enter the bloodstream. Under their influence, the production and transport of pigment is activated in melanocytes.

    However, we should not forget that the skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and the work of skin cells, including melanocytes, is affected by sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone). In addition, the synthesis of melanin is also controlled by such pituitary hormones as thyroid-stimulating, somatotropic, adrenocorticotropic.

    All of these hormones, under the influence of ultraviolet light, trigger a cascade reaction leading to skin pigmentation.

    This explains the fact that the risk of age spots is significantly increased when taking hormonal contraceptives, a number of drugs, and even in various phases of a woman's ovulatory cycle, not to mention pregnancy or menopause.

    In addition, age spots also appear against the background of severe stress, neuropsychiatric disorders, and a number of endocrine diseases.

    Pigmentation and hormones: different types of spots and their characteristics

    1. melasma- uneven brown spots with irregular outlines, which can appear against the background of a pituitary tumor, as well as during pregnancy. Their occurrence is explained by fluctuations in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. The location of age spots can be symmetrical on the cheeks, on the forehead, temples, chin, upper lip.

    2. Chloasma- clearly defined spots of irregular shape, experts associate this pigmentation and estrogen hormones, to which hypersensitivity develops. The impetus for the manifestation of this type of pigmentation can be the first menstruation in a girl, childbirth, an inflammatory gynecological disease, the start of taking oral contraceptives. Often, chloasma spots disappear on their own, but they can persist for many years.

    3. Eyelid hyperpigmentation- provoked by solar active radiation, due to an imbalance of hormones that develops in diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, in young women under 25 years old can be caused by oral contraception.

    4. Lentigo- spots of rounded shape and different colors, from yellow to brown, appear most often in older people and are called senile ripples. This pigmentation and hormones are interconnected precisely by the age of the patient, when the amount of sex hormones produced in the body is significantly reduced, their ratio changes.

    5. Broca's dermatosis- age spots of yellow-brown color and fuzzy outlines that appear symmetrically around the mouth, near the nasolabial folds. The cause of pigmentation is a violation of the production of hormones due to ovarian disease.

    How to Consider Pigmentation and Hormones When Prescribing a Treatment for Facial Spots

    The choice of treatment for age spots depends on the cause of their occurrence, which is clarified at a preliminary consultation with a doctor. The principles of influence on pigmentation are as follows:

    • reduce melanin synthesis,
    • reduce the appearance of pigmentation with exfoliating procedures,
    • take measures against the reappearance of age spots.

    Reducing the production of melanin is carried out by drugs that inhibit the action of tyrosinase, which are usually administered by mesotherapy or phonophoresis. Next, peels or hardware procedures are applied that remove pigmented cells.

    Prevention of the return of pigmentation is the regular use of sunscreens and the timely correction of conditions that can cause hormonal fluctuations in the body.

    Age spots are congenital or appear at any age. Some of them require urgent medical attention, while others are quite safe.

    The color of our skin depends on many factors. First of all, on the amount of certain pigments, as well as on the thickness of the skin layers, the number, location and condition of blood vessels under the skin, on the state of the body as a whole. Age spots can appear as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, hormonal disorders, diseases of internal organs, while taking certain medications. The reason for their appearance may be heredity, .

    In some cases, age spots are a harmless cosmetic feature, while in others they are a medical problem. It depends on the type and cause of pigmentation.

    Causes of pigmentation

    Skin color is affected by the content of three pigments - carotene, hemoglobin and melanin, each of which gives it a certain shade. The amount of melanin, a dark brown pigment, determines whether a person is dark-skinned or light-skinned. Hemoglobin gives the skin a reddish tint, for example, thanks to hemoglobin, a blush appears on the cheeks. Carotene is responsible for the yellowish tint.

    The main function of melanin is to protect the skin from processes that can harm the body. In particular, this pigment blocks the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, as a result, the skin begins to darken. When in normal amounts in the body, darkening of the skin prevents sunburn, cancer, photoaging, and other diseases. If melanin is in excess or not enough, local uneven pigmentation occurs. Thus, the appearance of age spots is the result of the influence of external and internal factors on melanin, which is too much or not enough.

    The main factors are:

    • ultraviolet. Both natural and artificial. The solarium provokes severe impaired pigmentation and the appearance of neoplasms on the skin;
    • change in hormonal levels. It can be caused by treatment with hormonal drugs, the use of hormonal contraceptives, menopause, pregnancy;
    • liver or gallbladder disease. Often age spots occur against the background of hepatitis A;
    • improper skin care. Violation of the rules for cosmetic procedures, poor-quality cosmetics can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. Essential oils contained in perfumes and colognes are also capable of this.
    • skin injury. If the concentration of melanin has increased at the site of injury, this will cause increased pigmentation.
    • skin aging. With age, the balance of pigments in the skin changes, which can also lead to pigmentation;
    • genetic reasons. Albinos are an example. These people do not have melanin synthesis in their skin, so they are extremely sensitive to ultraviolet rays;
    • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system. In this case, melanin may be absent in local areas of the skin, which leads to the appearance of white pigment spots.

    Questions from readers

    October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello, tell me, please, a dermatologist advised me to start taking Diana-35 to eliminate skin problems. I go to the tanning salon once a week, just to maintain a light tan. There are almost no moles on the skin. But I read that contraceptives and solarium are not compatible, is this true? And you can't sunbathe under the sun either? Thank you.

    Ask a Question
    What are age spots

    The most common types of age spots are:

    Freckles. In light-skinned, as well as in fair-haired or red-haired people, freckles (ephelids) appear on the skin of the face and body under the influence of sunlight. Freckles are not a disease - it is a natural protective reaction to ultraviolet rays. People with freckles are vulnerable to UV rays.

    Chloasma. Yellowish-brown or dark brown spots on the face. They are larger than freckles and have jagged edges. Most often, chloasma occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun or during pregnancy.

    Chloasma that appeared on the forehead, around the mouth, on the eyelids and temples, may accompany ovarian disease, helminthic invasion, liver disease.

    Lentigo. This is a benign pigmentation of the skin, which looks like a dark spot with a clear round outline. It can appear at any age and does not depend on exposure to ultraviolet radiation and changes in hormone levels. Lentigo does not change color when exposed to the sun. Such pigmentation is not dangerous to human health.

    Vitiligo. Violation of pigmentation is expressed in the disappearance of melanin in certain areas of the skin. may be hereditary, or appear as a result of the action of certain drugs or chemicals, inflammatory and necrotic processes on the skin, etc.

    Moles (nevi). These are congenital or acquired rounded formations on the skin. Their color range is from light brown to black. Nevi are melanoblasts - cells that produce melanin. Nevi may become more prominent and numerous during the period of hormonal changes. Some nevi become cancerous. The first symptoms of developing malignant melanoma are a change in the shape, color, or appearance of the nevus.

    Age spots. They are a consequence of the fact that at a young age a person did not protect exposed areas of the body from exposure to the sun. Age spots often appear on the face, arms, shoulders, and décolleté.

    Only a doctor can establish the true cause of skin pigmentation and, if necessary, recommend adequate treatment.

    Such a problem as pigmentation can occur in a person at any age and cause severe psychological discomfort, especially if age spots appear on the face. Modern medicine and cosmetology have figured out quite well what pigmentation is and how to deal with it. There are many methods of treatment that will help return the skin to a healthy appearance and get rid of this cosmetic defect. It is enough just to establish the causes of the disease, and to determine what kind of age spots formed on the skin.

    Causes of age spots

    Skin pigmentation often occurs in humans due to excessive accumulation of melanin pigment. This substance is brown, black or yellow.

    In addition to melanin, the color of the skin is responsible for:

    • carotene;
    • deoxyhemoglobin;
    • oxyhemoglobin.

    Depending on the amount of coloring pigment in melanocyte cells, the skin color of each person is determined. The smaller it is, the lighter the skin will be and, conversely, in swarthy people, melanin is produced in greater quantities. With prolonged exposure to the sun, melanin pigmentation of the skin, which is better known as sunburn, can occur. It appears after a long stay under active sunlight or a visit to the solarium.

    The main function of the coloring pigment melanin is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In most cases, age spots that occur on the face or on the body do not pose any danger to human health.

    But there are other types of pigmentation that cause cancer and have a negative impact on overall well-being.

    Various factors can affect the color of the skin:

    • thickness of the epidermis;
    • the location of the blood vessels;
    • hormonal changes;
    • menopause;
    • taking antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives;
    • metabolic disease;
    • improper skin care;
    • hereditary factor;
    • age changes.

    In addition, there are other reasons for the appearance of age spots:

    • avitaminosis;
    • chronic diseases;
    • skin reaction to cosmetics.

    All skin pigmentation, in turn, is conditionally divided into facultative and constitutional. Constitutional pigmentation is considered irreversible and does not depend on the action of external factors. Facultative pigmentation is reversible and usually disappears after the underlying cause is removed.

    In medical practice, these types of skin spots are distinguished:

    • lentigo;
    • chloasma;
    • vitiligo;
    • freckles;
    • birthmarks;
    • photosensitivity spots.

    Lentigos usually appear in humans after the age of 50 and look like raised brown or dark brown spots on the skin. They have a round or elongated shape, are found on different parts of the body in a single or multiple quantity.

    Chloasma occurs in women during pregnancy or while taking certain drugs and are symmetrically located spots of yellow-brown or dark black color. They are usually localized in the face, on the abdomen or around the nipples and differ from others in their large size and clear boundaries.

    Vitiligo is a common skin disease that can affect a person of any age and has a variety of causes. It looks like rounded spots with clear white borders.

    The most famous type of pigmentation are freckles or ephelids, which are small yellow-brown pigment spots. They are usually located in the face or in open areas of the body and are found mainly in fair-skinned people. Freckles appear most often in summer or spring, and disappear in winter.

    Birthmarks, no doubt, are also known to everyone, since they are a well-known type of pigmentation that occurs in a person from birth. Nevi look like yellow-brown or black spots on the body that protrude above the surface of the skin and have a smooth or rough surface.

    Spots of photosensitivity appear as a result of high sensitivity of the skin to drugs, cosmetics or sunlight.

    There is also abnormal pigmentation, which is a sign of a serious illness. Without the help of a medical specialist, it is impossible to get rid of such pigmentation on your own. Of particular danger is melanoma, which refers to malignant tumors of the skin. In the absence of proper treatment and timely assistance, the disease can be fatal.

    A dermatologist can determine the type of age spots on the skin, the cause of their formation and good quality after a thorough examination of the skin. When there is a suspicion of a malignant process, the patient will be prescribed a biopsy. The presence of atypical cells in the analysis is an indicator of an oncological disease; in this case, a special course of treatment cannot be dispensed with.

    Of the standard examinations, the following are usually prescribed:

    • examination of the skin with a Wood's lamp;
    • blood test;
    • Analysis of urine;
    • biochemistry.

    The following signs should serve as the reason for the patient to consult a doctor:

    • severe itching of the skin in the area of ​​the spot;
    • burning;
    • lack of a clear border;
    • a sharp change in color;
    • bleeding;
    • rapid increase in size.

    It is necessary to treat hyperpigmentation on the body or in the face area, taking into account the main factor that contributed to the development of age spots.

    If age spots appear on the body without a serious reason, you can choose this method of treating pigmentation:

    • professional procedures in the salon;
    • bleaching agents;
    • ethnoscience.

    Cosmetic procedures

    The most well-known and effective ways to eliminate age spots in a beauty salon or clinic include:

    • laser therapy;
    • chemical peeling;
    • cryotherapy;
    • phototherapy.

    Under the action of laser therapy, the top layer of cells is burned, which are removed along with the stain. The laser beam is dosed and directed strictly to a specific area of ​​the skin and to a predetermined depth. Immediately after the procedure, the stain begins to darken and peel off, and then disappears completely over time. If there is a slight cosmetic defect, you can get rid of pigmentation without problems in 2 sessions (sometimes in 5).

    Each laser therapy procedure is carried out with a time interval of two weeks, and pigmentation or hyperpigmentation can serve as an indication for it. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and clean, tone and relief are evened out.

    No less effective and safe way to treat age spots is chemical peeling.

    Various acids are used during peeling:

    • fruit;
    • glycolic;
    • almond;
    • phenolic;
    • trichloroacetic and others.

    In order for such a procedure to pass without complications, the patient must properly prepare for the treatment of pigmentation. If the pigment spot is located in the deep layer of the skin, deep or medium peeling is used.

    During a chemical peel, dead cells are removed along with a pigment spot, as a result of which the process of tissue regeneration starts and the skin color is evened out. The number of sessions is chosen by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

    Cryotherapy is also a fairly effective procedure in cosmetology, which passes without serious consequences and is suitable for the treatment of pigmentation. During the session, liquid nitrogen is applied to the pigment spot, and this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is frozen. After cryotherapy, a protective crust appears in place of the pigmented area, under which new cells are formed.

    Phototherapy is another effective way to combat pigmentation. During this procedure, light radiation is used, which leads to darkening of the pigment spot and gluing of proteins. As a result, the skin is renewed, and areas of pigmentation are removed without much difficulty. Phototherapy is characterized by a quick recovery period and painlessness.

    Regardless of the choice of a professional procedure, there are certain rules for the patient's behavior during the rehabilitation period:

    1. Avoid exposure to the sun without sunscreen if you have recently had pigmentation treatment and are still at risk of developing new spots.
    2. In addition, within three days after the procedure, it is forbidden to visit the sauna, pool or bath.
    3. For the entire recovery period, you can not go to the solarium or apply a scrub to the skin.

    A contraindication to all cosmetic procedures is the presence of diabetes, pregnancy and allergies to the substances used.

    Whitening cosmetics

    A brightening cream is capable of removing age spots, which contains:

    • hydroquinone;
    • melanozyme;
    • azelaic acid;
    • arbutin;
    • kojic acid.

    With the help of such a tool, you can stop the production of melanin or get rid of existing pigmentation. Creams with ascorbic acid, which has a stimulating and regenerating effect, have a pronounced whitening effect.

    Before purchasing a cream with a brightening effect, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to its components. It is advisable to give preference to products with a double effect, which not only release the pigment melanin in the cells, but also prevent the development of new spots on the skin.

    The best whitening creams:

    • Achromin;
    • Evinal;
    • Melanative;
    • Vichy;
    • Clotrimazole.

    Apply the product to the area of ​​the pigment spot once or twice a day according to the instructions in a thin layer. It is recommended to use brightening cosmetics in winter or autumn, when the sun is at its least active.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine will help replace expensive salon procedures or whitening creams:

    1. For the treatment of age spots, owners of dry skin can use ordinary yogurt. The fermented milk product is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
    2. To remove pigmentation for people with oily skin types, a lemon mask, clay mask or parsley mask will help.
    3. No less effective is a mask with starch, which is prepared from 1 tablespoon of starch and lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with water.
    4. Every day it is recommended to wipe the face with herbal decoction, cucumber juice, pomegranate juice or grapefruit juice.
    5. You can make ice cubes with green tea and wipe your skin with them in the morning. Well helps from age spots juice of sauerkraut and dandelion leaves.

    Preventive actions

    In order to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation in the future, the action of provoking factors should be excluded.

    These include:

    • cigarettes;
    • alcohol;
    • coffee;
    • strong tea.

    It is forbidden to get involved in fatty, fried, spicy or too salty foods. Preference is given to healthy foods rich in vitamin C and trace elements.

    These include:

    • celery;
    • all citrus fruits;
    • kiwi;
    • currant;
    • cauliflower.

    Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals will help to give your face a beautiful and healthy look.

    To avoid the formation of ugly spots on the skin, it is recommended to do all the procedures in the evening or at night before going to bed. Decorative cosmetics should have a high level of protection against ultraviolet rays. While visiting the beach, you should avoid sunburn and not be under the sun during periods of increased activity.

    In order to timely detect a serious illness and not miss an oncological pathology, you should consult a doctor at the first appearance of spots on the skin. Properly selected treatment will help to avoid unwanted complications and return the skin to a healthy look.