“Having learned that I was pregnant from my brother Oleg, our dad said that he no longer had children. I am very sorry that my mother did not object to him.

Everyone had to undergo a planned medical examination. Nothing complicated: go over the doctors, take tests, get the necessary certificate - you can manage it in a day. With 12-year-old Nastya Semenova ( names and surnames have been changed) my mother, who was in her seventh month of pregnancy, went to the polyclinic of the district center for examination. Then the woman did not yet know what surprises this trip would bring to her. “When the doctors told me that Nastya was pregnant, I just didn’t believe them,” recalls Svetlana ( name changed). - Proved that it was a mistake. But then we went together for an ultrasound, and everything was confirmed. Moreover, the period was rather big already - 15 weeks. To be honest, not only I was shocked, but the doctors themselves. The only thing they told me then was not to scold Nastya, not to beat her. The mother did not shout at Nastya, but immediately filled up with questions: what and how, who is that? But the girl didn't say a word. The parents decided: the daughter is afraid of something, she needs to go to the police. Only now, with law enforcement officers, the father had to communicate alone. The next day after visiting the polyclinic with Nastya, her mother again went to the hospital, but this time to the maternity ward. Nastya's brother was born a month and a half ahead of schedule - mother's stress affected. - While Svetlana Semenova was in the hospital, we took care of the children, - said the director of the village school Tatyana Chechevichkina. - This has happened more than once before this egregious incident: Nastya's parents were not at home for days on end, the children were left to their own devices, and we went to visit them. But do not think that these are some bad people - no, they just worked hard to feed the kids. They work in a neighboring village, so they left for the whole day.

But no matter how hard the teachers tried, they could not constantly be with Nastya and her two younger sisters. Yes, it could never have occurred to anyone that children could “play too much” like that: a DNA test showed that the girl became pregnant from her own cousin! Teenagers just decided to "try". - Of course, I understood that we were doing bad things, but I didn’t think that things would come to this, - now that same brother, Styopa, is lamenting. - And Nastya was also scared when she realized what had happened. She thought that I would be angry or beat her if she told the truth, and she made up that she was raped by Caucasians. “I saw that he couldn’t find a place for himself,” recalls Nastya’s aunt and Styopa’s mother Marina. - And when the son confessed, she persuaded him to go to Nastya and confess everything together. What's done is done, now we have to continue somehow to live. And what kind of life will it be if he goes to prison, and the nephew becomes a mother in the thirteenth year. Now the woman is talking coherently and consistently, but she was in shock: she was scared, ashamed and incomprehensible. But I had to pull myself together - my sister was in the hospital with a small child, her husband had to work - she took over her nephews. - I asked him later: “How is it, she’s your sister, and she’s quite small?” And he just shrugs. Children - they are children. They were curious, you see. Almost drove me to the grave with my curiosity. Nastya also endured all these events with difficulty, the operation was also difficult for the girl - according to medical indications and the insistence of Semenova's parents, they had an abortion. At first, she did not want to talk to anyone and did not go out at all, but now she is gradually returning to life and helping her mother - she is with her newborn younger brother.

Here you have to start from afar.

1) We have genes. Genes determine the structure of proteins. The structure of proteins determines the work of all our cells.

2) Physically, a gene is a section of a DNA sequence. Mistakes regularly occur when copying DNA, sometimes changing the properties of the encoded proteins for better or worse.

3) The vast majority of genes (except those that are in men on the sex chromosomes) are duplicated. The child receives one copy from the mother, the other from the father. This is very good, because if he received a poorly functioning copy from one of them, then the cell can compensate for this by using a second, good copy.

4) In turn, the person gives his child one of the two copies that he has, randomly.

The genetic relationship between siblings averages 50%. But since one of the copies of the gene available to the parent randomly enters the spermatozoa and eggs, in reality the intersection can be more than 50% and less than 50%.

In that theoretically possible, but mathematically unlikely case, if a brother and sister received very different combinations of genes from their parents, and then combined their egg and sperm, which also included very different combinations of genes, their child will be approximately the same as in unrelated crossing.

But in practice, here's the problem. Let's say the father has two copies of a gene that codes for some important protein, they are called K and k. The capital letter means a normal copy making a good protein. A small letter is a bad copy with a mutation that produces a defective protein. This does not interfere with the father himself, because a healthy copy is enough for the cell to build how much good protein it needs. He marries a woman who is fine with that particular protein (KK genotype, both copies are good). In this case, their child with a probability of 50% can inherit the mutation from his father, but this will not interfere with him either, because he will receive a good copy of the gene from his mother. If this child goes further to interbreed with someone on the side, then most likely he will also meet a partner with the KK genotype, and their children will still be healthy.

But let's imagine that the family has a brother and a sister - both with the Kk genotype. Each of their sperm and eggs randomly gets either one copy of the gene, good, or another copy of the gene, bad. Accordingly, with a probability of 25%, their child will receive the same unsuccessful copy of the k gene from both of them - and he will have health problems in this regard.

Considering that we have a lot of genes, and there are also a lot of rare mutations, in the case of some genes, this will certainly happen. Therefore, on average, a child born to a brother and sister is more likely to have a variety of health problems.

Most of the genes responsible for distinctly harmful conditions have now been studied. If this small k leads directly to some serious disease, such as cystic fibrosis, then the brother and sister can do a genetic analysis in advance, find out if they are carriers of this distinctly harmful mutation (in fact, such an analysis for common and distinctly harmful mutations would be nice to do in general, to any people who are going to have a baby), and if so, then resort to in vitro fertilization with preimplantation gene diagnostics in order to deliberately plant only those embryos that did not get a harmful combination into the uterus. But the problem is that in addition to distinctly harmful mutations, there are a huge number of little-studied weakly harmful ones. It's not that the child will be handicapped by inheriting two mutated copies, but it will be stupid. Or he will have crooked ears. Or the skin will easily become inflamed from any mechanical irritation. Or there will be constant problems with digestion. In general, there is a lot of garbage, which not only makes a person sick, but forces him to expend a lot of effort on fussing with his body. And now the probability of any of these garbage increases if you engage in closely related crossing. So I do not recommend.

Lyudmila did not expect that playful flirting with her friend's son would take her so far. An unplanned pregnancy and persecution by the boy's mother forced her to radically change her life.

Best friends

Marina and I became friends in the last year, although we have been working in the same beauty salon for five years. I am a nail designer, she is a hair stylist. Before Marina left her husband, she did not really complain about us - she quickly said goodbye and ran home, neither to drink beer with the team, nor to go to the sauna with everyone. And when her husband left her, she began to reach out to us, even began to invite us to visit. Apparently, it was quite lonely.

I saw her son Marat a couple of times before our friendship, he, then still a 13-year-old boy, ran to work with us. Seeing him, I also remembered a story read somewhere in the newspaper, how a teacher looked after a 12-year-old boy, married his father in order to be closer to the boy and raise him correctly. And upon reaching the age of majority, the stepson left her father and married him. I also thought that if I were more unprincipled, I would take a closer look at Marinka's son. And the second hairdresser, Galya, as if reading my thoughts, joked that Marinka needs to keep her ears open, otherwise her calf will be taken away. Marina then only waved it off, for her Marat is still a small child. And in Marat, even in childhood, something genuinely masculine was felt. Such a small man, reasonable, calm and completely correct, reliable.

Later, with the girls, we decided that the son went to his father. Marinka has a simple round face, she is short and stocky. And the son is blue-eyed, dark-haired, tall. True, no one saw Marina's husband: she hid him from everyone, and after the divorce, she tore up all the common pictures. Then I saw a photograph of my father at Marat's: a handsome man, it is not clear what he found in Marinka at all.

Stupid jokes

And so Marina and I began to communicate more and more often. Signed her up for fitness. At first she refused, but then she began to walk anyway. She probably remembered that her husband, before leaving, shouted to her: "Look who you look like!"

Marat, when we ran to visit, more and more sat in his room - he was preparing for the Unified State Examination (his parents sent him to school from the age of six, he was always a smart boy, he studied well, went in for sports). But, when I went into the kitchen for something, it seemed to become lighter, we pulled ourselves up, touted to the table: "Maratik, it's more fun with you." But he refused. Although I felt that he looked at me, the youngest, especially warmly, and, even jokingly, flirted with him, tried to hug him. He is so tall, his shoulders are broad - a man.

Once I ran to Marina, she was not at home. Marat offered to wait. We sat down and drank tea with him. Out of habit, I started flirting with him jokingly. And suddenly I realized that the boy had long turned into a man. As I guessed, Marat was really in love with me. I even felt dizzy in his arms. But then the front door slammed, Marina returned.

Forbidden love

The next time I went, when Marina was working the second shift. What happened happened. And then - off we go. Then I bought Marinka a ticket to the sanatorium for the weekend. That Marat needed to go to the match with the basketball team. They spent the night at my place.

At first I thought it was a banal affair, which of us in our youth did not have sex with men and women 10-15 years older? One of my classmates actually got the first experience with our physics teacher.

Then everything grew into a more complex relationship. I reassured myself that the difference between me and Marat is not so big - 12 years, with the modern beauty industry, they may well be invisible. We just have to wait for him to come of age...

Only grandma is not happy

Marina was the first to know that I was pregnant. Of course, I didn't tell her anything. But you can't hide anything in the cabin. It became bad from the smell of varnish, returned from the toilet, Marinka was the first to ask: "Lyuda, are you pregnant?" And she bought me a test.

At first, Marina was happy for me, she treated me with fruits. She said that even if the father of the child does not recognize the baby and merges, then the child must be left. She made some arguments. I myself thought about leaving the baby, and she finally convinced me. She said that children are the main happiness, that men leave, and the child will remain, that Marat, after her husband's betrayal, is her main support and outlet. My friend had no idea who could be the father of my child.

Marat found out by chance from Marina. Although I asked her not to tell anyone yet. Then I would come up with something. And then Marina found out from Marat who the father of the child was.

Well, at least Marina did not make a fuss at work, she came to my house and expressed everything. And that he will not let his son spoil his life, and that he will take the child from me, because I will not make a normal mother with such immoral behavior. And that if I do not voluntarily give up the child, then she will sue me and deprive me of parental rights.

I got scared. Called my ex-boyfriend, he's a lawyer. He said that it’s not worth being afraid that I will be deprived of parental rights, but that they will be attracted for corrupting minors, Marat is not 18.

The future is hazy

I left work. Marina did not lag behind, called all the time and threatened. In desperation, I threatened that I would have an abortion if she didn't give up. For a while, my friend calmed down, and then again began to threaten the court.

Then I decided to act through Marat. He told his mother that he would leave the house if she did not calm down. Marina seemed to calm down, taking the word from her son that he would not meet with me. Marat balked at first, but I persuaded him - I explained that I shouldn’t be nervous now, the child might suffer.

I went to my sister in another city. While I sit with her. Here the sea, fruits, heat. I plan to get a job in a beauty salon as soon as the toxicosis passes. Marina is no longer worried, I changed my phone number. Even Marat does not know him. Sometimes I call him myself. Says he's bored. He passed his exams and went to college. He says he will find a job and take us to him, and in a year and a half, as soon as he turns 18, we will sign.

I don’t know how I will live these one and a half years. I feel like Sarah Connor: there is no past and the future is hazy. Well, at least the sister is nearby.

All hero names have been changed.

I will cover a slightly different topic in my story. I would like to look at pregnancy not through the eyes of a future mother, but through the eyes of a sister who is expecting the birth of her brother. I have lived it all and experienced it myself. These 9 months, I think, I remember for the rest of my life (in a good way).

It's summer outside. I am 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. As I remember now, on July 8, my mother announces the good news to me and my father: "I'm pregnant!" To be honest, we just did not expect at all. We were not upset, we were not happy, we just fell into a stupor, into a state of shock.

I am the only child in the family, my mother at that time was 36 years old. This is an unplanned pregnancy. We are not from a very wealthy family, I don’t have grandparents on both sides, there is no one to help. Mom devoted her whole life to me (thanks to her for that!). Thanks to her, I was an straight A student, she never worked, but she is a great housewife and a wonderful mother. Dad is the only breadwinner in the family, he works for me as a welder in production. We live in a small private house (1 room and kitchen). Will we all carry a second child? The question is rhetorical. Even doctors advised my mother to have an abortion (they say, late age - there may be complications and other difficulties). Parents thought and also did not know what to do. I, on the other hand, am a child spoiled by attention, a "mother's daughter" was initially categorically against the birth of a brother or sister. What a fool I was ... All attention will be paid only to the baby, and I will be abandoned like an unnecessary toy, like a weed in a field ... Mentally, I already imagined myself as a homeless person, since "he" will get everything, and I will wander streets, unnecessary and unloved to anyone ...

Transitional age is, of course, a difficult time in the life of a child and in the life of parents.

I heard the word "abortion", but I never imagined what it was. I thought, well, the operation and all. My opinion changed dramatically after one incident. Our school participated in the regional competition "Narkostop". This event was held to combat drugs, smoking, alcoholism and abortion. I was given one of the main roles in the skit. And we went to perform at the regional house of culture. There were stands that spoke for themselves. One had abortion instruments (real ones!), the other had pictures showing abortion. There were also various jars with dismembered small parts of the body ... And much more. On another stand was written the opinion of the Church on abortion. This is murder. Prayers were written to be read to women who committed this grave sin.

After viewing all these stands, I was seized with wild horror, tears flowed from my eyes in a stream, and I really almost fainted. I must say, very vulnerable and impressionable. As soon as I came home (it was the beginning of September), I began to tearfully beg to leave the baby.

You know how happy my parents were! My mother is not able to kill her child at all, she loves all children in general! And dad dreamed of a son. I was the only stumbling block. Imagine, just because of my whims, they almost committed a murder! A stone has been lifted from my soul.

The rest of the time was a time of waiting for a miracle. During this time, I managed to sincerely love my brother.

My parents entrusted me with the mission of giving a name. Thank them for this! I thought for a long time, we consulted. My mother liked the name Bogdan, because at such a late age a child is definitely given by God. But I didn't like the name. Oksana and Bogdan - it doesn't sound very good. I liked the names Stanislav, Timofey, Dmitry, Artur, Vadim. Later, two names remained - Dima and Artur. I just liked the name Arthur - it sounds somehow unusual and beautiful. And the name Dima meant a lot to me. This is the name of my favorite presenter (Nagiev), actors (Isaev, Ulyanov), singer (Koldun), member of my favorite group "Hi-Fi" (Fomin). And I, following teenage psychology, decided to name them all after them. Simple and tasteful! Why reinvent the wheel when it's already been invented?

During pregnancy, my father and I took care of my mother. I came home from school and cooked dumplings. And I had never cooked at all before, so I usually salted them, they constantly stuck together with me, and I often threw them away. I had to eat dry food.

Time dragged on painfully long. I thought this moment would never come. But he has arrived! Two o'clock in the morning on March 6th. I slept a peaceful sleep and woke up from the lights on and turmoil. Not understanding waking up, what was the matter, I asked my dad. To which he shouted to me on the go: "We are going to the hospital!" An ambulance drove up to our house, and my mother was taken to the hospital. Dad went with her and without sleep, immediately from the hospital, went to work. After two in the morning I didn’t fall asleep either, I turned on the disc on the music center, but my thoughts were busy with other things. I was shaking with worry for my mother. Will something happen?

I called her at 7 o'clock in the morning. And imagine, she has already given birth! Boy, weight - 4500 gr., height - 53 cm, a real hero! My heart is relieved!

I also went to school half asleep. During the break, our class teacher came into the office to talk about the upcoming event dedicated to March 8th. She came up to me, since I am the head of the class, and said: "Your mother should definitely come." To which I replied, "She can't." Tatyana Nikolaevna was perplexed: "Why?" I told her: "I can't say in front of the whole class, let's go out." She closed the door, and I told her: “My mother is in the hospital!” The rest of the questions disappeared with themselves. Tatyana Nikolaevna said with a surprised smile: "Congratulations!"

We had one boy who always eavesdropped on everything and knew everything about everyone. And this time, his wonderful hearing did not disappoint. When I went back to the office, all the guys started congratulating me and asking why I didn’t tell in front of the whole class? I still don't know why. Probably because I wanted to have some kind of secret. Anyway, I'd talk later.

Our cool holiday dedicated to March 8 was wonderful. The mothers of other students came and we had a lot of fun. March 8 on Saturday, and I and dad went to the bathhouse. Later, he decided to celebrate the birth of his son. He allowed me to invite my best friend to spend the night, and then we went shopping with her. Dad said to buy cake, lemonade, juice, chocolate and many other goodies. March 9 was Sunday, celebrated Maslenitsa, and dad went to the festivities. I stayed at home. I did my homework and cleaning. After all, mom was discharged on Monday!

10th of March. Monday. Dad bought 2 bottles of champagne, 2 boxes of chocolates for doctors, called a taxi and went to the maternity hospital for mom and baby. I had already come home from school and was nervous in anticipation. Oh miracle! They're coming! I ran straight out into the street and beamed with happiness. A handsome blue-eyed boy looked at me. Mitchka, I love you!

Comment on the article "Birth of a brother"

Dear brother, happy birthday to you! I wish you good health and love! To grow not only in body and mind, in addition to exercises, I will teach you a bunch of all sorts of them! Apollo you were from childhood, But you have grown completely! I wish you happiness Aphrodite on the way you meet, and not bad weather! © *** Happy birthday beloved brother! You are irreplaceable for me! Although we have already grown up with you, our friendship will flow like a river! Happiness to you and health! Restless fun! Love to the touch! And most importantly...

1 Happy birthday to my beloved brother, I wish you happiness and kindness, And your invitation to the holiday, Promises fun until the morning. Be always so pleasant, Polite exemplary, Neat inside and out, And of course, true in love, May your heart not pierce, Anger and resentment of people, May it help you in life, Support of your true friends! © 2 From the bottom of my heart today I congratulate you, Happy Birthday brother to you, And with all my heart I wish, May fate keep you, Be strong and cheerful, Always well done ...

1 Happy birthday, brother, I congratulate you! Do you remember how you and I read books Together together? We jumped together in the puddles, The holiday of childhood was for us! I really, really need you Every moment and every hour! Let me kiss you, Gently hug you, with my soul, To understand how much I love you, dear brother! © 2 My dear brother, I wish you to be a real man, Forward to the dream, without getting tired, On the ship of Good luck to sail! Let there be no obstacles on the way, Don't forget your friends! And if someone condemns you, you are good to Him ...

Happy birthday my brother! Open your own wine, Make sandwiches with caviar! You will be the key person today! © *** You be brave and proud, Be youthful and happy! Be a very nice protector! Happy birthday beloved brother! © *** Your house will light up with a bright dream! And let a miracle happen to you this evening! Let love knock in your heart! Happy birthday brother, momma be proud of you! © *** Let luck smile at you! A dacha awaits you in the Maldives! Happy Birthday...

Your life is full of surprises not like the Mona Lisa, Beauty is still full, but your soul is sinful! The brightest day in the world, raise a glass and drink In their ringing, only congratulations for the soul, peace of mind! Brother you are my dearest happy birthday dear! The most courageous as a hero and as an unearthly angel, You are beautiful and funny, my caring, dear! Be successful, and love, irreplaceable in everyone's life! © *** Congratulations on your birthday, Love and hope in life do not miss! And I want to wish, to find my happiness Well, well ...

To my brother on his birthday I am writing a letter from jam! So that his life becomes sweet, Like a jar of my jam! And let us be only three years We love mom and cinema! Mommy washed the whole house Full of guests today will be in it! Let's help mom clean up, We love to swim in jam! We will decorate our house with congratulations, we will congratulate you on your birthday! © *** Happy birthday, brother, I congratulate you! Not to be a read book, I wish you my dear, With you, my dear, I blow out holiday candles! And contrary...

1 Happy Birthday, my dear brother, dear! And I sincerely wish you joy. Be truly kind to you by fate. Health, vivacity and happiness I also wish you. May your heart not know misfortune Please do not forget about me. I love you my brother, very much. I try to be like you. I need you very, very much. I gently hug you. © 2 Happy Birthday, my dear brother, my dear! And I wish you more luck, Joy of spring, dear. May your dream come true...

Dear brother, I congratulate you! You are my dearest, I respect you! And on your birthday, I'll take a walk with you! You reveal the secret to me, I'm burning with impatience! After all, I am always with you, I help with advice! You be yourself, don't play hide-and-seek with luck! Be friends with your fate, not knowing the troubles at all! Even if it’s hard at times, go forward, conquering the peaks! I wish you love and happiness! © *** Brother, dear and dear to you, I am your sister. You are the most courageous and simple. May you and your wife be lucky! Fortune...

1 Dear you, my brother, You are waiting for your birthday too much, There is no holiday more beloved, Though the years pass by. We all come only from childhood, There is no escape from us And gifts, and surprises, And a happy long life. I hug you, brother, And I wish you good luck, And I give you flowers, To make your dreams come true. © 2 Happy birthday, I congratulate my brother, I hug and kiss on the cheek gladly, There is nothing dearer in the whole world for me, Than my forever beloved family. I dedicate poems to my little brother, I bless him for love, For him...

My mom had me and my brother at 35 weeks. Provoked both times by physical activity. There were no problems with me, my brother was born very difficult (obstetric reversal in childbirth), but in terms of health, then the most problem-free TTT) And so fate happened ...

2. Corvus - 13 years of infertility (polycystic/endometriosis). 2 eco attempts - unsuccessful. A year and 2 months later, an independent pregnancy ended in the birth of a son. to check the patency of the pipes. But in the story, the girl got pregnant without a tube at all :) and already ...

Large family: raising children, relationships between brothers and sisters, social benefits and allowances. A story about pregnancy and childbirth in the 26th maternity hospital. True, not by myself, I had a caesarean according to the testimony.

Brother wants a divorce. I don’t know what went into his head, they didn’t swear, they didn’t quarrel, he just cooled down - that’s all. I don't want to live with her, for the life of me. "She got pregnant" .. from the holy spirit, not otherwise.

Have you had any funny cases, curiosities during pregnancy? (inspired by Julie Alex's story at the bottom of the case about Pro signs: I myself made a joke at work. One administrator became pregnant, another six months later. I kept joking - you have a contagious stool.

legal, criminal or administrative? Suppose a sister is pregnant by her brother. both adults, all by mutual consent. Ideally, they want to sign and register the child for both. Are there any documents that govern this?

You know how I cried when I got pregnant with the second .... My eldest daughter in the family loves her brother most of all, goes after him like a mother. how well you wrote:) just gratitude to you from a pregnant woman for such a story:) 02/13/2008 13:58:20, already pregnant.

And I don’t understand what we did to her? Why did she dislike us? Who was in such a situation, is it worth further trying to make friends or forget the brother's family? But how is this possible?

A couple of times, on the Internet, I came across stories of women that a year or a few months before conception, some women. This is what I know about this. At my brother's wife, a psychic woman saw the soul of their unborn child nearby a year before pregnancy.

Second cousins, these are no longer relatives, but so, the seventh water on jelly. For me personally, this would not be a problem, because. I had and have a very cool second cousin, and if a few years ago the question of marriage arose, I would have left without hesitation.