The national favorite snail. Modeling "Marine inhabitants" from plasticine for children in stages with a photo

In wet rainy weather, a lot of various snails appear on the street. Children love to watch them, take them in their hands and examine them. Therefore, they will accept the idea of ​​sculpting a snail from plasticine with delight. In the future, children will be able to play with their own handicrafts as well as with ordinary toys.

Prepare all the necessary materials for sculpting a snail:

  • plasticine;
  • ball pen;
  • plastic knife;
  • skewer.
  • How to make a plasticine snail

    Step 1. Let's prepare plasticine blocks of three shades we like. We decided to create an original snail in bright and contrasting colors. We will use hot pink and lilac plasticine to sculpt the shell, and orange to create the calf and horns. First of all, you need to create a snail body. We roll a ball with a diameter of 5-7 cm from orange plasticine.

    Step 2. Roll it out with palms into a thick sausage. Let's make one tip a little thinner.

    Step 3. Flatten the sides of the workpiece with your fingers to form thin edges. The snail base is ready.

    Step 4. Now let's start creating the shell. In order for us to get a beautiful marble pattern on the shell, we need to connect together two pieces of plasticine of different shades, in our case - hot pink and purple. We roll the resulting mass into a ball.

    Then we create a long sausage from it. We begin to twist it from a thin tip.

    Step 5. Attach the shell in the middle of the body.

    Step 6. Bend the tip up. Use your fingers to give it a rounded shape.

    Step 7. Using a skewer, give the thin edges of the base smooth curves.

    Step 8. Prepare a thin sausage from orange plasticine. We bend it in half, and then attach it to the snail's head. We twist their tips a little.

    Step 9. Now we need a ballpoint pen to create the texture. We take out the paste, and then press the texture on the snail's body with a metal tip.

    Step 10. Next, we need to create some plasticine flowers to decorate the snail. Roll up a small diameter ball (5-7mm).

    Take a sheet of blue cardboard and yellow paper. Divide a sheet of yellow paper in half. We cut off one half along the upper edge with an arbitrary uneven line, and bend the opposite edge at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge.

    We will glue the yellow paper onto the blue cardboard. Peel back the previously folded edge of the yellow paper at a right angle and glue the remaining piece of yellow paper to it.
    With chalk, pastels or gouache paints, you can paint bubbles that rise from the bottom to the surface.

    Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 1

    Take several pieces of plasticine of different colors, mix them. Roll up a long sausage from the resulting mass. Flatten the resulting sausage with your thumb and forefinger, moving from one end of the future algae to the other. Take a piece of plasticine, roll a stone ball out of it. It may not be very even in shape. Put a cocktail tube in it and wrap the seaweed around it.

    Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 2

    Let's roll two identical plasticine sausages of different colors. Let's translate them to each other. Wrap the resulting seaweed around a cocktail stick.

    Place several algae on each "stone". We will install our plasticine algae on the "seabed"

    Modeling a shell from plasticine

    Roll up the ball and flatten it. Cut off two pieces from the resulting circle with a stack, as shown in the photo.

    Stack the "rays" on the shell.
    With your thumb and forefinger, pinch the plasticine along the edge of the shell, making it wavy.

    With the blunt end of the pencil we make indentations in the plasticine at the ends of the shell's "rays".
    We decorate the shell as shown in the picture or as your fantasy tells you.

    Let's place a plasticine shell on our seabed.
    Now you can settle different inhabitants of the ocean on our seabed made of plasticine: a crab and a sea urchin made of plasticine, octopuses from plasticine, fish from plasticine.

    You can also make sea animals - a whale and a dolphin from plasticine.

    Octopus - modeling of seabed dwellers from plasticine.

    For children from 5-6 years old, modeling an octopus from plasticine will be interesting. This seabed dweller has a very exotic and memorable appearance. A real alien. You can take the most incredible colors for this model. As for all inhabitants of the seabed, "marble" plasticine looks good in such works. In order to get it, take plasticine of two or three colors and mash it into a single mass. The main thing is not to overdo it. The clay should mix, but not become a uniform color. We offer two autumn different versions of modeling this seafloor from plasticine.

    Fish - modeling from plasticine

    Modeling fish from plasticine is an interesting and creative activity for children from 3 to 10 years old. The simple body shape of these sea creatures allows even babies to cope with such work. And for older children it will be an interesting task to decorate their plasticine models. We offer several options for sculpting plasticine fish. The models are arranged in order of increasing complexity. For work, it is best to take bright colors, and for decorative details - contrasting, additional ones. For example, blue and yellow, orange and green. Plasticine fish can be stuck onto a piece of paper that looks like the seabed. If such a paper "sea" is large enough, then wonderful teamwork can be done in kindergarten.

    Sea urchin and crab - modeling of seabed dwellers from plasticine

    We offer you to mold the inhabitants of the seabed from plasticine - a crab and a sea urchin. Even very young children 2-3 years old can blind a sea urchin. Plasticine crab is a more complicated model. Children of 6-7 years old will cope with it. Both seabed dwellers are made of plasticine and cocktail sticks. Therefore, in kindergarten, such work can be performed not only in modeling classes, but also in design. For models, it is better to choose plasticine in bright elegant colors. Generally speaking, a crab should have 10 limbs. Our model has only 8. Two more tubular legs do not fit into the body of a crab made from a standard piece of plasticine.

    Whale and dolphin - modeling from plasticine

    Modeling a dolphin and a whale from plasticine is a job for children from 3-4 to 9-10 years old. It's all about the details. Toddlers can sculpt these marine animals in general terms, while older children can sculpt detailed details. So you yourself can decide how "detailed" to sculpt. It all depends on the age and skills of handling plasticine of children. It will be useful to tell the children that these are NOT fish when starting to sculpt a whale and a dolphin. Both are marine mammals. They are more closely related to cats and dogs than fish. Although, of course, outwardly very similar.

    Take a sheet of blue cardboard and yellow paper. Divide a sheet of yellow paper in half. We cut off one half along the upper edge with an arbitrary uneven line, and bend the opposite edge at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge.

    We will glue the yellow paper onto the blue cardboard. Peel back the previously folded edge of the yellow paper at a right angle and glue the remaining piece of yellow paper to it.
    With chalk, pastels or gouache paints, you can paint bubbles that rise from the bottom to the surface.

    Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 1

    Take several pieces of plasticine of different colors, mix them. Roll up a long sausage from the resulting mass. Flatten the resulting sausage with your thumb and forefinger, moving from one end of the future algae to the other. Take a piece of plasticine, roll a stone ball out of it. It may not be very even in shape. Put a cocktail tube in it and wrap the seaweed around it.

    Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 2

    Let's roll two identical plasticine sausages of different colors. Let's translate them to each other. Wrap the resulting seaweed around a cocktail stick.

    Place several algae on each "stone". We will install our plasticine algae on the "seabed"

    Modeling a shell from plasticine

    Roll up the ball and flatten it. Cut off two pieces from the resulting circle with a stack, as shown in the photo.

    Stack the "rays" on the shell.
    With your thumb and forefinger, pinch the plasticine along the edge of the shell, making it wavy.

    With the blunt end of the pencil we make indentations in the plasticine at the ends of the shell's "rays".
    We decorate the shell as shown in the picture or as your fantasy tells you.

    Let's place a plasticine shell on our seabed.
    Now you can settle different inhabitants of the ocean on our seabed from plasticine:,.

    You can also make sea animals -.

    For children from 5-6 years old, modeling an octopus from plasticine will be interesting. This seabed dweller has a very exotic and memorable appearance. A real alien. You can take the most incredible colors for this model. As for all inhabitants of the seabed, "marble" plasticine looks good in such works. In order to get it, take plasticine of two or three colors and mash it into a single mass. The main thing is not to overdo it. The clay should mix, but not become a uniform color. We offer two autumn different versions of modeling this seafloor from plasticine.

    Modeling fish from plasticine is an interesting and creative activity for children from 3 to 10 years old. The simple body shape of these sea creatures allows even babies to cope with such work. And for older children it will be an interesting task to decorate their plasticine models. We offer several options for sculpting plasticine fish. The models are arranged in order of increasing complexity. For work, it is best to take bright colors, and for decorative details - contrasting, additional ones. For example, blue and yellow, orange and green. Plasticine fish can be stuck onto a piece of paper that looks like the seabed. If such a paper "sea" is large enough, then wonderful teamwork can be done in kindergarten.

    We offer you to mold the inhabitants of the seabed from plasticine - a crab and a sea urchin. Even very young children 2-3 years old can blind a sea urchin. Plasticine crab is a more complicated model. Children of 6-7 years old will cope with it. Both seabed dwellers are made of plasticine and cocktail sticks. Therefore, in kindergarten, such work can be performed not only in modeling classes, but also in design. For models, it is better to choose plasticine in bright elegant colors. Generally speaking, a crab should have 10 limbs. Our model has only 8. Two more tubular legs do not fit into the body of a crab made from a standard piece of plasticine.

    Modeling a dolphin and a whale from plasticine is a job for children from 3-4 to 9-10 years old. It's all about the details. Toddlers can sculpt these marine animals in general terms, while older children can sculpt detailed details. So you yourself can decide how "detailed" to sculpt. It all depends on the age and skills of handling plasticine of children. It will be useful to tell the children that these are NOT fish when starting to sculpt a whale and a dolphin. Both are marine mammals. They are more closely related to cats and dogs than fish. Although, of course, outwardly very similar.

    The snail is just a surprisingly popular character - it is both sculpted and drawn. I agree - the shells of many snails are amazingly beautiful, but the inhabitants themselves ...

    But what was I talking about? About the popular love for the image of snails. As soon as they are drawn! As soon as they are not molded! Anyhow.

    Recently I happened to see an exhibition of works by six-year-olds. The figures were of the same type: bulging eyes on stalks, smiles, a roll on the back ...

    They were surprisingly similar to Pokémon. Remember there was a boom, everyone was addicted to Pokemon. I even liked these monsters - purely fictional characters. However, I did not have time to grasp it seriously: cartoons about them were recognized as harmful to children and abruptly disappeared from the rotation. The animals in the exhibition seem to have stepped out of those old Pokémon posters. But, okay, there’s nothing to pretend that I don’t understand who the children sculpted it - the generally accepted folk model of the snail. Looking at the flock of these molluscs, I thought that the Pokémon were more honest: they did not claim to have real prototypes. The figurine with a spiral on its back has to ... I don't even know how to formulate it - it does not resemble a snail, but still depicts a snail. An absurd fate, to be sure.

    But even more than the eyes with eyelashes and smiles, shells amazed me. Comrades, snails need shells not as a decoration, it is their shelter from danger: the snail can fit in its shell and at the same time be able to duck there at the first alarm. If the entrance to the shell, which looks like a coiled hose coil, is located on the other side (or it does not exist at all), then it is impossible to imagine how the snail gets inside. Okay, let him get out as best he can.

    Funny coincidence: on the same day I came across a plastic sink in a souvenir shop. Yes, one-in-one rapana, only made of plastic. Well, since there is such a supply, it must be assumed that there is demand. I, having looked at the plastic dummy, decided that it was also time to do my bit.

    A long time ago, having started to master and made several pots and, by inertia, I began to think where else I could apply the ability to spin even flagella from plasticine. Blind a round rug? Blind a pond with circles on the water .... annual rings on the stump ... somehow it’s not right. And at the sight of a plastic shellfish it dawned on me: a shell! Snail shells grow in layers and this is often noticeable at a glance - here is one (real) from my collection: This is not a sculpting lesson, I will just tell you how I sculpted a shell.

    A small freshly hatched mollusc has a microscopic shell. She's like a bowl. Or hats.

    In the course of life, the snail grows and builds up the edges of the shell. I would compare it to pulling on the top of a sock, but closed rings are added at the snail, not a spiral. Moreover, these rings are becoming wider, but only from one side, so it turns out not a cone, but a hollow curl.

    I am showing you this schematically. Ever since the development of spiral molding, I kept a bowl of flagella, and now it waited for its time: second hand flagella were used to build the shell.

    It was not possible to mold a high-quality shell: they must be large enough for a hand to enter and thick enough to keep their shape and not bend under their own weight. My sink was obviously too flimsy. In general, I did not go to the second round: it was an experiment, I wanted to find out how it generally turns out in practice. Received a wonderful negative result - this is also a result.

    Summer plasticine crafts for the preparatory group. Master class with step by step photos

    "Sea inhabitants" plot composition from plasticine for children 5-7 years old. Master Class.

    Kokorina Tatiana Nikolaevna
    Position and place of work: educator of the 1st qualification category, MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten of general developmental type, the city of Kemerovo.
    Description: this master class will be of interest to lovers of plasticine crafts, everyone who wants to create a beautiful craft, to the leaders of circles and creative people.
    Purpose: work can become an interior decoration, a gift for loved ones.
    Target: creation of a volumetric craft "Marine inhabitants".
    - continue to teach to sculpt animal figures using familiar sculpting methods: rolling, flattening, pinching;
    - continue to learn to pinch off small pieces;
    - continue to teach to observe proportions when sculpting figures;
    - continue to learn how to use the stack;
    - continue to learn how to use moldings for decoration, adding small details;
    - to promote the development of artistic and creative activities;
    - to foster interest in modeling, the desire to create a beautiful craft.
    Required tools and materials:
    - plasticine;
    - blue and yellow cardboard;
    - stack;
    - cocktail stick;
    - skillful dexterous fingers;
    - fun mood;
    - the desire to create something new.
    In the blue sea, in the water column,
    The crab lives under the stones.
    The crab is not very happy with guests,
    He is a crawfish brother.
    Here it is - see which one?
    The same cancer, but like a sea cancer.
    1. Roll a large ball and flatten it slightly.

    2. Blind a thick sausage in the middle and roll it out thinner.

    3. Bend it, flatten the pincers with your fingers, make cuts with a stack.

    4. For the rest of the crab legs, roll two smaller and thinner sausages. Stick your torso to your legs.

    5. Draw the mouth in a stack.

    6. For the eyes we roll small cones-stalks.

    7. The eyes themselves do this: we roll small red balls, flatten them, put white small balls on them, and black balls on top.

    8. We stick eyes on the stems, apply a stack of prints on the shell. The crab is ready.

    Somewhere in the sea with no roads
    An octopus walks, wanders.
    And a boiling wave
    Octopus is not afraid!
    1.First, we blind the ball - this is the head of an octopus.

    2. Roll up four thin long sausages - these are the legs of an octopus.

    3. Stick your legs to your head.

    4. We stick suction balls on the legs.

    5. Bend your legs as you wish.

    6. Blind your eyes: first white small balls, and black balls on top. We stick our eyes to the head and make a mouth with a stack. The octopus is ready!

    Let's make the sea and sand.
    1. A sheet of yellow cardboard, cut in half.

    2. One of the halves is still in half.

    3. From one fourth we make a sandy shore: cut off the edge with a wave.

    4. Apply the resulting bank to the blue cardboard and draw a cutting line.

    5. Cut off the desired sheet, glue the yellow shore on it. The basis for the craft is ready.

    What is the seashore without a palm tree?
    1. Roll a few thick sausages with slightly pointed ends, flatten them and make cuts around the edges with a stack.

    2. Gather the leaves into a bunch and stick to the end of the cocktail tube.

    3. Roll some brown sausages and flatten them.

    4. As a collar, wrap one of the strips over the top of the palm tree trunk so that it covers the leaves. And below, attach all the strips so that they cover the entire tube.

    5. Prepare a large lump of yellow plasticine - stick a tube into it.

    6. Stick the palm tree to the yellow shore. we put the crab on the shore, and the octopus in the sea.

    Let's add details to the seabed.
    1. Blind the algae.