Why does Russia need such a long weekend in the new year. Why does Russia need such a long weekend in the New Year?

Not having time to partake in the New Year, many Russians rush to look at the calendar to find out how we rest for the New Year holidays in 2020. The production schedule is officially approved only in the fall, but now we can assume how long the winter holidays will be in our country.

January traditions

Since 2012, the Labor Code has introduced the concept of "New Year's Holidays", which are assigned to January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. This initiative was accepted with gratitude by everyone, because now officially, without time off and absenteeism, one could arrange a real mini-vacation. This tradition immediately took root, and even some MPs want to make a proposal to extend the holidays, adding December 31 to them. But there are also those who remained dissatisfied. These are the factions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, which, even before the amendments were made to the Labor Code, opposed the long weekend in winter, arguing that such a long break in work undermines the country's economy and has a bad effect on the health of citizens. Instead of resting on January 3, 4 and 5, they wanted to expand the May holidays in honor of the Great Victory, adding non-working May 10 and 11 to them, or to make May 2 an official holiday.

In 2015, the Liberal Democratic Party also developed a project, which consisted of reducing holidays a year to three dates: January 1, May 9 and June 12. The vacated days were planned to be made an official ten-day leave, which once a year will be given to all officially employed citizens without exception. According to the project, it could be issued at any time of the year. These proposals did not find support from the United Russia faction, therefore they remained at the project level. If they accepted the proposal of the Liberal Democratic Party, then employers would surely be outraged, who certainly would not be satisfied with mass vacations of workers in the middle of winter, and it is at this time of the year that many leave for resorts. And 71% of the population is also against such drastic changes, because a vacation in the middle of the working year is only beneficial.

The official New Year's weekend coincides with the winter holidays for schoolchildren, so the whole family can spend this time together. If in the summer the problem of children's recreation is solved by organizing health camps, then in January the children are simply left to their own devices. And for adults, uninterrupted rest is also useful, because if working days are constantly interrupted by weekends, then it is extremely difficult to tune in to work.

Sociologists argue that the 7 days of New Year's holidays indicated in the shopping center are quite enough for a good rest, but beyond that there will be too much, therefore, adding additional calendar days to them usually has a bad effect on mood and well-being.

New Year Holidays 2020

Every year we all look with excitement at the calendar to find out how many days of rest there will be. New Year's holidays in 2020 will last exactly as many days as required by the TC. Christmas will be added to the holidays, which is also taken out on a separate day off. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to rest on the eve of the holiday, because the 1st date falls on Wednesday, so two days of transfer due to working off during the year will not work. The only bonus provided by Art. 95 TC, - reduction of the working day by 1 hour on the 31st.

Based on this production calendar, an approximate number of working hours can be calculated.

The deputies are in vain worried that the Russians will not get rest in May. If you look at how we are resting for the New Year holidays 2020, then we can immediately say that these holidays will give additional weekends in the spring. Those marked in TC on January 4 and 5 fall on weekends, so they are automatically transferred to May 4 and 12, respectively.

Winter holidays

According to the Labor Code, we will go to work in 2020 on the 9th. In the post-holiday week, you will have to work only two days, after which the weekend will come again. Old New Year, January 13-14, falls on Monday-Tuesday. Although people celebrate it, it is still not officially assigned to these days of the weekend. This is just a tribute to tradition and a reason to prolong your New Year's mood.

After the onset of Orthodox Christmas, Christmastide begins, the traditions of which were formed in pre-Christian times and were partially adopted by the church. Back in the 6th century, church statutes stipulated that Christmastide is a holiday during which everyone should feel the love and care of others. In Byzantium, for two weeks after Christmas, parishioners of churches carried gifts to prisons, helped the sick and the poor.

Christmastide ends on January 18, and the next day people celebrate Epiphany, according to tradition, plunging into an ice hole. The January holidays do not end there, because the 25th is Tatiana's day, popularly known as the day of Russian students.

Not only children, but also adults are looking forward to the onset of the New Year holidays. After all, no one has a desire to go to work in the morning on January 1 or spend this wonderful holiday at the workplace.

The government of the country annually determines holidays and New Years on the basis of the Labor Code. And the Ministry of Labor is already preparing a draft of the relevant decree. So, how we rest on New Year's holidays in 2016 in Russia.

At the moment, the calendar plan for 2016 has not yet been approved, but we can confidently say that no major changes are expected in the New Year and Christmas holidays. It just so happened that the approval of the schedule of holidays for the next year, the Government is engaged in the middle of the previous year.

In the production calendar, you can see that in January 2016 the New Year weekend will last 8 days. The country will rest from January 1 to January 8. And if we also take into account the weekend of January 9 and 10, then there will be ten full days for New Year's holidays. And on January 11, citizens will start working again. Last winter 2015, New Year's holidays were one day longer, also thanks to weekends.

How do we rest on New Years 2016? As you know, this holiday begins at exactly 00:00 on January 1, but people begin to prepare for this holiday from the very morning of December 31. According to the established folk tradition, at the New Year's table, which is literally bursting with all kinds of dishes, relatives and friends gather to celebrate the New Year in such a friendly and cheerful company.

Unfortunately, the ongoing discussions about making December 31 a holiday have not yet been crowned with success. The government is still considering this proposal, but no decision has yet been made. This year 31 December falls on Thursday and is considered a pre-holiday day. According to the Legislation, a shorter working day is established on such a day. Therefore, people will leave work a little earlier than usual, and there will be little time left to prepare for the New Year.

New Year Holidays Schedule

Only two New Year holidays have national status - New Year and Christmas. If it is a six-day working week, the New Year's holidays will be 1 day shorter, because on January 9, all people will work. Sunday will be a regular holiday after the previous business day.

Shortening New Years and Christmas weekends

The holiday weekend in 2016 may be shortened. The deputies propose to reduce the number of days off. They suggest counting as days off, the days from December 31 to January 3, as well as January 7. According to one of the authors of this bill, this measure will save the health of citizens, as well as the contents of their wallets. The deputies believe that instead of good rest, people overeat and abuse alcohol in honor of the holidays. All this negatively affects not only health, but also the family budget. Also, the deputies are of the opinion that long holidays harm not only the family budget, but also the economy of the entire country. According to calculations made by experts, during the New Year holidays, the industry falls by an average of 15 percent and losses amount to a trillion rubles of GDP.

How we rest on New Year's holidays in 2016, weekend in January

On New Year's holidays, you can calmly celebrate the New Year and not think that tomorrow or in two days you need to go to work in the morning. Long vacations make it possible to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the New Year holidays, especially since January 7 is Christmas, which is also an official day off. It is very bad when, after a long rest, you have to go to work for only a couple of days, followed by the weekend. This is completely unsettling, people cannot properly tune in to work and in their workplaces mentally make up a plan of activities for the coming weekend. For this reason, it is better to work out a few days in advance, so that later you can calmly rest for a whole week at home or go somewhere.

How will we rest on New Year's holidays in 2016: how will the holidays be distributed:

  • From 1 to 8 January inclusive, New Year's holidays;
  • January 10 and 11 - will be an official day off.

In January 2016, people will rest more than work. There are 18 days off on 31 calendar days, these are New Year's holidays plus regular weekends. Such a large number of days off knocks out of the usual work rhythm.

New Year's holidays 2016 - how do we rest for the New Year? Holidays and weekends should be perceived as an opportunity to relax and recuperate for subsequent working days. After the long New Year holidays, there will be a good opportunity to start working with renewed vigor.

The most significant holidays of January, which are widely celebrated by our citizens:

  • January 1 - New Year;
  • January 7 - Nativity of Christ;
  • January 14 - Old New Year;
  • January 19 - Baptism of the Lord;
  • January 25 - Tatiana's Day (Students Day).

Based on a 40-hour work week, the working time in January will be 104 hours. Workers with 24 and 36 hour workweeks will have to work 52 and 78 hours in January, respectively.

Everyone is looking forward to the New Year holidays with great impatience. Especially the working people, who are tired of the year round hard labor processes. Only festive winter days leave the opportunity to leisurely relax with loved ones, visit friends, visit distant relatives, and go to a ski resort. Every year, January gives Russians a long line of free days. But alas, in 2016 the precious and long-awaited holidays were significantly cut back ... So, how will we rest on the New Year 2016?

How we rest for the New Year 2016: how many holidays

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation provided the following schedule for transferring weekends and holidays to the winter New Year holidays in 2016: from January 1 to January 10 inclusive.

New Year's holidays: how much we rest

Weekends and holidays during the New Year period:

  • December 31 - Thursday (shortened working day, according to the law, the labor process must end 1 hour earlier)
  • January 1 - Friday (public holiday, New Year)
  • January 2 - Saturday (day off, postponed to March 7, 2016)
  • January 3 - Sunday (day off, postponed to May 3, 2016)
  • January 4 - Monday (national holiday)
  • January 5 - Tuesday (national holiday)
  • January 6 - Wednesday (national holiday)
  • January 7 - Thursday (public holiday, Christmas)
  • January 8 - Friday (national holiday)
  • January 9 - Saturday (calendar day off)
  • 10 - Sunday (calendar day off)
  • 11 - Monday (start of the first work week in the new year)

People who work in shifts on New Year's holidays are entitled to higher wages agreed with the administration and additional hours for rest. The rest should have time to relax to the maximum. In 2016, only 17 holiday weekends were recorded, compared with 20 previously. At the same time, discussions continue over the cancellation of the transfer of holidays that fell on the weekend. Now you know how we will rest on the New Year 2016.

The vacation schedule for schools, universities and institutions of secondary vocational education in Moscow is approved individually for each educational institution by its director, rector or other person responsible for making decisions. In practice, the vacation schedule rarely differs from the recommendations of the higher governing body.

Russian schools live according to two educational "calendars": quarters and trimesters. Depending on this, as well as being guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions themselves determine the dates of the holidays. In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the generally established framework, since general vacations mean more opportunities in organizing high-quality children's leisure: performances, excursions, concerts, etc.

Vacation in schools with a system of teaching in quarters

Those who study in quarters have four vacations a year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Autumn holidays 2019-2020 academic year

Of these, the dates of the autumn holidays in late October and early November are less stable: the date of their end depends on the Day of National Unity, which is celebrated on November 4.

New Year's holidays for the 2019-2020 academic year

New Year's holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays in the 2019/2020 academic year will last from December 31 to January 12. First graders will have additional holidays in winter * - from 17 to 24 February.

Spring break 2019-2020 academic year

The situation with rest in the spring is much simpler - the dates do not depend on the holidays. Spring break falls in the last week of March and the first week of April. In 2020, schoolchildren will have a rest from March 23rd to March 31st.

Summer holidays 2019-2020 academic year

Summer holidays will start as usual - from June 1 to September 1 schoolchildren are waiting for three whole happy months free from lessons.

* For students of the first grades and classes of correctional and developmental education.

In addition to scheduled vacations, school may be canceled on the following