Sports during pregnancy: tips and warnings. Sports during pregnancy - when it is worth exercising, and when it is contraindicated

Sport is firmly entrenched in our lives, because a beautiful and toned body is in fashion today. Every girl’s attitude to sports during pregnancy is purely individual - someone lifts heavy weights to the last and spends all her free time in the gym, while someone, on the contrary, climbs onto the sofa and absorbs tons of buns. Which of them is right, let's try to figure it out.

Definitely, it is possible and even necessary to play sports during pregnancy. However, only after the doctor allows you to do this!

As a rule, the first trimester is the most dangerous for both the health of the expectant mother and the fetus. Many women during this period do not feel well, drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue appear, wild toxicosis may develop. The body, as it were, signals that it’s worth taking care of yourself now: relax more and be less nervous.

But even if you feel great from the very first days, you must first pass all the necessary tests so that the doctor has a complete picture. That's when he says that you can go in for sports in the early stages of pregnancy, only then you should start.

What loads are allowed during pregnancy?

Of course, when talking about sports during pregnancy, we are not talking about skydiving or wrestling without rules. Only reasonable and moderately heavy loads.

If a woman has not been involved in sports before, then pregnancy is not the best time to start doing this. Swimming, attending special classes - yes, but nothing more. Inveterate sportswomen themselves will not live a day without sports.

Doctors unanimously say that you should forget about the gym, and do only special gymnastics for pregnant women, as well as swimming in the pool. Gym instructors have their own opinion on this matter. They recommend taking lighter weights, eliminating the load on the stomach and working out the legs, arms, back and chest. And both opinions are correct! Here it is worth turning on common sense, assessing your well-being, setting priorities and setting a goal for yourself. And together with the doctor and instructor, draw up a training plan for yourself,

Why do you need exercise during pregnancy?

There can be many goals:

  1. Improving physical endurance.
  2. Preparing mother and future baby for childbirth.
  3. Strengthening of the muscular corset to relieve the increasing load on the legs and back.
  4. Weight control.
  5. A beautiful figure with a neat tummy.
  6. Rapid recovery after childbirth (we are talking about the figure and health).

The most important rule in sports during pregnancy is not to harm yourself or your baby.

What sports to do during pregnancy

Going in for sports in a fitness club unites people, allowing them to spend their leisure time in the company of like-minded people and share precious experience with each other.

It is best that such a club has a strict selection of coaches and their annual certification. It is very important that a highly qualified person monitors the entire course of the training, because we are talking about the health of the mother and her baby!

It is desirable that the club has a swimming pool and group classes for pregnant women both on land and in water. It is important to know the pool cleaning system! It is best to clarify how often and how exactly it is cleaned, because all the main types of harmful microbes are transmitted in water.

A public place is always a potential source of viruses and bacteria, therefore it is better to visit it during the daytime, when there are not very many people. Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene - shower before and after the pool, be sure to wear flip flops when moving in the water area.

In general, sport is part of a healthy lifestyle. It is better to start doing it even before planning pregnancy. Then it will be easier to cope with the load, and the taut figure will return faster.

So what sports can you do while pregnant?

Special gymnastics for pregnant women

Or yoga for pregnant women, or prenatal - there are a lot of names, the essence is the same. As a rule, this is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and preparing the body for childbirth. The best approach is to alternate strength training and stretching. At earlier dates, you can focus on strength, strengthening the muscle corset. Closer to childbirth, it is better to give preference to stretching, paying special attention to the inner thighs to make labor easier.

For classes, sports equipment is used - fitball, dumbbells, expanders and the like. In a word, everything is the same as for regular exercises, but with less weight.

It is very good if in gymnastics they master breathing techniques and do women's exercises with the muscles of the pelvic floor! This will definitely come in handy! Breathing techniques will help to cope with contractions, and the labor activity itself will be carried out by the pelvic floor muscles, and when everything is over, they will quickly tighten up and get in shape.

In some exercises, the press and oblique muscles will indirectly work. Direct loading, especially for long periods, is strictly prohibited. But at the same time, the muscles should be in shape, because there is such a big load on them now! In addition, with a good press, the stomach will be drawn in faster.

Sometimes such classes provide for a short meditation to calm music. This is a wonderful chance to discard all thoughts, take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, be alone with your baby. Thus, a good psychological mood is acquired, complete relaxation and tranquility. But the children already in the womb subtly feel her mood.

Swimming in the pool

The pool is a real outlet for expectant mothers, especially in the later stages. For him, there are much fewer contraindications than for classes on land.

Plunging into the water, the load on the spine is immediately removed, the stomach does not press, a forgotten feeling of lightness appears. The pool has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, blood circulation improves, muscles are trained non-aggressively, the skin is massaged with water jets, thereby improving its tone. In the pool, the lungs straighten out, it becomes easier to breathe.

There are two types of lessons to be distinguished here:

  1. Special water aerobics for pregnant women (prenatal). With the help of special equipment, women are kept afloat. At the same time, simple exercises are performed - flexion / extension in the water, squats, running, elements of sports swimming. The effect is about the same as from gymnastics on land. The muscles here work but not so hard, the load is minimal. Plus hydromassage, of course!
  2. Sports swimming. You can swim on your own or with an instructor. There are several sports swimming techniques, you can try one after another. Most importantly, be sure to dive, trying to hold your breath longer ( remember about the permission of the doctor and the control of specialists). You can swim under water for short distances, or simply dive under the water like a float and swing on the waves. This is necessary to train the lungs. Moreover, experts say that when the expectant mother dives, holding her breath, oxygen stops coming to the baby, he is also forced to “hold his breath”. He will experience similar sensations during childbirth. Regular training in the pool will make his task a little easier and stress will be minimized.

Walks in the open air

Regardless of whether it is possible to visit fitness clubs, you need to walk as often and for as long as possible, regardless of the weather and desire! Fresh air is the key to health and good mood. The blood is enriched with oxygen, passing it to the baby. Sometimes it happens that the baby in the stomach for no reason begins to kick sharply and, as it were, displeasedly. This may be due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. So you need to go outside for a while, get some fresh air.

Walking long distances alone is not worth it. Still, pregnancy, especially the first, is an unpredictable state. Suddenly it can become bad, and there will be no help nearby.

Sports during pregnancy with a minimum of spending

Not everyone has the opportunity to spend money on fitness centers, but it does not matter. We have already found out about the benefits of walking, but it is absolutely free!

You can sign up for any FOC and just go to the pool for a swim. In the end, if summer is in the yard, you can go to the river and swim there! The main thing is not to forget about hygiene and avoid oversaturated places. For example, swimming pools abroad (depending on the level of the hotel, of course) most likely simply cannot cope with cleaning with a large flow of tourists. And there is nothing to say about popular beaches, there is no bleach at all!

If you really want to play sports at home, let someone be nearby at this moment! There are a lot of exercises on the Internet with a fitball, dumbbells, and even without equipment at all. But it’s better to spend money on a fitball - it will come in handy for gymnastics during pregnancy, for rocking a newborn, and for baby gymnastics.

Most importantly, no weights, you need to take care of yourself!

Summing up

Walking, swimming, diving, attending specialized classes under the guidance of professionals is the right and timely approach. You can and should go in for sports, the most important thing is not to harm! Therefore, before starting classes, we coordinate everything with the doctor!

Swimming and walking are shown to almost everyone, and this is the minimum component of a healthy lifestyle for a pregnant woman. Do not be lazy, because it will help to endure the loads that increase during pregnancy much easier, facilitate the process of labor, reduce stress for the baby and he will be born absolutely healthy!

Video "Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy"?

Finally, it happened - in nine months I will become a happy mother. Joy indescribable! But along with it came concerns about health, well-being, nutrition. And the question that worries me now - is it possible to play sports? I have always led an active lifestyle, three times a week the gym, daily morning jogging. And now what to do? It was with this question that I decided to deal with: to be or not to be a sport during pregnancy.

Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy - I study all the pros and cons

Sport, without exception, is useful to all people, its role cannot be denied: it tightens the body, keeps muscles in good shape, strengthens the immune system, hardens the body.

Is sport good for pregnant women? The answer is unequivocal - yes. However, there is one “but” - there should be no contraindications, and the pregnancy should proceed without complications.

Scientists have been studying the effect of playing sports on the body of a pregnant woman for a long time, and here are the conclusions they came to:

  1. Physical activity contributes to a favorable.
  2. Reduces the risk of postpartum complications.
  3. The possibility of perineal tissue ruptures is reduced.
  4. Sports are good for the child by improving blood circulation and cell nutrition.
  5. A well-thought-out exercise program helps prevent morning sickness.

My gynecologist, having learned that I would not give up sports, immediately recommended the following to me:

  1. Pick up clothes , the most free and not restricting movement.
  2. The best period for sports - Second trimester of pregnancy. This is justified by the fact that the fetus is just beginning to form, it is attached to the walls of the uterus, due to active physical exertion, there may be a threat of miscarriage.
  3. Stop playing sports required at the end of the eighth month.

Let sports always have a healing effect, strengthens, but if a pregnant woman has any contraindications, classes can turn into extremely negative consequences.

Do not neglect contraindications.

Diseases that interfere with sports activities include:

  • Toxicosis.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Internal inflammatory processes.
  • Pathological location of the placenta.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Increased volume of amniotic fluid.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, vascular system.

However, in any case, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, since the woman herself will not be able to determine her condition. In this case, it is better not to risk your health and the health of the baby.

What sports can pregnant women do and what can not?

Oh sport, you are life! But not all sports are equally beneficial for pregnant women. I decided to ask in detail about each type of my doctor. I'll start with those that are useful and will not cause harm.

Now it's the turn of banned sports. These include horseback riding, volleyball, basketball, football, skydiving.

Combining pregnancy and sports is very real . Physical activity is good for expectant mothers. I would even say that they are a necessity for effective preparation for childbirth. Also, physical activity keeps the body in good shape, preventing you from getting fat above measure. As many women think: I got pregnant, now I only need peace, no activity. The position is fundamentally wrong if there are no contraindications. Sport is needed, it is useful.

It is not necessary to let the body down, refusing to exercise, the main thing is moderation and following the advice of a doctor.

When do you need to stop exercising urgently?

It is always necessary to listen to your body, not to neglect the state of health. And during pregnancy, there should be even more responsibility for this.

Sports activities must be stopped in the following cases:

  • General malaise.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Difficulty breathing.

If these symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.

The specialist will select the correct, individual lesson plan, taking into account the state of health of the woman.

Giving up sports during pregnancy is a mistake many women make. . You don’t have to do this, because only benefits come from physical activity. But then again - each case is special, and before deciding to engage in a particular sport, a consultation with a doctor is necessary. It is he who will be able to determine the degree of physical activity, develop an exercise program.

Many pregnant women often think about whether it is possible to play sports during pregnancy, whether it is dangerous. First of all, it must be said that physical activity itself, in principle, is contraindicated during gestation. However, certain types of exercise can benefit a pregnant woman. Let's take a closer look at this issue, and try to find out: what sports can you do during a normal pregnancy, and is it possible to subject the body to such loads at the beginning of the gestation period?

How can sports be useful for pregnant women?

First of all, it must be said that all physical exercises must be agreed with the doctor. Only in this case, the expectant mother can not worry about the consequences. Of course, if before the onset of pregnancy a woman went in for sports professionally, then while waiting for the baby, intensive, daily workouts are out of the question. However, this does not mean at all that a woman should sit in one place.

Sports activities increase the physical stability of the female body, which will only prepare it for the birth process. In addition, light physical activity has a positive effect on the work of the vascular, respiratory, nervous systems, and increases emotional stability. Thus, the risk of complications after childbirth is sharply reduced, and at the same time, the likelihood of their development during childbirth decreases (perineal tears, for example).

What sports are not allowed during pregnancy?

So, first of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate extreme sports: skydiving, martial arts, horseback riding, boxing, etc. Such activities have a high risk of developing injuries, which is unacceptable when carrying a baby.

In addition, all types of exercises that stretch the abdominal muscles, bend the spinal column, are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. Also, do not perform sudden, amplitude movements.

What sport can you do while pregnant?

Before calling the permissible types of physical exercises when carrying a baby, it must be said that their choice and admissibility directly depend on the gestational age. So, doctors strictly prohibit any physical activity in the short and late periods (in the 1st and 3rd trimesters), in view of the high probability of an increase in uterine tone, which is dangerous during these periods.

Among those sports that can be practiced during pregnancy, first of all, doctors call walking. Doctors recommend taking small walks several times a day. Almost every expectant mother can engage in such sports. An exception, perhaps, can only be those cases when a woman is diagnosed with a threatened abortion.

Swimming is also great for exercise during pregnancy. This sport helps to relieve the load from the spine, which is very important for expectant mothers. At the same time, when swimming, there is an improvement in blood circulation processes, which in turn has a positive effect on the process of gestation.

Recently, more and more popularity is gaining. Such physical exercises are aimed at improving breathing, relaxing the body, relieving excess stress.

Among the sports available to pregnant women are the following:

Any woman who was actively involved in sports before pregnancy will become interested, but what should she do now, when a tiny man has appeared under her heart? Any woman who has not been involved in sports, but thinks about her and her baby’s health, about how pregnancy and childbirth will proceed, how to quickly get in shape after the birth of a child, will also think: maybe go in for sports now? But what kind of sport is right? Are there contraindications? This is our next article.

What is the benefit of sports during pregnancy?

If there are no contraindications, and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sports exercises will only benefit. It has already been proven that regular exercise during pregnancy contributes to the favorable course of childbirth, the reduction of postpartum complications, and the reduction of perineal tears. During pregnancy, moderately active physical activity has a positive effect on the health of not only the mother, but also the child. Often, with a sedentary lifestyle, stagnant processes occur in a woman's body. In this case, physical activity is simply necessary, because it improves blood circulation and cell nutrition, as a result of which, receiving the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, the fetus develops correctly.

A significant plus in favor of playing sports is that properly selected and carefully planned loads can save a pregnant woman from morning sickness.

What types of physical activity are contraindicated?

Naturally, and every woman understands this, not all sports are equally useful and allowed during pregnancy. There can be no talk of any boxing, parachuting or horseback riding! These species are strictly prohibited during childbearing. The reason for the ban is a high probability of injury, but a woman, at this stage, should protect herself from falls, concussions, hypothermia and overheating.

There are some other sports on the "black" list:

  • step and dance aerobics;
  • jumping;
  • sprinting and long-distance running;
  • diving (deep-sea diving), diving, water skiing;
  • skiing;
  • group sports;
  • cross-country cycling;
  • weight lifting;

Also, any exercises based on stretching the abdominal muscles, any sharp movements, strong stretching, “inverted” yoga asanas, sudden movements and swings in swimming, a strong back bend are prohibited.

What loads are allowed?

One of the very first recommendations for physical activity will be this: walk more. Pregnant women are advised to take small walks several times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that her shoes are comfortable and of high quality. . Among the simple, accessible to every woman, but very effective exercises, absolutely everyone is allowed, regardless of their preparation and well-being. Of course, an exception may be women who, due to the threat of miscarriage, are prescribed bed rest.

It is also useful for pregnant women to walk up the stairs. Try not to use the elevator. And if you live on the lower floors, then you can just walk back and forth several times a day. The main condition - do not rush, breathe evenly and calmly, do not open your mouth.

With regard to real sports, it is necessary to take into account an important aspect. If you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, now is the time to slow down and switch to a gentle regime. If only now you decide to make friends with physical activity, then do not give all your best. Start small and gradually, within reasonable limits, increase the load.

Naturally, swimming, yoga, special gymnastics for pregnant women are in the first positions in terms of usefulness and permissibility during pregnancy. Swimming is very beneficial for both mother and baby. Exercises in water unload the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, massage tissues, and improve blood circulation. You will feel the effect (good mood, improved well-being, disappearance of edema, muscle tone, etc.) after just a few sessions. Many pregnant women after training note that their appetite has improved and even the phenomena of toxicosis have disappeared. Swimming is a great way to keep your body in good shape and a great way to get it back in shape after your baby is born. Swimming eliminates the risk of falling, overheating, dehydration, excessive stress on the joints. The only points to remember when going to the pool:

  • make sure that the water in it is clean;
  • do not go diving, however, we wrote about this above.

Yoga is also great for practicing during pregnancy. Almost all of its varieties are suitable for this, but it is still better if you do special exercises adapted for pregnant women. Such yoga will not harm either mother or baby, it does not have inverted poses and exercises that must be performed while lying on your back. Another argument in favor of yoga is that during the exercises a lot of time is devoted to breathing and relaxation. This has a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby (proper breathing improves blood circulation and he receives more oxygen), and also prepares the mother for childbirth (at this stage, controlled specific breathing helps to ease contractions, feel less pain during the expulsion of the fetus). When performing the complex, try to have something close by that, if necessary, you could rely on. Do not stretch the ligaments too much and do not strain the abdominal wall.

Gymnastics for pregnant women was developed by instructors taking into account the special needs and characteristics of women during the period of bearing children. These exercises are aimed at training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the muscles involved in childbirth, to strengthen the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, and to improve posture. This is an excellent exercise for pregnant women, which will make the muscles flexible. As a rule, complexes for pregnant women include Kegel exercises, thanks to which the muscles that are directly involved in the birth process are trained. Agree, the load on the muscles of the perineum during childbirth is serious. Often, gymnastics for pregnant women involves exercises on a fitball (a large inflatable ball). Such training is aimed at maintaining and increasing the level of preparedness of the cardiovascular system, developing strength and flexibility, reducing pain in the back, reducing pressure, improving blood circulation and overall well-being in general.

Other workouts include Pilates. It is not contraindicated in pregnant women. On the contrary, Pilates develops the pelvic floor muscles, which are actively involved in the process of childbirth, and teaches proper breathing. During classes, the blood supply to the fetus improves, which has a very positive effect on the intrauterine development of the baby.

What is permissible from standard sports? Well, like tennis. True, you should not grab a racket if you have never played tennis before. Postpone this activity for the postpartum period. But if you have been actively involved in this sport for a long period, then with the onset of pregnancy, you can safely continue training. True, the key word here is "calmly" - no sudden movements, shocks and overheating. Under the condition of reducing the load and with the permission of the doctor, tennis can be practiced for up to 4-5 months.

We will classify the following sports as "permissible". This:

  • Running (at a calm pace, in comfortable shoes and clothes; sometimes it is better to switch to brisk walking; control breathing and general well-being; if you have been running before, then you can not part with it until the middle of pregnancy);
  • Cycling (allowed with some reservations: the tracks must be smooth, safe, you can only do it if you have a rich experience in training, choose a “ladies' bike” with a soft wide saddle);
  • Skiing (if you have experience skiing, subject to reduced intensity and with the permission of a doctor, you can do it throughout your pregnancy, but not in high altitude conditions, as there is a lack of oxygen and a high probability of falls).

Good - little by little or be careful

For training, a pregnant woman needs to choose comfortable and high-quality clothes and shoes. She should be comfortable and free: nothing should hinder her movements.

Experts note that the most optimal time for sports is the second trimester. In the first, there is a risk of a threat of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, while the baby is attached to the wall of the uterus, while his organs and systems are being formed, it is better not to give the body excessive stress. And it is usually recommended to stop classes at the end of the 8th month.

If during exercise you experience a headache, circulatory problems, shortness of breath or severe muscle pain, stop exercising. Consult with a competent doctor and instructor and adjust your loads together.

Contraindications for sports during pregnancy are:

  • chronic,
  • placenta previa,
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system,
  • toxicosis,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • purulent processes, etc.

Do not forget the most important rule: everything should be a pleasure, without violence against the body. The benefit will be only if the sport brings moral and physical satisfaction. The best indicator of the correctness of your actions is a feeling of comfort, good health, strong and good mood.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

As a rule, at this time, the woman does not yet know that she is pregnant. But at the slightest suspicion reduce physical activity. The very beginning of pregnancy is a difficult stage during which all the organs and systems of the future fetus are formed, and any overload will not be to the benefit of the baby. Work in the gym until the seventh sweat, long marathon distances (as well as sprint races), ski slopes for the expectant mother are prohibited. Now she needs to learn how to calculate her strength and dose the load, taking into account her new condition.

4-8 weeks pregnant

8-12 weeks pregnant

12-16 weeks pregnant

16-20 weeks of pregnancy

20-24 weeks pregnant

24-28 weeks pregnant

28-32 weeks pregnant

32-36 weeks pregnant

36-40 weeks of pregnancy

Sports during pregnancy?. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Hey! Puzu 12th week, weight gain 0 kg. I would like to know who and what kind of sport is involved in during pregnancy and is it possible to do it?


in Yandex, score 2 gymnastics for pregnant women, "you will find a bunch of everything.
I was engaged in the last B, the first 6 months - belly dance and yoga, up to 3 months - simulators. Rollers and bikes are still more traumatic, in my opinion. that it's not helpful.
link to yoga for pregnancy

I sunbathe:) But in a good solarium or on the sea.
About roller skates and a bicycle - my child and I go to closed areas, because I'm afraid to fall.

Sports and pregnancy. Sports and fitness during pregnancy. It is a pity that not every woman can afford to train according to an individual program in Sports and Pregnancy. Can sports be continued during pregnancy?


I worked out in the gym until half of my pregnancy - I did everything the same as before, only with a smaller load. As for the press, my doctor said that you can even do it at the beginning of pregnancy, but I didn’t, we waited too long for this event, we didn’t want to risk it. And so, even until the end of pregnancy, you can walk on a treadmill, only at the end you still can’t do exercises lying down (and on your back, and, of course, on your stomach). The main thing is not to drastically change the way of life, i.e. If you have been actively engaged before, then continue. And if you just want to start now, then you should not do this.

Light aerobics - exercise bike, treadmill, stapler - I did this every day for at least 20 minutes on any day of the cycle. then weight. In the first half of the cycle - weight on all parts of the body, in the second - the upper part. And Pilates every day or every other day - even if it’s on the press, but gently ... I still do them now (at 19 weeks) - not all, really ...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. It is useful like any other aerobic exercise - there is somehow a cunning redistribution of oxygen, that the baby is rehearsing for childbirth (especially if during the lesson you sometimes do ...


When I was pregnant, the physiotherapist told me that you can only work on an exercise bike on the one on which you sit and stretch your legs forward and pedal, but on the one that you sit and legs down - no way. Another thing you can't do is raise your hands high.
The correct one is called recumbant bike, like in this link:

09/13/2003 09:37:35 PM, Svetagul

Is an exercise bike really that useful? And what? If it's not very difficult, write what arguments the author gives or give a link, please :)))
Walking, I know, is useful and swimming ...