Pension fund complaint. Application for payment of the funded part of the pension - sample and form for download

The duty of the state is to take care of its disabled citizens. People who have reached retirement age are entitled to monthly cash payments from the state. But before they begin to accrue, each applicant must draw up a corresponding application for the appointment of a pension.

When and where to serve

Currently, the options for applying for a pension have expanded. Now this can be done in three ways:

  • with a personal visit to the FIU;
  • submit documents through the MFC;
  • use the website of the State Service;
  • using the services of the Russian Post;
  • through the current employer at the place of work.

You can submit an application in person, or with the help of a legal representative. This should be done as soon as the right to receive pension payments has come.

How to compose

Despite a number of differences depending on the type of pension, each such document must contain basic information regarding the applicant himself:

  • Full Name;
  • the series and number of the passport, when and where the document was issued;
  • Date of Birth;
  • SNILS number;
  • place of registration and place of residence;
  • all contact details;
  • the fact of the presence of dependents, if any.

The application must indicate the type of pension that the citizen is claiming. In addition, it should be indicated if the applicant has previously received any pension benefits.

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Then an inventory of all documents attached to the application is drawn up. At the end, the current date, the signature of the applicant and its decryption are required.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • general passport. If it is not yet there, then a birth certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN certificate;
  • marriage certificate (dissolution);
  • birth certificates of children, if they are dependents;
  • 2-NDFL certificate;
  • work book, if available. If not all jobs are recorded in it, then additional certificates with such information can be submitted;
  • military ID (for men who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces).

The list of other documents varies depending on the type of pension that the citizen is claiming.

On the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner

When drawing up an application for the payment of a survivor's pension, in addition to basic information, the document should indicate the degree of relationship between the applicant and the deceased citizen.

A cash allowance that is awarded for seniority, upon reaching a certain age, with the loss of a breadwinner, or in other cases provided for by the law of the Russian Federation, is called a pension. To apply for a retirement benefit from the state, it is necessary to collect a certain list of documents. The main of these documents is the application for retirement. Starting from 2015, the procedure for retirement retirement has been changed - keep this in mind when collecting documents. Let's take a closer look at how to correctly write a retirement application and what accompanying documents will be required for this.

How to write an application for retirement - features of calculating retirement benefits

The current legislation establishes the following retirement age:

  • For females - upon reaching 55 years of age.
  • For males - 60 years old.

Changes in the procedure for registering a pension consist in increasing the length of service: to receive a pension benefit in 2015, a person must have at least six years of experience, and in 2024 this will require fifteen years of approved work activity. As a basis for retirement in 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation should have at least eight years of work history.

Forms of the established form for writing an application are taken from the Pension Fund or download from us.

How to write a retirement application - what should be indicated in the application

The format of the application for a pension is established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Z can be downloaded here. Documents are submitted through a legal representative or in person. Registration of your application takes place within ten days after submitting the application. The document must contain the following points:

  • Full name, patronymic and surname of the applicant for pension payments.
  • Citizenship.
  • A kind of document (statement).
  • The name of the company to which the document is presented.
  • Your place of residence (in fact).
  • Your contacts are a telephone.
  • Identity documents.
  • Marital status, presence of dependents.
  • The applicant's labor history in detail.
  • A written request for the calculation of the pension benefit.
  • List of documents that are attached to the application.
  • Date of registration of the application, indication of the type of pension payments.
  • Personal signature and transcript of the applicant.
  • Insurance certificate number

If the pension benefit has already been accrued, then this must be indicated in the application. When submitting documents for an extraordinary accrual of pension payments, they prescribe the basis for this, as well as a list of supporting documents.

How to write an application for retirement - registration procedure

We choose the option of submitting an application: electronically or in person. If you decide to personally present a package of documents to the Pension Fund, then we recommend the following sequence of actions:

The procedure for applying for a pension electronically

You can submit an application for receiving or recalculating your pension electronically. To do this, we perform the following actions:

  • We register on the state website "Gosuslugi".
  • We go through identification, create a personal account.
  • We upload copies of documents in electronic form through a special form, fill out an application on the website.
  • The deadlines for processing pension payments are the same both for submission of documents in person and for the electronic submission form - no more than ten days. It is recommended to collect a package of documents in advance (one month before the onset of retirement age) in order to have time to complete the missing samples of documents.

Note: if you start applying for a pension after the onset of retirement age, then payments for the missed period of time are not calculated.

  • For early retirement with accruals, you should contact the Pension Fund in advance in order to ascertain your right to receive it.
  • If you do not agree with the decision of the Pension Fund, you always have the opportunity to resolve the issue in court.

We examined in detail the procedure for filling out an application in electronic form and with personal contact to the relevant authorities (Pension Fund branches), as well as the terms of consideration and samples of the correct execution of applications for an old-age pension.

Greetings to you, dear visitor to the blog "Penserman"!

This topic primarily concerns not just future retirees, but those who have already submitted all the documents for applying for an old-age pension and are waiting for no more than one month to reach retirement age. It is this period that is provided by the pension fund of the Russian Federation, starting from which a person can submit already application for the appointment of a pension by old age and the way it is delivery.

And as you understood, it is now possible to do this without even leaving your home. This is exactly what I did after my wife submitted her documents to the pension fund. By the way, when she asked there if it was possible to apply for an appointment with, the employee of the foundation was very happy, adding that her work would be much easier if the application was submitted online. And gave the web address of the site.

I confess that until that very day I had never dreamed of such a possibility. The code I applied for the pension of this service was not yet available. And I, like all mortals, sat at the office and waited for my turn to write this very statement outside the door, under the supervision of a local employee. But let's move on to the topic. Before I tell you how to issue an application for the delivery of a pension online, first a few words about the PFR website itself.

Electronic services and services of the Pension Fund of Russia

The site itself appears to have appeared back in 2008. But electronic services and services only in 2014. Even then, some services were operating in test mode. But they began to act confidently after the approval of the list of public services by order of the PFR Board No. 660r, as early as December 25, 2015. Although, some of them are still being tested.

What information did I dig up to somehow console my vanity because of my unforgivable ignorance of the existence of such an excellent service. But more to the point. What comfort does this promising state project offer us? To clarify the situation, I will list only a few, in my opinion, important points for us, current and future pensioners. Here they are:


  • about the appointment of a pension to you;
  • on the method of delivery of this pension;
  • on the appointment of a cash payment;

You can get information:

  • retirement benefits and, if established, social benefits;

Also order:

  • a certificate of the amount of pension and other payments;
  • statement for receiving social assistance;

All of the above is possible only for registered users, that is, with a personal account on the site. But there are services for unregistered people such as:

  • make an appointment for a personal appointment;
  • ordering some certificates and documents;
  • send your appeal;
  • ask your question via the Internet;
  • pension calculator;

Well, a little excursion about the electronic services and PFR services we have conducted now we can move on to the burning issues of future pensioners - retirees.

Applying for an old-age pension

So, first of all, by this time you need to have a bank card to which your pension will be transferred. We will assume that you have already done this. Now we go to the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and go ahead! To log in, you use your account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA). Simply put, the login and password of public services. If you do not have an account there, you will have to first.

We entered. And we see a page with a list of electronic services. But of all this, we only need the first section: "Pensions and social benefits." Namely, the "Submit Application" column. We select the item: "on the appointment of a pension" and click on it:

Remember that immediately under this item is the item "on the delivery of the pension", we will also need it later. But everything is in order. Clicked, got to the next page, where we just click on "Continue":

Now we have to fill in the information about the insured person - this is your data. And the first step is General Data. Fill in, click on the "Next step" button:

On the page of the second step, all your basic data: full name, gender, date of birth, information from your passport and even additional information such as should be "migrated" from the portal of public services to the necessary lines. But if, suddenly, for some reason this did not happen, I hope it will not be difficult for you to do it yourself.

But where you were born and live will need to be filled in by yourself. After choosing the country of birth and country of residence, two long additional buttons will appear, and then you need to click on them in turn:

After your clicks on them, additional windows will appear, where the necessary lines are filled in. After clicking on "Save", the data will appear on the applicant's details page:

Again, at the very bottom on the right, click on the "Next step" button and finally fill in the information about the appointment of the pension. Rather, we don't even fill in, but put dots and ticks. If you do not belong to a special category of citizens and simply apply for a pension upon reaching the retirement age. For example, continuing to work, this page will look something like this:

Press "Next step" again and now we have reached step 4 on the delivery of the pension. Please note that there is already a dot next to the line "I will send the application for the delivery of the pension later." So leave it, do not put it next to "I will indicate the delivery information now." By the way, the pension office warned that the delivery data must be sent two or three days after sending pension applications... I tried to do this for my wife right away, but the experiment was unsuccessful.

So put a tick next to "I have been warned" and click on "Submit application":

Submitting an application for the delivery of a pension

After two or three days, we go back to the website of the Pension Fund of Russia and now we select the item "on the delivery of the pension." , it is under the paragraph "on the appointment of a pension." There we fill in again almost the same data as the first time. True, there are only three steps. And there is nothing complicated. The only thing, if someone doesn’t know, I can add. To transfer the pension to in the data on the delivery of the pension in the line "Through", you must select "Credit organization":

We press the button "Send":

Now you just have to wait until a decision is made on your application. You can track all stages from submission to making a decision by visiting your personal account, by going to the page "History of requests". It will look something like this:

Well, in principle, that's all that I could tell you about application for the appointment of a pension and its delivery... I hope this material will help you in your endeavors.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the Penserman blog.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 400 "On State Pension Provision," Russians retire upon reaching a certain insured event (age, disability, loss of breadwinner, and so on). To confirm your intention to receive a pension, you must draw up an application to the Pension Fund according to the model. However, many are faced with the problem of writing such a document.


In Russia, there is a system of pension benefits for citizens, according to which material support is paid when a certain event occurs. Pensions are recorded on the basis of a system that allows you to trace the work activity of an individual citizen.

Types of pensions

In the Russian Federation, the following types of retirement benefits are in force:

  • State - payments are made from the country's budget.
  • Mandatory - performed upon the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Non-state - paid from the budget of non-state pension funds.

State pension

The state pension allows disabled citizens to compensate for the lack of income with payments from the state budget. Types of state pension provision:

  • social (assigned to disabled people, for example, citizens who have reached retirement age, disabled people, and so on);
  • for seniority (relying on civil servants who are subject to harmful working conditions: military, police, psychiatrists, and so on);
  • old age (for people who have reached retirement age: 55 for women and 60 for men);
  • in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (to families of military personnel, astronauts, as well as to persons who have experienced strong radiation exposure).

Social insurance

When a certain insured event occurs, the compulsory insurance system allows you to avoid loss of wages. This type of pension can only be used by insured persons (for example, at state enterprises there is an obligation to insure employees). The compulsory insurance system pays benefits in the following cases:

  • upon reaching the retirement age (old age);
  • after receiving a disability group;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner, and so on.

With the help of insurance, you can accumulate pension benefits, transfer them, receive supplements to social pensions, and much more. Social insurance even allows you to transfer money savings to the relatives of the deceased for burial.

Non-state pension provision

He is engaged in providing pensions to citizens who have entered into an insurance contract. Companies invest, assign and pay out the funds accumulated by the citizen. This has certain advantages:

  • you can independently adjust the amount of payments;
  • accumulated funds are inherited by relatives;
  • in parallel, you can receive a state pension;
  • You can transfer your contribution to another fund at any time.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • low investment income;
  • payments can be received only upon reaching a certain insured event;
  • profit received as a result of investment is taxable;
  • if payments are not made in a timely manner, penalties will be incurred.

You can get a non-state pension fund by contacting one of these institutions. At the time of drawing up the application, the future pensioner must indicate the amount of payments that he would like to receive as pension savings. Based on this, the amount of payments to the fund will be calculated.


To consult about a particular situation, it is enough to make a call to the reception (FIU). But on the basis of this appeal, it is impossible to make a definite decision in relation to a specific person. You can apply for a pension only by contacting:

  • to the civil service at the place of residence, having received an appropriate sample application to the Pension Fund and filling it out;
  • by registered mail to the territorial office (the addresses are on the PFR website);
  • through the online reception (this is the simplest option, since applications are accepted both from citizens of the Russian Federation and from foreign citizens). Accordingly, there is no link to a specific locality.

Sample application to the Pension Fund

The official application form can be obtained both at the PFR branch and downloaded on the Internet (for example, on the website of the Pension Fund). If you have any difficulties with drawing up an application, you can consult with an employee of the foundation in the online reception or at your place of residence. It is worth noting that applications drawn up in a free form will not be accepted, so you need to take seriously the filling out of the application.

How to make an application?

You can contact the Pension Fund of Russia to resolve the following questions about:

Thus, the majority in the pension fund are unified in their design. The following table and an example will help you correctly formulate an official appeal.

Statement cap

The name of the institution to which the appeal is made.


Full name of the applicant, passport details, TIN, SNILS number, information about the dependents who are in the care of the applicant, and the composition of the family, address of residence and contact phone number.

The reason for petition

It contains information about work activity, a request for the establishment of a pension provision with an indication of specific regulations (it is necessary to indicate what kind of pension the applicant is counting on).


An inventory of all the papers that the applicant attaches to the appeal (copies of the passport, SNILS, work record book, income statement).

Date and signature

The date of submission of the application is indicated, and together with it the applicant signs the document, decrypting the signature

Old age pension

The allowance is assigned subject to the following conditions:

A sample application to the Pension Fund for the appointment of an old-age pension can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Care allowance

As a rule, someone helps people who cannot take care of themselves and lead their lives on their own. Usually they are close. For an able-bodied person caring for a sick person and does not carry out labor activities because of this, the following types of payments are due:

Payments are made monthly. The amount of the allowance for compensation payments is 1,200 rubles, and for monthly payments - from 1,200 to 5,500, depending on the degree of relationship with a disabled child or disabled person since childhood. To assign an allowance, you need to apply to the Nursing Pension Fund (a sample application is presented above) only after obtaining consent from the citizen who will be searched.

You will also need:

  • a certificate from the employment center stating that a person intending to take care of a sick person does not receive unemployment benefits;
  • a document confirming the powers of the legal representative;
  • certificate from the place of study (if it is a child) and medical facility.

Sample statement of claim to the Pension Fund

If a citizen has received a refusal to grant a pension, he has the right to challenge this decision by filing a claim with the court at his place of residence. Filing a statement of claim will cost the plaintiff 200 rubles of state duty.

The document should contain the following information:

Samples of claims to the Pension Fund can be found on the PF RF website itself. But for your reference, examples of documents will also be attached here.

It is quite simple to draw up applications for retirement to the Pension Fund according to the model. It is necessary to observe the mandatory points that were indicated in the article, and try to comply with the attached examples. After filling out a correct request according to the sample, an application to the Pension Fund can be sent by mail, drawn up at the PF department or sent an electronic copy.

More detailed information on the appointment of pensions can be found directly on the portal of the PF RF.

In accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation, the client, in the event of a change in his personal data, must provide updated information about himself.

To update the information, you should fill out the Questionnaire of an individual client, sign the completed document, attach to the document a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a copy of the insurance certificate (SNILS), other documents on the basis of which your personal data has been changed (for example, a certificate of marriage / divorce) and send the specified package of documents to the Fund in a convenient way for you:

  • A. Scanned into a single box - [email protected]
  • B. The original document of the Questionnaire of an individual client and copies of the documents attached to it by mail to the address of NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC, specified in the section.

Application forms

Application of the insured person on the distribution of pension savings (appointment of successors)

This section provides the necessary documents for the appointment of a legal successor (s) (in other words - heirs) of pension savings in the event of an insured event.

To submit the Application of the insured person on the distribution of pension savings, it is necessary to fill out a document, sign and submit it to NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC in a convenient way for you.

Submission methods:

  • A. In person, by contacting NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC at the address specified in the section. In this case, you must have the originals of the following documents with you - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and an insurance pension certificate (SNILS).
  • B. Send the completed Application by mail to the address of NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC specified in the section. Please note - in this case, the Application must be notarized.

Statement of the legal successor on the payment of pension savings from the account of the deceased insured person

Pension Application Forms

There are 3 types of pension payments:

  • One-time;
  • Cumulative;
  • Urgent.
Before sending the package of documents, you must call the Fund and consult.

If the application forms are sent by the Russian Post, the signature on the application form and copies of the documents must be notarized.

Lump-sum pension payment:

To submit an Application for the appointment of a funded pension, you need to fill out a document, sign, attach a package of necessary documents and submit it to NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC in a convenient way for you.

Submission methods:

Funded pension:

This section contains an application form and a sample of filling it out for assigning a funded pension.

To submit an Application for the appointment of a funded pension, you need to fill out a document, sign, attach a package of necessary documents and submit it to NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC in a convenient way for you.

This section contains an application form and a sample of filling it out for assigning an urgent pension payment.

To submit an Application for the appointment of an urgent pension payment, you must fill out a document, sign, attach a package of necessary documents and submit it to NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC in a convenient way for you.

Submission methods:

  • A. In person, by contacting NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC at the address specified in the section. In this case, you must have the original documents with you.
  • B. Send the completed Application and other necessary documents by mail to the address of NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC, specified in the section. Please note - in this case, the Application and copies of documents must be notarized.