There is no female friendship? Psychology of relations between women. There is no female friendship. Is there a female friendship? Psychology


A friend is the closest person who is always ready to listen and support. The word "friend" refers to the male gender, which implies friendship between men, but in fact, female friendships are much stronger and stronger than male friendships. Women are more likely to trust their feelings, and divide each other into different categories: acquaintances, female friends, close friends. And with each category there is communication on different topics. You can tell a close friend anything, up to heart secrets, while with just acquaintances and friends, communication takes place only on general topics: home, family, children, clothes, work, travel, rest. Strong female friendships usually develop between people of about the same age. It is not at all shameful for a woman to cry to her friend "in the waistcoat", to feel sorry for each other, to sympathize. Here, the straightforwardness of expressing one's emotions and feelings is fascinating. This emotional connection keeps the girlfriends together; practical help comes in second.

There is no female friendship?

For the friendship between women to be strong, you need to be able to admire each other, rejoice in good luck together and support each other in difficult periods of life. Strong friendships between women are rare. A friend should be such a person with whom it is easy and simple. With a close friend, you can go shopping, discuss various problems, or even just chat and gossip over a bottle of wine. This is the simplest scheme of mutual relations between women, but for the most part it looks like this. With the support of a close friend, you can survive any misfortune: unrequited love, problems at work, at home, illness, trouble with children.

Women's friendship really exists. Just understanding who is really a real friend for you comes later, over time. Cases of betrayal are not excluded. When a loved one betrays, it is very difficult. It will be best if this happens as early as possible. At a young age, all adversity is perceived much easier and easier than in adulthood, thereby leaving a sad, but still experience. A devoted woman is disappointed in people, especially in women, she can no longer trust them with her innermost thoughts, therefore she is looking for someone to whom she can speak: a relative, a family member or a psychotherapist or psychologist. Betrayal in adulthood can even lead to serious illness or mental breakdown.

Features of friendship between girls

A woman is a practical and pragmatic being. From a social point of view, this does not always look beautiful, since such invented principles as devotion and loyalty do not exist.
From a psychological point of view, this rationality and sobriety of mind only delights. Men can only learn from women. Women's friendship is essentially a temporary union. You can compare girlfriends with two states strictly observing their own interests. It is useful to have an ally, but presidents and kings do not swear eternal allegiance to each other. The union can exist as long as it is beneficial to both parties. So with women, they are best friends, as long as it is convenient and profitable. As soon as interests intersect, the friendship ends. In words, you can talk about loyalty, devotion, but these are just words. In fact, a woman will do as she sees fit, more beneficial for herself, finding a suitable excuse that the case is out of the ordinary, and she could not help herself.

Women's and men's friendship

In fact, this is good. Because deception of oneself and others lies only in words. Most of the actions are sincere, which is due to practicality. What can not be said about men, for the sake of this oath and friendship, they are ready to break their lives and those around them, and why is it necessary. There is absolutely no reason for pride.

Unlike men, women are much more emotional, conversations are conducted only about what really worries them, what feelings are experienced at the same time. It is quite difficult to find a friend who will understand and will worry with you, support and sympathize, rejoice and be upset for you, since the emotions shown are also the root cause of problems in relationships and communication.

Female friendship is a certain type of relationship between two partners, and, as you know, both build relationships in a pair. Banal envy can become the reason for the violation of relations and the subsequent break. Or, for example, the fact that one of the friends got married and she had her own obligations and concerns. If this happened, you do not need to forget each other, call back, correspond, sometimes meet.

The main stumbling block for women's friendship has always been men. On them women's friendship ends and the law of the jungle comes to the fore: whoever did not have time, he is late. And if female interests intersect on a man, friendship is over.

Girlfriend - what is she like?

When choosing your best friend, you must follow several principles.

Of course, in the life of every girl from childhood there is a friend - the one who will always support with advice, go for a walk with you, will be with you always and everywhere. In the life of each of us there was, is or will be a friend - the only and irreplaceable. An illustrative example of a beautiful female friendship can be called the film "Sex and the City", where Carrie Bradshaw's friends are always with her and support her in any situation.

Why does male friendship exist, while female friendship is in doubt?

Any friendship is based on trust, the ability to listen and support, the ability to lend your shoulder in difficult times and rejoice in joint success. Very often, friendships arise between people who have common interests or hobbies. Friendship between representatives of different social levels is extremely rare in terms of sincerity of intentions. We need friendship, communication with a person who can be trusted with our problems and experiences.

What is often found in female friendship that destroys it?

Envy… It is often always present in varying degrees, and can often accumulate for years, until one day it explodes like a volcano. Sometimes it is she who interferes with female friendship - banal envy. As long as friends have the same standard of living, their friendship can last for years, but as soon as a good job, a handsome man or an expensive handbag in the wardrobe appears, the friend begins to burst with envy. You can argue, but I think: almost everyone felt it for themselves. Since childhood, women have developed a spirit of rivalry, it arises not only when it comes to one man, it is in everything.

The main stumbling block in female friendship is men.

This is where friendship ends and the law of the jungle comes to the fore - every man for himself. And if it so happened that interests in relation to a man intersected, the friendship is over. This can include constant criticism of you: how you are dressed, with whom you communicate, how you could go on a date, etc. Everyone lives as he thinks is right, and such advice leads to a quarrel. Sometimes we just "grow" out of our environment and start looking at our childhood friends differently. This does not mean that they have become worse, it is just that interests and opportunities diverge over time.

Women love to cry on their friend's shoulder and regret it.

This kind of emotional support keeps women together. But when a woman finds herself a man who is ready to wipe away her tears, all the best friends immediately fade into the background. Of course, there is a real, I emphasize this word, female friendship, but rarely. And it is built, first of all, on mutual respect, on the attraction of the soul and mind. Women should be interesting to each other, as self-sufficient individuals, without envy, gossip and criticism. Perhaps in this version, if there is no rivalry, men and all of the above, you will have a real devoted girlfriend!


The topic of female friendship does not leave anyone indifferent. Entering into a discussion, everyone remains at their own opinion, since they rely on past experience and perception. Men are skeptical of female friendship, psychologists cite scientific factors that confirm its existence. Close friends advocate female friendship. Ladies who have suffered betrayal do not believe in her. Let's consider the situation in more detail and find out if female friendship exists.

Friendship between women: a trip back in time

Since ancient times, men have acted as protectors and earners. Women were assigned a different role. Ladies spent time at home, equipping life and raising children. The social circle was reduced to conversations with neighbors, mother, acquaintances. Military operations forced men to participate in battles. The girls again remained in the women's circle. Friendship was established. Friendship between women was formed from them.

You don't have to go into such extremes. Remember your upbringing, and take a closer look at what attitudes you give your children. We invite girls to play with girls, while we send boys to a men's company. This division is embedded within us, the choice is made unconsciously. Yes, preschoolers get along well with each other. But as they grow up, they must make friends of the same gender.

Why do girls prefer to communicate with girls? Because they have common interests. It is better to play mothers and daughters, draw, change dolls, than play football with the boys. There are exceptions to the rule. But, we are talking about the majority. It turns out that the basis of female friendship is psychological and social moments. Friendship building begins with shared interests.

How is women's friendship different from men's?

The friendly relationship between the girls develops into a strong friendship. Ladies prefer communication with their gender, rather than the opposite. The main role is played by communicative functions. How is women's friendship different from men's?

Such differences are not presented in order to exalt women and humiliate male friendship. They are laid down by nature and are necessary for better understanding. Logic, a penchant for analytics, restraint are qualities that are useful to men in the professional sphere. Without emotionality and sensuality, women would not be able to raise children. After all, small children in the first months react to emotions, and not to serious conversations.

Is there friendship between women?

Polls have shown that the majority of girls believe in female friendship. When answering the questions asked by psychologists, women relied on their own experience. Therefore, the belief in friendship between women is reinforced by several factors. Ladies believe in friendship that originated from school. They deny its existence if the girls acted as rivals in the fight for a man. They also note that friendly relations are possible when a friend does not interfere with family life. A third of the women surveyed do not believe in female friendship. This conclusion was formed as a result of the betrayal of one friend. The opinion of most women boils down to the fact that friendship is friendship, but it is better to keep a friend at a distance, not 100% trusting. Leave secrets that only you will know. Do not talk about intimate, relationship with your beloved man.

To avoid misunderstandings with your friend, do not create the right conditions. Don't leave alone with a guy. Limit communication between your friend and your boyfriend. Meet only in companies, arrange double dates. If you notice that a friend is staring at her husband, then do not invite her to visit.

Communicating with a close friend, the girl trusts all the secrets, shares her experiences. It's no secret that women discuss relationships with a man and other problems. As a result, the friend has information not only about the life partner, but also about the environment. Taking advantage of this position, some girls take the man away from the family or beat the guy off. If a similar situation has happened to you, then do not give up on friendship. Each person has their own moral principles and beliefs. Most likely, you made a mistake in choosing a close friend, let an envious and deceitful person go.

When does a woman's friendship end?

Women's friendship stands out for its strength and loyalty, in the event that you are lucky and managed to find a real girlfriend. If friendly relations have not been formed at school or college, then it will be more difficult further. A person is overgrown with principles, foundations, rules and is looking for a person with similar interests. When choosing a friend, pay attention to her environment. A large number of acquaintances and friends around will say that you will have a superficial relationship. Such a girl has no time for friendship.

How to maintain female friendship?

Any relationship requires work. You can't keep a friend in reserve and remember her as needed. When you need to show off new jewelry or cry into your vest. Do not forget to congratulate your friend on the holidays, invite them for a walk, organize family trips. How to maintain female friendship?

Pick up a friend with the same interests. If you don't have a close friend yet, then take a closer look at your friends. Study habits, interests, communication patterns. You should be comfortable with this person. Friendship will not work out if you are an inveterate homebody, and your friend loves to spend all the time in clubs and parties.

Don't teach me how to live. Advice, support, opinion are normal relationships between women. When pressure begins, conviction in one's righteousness, discussion of a friend, then communication turns into teaching. Do not put pressure on your friend and do not allow this in relation to yourself. At the stage of forming a friendship, you accepted each other with all the advantages and disadvantages. If you see that you can help your friend, point out the negative aspects of character, behavior, do it gently and without moralizing.
Understanding. Remove jealousy from relationships. This feeling destroys friendship and a person. When listening to your friend, do not blame or condemn the actions. Try to get into her position and express what you would do. In friendship between women, mutual understanding and respect are important.

Remember to invest good deeds in your relationship. Don't wait for your friend to ask for help. If you are able to support with advice, financially or otherwise, then offer help. Not everyone knows how to ask, many are shy, afraid to interfere, or they do not know how to express feelings and emotions.

Friendship between women and her psychology is a hot topic that is being studied, researched, and guessed at. Do not treat this phenomenon as a phenomenon. The strength of a relationship depends on the base on which it is built. If female friendship is formed on the basis of loyalty, trust, respect for each other, then it will last from school to old age. Selfishness, envy, betrayal are not the best supporters of any relationship, including female friendship.

February 3, 2014, 17:21

Do you believe in female friendship? Some say there is female friendship. Others say that it does not exist. Why? - Let's see if other women believe in her. It will be interesting for you.

Story from Karina Belokovskaya

“I had a great childhood friend. Why was? And now you will find out! It certainly pains me to remember all of this, but I will remember in order to tell you about it. Her name was Nastya. She is still called that way, it's just that our communication is not the same, that's why I write about her, with sadness and in the past tense.

We considered each other as sisters. We can say that they were dearer even than relatives! She has a sister, and I have one. But we loved each other more than sisters. It happened so. And "decomposed" ..., Alas.

She began to envy the fact that I had a lot of guys, that I found a good and financial job, that I often traveled abroad…. At first I was very surprised that she was not happy for me, but envied, but then it began to cause me terrible pain.

The point was made by my birthday

I turned twenty-five. She came to congratulate me (along with her mother). Nastya gave me a necklace (light green). And these beads crumbled, by themselves ... that very evening. I tried to collect them several times, but nothing good came of this venture, because I collected them, and they crumbled again. Moreover, just when I was putting them on! Mystically unpleasant. Well, after that we somehow stopped communicating at all.

I tried to make up with her. I even came to see the seagulls. And she treated me to them, but hinted that we would not communicate. And she said all sorts of nasty things at me, claiming that she said all this to me deservedly. The pain was intense. When I experienced this pain, I stopped believing in female friendship in general! "

Is there a real female friendship?

Story from Olga Beshenkovich

“I believe in true friendship, because it exists! You just need to be able to be friends. And it doesn't matter who is friends…. A guy with a girl, a guy with a guy, or a girl with a girl. My Dashulya is the coolest girlfriend of all girlfriends in the entire Universe! We have been friends for over twenty years, and have never quarreled (even over trifles). And it's not that we had nothing to share! We (you will not believe) even have the same tastes for boys. But we never fought over them, because we were the dearest of each other. What did we do if we fell in love with the same guy? They mentally "sent" him so as not to quarrel among themselves.

There was once a terrible, as I think, case !!!

I don’t know how we survived it. In short, one weekend, we went to our compasses. We have a common company, but we also have different ones, which we sometimes visit.

We had a great walk that weekend!

All morning at work, I could not find a place for myself ...

I was so curious to look at the dream of my best friend that everything just fell out of hand! I counted the minutes until the end of the working day. And they, as if on purpose, stretched like chewing gum, which irritated me to madness. I didn't go to lunch either. Appetite disappeared somewhere, although it was usually excellent.

When I drove up to the house, Dasha called me and said that there was no need to go into the store, that they had already bought everything. I was delighted. And then, you know, I got a little tired while driving home from work.

I went to the intercom door, unbuttoned the clasp of my purse to get the keys…. And a mirror (powder box) fell out of the purse. I heard how it broke and remembered the sign that corresponds to that. A broken mirror is a broken happiness that cannot be glued together.

Hands shook, knees shook ...

But I managed to get in the door. I also entered the apartment without incident. Ten minutes later I heard the call. It was a friend who came. With that "dream" about which she so happily told me. For some reason I was afraid to go open, but I won't keep people on the doorstep! Quietly, on tiptoe, I walked over and looked through the peephole. It was covered with a palm. A friend often did this in order to keep the intrigue. I opened it, heard the word "surprise" (flying from her mouth) and was stunned ... .. Next to her was the guy of my dreams! I wonder how he managed to visit several parties at once? But it wasn't that interesting. The most interesting thing was how he and my friend would behave. He pretended that we were strangers, although he turned pale at the sight of me. And the girlfriend, having learned the whole truth, left him, expressing on the phone - what he is…. Bad person ... in general! She said that I was dearer to her than everything in the world. "