Uneven relief of the skin of the face causes. Uneven facial skin: why this problem occurs and how to solve it. How to even out the skin of the face with decorative cosmetics

If the skin on the face has become bumpy, many of the fair sex begin to worry very much about this. Smooth, smooth skin without the presence of irregularities on it is the ideal that the part of women who had to face this trouble aspires to.

In fact, uneven facial skin is one of the most common cosmetic problems that causes inconvenience and dissatisfaction with one's appearance. Yes, there are many tools and methods in the world that help to cope with this, but still, before making and using them on your own, you need to consult with specialists who can give useful advice and all the necessary recommendations.

A few simple rules for women to note

For women who are unlucky and have bumpy facial skin, it is very important to be aware that skin becomes so for a reason, and the main reasons are hidden in contaminated pores. There are women who do not pay much attention to this and are very much at risk. After all, this type of skin requires continuous and very thorough care and mandatory treatment.

First of all, it should be noted that the bumpy skin of the face does not tolerate the use of soap. It is soap that makes more subcutaneous fat stand out, as a result, unpleasant black dots, acne, and subsequently inflammation appear. For bumpy skin, the ideal option would be to use special gels that subjugate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also perfectly moisturize it. For the cleansing procedure itself, it would be nice to additionally use a soft brush or sponge, with which a very gentle, but rather thorough cleansing is possible.

Cleansing methods

One of the most effective and efficient ways after which a woman can look at herself in the mirror with a satisfied smile on her face is peeling. What is peeling? Let's look at the process itself. During peeling, the skin is cleansed, and to be more precise, the cells of the epidermis are exfoliated, as a result of which the skin is leveled.

In order to carry out this process yourself at home, you can purchase cosmetics provided for this case, or cook them at home. An excellent suitable remedy can be a mask made from oatmeal. A salt and soda scrub also works great. By the way, I would like to note that these funds have been tested by many women.

Yes, home remedies are quite an effective way, but if the skin is already very neglected, then the first thing to do here is to definitely think about going to a beauty salon and conducting professional cleaning under suitable conditions. Naturally, no one will guarantee that after the very first procedures, the skin of the face will change and become perfectly even and without any imperfections.

It should be taken into account the fact that getting rid of tuberosity will take a considerable amount of time. In fact, it is a very careful, scrupulous and very thoughtful process. It provides for a timely and accurate visit to the doctor, compliance with all his recommendations and prescriptions. By the way, home care should not be abandoned either.

First, chemical peeling is very serious. Here we must not forget about contraindications, about which the attending doctor should warn. These contraindications may be an allergy to some components of the drugs used, as well as the presence of too sensitive skin, which can react very negatively to the chemical cleaning process. Secondly, the chemical peel procedure is very expensive. And thirdly, it takes a lot of time. But the result is really worth it.

The procedure involves more than one visit to the doctor, that is, it is the passage of several stages. A specially prepared chemical composition of several components is applied gently to the skin of the face. This is done for several days in a row. The applied preparation softens the skin, then, using specially prepared products, all this is removed. The result is healthy and clear skin.

But what to do if chemical peeling is contraindicated or not suitable? For this case, you can use the services of laser peeling. This procedure is much more expensive, but also very productive. Cleansing occurs with the help of a laser beam, which quickly and effectively removes the surface layer of skin cells. This cleaning will get rid of not only tuberosity, but also wrinkles, age spots, various kinds of scars.

Face and home care

Of course, the listed procedures, which are not carried out at home, are not available to all women. There may not be the necessary financial resources or there may not be enough time for daily visits to the beauty parlor. From this, of course, no one is immune. But every woman who respects and loves herself really wants to have a healthy and even face. So what can be done in this case? And there is a way out.

A good result is the use of simple cosmetic clay.

Its plus lies in the fact that it has the ability to dissolve the top layer of the skin epidermis. But here too, regularity must be strictly adhered to. You need to use a clay mask 2 times a week, and if you skip and do not follow the prescribed regimen, there will be no effect.

And to prepare such a mask at home is very easy, and any woman will cope with this task. To do this, we take a small amount of dry clay, which must be mixed with a certain amount of water so that the result is a creamy slurry. Here, if desired, you can add a few drops of lemon juice, the beneficial effect of which on the skin is known to many.

The skin of the face can be carried out with the help of sweet cleansing. It is necessary to take a small amount of sugar, add a little olive oil and use this remedy as a scrub. The feeling after using it is simply indescribable. But that's not all. After the applied scrub, you need to use honey and use it to massage your face. You need to do it as if you are driving it into the skin. Thus, honey will open all the pores, pull out all unnecessary impurities and toxins from there. Metabolic processes on the skin will accelerate and adjust their regimen. The redness that will appear after this procedure is absolutely normal and should not be scared. It will disappear in a few days.

A useful tip for those people whose skin on the face has become bumpy is to drink more fluids. The amount of fluid you drink should be at least 2.5 liters. It doesn't have to be water. This includes juices, teas, compotes, soups. If the body does not receive enough fluid, it is fraught with poor skin condition.

Conclusion and summing up

It has long been no secret that even, healthy and radiant skin is the result of a proper and healthy lifestyle. A woman, for her own good, must convince herself that excessive consumption of sweets, a permanent sedentary lifestyle will not decorate her. Here, no tricks on the part of cosmetology will not help. First you need to cleanse the liver, normalize your diet, and then you can resort to using a variety of means and methods.

Applying all the recommended methods, it is necessary to take into account the following: bumpy and uneven skin of the face requires constant and uninterrupted self-care. This does not mean that having achieved the desired result, you can calmly breathe and enjoy the beauty. It's not like that at all. Regularity is the main rule that must always be followed. And only then will your face shining with beauty and health become your reward.

The external data of any person, especially his "calling card" - the face, can often be a kind of reflection of the state of the organism as a whole. A particular problem can be uneven, bumpy skin of the face. Such a defect, such a problem is difficult to hide with a simple foundation.

In order to improve the condition of problem skin, you will have to make some efforts. It is worth noting that problematic formations such as acne, blackheads, "orange peel", etc. accompany a person all the way of his life from youth to old age.

Causes of formations and their types

The causes of bumpy facial skin can be very different depending on the nature of the violation. So, for example, pore enlargement is a problem that is often hereditary or associated with disorders in the sebaceous glands. The most common problem identified is for skin types characterized by increased oiliness.

In addition, increased sweating rates can expand the pores, contributing to their pollution. In the future, this will result in acne formations, and it becomes especially common for adolescents, because changes in the hormonal background often result in a change in the balance of the structure of the skin.

Bumpy skin can also be the result of the formation of abscesses, which are often the result of penetration through the enlarged pores of a special type of mites. They can cause irritation and excite some infectious processes. In this case, pimples can be white or have the form of black dots. White formations are most susceptible to inflammation, while black acne rarely becomes inflamed. However, the degree of inflammation or its absence at any stage will become prerequisites for the formation of skin irregularities.

Often, people involved in sports and loading themselves, note the appearance of porous areas on the skin of the face. In other words, the skin became bumpy. This is due to the fact that active loads and training activate the enhanced function of the sebaceous glands, provoking pore expansion.

Some of the people try to hide the inflamed areas of the skin of the face with cosmetics and do it in vain, since some of them not only hide defects not well enough, but also have an inflammatory effect and can lead to the formation of purulent accumulations in the form of acne. Oil formulations in general can contribute to the occurrence of allergies and rashes on the face.

Other causes of bumpy formations include scars and cuts. They will certainly begin to scar, violating elasticity and contributing to the occurrence of deformations. The cause of bumpy skin can also be a consequence of sunburn. With prolonged exposure to the sun and its effect on the skin, the area, especially exposed, ceases to produce collagen. And since it is responsible for the recovery processes, due to its lack, pigmented areas and scars are formed, which, again, will require the use of some cosmetic preparations that are unfavorable for the skin.

How to restore the skin

Many of the people who are faced with unevenness and tuberosity of the skin of the face are wondering how to get rid of the named ailment. It should be noted right away that it is better not to touch such defective skin with your hands, at least often. Bacteria, which are in excess on the hands, can easily be transmitted to susceptible integuments, the use of foundation creams is also not recommended, because some of the types of bacteriological organisms find the environment of such agents attractive for their life activity.

It will not be enough with simple hygiene products. Problems can be more serious than simple bumps and bumps, which means that treatment and prevention can become problematic and require the right approach. To begin with, experts recommend that you sort out your usual diet of food. Attention should be paid to the following products:

  • Coffee;
  • Cigarettes;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet;
  • Fatty and floury.

This list refers to the most harmful products in terms of skin health. Products that contain groups of vitamins A, E in their composition belong to the so-called corrective nutrition group and can have a beneficial effect on problem skin. When the existing nutritional deficiencies are taken into account, it is normalized, you can think about in-depth methods of treatment and correction of the skin, for example, on the back and shoulders.

Professional fighting methods

If we are talking about acne, then manual exposure is common. However, total cleaning is possible only if all inflammations are visible. In addition, a number of negative consequences make you think - this is the likelihood of scars, and the risk of bacteriological organisms getting into problem areas. In addition, manual removal of blackheads is characterized by vivid pain sensations.

A mechanical method of purification is also possible, which is called vaporization. The procedure consists in careful steaming and removal of mud residues using a vacuum unit. Ideal for removing acne and rashes. Beauty centers usually resort to a combination of manual and mechanical types of cleaning.

For people with small foci of lesions, or with the rare occurrence of acne and the appearance of purulent acne and other problems leading to tuberosity of the skin of the face, a chemical peel with fruit acids is suitable. Such peeling is characterized by a minimal level of trauma, while the skin after the procedure has a fresh and renewed look. The essence of the procedure is to dissolve fatty accumulations with fruit acids.

For skin problems and its roughness, when deep cleansing is required, the ionization method is recommended for use. It is characterized by the fact that through a special mask under the influence of an electric current, purulent formations are dissolved and removed. However, it is worth noting that such a procedure costs money and one session will not help to achieve the required or desired results.

Laser peeling is well suited to combat folded formations and tuberosities of the upper layers of the epidermis. The essence of the procedure itself is to remove or correct the upper layers of the epithelial tissue. However, immediately after this kind of “polishing” work, the skin of the face will recover for a long time and will require careful care in the form of special creams and formulations. However, the result will be obvious and tangible after the rehabilitation period.

In the case when it is required to narrow the pores and remove scars or scars, post-acne laser treatment will also be an ideal option, it can smooth out uneven bumpy skin and resume normal blood circulation processes.

If your skin has previously been subjected to any of the methods of influence in order to correct tuberosity or solve the problems of acne, pimples and other unpleasant formations, then it will require special attention. The use of high-quality nutritional formulations and moisturizing creams will become almost a must, because the skin can sometimes recover for quite a long time and, at the same time, will require additional care and attention in the future.

Ideal formulations would be oils on grape bones. Although, cosmetologists or treating specialists can prescribe individual remedies, taking into account the characteristics of the skin defect and existing damage. As noted earlier, it may be necessary to avoid the use of cosmetics for recovery periods and post-procedure periods, as well as limit contact of the renewed facial skin with hands and other irritants that may carry at least a small part of microbial organisms.

Some of the types of homemade masks, fruit “overlays” or the same from vegetables can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but, as always, it is better to first seek the advice of a specialist or cosmetologist, since it is they who, by virtue of their knowledge and experience, can even prescribe home remedies for skin problems.

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So, what could be the causes of tuberosity on the face? Most often this happens due to a disruption in the functioning of vital organs and systems within the human body.

Looking at the photos presented in this article, you can see a girl with enlarged pores. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this type of skin. It is the enlarged pores that are inherited. It can also occur due to disruption of the sebaceous glands. It was with this problem that I went to the doctor a few weeks ago.

As the dermatovenereologist explained to me, the causes of such an ailment are mites that penetrate into the deep layer of the epidermis through the pores and begin to multiply there. There are two types of pimples, white and black. Around the first formed red hyperemia. Black ones look like small dots scattered all over the face.

Men also have a problem with uneven skin. This did not please me, but at least not all the problems went to the fragile girls. So, it turns out, mostly athletes are faced with uneven skin. They often train and provoke their skin to expand the pores, into which microbes enter, leading to acne and all the ensuing consequences.


The causes of bumpy facial skin can be very different depending on the nature of the violation. So, for example, pore enlargement is a problem that is often hereditary or associated with disorders in the sebaceous glands. The most common problem identified is for skin types characterized by increased oiliness.

In addition, increased sweating rates can expand the pores, contributing to their pollution. In the future, this will result in acne formations, and it becomes especially common for adolescents, because changes in the hormonal background often result in a change in the balance of the structure of the skin.

Bumpy skin can also be the result of the formation of abscesses, which are often the result of penetration through the enlarged pores of a special type of mites. They can cause irritation and excite some infectious processes. In this case, pimples can be white or have the form of black dots.

Often, people involved in sports and loading themselves, note the appearance of porous areas on the skin of the face. In other words, the skin became bumpy. This is due to the fact that active loads and training activate the enhanced function of the sebaceous glands, provoking the expansion of pores.

Some of the people try to hide the inflamed areas of the skin of the face with cosmetics and do it in vain, since some of them not only hide defects not well enough, but also have an inflammatory effect and can lead to the formation of purulent accumulations in the form of acne. Oil formulations in general can contribute to the occurrence of allergies and rashes on the face.

Other causes of bumpy formations include scars and cuts. They will certainly begin to scar, violating elasticity and contributing to the occurrence of deformations. The cause of bumpy skin can also be a consequence of sunburn. With prolonged exposure to the sun and its effect on the skin, the area, especially exposed, stops producing collagen.

Problems can arise due to frequent exposure to the open sun. Since ultraviolet rays negatively affect the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, small depressions may appear at the damage sites, which worsen the relief of the face.

Bumpy skin on the face is not too rare. Most often, this problem occurs in owners of fatty integuments. However, no one is immune from this phenomenon. As a rule, irregularities appear due to the loss of the ability to self-clean. If the skin has become bumpy, it will not recover on its own - special tools and procedures are needed.

Why does uneven and strongly bumpy skin appear on the face? There are various factors that can lead to bumpy skin. It depends on them in what state and how this problem manifests itself. Pore ​​enlargement is considered a common problem. Such deformation and change in the appearance of the dermis may be the result of improper acne treatment. The unevenness and tuberosity of the face is manifested due to the formation of scars and scars on the surface of the skin, as well as excessive pigmentation.

It is important to properly analyze the causes and identify the problem. As practice shows, a tuberosity defect on the face manifests itself against the background of treatment - squeezing out acne and pimples. Not every person can maintain hygiene or disinfect the treated area after this procedure. As a result, dirt enters the open pores on the face, and the inflammatory process begins. If an infection penetrates, then abscesses form, which destroy the human skin, and it becomes uneven.

Injuries and scratches that heal for a long time also cause bumpy facial skin, which is subsequently quite difficult to treat. This is explained by the fact that collagen ceases to accumulate in such zones, and pits appear. With sunburn, elastin and collagen cease to be produced in these places, which again leads to negative problems and consequences.

To restore the skin and return it to its former beauty, it is necessary to understand the causes of the appearance of an orange peel on the face. Most often they are reflected in health-related problems. An uneven face becomes if:

  • When a secret comes out through the enlarged pores of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands. If it is in excess, then the pores become much wider, the edges undergo an inflammatory process and clog the exit to the surface of the dermis.
  • When the effects of acne are eliminated using the alignment procedure. If it is rendered in violation of technology, then the ducts of the glands become clogged, inflamed and tubercles form.
  • When the dermis loses its former elasticity. In places where scars, burns, scars are formed, fibrous inserts deform the surface of the skin, forming bumps.
  • When the skin is damaged as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Such hyperpigmentation leads to the growth of rough areas.
by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Problems of uneven skin on the face cause a lot of trouble - from aesthetic rejection to psychological complexes.

Helps improve skin condition. This is a cosmetic procedure in which the upper, middle or deep layers of the skin are leveled, either mechanically or chemically.

For grinding deep and middle layers, you should contact specialized clinics. But surface irregularities - acne marks, shallow scars and wrinkles, acne marks can be completely removed with home procedures.

skin resurfacing, or microdembrasion , there are two types - mechanical and chemical effects. The first is based on abrasives of varying degrees of impact, and the second, mainly on fruit acids.

We offer an overview of the most effective procedures for complex care for problem skin.

Daily routines

Grinding the face every day should not be based on coarse abrasives or have a strong chemical composition. Best used as a daily abrasive fine granulated sugar . It will gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Mix a tablespoon of sugar with olive oil in equal proportions. Olive oil will ensure even distribution of the composition over the surface of the skin and protect the skin from mechanical damage.

Use the mixture as a regular scrub, gently rubbing it over the skin of the face and neck, and other problem areas. After the procedure, wash the skin with warm water and dry it with a clean cloth or towel.

After that, it is important to moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins and minerals. You can use your daily care cream. Natural are also effective. vegetable oils: sunflower - for oily skin, sesame - for dry, corn - for a mixed type. Rub the skin evenly with a small amount of oil.

Masks - exfoliants

Exfoliating masks are used no more than once a week. They are based on natural ingredients and belong to chemical peels.

Bodyagi based mask

Bodyaga removes dead keratinized layers of the skin, promotes the resorption of scars, smoothes the skin surface, dilates blood vessels, smoothes wrinkles and helps in the treatment of acne.

Prepare a bodyagi powder mask with 3% hydrogen peroxide, a ratio of 1 to 1. The mixture should foam. After that, apply it to the desired areas of the skin, on the face, do not touch the areas around the mouth and eyes. Do not rub into skin. After 20 minutes, rub lightly on the skin for a minute. Then leave for another 8 (up to 10) minutes and rinse with warm water. A slight tingling sensation should be felt.

Turmeric mask

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. This mask will be effective for acne. To avoid bumps after acne, sandalwood powder is added to turmeric.

Mix a paste of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder (1 tsp each) with a little boiled water. Apply to the face without rubbing, leave to dry completely for 45 minutes.

Wash off with warm water.

Masks based on fruit acids

For self-polishing of the face, you can use preparations based on low concentrations of fruit acids. You can buy them in specialized departments of stores or salons. You can use such peels with a tendency to inflammation, enlarged pores, acne. They are also effective in the prevention of age-related manifestations. In case of serious skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis - the procedure should be entrusted to professionals.

Make natural fruit masks at home. For example, grind 200 grams of pineapple, 100 grams of papaya in a blender and add 2 tablespoons. spoons of honey Apply to face. The exposure time is up to 5 minutes.

Here are some more examples of complex mixing ingredients for fruit exfoliating masks:

  • vegetable oil and lemon juice;
  • strawberry with egg and coffee grounds;
  • banana, kiwi, pineapple;
  • apricots on any basis - vegetable oil, sour cream, kefir.

Proportions can be chosen individually.

Before using fruit masks, it is worth checking the skin for allergic reactions. Do not use them more than once a week, and with sensitive skin - even less often. The course - from 8 procedures and more.

Another feature of chemical peeling is that it is best done during weak solar activity, in autumn or winter. The skin after peeling is poorly protected from the sun, redness and pigmentation may occur.

Effect: cleansing of keratinized surface layers, oxygenation, smoothing, improving complexion, cleansing from the effects of acne and pimples.

Mechanical resurfacing of the face

The most popular skin cleansing procedures at home are gommage and brossage. The first is a kind of scrub, the second is face polishing with the help of special brushes.


This gentle at-home scar resurfacing is applicable to both the face and other parts of the body. Gommages are indicated for sensitive, thin and dry, as well as aging skin.

For gommage, you can use various ingredients, focusing on the type and health of the skin. Cereals, seeds, legumes, algae, medicinal herbs, citrus peels can form an abrasive base. First, they should be ground, for example, in a coffee grinder.

Before use, mix the abrasive with any face product - cream, lotion. Cosmetic clay, kefir, sour cream, yogurt can serve as the basis of gommage. You can also add spices - ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, rose petals - they will help improve blood circulation, get rid of toxins.

Gommage examples:

1. For the dry type: Mix 2 parts semolina and 1 part oatmeal with a little orange peel powder. Pour the mixture into the cosmetic base.

2. For fatty type: rice flour and cream powder 1 part each, 2 parts barley flour mixed with a cosmetic base.

Application: first make a deep cleaning of the skin, slightly steaming it. Apply gommage for 7-10 minutes. After drying, gently remove with fingertips and wash with warm water.

Apply weekly, with a normal reaction - twice a week. Regular use is applicable, but if you decide to skip the course, do at least 10 treatments.

Effect: clean pores, improved blood circulation and complexion, stimulation of metabolic processes, smoothing of the skin surface.


This type of grinding is applicable using special devices with brushes , or just a brush, or a sponge made from natural materials. Now the market offers a large number to choose from.

Apply a scrub or cleansing cosmetic product to your face, and then massage the product with a damp brush or sponge. Movements should take place along the massage lines. The procedure time is from 1 minute to 10.

It is worth introducing brossage into your complex of facial care and doing it constantly. The frequency of application will depend on the means with which you perform it.

The enemy must be known by sight. Therefore, first learn about various skin diseases that are accompanied by a violation of the structure, deformation of the surface layer of the dermis and the formation of bumpy facial skin.

  1. Enlarged pores- ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands exit through small points on the skin (pores). With an excess of production, the pores stretch, become inflamed at the edges, and rolls of dense tissue form.
  2. Acne and its consequences - it has been proven that the main cause of acne is hormonal imbalance. The body has an increased sensitivity to the sex hormone testosterone, responds with an increase in the production of fat by the sebaceous glands. As a result, the ducts of the glands become clogged, a dense, increasing formation appears in this place. If an infection enters the ducts, there is a rapid infection and the development of an inflammatory process with abscesses and dense bumps on the surface. Demodicosis leads to such consequences. This disease is caused by tiny mites that penetrate into enlarged pores or sebaceous glands.
  3. Scars and scars - occur as a result of cuts, injuries, facial burns, prolonged inflammatory processes. In places of scars, the skin loses its collagen, elastic tissues are replaced by dense fibrous inserts. They deform the surface, violate all the functions of the epidermis.
  4. Hyperpigmentation - ultraviolet rays in high doses cause sunburn of the tissue. As a result, not only rough spots appear, but also the production of its own hyaluronic acid stops, and, consequently, the synthesis of collagen. All skin regeneration processes are disrupted.
  5. Inflammation - any inflammatory processes require gentle treatment. “It will pass by itself” - means that the process may result in the appearance of scars and unwanted deformities.

These are the main reasons. You can calculate them yourself, but you still cannot do without additional diagnostics, so do not neglect the capabilities of modern laboratories in cosmetology.

A lot of cosmetic problems and health problems are reflected on the face and this cannot but upset. Generally speaking, the causes of facial tuberosity are:

  • sometimes the face becomes uneven in the place where the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands come out through the enlarged pores (with an excess of skin secretion, the pores become even wider, their inflamed edges form seals on the surface of the dermis);
  • it happens that alignment after acne is the main reason for the formation of the “orange peel” problem (the consequences of acne, when the ducts of the skin glands become clogged, seals grow and tuberosity can spread across the face);
  • the dermis loses its elasticity, and fibrous inserts deform its surface in places of scars, scars, cuts, burns, long inflammatory processes, hence the problem of tuberosity;
  • among other things, uneven skin is the result of hyperpigmentation (the ruthless sun incinerates the dermis and rough patches grow on the tissue).

What types of deformation can be found

Modern cosmetology has a wide range of methods and means to eliminate bumpy facial skin. At the same time, it is not necessary to seek professional procedures; you can get rid of irregularities at home. The main thing is to determine your type of deformation and choose the appropriate method of struggle.

A few simple rules for women to note

For women who are unlucky and have bumpy facial skin, it is very important to be aware that skin becomes so for a reason, and the main reasons are hidden in contaminated pores. There are women who do not pay much attention to this and are very much at risk. After all, this type of skin requires continuous and very thorough care and mandatory treatment.

First of all, it should be noted that the bumpy skin of the face does not tolerate the use of soap. It is soap that makes more subcutaneous fat stand out, as a result, unpleasant black dots, acne, and subsequently inflammation appear. For bumpy skin, the ideal option would be to use special gels that subjugate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also perfectly moisturize it.

How to deal with uneven facial skin: home remedies

First, you must adhere to a strict diet: foods that promote fat formation are excluded from food. Fatty, sweet and starchy foods, all sorts of pickles and marinades, spicy seasonings, and alcoholic beverages are limited. It is allowed to eat dairy products, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins A are shown (they contain vegetables and fruits of red and orange color) and E (all nuts except peanuts, the best is almonds). Masks and lotions from folk remedies are convenient for home use with bumpy skin. They are aimed at softening the bumps, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis, normalizing the sebaceous glands. Here are the most popular and tested recipes.

  • Aloe leaf lotion - pre-leave the leaves for two hours in the refrigerator, then pour a tablespoon of crushed leaves with a glass of hot water, leave for two hours. It is necessary to wipe the face daily several times a day.
  • A tincture of white lily petals is prepared as follows: tightly lay a full jar of petals, pour vodka, put in a dark place for two weeks. Lotion to use daily at night to treat the face.
  • To eliminate demodicosis, it is recommended to use an aqueous infusion of juniper berries or wormwood grass (leak one tablespoon per glass of boiling water for four hours). After degreasing the skin with any alcohol-containing agent, apply lotions to the bumpy places.
  • Laser peeling or face resurfacing - the property of a beam of laser beams is used to cause stimulation of the skin's production of its own collagen. This allows you to remove shallow wrinkles and scars. The procedure lasts twenty minutes, painless. After the end, the skin is reddened. Recovery takes seven to ten days. The method can only be carried out in a proven clinic by an experienced doctor. To eliminate deep bumps, the penetration of the rays should be sufficient. Doctors know the capabilities of their apparatus and will recommend the mode and frequency of procedures.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning - with the help of hardware ultrasound, impaired functions of the skin are restored (inflammation is removed, allergic reactions are eliminated, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is enhanced). Cleansing removes dead cells of the epidermis, smoothes it, promotes the penetration of active ingredients from masks and creams. As a cleansing procedure, it is recommended for relatively unexpressed skin tuberosity.
  • The method of deincrustation using galvanic current allows cleaning at a deeper level, eliminating old seals. First, an alkaline solution is applied and the treatment is first carried out with a negative current, after seven ten minutes the charge changes to a positive one. This relaxes the ducts of the sebaceous glands, makes it possible to move away the accumulated secret, relieves inflammation.
  • Mesotherapy - the active substance is one of the preparations based on hyaluronic acid. It is administered by injection with a thin needle into the tissue according to the scheme. In this case, under visual control, the missing agent is returned to the skin, which is responsible for tissue reconstruction, hydration, and elasticity. There is a fight against inflammatory changes. The course of treatment requires six to eight procedures. It needs to be repeated twice a year.
  • Chemical peel. Deep resurfacing is a procedure at the level of surgical intervention, carried out in stationary conditions once in a lifetime. Requires quite a long recovery period. In cosmetic clinics, superficial chemical peeling with acids (lactic, mandelic, glycolic, salicylic) is widely used. Allows you to remove unnecessary dead cells. Rejuvenate tissues and smooth out bumps, activates its own regeneration processes. Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare using products with weak fruit acids. This improves the effect of chemical peels. It is recommended in the autumn period, as thinned skin becomes extremely susceptible to sunlight.

How to deal with uneven skin and achieve meaningful results? Take your time. This will be a major mistake. If you decide on serious treatment, use the advice of professionals. You can not apply everything at once, overload the skin: in this way you will only weaken its protective properties. Start with home care and be patient, with the right approach, improvement is sure to come.

How to get rid of subcutaneous tubercles?

The methods of treatment depend on the reason for the appearance of pimples on the skin and what they are. Often, with such a problem, it is recommended to check the condition of the gallbladder, thyroid gland, stomach and intestines. Most likely, in order to identify the cause, you will need to take a lot of tests: blood for hormones, cholesterol levels and other indicators, urine, feces, in some cases (for example, if demodicosis is suspected) - to do a skin scraping analysis.

The reasons can be different: from infection with staphylococcus aureus to banal improper skin care, so it is better not to self-medicate. If you act on the wrong cause, there will be no result. As a treatment, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs, antibiotics, sedatives, the use of local therapy agents, for example, Baziron, Skinoren, Zerkalin, Zinerit, Differin, etc. In addition, a dermatologist may suggest that you remove the subcutaneous tubercles using one of the following methods:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser treatment;
  • ozone therapy;
  • professional cosmetic facial cleansing;
  • superficial peeling of the skin;
  • mechanical removal with special medical instruments.

The main rule of treatment - do not try to open the "subcutaneous" on your own. This will only exacerbate the problem. The infection can spread to healthy skin, and an ugly scar will remain in place of the extruded tubercles. In addition, as a rule, subcutaneous tubercles do not suppurate, and there is practically no content inside them, therefore there is, in fact, nothing to squeeze out there.

Prevention methods

In order for the skin to please you with its smoothness and even complexion, try to follow these recommendations:

  1. If your skin is prone to roughness, pay special attention to the cleansing step. Use exfoliating gommages and scrubs. But alcohol-containing lotions, on the contrary, should be abandoned. They dry out the epidermis, as a result of which the sebaceous glands produce sebum in double volume. It only provokes clogging of the pores.
  2. Review your diet. If you eat sweets and cakes every day, often have dinner with processed foods, and often drink alcoholic beverages, your skin is unlikely to look perfect. Include more greens, vegetables and fruits in your diet, drink a course of multivitamins.
  3. If possible, avoid bright makeup. Often, subcutaneous comedones are a reaction to the constant use of foundation. Also, the appearance of bumps can be triggered by the use of cream eye shadow. Give preference to dry loose options, and instead of foundation, apply mineral powder. For problematic skin, it is much more suitable.