Before his death, Maryanov suffered from alcoholism. The most famous narcologist in Russia confirmed that Maryanov died while being treated for addiction. How it happened

Dmitry Maryanov: “I’m not afraid of being killed”

For twenty years now, Dmitry Maryanov has been a favorite of girls of all ages. Maryanov's charming heroes - Don Juans and reckless young people - have inhabited our cinema for many years. He has worked with masters Ryazanov, Todorovsky, Ursulyak, Muratov, fashionable television series, as well as the sensational play “Ladies Night” and the film-play “Radio Day”. Finally, in the rating project “Ice Age”, paired with Olympic medalist and ex-wife of Ilya Averbukh Irina Lobacheva, Maryanov rose to a new wave of popularity.

– Dmitry, in one interview you said that you don’t have enough roles full of stunts. Did Ice Age compensate for this vacuum?

- Certainly! You can’t imagine what courage and drive this is! Was it in vain that I spent so much time in the gym? Did you train in vain?! If I can do something, why not show it?

– What was the most difficult part of “Ice Age”: injuries, relationships with your partner, jury ratings?

– I don’t know... They forced us artists to work! That's how it should be with us lazy people!

– How did the partnership develop on the ice rink?

– You know, I won’t reveal a secret if I say: at rehearsals, many couples often argued and lost their temper... But we didn’t have that. Only once did Irina raise her voice at me, and then to the point and without anger. Once, during the warm-up before the performance, I almost fell, I was psychologically very tense. Irina said firmly: “Pull yourself together! Dima, what are you doing?!”

– This is work, but in life do you like powerful women?

- No. As for Ira, she always remains a woman - soft, gentle... However, I am the same myself! But, God forbid, something bad happens on the set or in the theater. Then I get very tough...

– What life situations can make you lose your temper?

– If we talk about my personal life, then I think many will understand and agree: I can’t stand it when close people start fooling around out of the blue. For no apparent reason, a person gets the reins under his tail, and he simply begins to go crazy. And you can’t get through to him at such a moment. Literally an hour passes, he comes to his senses, everything is fine with him, but I’m shaking! And I’m already starting to hiss and get angry. And at work, probably the most annoying thing is the lack of professionalism. When you have to wait a long time for something, when someone forgot something or simply didn’t do something.

– In many of your roles you fight very bravely. Have you ever practiced hand-to-hand combat, or is this all staged?

– In fact, I am self-taught. I have always played sports for myself, as well as breakdancing, pantomime, acrobatics, and stretching. Again, I danced in Lenkom for many years. All of the above is directly related to movement coordination. It is because of this that I succeed at something, including on the ice.

– Isn’t it scary to play a murderer when it happens?

- This is such a profession. Just because a person plays Hitler does not mean that he is capable of sending 50 million to the next world. This is acting. There must be a rich imagination, a mobile nervous system. Those who flirted - there were such cases - went crazy.

– What about roles in which the hero dies? It's a well-known bad omen when someone kills on stage...

– All this is a matter of chance: some are constantly “killed” both on stage and in films, but they continue to live, while others die without such roles. It seems to me that there is no pattern here.

- So you don’t believe in acting signs?

- Why? I really believe it, there are just different signs, for example: sitting on the script if you accidentally dropped it, or knocking on wood... better with your head (laughs) before going on stage. Some people still show their tongues in the mirror. Just try to get seeds or nuts behind the scenes...

– Are you a believer?

- Yes, at least I strive for this.

– And if you were offered to play Lucifer or Woland, would you agree?

– I think so, because someone needs to play them too. You need to know about cruelty and crimes, and someone should convey this knowledge to the world.

“Radio Day” is already being called the most successful film comedy of the year in Russia. Do you like comedic roles?

– Comedy is the most difficult genre in theater and cinema. If you don't hear laughter, it means something didn't work out. Believe me, it’s very difficult to make people laugh. That's why I like this genre.

– What is the key to success in your work?

– The most important thing is to be in good company... Lounging on the sofa, going to the sea and having barbecues is, of course, not bad. And when people do work together and suddenly enjoy it, that’s really good! If work doesn’t turn into hard labor for you, if you manage to make life enjoyable, including the summer breeze, physical or mental labor, then, in my opinion, that’s just wonderful!

We can be poor, or we can receive substantial fees for each day of filming. But, as it turned out yesterday, in the face of death, both the poor and the rich, and those who count on a modest range of medical services provided for by a standard compulsory medical insurance policy, and those who have every reason to count on special conditions of treatment and care, sometimes find themselves absolutely equal.

Bulgakovsky Woland used to say: “Man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that sometimes he is suddenly mortal.” Any of us can feel bad on the street, and the last emotion of our fading consciousness will be despair: dozens of passers-by will pass by, thinking that another drunkard has drunk himself into unconsciousness and “lay down to rest.”

This is understandable. Who wants to waste time calling an ambulance, the police, or providing first aid? And can anyone provide it as needed? The questions are, of course, rhetorical.

In the situation with Dmitry Maryanov, an actor whom millions of viewers fell in love with 30 years ago, after the release of the film “”, it was completely different. He died not because of the indifference of passers-by, but surrounded by people who did everything they could to save their friend. But the doctors, it seems, have not done everything.

How it was?

The actor had no filming or performances that day. Therefore, he and his friends spent time at the dacha. Dmitry Maryanov felt the first signs of a sharp deterioration in his health in the morning: his back hurt unbearably.

It is premature to draw conclusions about the pathogenesis and immediate causes of the death of this remarkable actor. But so far, the picture of the rapid development of the disease indicates that excruciating pain in the lumbar region could be a symptom of thromboembolism of the renal arteries. To put it simply: a blood clot has broken off and clogged important blood vessels.

Dmitry Maryanov suddenly found it difficult to move. However, the actor remained at his dacha near Moscow for some time.

After lunch, Dmitry Yuryevich suddenly lost consciousness.

Friends who were next to him on that Sunday afternoon immediately dialed the ambulance phone. However, as reported by the portal, the substation dispatcher told callers about a large number of calls, a shortage of cars, congestion and... the inability to arrive promptly.

Observing the rapid deterioration of the actor’s condition and realizing how precious every minute is, the actor’s friends decided not to hesitate. Having put the patient in the car, they “hit the gas” and rushed towards the nearest Lobny hospital.

On their way there was a traffic police post. A car with Dmitry, whose condition had sharply worsened on the road, slowed down near him. Law enforcement officers near Moscow turned on flashing lights and sound signals and helped the driver break through the traffic jams (Sunday evening - traffic is more than tense!).

But still, they didn’t have time. Precious time was lost. The doctors could only record the death of Dmitry Maryanov, which occurred at 19.30.

Closer to night it became known that there was no talk of any “overload” at the Ambulance substation. The fact of a “shortage of vehicles and teams”, as well as the increased, relative to a usual Sunday, tension in the operational situation among Lobny doctors is not documented in any way.

This will naturally attract the attention of Roszdravnadzor, whose employees are currently conducting an in-depth investigation into the legality of the actions of the dispatcher who did not accept the call. But this won’t bring back the wonderful Russian actor.

We are often killed by the indifference and criminal inaction of people who are entrusted with our life and health. Maybe it's time to do something in the medical industry? Although the police “reform” started more than 7 years ago has shown that attempts to change decades-old “traditions” are futile.

But, still, it’s a shame that not somewhere in the taiga wilderness, where in bad weather it is difficult for a helicopter to reach, but 30 km from Moscow, people are dying so easily, without waiting for timely help from doctors. Will someone be held accountable for the death of Dmitry Maryanov? It is premature to draw conclusions. But let's not lie to ourselves - it's unlikely! We live in a place and time when saving the dying is increasingly the work of the dying themselves. Both doctors and patients have long gotten used to this idea.

After another breakup, the actor with a reputation as a ladies' man began going out with a girl named Ksenia. And, as he admitted, this time everything is serious.

Dmitry Maryanov with his current girlfriend Ksenia. Photo:

For publications that talk about the personal lives of celebrities, Dmitry Maryanov is a real newsmaker. Before they have time to discuss one of his high-profile novels, another begins. The actor himself, as a rule, does not give any comments, so a huge amount of gossip arises around his person. After breaking up with Irina Lobacheva, Dmitry began going out with a pretty blonde named Ksenia. And, as he admitted, this time everything is serious.

He used to say this: “I’m single. It is difficult to find a woman who will tolerate her actor husband without complaint. And a husband-actor means night shooting, uncontrollable fans, and sometimes a creative crisis can occur, which goes hand in hand with a material crisis... Only a woman can withstand all this - my acting destiny.” Dmitry's first true love is a classmate at the Shchukin School, Tatyana Skorokhodova, a beauty with whom everyone was in love. It is surprising that among her fans she chose Maryanov, who was two years younger than her and at that time could not boast of either fame or financial wealth. Their student civil marriage never turned into an official one. After the breakup, Tatyana left for her native Irkutsk, got married and gave birth to three children... Maryanov’s other serious hobby is former fashion model Olga Anosova. They met when the girl entered the directing department of VGIK. This relationship lasted several years. Olga gave birth to a son, Danila, but the flighty actor was again unprepared for the role of an exemplary family man. The couple broke up, however, Olga never interfered with Dmitry’s communication with her son. He also earned the reputation of a ladies' man, changing women like gloves. Among his mistresses were Evgenia Khirivskaya (current wife of Valery Todorovsky), dancer Olga Silaenkova, figure skater Irina Lobacheva. The actor met Ira on the set of Ice Age; their relationship lasted more than two years. The press even started talking about a wedding, but this time things didn’t work out. Irina told in an interview how difficult it is to meet a person suitable for family life, and Dmitry began a new romance...
Your fans write on the site: thank you for the male images created in the movies - strong, self-confident and sensual. Are these still images or do you put part of your nature into them?
Dmitry Maryanov
: “I think it’s fifty-fifty. In some life situations I am downright proud of myself, but in others I understand that I acted like a real weakling. And it also happens: I wanted to help, to sincerely do a good deed, but from the outside it is seen as weakness.”
Do you agree with the classic: “The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us”?
: “Zhvanetsky said this?”
No, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
“And then Zhvanetsky also said: “The less woman we have, the more she is less for us.” The less we love, the easier it is to please? I can’t say that this is an axiom. I think each situation dictates its own principles of action. I recently read a story by Averchenko - where one man asked another for advice on how to achieve reciprocity from his chosen one. And he said that certain seven points must be consistently fulfilled - and then “the fortress will fall.” I just didn’t mention the last point. A very funny story and tragic. There is no formula for love."
Have you ever had to make an effort to win a woman?
"Differently. It also happened that it came into my own hands, and sometimes I struggled.”
How long did your longest courtship last?
“I remember one newspaper wrote a rather disgusting article that Maryanov changes his mistresses every three years. Like, he’s not enough for a long-term relationship. Once upon a time it really was three years, once upon a time it was more.”
Are there any topics you avoid in interviews?
“For me, the degree of frankness depends on smart questions and comfortable communication with the interlocutor. It happens that a journalist comes and says: in one interview you told how you jumped with a parachute... Yes, that’s it, I already said that. Ask me something new, then I’ll be interested.”
By the way, Frederic Beigbeder wrote about three years - they say, that’s how long love lasts.
“I don't think that's true. I have before my eyes the example of my parents - they lived together for forty-two years. Unfortunately, my mother has been gone for six years now, but my dad and I often remember her. And I remember how they lived - soul to soul. Three years is probably a period of getting used to, adapting to each other. There is such a period, but it does not apply to love, these are simply physiological, social, everyday habits: for example, someone does not close the tube with toothpaste. But three years is not a test of love. If this is really a real feeling, people don’t break up even after.”

Are you an amorous person?
"Was earlier. Everything is different now. I've been uninterested in fucking anything that moves for a long time now. I think it was Brad Pitt who said: “If you already have a woman, another one appears and you have a choice - who to prefer, choose the second one right away. If you loved the first one, you wouldn’t even notice the second one.” Nice phrase. Previously, yes, I kept looking around, but now I realized that, firstly, because of my own frivolity, I was losing the good things that were in my life. I just stupidly wanted to sleep with someone, and because of this, the person who was next to me stopped trusting me. The relationship collapsed. And again a long search begins, which does not always end successfully. And secondly, I wasted time that could have been spent on a happy life together.”
Did you have so-called marriage phobia?
"Certainly. That's why I still haven't gotten married. It's not even about the stamp in the passport. There is such a stupid concept - the fear of losing freedom. What was it really about? I was afraid of losing my sexual licentiousness. The worst thing is to start telling the truth to yourself. Man is a cunning creature. He is capable of justifying himself in any case. I can tell you any beautiful words about myself now, and you will believe me. And you won’t fool yourself - you know exactly where you’re lying. Not long ago there was an episode that I hate to remember. It was already late, I was in a hurry to meet my friends. A woman stood on a deserted road, voting. The road was straight, I could easily give her a lift. But I wanted to get to the place as quickly as possible and did not stop. Then, having already passed by, he began to scold himself: “Dima, what are you doing, you’re ashamed!” Did you want to quickly eat a barbecue, drink a glass of wine? “And then instantly I found an excuse for myself - that I could have gotten into a traffic jam, that people were waiting for me. There is no way to say honestly: “Admit that you are a brute, you are just lazy.” Talking to yourself is very useful; you begin to learn a lot of interesting things about yourself and your loved one.”
You will soon be releasing a film called “Game of Truth.” Was it he who made you reconsider your outlook on life?
“And before that, I played in the play of the same name for six years. This was our version of the French play by Philippe Lelouch. We wrote all the dialogues ourselves: me, Vitya Shamirov, Kostya Yushkevich, Gosha Kutsenko. There is little left of the original. The humor and mentality of the French are very different from ours. Perhaps playing in this performance became a kind of external impetus for me to begin to communicate more with myself. But nevertheless, life circumstances led to the need for such a heart-to-heart conversation.” (The storyline is as follows: three former classmates meet many years later in order to compete for the heart of the one and only they once loved. - Author's note.)
Apparently, because the performance was successful, the idea of ​​a film version arose?
“At first, the French decided to make a film adaptation of Lelouch’s play. And they didn’t give us the rights for a long time. But then they still agreed. We redid everything. In my opinion, our version turned out to be sharper, more touching and sincere. I saw the audience's reaction. The most difficult thing was to switch from stage to cinematic state. This brought Vitya (director Viktor Shamirov. - Author's note) into an excited state, he got excited and shouted: “Is it really impossible to understand basic things?!” But in our case, in six years, a lot has reached the point of automatism. And now it was necessary to remove six years of playing experience and say the same phrase in a different way. I was the first of the guys to get nineteen takes. I just couldn’t get the moment where I said: “Maya, how I liked her!” And about the kiss - something just didn’t gel there. Some scenes had to be completely removed and dialogue cut down. Like an incandescent light bulb: when you hit it, it shines brighter. The same cleaning took place, a lot of things were corrected in my character, although I still transferred some things from the stage to the screen. Let's see what happens. All my friends who watched the performance say that in any case they will come to the cinema to compare.”
Have you already seen the final result?
"No. All this is very exciting... I can honestly say, without grimacing: when I watch my films for the first time, I do it like this - with my eyes closed, through my fingers. I immediately don’t like everything at all. I’m sitting and self-criticizing: I could have played brighter here, come up with some other expressive detail. But here I was clearly tired, I had to rest, ask the director to take a break. And I was probably in a hurry to go home. I see that I’m deceiving myself? But then, as time passes, everything changes; I even enjoy watching some of my films.”
Is it true that you chose your characters in the play, and then in the film, according to the lottery principle - by drawing matches?
"Is it true. You chose it - so love it. (Laughs.) When we started working on the script, we didn’t yet know how we would write out the characters. The only thing is that my hero was noted as a financially wealthy person. So everything was invented along the way. The monologue about the dog turned out to be very funny. We agreed that we would get together for rehearsals and write. And I was an hour and a half late due to the registration of the housing transaction. I came, everyone was sitting with terribly dissatisfied faces. I said: “Guys, sorry, it’s not every day that I buy an apartment for myself.” They: “Okay, let’s go.” But in the hour and a half of my absence they managed to compose this huge monologue for me - in order to give me a large amount of text and I hesitated to learn it. The team is kind. (Laughs.) Here’s another example of a friendly joke. I haven't eaten meat for over twenty years. Because of this, we always had chicken on the table during filming. I don’t know what happened to me over the past few months, but now I just can’t see the chicken. Just this word gives me a gag reflex. And what are these bastards doing? According to the script, Kostya Yushkevich stands with a dish of chicken, I move further and further away from him. Then I deliberately go out onto the balcony, because I’m already sick from this smell, and he follows me. And Gosha Kutsenko begins to tear the bird with his teeth with appetite.”
Your hero is the most successful of the trio...
“He is financially successful. But in reality he is a tragic character. Outwardly he strives to show that everything comes easy to him. Covers himself with bravado: “Wife?” Fuck her!“ She goes to taverns, picks up prostitutes and drowns in alcohol the pain and fear that life has failed. He wants to live in such a way as not to cheat on his wife. He wants to be happy in love, but he can’t. Or lack of strength. But in the end, he still comes to the conclusion that he needs to work on himself.”

Is he close to you internally?
"From time to time. Everything we wrote with the guys happened to us ourselves in one way or another. These are situations from our lives that we distributed among the heroes. That's why they turned out to be so truthful. The story about the cross that a woman took off when she fell in love with another man is real. The man who was betrayed is me. It was a long time ago. We simply gave this plot to Kostya Yushkevich’s character because it suited him better.”
All three friends are in love with the heroine Irina Apeksimova, the first beauty of the course. Your beloved woman, Tatyana Skorokhodova, was the same...
: “Yes, nevertheless, I managed to win her. Of course, certain analogies arise. Each of us talked about the love that he once had. Inventing something is not very profitable when the idea is to show all the sincerity of your character. And you remember how it happened to you, how you worried, suffered. After breaking up with Tanya, I turned gray within a week. Naturally, all the bangs became gray.”
Why did you break up?
“When people break up, both are always to blame: it was both my fault and partly hers. But, in general, everything happened quite painfully. My friends and classmates who came to the performance admitted that they also had a nagging feeling of nostalgia for the years they had lived, for something unfinished. I wanted to smooth out the memories of some events in my head.”
Don’t you think that the idea of ​​the film has something in common with the film “What Men Talk About”?
“We staged a play. And they were the first to make a movie. I saw What Men Talk About and liked it. Probably, the idea, as they say, was in the air. After all, we get together with friends in the same way, discuss life, politics, women.”
So you also have a warm company in which you can have intimate conversations?
“Yes, I have childhood friends. Me, Rodion Beletsky, Yura Bobrov lived in the same yard, only in different entrances. Then we studied together at theater school, then joined the army. And now we communicate, remembering some events from our past.”
Are you “playing truth” with them?
“As Gosha Kutsenko’s character said, “Don’t, it can be very dangerous.” (Laughs.)
They say that you had a certain agreement with your friends: when a woman appears in your life who begins to manipulate you, your friend is obliged to point this out...
"Yes it's true. Misha Shevchuk (actor, director - author's note) and I concluded such a “pact” a long time ago. And that was right. When we are in love, we cease to adequately perceive ourselves and our actions, we do not notice the changes that happen to us, and sometimes this can lead to sad consequences. But from the outside, as they say, you know better. My dad sometimes tells me: “Dima, don’t do that, don’t.”
And How?
Have you had a midlife crisis?
“Yes, a specific depression. I haven’t achieved anything, I have no family, I broke up with my beloved again, I need to look for someone. Now I am gradually getting out of this state. Became smarter and wiser. And I understand that I don’t want to lose the woman who is next to me.”
Are you talking about Ksenia?
"Yes. She is from Kharkov, a psychologist by training, defending her dissertation. Now we are talking about the truth with her. (Laughs.) But, probably, you don’t always need to reveal the details of your past. It’s better, of course, not to do anything reprehensible, so that you don’t have to lie later.”
When, at what point did you realize that you needed to settle down? You had so many bright stories...
: “I haven’t fully understood this yet, but I’m getting there. (Laughs.) I told you: I myself, through my stupidity, lost what I created. Now Ksenia and I are together, we feel good. She helps me in many ways. The profession of a psychologist is closely related to the acting profession. There are such concepts as “psychological gesture”, “motivation of actions”, “analysis of scenes”. Not long ago, Ksenia was present on the set. According to the script, I fought with a maniac. She looked at everything carefully and said: “Dima, a maniac will not attack so emotionally and aggressively. He will kill calmly, coldly and calculatingly, because he has done this many times already and is confident that he is right. He doesn’t see you as a person, but as a piece of meat.” Ksenia explained this to me from a psychological point of view. I told the director about this, and he agreed: “A very interesting remark.” We fixed this scene together."
Did she love you for your human qualities or did the fact that you are a famous actor play a role?
“She admitted that at first she didn’t want to get to know me at all, precisely because I was an actor, a public person.”

Besides, you have a reputation as a fickle person...
“Well, yes, yes... She leaves Moscow for a long time and says: “Somehow I don’t feel comfortable leaving you.” And I understand her. Leaving me alone for ten days is fraught. Initially, out of habit, I tried to look to the left. And then he began to stop himself: “What? Are you stepping on the same rake again?!” Now I reassure Ksenia: “I have no desire to cheat on you and thereby ruin our relationship.”
Do you have a feeling that Ksenia is the woman with whom you can live the rest of your life, raise and raise children?
“Let me answer this question in the presence of Ksenia, because the answer depends not only on me and my desires.”
Has this relationship changed you?
"Yes. Friends tell me: “Dima, when Ksenia comes, you become different.” I’m less explosive, nervous, twitchy, that’s for sure.”
And you want to love the whole world and do good deeds?
“I want to create a shelter for homeless animals. I understand that there are people who are in need, there are sick children, but many people help them anyway. I feel sorry for animals because they cannot protect themselves from anger and aggression. My brother and I found our first cat under layers of roofing felt that covered the roof. We heard meowing and found a cute calico kitten, black, ginger and white. They took it home. This cat lived with us for a long time. And then we always had pets. Now dad has a cat, I have a parrot.”
What is your idea of ​​an ideal family?
“I just finished rewatching The Godfather trilogy yesterday. Horror. The final shot is stunning. Hollywood went deaf from Al Pacino's silent scream when his daughter was killed. He destroyed everything himself. But he could also create it. Some people say that family is the most important thing in life, while others think it’s work or business. We need to find a middle ground. I have always admired Gerard Depardieu, who at one point told his agent: “Leave me alone for a year!” And he went on a trip around the world. He is a celebrity, he has achieved everything himself, he has the means to support himself and his family. But I'm jealous. I would like that too.”
On a trip around the world?
You are a biker. Ivan Okhlobystin said that he stopped racing motorcycles after the birth of his third child...
“Well, maybe I’ll stop after the birth of my third. A psychologist will tell you that everything is interconnected. My whole lifestyle, being a biker, meant one thing - that I was afraid of responsibility and hid behind beautiful words about inner freedom. I got on a motorcycle and drove away from my problems. But in fact, nothing has changed, only the place of conversation with oneself has changed. And what difference does it make where in the end you have to do it: at home in Moscow or in a motel near Moscow? If you talk to yourself more often, maybe you won’t even need a motorcycle.”
Are you a picky person at home?
“If I live with one woman for a long time, I start to find fault: I need lunch, and ironed shirts, and order in the house. And if I’m alone, the housekeeper comes to me, and there are three paths along my floor among the dust: from the corridor to the kitchen, to the bedroom and the toilet. (Laughs.) Although when I made renovations in the new apartment, none of the guests remained indifferent to what happened.”
With your own hands?
"No. But I financed it. The apartment looks amazing: stone, wood, copper, bronze and brass. Italy of the 30s. This design was given to me by a close friend for my birthday. Igor Severtsev is a very good designer. I even have copper pans and pots that I use and clean them myself.”
By the way, you said that you haven’t eaten meat for many years. What is this connected with?
“Yes, I haven’t eaten meat for twenty years, only chicken and turkey. Here is how it was. I kept the post. Then on Easter I ate a piece of pork and I felt sick. After that I couldn't look at meat at all. But now I’m more accepting of it.”
If you could have your youth back, what would you do differently?
“I probably would have quit smoking. I am more than happy with what is happening to me now. I am grateful to those women who loved me, to those people whom I met. I don’t regret anything, it’s good that it all happened.”

We met with the popular theater and film actor Dmitry Maryanov - a talented artist, an interesting and positive person, and, to be honest, a favorite of women...

Twenty-five years ago, Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich’s musical film “Above the Rainbow” was released, in which 14-year-old Dima Maryanov played the main role. Two years later, viewers again saw Maryanov in Eldar Ryazanov’s drama “Dear Elena Sergeevna.” These two films brought the actor great popularity, and his role in the film “Love” by Valery Todorovsky in 1991 cemented Dmitry Maryanov’s “star” status.

After graduating from the Theater School in 1992. B.V. Shchukin Dmitry Maryanov served in the legendary Lenkom Theater for 11 years, then Dmitry became an actor in the Independent Theater Project. He also plays in performances of the Quartet I Theater and the Contemporary Enterprise Theater.

Among the dozens of films by Dmitry Maryanov are “The Countess de Monsoreau”, “The Diary of a Murderer”, “Cavaliers of the Starfish”, “The Hunt for a Genius”, “The Fighter”, “Listening to the Silence”, “Forty”, “Radio Day” and many others.

In addition to acting in films and acting in the theater, Dmitry Maryanov twice participated in the show of the First Channel of Russian television “Ice Age”, tried himself as a TV presenter, including the culinary program “Foreign Cuisine” on the Domashny TV channel.

Since childhood, Dmitry was seriously involved in sports, dancing, and acrobatics. Even today he keeps himself in good athletic shape, and often performs stunts in films himself.

Despite the fact that I was not very able to remain calm before meeting one of my favorite artists, from the very first seconds of conversation with Dmitry my excitement and embarrassment disappeared. This person is so friendly and cheerful that it was very pleasant and easy to communicate with him. Dima simply captivates with his sunny smile and wonderful sense of humor.

It’s a pleasure to see Dmitry Maryanov on screen and on stage. But, in addition to his acting talent, this strong, real man has another gift - the ability to maintain a youthful interest in life, to sincerely rejoice and enjoy life. And this is to give light to others and prove that the soul has no age.

It turned out that Dmitry not only masters acting magic, but also knows how to perform ordinary miracles, which he demonstrated to me: taking a glass bottle of mineral water out of the refrigerator, he hit the bottom of the bottle on the table - and the water inside simply began to freeze before our eyes!.. And this explains this the trick, as it turned out, was the properties of very clean water, strongly cooled to sub-zero temperatures (but not frozen)...

So, we talked with Dmitry Maryanov on the topic of food - undoubtedly one of the most important components of our lives.

Dima, please tell me, what dish do you remember and love from childhood?

Charlotte. This was the first dish (well, besides scrambled eggs, of course) that I prepared for my girlfriend. There was a funny story about this. I saw a girl making charlotte - I put out the soda with vinegar, I did everything right. The smell is so... But, I look into the oven - somehow it doesn’t suit me. She was curvy, but I was not. Well, okay, I think it’s okay, everything will be fine. The girl came, I gave her a hot charlotte, she was very touched: “Oh, thank you, Dim, very much!” And when she started eating it, she asked: “Dim, please tell me, did you put flour in there?” I say: “Was it necessary?” She responded: “You understand... Actually, it’s necessary, but it turned out to be scrambled eggs with apples.”

What were you forced to eat as a child that you couldn’t stand?

In kindergarten they forced me to eat meat with this fat quivering... No, I couldn’t eat it! I had no idea what it was like... this fat. I remember being sick of it in kindergarten.

I understand very much... For a long time I could not eat the thick part of borscht or soup, pushing it away with a spoon. And these are also the consequences of lunch in kindergarten, when there was something extremely nasty on the plate...

I also remember my first puncture. I came home from school, had lunch and had to go to the pool for training (or was I doing boxing then?.. no, after all, the pool is the first puncture). Mom called: “Well, did you eat the soup?” I say yes". When she comes home, she says: “The saucepan…” The saucepan is full. Fine! Everything is achieved through experience. Next time I’ll take two ladles – one or two, and go to the toilet – one! I come, I get it in the ass, and my dad says: “Why are you pouring the product into the toilet?” I told him: “No, I didn’t pour it out!” He then: “Come here! Either you don’t pour it out, or wash the dishes after you.” And there is a plate with a characteristic “pouring” mark.

What dish do you dream about when you are very hungry?

There's no such thing. I am very hungry on set... But there is nothing specific.

What would you like to try out of curiosity?

In Thailand, I never tried all these grasshoppers.

Seriously? Would you risk it?

I would take the risk.

I - no, honestly. What was the most unusual dish? What impressed you?

In Africa I tasted camel milk. A Negro shepherd milked me right in front of me.

And How?

Camel milk turned out to be very rich and tasty. And sweet like a milkshake.

What can inspire you for culinary creativity? And how often does it happen that you cook something?

Thank God, not often. I mean, someone's cooking. And so... For example, I love seeing something in a store and realizing that I want to try it. From such an experience I had, I cooked some beans. There was a mixture, exactly a mixture of beans. I just saw... Oh, there! Beautiful packaging. Some kind of proper packaging - as soon as I saw it, I immediately wanted it. I came, read the recipe and made it.


Did you treat anyone?

Yes, I treated you.

Did you manage to surprise?

Well, yes. But I made beer soup out of something unusual. There was a program about an apartment, and Oksana Fedorova came to me. She was the host and I had to prepare something for her to try. I can tell that she asked for more.

So you have abilities!

No... But I came up with an idea - I’ll make beer soup. I think, how could it be?.. And I made it myself, cooked it! Yes, it turned out well. Really very tasty.

But your experience of hosting a cooking program on television...

Well, hello! I had!

Yes, I know, of course. So what are your impressions? How long did it take?

No, no, on the contrary! But that's all... it's interesting!

Were you interested?

Yes, I was interested in the first place.

And would you continue?

Yes, I would continue. The program was called “Foreign Cuisine”. From there I remember that the girl hit me with a car. Italian. She braked, and I jumped on the hood. I think: “This is all bullshit. It’s all visible.” I tell her: “Go straight. Go, don’t be afraid, that’s all.” It should also pop up in broken Russian to me: “Excuse me, please, excuse me, please.” And she was crazy! I flew over the hood like that, onto the windshield... She flew out with such eyes! I forgot Russian and in Italian: “Blah blah blah, forgive me, please, forgive me, please...”

Do you remember any funny story on set or stage related to food?

Ahh!.. A long time ago, when they were filming “The Cavaliers of the Starfish” (they filmed it here in Odessa), I swore off smoking on camera... I smoke, not a lot, but I smoke. And here it is necessary for the hero to smoke. But they shot 12 takes, and I turned blue-green. Then I said: “That’s it, guys, we’re finishing this!”

And, in general, I can’t eat in the frame either. Although, to be honest, it annoys me when people come to a restaurant, sit down at the table and take either one olive or parsley. The food is standing, and here they are... sort of eating. They really irritate me! You came, you ordered food - then eat!..

So, here, in Odessa, at the Cavaliers of the Starfish, Seryozha Veksler and I - in December, cold - drank vodka (well, water, of course) and washed it down with non-alcoholic beer for 18 takes. 18 takes! Either this is not this, then the text... Well, can you imagine what we had?.. We told the director: “That’s it. Enough!" It's a funny story to tell, but it wasn't funny at the time.

Would you like to open your own restaurant or cafe?

Yes. There is such a thing. But I won’t say it yet... Ira Apeksimova and I are now considering this...

If you have free time now, how do you like to spend it?

At the restaurant.


Yes. I can say that I really like the Svecha restaurant here, since I have been living in Odessa for six months now. I can’t do that in Moscow - I come, perform a performance and go back. I counted that over the past six months I have boarded a plane 46 times!.. And here we go to the “Svecha” restaurant, the food there is delicious. And, of course, a view of the sea!

Anything special on the menu?

I ate ostrich cutlets there. The goose was cooked very tasty. And here! They made freshly squeezed tarragon juice very tasty. It turns out the same color as your jacket - green, even more poisonous.

Thank you…

They add something there, of course, and it’s incredibly delicious. I brought a one and a half liter bottle to the site, everyone walked around and looked. I tell them: “Guys, drink.” They told me: “Dima, where did you get this swamp water?” I say: “You try it!” And everyone, when they tried it, understood that it was yes! But I went a little overboard with it, because there are a ton of vitamins in it, and if you drink a lot of it, you start to feel like... the energy drink is so real.

If it were not for the profession of an actor, what would you have become?

I wanted to be an archaeologist. Then I wanted to be an athlete, in particular a boxer... But then, I left boxing for the theater.

Dima, your wishes to our readers, especially female readers.

Oh, I don’t want platitudes - health there and so on... This is understandable.

I would like to wish you to simply enjoy cooking for your loved ones! So that there is variety. But the most important thing is to have the desire. Pleasure and desire. Not like this: take it, cook it - “here, eat it!” No, it’s still a process, it’s some kind of... there’s some kind of shamanism in it. I don’t know when I see how they cook for me, and when I cook myself... And eating... It’s still some kind of action, a ritual. Let him be bright, kind and desirable!

Will it taste much better with soul?

Certainly. Yes. And for those who will consume this food - even if it’s a little too salty, be patient, say: “Yes! Thank you!"

Thank you very much! We sincerely wish you good luck, a bright and tasty life!

Natasha Driga asked questions.

Photo by Igor Piskarev, Ekaterina Shevyrina.

Dmitry's first-grader daughter's teacher died suddenly a month after the start of the school year

In Moscow GUM, the 80th anniversary of Sergei MIKHALKOV’s most popular work (after the Anthems of the USSR and the Russian Federation, of course) “Uncle Styopa” was celebrated on a grand scale. Next to the famous fountain, the owner of GUM, Mikhail KUSNIROVICH, ordered to organize an impromptu stage from which celebrities, together with their children, read excerpts from “Uncle Styopa” aloud.

One of the honorary guests of the event was the actor Dmitry Maryanov, who came with his wife Ksenia and daughter Anfisa.

This social unit was officially registered a little over a year ago, although it took shape much earlier. An affair with a Kharkov psychologist (now with a Ph.D. degree) Ksenia Bik Maryanov began quite a long time ago. Many had no idea that Ksyusha gave birth to little Anfisa (who is now 7 years old) from Dmitry, and not from her former husband, as they wrote in the newspapers.

The girl spent the first years of her life in Kharkov with her mother. But when the artist, who had previously been known as a marriage phobe, was ready to take his chosen one to the registry office for the first time in his life, he transported both Ksenia and Anfisa to his home in Moscow.

On September 1, the girl went to first grade in one of the capital’s schools. And suddenly, a month later, her first teacher Dinara Andreevna died suddenly.

In just a few days, she managed to make the children and parents of our 1st “A” class fall in love with her with her bright and kind heart. This tragedy shocked the whole class, the whole school,” Maryanov’s wife, 30-year-old Ksenia, wrote about the tragedy on her social network page.

A professional psychologist was quickly able to calm my daughter down.

Dmitry has repeatedly stated about his wife’s amazing abilities to positively influence everyone around her.

For the sake of my wife, I quit smoking and practically don’t drink alcohol,” the actor boasted in a recent interview.

They say that Ksenia successfully combines the generally simple method of carrot and stick. Family friends said that she is fluent in a technique that combines yoga and tantric sex. After these exercises, Dmitry’s craving for alcohol disappears. Knowing Maryanov’s passion for fishing and motorcycles, his significant other at a certain moment begins to actively hint that it’s time to “eat fish,” and he jumps on his newly purchased Harley-Davidson and rushes to the river.

For now, I mostly drive around Moscow,” Maryanov shared at the recently defunct “Amur Autumn” festival. - But I dream of long journeys. To do this, you need to attach a second seat to the motorcycle. For my wife.

Let us remember that her father is a major general Vladimir Bik, which under the previous president of Ukraine Yanukovych headed the counterintelligence department of the SBU, and has been languishing in a Kyiv prison since November 2014. After the coup d'etat, the Bandera fascists declared him an enemy of the people because he essentially fulfilled his official duties - he was friends with colleagues from Russia. Now they are going to put him behind bars for 10 - 15 years. The case of the general has been in court for a month in a row.

The trial has been turned into a farce and is in the realm of communication between the deaf and the dumb,” a reporter recently wrote on Facebook Danyl Byaly, who is closely following the hearings on this case. - The SBU, the military prosecutor's office, and the court are not interested in the publicity of all the circumstances, and they are confining the SBU major general to the eternal process of judicial hearing with the hope that God will not betray him, and the pig will not eat him. Vladimir Bik has been through a lot, and he still has a lot to go through, but nothing will break his faith, honor and strength. And power lies in truth!