Recipes for facial scrubs at home. Facial scrub at home Facial scrubs at home

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Facial scrub

A scrub is a facial product that can effectively clean pores, remove dirt and accumulated dust, even out the skin, making it smoother and fresher. After the procedure, dead particles are removed from the epidermis, the face becomes lighter and looks well-groomed.
Regular use of an exfoliating cosmetic product, prepared at home or purchased in a store, prevents the appearance of acne, inflammation, and clogged sebaceous glands.

The content of the article:

Benefits of scrub

The product deeply cleanses the skin.
The abrasive particles included in the scrub stimulate blood circulation.
Exfoliation of old skin flakes.
Matte and smooth.
Remains of cosmetics are removed.
Allows other care products applied after the scrub to act more effectively.
Performs a superficial skin massage.
Toning. Complex effect on the epidermis, due to which it tightens.
Nutrition, cleansing.

How the scrub works

Any scrub consists of at least 2 ingredients:

Scrubbing component.
Softening component.

To enhance the effect of the cleansing cosmetic product, essential oils, cream and vitamins are added to it. The principle of action of the scrub is based on a mechanical effect on the epidermis. An exfoliating agent removes dead particles from the skin and improves the absorption of nourishing masks and creams. Regular use of the scrub allows you to make your face smooth, smooth, without acne and peeling.

The rules for using the scrub are simple and clear, here are the main recommendations that you need to follow if you want your skin to look rested:

2. Before use, the skin must be warmed up. This can be achieved by holding it under running hot water, steaming your face, or simply washing your face.

3. There is no need to use the scrub often, because it can injure delicate skin.

Scrubs for dry skin

To keep your face always fresh and rested, you need to use not only masks, toner, moisturizer and lotions, but also exfoliators. A scrub for dry skin can not only be purchased in the store, but also made at home.

We offer several simple recipes.

Scrub made from oatmeal

The cleanser will help you quickly get rid of wrinkles, as well as age spots, comedones, redness, and peeling. An ideal scrub for epidermis prone to redness and irritation, rashes, and allergic reactions.


Soda – 1 spoon.
Oatmeal or rolled oats – 1 spoon.
Water – 1 spoon.
We combine all the components and leave under the lid for a couple of minutes. The water should be warm. The prepared oatmeal scrub will resemble a thick paste in consistency. Massage your face for 5 minutes, rinse, and apply nourishing cream to your face.
By the way, it is recommended to use fresh green tea for washing.

Salt scrub

You can make a deep salt scrub at home. It exfoliates perfectly and has a peeling effect. It is recommended to use it no more than 2 times a month, so as not to reduce the protective properties of the skin and not to deplete the lipid layer of the epidermis.


Salt – 1 spoon.
Sour cream – 1 spoon.
Essential oil – 5 drops.

Preference should be given to sea or iodized salt, and bergamot, patchouli or tangerine oil should be used. Mix all the ingredients, distribute over the face for 5 minutes, then rinse off and apply a moisturizer.

Scrub soda

As a result of using a salt scrub, the skin becomes renewed and velvety. Soda improves the epidermis and tones it. Dry scrub is recommended for use after 30 years, the frequency of use is at least 3 times a month.


Soda – 1 spoon.
Lemon or lime zest, grapefruit – 0.5 tablespoons.

To make a homemade cleanser, you will need to grind the zest of a lemon, lime or grapefruit and mix it with baking soda. Before using the scrub, the face is steamed using a hot compress. We apply the resulting mass onto the face with smooth movements, after 5 minutes we wash our face; for this it is advisable to use mineral, boiled or settled warm water.

Black scrub

Coffee is used to prepare this cosmetic product. This product is a popular component not only for scrubs, but also for masks and other cosmetics.
Coffee helps invigorate the skin if you follow all the tricks and rules. The effect will be noticeable after the first use.

A scrub made from coffee and sour cream will help cleanse dry skin. To do this, you will need fatty fermented milk products, it will moisturize your dry face and grounds obtained from natural ground coffee. The two components are mixed until smooth in a ratio of 1 to 1. If the epidermis is too dry, add almond oil. The scrub should be applied to the skin with massaging movements. Use the product no more than once a month. The face will look smooth, matte and soft, saturated with moisture. Be sure to use a rich nourishing cream.

Honey scrub

Fans of honey know about the invaluable benefits of this delicious product. The amber miracle acts as a real pantry:

Amino acids.

Cleopatra also used honey to care for delicate and elastic skin, preserving youth and beauty for a long time.

A honey scrub will help solve skin problems. Among them:

1. Dryness, sensitivity.
2. Unevenness, lumpiness.
3. Prone to rashes.
4. Acne.
5. Peeling.
6. Wrinkles.
7. Gray color.
8. Withering.

Honey scrub is a gentle cosmetic product that is gentle on the skin, removing dead skin cells and saturating it with useful substances and nutrients.

A scrub made from honey and sugar will help give your face freshness.

Sugar, preference cane or brown, white – 0.5 spoons.
Honey – 1 spoon.
Olive oil – 1 spoon.

Mix everything, apply to a warm face for 2 minutes, rinse.
Peeling is recommended to be done in the morning to make the skin glow. After exfoliating, massage the skin for 10 minutes and then use the cream.

Anti-aging facial scrubs

The scrub prepared will help you look young and get rid of acne. from aspirin and honey. Add a little water to 2 tablets to get granules, mix with 1 spoon of warm honey. Apply the product for 5 minutes. The face will become fresher, blackheads will disappear, the skin will no longer flake and become covered with pimples.

Milk scrub prepared from 1 spoon of milk powder, a spoon of table salt, 10 grams of white clay. Apply the scrub to a pre-steamed and moisturized face for 3 minutes. After several procedures, the skin will become noticeably tighter, flushed, and look young, refreshed, and well-groomed.

Important! Scrubs cannot be heated. Thermal exposure neutralizes the effect of beneficial components that are used to prepare the peeling.

Apple scrub


Sour cream – 1 spoon.
The pulp of an apple slice.
Honey – 0.5 spoons.

Mix all ingredients and apply to tired epidermis for 5 minutes. Then we wash ourselves, the remains can be removed with a napkin. The face will noticeably transform, the condition of the skin will improve, it will become firmer and more elastic.

You can also prepare a gel scrub to cleanse the skin. Activated carbon is used as the main component. It has many advantages:

1. It is an excellent absorbent.
2. Perfectly cleanses and moisturizes.
3. Removes acidity, which causes aging.
4. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
5. Carefully looks after.

The recipe is simple. For this you will need shower gel. Add it to your palm and combine it with a crushed charcoal tablet. There is no need to crush the tablet too finely. The lumps will act as a scrub. Apply the composition to a washcloth and gently lather your face. The foam will turn gray, but wash it off your face quickly. After the gel, the skin becomes clean and incredibly smooth. Activated carbon can also be added to a gel intended for washing. This is especially necessary for those who have subcutaneous fat or frequent rashes. You should not use charcoal without additives; it is difficult to wash off.

Scrub for oily skin

We bring to your attention a sugar scrub for the face. It has many advantages:

Cleanses the skin very carefully and gently.
Versatility. The scrub can be used for different skin types.
Fructose allows the epidermis to shine and be velvety.
Protects and nourishes.
Tightening effect.
Fighting acne.
Eliminates dead cells.
Prevention of clogged pores.

A mask made from sugar acts as a scrub. It is suitable for women who prefer to have a healthy complexion without much effort.
This cleansing facial scrub is very easy to prepare. You only need a spoon of sugar and 0.5 spoon of salt. The components are mixed with kefir or oil and applied to the skin. Keep the mask on for 7 minutes and wash with warm water.
A scrub for an oily face will help deeply cleanse the pores, make the skin smooth, improve the elasticity of the epidermis and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Store-bought scrubs

Cosmetic cleansers from different manufacturers are available on the market. Let's look at the most popular ones, which are preferred by women who want to look fresh and cheerful.
An excellent cleanser is the Avon Cucumber & Tea Tree Cleansing Facial Scrub. The product perfectly exfoliates dead skin, refreshes and also tones. The cosmetic product was produced in Poland.

There is nothing complicated in using the scrub. Using massage movements, it is applied to the previously steamed and moistened epidermis, and then washed off with water. It is recommended to use cosmetics no more than 2 times a week.

Another product designed for personal care is the Acure organics cleansing scrub. The cosmetics have a delightful herbal aroma, fragrant with lemon notes. The smell is not strong, but pleasant. The shade of the product is dark green.

The scrub contains seaweed and French green clay. The product is intended for all skin types. It does not contain parabens, sulfates and phthalates, mineral oils, petroleum jelly and silicone. The cosmetic product has a healing effect, softens the skin, frees it from toxins, and moisturizes. After use, the appearance becomes bright, fresh and moisturized.
The product must be applied to clean skin using massaging movements, patting with fingers. Makeup should be washed off thoroughly and applied 3 times a week.

For smooth skin, try the Artistry Cleansing Scrub. It is soft and designed for everyday use. Cosmetics will improve your complexion, your skin will be smooth, flawless, and soft.

Product advantages:

1. The cream component cleanses the epidermis without drying it out.
2. Suitable for different skin types.
3. Gently exfoliates dead cells.
4. The oval of the face is leveled.
5. Even tone.
6. Rested appearance.

The scrub combines perfectly with other cosmetic products produced by Artistry. It suits women of different ages.

1. Don't use it too often. With constant use, the scrub will disrupt the water balance of the epidermis, dry it out, and cause irritation.
2. It is recommended to avoid the scrub if your skin is prone to acne and pimples.
3. If your face is oily, use a clay-based exfoliator. It will tighten pores and eliminate shine.
4. Apply the scrub only to moisturized and steamed skin, excluding the areas under the eyes.
5. Scrubs made from salt and sugar are contraindicated for sensitive skin.
Now you know how to make a scrub yourself and which cosmetic products to choose in the store. Follow the recommendations and your skin will always look great.

A facial scrub at home is a unique product for cleansing and prolonging youthful skin. The article will help you figure out how to make a scrub correctly, which ingredients are best for different skin types.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

The condition of the skin and how long it will remain young depend on proper cleansing. Cells are constantly renewed. But if the layer of dead epidermis is not removed in a timely manner, the skin will look sloppy, gray, and inflammation and peeling will appear on it. Scrubs are used to thoroughly clean the skin. They can be bought at any cosmetic store, but these will be products designed for the average consumer.

Do you want the product to best suit your skin type, at the same time moisturize, relieve inflammation or solve other cosmetic problems? Learn how to make a scrub at home using the products you have at hand, and skin care will become simple and enjoyable.

Homemade scrub recipes

They have a number of advantages: they practically do not cause allergies, act gently, and do not injure the skin. Usually they are made based on those products that are always in the kitchen, less often - from the contents of a home medicine cabinet.

Among the most popular components:

  • oatmeal;
  • sugar;
  • coarse salt;
  • ground coffee (a scrub based on it should not be used often; it is completely contraindicated for thin and sensitive skin, since the particles are very hard and can scratch the skin);
  • rice and buckwheat crushed in a coffee grinder;
  • soda;
  • Activated carbon;
  • crushed aspirin tablets;
  • ground herbs.

The components are selected depending on the skin type. For example, aspirin and salt will help dry out inflammation and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, sugar is best used for dry skin, and oatmeal is a universal remedy.

Cream and fermented milk products, honey, fruit pulp, and oils are used as the basis for the scrub. You can use natural soap, preferably creamy or liquid. Again, the composition is selected based on the characteristics of the skin. This way you can give the scrub additional properties to use it for nutrition, moisturizing, relieving inflammation or peeling.

Depending on the consistency, a homemade scrub can be:

  1. Dry, in powder form. Can be stored for a long time; before use, a small amount is diluted with water, milk or oil or applied dry to damp skin.
  2. Hard ones are usually made on the basis of solid natural soap.
  3. Liquid or creamy, which can be used as a scrub mask. Prepared in portions, for one time.

The benefits of scrubs

Regular exfoliation helps remove not only dead skin cells, but also particles of cosmetics and impurities.

With regular use:

  • the skin breathes, is saturated with oxygen and nutrients;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • the complexion is evened out;
  • the surface of the skin becomes smooth;
  • inflammation goes away;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • pores are cleansed and become less noticeable;
  • skin looks more well-groomed and clean.

Skin micromassage allows you to activate metabolic processes. As a result, cells absorb skincare products better and are restored faster. Improves elasticity. The scrub eliminates peeling, softens the surface, and evens it out.


In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, it must be used carefully. For example, for thin, dry, sensitive skin, it is better to choose soft exfoliating ingredients - ground cereals, sugar. It is worth giving up salt - it will draw out the remaining moisture from already dehydrated cells.

Even the most gentle scrub cannot be used if:

  • there are open wounds, scratches, microdamages on the surface;
  • there are purulent pimples;
  • there are foci of severe inflammation;
  • the skin is too thin - there is a risk of injury;
  • the sebaceous glands are too active - mechanical stress will enhance their work;
  • have any skin diseases - so as not to spread infection to undamaged areas.

A scrub is not at all a means of daily cleansing of the skin and a replacement for cleanser. It is not used often: 1-2 times a week for oily skin, once every 7-10 days for normal skin, no more than once every 2 weeks for dry and aging skin.

In addition, you should adhere to certain rules that will help improve the effect of the product:

  1. Before using the scrub, you must remove makeup and steam your facial skin with hot water or a warm, damp towel. This will allow you to cleanse your pores better and deeper.
  2. It is better to apply the scrub along massage lines.
  3. Do not press hard on the skin so as not to injure the cells.
  4. If the composition contains moisturizing or nourishing components, you can leave the product on the skin for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm, non-hot water. To close the pores, at the end you should rinse your face with cool water.
  6. If your skin is prone to dryness and irritation, you should immediately apply a moisturizer or at least spray thermal water.
  7. Immediately after washing off the scrub, you can apply a nourishing mask or cream - in this case, they will be absorbed faster and better.
  8. It is better to scrub the skin in the evening: after the procedure, the epidermis becomes sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to skin burns.
  9. You should not apply decorative cosmetics for several hours after the procedure, so as not to clog the pores.

If it contains honey, use it with caution and only if there is no skin reaction to it. To do this, apply a drop of honey to your wrist and see if the skin turns red within 20-30 minutes.

5 recipes for homemade scrubs using different ingredients

Do not prepare a large portion of the product at once, especially if you are making a homemade scrub for the first time: firstly, it is unknown how the skin will react to it, and secondly, even in the refrigerator it can deteriorate in 1-2 weeks. Choose those components that suit your skin. Below are some of the most budget-friendly and hypoallergenic options.

For oily skin

In this case, you need to use components that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, soothe, and prevent inflammation. It would be good if the composition contains an absorbent or deep cleansing component. Extra hydration won't hurt either. Dry powder scrubs based on ground herbs, rice flour or salt are suitable for such skin. You can do this:

  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rice flour or ground rice (an adsorbent that will absorb excess sebum) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dried herbs ground in a coffee grinder (chamomile, celandine, yarrow, green tea, you can take an anti-inflammatory mixture) - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients, store in a dry jar, or directly on the bathroom shelf. Before use, take out a small amount with a dry spoon and apply to damp skin. For easier and more uniform application, you can dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

For normal skin

Almost any components will do. For example, you can take a teaspoon of ground oatmeal and cosmetic clay, a tablespoon of light oil - peach, apricot. For intensive nutrition, you need to take jojoba oil. To whiten and increase elasticity, the liquid part should be replaced with orange juice (in the absence of allergies), and for an anti-inflammatory effect, take green tea or chamomile decoction.

For dry, aging skin

What is needed here is a gentle effect combined with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. As a base, you can take sour cream or heavy cream (1 tbsp), add half a teaspoon of honey and olive oil. For direct exfoliation, you can take sugar, ground almonds or oatmeal - the amount that will allow you to achieve a thick, creamy consistency.

Universal scrub for all skin types

Ground oatmeal or rice - as an exfoliating base. If you grind buckwheat, you get a product with a high content of antioxidants. You can also add 1-2 tablets of activated carbon to clean pores and remove excess sebum. Next, add liquid ingredients to obtain a creamy consistency. For oily skin, it is better to take tea leaves, herbal decoction or milk; for dry, aged and irritated skin - heavy cream or jojoba oil (almond, olive).

For inflamed, irritated, acne-prone skin

In this case, soft scrubbing particles and anti-inflammatory components are needed. The following composition is suitable: take a teaspoon of ground green tea, 1 tsp. chamomile or eucalyptus (you can take a mixture in equal proportions). Plus potato starch or rice flour to absorb sebum. A crushed aspirin tablet will help relieve redness. Mix the dry ingredients, then dilute with mineral water - it will additionally have a moisturizing and toning effect.

Remember that any remedy has an effect only with regular use. Don't be lazy to exfoliate regularly at a pace that suits your skin.

Self-care is the alpha and omega of any woman’s lifestyle, the most unshakable rule that she always adheres to. It is simply impossible to preserve youth and beauty for a long time if you give up on yourself. First of all, of course, you should take care of your own skin. She is exposed to the negative influence of natural factors (sun, wind), is sensitive to frequent stress, and we cannot reset age-related changes that make themselves felt. Any of us understands perfectly well: it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it. That's why we shouldn't forget about preventive measures. For example, our skin needs constant cleaning. Special lotions and foams are sometimes not enough. And this is where scrubs come to the rescue. They work wonders if you do not neglect this remedy. Have you decided to make a face scrub at home? It is better to borrow the recipe from friends or good acquaintances. In addition, there are many popular recommendations telling you how to make this. By listening to them, you will definitely find your own recipe for a face scrub at home, which will become your favorite.

Cosmetic educational program

The word “scrub” itself came into Russian from the English vocabulary. There it sounds like scrub. And it is translated in the meaning of “scrape”, “clean”. As you can see, a very telling name. A scrub is quite popular in recent decades. It consists of a base and abrasive (exfoliating) particles. These 2 components fulfill their assigned tasks with honor. Abrasives remove dead cells, excess sebum, dirt and makeup residue. The base softens and soothes the skin, protects it from inflammation. To do this, special medicinal ingredients (for example, herbal extracts) are often added to it.

A few words about the exfoliant

This foreign word in the cosmetics industry refers to those very abrasive particles that can cleanse our skin. In order for a homemade product to be beneficial, it is not enough to know the recipe for a face scrub at home. You still need to master a variety of feminine tricks, which ladies willingly share in their reviews.

So, the most often used as an exfoliant are:

However, this is not a complete list of exfoliants. You have the right to prepare any facial scrub at home. The recipe may contain a variety of abrasives. You can use the grounds left over from drinking coffee, ground fruit seeds, eggshells, oatmeal, bran, dry tea and many other ingredients. So, bran will be a salvation for oily skin, and coffee and oatmeal - for dry skin.

What to take as a basis?

Interesting question. In industry, the basis of any scrub is oil. So, olive oil will help dry skin, almond oil reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, coconut oil prevents aging, avocado oil perfectly moisturizes the skin.

However, take any homemade face scrub recipe. The functions of the base can also be performed by other products: kefir, eggs, sour cream, whey, honey. Sour cream has a whitening effect, and honey and eggs nourish the skin, saturating it with essential elements.

How can supplements help us?

In principle, these two components are enough to prepare an effective remedy. But knowledgeable people who leave reviews advise adding vegetables or fruits to them. With them, the effectiveness of using a homemade product increases several times, because they have a variety of beneficial properties.

Judge for yourself:

  • Strawberries can perfectly lighten the skin.
  • Kiwi can be improved
  • Cucumber will remove unnecessary puffiness and swelling under the eyes.
  • The tomato will protect you from ultraviolet radiation thanks to the lycopene it contains.

It would seem that these are ordinary products that are frequent guests on our table, but how much benefit do they have?

Have you found the long-awaited recipe and decided to make a face scrub at home? Then start preparing and using the product as soon as possible, but do not brush aside the reviews of friends and acquaintances, as well as the recommendations of specialists. What should you pay attention to?

Preparation of scrubs

Acting as the creator of a miracle remedy, do not forget about simple rules.

  • Use plastic or glass containers with an airtight lid for cooking. This way you will increase the product.
  • The amount of exfoliant should be 2 times the base. Otherwise, the product will not have any effect.
  • Such homemade cosmetics can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Homemade face scrub: recipes for dry skin

Have you decided to please yourself and prepare your own cosmetic masterpiece? A facial scrub at home for dry skin is in no way inferior to salon products, which are incredibly expensive. All you need is:

Homemade face scrub: recipes for oily skin

Oily skin can cause a lot of inconvenience to its owners. However, using homemade scrubs can solve this problem.

  1. Mix sea salt (a teaspoon) with the same amount of blue clay and low-fat kefir.
  2. Mash ripe berries (you can take strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries) to a pulp. Mix 1 tablespoon of mass with a teaspoon of clay. The scrub is ready. It is advisable to leave it on your face for a while (10 minutes), and then simply rinse with water.

Recipes for combination skin

The mixed type forces women to buy 2 types of cosmetics at once, so as not to dry out some areas and not to moisturize others even more.

Try making a homemade face scrub for combination skin and you will make your life a lot easier.

  1. Strawberry pulp should be mixed with honey (half a tablespoon) and a similar amount of almond oil should be added. Massage the skin (two minutes will be enough), leave the mixture for a while longer (five minutes), and then safely rinse.
  2. You can mix ground rolled oats (1 tablespoon) with honey and yolk (1 teaspoon each). Add a dessert spoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the skin, massage and then cleanse your face.

Do normal skin need a scrub?

Even if you don’t have any particular problems, you shouldn’t neglect scrubs. After all, you need to cleanse your face anyway.

  1. There is one wonderful recipe for a facial scrub at home using eggs. In addition to exfoliating dead cells, it also copes with another problem - removing unsightly blackheads. It's very easy to make. It is enough to mix honey, eggs and salt in equal proportions. Massage your face using this mixture for three minutes and then wash off with water without soap.
  2. An orange scrub is also suitable for normal skin. Mix chopped orange zest (1 tablespoon) with ground almonds (1 teaspoon). Dilute the dry mixture with warm water. Massage your face for three minutes.

Attention! Sensitive skin

You need to be very careful with this type. Abrasive particles can cause irritation and inflammation. It is better to use potato starch. It should be lightly moistened with warm water and wrapped in gauze. After this, you can begin to wipe your face with the resulting healing swab.

Experts recommend using scrubs with synthetic abrasives for sensitive skin. This is explained by the fact that such exfoliants cannot injure the skin.

As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare a facial scrub at home. The recipes (reviews confirm their effectiveness) are very simple, and as a result you will get rid of oily shine or flaking, open access to oxygen, and remove dead cells.

Many women use natural facial scrubs at home. The recipes for their preparation are simple, and the benefits for the skin are obvious.

The scrub is designed, first of all, to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, so that the surface of the skin is renewed, even, soft and smooth. In addition, it serves to remove dirt, cosmetic residues, and fat that have accumulated in the pores of the skin and do not allow oxygen and moisture to reach the cells.

Coffee grounds – 2 tablespoons
Sea salt – ½ teaspoon
Sugar – 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon – ¼ teaspoon
Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon

Mix all ingredients, apply to face with light massage movements and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water.

Orange zest – 1 tablespoon
Ground almonds – 1 teaspoon

Grind the citrus zest well in a coffee grinder and mix it with ground almonds. Dilute the mixture with boiled water and stir until smooth. Apply the mixture onto your face and neck with light massage movements and leave for 8-10 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

This scrub mask is ideal for cleansing normal skin. The components have high nutritional properties and help tighten the skin. The composition can be varied depending on availability and your preferences: you can add olive oil, sour cream, pink clay, and ground eggshells to the specified composition.

Fresh strawberries – 10 berries
Cottage cheese – 1 tablespoon
Semolina – 1 tablespoon

Mash the strawberries into a puree and add semolina and cottage cheese. After mixing, try to use the mixture immediately so that the semolina does not become sour and lose its light abrasive properties. Apply the mass and lightly rub it into the skin with your fingers for 2-3 minutes, then leave to absorb for another 5-8 minutes. Wash your face with clean water at room temperature or herbal decoction.

This procedure is extremely simple, but it perfectly cleans the pores, tightens them, polishes the surface of the epidermis, and the skin becomes smooth after such cleansing.

Salt – 1 pinch
Baking soda – 1 pinch

You can mix salt and baking soda each or use them separately. Wet a cotton pad with water, dip it in salt and soda and massage your face in a circular motion, following the massage lines. This should be done on warm skin after a bath or shower.

If you have oily skin and want to get rid of oily skin, use a yeast-based recipe. After using it, your face will have a matte color for several days.

Yeast – 15 g
Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons
Sea salt – 1 tablespoon

Grind sea salt in a coffee grinder. Dilute fresh yeast with freshly squeezed lemon juice and add salt. Warm the mixture for several minutes in hot water. Apply the scrub to the skin and massage with a washcloth, paying special attention to oily areas of the skin. Rinse off the residue with warm, clean water and rinse with sage or chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal – 2 tablespoons
Chamomile herb – 1 teaspoon
Lavender essential oil – 6 drops

Make a small amount of chamomile infusion, and while it is warm, pour it over the oat flakes, let them swell slightly. Then add lavender. Apply the mixture as usual, lightly massaging the skin for 2-3 minutes and leave to absorb for another 5. Rinse with lukewarm clean water.

For dry skin, use a sugar scrub, which moisturizes and softens the skin and prevents flaking and irritation. Cream can be replaced with nourishing cream.

Granulated sugar – 30 g
Heavy cream or sour cream – 50 g

Pre-steam your face over a steam bath with medicinal herbs of chamomile or sage. Mix the ingredients and gently apply to the skin, leaving them for 10-15 minutes to absorb. Wash after the procedure with water with lemon juice or still mineral water.

Nuts are great for cleansing and nourishing the skin: walnuts, almonds, pine, nutmeg, hazelnuts and others. Vitamins and important nutrients increase skin elasticity and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

nuts - 1/3 cup
olive oil - 1-2 tablespoons

Grind the nut kernels in a coffee grinder to the desired grain size. Add olive oil to the nuts and stir until a thin paste is obtained. Instead of butter, you can use natural yogurt. Apply the resulting composition to clean skin with massaging movements and leave for another 5-7 minutes. then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
To enhance the cleansing effect, you can add finely ground nut shells

Honey – 1 tablespoon

Mix all ingredients. Grind the salt, if it is coarse, in a coffee grinder so as not to injure the skin. Apply the scrub, rubbing gently with a sponge or washcloth for 3-5 minutes, leave to absorb for another 5 minutes. Then wash your face with water at room temperature and rinse with herbal infusion.

The composition of this scrub is suitable for both normal and problem skin, as it has not only cleansing, but also antiseptic properties.

Salt – 2 tablespoons
Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Strawberries - 5-6 berries

Crush the berries to a puree and mix with salt, add vegetable oil. Pre-steam the skin with a compress and then apply a scrub. Follow the massage lines when rubbing the scrub into the skin. Wash your face with lukewarm water and rinse with a decoction of herbs or wipe with an ice cube.

In hot weather, try a composition with fresh raspberries and essential oils. It will cleanse the skin well, tone and refresh the face.

Raspberries – 2 tablespoons
Ylang-ylang oil – 2 drops
Peppermint oil – 1 drop

Crush the berries, add essential oils and rub into the skin of your face and neck. After the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Choose the homemade scrub that you like best and suits your skin and use regularly. As a result, your skin will become clean and well-groomed, you will be able to get rid of problems and will look young and beautiful.

Prepare a homemade scrub for face and body with strawberries, honey and oatmeal:

Not everyone is destined to be born with beautiful and soft skin. For many ladies, this is systematic self-care, a labor-intensive process that ultimately gives the desired result. The first step to beautiful skin can be taken simply at home and make a simple but effective body scrub.

Beneficial features

Facial scrubs can be found in women much more often than for the body. Well, in vain. You can make an effective peeling and cleanse the skin of the body using natural homemade products or ready-made ones, which are so common on the cosmetics market. From such procedures you can get silky and soft skin and help your body cleanse itself of toxins through unblocked pores.

Thanks to the use of scrubs, the following goals are also achieved:

  • reduction of cellulite in the initial stages;
  • imparting firmness and elasticity;
  • reduction of stretch marks;
  • removal of sebum, dirt, skin cells that have already died or become keratinized.

Scrubs are usually done at the beginning of such procedures: wraps, masks, massage. After thoroughly cleansing the skin before such procedures, their effect is enhanced and the effect occurs faster. Special brushes, mittens, and shower heads help with scrubbing.


Scrubs have enough positive qualities, but such products cannot be used by everyone. First of all, the scrub has a mechanical effect on the skin. Therefore, there are contraindications that you should be wary of before you start using them:

  • skin diseases (no matter what stage they are at);
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • allergic rashes on the body or individual intolerance to the components that make up the scrub;
  • minor scratches, cuts and other damage to the skin;
  • very thin skin, rosacea, vascular network, etc.

Such skin conditions require other cleansing methods or the selection of scrubs that will be as gentle as possible. You should use any of the scrubs carefully during pregnancy, as the skin during this period can become especially sensitive and receptive.

Homemade body scrub recipes

Having made peeling products, you can be sure that all the ingredients are natural and fresh. Recipes that help you make a scrub with your own hands can be adjusted to suit your needs and adjust the amount of ingredients.

All scrubs are best prepared before use. Alternatively, you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days (depending on the ingredients). They need to be used correctly: apply with massaging movements, do not wait until the skin becomes very red and burns are felt.

If you apply a scrub to steamed skin, the effect will be more intense. You can use them up to 3-4 times a week.


Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning will not only invigorate you, but also help cleanse your skin. There are many recipes for this, and some of them are also helpful in getting rid of cellulite or “orange peel.”

A scrub is useful for the skin if you need to not only cleanse it, but also tone it and improve its elasticity. Auxiliary components will enhance the effect or additionally moisturize and soften the skin.

You can make a scrub using either coffee grounds or simply ground coffee beans. A little secret in order not to make a mistake with the base for the scrub: the grounds from brewed coffee will have a softer effect than just ground coffee.

  1. Coffee and salt. At home, you can prepare any coffee and regular table salt (you can also prepare it with sea salt). Take equal parts of liquid soap, salt and coffee. Mix and apply before showering.
  2. Coffee and honey. To make it yourself, you need honey and coffee. Proportions - 1:2.
  3. Coffee, honey, pepper. The base is the same as for the previous scrub. Add pepper (preferably red on the tip of the knife) and a spoonful of olive oil. This option is suitable for problem areas of the body - buttocks, sides, abdomen, as it affects subcutaneous fat. The effect intensifies. If after self-massage of problem areas, wrap yourself in cling film for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Coffee, ether, ground almonds. Add 2 drops of orange oil (essential) to 50g of ground coffee, add a teaspoon of almond flour and “season” with grape seed oil (1 tsp). This scrubbing will improve the condition of the skin and, with constant use, even out the skin, removing “orange peel” unevenness.

There are many variations of coffee scrub. It can be used often (up to 3 times a week) and combined with products that are in the refrigerator or in the bathroom - from sour cream to shower gel.

If you don’t have time to prepare a home remedy, you can use the Black Pearl “Perfect Skin” product.

With salt

Not everyone has the habit of drinking coffee in the morning. But salt is a product that almost every housewife has. Salt scrubs can be used before taking a bath and you won’t feel any discomfort (the salt will simply melt in the water).

It is better to use sea salt to prepare scrub products. If you come across too large granules. Then they can be ground in a coffee grinder to the size of a regular kitchen grinder.

  1. Salt and ether. Base - 2 tbsp. salt. Next - 2 drops of orange, jojoba, almond ether.
  2. Salt, honey and cocoa. Mix salt and cocoa powder in equal parts. For bonding - honey.
  3. Salt, soda and lemon. For two tablespoons of salt, use a teaspoon of lemon zest.

All products obtained are used both to cleanse the skin and improve its condition. Israeli scrubs with minerals are popular.

Salt and soda scrubs can be combined with all types of essential oils to give it not only a pleasant aroma, but also the necessary effect (orange or grapefruit oil helps in the fight against cellulite, almond - tones, jojoba - cleanses, stimulates collagen production, etc. .).

From cinnamon

Aromatic cinnamon not only goes well with pies and gingerbread, but also copes with sagging and tired skin, making it elastic and healthy-looking.

  1. Cinnamon with honey. 2 tbsp. mix cinnamon with 1 tbsp. liquid honey (if it is candied, then melt it). With systematic use, the “orange peel” can be reduced.
  2. Cinnamon, soda, lemon. Mix 1 tbsp. cinnamon, soda and lemon juice. It copes well with skin unevenness and removes a layer of dead skin particles.

You can use already ground cinnamon or grind it yourself. The benefits of sugar and coffee products cannot be compared with cinnamon.

From sugar

Sugar has a good grain size for high-quality peeling. Therefore, it is often used as a base for a scrub. It is used both at home (shower, bath), and in baths and saunas. The sugar recipe does not contain any expensive ingredients, but is still effective.

  1. Sugar, cream. Proportions – 2:1. This product can be used frequently as it moisturizes the skin and is gentle on it. Cream can be replaced with similar products (for example, sour cream).
  2. Sugar, cinnamon, butter. Mix 1 tbsp. sugar, cinnamon, olive oil. The mixture tones, moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic.

The method of using sugar is similar to others, but it is worth considering that sugar can quickly melt in contact with any liquid substance (butter, cream).

Fresh juice scrub also has a sugar base. Also natura siberica - ice sugar scrub, “Strawberry jam”, “Ripe strawberry” Avon,

Chocolate (from cocoa)

A simple and tasty product can reduce the amount of fat in problem areas (thighs/buttocks). The main thing is to choose an additional component.

  1. Cocoa, honey, orange oil. Half a glass of powder and 2 tbsp. mix honey, add three drops of orange ether. Use the product every other day regularly, for a month. Then the first result will be visible.
  2. Cocoa, pepper, butter. For 2 tbsp. cocoa powder add 1 tbsp. oils and red pepper (can be replaced with pepper tincture) - on the tip of a teaspoon. This scrub is suitable as a fat burning product.

Cocoa has a renewing effect on the skin without harshly removing dead particles.


Honey can be used as a binder for almost any scrub, since it definitely won’t be superfluous. Thanks to honey, beneficial substances penetrate the skin, smooth it, making it firm and elastic. If you feel a slight warming up, then this is a sign of a good effect.

  1. Honey and salt. 1 tbsp. mix honey with 2 tbsp. salt. Suitable for use all over the body.
  2. Honey, aloe, sugar. 2 tbsp. Mix sugar with one spoon of honey and paste from aloe leaves. This scrub provides good hydration.


The base for the product is coconut flakes (2 tbsp). You can make a good scrub if you add aromatic cinnamon (1 tsp), full-fat sour cream (or cream) and honey - 1 tbsp each. This product can moisturize the skin, give it natural radiance and elasticity.

Coconut flakes can be added to all other scrubs as an additional ingredient. For example, taking one of the coffee recipes as a basis, coconut is added in proportions that are half the amount of coffee.


The oatmeal scrub is very affordable, easy to prepare and has an active effect on the skin: it restores natural firmness, elasticity, and moisturizes. Oatmeal also has many vitamins that can improve its health and restore it.

Honey, milk, fruit or berry fillings (seasonal) are added to ground oatmeal. Here are examples of oatmeal recipes.

  1. Oatmeal (2 tbsp) is seasoned with cranberry puree (1 tbsp) and olive oil (1 tsp).
  2. Add 1 tbsp to oatmeal (2 tbsp.) honey, sour cream and 1 tsp. cinnamon.
  3. Take equal parts of oatmeal, coffee, sugar and honey. This scrub will be an excellent remedy for those who rarely use it.


Semolina is taken as a basis and combined with other ingredients. An affordable and effective option is to add honey and milk (1 spoon each) to two tablespoons of semolina.

An addition to this mixture is orange or grapefruit ether. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream or cream.


To prepare this product, use hard varieties of nuts - hazelnuts, cashews. But to save money, you can replace them with ground peanuts. For a moisturizing effect and gentle scrubbing, use 1 tbsp. ground peanuts, walnuts, cinnamon and 2 tbsp. low-fat sour cream.

Cosmetic companies have made sure to use a ready-made scrub without the hassle of preparation: “Phyto-cosmetic” Folk recipes (walnut).


Thai fruit scrubs are popular because they have an anti-cellulite effect and have a beneficial effect on the skin. Their structure resembles a simple cream, and some even have an oil base. But you can prepare a similar remedy at home.

  1. Ginger with guava and grape seeds. Mix 50 g of dried ginger with 50 g of guava puree and 50 g of ground grape seeds. Place the paste in a blender, add honey and mix. Use a couple of times a week.
  2. Mango, sugar, coffee, sesame, red pepper. Sugar, mango puree and coffee are placed in one tablespoon each, followed by one teaspoon of sesame seeds and pepper on the tip of a knife. Mix everything in a blender. Use as an anti-cellulite product.

For fruit scrubs, it is important to combine products that are rich in vitamins. As an abrasive - ground seeds, sugar, coffee, etc.

Domestic interpretation of the product - herbal ingredients, oils. An example of a ready-made bio-product is “Bring up the heat” anti-cellulite from Siberika. Japanese and Korean scrubs are popular among those who want to get rid of cellulite. Their base is also of plant origin and can be selected for any skin type.

How to choose?

Finding the best scrub for use is not easy. The difficulty is that different skin types perceive the product differently. For example, one woman enjoyed using an anti-cellulite product and achieved results, while another found it ineffective.

So, why do you need a scrub? This must be understood immediately before buying it or making it yourself.

  • Anti-cellulite. It is better to choose ones based on large abrasive particles that do not melt in a short time (like sugar, salt). It is also worth choosing products that contain warming ingredients (products from guam, Organic Kitchen, Letual, fito cosmetics, eco laboratories).
  • Cleaning. All scrubs that have small particles in their composition and additional functions (moisturizing, nutrition) are suitable. These are products from dolce milk, clarins, payot, Letual H2O.
  • Rejuvenating. The optimal product with small particles and components that contribute to skin rejuvenation - coenzymes, collagen, elastane (anti-kodali products).
  • For a bath or sauna. The line of products for visiting such places is distinguished by a high content of essential oils (mixit scrubs, Athena diy).

Having delicate and sensitive skin, choose small particles for cleansing and additional components that moisturize and restore. You can include natural Spivak products in your handmade scrubs.

Review of brands

When choosing a good body product that can not only cleanse the skin, but also give a certain effect, they very rarely look at the instructions for use. It often happens that the girl or woman who chose the scrub simply does not know how to use it correctly. Manufacturers always introduce the buyer to the basics of proper application and further use - with a glove, wrapping, massage effect.

Ratings and various tops are full of companies, which, judging by their composition, are different and have different additional effects (except for scrubbing). For example, against ingrown hairs or cellulite (Kenyan mango (Organic shop) or Natura Siberica scrub).

Leading cosmetic companies offer their products in this direction: “Natura” Siberica sea buckthorn-honey, Clean line “Phytobath”, “fitness body” anti-cellulite hot scrub, organic shop “Brazilian coffee”, toning and moisturizing, draining “talasso” (thalasso) .

These are also the manufacturers of “planeta organica” (organic planet), Oriflame, Faberlic, Yves Rocher, Garnier, Granny Agafya’s Recipes, Horsepower, Ecolab, Collistar, freeman, ecolab, Beauty Cafe.

Using scrubs from leading manufacturers or prepared yourself, it is important to find one that will not cause discomfort. If there is an unpleasant burning sensation or manifestations of allergic reactions, the scrub should be replaced or not used at all.