DIY paper New Year stars templates. How to make a three-dimensional star out of paper with your own hands. We make five-pointed and multi-pointed stars. DIY voluminous paper star

Origami is such a fascinating activity that it captivates everyone, young and old. And gradually your home turns into a warehouse of various things that you can admire for a long time, sorting through them. Some of them have practical applications, and very interesting ones.

For example, a star made from paper using the origami technique can be used in other ways. With a little practice in making these DIY paper stars, you can decorate your entire home with them. The main thing is imagination and perseverance! You can also involve your household in folding stars.

How to fold a star out of paper: master class

Now you know how to fold a star out of paper, and there is nothing difficult about it. Volumetric decorations are very original. If you make a pair of identical stars and glue them together, you can hang them on a thread as a decoration in any room.

When preparing for any holiday, when you want to decorate your home, time, as a rule, is sorely lacking. Therefore, you should take care of the decorations in advance - find drawings of the ones you like and try to make them in rough form. If the result suits you, then production can be put on stream - everyone, young and old, can be involved.

Children love it when their rooms are decorated with their creations. They feel well-deserved pride and receive the same moral satisfaction from the work done as their parents. And working together always brings us closer together. Therefore, families that practice making various crafts, for example, as in our version, paper stars, are very united and friendly. We will take our example from them!

Paper will perfectly decorate a Christmas tree, chandelier or window.
I bring to your attention a photo tutorial on how to make a three-dimensional star out of paper. Together we will put together two stars from paper modules - a six-pointed one and a seven-pointed one.

While I was figuring out the diagram, I came up with another asterisk of seven modules ( option 2). But more on that below.

In the meantime, take a square sheet of paper. I used squares of colored paper with a side of 8 cm.

Option 1. Six-pointed volumetric star made of paper

Fold the square in half in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

We bend the remaining corners in the same way to the point of intersection of the fold lines.

We get the next figure.

Turn it over to the other side. We bend the top part on both sides, aligning the sides along the horizontal fold line.

We do not push the fold line completely, but only to the vertical line. First on one side.

We form the fold on the other side in the same way.

And now we bend the lower part in the same way.

This is what we should get.

Turn the figure over to the other side. We bend the corners from the center along the existing fold lines.

We repeat everything for the bottom part.

* We get the next figure. This figure is common for folding stars. If you fold a seven-pointed star, then move on to option 2. To fold a six-pointed star ( option 1), we continue to add.

Bend the figure in half along the vertical axis.

And bend it again along the horizontal axis. We place the resulting triangle in this way. Bend the right corner as shown in the photo.

Unbend. We divide the top into two layers and begin to stretch it in different directions.

At the same time, bend the corner to the left with the fingers of your right hand below.

Iron the fold lines well.

We get this module.

If you bend the bottom corner to the left, then the entrance to the pocket is on your right. From the entrance to the pocket, it is necessary to fold the outer triangles inward along the existing fold lines. This way they will not interfere with the assembly of modules.

On the other side, straighten the triangles.

To assemble a six-pointed star we will need six modules.

We take two modules. We put one on top of the other. We tuck the free corners into pockets.

This is what the two assembled modules look like.

Similarly, we attach the third module.

In order for the star to be hung, we attach a cord made from several folds of thread to one of the modules.

We straighten the module, drip a drop of glue and insert a knot of lace.

We complete the assembly of the modules. Our six-pointed volumetric paper star is ready.

With practice, you can fold a star from beautiful wrapping paper.

If you didn’t understand something, you can use the video lesson.

Option 2. Seven-pointed volumetric star made of paper

We begin to add the modules of the seven-pointed star in the same way as the modules for the first star ( option 1). We reach ( * ), where we got this figure.

We fold the figure in half not along the vertical axis, as in the first case, but along the horizontal axis.

We bend the side of the triangle towards the base on one side and the other. Iron the fold line well, dividing the top of the triangle into two layers.

Now we take the side triangles and stretch the figure in different directions, bending it in half.

This is what we should get.

From the side of the entrance to the “pocket”, the side triangles along the existing fold lines must be bent inward so that they do not interfere with the assembly of the modules.

This is what the finished module for the seven-pointed star looks like.

In order to assemble a star, you will need seven modules.

We take two modules and tuck the protruding side corners of one module into the “pockets” of the other.

We connect the modules well with each other so that they fit together as best as possible.

We also connect the remaining modules.

Until you get such a seven-pointed three-dimensional star.

In order for the star to be hung on the Christmas tree, we glue a rope loop of the desired color into one corner.

You can decorate the finished stars with beads by gluing them in the center.

This is the star made from colored wrapping paper.

If you prefer video tutorials, then a detailed video tutorial is below.

Sometimes there are times when you need a voluminous star made of paper. Be it New Year or Defender of the Fatherland Day. Or perhaps you just want to add details to the interior.

Star on the Christmas tree

It can be made from plain colored paper or use one that has a suitable pattern. Then you will get the most unusual three-dimensional star made of paper. You can search for a template for it online or draw it yourself. If the second method is chosen, then you will need a simple pencil and a ruler with a protractor.

On a thick sheet of paper you need to draw two intersecting lines. They must be perpendicular. From the intersection point you need to construct a circle. Its size corresponds to what the finished volumetric paper star should be.

Then the circle needs to be divided into sectors of 36º. There should be ten rays. Every second should be divided in half. The long ones will be rays, and the short ones will be the hollows of the star.

The ends of the short beams need to be connected to the long ones. The star is already visible. All that remains is to draw stripes on the side of each beam for gluing. And the template can be cut out.

Using it, cut out two parts from the prepared paper. Then bend the star along the rays and hollows. The rays are on the front side, and the depressions are on the back. The gluing strips will need to be folded inward. All that remains is to glue the two halves together and carefully and slowly inflate the star from the inside. Naturally, after the glue has dried.

A star made of individual rays

In this case, it will also turn out to be five-pointed. And it will stick together not from two halves, but from five rays.

In order to make a 3D paper star, the diagram should be like this. For each ray you need to draw 6 rays, with angles between them of 21º. The angle between the axis of the depression and the segment to the end of the beam should be 120º. On the inside and on one side of the workpiece you need to draw tabs for gluing.

The workpiece must be folded and glued along the side. Then also make 4 more rays. At the final stage, all that remains is to connect all 5 parts together. And the five-pointed volumetric star made of paper is ready.

Eight pointed star for Christmas

It will require two square sheets of thick colored paper. To make a three-dimensional star made of paper, you will need to fold each of them 4 times. Two diagonally and two from the middle of the sides. All folds should go through the center of the square.

Along the lines that go from the middle of the sides, make cuts to the middle of these rays. Fold four rays to the wrong side. Apply glue to one of the halves of each ray and glue them together. The figure will gain volume. The same steps are performed with the second square.

The two halves need to be glued together. You will get an eight-pointed star if, when gluing, you put the halves at an angle to each other so that the adjacent rays are in the middle between those of the second part.

Origami - eight-pointed star

No glue is required to create it. However, as with all origami products. A three-dimensional star is made from paper based on eight squares. They all follow the same principle.

First, the square needs to be folded diagonally and unfolded. Then make folds from one corner to the resulting fold. The following steps repeat the fold from the other end of the diagonal. The square now looks like a diamond.

Now the part that was folded first bends and unfolds again. The angle coincides with the vertex of the rhombus, and the side goes along the line formed from the edge of the square. And so on both sides. A pattern of two intersecting folds appears at the top of the diamond.

Next, the product needs to be turned upside down and inside out. Bend along the right marked line and take your fingers at the point of their intersection. Now the entire upper part of the part should be folded in half. Bend the corner that will be on the outside to the side. The result will be something resembling an open beak. You will need 8 such blanks.

All that remains is to connect them. Place the small pieces inside the larger ones. That is, one ray will remain from each part, and the second part will be slipped under the fold.

Another origami star

Usually it is made in small size. For her, a landscape sheet of paper is divided into 4 parts. But you can cut each of them in half.

Folding begins by marking the middle; for this, two folds are made in half. Then both corners on the left are connected to the middle. Moreover, you first need to bend the corners so that the bottom corner is on top, then unfold and fold again, but with the top corner facing up. This is necessary to obtain symmetrical folds. Then also on the right.

Now you need to unfold everything on the left and place the sheet with this part up. The lower part must be placed inside. The fold is drawn along the transverse line that was drawn initially.

The left and right lower edges of the workpiece need to be folded symmetrically, so that a straight horizontal line is formed from the folds created earlier. Now the disassembled part needs to be assembled back along the previously created folds. The result is a regular pentagon. On its basis, a three-dimensional paper star will be created.

In this figure, you need to fold and unfold the workpiece along all the vertices. The result will be a pattern resembling a star. All that remains is to give it volume by bending inward what should be the cavity of the star.

It can already be used for decoration or decorated with ribbons.

Six-pointed star variant

You only need 6 squares of colored paper to fold and a little patience. And then you will get a three-dimensional star made of paper. The folding scheme requires the following steps.

Fold the square in half twice. And expand. You will get a drawing of four squares. All corners must be bent towards the middle of the square. Then this workpiece needs to be folded along the diagonal, but only so that they are on one side of the diagonal. Then you need to unfold them and bend the corners from the middle along the formed folds outward. Do the same on the other side of the square.

Then the product is folded along the original line, so as not to fold along the one that is completely free.

The resulting triangle needs to be folded and unfolded. Folds are made so that the edge of the last fold coincides with the line from the turns that remain from previous actions. In the middle of the triangle you will get the intersection of two segments.

Now the part needs to be turned out a little along these folds. There will be a depression in the middle, and the rays need to be sharpened by pressing them with your fingers. From six such parts you need to assemble a star, tucking the ends into the folds of another part.

A three-dimensional star made from a thin strip of paper. Master Class

Can you imagine that you can make a three-dimensional star from a thin strip of paper?

I, like many users, answered this question in the negative, but that was only until I tried to make an original origami star myself. I would like to immediately say that the process of making this craft is so fascinating that it can make you forget about everything in the world. It’s good that there is still time before the New Year and everyone who is interested in this master class can show their abilities in creating a three-dimensional origami star.

So, let's begin our master class.

Before proceeding directly to the process, it is necessary to prepare the crafting material - paper strips. For my stars, I tried several different strips and as a result I was able to choose the optimal width - 1cm. If it is thinner, the work becomes more complicated, although the stars turn out to be very elegant, but wide stripes make the star too clumsy.

Any paper can be suitable for making strips, of course, with the exception of cardboard, since it is difficult to bend. But the satin wrapping paper makes truly festive stars. If you don’t have such paper at hand, you can take sheets from magazines and even newspaper pages.

An important point: single-sided paper can be used, so the inside will be hidden from view.

Let's start making strips. After cutting a sheet 26 cm long into centimeter strips, we will make our work easier by gluing all the strips together, getting a kind of serpentine. I would like to note that I had an idea to use real paper serpentine to make stars, but I had to postpone it, since finding this material turned out to be problematic for me.

We make the base of our craft

It always seemed to me that the pattern of folding a paper pentagon is quite complicated. However, as soon as I tried to fold an origami star once, the truth was revealed: folding the base of a future three-dimensional star is quite simple and it looks exactly like a regular pentagon.

To begin with, you need to form a small loop from the workpiece, then, passing the end of the paper tape through it, tighten it to form a knot.

Important: the strips must adhere to each other without gaps; neither excessive looseness of the knot nor excessive tightening should be allowed.

Now we hide the tail of the ribbon, to do this we bend it back.

Now it’s time to wind the taphole.

Important: The tape needs to be wound tightly.

We have just hidden the tail of our loop. Now we bend the working part of the tape there too. The base of our pentagonal star has already taken its shape.

Winding an origami star

You need to try to tightly wrap the sides of the pentagon, but so as not to crumple its edges.

Having turned the tape inside out, we change its direction (up to the right) and now go around the other side of the pentagon. If the geometric figure is folded correctly, in the future the tape itself will lie in the direction it needs to be. We direct the tape to the right.

It is advisable that all sides of the sprocket be circled multiple times. For example, each star can go up to 30 cm. So the wraps should be done until the tape runs out.

We are working on volume

When a piece of tape 1.5 cm long remains, stop winding.

To hide the remaining end of the tape, you need to push it under the last turn.

At this point, the preparation of the base of our star is completed; now all that remains is the process of transforming an ordinary regular pentagon into a three-dimensional star. Carefully picking up the craft, use your finger to stroke the sides of the star, from the edges to the middle. It is important to do this carefully without squeezing the middle. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve volume.

To make the star beautiful, you need to make all sides identical. You can see what the finished star should look like in the photo. There is also a side view. The diameter of the craft is 1.5 cm.

How can you use the craft we made?

You can simply scatter them on the holiday table; can be pasted onto greeting cards and used to decorate gifts; you can also decorate the Christmas tree; you can string them on a thread using a relatively long needle and make a garland.

Once you try to make this beautiful star yourself, you will surprise yourself. So great will be the desire not to stop and prepare them for future use. For what? A question that makes you smile. The fact is that you can find a use for these original stars anywhere, you just need to use your imagination. My children and I made a New Year's garland out of them. True, I had to try a little to thread each star with a needle. Some people use these beautiful figurines to decorate a room: they pour a lot of these stars into a glass vase or bottle and add a touch of cheerful mood to the atmosphere with such a bright design touch. Another idea is to use stars to decorate a gift.

You can come up with endless ideas!

Treat yourself to a starburst for the New Year!

For interior decoration or themed holidays, a decorative element such as a star is often used. There are a lot of variations on the theme of making a star: large and small, voluminous and flat, double or single. Materials for making crafts also vary significantly. This can be paper, fabric, foil, wire and other available means. In this article we will look at the most popular formats for making paper stars. Well, the task will be made easier by a selection of thematic photos, detailed diagrams and video material from a master class on making a star with your own hands.

How to make a small star out of paper

These stars are small (1.5 cm), but in large quantities they look very impressive and original.

To work, you will need colored or glossy paper (you can also use old glossy magazines) and scissors.

  • First, blanks are made: strips of paper are cut, measuring 29x1.1 cm. The width and length of the strips can be changed according to the desired size of the future star.
  • Make a small loop from the strip (at the edge), then bend the protruding short end. It turns out to be a pentagonal figure, press it lightly.
  • Turn the product over (pentagon) and continue working with the long end of the strip.
  • We begin to tightly wrap the pentagonal figure with the strip, gradually, without squeezing it too much. There are at least 10 similar wraps, that is, each side of the star is wrapped twice.
  • Hide the remaining edge of the strip underneath.
  • The next stage: turning the pentagon into a full-fledged star. Holding the workpiece with one hand, use the nail of the other hand to press on the middle of the face of the pentagon, forming the rays of an asterisk. Five pressures - and the star is ready!

  • Such stars look very stylish in the interior: you can fill a glass vase or jar with them. And if you do this activity with your children, your finger motor skills will be great.

How to make a 3D star out of paper

To make such three-dimensional stars you will need thick decorative paper, scissors and glue.

  • Draw blanks for the rays of the star, print and transfer to the desired paper.
  • Bend along the lines and glue along the edge (allowances for gluing are given).
  • Then, glue the five prepared templates together, getting a three-dimensional star.

  • The size of the stars can be adjusted independently by increasing or decreasing the size of the template.

How to make an origami star out of paper

Such stars look great and stylish from newspaper or music paper.

  • Fold the square-shaped sheet in half, then bend the triangle of one of the vertices.
  • Do the same maneuver with the other vertex of the rectangle.
  • Place the opposite corner of the rectangle at the intersection point of the previous folds.

  • Next, bend the rays of the future star along the drawn lines. The remaining shapeless tail of the workpiece is cut off.
  • If all folds are performed correctly, you can see a pentagon pattern on the spread.

  • The final stage is the most difficult. To get a star, you need to carefully bend and wrap the resulting template along the lines.

So, in this article, the most popular methods of making a paper star were discussed. Completely different in appearance and manufacturing method, the presented options will fit perfectly into a festive interior and become a spectacular decoration.