How to get rid of fungus on toenails using folk methods. Traditional methods for eliminating foot fungus. List of effective folk remedies


According to official medical statistics, every 5th inhabitant of the globe experiences toenail fungus. The problem may hardly bother you for a long time or may immediately appear in an acute form, causing a lot of discomfort. If the case is not advanced, therapy can be carried out with folk remedies.

What is toenail fungus

Onychomycosis - this is the name in official medicine for damage to the nail plate by fungal microorganisms. The causative agents are mainly dermatophytes, microsporia (Micrispotum canis - a fungus that causes ringworm). Domestic doctors use a classification that divides onychomycosis into types according to manifestations:

  • Normotrophic - the structure of the nail does not change, the fungus makes itself felt only in stripes or spots, often whitish, on the surface of the plate.
  • Hypertrophic - a deformed nail (waves and grooves appear on it) thickens, loses its natural shine, and may begin to collapse on the periphery (along the edges).
  • Atrophic (onycholytic) - characterized by complete rejection of the infected part of the nail plate.

The fungus appears on toenails more often than on the hands, since the main places of infection are floors in bathhouses, saunas, showers, shoes, washcloths, towels: the pathogen lives and multiplies in a humid environment. The development mechanism is simple: the fungus begins to feed on the keratin that forms the basis of the nail plate, which leads to a change in its structure and color, and the appearance of spots. Deformation can be observed:

  • from the edges (lateral onychomycosis);
  • at the matrix – posterior cushion (proximal);
  • at the free edge (distal);
  • all over the nail (total).

Before looking for pharmaceutical or folk remedies against nail fungus, you should make an accurate diagnosis from a dermatologist. With onychomycosis, in addition to deformation of the plate and changes in color (green, brown, yellow), itching of the side ridges, pain, and peeling of adjacent areas of the skin are observed. An increase in foot sweating and an unpleasant odor are possible. Based on the symptoms, you can even identify the specific pathogen:

  • yellow stripes – dermatophytes;
  • detachment of the plate - yeast fungi;
  • change in nail color – mold.

Treatment of fungus on toenails with folk remedies

To select a competent therapeutic regimen, you should see a dermatologist, identify the pathogen, assess the stage of the disease and the degree of damage to the plate. These points will determine whether nail fungus can be treated with folk remedies or whether heavy medications and physiotherapeutic procedures will be needed. The fight against onychomycosis is always long (3 months or more), since the infection sits inside the plate and its complete renewal must occur. During the treatment process, the following rules must be observed:

  • Buy a large number of files, preferably not metal ones - they will be replaced after each procedure for treating the affected areas. If you use the same one, it will contribute to the spread of the fungus.
  • Use a separate towel for your feet, slippers, a basin and other personal hygiene items to avoid transmitting the infection to your family. They are advised to wash with tar soap to prevent infection.
  • After taking a shower or bath, treat the bottom and walls with aggressive cleaning agents.
  • Take care of your foot hygiene: change your socks daily, carry out antiseptic treatment in the morning and evening after water procedures. The danger is posed by increased humidity and friction, so tight and not
  • Breathable shoes should be removed.

After getting rid of the fungus, things that were in contact with the affected areas must be treated with disinfectants (boil with them) or thrown away. Treatment (both folk and classical medications) is aimed at:

  • preventing the spread of fungus;
  • relief of unpleasant symptoms;
  • nail restoration;
  • removal of affected tissue (for advanced onychomycosis).

Folk remedies can be combined with pharmaceutical drugs. If 30% of the nail plate or less is affected, oral administration of antifungals (tablets for fungal infections) is not required - therapy is only local and involves:

  • baths (with a low concentration solution of potassium permanganate, salt, soda, medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, thyme, calendula) - hot, help to steam the feet and soften the nail plate;
  • compresses (on rowan leaves minced in a meat grinder, grated onion or garlic, Kalanchoe leaf);
  • lotions (based on herbal decoctions, solutions of vinegar, vegetable juices, hydrogen peroxide);
  • ointments (birch tar, vinegar, propolis).

Baths are an essential element of treatment, as they prepare the nails for the subsequent application of antimycotic agents (from traditional medicine or pharmaceutical ones). Steaming the legs lasts 15-20 minutes, after which the free edge is cut off and the plate itself is sanded with a file. If necessary, compacted areas, loose areas, and those that have begun to peel off are removed. Only after this can you apply ointment or make a compress.


Preventing the spread of fungal spores and new relapses (exacerbations) of the disease is the main task of folk remedies based on vinegar. It creates an acidic environment in the pathogen’s habitat, which prevents its normal nutrition and leads to death. You can use either 70% essence or table vinegar (9% or weaker) to treat fungus, but you need to carefully look at what is indicated in the recipe. The most effective ways to combat onychomycosis:

  • The bath is made with table vinegar, 200 ml of which is diluted in 5 liters of warm (50 degrees) water. Steam your feet for a quarter of an hour, then trim your nails and put on cotton socks.
  • Using 9% table vinegar (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar), make lotions by soaking a cotton pad in it until well damp and applying it to the affected area for 15 minutes. If you only have vinegar essence at home, it should be diluted with glycerin and vodka in equal proportions to avoid getting a burn, which could leave a scar. The procedure is done once a day.
  • Make an ointment based on beaten chicken eggs, 3 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 15 grams of butter. Rub it into the sore nail before going to bed for a month, putting a piece of gauze on top and securing everything with a band-aid.


In the fight against fungus and other infectious lesions of the skin and nail plate, celandine (its juice) has no equal, but locally this folk remedy, due to increased toxicity, cannot be used in areas where there are wounds, burns and other damage. There are many ways to treat them:

  • Pour apricot or almond kernel oil over the dried celandine to cover completely (do it in a small cup), leave for a week in a dark place, strain. Add refined vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. Rub into the affected nail 2 times a day for 3 months.
  • Boil 5 sprigs of celandine in a water bath (throw in 200 ml of water), cool. Pour the strained broth into a liter of warm water and take a foot bath for 10 minutes every evening for a month.
  • Combine 20 drops of celandine oil and 250 ml of medical alcohol and leave for 24 hours. Soak gauze with the resulting folk remedy and apply a compress to the sore nail once a day. Therapy lasts a month.
  • Grind fresh stems and leaves of celandine, combine with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:4, leave for 3 days in a dark place. Rub the prepared ointment into the nail plate 2 times a day, treat for 3 weeks.


If you choose to treat toenail fungus with folk remedies, be sure to buy an alcohol tincture of propolis at the pharmacy or get this beekeeping product in its traditional (solid) form from beekeepers. It consists of resins, essential oils, wax and organic acids, helps heal minor injuries, and works as a natural antibiotic. The recipes with it are simple:

  • In the evening, dilute 1 tbsp. l. alcohol tincture in a liter of hot water, keep the feet in the bath for 10 minutes. After removing the overgrown edge and affected areas, put on cotton socks.
  • Grate a piece of propolis on the fine side of a grater, combine with butter 1:1. Warm in a water bath, stir, let cool. Apply the resulting ointment to the affected area, cover with gauze, leave for 4-5 hours or leave overnight (fix with a band-aid). Repeat the procedure once a day for a month.
  • Mash a piece of propolis heated in a water bath and place it on the treated (steam, cut, sand) nail plate. Remove after an hour. Repeat every day for 2 months.
  • Soak a cotton swab in alcohol tincture and place it on the damaged plate. Remove after half an hour. Such applications can be used 3 times a day for a month, and then only 1 time per day until complete cure.


Softening the stratum corneum, reducing sweating of the feet, stimulating the regeneration of cracks, eliminating unpleasant odors and infections – these are the main qualities of baking soda, thanks to which it has become popular in folk medicine as a remedy for onychomycosis. A few basic recipes:

  • Grate a piece (10 g) of laundry soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water. Add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda, stir. Pour in another liter of water and keep the feet in the resulting bath for 15 minutes. Then start removing the steamed infected areas. Do the procedure for a month.
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. dilute baking soda with warm water to obtain a thick paste, apply a thick layer to the nail plate, sprinkle with lemon juice. When the hissing finishes, wait 5-10 minutes and rinse your feet under running water. Repeat these steps daily for a month.
  • Grind 3-4 peppermint leaves (fresh), add a pinch of salt and the same amount of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the infected area and cover with gauze. After an hour, remove the compress. Repeat until cured in the morning.

Tea mushroom

The folk remedies presented above for toenail fungus are known to most people, because they are available and are also used in the treatment of other diseases. Few people have encountered medusomycetes or kombucha. It contains organic acids, thiamine, relieves inflammation, and quickly fights mycosis. Easy to use:

  • Cut a small piece from the mushroom, remove the film, and grind the pulp. Apply the paste to the nail and secure with gauze. After an hour, wash it off. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day, after a month take a break for 10 days.
  • Before going to bed, place a piece of kombucha on the affected plate, cover with cling film, and bandage it. Put a sock on top. In the morning, remove, make a vinegar bath, and remove the softened diseased areas with a file.
  • Mix celandine juice (or apple cider vinegar) with kombucha infusion 1:2, take a 10-minute bath in the mornings and evenings for a week.

Garlic and onion

Very effective folk remedies for treating nail fungus are vegetable juices: onion and garlic - they contain a large amount of phytoncides. These substances help to cope with the infection in a short time if you mix them in equal proportions, add medical alcohol and cool water (1:1:1), rub the resulting solution into the diseased plate in the morning and evening. Treatment lasts 1-2 months.

Hydrogen peroxide

If garlic and onion juices, celandine and vinegar can cause burns during long-term treatment or use on sensitive skin, then hydrogen peroxide, which also has strong disinfecting properties, is safer. It can be used to treat shoes and treat fungus:

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and cool water in a ratio of 1:1:3, keep only your toes in this solution for 15 minutes. You can soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the sore nail.
  • Crush 6 tablets of hydroperite, combine with Vaseline (20 g). Apply the resulting ointment in a thick layer at a frequency of 3 times a day, covering it with a bandage or plaster. Treatment lasts until complete recovery.
  • Soak a cotton swab in 3% hydrogen peroxide, squeeze lightly, and apply to the area affected by the fungus. Bandage and keep for 2-3 hours. Perform these actions once a day, after a month take a 2-week break.

Copper sulfate

When it comes to folk remedies for toenail fungus, copper sulfate (sold in powder form) is rarely remembered, but it restores local immunity well, relieves pain and inflammation. Use the following recipes:

  • Pour 1 tsp. copper sulfate with a liter of warm water, apply the product to a cotton pad and apply to the infected area. Bandage it and leave it until the morning. The therapeutic course lasts 2 weeks.
  • Take copper sulfate and butter in equal proportions, stir until the powder grains dissolve (so as not to damage the skin during use). Apply the resulting ointment in an even layer to the nail plate once a day, applying gauze and adhesive tape on top. Remove the compress after an hour. Repeat the procedure for 7 days.


Powerful antiseptic properties have been observed in iodine, but this remedy must be used carefully, since it is characterized by strong absorption. If you have thyroid problems, consult your doctor. This folk remedy for toenail fungus is used as follows:

  • During the 21st day, morning and evening, treat the affected plates with 5% iodine using a cotton swab.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 3 drops of iodine. Soak gauze with the product and apply it as a compress to the sore nail. You can remove it after 3 hours or in the morning (if you do the procedure in the evening). You need to be treated this way for up to 3 weeks.
  • In 3 liters of water warmed to 40 degrees, dilute 2 tsp. iodine, keep your feet in this bath for a quarter of an hour. Wipe dry. Do this for 28 days, once a day.
  • Alternative bath: 1 tsp. iodine, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and coarse salt, 2 liters of warm water. Dissolve the main components, keep your feet in the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Do this for a month.
  • Grind 20 g of dry celandine, add 1/2 tsp. iodine, mix to a paste (the grass should be saturated with liquid). Apply a thick layer to the affected area, bandage, and remove after an hour. Before doing this, it is advisable to treat the skin with a rich cream to prevent burns. Such actions are performed in the morning, the course lasts 2 weeks.

Tea tree oil

For minor damage to the nail plate, you can use such a strong folk remedy as tea tree essential oil. It is used daily for 2 months, and in case of advanced disease, treatment will have to be extended to six months. Simple recipes:

  • Apply 1-2 drops to the affected area in the morning, afternoon and evening, waiting until the product is completely absorbed. A bandage is not applied on top.
  • Heat 1 tsp. oil to 30 degrees in a water bath, dilute with water (2 tablespoons), soak a cotton swab with this mixture and apply to the infected area for an hour. The compress will help soften the nail, making it easier to remove.

Sea and table salt

The most affordable remedy that helps cope with fungus and, according to reviews, helps strengthen nails, is salt - sea and table salt. It is used to make cold and warm baths, compresses, and lotions. It can be used alone, with soda or with herbal decoctions, using the following folk recipes for toenail fungus:

  • Take a liter of water warmed to 50 degrees. Dissolve 1 tsp in it. salt and 1/2 tsp. potassium permanganate. Keep feet in the solution for 20 minutes. After the 10th day, take 3 days of rest, treatment lasts until recovery.
  • Brew 1 tbsp for half an hour. l. oak bark and Icelandic moss with a glass of boiling water. Strain, dilute with hot water (liter), add sea salt (1 tbsp.). Keep your feet in the solution once a day for 15 minutes, do this for a month.
  • Combine 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and vegetable oil, 2 aspirin tablets and an Aevita capsule, apply the resulting mass thickly to the affected nail. Cover with a bandage and keep for 3-4 hours. Do it in the morning for 21 days.


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Approximately ¼ of the entire world population suffers from such an unpleasant disease as nail fungus. Often the disease does not even manifest itself in an acute form and, of course, does not cause its owner much trouble or discomfort. In fact, a person can live with this disease for quite a long time without visiting a doctor's office and without fighting the fungus. However, this is very dangerous, since the disease can spread not only to all nail plates, but also to the skin and hair.

Why does nail fungus occur and how does it manifest?

Toenail fungus, the causes of which have already been established, is a consequence of the active activity of certain harmful microorganisms: mold and yeast. They reproduce quite quickly. As a result, the nail plates begin to crack, thicken, and crumble. At the same time, their color changes greatly. Gradually, the nails turn from transparent to yellow, brown, black, and in some cases even green.

At the same time, many people forget that the fungus does not go away on its own and needs to be treated. And if treatment for this disease is very late, then over time you can lose your nail.

The first external sign of this disease suggests that skin flakes should be examined in the laboratory. Is it possible to cure toenail fungus at home? Treatment with folk remedies allows you to quickly eliminate the disease.

Vinegar against disease

This method is very simple and effective. Treatment of toenail fungus with vinegar lasts about two weeks. The course consists of 7 procedures. After this, therapy can be considered complete. For treatment it is necessary to prepare a solution. To do this, 9% table vinegar should be mixed with clean water. In this case, it is necessary to observe proportions. For 1 part vinegar you need 8 parts water. It is worth remembering that men have rougher nail plates and skin on their feet, so the solution can be made stronger. For one part vinegar you can take only 2-4 parts water.

Before using the product, you need to steam your skin and nails. To do this, pour hot water into a basin and dilute it with cold water. It is worth lowering your legs into the basin for a while. However, the water should not burn. After this, the steamed legs should be lowered into a bath with the already prepared solution. With this folk remedy you need to treat the entire foot and the space between the toes. It is better to carry out the procedure every other day. It is worth remembering that vinegar cannot be diluted with hot water, as the substance loses some of its properties.

This method of combating a disease such as nail fungus will allow you to completely get rid of it. Of course, if the disease was advanced, more than one course of such therapy will be required. The main thing is to have patience.

Fungal therapy with dimethyl phthalate and eggs

How else can you overcome toenail fungus? Ointments prepared from improvised means will perfectly help cope with this problem. To make the composition you need to take a spoonful of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate and a raw egg. All components must be thoroughly mixed. If desired, vegetable oil can be replaced with ordinary 70% vinegar. This mixture should be applied to the affected areas of the nails and skin. After this, you should wrap your feet in plastic wrap and put on socks or stockings. The mixture should be left overnight. This procedure must be repeated 3 to 4 times. It is worth noting that damaged nails should come off, and new and healthy ones should appear in their place. Since the composition deteriorates very quickly, it should be stored in a cool place.

How to fight toenail fungus with iodine

Another effective remedy against the disease is iodine. The course of therapy usually lasts no more than 20 days. Throughout the entire treatment, it is necessary to apply iodine to damaged nails twice a day, preferably in the evening and in the morning. But that's not all. Experts recommend applying iodine to unaffected nail plates. During therapy, pain or burning may be felt in the treated areas. Don't worry too much about this. This is a sign that the nail plates are beginning to heal. However, if the discomfort has become simply unbearable, then you should take a short break or reduce the number of procedures. In this situation, it is better to apply iodine once a day.

In addition, you should at least partially quit smoking during therapy. After all, nicotine also has a negative effect on nails.

Birch tar against fungus

How else can you overcome fungus on your toenails? Treatment with folk remedies can be based on preparations made from birch tar. This substance can be used as a 10 or 30% ointment or as one of the components of medicinal formulations. The finished product should be applied to the affected nail plates. This should be done several times a day, for example in the evening and in the morning. The course is only two weeks.

It is worth noting that, if desired, birch tar can be prepared at home - in the yard or at your summer cottage. To do this, you should take a bucket with several holes in the bottom. Such a container must be equipped with a special groove, thanks to which the tar will drain. A large amount of birch bark should be placed in the bucket. When burning, the birch bark will melt. As a result, tar will flow down the gutter through the hole. The bucket must be placed correctly. The container with birch bark should be secured approximately five centimeters above the gutter. It is worth preparing for the fact that the extraction of natural birch tar is a very painstaking and long process. However, as a result of all manipulations, a substance of the highest quality is obtained.

Rowan against nail fungus

Can fungus on toenails be cured with herbs? Treatment with folk remedies can not only prevent the spread of the disease, but also get rid of it completely. Doctors often recommend using green rowan leaves to combat fungus. To get the most effective product, you need to collect fresh raw materials and grind them. The result should be a green paste. The finished composition can be used as compresses. The paste should be applied to all affected areas and then wrapped with a tight bandage. Of course, such therapy lasts about a month. Compresses should be applied every few days.

Will vodka help?

Products based on this alcoholic drink are an effective treatment for toenail fungus. It's very easy to use. To prepare the drug, you should take about ¾ glass of alcohol, ½ teaspoon of potassium permanganate and a teaspoon of lemon juice. All components must be placed in a glass container and mixed thoroughly. It is best to use a glass. Its remaining volume can be filled with clean water. The finished composition should be placed in a cold place and left there for five days. After the specified time, the drug will be ready for use. The resulting tincture should be applied to the affected areas of the nail plates. The procedure should be carried out several times a day every day. It is best to do this in the evening and in the morning. The course of this therapy lasts until complete recovery.

Kombucha in the fight against illness

Very often, fungus on the toenails occurs in people after 35 years of age. Also at this age, the plates can become denser and become loose. Such nails are very difficult to cut. Often the reason for this phenomenon lies precisely in the fungus. Kombucha will help cope with this problem. For treatment, simply cut off a small piece of kombucha and then apply it to the damaged area. It's better to bandage it for the whole night. As a result, the plate will become soft. If this does not happen, then the procedure should be repeated. As a result of therapy, nails will become strong and healthy. It is worth noting that the fungus is very afraid of acid.

Celandine and baking soda will come to the rescue

This method allows you to get rid of not only nail fungus, but also foot fungus. The method is quite effective. First you need to make a soda solution. It is enough to dilute a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in a liter of clean water. For some time, the feet should be dipped in the prepared solution and steamed. Soda can be placed in warm water. This substance does not lose its properties. After this procedure, feet and nails must be lubricated with celandine oil. This substance can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. When rubbing, special attention should be paid to areas located between the fingers.

Relieves Kalanchoe disease

This plant is found in almost every home. However, many are not even aware of its beneficial qualities. But Kalanchoe allows you to overcome toenail fungus. To treat the disease, it is worth cutting off a fresh leaf of the plant and then gluing it to the damaged plate. You can fix the Kalanchoe on your finger using a regular adhesive plaster. This compress should be changed daily. It is worth noting that the result will not keep you waiting long. The hole will gradually begin to turn pink, and then a new and healthy nail will grow.

Tea tree oil and the drug "Pinosol"

Traditional medicine experts say that tea tree oil will help overcome the disease. After all, this substance has antibacterial properties. It should be applied to the affected nail plates throughout the day. In this case, the course of therapy is at least two months. If the fungus is advanced, treatment can take up to six months.

Also, many recommend using the well-known Pinosol nasal drops. This remedy also helps against nail fungus. The composition of this drug is natural. The medicine contains eucalyptus, peppermint and pine oils, as well as thymol. All of these substances have not only anti-inflammatory, but also antiseptic effects.

Can you use apple cider vinegar?

If desired, regular vinegar can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. However, the composition of the drug also changes. To combat nail fungus, you need to dilute just a few grains of potassium permanganate in a liter of apple cider vinegar. The finished product should be poured into a bath and diluted with three liters of clean water. You should soak your feet in this solution for 10 minutes and then wipe them thoroughly. It is necessary to take such baths for 7 days every day. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Healing baths

What other baths can you do to combat toenail fungus? Treatment with folk remedies can take a long time. However, the effect from them will be much better than from medications. To combat fungus, you can use the following bath solution. To prepare it, you should take three parts of oak bark, two parts each of horsetail, calendula flowers, blackberry fruits and verbena herb. All components need to be mixed and crushed. Three tablespoons of the resulting raw material should be poured into a glass of water, and then boiled over medium heat for about 15 minutes. The strained broth can be poured into a bath. You need to steam your feet in this product for about 20 minutes.


If you have the first signs of toenail fungus, rush to see a doctor. After all, an advanced disease is very difficult to cure. Also, you should not self-medicate, since alternative medicine, like medications, has side effects and contraindications. The use of this or that folk drug should be discussed with your doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies, the most effective of which have been tested over the years, is accepted even by experienced specialists. The only condition is that before using unconventional recipes, you need to consult a doctor, agree on dosages and other features of the therapeutic course.

Nail fungus - symptoms

It is easy to recognize mycosis of the nails. A healthy nail plate is pink, smooth, shiny. Different types of fungus cause different symptoms, but there are a few common signs that can help you recognize the problem:

  • the nail begins to crumble;
  • the color of the nail plate changes;
  • the nail phalanx exfoliates;
  • soreness;
  • itching in the area around the sore nail.

Mycosis of toenails

The disease is caused by a large number of different microorganisms. Depending on which nail fungus has affected the limb, the symptoms of the disease change slightly:

Mycosis of fingernails

You can understand that treatment with folk remedies and the most effective medications is required by the following signs:

Is it possible to cure nail fungus with folk remedies?

Many people who are faced with this problem ask this question. The answer is comforting: treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies is allowed. Alternative methods of therapy have proven themselves well. Traditional recipes are accessible and effective, but before starting treatment it is still advisable to coordinate the therapeutic course with specialists.

How to cure nail fungus with folk remedies?

Choosing suitable folk remedies for nail fungus is not enough. In addition, you still need to follow a number of rules that will help you quickly cope with the problem and prevent its occurrence in the future:

  1. Be sure to take care of your foot hygiene.
  2. It is advisable to choose socks from natural materials.
  3. Shoes should be comfortable.
  4. Dietary culture also affects the health of nails.
  5. It is recommended to avoid visiting places at risk of infection.

An effective folk remedy for nail fungus

Before starting therapy, it is important to understand that the fight against fungus is a complex process, therefore both traditional and folk remedies for nail fungus will help most quickly only when their use begins in the early stages. Advanced mycosis is difficult to treat, and alternative medicine, as practice shows, cannot always cope with a severe form of the disease.

Vinegar for nail fungus

If you start treating nail fungus with folk remedies, the most effective recipes that you should try first are with. Pathogenic microorganisms that cause mycosis feel uncomfortable in an acidic environment and die some time after entering it. The method also has a drawback - after treatment, the mushrooms may return. To prevent this, it is imperative to follow all the preventive measures described above.

Eggs and apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus


  • raw chicken proteins – 3 pcs.;
  • vodka – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 70 percent vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix all ingredients in one container until smooth.
  2. The resulting solution should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Every evening, soak a sterile cloth in the medicine and apply it to the infected areas for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Then change the application and repeat the procedure.
  5. This treatment usually lasts several months.

You can treat toenail fungus with folk remedies in another way. Vinegar baths are considered effective. They should be done every day. In a basin you need to mix water at room temperature with vinegar in a ratio of 8:1. Before the procedure, the legs are steamed, the affected parts of the nails that have begun to crumble are cut off. The bath should be taken for 15 – 20 minutes.

Propolis for nail fungus

The product must be used systematically. This is the only way to achieve a quick and positive effect. Otherwise, propolis for nail fungus may not give the expected result. The most useful is the 25% tincture, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Soak a cotton swab in the product, apply it to the sore spot and secure with a gauze bandage. You can remove the compress after a few hours, but it is better to keep it overnight.

Nail fungus - treatment with iodine

If we compare all the folk remedies for treating toenail fungus, iodine therapy can be considered the simplest and most effective. The medicine just needs to be applied to the affected area with a cotton swab. Before treatment, the nail plate should be thoroughly washed and dried. Folk remedies for toenail fungus such as iodine do not need to be used in large quantities. It is not recommended to treat the skin around the sore spot with the product. Treatment should continue for about 3 to 4 weeks.

Soda for nail fungus

To combat mycosis, soda is used only externally. All efforts should be aimed at eliminating the source of the disease. You can quickly and easily cure nail fungus with folk remedies using baths. The procedures make it possible to get rid of pathogenic spores, due to which the spread of mycosis will be prevented and the disease will not spread.

Preparing a soda solution is very simple: dilute a tablespoon of soda in two liters of warm water. Such baths are most effective in the initial stages of the disease. They cannot cope with more advanced forms of the disease, so it is more advisable to prepare a soda paste (for this, the powder is mixed with water). It should not be too liquid or thick. Apply the paste only to affected nails for no longer than 15 minutes.

Oil for nail fungus

Folk remedies against nail fungus often involve the use of essential oils. The most popular medicine is tea tree oil. It should be rubbed into nails affected by fungal spores twice a day. The course of treatment cannot be less than three weeks. After applying the product to the nail plate, the latter must be sealed with an antibacterial patch. It is recommended to change the bandage twice a day. To enhance the effect of oil therapy, 2-3 drops of it can be added to tea.

Herbs for nail fungus

How to get rid of nail fungus using folk remedies? With the help of herbs! Many plants contain substances that can eliminate mycosis and restore shine, natural color and shape to the nail plates. The following herbs are considered the most effective:

  1. Celandine. Useful substances are found in all parts of the plant. You need to be treated with celandine for at least three months. To extract healing juice, leaves, stems, and roots should be passed through a meat grinder. The resulting product is applied to the sore nail for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Burdock. Treatment with this herb is very simple. All you need to do is pick a leaf, wipe it, lightly roll it out with a rolling pin and wrap it around a finger affected by mycosis. It is recommended to continue making compresses for 3 weeks.
  3. Thyme. The herb is usually used to prepare baths. For a liter of liquid you will need 4 heaping tablespoons of dry mixture.
  4. Golden mustache. This is a strong antiseptic. The leaves of the golden mustache need to be washed, crushed into a paste and applied to the infected areas, and then wrapped in film. After removing such a compress, the affected nail will become soft and can be cut off simply, quickly and without pain.

Traditional recipes for nail fungus

In addition to the remedies described above, there are other recipes for nail fungus. Compresses made from kombucha have proven themselves well. A piece of its plate is applied to the affected nail, wrapped in polyethylene and secured with a bandage. The compress should be kept overnight, and in the morning the feet should be thoroughly washed with warm water and the nails should be treated with iodine. may cause pain, but at the same time it copes with mycosis very effectively.


At home, treating fungus with folk remedies is carried out in different ways using vinegar, tar, onion juice, mustard, hydrogen peroxide and some other common products. The infection is highly contagious and difficult to treat. It can affect fingers, toes, feet, and other parts of the body. The symptoms of the disease bring great discomfort. In addition, from the outside it does not look aesthetically pleasing at all. Treating nail fungus with folk remedies helps correct the situation.

What is a fungus

This is the name given to a disease caused by a fungus. If it affects the nail plates, then the pathology is called onychomycosis, and if the skin, for example, of the feet, is simply mycosis. You can pick up a fungus in various public places. This is especially true for rooms with high humidity, such as saunas or swimming pools. Infection occurs through contact and household contact. Therapy against this pathology is long-term and often involves the use of local drugs for external treatment. At an early stage, traditional medicine helps.

Symptoms of the disease

You can notice the disease by the first symptoms, which will help you start treating the fungus with folk remedies earlier. The color of the nail begins to change from pale pink to yellow, green, brown or even black. Other symptoms of fungal infection include the following:

  • the appearance of unpleasant itching of the skin around the nail plate;
  • pain at the site of the lesion;
  • delamination and crumbling of the nail plate;
  • the appearance of grooves, spots or inclusions on the plate;
  • unpleasant putrid odor;
  • the nail moves away from the nail bed;
  • white plaque on the soft tissues under the nail plate.

Folk remedies for nail fungus

For treatment to be effective and truly bring positive results, it is important to organize it correctly. To do this, you need to eliminate the risk of re-infection, which disposable nail files will help with. If it is not possible to purchase them, then all instruments must be disinfected after each treatment. So that the therapeutic agent can penetrate the nail plate, it is recommended to steam it before the procedures, then cut off and sand the keratinized areas. A few more tips to follow when treating fungus:

  • pay increased attention to foot hygiene;
  • treat shoes with special antifungal compounds;
  • change socks more often;
  • boil all things that come into contact with your hands and feet in a special disinfectant;
  • use individual towels and slippers;
  • Before water procedures, the bathtub or shower must be washed with aggressive agents.

If the recipe specifies vinegar essence, then you need to use a 70% solution. To avoid burns, table vinegar can be used at 6% or 9%. Several folk recipes for using this remedy:

  1. Ointment. Glycerin, olive oil, dimethyl phthalate and acetic acid 70% are taken in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. The components must be mixed. The ointment should be applied to the affected areas for 8-10 hours. It's better to do this before bed. In the morning, your feet should be washed with warm water and soap.
  2. Vinegar baths. To do this, add 200 ml of table vinegar to water heated to 50 degrees. The water level should reach your ankles. You need to soar your feet in it for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week.


For warm baths you can use soda. For the procedure, you need to prepare such an amount of water that in the basin it completely covers the affected areas. Soda is used here like this:

  • add to water at the rate of 2 tbsp. for 3 liters of liquid;
  • dissolve well.

For greater efficiency, it is recommended to add grated laundry soap to the water - 1 tbsp. for 15-20 l. Steaming your legs should take at least 15 minutes. When finished, you should not wipe your feet; it is better to let them dry naturally or blot them with a natural cloth. After the procedure, you need to wear cotton socks. Until complete cure, you need to carry out one procedure every 2-3 days.

Tincture of iodine

Another simple folk method for treating fungus is using iodine tincture. It is applied to damaged nail plates, dripping one drop at a time. For prevention, nails that are not affected by the fungus are also lubricated, but a different cotton swab is used for them. You need to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day. Another option for using iodine:

  • heat the water to 50 degrees;
  • add 3-4 drops of iodine;
  • hover your feet for about 15 minutes;
  • cut off the damaged parts, lubricate with hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply antibacterial ointment and wrap with a bandage.

A universal and safer treatment is an alcohol tincture of propolis. The drug exhibits fungicidal, wound-healing and bacteriostatic properties. For onychomycosis, the drug prevents the pathogen from multiplying. Judging by the reviews, after just a few uses there is a decrease in itching and inflammation. The affected nail is gradually replaced by a healthy one. There are several ways to use propolis for mycosis of the foot or onychomycosis:

  1. A piece of propolis is applied to the affected area, skin or plate. First, the hearth must be steamed in a solution of potassium permanganate and cleaned of the top layer. Leave this compress for half an hour. You need to repeat the procedure 2 times daily for a month.
  2. A cotton pad should be moistened with a 20% alcohol solution of propolis. It is applied to the nail plate, covering the top with dry cotton wool. When finished, you need to bandage your finger. You can remove the bandage after a day. All that remains is to remove the softened nail and clean everything with a nail file.

Celandine juice

In summer, toenail fungus can be treated with fresh celandine. The juice of this plant exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Poisonous celandine kills fungi almost instantly. To extract such plant juice, you need to grind the above-ground part of the herb using a meat grinder and squeeze the liquid out of the pulp through cheesecloth. It is recommended to use the product for therapeutic baths. To prepare them, dry raw materials are prepared as follows:

  • pour boiling water over the celandine, taking 1.5 liters of liquid per 5 tbsp. herbs;
  • simmer the broth over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • cool and filter the product;
  • pour the prepared herbal decoction into warm water and steam your feet in it for about 15 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure twice a day for 1-2 weeks.

The medicinal composition of kombucha is effective against onychomycosis and other fungal infections. Therapy with this remedy is carried out as follows:

  • a thin layer is separated from the mushroom, which is soaked for 1 hour, after which a piece is applied to each diseased nail;
  • then they are wrapped in a bandage with plastic wrap, leaving the compress on all night;
  • The procedure (during it, itching and burning may be felt) is repeated every 2 days until the symptoms completely disappear.

Essential oils

Essential oils are considered easy to apply and effective in treating fungus. In terms of their level of impact, they are compared with expensive antifungal drugs. Oils, in addition to the antifungal effect, have several other beneficial properties:

  • regenerating;
  • cleansing;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Essential oil not only destroys fungal cells, but also helps restore the normal state of the nail plate. These folk remedies for treating toenail fungus should be used in the form of the following procedures:

  1. Compresses. Essential oil, for example, tea tree, is heated to 30 degrees and diluted with 2 tablespoons of water. A cotton pad is moistened with the resulting composition and tied to the nail plate for 1 hour. As a result of the procedure, it becomes elastic and soft, which allows it to be cut and cleaned with a file.
  2. Baths. Pour 3 liters of hot water into a basin, then add 10 drops of tea tree, ylang-ylang, lavender or rosemary essential oil. Clean feet must be lowered into the resulting solution and kept there for 20 minutes. At the end, the legs are wrapped in a warm towel, leaving them like that for 15 minutes.
  3. Application to the nail. If you are not allergic to tea tree oil, you can lubricate the nail plate with it, which has previously been steamed in hot water and laundry soap. Soak a cotton swab in oil and lubricate the affected nails. There is no need to rinse it off.

Hydrogen peroxide

This remedy is used to treat fungus using the Neumyvakin method. The professor recommends first steaming your feet in a soda solution prepared from 1 tsp. soda and 1 liter of water. Next, the damaged parts of the plates are bitten off with tweezers. After this procedure, apply a piece of cotton wool moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to the affected area. If onychomycosis is on the hands, then the application should last 10-15 minutes, if on the legs - 40-60 minutes. For complete recovery, you must repeat the procedure 2 times daily.


Some folk remedies for toenail fungus can be found in almost every home, for example, garlic. It works no worse than special antifungal drugs. To do this you need to use garlic correctly:

  1. Take garlic in the proportion of 1 clove to 1 glass of apple cider vinegar. mix these ingredients and leave them for 2 weeks in a plastic or glass container with a lid. Use the product in the evening - rinse the affected skin with it, then bandage the lesion and leave it alone until the morning. You need to continue this treatment of nail fungus at home until complete recovery.
  2. Squeeze the garlic juice from 5 crushed cloves and mix with 30 ml of boiled water. Lubricate the affected nails with the resulting product after steaming and drying them.

Medicinal ointments

An alternative to medical antifungal drugs can be self-prepared ointments. A homemade recipe for nail fungus can be chosen from the following:

  1. Take a chicken egg, rinse it, then pour in 100 g of vinegar essence. Leave the container in a dark place until the shells are completely dissolved. Using tweezers, remove the film, which is then mixed with 200 g of butter. Lubricate steamed nails or feet with this mixture. From above you need to wrap the lesion with a bandage.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar with 10 g of honey, 100 g of Kalanchoe juice and 30 g of eucalyptus oil. The mixed ingredients are left in the refrigerator for 3 days. Apply the prepared ointment to damaged nails or skin twice a day.

How to cure nail fungus quickly

There are methods that help to quickly remove and suppress the proliferation of microorganisms that have invaded the nail plates. In this case, folk remedies for foot fungus based on hydrogen peroxide are considered effective. It is used in different ways:

  1. A mixture of several products. In 4 cups of water, you need to dissolve 0.5 cups of soda slaked with vinegar, then add 0.25 cups of hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 cups of magnesium sulfate. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting product, which is then fixed on the affected nail with a plaster. The bandage is left for 10 hours, after which it is changed to a new one. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. With vinegar 6%. It must be mixed in equal parts with hydrogen peroxide. Fingers must be placed in this mixture and held until it sizzles. Next, the limbs are washed with warm water, and dry nails are lubricated with tea tree oil mixed with Vaseline. You need to wear socks on top. A similar procedure is carried out daily for 7 days.
  3. Novocaine. Moisten pieces of cotton wool with this product and wrap them around the affected nails. As stated, you can get rid of the fungus after 2 lotions.

Toenail fungus can cause a lot of inconvenience. Starting from unpleasant sensations and ending with a feeling of embarrassment and shame. Fungus on the nails (onychomycosis) is quite difficult to hide from the eyes of others in the summer. However, an unsightly appearance is only a small part of the problems that may arise in the future.

Causes of the disease

A fungus is an infectious disease that is transmitted through physical contact with a carrier of the disease, through shoes, socks and personal hygiene items. If one family member is infected with a fungal infection, then others can also get the fungus. One of the dangerous places is the bathroom. The fact is that fungi are extremely tenacious; they can live on the surface of the bathtub and on ceramic tiles.

Outside the home, infection usually occurs in the pool, bathhouse, and locker room. Women are at risk of contracting a fungus in a nail salon where nail technicians do not properly monitor the cleanliness of their tools.

Not everyone gets fungus on their toenails. Weakened immunity is the main precursor to infection. Viral infections suffered the day before can provoke infection. Infection occurs in a matter of seconds. It is enough just to step barefoot on the floor where the carrier of the fungal infection has walked.

Currently, nail fungus disease is treated very successfully. Both medications and folk remedies bring positive results. However, before using any method, be sure to consult your doctor.

Symptoms of nail fungus

It is very easy to recognize fungus on your nails. The most common symptoms are:

  • The nail changes appearance. Nails may turn yellow, white, or acquire a greenish tint. Over time, the color may become darker.
  • The nail plate begins to crumble and peel. Sometimes the peeling does not end at the regrown edge of the nail, but reaches almost to the very root.
  • Unpleasant sensations on the skin around the nail. People who are sick with the fungus note that the affected area of ​​the skin is itchy and itchy. It hurts if you press on it. The skin begins to peel off, cracks and abrasions form on it.
  • One of the main signs of foot fungus is an unpleasant odor and excessive sweating.

Treatment methods

Various methods of drug treatment for toenail fungus often do not give a positive result. Usually we treat fungus for years, spend a lot of money and time on it, and the result is zero. But the treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies has proven itself very well. Many procedures are quite simple, but they need to be done regularly.

The first step is to remove the infected tissue. To do this, add 3 tablespoons of apple or wine vinegar to a bath of warm water. This bath will reduce itching and irritation and disinfect your feet. After steaming your feet thoroughly, dry them thoroughly and trim the affected nails. Now you can start treatment.

Many folk remedies for nail fungus are based on the simplest and most affordable products. Here are the most effective treatment methods:

  • Horseradish successfully fights fungal infections. To do this, grate the horseradish root on a fine grater. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected nails and secure with a bandage or plaster. You need to keep this compress for about 8 hours, so it is better to do it in the evening. Must be repeated twice a week. This remedy acts slowly, but the fungus dies completely. The regrown nail will be healthy.
  • It is useful to wash your feet in a decoction of horseradish root. This will also help cure nail fungus. In addition, this decoction is useful for prevention.
  • Here is another folk remedy for toenail fungus. Brew strong natural coffee. Soak your feet in this solution for 30 minutes. Then your feet should be rinsed, dried and put on cotton socks. If you repeat this procedure regularly, the fungus will disappear, the color of the nail will even out, and the skin of the feet will become smooth and elastic.

Essential oils from various plants also help fight infection. Folk recipes with them are very popular. Tea tree oil and celandine are excellent folk remedies against toenail fungus. What should be done?

  • Steam your feet well in water with the addition of soda and salt. For a liter of water - 3 teaspoons of soda and one spoon of salt. After the bath, make a compress from celandine juice. To do this, apply freshly squeezed juice to a cotton pad, apply to the nail and fix. Keep it for no more than half an hour, as this is a very strong remedy. Repeat the procedure until the affected part of the nail is completely renewed.
  • Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies also includes methods that use tea tree oil. It is a natural antiseptic that has some antibiotic properties. Tea tree oil dries out inflamed skin and fights fungal infections.

After you have steamed your feet and cut off the overgrown edge of the nail, apply tea tree oil to the skin and nail plate. Rub the product in thoroughly until it is completely absorbed. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a week.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of garlic. Indeed, garlic is a very versatile product with a wide spectrum of effects. This root vegetable is full of minerals and antiseptic components that help fight many infections.

  • To cope with the fungus, peel the garlic clove and grate it on a fine grater. Make a compress from the prepared pulp 2 times a week on the sore nail. You can also use garlic oil. It is used in the same way as tea tree oil.

Rowan leaves are another remedy in the fight for healthy nails. Fresh leaves need to be finely chopped, add a little vegetable oil, and mix. Make compresses from the mixture on the affected areas of the nails until they are completely healed.

Foot care during treatment

In order for treatment to progress faster and be more effective, proper care of your feet and nails is necessary. To do this, you need to wash your feet with tar soap in the morning and evening. This soap will disinfect the skin well and reduce discomfort.

It is imperative to wash your shoes outside and inside. In addition, you need to regularly treat the internal surfaces with any antiseptic. During treatment, wear shoes only made from natural fabrics. Feet should not sweat in shoes, because sweat creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogens.

You should not visit the pool, bathhouse, sauna, or gym until complete recovery. Firstly, infection can occur again, which will negate all your efforts, and secondly, you yourself can infect someone. To prevent infection of family members, use your own personal hygiene items, do not walk around the house barefoot or wearing shared slippers, and change your socks at least 3 times a day.

Prevention measures

Now you know how to treat toenail fungus. How can you protect yourself and prevent disease? Everything is quite simple, just don’t be lazy and follow simple rules:

  • Before and after visiting the pool, gym or bathhouse, be sure to treat your feet with any antiseptic. Wash your feet often. Do not walk barefoot in public places, do not exchange shoes with anyone. When purchasing shoes, try on a pair using only your own socks. When visiting, it is better to use your own slippers.
  • When you are at home, do not allow anyone to use your personal hygiene products and shoes. Disinfect instruments thoroughly after manicure and pedicure. Try to harden yourself and strengthen your immune system in accessible ways.

Nail fungus is unsightly and contagious. This disease is easy to contract but can take years to get rid of. If you are already desperate and don’t know which product to choose, then use our advice. Toenail fungus can be treated quite effectively with folk remedies. Of course, any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, it is much wiser to listen to advice on prevention and be more attentive to your health.