Men's fantasies about you. “Make me an offer! Men's imagination how to understand what he imagines

Love and imagination

Love is the triumph of imagination over intellect.

? Henry Louis Mencken, American journalist, essayist*

Before we love with the heart, we already love with the imagination.

? Louise Colet (19th century), owner of an artistic salon in Paris, friend of Gustave Flaubert *

In the life of each of us, there will be a love story, even if the beloved creature is a figment of the imagination or a cat.

? Mason Cooley, American philologist and writer*

Whoever does not populate his world with the creatures of his imagination lives alone.

? Antonio Porchia, Argentine poet*

The imagination of men is the main weapon of women.

? Sofia Loren, Italian film actress*

Most people who fall in love agree this way: they see each other often, both flirt and, finally, are convinced that they have fallen in love with each other respectfully; and then, in gratitude for imaginary love, they themselves begin to love.

? Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer (19th century)

There is a saying that the most beautiful woman cannot give more than she has. This is not true all around: she gives a man absolutely everything that he expects from her, because in relations of this kind, the imagination assigns a price to what is received.

? Nicolas Chamfort, French writer (18th century)

Let's leave beautiful women to people without imagination.

? Marcel Proust, French writer*

There is a famous saying of Pascal - Cleopatra's Nose: if it were shorter, the face of the earth would become different. However, lovers rarely see the true picture. On the contrary, once falling in love, we acquire an unsurpassed ability to engage in self-deception. Antony is also no exception - even if Cleopatra's nose was shorter, he would hardly have noticed it. And if he had noticed, he would have found a lot of other advantages that make up for this shortcoming.

? Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Japanese writer

Were it not for our imagination, we would be as happy in the arms of a maid as in those of a duchess.

? Samuel Johnson, English writer and lexicographer (18th century)*

I've always said that a woman should be like a good horror movie: the more room for imagination, the better.

? Alfred Hitchcock, English film director*

The imagination of women is richer than ours; this is arranged so that they can admire us.

? Arnold Glasgow, American scientist*

A woman can sometimes replace masturbation. But, of course, it requires a lot of imagination.

? Karl Kraus, Austrian writer*

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (B) author Brockhaus F. A.

Imagination Imagination. - Every perceived impression leaves a certain trace, which can be renewed and then we have a memory. What appears in our memory is called an image. The term image in psychology is used not only for

From the book Tour Guide. Textbook author Emelyanov Boris Vasilievich

IMAGINATION ON EXCURSIONS An important role in the excursion process is played by imagination - the ability of tourists to mentally imagine, for example, what is being discussed in the guide's story. In this case, much depends on the ability of the guide to create mental

From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms author

Imagination See also "Fiction and Fantasy" Imagination rules the world. Napoleon I The richness of associations does not always indicate the richness of the imagination. Karol Izhikovsky Many people confuse their imagination with their memory. Henry Wheeler Shaw We are all heroes of our own

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (FA) of the author TSB

From the book Learn to Speak to be Heard. 245 simple exercises according to the Stanislavsky system author Sarabyan Elvira

Visions and Imagination The biggest mistake is that most often the task of memorizing a text is attempted to be handled mechanically. In this case, the words lose their essence, the meaning remains not in the mind, not in the heart of the one who pronounces them, but only in the muscles of speech.

From the book Oddities of Our Evolution author Harrison Keith

Imagination and reason Imagination is closely related to originality. We value our own imagination (although we have to admit that we cannot value the imagination of other species). Imagination is a powerful tool. It allows you to create a fictional testing ground for the development and testing of new

From the book Digital Photography from A to Z author Gazarov Artur Yurievich

From the book Child and Care author Spock Benjamin

From the book Philosophical Dictionary author Comte Sponville André

From the book How to Raise a Healthy and Smart Child. Your baby from A to Z author Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Love See also Loyalty in Love, Cheating in Love, Platonic Love, Separation and Waiting, Jealousy, Flirt. Courtship ”Love is selfishness together. Paraphrased by Germaine de Stael, Love is a mutual sacrilege. Karol Izhikovsky* Love is

From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms about Love author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Love first and love last Every man loves only once - between twelve and fifteen years. Then he only repeats this love again and again.? Kurt Goetz, German actor and writer*When you love, it always seems that this is your first and last love.?

From the book Energy of Thought. The Art of Creative Thinking by Light Sun

Love and Imagination Love is the triumph of the imagination over the intellect.? Henry Louis Mencken, American journalist, essayist *Before we love with the heart, we already love with the imagination.? Louise Colet (19th century), owner of an artistic salon in Paris, friend of Gustave

From the book Explanatory Dictionary for Modern Parents author Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

Creation Through Imagination First of all, you must understand what imagination is. He is highly reviled these days. As soon as you hear the word “imagine”, you immediately say that it is useless, we need something real, not imaginary. But imagination is reality

From the author's book

Imagination Imaginative play is an important part of almost any child's life. Around the age of two years, almost all children include imaginary objects in the game, try to take food and toys drawn in pictures in books with their hands. Later they introduce themselves

Erotic fantasies appear in a variety of forms. It is very fashionable among women to complain about the absence of any sexual fantasies.

According to recent surveys carried out by well-known women's magazines, 75 to 86 percent of women in various countries do not have any erotic fantasies.
Upon closer examination, we will see that none of these surveys asked women what they mean by erotic fantasies. Erotic fantasies- this is not a full-length film produced by "Technicolor", filled with naked bodies of men, in all details, in color and sound, fixing everything that happens. Even unconscious, vague sensations, sexual arousal from any thought, sound, touch or situation can be called erotic fantasies.

An erotic fantasy can be as subtle as wanting to wear silk lingerie over your naked body... or lie in the grass in the open and have sexual intercourse with your partner... or be seen through a hidden window from a neighbor's house while standing naked in front of window... or to be kissed... or to drive in a black Mercedes in the middle of the night with an amazing man who will do anything for you, whatever you want, and who will make you do everything for him.

Men, no doubt experiencing more alive and real fantasies. But like recurring dreams, these fantasies surprisingly constant and do not change over the years.

Some men are dominated fantasies in which their hidden sexual needs. When they are aroused, their thoughts revert to fantasies, which they know increases arousal.

In my book How to Control an Uncontrollable Man in Bed, I wrote that it is quite possible for a man to achieve an erection and orgasm without physical stimulation of the penis. I'm not saying it's easy.

It requires increased concentration of will and some practice. Why, most men, without much effort and with a complete lack of experience, starting to think about something sexual, can cause an erection in themselves.

The fact is that if you find this kind of "incendiary" fantasies that excite your partner, you will have a huge impact on his sexual excitability. You can enhance his feelings by sharing his fantasies, participating in them, becoming part of his dreams.

"My wife doesn't understand me" is the most worn cliché in books about broken marriages. But there is some truth in it. In fact, too many women don't understand too many men, especially when it comes to sexual desires. And so many men fail to announce these desires.

There are many ways of recognizing those fantasies that ignite your erotic imagination. men. But before proceeding with this, you must remember that this is just fantasies; it is not at all necessary that he wants them implement- they can be simply shocking in their sexuality.

If you are determined to find out what these fantasies, you must set yourself up in advance to accept them without hesitation, whatever they turn out to be, but if you have weak nerves, then you better leave this idea.

Suppose in his erotic fantasies your partner makes love to little girls, but this does not mean that he is an incurable pervert. If he dreams of being whipped, then this does not mean that he is a masochist. If he mentally sees himself in women's underwear, then he is not a transvestite at all.

This is nothing more than a fantasy. Not hopes, not expectations, not even wishes, but only provocative sexual situations that arise in his mind and enhance his sexual arousal.

You also don't have to worry, because erotic fantasies are not a reflection of the essence of man.

Thirty-two-year-old Olivia, who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, recently married a thirty-four-year-old insurance agent Charlie, who left his wife for her. Olivia recalls: “One night we were lying in bed and talking about his first wife, about whether he should return to her. Charlie said that he did not want to return, but felt guilty for leaving her; in fact, she has always been a kind and faithful wife, cooked well, was a good
friend. She couldn't have children.
y, but it didn't matter to Charlie. They even decided one day to adopt a child.

The problem only arose when one evening, after drinking a little, Charlie confessed to her his most intimate fantasies. You see, he thought it would turn her on just as it turned him on. However, nothing came of it. On the contrary, she was deeply shocked.

After that, their sex life changed a lot. She became cold and withdrawn. Charlie began to seriously wonder if he really was a pervert.

I asked him to talk about these fantasies, but he flatly refused. And only after lengthy persuasion did he decide. It turns out that he always wanted to wear women's underwear. He wasn't gay, he wasn't a transvestite, nothing of the sort, he just got turned on just thinking about it.

When he rashly asked his wife for permission to put on stockings and a belt before going to bed, she just went berserk. It was not given to her to understand that such thoughts excite him, that this is a kind of game.

And how did Olivia behave in this situation? Did she experience shock?

"No, I was not shocked. I can't even say that I was very surprised. Charlie has always had a strong personality, but he is very soft, you know? Very sensitive. I think he has something of a woman, like many men, although they themselves will never admit it."

So what did she do?

“I did what instinct told me: I called him to talk about fantasies. I even told him about mine, if only he would understand that women can also experience similar feelings. For example, I often mentally see such a scene: I am standing in a very dense the crowd on the street and we are watching the parade go by and all of a sudden a complete stranger stands behind me and pulls up her skirt and makes love to me I can't figure out who it is I look around at the men standing in the crowd but they all have the same face, and none of them show me special attention, they all just smile at me.

Charlie said that for the first time these erotic fantasies appeared to him about six or seven years ago when he saw a photograph men in black stockings. It was, I think, Esquire, a gay magazine. One way or another, but it sunk into his head. When he experienced sexual arousal, his thoughts turned to women's stockings, panties and belts.

The height of his imagination was the situation when he seemed to find himself in a female society and women began to stroke and caress him. I willingly play along with his fantasies, because I did not see anything shameful in this. And what could be shameful there? One Saturday, when we lay down to rest after dinner, I said to him: "Remember, you wanted to dress in women's underwear?" "D-d-a," he replied, looking at me with some suspicion. Then I suggested: "Why not try it? You can try on some of my underwear."

At first, I thought Charlie was a little nervous. He thought he would look stupid in front of me. We went into the bedroom, and I opened my closet in front of him, took out a pair of stockings and a belt, a few pairs of panties. Then Charlie undressed, and I began to help him try on clothes.

He stood in front of the mirror in black stockings and thin nylon panties. I stood behind him, then put my hand into his underpants, took out his cock and began to slowly massage. I told him all the time: "And now, dear ladies, in front of you is a small seductive scrotum, divided in two by panties .." It was as if I were leading one of those women's meetings that he dreamed of attending in his sexual fantasies.

Then I changed him into another pair of panties, then a third... into a white French panty, into a tight bright red, into a bikini. By that time, his penis was so tense that it could hardly fit in his shorts. I continued to stroke him, standing in front of the mirror, but he suddenly turned to me and turned me around so that I rested my hands on the edge of the bed. He lifted my dress, pushed my panties aside, and entered me without ceremony.

The feeling of a man's legs in nylon stockings was very strange. But there was something exciting about it, because we were doing something unusual and very personal. Maybe you would call it immoral? But, honestly, you don’t always want intimate relationships to be “distilled”, puritanical. Sometimes you want to experience something forbidden, "immoral".

I think that my fantasy (the one where in a crowd of people an unfamiliar man makes love to me
na) was also partly realized, n
because Charlie loved me fiercely and was not at all like the old Charlie. I felt so excited that I began to beat the bedspread with my fists and scream loudly. His cock was so tight, I had never seen him like this before. It sank so deep into me that it seemed like it could pop out of my mouth.

We reached orgasm at the same time, which has not happened to us for a very long time. It was so nice! I think after that Charlie felt a little ashamed because he was lying on the bed in black stockings and panties. He started to take them off, but I stopped him and asked him not to take off his underwear yet. I think I did the right thing. I showed him that fantasies I am not at all shocked and he does not need to experience any negative emotions.

What conclusion did Olivia draw from Charlie's desire to change into lingerie?

"Now he very rarely changes clothes. But he knows, if he suddenly wants to do this, then I will not mind, I will not be disgusted by this and consider it a perversion. It's scary to think how many married couples live together and cannot tell each other our most secret and important thoughts for fear of destroying the family. Our intimate relationship is developing perfectly, and in general our relationship is very strong. I think Charlie knows when he has some kind of fantasy, he can tell me everything without fear, find support for me.

What advice would Olivia have for other women?

"Fantasy remains fantasy. Do not be afraid of it. Find out the hidden sexual thoughts of your spouse and discussing them means strengthening your family. I would say this: it’s better to let your man play his fantasies with you than to look for someone for this purpose on the side."

The desire to wear women's underwear is not uncommon, even if the man is perfectly normal sexually. From a psychological point of view, it is quite understandable.

The fantasy of putting on women's underwear is an attempt to enjoy sex from a woman's position, "to be in her shoes", to combine male and female sensations in one person. Since the highest moment of sexual intercourse is the fusion men and women as one, one can understand such fantasies, in which, as we see, there is nothing strange.

Be that as it may, this is also connected with sexual desires that are experienced from time to time. men consisting in the fact that a woman dominated them. Even the most courageous representatives of the stronger sex sometimes feel the desire to subordinate their individuality to a woman, to feel defenseless, helpless in the hands of an adamant woman. This makes them very excited.

In The Hague, I visited Monika von Kleef, the well-known owner of the “house of sexual corrections”, where such accessories are used as an artificial penis put on and fixed on the body, where there is a torture room, a pillory and a tripod stool, on which the client is forced to sit while the mistress of the salon tells him instructive stories. A huge wooden phallus sticks out in the center of the stool.

Monica Von Cleef made no secret of why her salon was such a success. Many men Those who occupy important public and industrial positions, from time to time feel the desire to free themselves from responsibility for people and the work performed. They like to be punished, to be bound, to submit to force. In search of such a "punishment" they come to her salon, because they cannot explain their erotic fantasies wives.

"Their wives simply won't be able to understand them. They'll be horrified to hear these revelations. But if women would take care to understand what's the matter, then there would be no need for salons like mine."

Jane, a twenty-eight-year-old social worker in San Francisco, found her husband's hefty folder of drawings. Her forty-one-year-old husband, Ted, depicted chained men and severe-looking women whipping and torturing them.

She couldn't hide her find from him. "Did he really dream of the same attitude towards him from my side?" she asked in dismay.

"Thad assured me that he was perfectly happy with me, that drawing these erotic scenes was something of a hobby for him. They just popped up in his head. That's all.

But these drawings never left my mind. The same story was repeated over and over again. A bound man and a woman beating or torturing him. It's b
It didn't look like Ted at all. He is in
He was always so sociable, accommodating and straightforward.

One evening, as we lay in bed, I reached out and began shaking his chin. Then, out of curiosity, to see how much pain he could take, I pinched his nipple. Then I sat down on my stomach and hit my nipples so hard that they bled.

He took a deep breath, but didn't scream. And then I said: "Now you are helpless, you are my prisoner, and I am going to punish you."

I did whatever I wanted with him. I have to admit, it spurred me on too. I kissed him and then slapped his lips, slapped his neck and covered it with tweezers. I scratched his chest and nipples with my nails, repeating all the time: "You are defenseless, you understand that? You behaved badly, and now you must be punished."

I took his cock in my fist and squeezed it hard. I had never dared to do that before. I rarely even dared to touch his penis. But now I realized that he likes to obey me, likes that I hurt him. I dug my nails into the shaft of his cock, then leaned over and clenched my teeth on his cock, pulling back on the skin until Thad screamed.

At the end I was just as excited as he was. But I didn't let him control the situation. When he tried to lay me on my back, I yelled at him: "You are my prisoner, and you will stay where you lie, you are chained." And he silently obeyed me.

Ted was always so pushy in bed that I couldn't believe I was making love to the same person. I sat on him, spreading my legs wide, squeezed his cock in my hand and made him ask me to insert him into the vagina. I got up, sent his cock between the labia and said: "Ask me to sit on you."

And only after he began to ask and beg me to do this, promised me all sorts of things (clean the apartment on Saturday, make love to me twice a day for the next three months), only after that I carefully sat on him. Getting down on that hard cock was such a pleasure for me that I can't describe it. I went down and up on him as slowly as I wanted, and when I felt that he was on the verge of an orgasm, I stopped completely, teasing him.

Almost immediately, Ted had a mind-blowing orgasm. I never heard him scream like that. But I didn't have an orgasm myself, so I sat on the bed over his face and said, "Now, prisoner, you must make sure you satisfy me too."

He kissed and licked my crotch until I couldn't take it anymore. His tongue penetrated me, sperm flowed down my face. But at that moment he was my slave, my prisoner and had to do whatever I wanted. We didn't talk about that evening after that. We don't often talk about it even now. We just don't have to do it. But we have become much closer to each other.

We both felt that our family has become stronger. It was a huge step forward for me to understand Ted's fantasy of being enslaved, to be tormented, to understand that it was just a fantasy. Thad likes the feeling of being a prisoner, he enjoys the torment, the pain, the fact that he is beaten and scratched, it really turns him on, but he does not have the desire to experience this all the time. He doesn't need thrills every night, by no means. It's just a part of his personality that has finally found its way out.

The fact that we have become completely open with each other has placed a certain responsibility on both of us, I think. But it gave us confidence in each other and more reliability in our relationship. I know what Ted is. He knows what I am. There is no disagreement between us."

Of course, sometimes men have fantasies about tying up and taking your girlfriend by force. Kelly, a thirty-one-year-old supermarket worker from Indianapolis, Indiana, had her first "violent" sex experience when she ended up in bed with Gordon, a thirty-year-old computer salesman.

“He was gentle, soft and courteous all the time, until he felt the approach of orgasm. Then he turned me over on my stomach, and he was on top. With one hand he held my neck, and with the other he hugged my waist, and entered me stronger and stronger I could hardly breathe and tried to remove his hand from my neck, but I couldn't, he was too strong.

I was glad when it was all over. I felt like he wanted to rape me."

Once Gordon proposed to Kelly
to bind her and take possession of her by force, which was his great desire and excited him greatly. He tried to propose to a girl he used to date, but she, he said, was a "chicken".

Kelly agreed with caution, but made the following reservations: Gordon would not try to choke her, as he did during their first night. Secondly, if she asks to untie her, then he will have to do it right there without any objections. And, thirdly, he will never leave her alone in a helpless position.

Kelly's conditions were based on the general rules of violent sex ("slave" sex), which I have repeatedly mentioned to my ear. Soft "slave" sex can be a great stimulant, but not when it ends in harm to the partner or is accompanied by unnecessary risk.

Kelly liked this way of making love to Gordon: "Perhaps you will say that deep down I have a craving for masochism."

The first time he tied her hands and feet to the bed with a scarf and started kissing her naked body when she couldn't resist. Then, with a very short break, he had sexual intercourse with her twice.

"I've never experienced anything like this before, I felt like the center of his fantasies coming true. I was a little uneasy, but it was wonderful."

She thought about it again and again when she returned home that evening. "I think what excites me most of all is the feeling of my own helplessness and at the same time I felt very desirable. I thought:" This person is tying me up only because he really wants me and is afraid that I will not leave.

The next time, Gordon tied up Kelly completely naked in the kitchen and took her by force on the tiled floor. "I was cold and very uncomfortable, I was completely naked. He finished making love to me, and then knelt in front of me and sent his cock into my mouth with the words:" Lick him, he must be clean. "I never before I didn't know if I should enjoy it or be afraid. But he was so caring and attentive. Every time after that, he took me to a restaurant, bought flowers, and I felt that I was doing something for him something extremely pleasant.I made his dream a reality.

Gordon admitted that he offered to have harsh sex with his girlfriend. The first time she answered with a sharp refusal, and the second she threatened to leave him.

Once he took me out into the yard and tied me to a beam. I was standing in the backyard completely naked. If someone came behind our house from the other side, he could easily see me.

Gordon mastered me while standing. When he finished, I told him to untie me because I wanted to go to the toilet. He replied: "Come on here, you're tied, here and pee." He stood in front of me, kissing me and caressing my chest. I told him again, "I have to go." And he insistently said: "You can do it right here."

I couldn't take it anymore and started writing. Gordon came close to me and kissed me. At the same time, he held his standing member between my legs, right in the stream of fresh urine flowing out of me, all the while massaging it with his hand and rinsing it in my urine. When I finished, he kissed me, then kissed me again and said that I was the most fantastic woman and he had never met such a woman. I helped him make his wildest ones real. fantasies.

I think a lot of women are afraid of men's sexual fantasies, especially when it comes to "slave" sex. None of my girlfriends believe me when I say that I am not at all afraid of being tied up by Gordon. He will never hurt me, he loves me. After three weeks of our acquaintance, he left his girlfriend for me, with whom he lived for about six years. The harsh sex made me feel completely dependent, completely helpless, completely surrendered to Gordon, which made our intimate relationship simply amazing. I never knew what he would do the next minute, whether he would bring me candy, kiss me, make love to me. One day he tied me up in the bathroom and started urinating on my stomach and between my legs. I don't need to tell him anything, I let him fantasize as he wishes. But this treatment also meets my sexual fantasies, so we both get satisfaction. If it happens that I need to say "enough" or he does something that I do not like, he will without any objection
cancels these actions.

In addition to enjoying the rough sex with Gordon, Kelly followed the basic rules that I strongly advise anyone who wants to try to follow.

Never, under any circumstances, engage in "slave" sex with a stranger or unfamiliar man, whom you do not quite trust. Both of you should firmly grasp the basic rules of such sex, what he can and cannot do with you, and always use common sense.

Interestingly, Kelly mentioned so-called "wet" sex, or sexual intercourse involving urination. After I talked about "wet" sex in the book "Revisited how to drive him crazy", I received an unexpectedly large number of responses and questions. The amount of correspondence on this topic is in third place after correspondence regarding temporary impotence and difficulties in achieving orgasm.

very many men in their fantasies they imagine how their partner urinates on them, on their body and even on their face. In turn, they answer them the same. fantasies are much more common than their actual implementation. Ellie, a twenty-six-year-old teacher from Sacramento, California, discovered her husband William's secret desire quite by accident.

"One evening, when we were making love, I was sitting on William astride, he entered me very deeply, and I experienced strong sensations. However, at the peak of orgasm, I could not resist and some urine poured out of me. I was terribly embarrassed, but William came almost right behind me. I apologized for what happened, but William said that the feeling of liquid on the scrotum sent him into a terrible ecstasy. He said he would like to repeat it.

For a long time we did not return to this. Maybe I would have done it, but I just didn't have the desire. One day we went out of town to try out a new boat that William had bought. It was a surprisingly warm night. We lay on the bedspread, looked at the stars and drank wine. Then we started making love. It was romantic, relaxing and wonderful. I think I drank too much wine because the same story repeated itself. This time William said "Don't stop, keep going, keep going." I didn't stop...

After this incident, we began to engage in "wet" sex much more often. Sometimes I stand over him and open his vagina with one hand and massage his cock with the other while I urinate on his genitals. Sometimes I lie down on my back and open the vagina, and he urinates there. But most of all, I like to press his cock to the nipple during urination. It feels like a hot geyser is erupting from my chest.

As a teacher, at first I thought that there was something unnatural and perverted about "wet" sex. But when I talked about this topic with my closest friend, she said that she was jealous of me. Her husband in sex is a "starch collar", and she cannot even think about offering him anything like that, although she finds the very idea delightful. She said that when her husband flies away on business on business trips, she likes to masturbate in the shower, and very often urinates during this time. We can't all be perverts!"

Is my train leaving? Years go by, and I'm all alone. I can never get to know a man. And this despite the fact that I'm not a homebody. Quite sociable, I often go to the circle of colleagues and at parties. Yes, and outwardly it seems like nothing. In any case, I catch the views of the stronger sex on the envy of many. Well, do not approach the man first! Such thoughts visited me almost every day. I kept waiting for people to like me and pay attention to me. In general, they want to get to know each other.

My friend didn't understand me. “Your script,” she constantly grumbled at me, “is hopelessly outdated. Men today are tired of being in the lead. Yes, they will only be glad to your initiative! I tried to explain to my friend that I was full of typical girlish doubts. At parties, it usually seems to me that I am not dressed like that, that there are some problems with the figure, that the hairstyle may not be the right one, etc. And why approach a man if he doesn’t like me? Yes, I can not do it first! I am no temptress. Now, if I knew some female things, then, probably, something could be changed in my life.

A friend, as if sensing my desire to finally apply some methods of seduction, once decided to inspire me to exploits. Saying that men are afraid of sexual provocations like hell, she suggested that I buy a dress with an open back for the upcoming party. It de excites the imagination and greatly enhances interest in a stranger. And when we bought such a dress, she taught me the so-called sign language, which is understandable to any male. We rehearsed her lesson five times, and it was like this: “Sit in an open position. No tightness, no crossed arms. Relax, touch your hair, straighten the loose strand. And then a little turn your back on him and, as if by chance, bare your neck ... "

We need to get his attention. And your open back will make him tremble. And in your graceful fingers at the same time, soak and twist the stem of the glass, - my friend advised me. And the main focus was on the leg. She said that this is my most potent technique. “Make him look at your leg. Take off the shoe, and several times, and then put it on. He will bite on this erotic signal - you'll see! she told me.

How did our directing end? Yes, everything is great! True, none of the methods proposed by a friend worked. I tried very hard to follow all her advice perfectly, but no one noticed me all evening. And suddenly, when the party was coming to an end, a young man resolutely entered the hall, apparently late. He barely had time to sit down at the next table, when for some reason I rushed to him, as if I was afraid to lose the last chance, and invited him to dance ...

“Well, my bare back should work!” - I mentally defeated the stranger, clinging to him more and more boldly. We left the party together. And I did not expect such a final chord from myself ...

Margarita Bystrova


Don't overdo it!

Ekaterina SHENDEROVA, housewife

Tricks in the matter of conquering men really do not hurt. True, they must be used very wisely, so that they do not catch the eye, but awaken the imagination. For example, I know that many men like long hair, as well as ladies in heels. Stretch clothing is also very attractive. The main thing is not to overdo it. Just a little carelessness is enough. The cut is not very deep. After all, we must always be a mystery. This increases our interest.

Wake up his imagination!

In the matter of conquering men, women resort to various tricks. Here are just some of the women's things collected in the online magazine

Long hair

It is a symbol of femininity at all times. They attract men, even if they are gathered in a bun that opens the neck - one of the most beautiful female erogenous zones.

Transparent clothes

The outlines of a figure or underwear translucent through the fabric affect men much more than just the sight of a completely naked body. This is because a woman, wearing transparent clothes, seems to give a man a signal that she is ready for intimacy. However, there is still a visible barrier between a man and a woman, which further enhances his interest.

bra strap

This, at first glance, an insignificant detail makes the male imagination draw vivid erotic pictures. Apparently, such negligence suggests that the woman herself wants to be caught. And men, as you know, do not look for difficult ways.

Deep neckline

Women's breasts have been a man's favorite toy since childhood. And even as an adult, when he sees a deep neckline, he thinks: “I wish I could play with its contents!”

Elastic stockings

This detail of the image of a woman is one of the most provocative. When a man notices a graceful lace elastic of a stocking peeking out from under a skirt, he understands that he has an erotically savvy partner, ready for bold and extraordinary experiments.


A man may forget the name of his partner, but he will always remember that a dragon was gouged out on her thigh. A tattoo is a signal that a woman is not shackled by prejudice. Which means it's available.

bare back

Clothing that allows you to see an open back attracts the attention of dreamer men who love to draw in their imagination the details hidden from them. A dream, as you know, excites much more than reality. Thigh slit A slit on a skirt is definitely able to attract a man's attention. After all, he will involuntarily want to see everything else that is not visible in the context, and, quite possibly, will begin to act.

Stretch clothing

She emphasizes the curves of the body, and a clear demonstration of the figure makes men involuntarily appreciate her dignity.


The miniskirt primarily attracts realist men. They are excited not even by the very appearance of the legs, which may well not be perfectly slender, but by the theoretical accessibility of the lady.

Scarlet lips

Bright female lips invitingly act on men, calling them to sex.

High heels

Hairpins - one of the most popular and at the same time the brightest sexual accessories. When a woman wears high heels, she unconsciously becomes more sexually attractive.

Men's fantasies often excite women.

After all, you want to be the most ideal object of desire for your man and show in bed that it simply cannot be better.

Many girls, knowing the fantasies of men, can win the heart of any handsome man, but still you should not experiment with the first person you meet.

It is better to choose your husband or boyfriend for this.

What do men mostly dream about?

  • road adventures;
  • filming;
  • role-playing games;
  • in men's fantasies there are extraordinary girls;
  • hard games;
  • secret watcher.

Fantasies of men about road adventures

In the modern world, almost every man has a car and for him it is not just a vehicle, but his whole life, so it is not surprising that many fantasies are contained in this iron box.

The most common dream for men is to drive a car with, which suddenly “hides under the steering wheel”. Such actions of women excite men, add adrenaline and risk to them.

Risky motorists also dream of manually pleasing their woman during the trip. All this happens without breaking away from the movement of the car, so do not be surprised if your man asks you to undress during the trip, but seize the moment and have fun.

Man filming fantasy

Most men love with their eyes and this is the true truth, so it is not in vain that they choose beautiful, albeit stupid women as their partners. Any man likes the bed scene with the observation of what is happening in the mirror, let alone shooting love on a video camera.

Making homemade naughty videos is coveted. Not all guys can tell their soul mate about this, so it will not be superfluous to take the initiative and fulfill the male fantasy.

In such a fantasy of men, everything looks beautiful: graceful curved bodies, smooth movements, plexuses of bodies and developing female hair. But the reality is that we all do not have perfect bodies, and not all men fully accept their partner.

If you are sure that your partner loves you with all your strengths and weaknesses, then you can safely take the camera and fulfill your man's secret fantasy.

Role playing is the perfect male fantasy

Men distinguish several characters in their fantasies:

  • nurse;
  • teacher;
  • schoolgirl.

Of course, role-playing games performed by a nurse and a patient are the most common. Men, not realizing, want to obey their woman, so in this game they are your patients, and you are the main doctor.

Such dreams of men allow them to relax and be obedient, to fulfill all your instructions and enjoy you. This does not humiliate or belittle the dignity of men in any way; the image of a nurse is associated with them only with care.

Nurse fantasy can be started with an external examination with the help of various accessories. Further actions depend only on your imagination and modesty. All the same, you know your man better and you decide how to treat him!

Men like the image of a teacher because of the strict appearance of a woman. Stockings, a strict skirt, a white blouse, and the most interesting thing for a man's fantasy is glasses. In this image, you will definitely spend time with great pleasure for a long time, especially since you yourself will like being a teacher.

To have a relationship with a young schoolgirl is the dream of every fourth man. In adolescence, boys dream of a relationship with a mature and experienced woman, but at an older age, they already want to see a small, innocent schoolgirl next to them. This image will suit the fantasies of men 25 - 30 years old. During these years, they just want to experiment, so cute girls go ahead to buy or prepare costumes for role-playing games.

Extraordinary girl in male fantasy

To unusual and extraordinary girls, men include women with large, different skin colors, piercings, and so on. It seems to them that with a girl of this appearance, sex will be completely different, but this is a big mistake.

Men's dream of hard games

Hard fantasies come to men who hold leadership positions. Since they lead at work, at home they want to be commanded at home.

Fantasies about a strict mistress in leather boots and a corset, with a whip in her hands excite every third self-sufficient man.
Some lower ranked men prefer to dominate women and like to spank them as part of a one-time game.

Fantasy secret spectator

Many men love to spy on women. There is also a game called peep show.

Awareness of impunity and the conditions of immunity turns on and provokes to a great desire.

From here, men have a request for a partner to caress themselves in front of them and everything like that.

Drive your man crazy and fulfill his fantasy without his asking. So you can, liberate yourself and even sometimes save your marriage.

Sexual fantasies say a lot about a person - about his addictions, features of character and behavior. It's hard to find two men with the same idea of ​​perfect sex.

Each person, as you know, has his own attitude to love, to sex and to everything connected with it. Despite the fact that many women are simply convinced of the primitiveness of men's views on sex and sexual fantasies, it is perhaps difficult to find two men with the same ideas about ideal sex.

And, by the way, sexual fantasies say a lot about a person - about his addictions, features of character and behavior. As you know, women and men differ in many ways, and their sexual fantasies, as a rule, are also far from the same. The average man has up to six sexual fantasies per hour, from fleeting admiration for a pair of passing legs to a speculative imagining of the moment of sexual contact with a woman. Sometimes he uses fantasies to get aroused for masturbation or intercourse.

Types of fantasy

Psychologists divide men's sexual fantasies into two categories.
The first, the so-called "day dreams" - these are short-term, short-term fantasies. They occur when a man is bored or has free time. Such fantasies often "come" while riding the subway or even while waiting in the boss's waiting room. Most often they are inspired by some fleeting impressions.

The second group of male sexual dreams are "masturbatory fantasies". They are brighter and stronger, talking more about the personality of a person and his sexuality. These are the fantasies that intensify and bring closer orgasmic release and ejaculation at the man. With their help, sexual arousal is often enhanced.

So, what are the most desirable and common fantasies about sex that the stronger sex owns?

1. Threesome: he, she and he

The sex of two men with a woman takes first place in the ranking of men's dreams. As experts explain, this fantasy has very deep psychological roots, and it is not surprising that this particular plot is a favorite topic of pornography.
The main thing that prevents any man from having sex is the idea that a woman will not have sex "just like that", they say she must be "persuaded". This stereotype, which often has nothing to do with real life, is very "slows down" male sexuality. And with the help of such a fantasy, a woman is transferred from the image of an "impregnable rock" into the category of a harlot. That is, having sex with two men, she seems to become more “carnal”, and this, as is commonly believed, improves the intimate life of a man.

Therefore, if a woman suddenly becomes aware that her partner fantasizes about just such sex - in other words, he has difficulty in persuading a woman to have sex, since he idealizes his partner too much, which means he is not inclined to behave in bed loosened - psychologists recommend the following advice:

To overcome this, you should not, of course, invite your best friend or neighbor in the stairwell to bed with the “third” one. It's just that a woman should try to become more liberated, not pinch, and it will be easier for a man.

2. Also a threesome, but in a different scenario: he, she and she

Sex with two women is the second most common fantasy. They say that such fantasies are inherent in strong, active, self-confident men. According to the men themselves, if two women agree to have sex with him, then they appreciate him, he has some kind of sexual superpower, an imperious character. That is, for them he is a super male, a super man both psychologically and physiologically.
If a man only fantasizes like that, then for a woman who is next to him, this is a big plus. After all, he could not wander in thought in virtual reality, but actually find quite tangible girlfriends for himself ... But if he doesn’t, it means that something is holding him back.

Psychologist's advice:

Such men are usually extremely jealous;
- a man with such fantasies can be self-confident and sexually hardy;
- in bed with him, a woman may get great pleasure.

3. A woman showing her genitals

For most men, this fantasy ranks third among sexual dreams. And no wonder, because even for an experienced man, the female genital organs are often a complete mystery. But the way “girls are arranged” worries boys from childhood.
But few women show their charms to a man, but in vain! After all, it not only excites, but also stimulates sexuality.

Is a man who dreams of looking at you “in more detail” sure that he can please a woman? Yes, he cares about his partner and wants her to be completely satisfied! Therefore, do not hesitate to show him your genitals, because if for a man this is a “forbidden fruit”, it is unlikely that your intimate life will be rich and active.

4. Sex with a strange woman

This fantasy is in fourth place on the list of male sex dreams. As a rule, this means sex before meeting, immediately after meeting, or even instead of dating, sometimes even resembling rape. By the way, the first series of pornographic postcards, released in mass circulation, was precisely on this topic. A man usually imagines that when he attacks a woman, she is at first confused, indignant, but as he pierces her with his mighty penis, she is nevertheless excited and then comes to an orgasm.

Yes, such a man is self-confident, but he often does not pay much attention to foreplay! Why is that? It has long been known that the main female claim to intimate life with a man is insufficient foreplay. 90% of men know this, but still "jump"! Why?

The fact is that male sexual fantasies are formed in adolescence, when testosterone is raging in the bodies of young men with might and main. And, quite naturally, with such a riot of hormones, young men have no time to fantasize unnecessarily that they will caress a woman for half an hour. Well, if adolescence was long, and false sex fantasies were securely entrenched in the mind (and we have sex in accordance with them), then, as an adult, a man somehow doesn’t really think about the foreplay of women.

Psychologist's advice:

If a woman somehow found out that her man's fantasies of this kind predominate, then she should try to diversify her sexual games and play in his "favorite" dreams.

5. "Immediate sex"

According to psychologists, this is an extremely “harmful male fantasy”, which greatly interferes with intimate life if it is fixed and turns into reality.

Psychologist's advice:

If a partner caresses a woman for exactly five minutes, she should definitely ask him if he fantasizes about sex with a stranger? Is he confident? If so, then why does he want his partner to remain disappointed?
This is one way to explain that fast sex does not mean quality. By the way, it’s not bad to “play” rape with him once or twice (about 15% of men imagine in their fantasies how they brutally take possession of a woman, hurting her and humiliating her; at the same time, about 37% of men would not mind ... to feel the strong hand of the mistress for yourself - here women have cards in their hands, or rather, lashes ...), so that the fantasy finally comes true, and after that, engage in slow, sensual sex.

6. Peeping

That's what (or who) is a separate issue. However, about 70% of men would not mind spying on something spicy.
Often a man dreams of spying on a woman performing hygiene procedures. In general, everything related to “unintentional”, but sexual female movements, insanely excites a man. Why, for example, almost no one dreams of sexual intimacy with a stripper? Because if a woman does something on purpose, knowing that she is being watched, it becomes uninteresting for men.

A significant part of men also like to watch a woman masturbating. This fantasy again reflects curiosity, but not to the structure of the genital organs, but to how the female mechanism of satisfaction works. Many men understand that women's sensuality is very different from men's, that it is much more complex. Still, the female body for a man is always a mystery.

Therefore, looking at a woman masturbating is a way for many men to satisfy their curiosity and find out how best to please their partner. In addition, masturbation in front of a man is a symbol of trust in a relationship. After all, 90% of women are easier to surrender to a man than to show him how the process of masturbation takes place!

Psychologist's advice:

If a man spies on a woman in the bathroom, although they have been living together for six months, she does not need to panic or call an ambulance. It is also not necessary to think that her partner is a pervert. Is it just that he is insanely upset that as a child he could not satisfy his interest in what his older sister does in the bathroom? And so, years later, it makes up for lost time.
Well, if a man asks a woman to masturbate in front of his eyes, then in this way he just wants to know how much she loves him and appreciates his desires!
However, if for some reason this is still unpleasant for a woman, then it’s time for her to think about the following: maybe the relationship with this person is just a fleeting episode in her life, and she doesn’t feel psychologically confident enough to show to him the most intimate and secret thing that she has in life?

7. Sex in a place where you can be "caught"

It is, as psychologists say, an exhibitionist fantasy. It is connected not so much with sex as with the desire to shock, to challenge the public, to express social protest against all sorts of restrictions.

This fantasy is especially characteristic of teenagers or young people, although it also occurs in mature men. As a rule, this is a demonstration of one's sexual strength, the ability to persuade a woman to have sex in any, even the most inconvenient place.

Another. As psychologists have found out, 80% of men, it turns out, want to play ... in their own porn movie. Such a huge percentage of applicants indicates, first of all, exhibitionism, which is rooted in our society. Well, and also the fact that many couples having sex can safely take a camera and arrange a session for a novice projectionist.

Psychologist's advice:

It is quite possible that such a man, although he considers himself a very attractive "macho", in fact, was not very sexually skilled. And of course, it is not sex itself that is important for him, but the opportunity to once again experience the thrill. Spontaneous sex, where necessary - this, of course, is original, but does the partner think about the feelings and desires of the woman, if he really often and persistently tries to master her either in the stairwell, or in a public park, or in the toilet of a cinema ?

8. Lesbian themes

Everything is clear: there are a lot of naked girls who simply languish without such a fighter ...
And while he is gone, they help each other in all available ways.

Approximately half of the men fantasize about a friendly party with two dozen naked participants and participants. However, only about two percent decide to do this, and even at the age of 25 years. So, no matter what the child is amused ...

10. Sex in your own boss's office

Such a fantasy generally has little to do with sex. Often a man, dreaming about sex in the boss's office with his secretary or wife, for example, dreams of rising above his boss. As a rule, such a man believes that the boss does not appreciate and does not love him. You have to somehow become “higher” if you cannot surpass the boss in status and in the hierarchy!

11. Sex with a virgin

A common fantasy (and not just among young people). Firstly, for a man it is a way to assert himself. Well, and, secondly, many believe that virgins have a special, narrow vagina, which gives incredible pleasure.

Psychologist's advice:

If a man, with the persistence of a maniac, realizes this fantasy (and not just indulges in dreams), this, in the opinion of experts, often indicates that he has a small sexual organ (that's why he needs a partner with a narrow vagina) or little sexual experience. This man strives to become the first in order to assert himself, although he forgets that “first” does not mean “best”.
Well, and the question of whether such a "dreamer" is needed, each woman must decide for herself.

12. Sex with a man

It is believed that approximately 7% of men secretly dream of same-sex sex. Moreover, as experts note, this does not mean at all that such men are gays. Perhaps they are bisexual. But this also does not mean anything, because a man, most likely, will never dare to fulfill his fantasies. Homophobic sentiments in society are too strong.

Norm or pathology?

Men are often preoccupied with fantasies that involve violence. But, according to experts, these fantasies are quite normal, if they do not develop into an obsession. To mentally imagine something does not mean to do or intend to do it. Dreams should not be confused with reality.

Behind the sadistic façade of fantasy lies something very different. The man, as it were, wants to say that he imposes his will on the victim, not because he is cruel, but because of the desire to give her pleasure, which she cannot get in any other way. Sadistic and masochistic fantasies express a deep duality in the attitude of men towards women. On the one hand, they want women, and, on the other hand, they are angry that women have such power over them.
The biggest mistake in understanding fantasies is that they are considered repressed desires. In this case, some members of the stronger sex are guilty of hiding their fantasies, while others are looking for opportunities to realize them in real life. However, there are those who, without any sense of guilt, regularly resort to their help for arousal. And this, psychologists say, is quite normal.

According to experts, sexual fantasies in a mature man help him get away from depression, protect himself from the depression of everyday life. This is akin to how, for example, a person rides a bus in winter, but at the same time remembers his vacation in the south.
However, there is one limitation here: if a man has realized a fantasy, he will not want it a second time - because in real life people often want completely different sex than they imagine.

Men: to be silent or to speak?

Sometimes experts give a man advice so that he expresses his desire in detail, and not in the form of a request. If possible, he should find an erotic passage in a book or film that represents what he wants. Then you need to read or show it to your partner. And see how interested she is in what she hears or sees before asking. Then it’s better to kindly ask her. Some experts advise men to be very careful about discussing sexual fantasies with their partners, no matter how well they know or trust them.

Often a woman's attitude to a man's fantasy is determined by her age. If a woman is in her thirties, then perhaps her husband's fantastic story about how a group of sexually insatiable Amazons forces him to satisfy their tribe on a daily basis will make her very excited. If the woman is young, then such a “delusional” fantasy of a man will seriously offend her: how could he even think about having sex with someone else but her?!

How to deal with male sexual fantasies?

According to psychologists, if a person wants to realize his fantasies, this is, in general, not bad. Therefore, if a woman sees that a man really wants to try something, he has constant thoughts about it, it is better to always ask him about it. And then really play out a scene from his secret dreams. Fantasies, psychologists assure, need to play along - this will make sex more intense, vivid and lasting.

Although many women still prefer not to talk about it directly, but do it "in the process" of sex, trying with hints and caresses to smoothly bring their partner to what he himself secretly desires.

Well, if a man is unloved, then the woman herself should think about whether it is necessary to ask him about his sexual fantasies and quirks - what if she doesn’t like them?