Alphabet for kids to play online from 3 to 5. How to learn letters with a child. How to learn Montessori letters

***The most correct ABC!***
Educational game "ABC and Alphabet for kids" - learn the letters and sounds of the Russian alphabet!
After completing this game, the child will learn to read much easier, since the experience of the best teachers in teaching children to read is used in the ABC.
***What will the child learn?***
Read under the spoiler!
Idea: Tatyana Anatolyevna Dubovkina, director of the Umnichka preschool development center, author of methods for the development and education of preschool children, mother of two children.

With the help of "ABC and Alphabet for kids" your child will be able to:
* Learn the Russian alphabet easily and with interest
* Learn to write letters
* Develop phonemic awareness
* Separate letters into vowels and consonants
* Distinguish between vowels and consonants
* Learn sounds, not just letters. This will help you learn to read quickly and easily in the future.
* Replenish vocabulary
* And also develop thinking, memory, perception, imagination and attention!

WHAT'S NEW - Version 1.2.3:
- Correction of the voice acting of the task in the Checker

Additional Information:
***How ​​to play?***
The child, together with the main characters Zayka-Poznayka and his cheerful friends Primer, Hedgehog and Belka, will learn the letters of the Russian alphabet by completing exciting tasks. The Toad-Checker will make sure in the exercises whether the Bunny has learned all the letters correctly and only after that will let the heroes into the magical city, where they will learn to read.
Training and tasks are divided into:
* Vowels. An important section in the study of letters. Learning vowels separately
* Consonants. The letters are arranged in the correct order, necessary for easier assimilation of speech sounds by children. Studying and completing assignments
* Checker. Exercises in the form of games to consolidate what has been learned - "Show the letter", "Find the desired letter", "What letter does the word begin with?"
* Write letters. Interactive spelling - learn to write letters correctly
* Let's sing letters. Alphabet - karaoke. A song specially adapted for the youngest children. The letters are sung separately, at intervals, without gaps and repetitions - correctly and in order. Sing along with your kids to learn the alphabet easily!

***It is important to know***
* Unlike other applications, letters and sounds in the game are divided into vowels and consonants
* In the settings there is a switch between letters and sounds
* By default, letters in the alphabet sound like SOUNDS - THIS IS IMPORTANT if you want your child to learn to read easily. During the game, you can easily change the setting from sounds to letters and vice versa.
* Section "For parents". A memo from the author of the teaching methodology on how to learn the alphabet correctly in order to easily learn the alphabet, and then simply and quickly learn to read.
* Simple and child-friendly controls. The application interface is simplified so that the child can play the game on their own.
* For better consolidation of the material and new games with letters - install our game Alphabet
You will be fully equipped: with an educational application, thoughtful tasks, a song adapted for children, interactive recipes, our care and support.
Attention, the application contains an in-game purchase - the full version of the game for 99 rubles ($2.99 ​​for other countries).

Installation description:
1. First, download the program (Apk file).
2. To install the application, allow "Unknown sources"... (tick) :embarrassment:
3. Next, install the program as an ordinary application.

Many parents are wondering when to start learning the alphabet and whether it should be done at home or entrusted to a school teacher. It is possible and necessary to study before school. However, the child needs not just to say that we are now learning letters, but to involve him in an interesting game. The learning process should cause joy in a young student, only then the lesson will bring results.

Why teach a child the alphabet

The alphabet is the basis for learning any language. You can speak without knowing the alphabet, but in order to still read and write, you need to start by learning the basics - letters. To understand and read alphabetic characters, they must first be learned. It is the same with writing - in order to write a letter, you need to know how it looks and what sound it means. Thus, without the alphabet, it is impossible to master the language.

In addition, the alphabet is an integral part of the development of civilization and culture, thanks to the language a person can master other sciences and transfer his knowledge to other people. Without the study of letters, the further development of the child is impossible, because the alphabet is an important part of progress.

How to teach a child letters: where to start

Some parents believe that there is a school where the child should be taught grammar, so homework for preschoolers does not make much sense. However, children who learn the alphabet before school find it much easier to learn in the classroom.

First of all, you need to interest the child in learning letters. The best way for this is a game that will immediately evoke positive emotions from the lesson in a small student. Today, in stores you can buy not only a special primer, but also toys that are designed to help a child remember letters quickly and forever.

To begin with, it does not matter in what order to start learning the letters. If the student liked “U” more than “A”, then we are studying the letter “U”. It is important that the child learns to distinguish one letter from another, and the alphabetical order can be mastered later or left this task for the school.

However, you need to immediately explain to the child vowels and consonants (sounds). The vowels need to be learned first, the consonants are learned later. The child needs to name not how the letter is pronounced in the alphabet, for example, "Be", but its sound - "B", so that it would be easier for a small student to compose syllables from alphabetic characters later.

Learning letters for children 3 years old

Classes for three-year-old children should be held in an unobtrusive, entertaining form, because games at this age are the main teaching method. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of development of oral speech. A child is ready for literacy only if he has a sufficient active vocabulary. Otherwise, learning will turn into psychological torture for both the student and the teacher.

Children at the age of 3 should already be able to navigate in space, be able to show the main directions - above, below, left, right. You should often draw the attention of the student to books. The first task is to interest the child. Reading should be your favorite pastime.

Ways of teaching the alphabet should be chosen taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

There are many different methods, one of them is the method of G. Doman. When a child mechanically memorizes words entirely. It is suitable for children up to 3 years old. At the same time, it is important to go from simple to complex so as not to overload the child with information. The student must be praised even for small achievements.

Learning the alphabet for children 4 years old

Children at 4 years old are able to practice 15-20 minutes continuously. They already know how to focus on an object or some activity. They cope with learning the alphabet faster than at 3 years old.

For classes, you will definitely need a primer. You can use pictures with alphabetic sounds, cubes. To consolidate the material with children, you can do crafts: sculpt from plasticine, glue applications, paint, etc.

In addition, to memorize letters, you can lay out food on a plate in the shape of the letter being studied. It is useful for children who have good auditory perception to read poetry, highlighting the desired sound with intonation, and sing grammatical songs.

Short classes of 10-15 minutes should be regular, without interruptions. The main rule of learning is interest.

When teaching children consonants, it is necessary to ensure that they pronounce them clearly. At 4 years old, this is already possible. The child should not add extraneous vowels to the consonant, such as "Ы", "И" or "Э". You also need to learn how to pronounce soft and hard consonants correctly. To facilitate this task, consonants, like vowels, can be sung. When studying soft consonants, it is necessary to explain to a young student what a soft sign is, that it does not indicate a sound, but only indicates the softness of a consonant. Particular attention should be paid to the letter "Y".

Learning the alphabet for children 5 years old

5 years is the optimal age to learn the alphabet and start learning to read. However, it is important to teach correctly so that you do not have to relearn at school. The techniques that were used for children 3-4 years old are also suitable for older ones.

At the age of 5, the main method of learning the alphabet is no longer associations, but words that begin with a given alphabetic character, for example, “A - watermelon”, “B - drum”, etc. The child is already able to see the connection between letters and words. All games should be reduced to the construction of words.

You can, having memorized a letter, collect things around the house, the name of which begins with this letter. A child of 5 years old will be interested in collecting puzzles with the alphabet.

If a girl or boy already knows the letters, they can be taught to combine consonants with consonants, to read by syllables. It is important to pay attention to the correctness of speech. If the child pronounces any sounds incorrectly, you need to contact a speech therapist. A common problem is the “R” sound. If there are no pathologies that interfere with pronunciation, you can work out the sound on your own by performing special exercises.

In the process of teaching the child must be praised, even if he does not yet show the desired result. Without encouragement, he will soon get tired of training. However, it is also important to correct errors.

Learning the alphabet for children 6 years old

You can study the alphabet with children of 6 years old from the first 3 characters: A, B, C - and the initial letter of the name of the little student. Then you can proceed to the study of the first letter of the nickname of a pet. The following recommendations will help instill in a child of this age a love of reading:

  1. Read books every day. Ask the child to run his finger along the lines while reading. Thus, the little reader will follow the progress of reading and remember the sound of the letters. The home library should be large, among the books there should be an alphabet for children 6 years old.
  2. Do not hide literature from children, fearing that they will tear the book. The child should be prepared to independently begin to look at the pictures, flip through and try to read.
  3. After reading, you should talk about the plot, listen to the student's opinion about the actions of the character.
  4. The child needs to be explained why he needs to study letters, to motivate him by choosing understandable examples. We can say that then he will be able to write a letter to Santa Claus on his own.

With students of 6 years old, as with younger children, you can learn letters and not in alphabetical order.

It is worth paying attention to pronunciation when we study the letter "C", as well as the sound "R". In some cases, specialist help may be needed.

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Hello! Did you know that an active and inquisitive kid is ready for primary education as early as 3-4 years of age?

Therefore, if your son or daughter does not go to kindergarten or the kindergarten program is very easy, you can additionally work with your baby at home, gradually preparing for school.

For example, you can learn easy counting or letters of the alphabet. This can be done in a playful, interesting and fun way.

And from this article you will learn exactly how you can learn the alphabet with small ones.

Develop, learn new things, learn fun and with pleasure! If the material is useful to you, put your fingers up, share comments and repost.


Written language is an important milestone in human development. In fact, writing is the result of reaching a certain level of comprehension of spoken language. This is true for humanity and for man. Alas, parents often lose sight of the fact that the ability to read and write is based not so much on the fact that you teach your child to write letters, but on good speech development and some general level of personality maturity.

So that you do not have to force the child to learn letters, the little person should have enough life experience to be able and willing to express and write it down. If a child has enough books suitable for his age, then the desire to learn something new from them appears even before the child begins to speak.

But the child acquires the ability to understand what he has read much later. Later than he starts talking. Later, than he begins to recognize letters, write letters. Later than learning how to put letters into words.

So we can say that the letters themselves are a small component of the ability to read. To be honest, the meaning of letters in teaching preschoolers is overblown and commercialized.

Images of letters of different quality cover a lot of toys and items intended for younger preschoolers: tables, cubes, rattles, magnets from baby food, sound alphabets ... From what age is it really better to learn letters and how to do it, what to choose to help yourself among the vast sea toys and supplies?

At what age to learn letters

At what age should children be taught letters? There is a fairly reasonable consideration that it is appropriate to introduce complementary foods to infants at the moment when they begin to show interest in adult food. Modern children are surrounded by inscriptions and signatures, and most of them can be seen at the moment when they begin to ask about letters and numbers "what is this?" or even indicate a single large letter. It makes sense to respond to the child's request and teach him letters when he shows interest in them.

If you name any image or object, the child will certainly want you to repeat again and again a new or difficult name for him, a word. Your task is to clearly, distinctly and slowly pronounce what the baby asks for, and as many times as he asks. It is at this moment that the sound alphabet may come in handy.

Sound alphabet

As an idea, the sound alphabet largely meets the criteria of Montessori material:

However, the actual performance of most didactic aids of this kind does not stand up to scrutiny. A significant part of the products of the Chinese industry is voiced by non-native Russian speakers, which is why the proposed sound sample is completely unacceptable.

Even if the alphabet is voiced with high quality, I only once managed to find one in which the letter would be read as "r", and not called as "er". About why the alphabet, intermediary pictures and the names of letters instead of reading them are harmful for learning to read, I told in more detail in the article “When to start teaching a child to read?”.

Manufacturers probably think that if you just make clear and large letters, when you click on each of which the letter is read distinctly and clearly, the manual will be boring. It's a delusion. Any colorful pictures, letters in the form of men or decorated with curls, additional melodies, flashing lights create an annoying background that makes it difficult to focus on the connection of the grapheme and its reading.

The disadvantages of sound alphabets, I would also include the high cost: a quality-made copy, which is not harmful to offer to children, costs quite a lot. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to do without an automated letter namer if you read the letters that he asks to the child, just in the course of life, in books and signs, signatures and labels.

Yes, at the same time, the baby will depend on the adult, but, on the other hand, along with reading books, reading individual letters is a good reason to chat with each other, including in “camping” situations when you need to take the child in line, in transport , on the way home. Thus, in order to teach a child letters, the sound alphabet for babies is more of a luxury than a necessity.

Basic concepts

As already mentioned, you can read the letters to the child when the baby himself asks you about it. The knowledge of the letter is that:

Accordingly, in order to learn letters, it is necessary that the child not only speaks in sentences, but also pronounces most of the sounds of his native speech.

Before you start teaching a child to write letters, you need to have the ability to finely control your hand, the ability to properly hold a pencil, pen, and the ability to control movements in a letter well. By the way, this is an argument in favor of not rushing into learning to write: in the first three years of life, the dominance of the dominant hand is just manifesting itself.

The safest way is to let your child experiment with drawing and eating with both hands. Gradually, the child will feel with which hand he is able to act more subtly and accurately, and will establish himself in choosing the leading hand. Retraining left-handers is extremely dangerous for their development and mental well-being.

The child's brain is plastic enough to succumb to environmental pressures, but not enough to remain maximally efficient when the non-dominant hand has to be used. So when teaching writing too early, there is a risk of dooming the child to the burden of overlearning, without even knowing that this has happened.

In free drawing, the child learns to understand the space of the sheet. In coloring - purposefulness, the ability not only to write, but also to stop the line on time.

If the child is well prepared for the perception of written speech, then the question: “How to make the child learn letters?” does not arise - a ripe need gives rise to interest.

How to learn Montessori letters

In the Montessori system, there is a well-thought-out chain of materials that sequentially prepare the child for writing and reading, and then allow them to master them directly. One of the key ideas of M. Montessori, formulated on the basis of observations of children, is that the mastery of written speech comes from writing to reading, and not from reading to writing.

There are many benefits to moving from writing to reading. It generally corresponds to the logic of the emergence of writing. Reading what you yourself have already written, and therefore you know what the text is talking about, is much easier than unfamiliar someone else's text. In addition, in Russian the same letter conveys different phonemes, but phonemes are almost always transmitted by the same letter. That is, to write down [c ‘] you definitely need the letter “c”, but if you see the letter “c” in the word, then it can mean both [c] and [c ‘].

It is much clearer to first write down “jozhik”, and read such a lightweight record, and only then learn how to replace “yo” with “ё”. Based on the understanding of the presence of "y" in a number of vowels, it is much easier to correctly read vowels that either represent two sounds in writing or affect the reading of the preceding consonant. If you go from letter to sound, it is more difficult to feel this logic.

Getting to know Montessori materials: rough letters

Montessori didactic materials for teaching writing involve an initial introduction to capital letters because they are easier to write. Printed letters need to be written with strokes, so when writing, you need to simultaneously monitor the quality and direction of the line, and when the stroke should end.

Stopping, interrupting an action is a complex skill in itself, so capital letters, where line interruption is minimized and the letters themselves are rounded, are easier in their own way to write.

If a child goes to a Montessori class, then he has enough time to work through the entire chain of mutually continuing materials of the language zone. If the kid goes to a regular kindergarten, where he spends most of the day, and there he encounters the requirements of a different approach to learning to read, then additional classes directly with Montessori materials will overload and confuse the child.

There will be too little time for full-fledged free work with Montessori materials. It is unlikely that the benefits of such extra activities outweigh the harm.

Nevertheless, to some extent, the logic of the Montessori approach to teaching writing and reading can be taken into account, even if this approach is not the main one for the child.

How to learn letters with children from 3 years old?

At an early age, it is important to be more involved in the general development of gross and fine motor skills, the development of colloquial speech, to introduce children to the very idea that the book tells a story, and this story is fixed, that this immutability of the text is associated with inscriptions. If the child directly asks about letters: “What is this?”, And you see that he highlights a single letter in a word, then you can read it.

The best preparation of the hand for writing is free drawing and shading, coloring, as well as sewing, modeling, grabbing small objects with fingers.

Creativity in a toddler group

Reading is important to the ability to maintain attention, and it develops in any focused activity that arouses enough interest in the child to repeat it over and over again. A useful skill is to follow a moving object with your eyes, for example, a ball in a ball: we perform a similar action by running our eyes over a line of text.

If the child is older

By the age of 4-5, children are likely to recognize letters visually, but the motor representation of the letter will require development. Feeling large letters, tracing wavy lines and letters (very large, 5-10 cm), drawing letters and ornaments prepare for understanding how a letter is made up of elements, and form its motor image.

It is still important to listen to the books that parents read. At this age, these may already be quite voluminous texts, with a complex plot and a small number of illustrations.

A little about preschoolers

At six or seven years old (if the child has not shown interest in reading before), you can start reading simple words, and then texts. For this, any good primer will do, in which there is enough interesting material for reading, selected from simple to complex.

I especially like the reading material provided in E. Fedorin's manual “I'm learning to read! A practical guide for parents and tutors" and the book by O. Uzorova, E. Nefyodova "Quick learning to read". The most important thing is not to stop reading aloud to children when they have already learned to read a little on their own. Keep the tradition of reading together for at least a few more years, until the child can fluently read whole books “to himself” .

It is important to encourage children to use written language in everyday life: write letters and notes to each other, postcards and messages in fortune cookies, sign work in albums together, make labels and instructions. This is a huge scope for creativity and collaboration, which gives writing its true meaning.


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What else do you need to know?

Hello dear parents! If your children are still small, then I think you will be interested in the topic of how to learn letters with a child correctly. After all, it is from this step that learning to read begins.

To date, my daughter is already 11 years old, and her educational success began at an early age. At the age of 2, she spoke quite clearly in complex and complex sentences. And at the age of 5 she was already reading books on her own. The whole period between these ages was spent on teaching my daughter to read. A lot or a little - judge for yourself.

How to teach a child to speak is a separate topic, today we will focus only on how to learn the alphabet correctly. The word "correct" in this case has a subjective connotation, since I will only share personal tips that have worked in life. But if you are a supporter of evidence-based methods, then they are also there. I will list them very briefly. And then I will share my experience.

Techniques for learning the alphabet

Most often, such developments are called by the name of the author. If you have a desire to get to know them better and use them in your practice, then it will not be difficult to find their description - they are all on the Internet.

How to determine the readiness of the child?

This question does not have a clear and categorical answer. Child psychologists and educators call different age brackets. Someone thinks that you should start learning as early as 2 years old, someone recommends it at 5-6 years old. I remember when Lera went to first grade, one of the parents asked our teacher at the first meeting: “Does a child have to be able to read by the age of 7?” To which our teacher replied: "Don't worry, we will teach you everything."

It is believed that the earlier a child learns new knowledge and skills, the better. The development of thinking, logic, memory is more active. Later, it is easier for the child to study at school and absorb information from different areas of knowledge.

However, this point of view is not shared by everyone. Some psychologists believe that you should not rush - you need to acquire new skills according to age. In particular, to learn letters and start reading - at 6-7 years old (as programmed by the school curriculum).

In my opinion, there is only one conclusion - in relation to your child, you have the right to choose any path of development.
If the baby shows curiosity, a desire to learn new things, he has the potential for more active development, then should he be restrained and wait until 5-6-7 years old? And, on the contrary, if the child is not yet ready for the voluntary development of the alphabet, does not show interest and does not have enough perseverance, then one should not rush things.

Criteria by which it is determined that it is already possible to start learning letters:

If you put a plus sign under all the items, then it's time to start learning letters. Although with regard to the last thesis, I would not be so categorical. Life shows that not all children love books. And waiting for them to love them is pointless. For such kids, you can find other ways to learn letters, since there are a lot of them.

How to learn letters - basic tips

As for my personal experience, my daughter and I started getting acquainted with letters at about 2.5 years old. I did not use any modern methods and did not even waste time reading and mastering them. And it all began very unobtrusively - with a gradual reading of the alphabet. There were no special lessons of 10-15 minutes. I used only these things and tricks that I recommend to you:

The order of mastering letters

Most often there are recommendations to start learning with vowels. And last but not least, master the letters that are considered difficult - "Sch", "Ts", "Ch" and the like. You can follow this rule, or you can not follow 🙂 As for me, I did not adhere to such a principle. We studied the alphabet with my daughter randomly and the first were both vowels and consonants. Only "Y", "L", "B" were left at the finish line.

Letter pronunciation

The child needs to be called the sound that the letter gives, and not its name according to the Russian alphabet. That is, a jerky "B", not "Be", a short "M", not "em". It is also necessary to read the alphabet correctly, but this can be left “for later” (closer to 7 years old or already at school itself), when the child learns the alphabet strictly in order.


Do not just call the letter to the child, but ask him to repeat it. Even sing the sound together. Those alphabetic characters that the child has already met can be found anywhere for consolidation.

For example, you walk down the street, you see a sign "Pharmacy", ask what the first letter is. Bought cookies in the form of the alphabet, ask the child to find familiar letters. Walking around the zoo, ask by the way what the word "Peacock" on the sign begins with.


In no case should you rush to learn the alphabet, especially if you started learning early - from 2, 3 or even from 4 years old. Excessive pressure on your part can suppress interest and desire to learn letters. And don't forget to praise your child! The compliment received from you is an incentive to move forward!

Does your child need praise?

Proceed to the acquaintance and memorization of the next letter only after the child has firmly remembered all the previous ones. And reading and folding into syllables should be started in general only after the child knows the entire alphabet (albeit not in order), that is, he can name each letter without hesitation.


Do not overload children with such activities. Still, for preschoolers, learning the alphabet is not a paramount task. If you see that the baby has lost interest in mastering a new letter after five minutes, switch his attention to another matter. And return to the alphabet another day. It will take more than one month to learn letters with a child, so take your time.

What you need to learn letters

Books and ABCs

It is impossible to do without these helpers. Buy your child several different alphabets (at least two). They should be bright and colorful. It is better if each letter is described - children perceive rhyme faster.

Now there are alphabets in which sound applications are mounted. That is, you press the button in the book and the letter sounds. With these books, the child will be able to study independently.

Read as much as you can to your child to develop an interest in books. And you need to start reading from birth, and not wait for X hour. And books should be different in design and quality. For example, in our home library there were several colorful books with CDs on which the text of a fairy tale from a book was recorded.

I turned on the disc, and my daughter sat with a book in her hands, listened and “read”, turning the pages in time. She could not read then, but I think that the desire and desire were spurred on well.


The easiest way to learn letters is in the game. And this type of activity in children is constant, so you just have to play along with your baby. There are many ready-made games and creative supplies that can be adapted for learning letters:

Didactic material

This includes various cards with written letters, a magnetic board, cubes, posters with the alphabet (including sound ones). Many of these things will come in handy later, when you have to add syllables and words. We have magnetic letters, and as a result, even the refrigerator was plastered with words from them - from a child's point of view, it turns out that it is so much more interesting than on the blackboard.

If there are problems with the choice of the alphabet and other printed materials for studying letters, then you can look for the right one on this showcase. There are many wonderful colorful alphabets and manuals, so choosing the materials you need for your child will not be difficult. Many of these items were in our home.


Children's life is hard to imagine without cartoons. And it's great when they can be combined with home schooling. To reinforce a new letter, turn on the desired cartoon series for the baby.

Now there are a lot of different animated series on this topic. These are the series with Luntik, with Aunt Sovunya, with the truck Leva. There are other, less famous cartoons. Here is one of them. See how the letter "A" is introduced in this cartoon:


What do professionals say about age?

Mariana Bezrukikh, director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, answers:

- At 3-4 years old, a child should not memorize letters. At this age, the structures responsible for distinguishing between alphabetic characters have not yet been formed in the brain. Of course, the child can be trained. If every day you show him a card with the letter "I" and repeat: "And, and, and ...", he will remember. But the monkey will also remember it. For him, this is not a sign, not a letter, but abracadabra. And the further, the worse.

If a child under 4 is forced to read, an inadequate reading mechanism is formed. He grabs the first 2-3 letters with his eyes and guesses the word. I did not guess - I have to return to the beginning. The endless “shuttle” eye movement is tiring, the child loses the meaning of what he has read, and as a result, interest in the book is lost.

The maturity of the brain necessary for reading in most children is formed by the age of 5-6, and only in 20% - by 4-5. Moreover, at 3 years old, the child is not required to know colors. You can tell, but do not demand. At 3-4 years old, you need to broaden your horizons, develop speech, correct pronunciation, learn to answer questions and ask them correctly.

Movement is very important - walking, standing, climbing stairs, taking small details, teaching yourself to eat, sing, dance, listen to music, form a sense of rhythm. There are no trifles in the development of a child.

Even catering is important - beautifully set the table, put napkins. A lot of parents almost never sit down at the table with a child. They try to feed him quickly, then send him to play with toys and sit at the table themselves. This is wrong, just as it is wrong to force you to eat up. This forms an aversion to food.


4 games for children

When the method of the Italian teacher Maria Montessori had just become known in Russia, parents, keen on the early development of their children, cut out rough letters on their own - one of the main elements of the method of teaching reading. Today, this work has already been done by the publishing house, and fans of the method just need to get ready-made cards and a manual with exercises. We offer several games that will introduce the child to letters.

In order to write letters, the child must be able to control the muscles of his hand. The following tasks will help the baby learn to control his hand with greater accuracy and strengthen his fingers - because in the future they will have to hold the writing instrument firmly.

You can offer your child very early to do exercises that, among other things, will add to his autonomy and independence in everyday life. The farther, the easier it will be for him to pour water into a glass, spread butter on bread, cut fruit, open and close jars and bottles. And the more the baby develops the strength of his hand, the sooner he masters the control of her actions, the easier it will be for him to learn to write.

Draw with your finger in the sand. or semolina

What children do on the beach can be done at home, in the kitchen - just pour semolina on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.

Draw a circle with your finger on the surface of the cereal, and inside it are two eyes and a smile. Gently shake the baking sheet, and when your drawing disappears, invite the child to draw something himself.

Drawing with the child in turn, you can also make a common picture - one for two - a picture: one of you will depict the cat's head, the other - the ears, the first - the cat's body, the second - the tail, and so on.

Acquaintance with rough letters

In Montessori schools, children learn the alphabet with rough letters: Maria Montessori found that little children learn best when they touch, listen, and look at the same time. If a child touches rough letters by looking at them and listening to their corresponding sounds, it is easier for him to learn which shape of the letter represents which sound.

Prepare for the beginning of the lesson with rough letters a basket filled with objects whose names begin with the sounds corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.

Choose from a set of rough letters three that are very different from one another in style and sound corresponding to the letter, for example: m, s and a.

Take one letter - for example, m - and put it on the table in front of you and the child. Say: This is the letter that makes the sound [mmm] (This is [m]). Slowly run your index and middle fingers together over the letter while making the sound [mmm]. Repeat this one more time. The index and middle fingers are the ones that will have to remain pressed against each other when the child later picks up a pencil.

Ask the child: Can you pronounce the sound that is indicated by this letter? Sound [m]? Usually the child, repeating after you, answers such a request with a lowing: M-M-M. Confirm to him that he was not mistaken: Yes, it is [mmm]. The repetition of sounds is very important.

Now invite the child to run his fingers over the letter, while pronouncing the sound. Thanks to this, he will be able to perceive the letter in all sensory parameters at once: auditory (he pronounces the sound, therefore he hears it), tactile (he touches the letter) and visually (he looks at the letter).

Take out from the basket an object whose name begins with the sound indicated by the selected letter. Let's say it's a tangerine. Say: [M] - the word tangerine begins with this sound and put the tangerine in front of you.

In exactly the same way, work with the child on the second, and then the third letter of your choice. Conduct such classes daily - and daily, before you get acquainted with new letters, you can repeat with your child those already known to him so that he realizes how many letters he knows.

If the kid has forgotten one of the letters he knows, do not hesitate to include it in the top three with which you are going to work today.

At the end of the lesson, tell the child that he can ask you to play rough letters with him at any time, but that he can play them alone. The stronger the child's desire to do this, the faster he will move forward. Try to spend ten minutes playing with the three rough letters every day, but don't show your child more than three new letters at a time. But when he plays alone, he can, if he wants, discover new letters himself.

Sounds, letters and pictures

You will need rough letters and envelopes with cards: they will depict objects whose names begin with sounds corresponding to various letters of the alphabet.

How to make cards? Take magazines, postcards, old books to cut out, scissors, glue, sheets of cardboard, envelopes, and a marker. Cut out six to eight pictures of objects whose names begin with sounds corresponding to each of the letters of the alphabet (for example: avocado, pineapple, arch, car, aquarium, asters).

You will notice that some letters are easier to illustrate, others are more difficult. Glue each picture onto a 10 cm square cardboard card, place each set of cards in a sturdy envelope, and carefully write the appropriate letter (eg, a) on each envelope.

How to play? Choose a sound - for example, [a] - and invite the child to run his fingers over the corresponding rough letter in the right direction, while saying: [a-a-a].

Take out of the envelope pictures with objects whose names begin with [a]: avocado, pineapple, and so on. Invite the child to circle the letter, pronounce the sound that corresponds to this letter, and attach the letter denoting this sound to the picture.

Now invite him to open another envelope, a third, and more - up to five. You can continue classes as long as the child is full of energy, and they must be stopped before he gets tired.

This type of activity will help the baby to combine in the mind the concept of a letter and the sensations that arose from its image and the sound corresponding to it.

Ask the child, standing on tiptoe, to reach the letter t, put his hand on the letter f, jump on one leg to the letter c, then put his elbow on the letter and so on. Pronounce the letters clearly, remembering the rules of phonetics.

Further - more interesting!

Modern parents sometimes go to extremes in matters of development and education of the child. Some are engaged with the baby literally from the cradle, others believe that you need to leave the child alone and not deprive him of a happy and carefree childhood. But if you are thinking not only about how to teach a child the alphabet, but also about whether it is necessary to do this, we will answer unequivocally: it is necessary.

After all, letters are all around us. And if you unobtrusively introduce your son or daughter to them from an early age, the child will know that this is such and such a letter as easily as knowing that this is a dog, this is a cat, and this is a dove.

In addition, some children themselves are interested in letters, and parents have no choice but to teach the child the alphabet as early as 2-3 years old. Remember the main rule: unobtrusiveness.

Why teach a child the alphabet

Of course, a 4-5 year old toddler will learn all the letters much faster than a two or three year old kid who quickly loses interest in classes and quickly forgets everything. This leads parents to think about the inappropriateness of such work. But with early learning, letters will come naturally into your child's life.

Remember that early development is not necessary at all in order to praise your baby on the playground in front of other mothers. Some babies at the age of one and a half years know all the letters, by the age of two they begin to merge them into syllables, and by three they safely forget about this merger. There is simply no need for a two-year-old to read.

Early acquaintance with the alphabet does not make children geniuses, but only contributes to the development of their natural abilities, being at the same time a useful and exciting way for children to spend time together with their parents.

How to teach the alphabet to a child 1-3 years old

There are parents who lead the motto "it's never too early to learn." They hang letters drawn on an A4 sheet in a baby's room up to a year old. There should be only one letter per sheet. When the child is awake, he is brought to the letters and called them. From time to time, you should change the location of the letters on the wall and replace one letter with another.

Interesting toy letters

For a child older than a year old, you can buy a puzzle mat with letters, and after two years, a magnetic alphabet (you just need to make sure that the magnets do not fall out of the letters - the child can accidentally swallow them).

Please note that you need to teach your child sounds, not letters. That is, pronounce H, not EN, M, not EM. That is why electronic aids should be abandoned, in which the child clicks on the image, hears the letter and the word that begins with it, and sometimes also a song or tongue twister.

The child is unlikely to understand why a football player is drawn under the letter EF, and cheese under the letter Y. It will be much easier for him if this letter is simply called F and Y.

Very tasty letters

You can lay out letters from fruits or bake cookies in the form of letters. Offer such an alphabet to a child as early as 1.5-2 years old. After all, the little one explores the environment by touch and taste. Why not take advantage of this. An ordinary meal can be turned into a fun activity. It is better to start with vowels, because they are easier to sing. Fold the alphabet from straws, crackers, marmalades, green sprigs.

Hand-made letters

Make letters from plasticine or salt dough, cut them out of colored paper. You can attach legs to the letters, and they will visit each other. You can draw a letter on a piece of paper and ask your child to color it in. And you can “kill two birds with one stone” in one lesson. Having drawn any letter on A4 sheet, cut out many identical geometric shapes, for example, triangles. Having sealed the large letter A inside with small triangles, the child will remember both the letter and the figure.

Letters relatives and friends

An original way to teach a child the alphabet is to associate letters with photographs of relatives and friends. M - mom, P - dad, D - grandfather, V - Vova, I - Irina, etc. The game is exciting, the photo collection can be constantly replenished, as well as supplemented with a collection of drawings.

For example, after going to the zoo, a tiger may appear next to the letter T, and a monkey may appear next to the letter O. You can take pictures and draw buses, cars, trees, a playground. Everything that surrounds the child can be reflected in your home alphabet.

How to teach the alphabet to a child over 4 years old

Sandbox at home

In children of this age, fine motor skills are already better developed, so the children can be offered to fold letters from twigs, constructor, pebbles and cereals. Pour various cereals into a large tray, draw a letter on a piece of cardboard and coat it with glue. Let the baby sprinkle small cereals on top - buckwheat, rice, corn.

This will develop both fine motor skills and imagination.

Board games with letters

Pay attention to the loto and dice with letters: the simpler the image of the letter, the better. After all, drawings can come across unfamiliar, which will only confuse the baby. By the way, the cubes can be made together with the child from colored cardboard. Repeat the sounds of the letters as you play. On sale you can find dominoes with the alphabet and other rpg games with letters.

There are many ways to help parents. Choose the one that is closer to you and the child. Consider the most popular of them.

The methodology of Elena Bakhtina is based on associations. The main teaching tool is the book "ABC book for kids from two to five." On each page - one letter and explanations for parents in small print. In addition, there are pages with the same letters that need to be cut out and pasted onto thick cardboard.

It turns out that you can play with letters. They become friends. The letter G has a beak and red paws, the letter Z has soft fluffy bunny ears, the D is made in the form of a house, and the letter I is covered in sweets (what kid doesn’t love sweets?).

The method of Nikolai Zaitsev implies teaching not letters, but immediately warehouses, although there are letters here too. The main set is cubes (Zaitsev's cubes), which parents must glue on their own, filling them with metal and wooden elements strictly according to the instructions, as well as tables with warehouses that will occupy half the wall. But the child will see all the warehouses in the system, and the content, size and color of the cubes will help him distinguish between deaf and voiced, soft and hard warehouses.

Having taught the child the alphabet and taught him to read, parents will only have to maintain their child's interest in reading by acquiring exciting children's literature. Then he will love books no less than cartoons. And a child who has read a couple of hundred books before school is noticeably ahead of his non-reading peers in development. In the future, the baby will be provided with leading places everywhere - at school, gymnasium, university. After all, reading is the foundation of any learning.

Modern children begin to use computers early and have knowledge that their parents did not yet have at that age. Therefore, modern interactive teaching aids are becoming especially relevant now.

The teachers of the "Presidential School" have created a series of teaching aids, taking into account the developmental characteristics of a modern child, the latest achievements in pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, their own many years of experience working with preschoolers and offer an effective solution for the quality preparation of modern children for further education!

Lessons from the book will help the child:


The book was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and upbringing and will be an excellent assistant to parents and teachers in the education and development of children 3-4 years old. Performing simple exercises, the kid will quickly learn the letters and learn to circle them along dotted lines, will connect objects, names that begin with the same letter, will be able to develop creative abilities, turning letters into various objects, as well as attention, memory, thinking.

Tasks are focused on the real possibilities of children and are arranged as they become more difficult. The book is addressed to talented inquisitive kids, their parents and teachers and can be used both at home and in group classes.


Reading 4 min.

Almost all parents understand that the time will definitely come when it will be necessary to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet together with the child. And they have a lot of questions. For example, at what age will learning be most successful? Or how to make classes interesting for children? And, in general, how to study it?

Techniques to help learning

There are a lot of different methods, methods and exercises with which the study of the letters of the Russian alphabet is easy for children. These can be special coloring books, and computer games, and cutting out letters, sculpting them from plasticine, and even baking.

The original way to memorize letters

You can try this technique: first you need to remember 10 vowels, they come in pairs and rhyme, so it will be easy to learn them: A-Z, U-Yu, O-Yo, E-E, Y-I. And then move on to consonants, which can also be divided into pairs, for example, deaf - voiced. There is also a method of studying sounds, not letters.

One of the most effective ways is singing. You just need to learn the song with the alphabet and constantly sing it. And this option is also popular: learning the letters of the Russian alphabet for children aged 5 years not with letters, but immediately with words.

Learning and memorization is best when visual memory is involved. Therefore, it will be very effective to cut out large letters and place them in a zone of constant visibility so that the child can get used to them and remember them. It is good that they are red, as this color attracts attention. In general, all tools, cards, materials used in training should be very bright, colorful, beautiful and attractive in appearance.

It has been proven that children memorize the alphabet faster and easier if the letters are depicted in the form of an animal. Or when a picture is drawn next to the letter. And then the letters will be associated in children with a certain image. For example, A with a watermelon or a stork, B with a drum, etc.

If you simultaneously teach your child to write the letters being studied, then the effect will increase many times over.

Only no exams and forcible imposition! All this should be interesting to the baby. Let the information flow slowly so that the child does not get confused and does not refuse to learn. It's just wonderful if the baby begins to be interested in letters on his own. And if not, then you need to awaken this curiosity in him. And temporarily postpone classes if, nevertheless, interest does not arise.