How to explain to a first grader the division of words into syllables. How to teach a child to divide words into syllables: the fastest and most effective ways. Open and closed syllables

In this section, we will practice dividing words into syllables. (Don't confuse it with word division for hyphenation, which is discussed in another section. These are somewhat different things, as there are certain rules for word hyphenation.)

Dividing words into syllables

The ability to divide words into syllables is a very important skill that is desirable to acquire even before entering the first grade. Children who have learned to read by syllables, respectively, have fewer problems. But still there are.

Imagine, the child is already reading smoothly, we taught him what letters are - vowels and consonants, taught him to count the letters in a word, and then began to approach the transfer of words, and again returned to syllables. In this situation, children often get confused, and instead of dividing into syllables, they divide the word by letter.

How to teach a child to divide words into syllables? There are many ways to do this.

Rules for dividing words into syllables

  • syllables are always formed with vowels, That's why, how many vowels in a word, the same number of syllables. A syllable can consist of one vowel, but there are no syllables without vowels. Examples: mo-lo-ko, yo-zhik, etc.
  • If a syllable consists of several letters, then it always begins with a consonant.(The exception is cases when the previous syllable ends in Y: district)

Previously, the rules for division into syllables and for hyphenation were the same, except that you could not hyphenate or leave one letter on a line. The new rules for dividing into syllables, which children are learning now, are much more complicated, and, most importantly, differ from the division of words for transfer. This is especially true for words with several consonants in the middle of a word. We shared: cat, ok, classes, etc.

According to the new rules, only sonorant consonants (m, n, l, p, m, l, n, p) and Y "stick" to the first syllable, in other cases all consonants "depart" to the second syllable. For example: krom-ka, ban-ka, ban-ka, may-ka, but: sha-pka, equal, etc.

Two identical consonants, when divided into syllables, necessarily go to the second syllable: yes,

o-leak. At the same time, the division of the same words for transfer will be different - given, from-leak, hat, etc.

In any case, you need to constantly train to divide words into syllables, especially if there are problems with this. Syllables can be sung, chanted, like in a stadium. It helps to “clap” the words with your hands. Often speech therapists and teachers advise putting the back of the hand under the chin, and pronounce the word out loud, while the chin touches the hand with each syllable.

We offer you an online game-simulator "Dividing words into syllables". In it, you need to drag the separator lines onto the word. Such tasks are often found in Russian language tests in the 1st grade. In this game we will divide words into syllables. In the next section, we'll practice dividing hyphenation words.

It would seem that for any person who has learned to read, there is nothing easier than dividing words into syllables. In practice, it turns out that this is not such an easy task, moreover, in order to correctly complete this task, you need to know some of the nuances. If you think about it, not everyone can even give a clear answer to a simple question: “What is a syllable?”

So what is a syllable?

As you know, every word consists of syllables, which, in turn, consist of letters. However, for a combination of letters to be a syllable, it must necessarily contain one vowel, which in itself can constitute a syllable. It is generally accepted that a syllable is the smallest spoken unit of speech or, more simply, a sound / sound combination pronounced in one breath. For example, the word "I-blo-ko". To pronounce it, you need to exhale three times, which means that this word consists of three syllables.

In our language, one syllable cannot contain more than one vowel. Therefore, how many vowels in a word - so many syllables. Vowels are syllabic sounds (create a syllable), while consonants are non-syllabic (cannot form a syllable).

Theories of the syllable

There are as many as four theories trying to explain what a syllable is.

  • exhalation theory. One of the most ancient. According to her, the number of syllables in a word is equal to the number of exhalations made during its pronunciation.
  • acoustic theory. It implies that a syllable is a combination of sounds with high and low volume. The vowel is louder, so it is able to both independently form a syllable and attract consonants to itself, like less loud sounds.
  • articulatory theory. In this theory, the syllable is presented as the result of muscle tension, which increases towards the vowel and falls towards the consonant.
  • Dynamic theory. Explains the syllable as a complex phenomenon influenced by a number of factors listed in previous theories.

It is worth noting that each of the above theories has its drawbacks, however, as well as advantages, and none of them has been able to fully characterize the nature of the concept of "syllable".

Types of syllables

A word can consist of a different number of syllables - from one or more. It all depends on the vowels, for example: “sleep” is one syllable, “sno-vi-de-ni-e” is five. In this category, they are divided into monosyllabic and polysyllabic.

If there is more than one syllable in the composition of the word, then one of them is stressed, and it is called stressed (when pronounced, it is distinguished by the length and strength of the sound), and all the others are unstressed.

Depending on what sound the syllable ends with, they are open (vowel) and closed (consonant). For example, the word "for-water". In this case, the first syllable is open, as it ends in the vowel "a", while the second is closed because it ends in the consonant "d".

How to separate words into syllables?

First of all, it is worth clarifying that the division of words into phonetic syllables does not always coincide with the division for transfer. So, according to the rules of transfer, one letter cannot be separated, even if it is a vowel and is a syllable. However, if the word is divided into syllables, according to the rules of division, then a vowel not surrounded by consonants will make up one full-fledged syllable. For example: in the word “yu-la” there are phonetically two syllables, but this word will not be separated during transfer.

As stated above, there are exactly as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. One vowel sound can act as a syllable, but if it has more than one sound, then such a syllable will necessarily begin with a consonant. The above example - the word "yu-la" - is divided in this way, and not "yul-a". This example demonstrates how the second vowel "a" attracts "l" to itself.

If there are several consonants in a row in the middle of a word, they belong to the next syllable. This rule applies to cases with the same consonants, and to cases with different non-syllabic sounds. The word "o-tcha-i-n" illustrates both options. The letter "a" in the second syllable attracted a combination of different consonants - "tch", and "s" - double "nn". There is one exception to this rule - for unpaired non-syllable sounds. If the voiced consonant (y, l, l, m, m, n, n, p, p) is the first in the letter combination, then it is separated along with the previous vowel. In the word "flask" the letter "n" refers to the first syllable, as it is an unpaired voiced consonant. And in the previous example - “o-tcha-ya-ny” - “n” went to the beginning of the next syllable, according to the general rule, since it was a paired sonorant.

Sometimes letter combinations of consonants in a letter mean several letters, but sound like one sound. In such cases, the division of the word into syllables and the division for hyphenation will be different. Since the combination means one sound, then these letters should not be separated when divided into syllables. However, when transferring such letter combinations are separated. For example, the word “i-zjo-ga” has three syllables, but when transferred, this word will be divided as “izzho-ga”. In addition to the letter combination “zzh”, pronounced as one long sound [zh:], this rule also applies to combinations “ts” / “ts”, in which “ts” / “ts” sound like [ts]. For example, it is correct to divide “u-chi-tsya” without breaking “ts”, but when transferring, it will be “learn-sya”.

As noted in the previous section, the syllable is open and closed. There are much fewer closed syllables in Russian. As a rule, they are only at the end of the word: "hacker". In rare cases, closed syllables may be in the middle of a word, provided that the syllable ends in an unpaired sonorant: “bag”, but “bu-dka”.

How to separate words for hyphenation

Having dealt with the question of what a syllable is, what types of them are, and how to divide them into them, it is worth paying attention to the rules of word hyphenation. After all, with external similarity, these two processes do not always lead to the same result.

When dividing a word for transfer, the same principles are used as in the usual division into syllables, but it is worth paying attention to a number of nuances.

It is strictly forbidden to tear off one letter from a word, even if it is a syllable-forming vowel. This prohibition also applies to the transfer of a group of consonants without a vowel, with a soft sign or y. For example, “a-ni-me” is divided into syllables like this, but it can only be transferred in this way: “ani-me”. As a result, when transferring, two syllables come out, although in reality there are three.

If two or more consonants are nearby, they can be divided at your discretion: “te-kstu-ra” or “tek-stu-ra”.

With paired consonants between vowels, they are separated, except when these letters are part of the root at the junction with a suffix or prefix: “classes”, but “classy”. The same principle applies to the consonant at the end of the word root before the suffix - of course, it is possible to tear off letters from the root during transfer, but it is undesirable: "Kyiv-sky". Similarly, with regard to the prefix: the last consonant included in its composition cannot be torn off: “under-creep”. If the root begins with a vowel, you can either still separate the prefix itself, or transfer two syllables of the root together with it: “accident-free”, “accident-free”.

Abbreviations cannot be transferred, but compound words can, but only in terms of components.

ABC by syllables

The syllable is of great practical importance in teaching children to read. From the very beginning, students learn letters and syllables, which of them can be combined. And later, from syllables, children learn to gradually build words. At first, children are taught to read words from simple open syllables - “ma”, “mo”, “mu” and the like, and soon the task is complicated. Most primers and manuals devoted to this issue are built according to this technique.

Moreover, especially for the development of the ability to read in syllables, some children's books are published with texts divided into syllables. This facilitates the process of reading and contributes to bringing the ability to recognize syllables to automatism.

In itself, the concept of "syllable" is not yet fully studied subject of linguistics. However, its practical importance is difficult to overestimate. After all, this small part of the word helps not only to learn reading and writing rules, but also helps to understand many grammatical rules. We should also not forget that, thanks to the syllable, there is poetry. After all, the main systems for creating rhymes are based precisely on the properties of this tiny phonetic-phonological unit. And although there are a lot of theories and studies devoted to it, the question of what a syllable is remains open.

Many children go to preschool, which prepares your child for school. Here they play with them and conduct daily activities aimed at the overall development of the child. Before school, the teacher already introduces the children to letters, the difference between vowel and consonant, voiced and hissing.

How to teach a child to divide words into syllables

Education in kindergartens is usually carried out in the form of a game. First, the children are explained that each item has its own name. The guys say this word aloud, and the teacher writes it down on the board, separating the syllables with a hyphen. To teach a child to divide words into syllables, it is necessary that he understand the difference between a vowel and a consonant, and that each syllable contains a vowel and one or two consonants.

There are several ways to learn how to divide words into syllables:

  • using cards with syllables, which are inserted into special pockets in kindergarten. Dividing words into syllables by children is absorbed faster and easier;
  • incomplete word game. This means that the adult pronounces the beginning of the word, for example, "FOR", and the child is offered to finish it, for example, "BOR";
  • ball game. You also name the beginning of the word and throw the ball to the child, and he, in turn, must catch it and supplement it with some suitable ending;
  • "confusion". An adult picks up 4 syllables and deliberately makes 2 words incorrectly, invites a small student to “correct” adult mistakes, for example, “MAPA”, but you need to make the correct “MAMA” and “PAPA”. This is one of the best ways to learn how to read syllables quickly, as well as understand the principle of division.

How to teach a child to connect letters into syllables

In order for the child to be able to combine letters into syllables, it is necessary to fully study all the letters in the alphabet, as well as distinguish between a vowel and a consonant. As soon as you see that it is time for your student to learn how to connect syllables, feel free to move on to learning.

For the first time, conduct the lesson in a playful way so that the baby can be interested, then explain that letters can be folded into syllables. Syllables are open when the sound "MA" begins with a consonant letter, and closed when the sound comes with a vowel, for example, "AM".

How to teach a child to read syllables together

When a child alone, without the help of adults, learns to add syllables, you can begin to teach how to read syllables together.

Starting from the first year of the child's education, the teacher, according to the approved school curriculum, conducts a lot of reading technique classes. It is very important that the first grader is already prepared for this educational process: whether he reads well or badly, but the child needs to learn how to read syllables together before 6-7 years old.

Here are some effective quick learning rules:

  1. It is necessary to read with a child constantly, starting from 2-3 years of age. The parent must allocate time for this at least once a day, preferably before bedtime.
  2. Take an interesting book that your baby loves with bright illustrations to interest the baby.
  3. When the child is older (4-5 years old), move on to getting to know the letters.
  4. Take a primer (for example, Zhukova N.S.). Learn 1-2 letters every day.
  5. After the baby remembers the entire alphabet, start introducing syllables, how to divide words into syllables, how they are connected. You can do this in a playful way, when the letter "M" "hurries" to the letter "A", and say out loud "MMMAAA".
  6. Start with easy short words: dad, mom, cat, hand, and so on.

How to teach a child to speak syllables

A parent, in the process of teaching his child, can independently analyze the level of preparation of a small student for school: how he can talk, whether he builds logical sentences, whether he knows all the letters of the alphabet, whether he can speak syllables, whether he has difficulty dividing words into syllables.

Regular activities with the child are very important. The kid must correctly name objects, pronounce sounds clearly. Regular exercises at home with a parent, together with classes in kindergarten - all this in combination will greatly facilitate the education in the primary grades of your young student.

Teaching children to divide words into syllables is a very important task for adults. Possession of such a skill will be useful to a first grader in mastering school literacy. For children attending a speech therapy group, this is an even more important task! As you know, preschool children with speech pathology have serious violations in the syllabic structure of words. Children cannot reproduce words with a complex syllabic structure, rearrange, replace, skip sounds and syllables, for example: “snegiik” (“snowman”), “visiped” (“bicycle”), etc. The skill of dividing words into syllables will help the child cope with this problem and will help improve diction.



"Teaching children to divide words into syllables"

Teaching children to divide words into syllables is a very important task for adults. Possession of such a skill will be useful to a first grader in mastering school literacy. For children attending a speech therapy group, this is an even more important task! As you know, preschool children with speech pathology have serious violations in the syllabic structure of words. Children cannot reproduce words with a complex syllabic structure, rearrange, replace, skip sounds and syllables, for example: “snegiik” (“snowman”), “visiped” (“bicycle”), etc. The skill of dividing words into syllables will help the child cope with this problem and will help improve diction.

How to divide words into syllables?

1 rule: the child puts the back of the hand to the chin from below.

Rule 2: the child slowly pronounces the word, diligently pronouncing the vowels.

3rd rule: when pronouncing, the child counts how many times his mouth opened (and his chin rested on his palm). The count can be done by unbending or bending the fingers, as it is more convenient.

4th rule: the child concludes, for example: “In the word“ drum ”three syllable."

! When the child learns the concept of “vowel sound”, it is important for him to remember the following rule: “How many vowels in a word, the same number of syllables.


  1. Using the palm under the chin, determine how many syllables are in the name of the toy.
  2. Select the correct syllabic scheme, and delete the excess with a mouse click. The correct scheme will not be deleted!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

game - presentation "We divide words into syllables"

A funny little train helps the child determine the number of syllables in a word. A picture appears on the screen, the child clicks on the trailer with the required number of windows (syllables). if the choice is right...

The game "Divide words into syllables" (topic: "Animals of hot countries")

Using the hand under the chin (palm down), determine how many syllables are in the name of the animal. How many times the mouth opens (the chin rests on the hand), so many syllables in the word. Mouth open...

Natalia Chernyshova
Abstract of the lesson on teaching literacy “Syllabus. Dividing words into syllables "(preparatory group)


Subject. Syllable. Dividing words into syllables.

Target: give an idea of syllable, learn to share words into syllables,

distinguish between one-, two-, and three-syllable words; improve the articulation apparatus of children, develop lexicon, thinking, speech; develop the ability to hear and listen to spoken words.

Equipment: subject pictures, toys, cards - diagrams.

Lesson progress:

Come on, everyone - stand in a circle,

All of a sudden they held hands

We will stand by and answer questions.

We start to study, we will try the whole lesson,

Repeat, do not yawn, remember everything.


1. CONVERSATION. (A toy - Mishutka takes an active part in the conversation)

What do these diagrams mean?

(The teacher shows different diagrams.)

- How do we define words- item names? (one straight line)

- How do we define words are the names of actions? (two straight lines)

- How do we define words- signs of objects? (wavy line)

What questions are answered words- item names words are the names of actions, words- signs of objects?

yoke: "Count how many words in a sentence» .

The teacher says a sentence of two to four words, and the child determines by ear the number words in a sentence.

For example: The bear is sleeping. (2-words)


Laying out proposals perceived by ear.

The teacher pronounces the sentence in full. Together with the child determines the amount by ear words in a sentence. The second time he pronounces the sentence not in full, but dictates according to words like a dictation. The child writes the sentence on the blackboard.

Bear cub performs this task. (CHILDREN HELP AND CORRECT HIM.)


Creation of a problem situation.

Mishutka and Pinocchio decided to hold a running competition. They invite you "get sick" for the athletes. What does it mean to cheer for athletes?

Which one of you was in the competition?

Where do they go?

What are the names of those who "sick" for athletes? What are they doing?

You will be fans. The girls will cheer for Pinocchio, and the boys for Mishutka. Remember that the fans loudly, in parts, chant the name of the runner.

So, Pinocchio went to the start. Girls, what's the name of this runner? (Bu-ra-ti-no.)

Mishutka came to the start. Boys, what's the name of this runner? (Mi-joke-ka.)

Reade set Go! (two children with toy characters play the role of runners)

We congratulate Mishutka and Pinocchio with an excellent result.

When you shouted out the names of the athletes, how did word? (in parts)


On this lesson we will learn what are these parts called? words and why you need to be able to share words in pieces. 4. PRIMARY PERCEPTION AND AWARENESS OF THE NEW MATERIAL

1. Practical work.

Speak slowly word fish. Tap it on the table with a pencil. slam it word. Count the claps. How much did it turn out?

The teacher explains to the children that WORD FISH-BA TWO PARTS.

Names the first part, then the second. When we pronounce word is incomplete, and we divide it into parts - this means that we divide it into syllables(show).

IN there can be two words, three, four or more syllables. And there are also words, in which there is only one syllable. Therefore, you probably noticed that words are longer and shorter. It depends on how much is in it. syllables. Listen, I'll say single syllable words: house, cancer, catfish, cat, etc.

When pronouncing these words mouth opens only once. Now listen and tell me how much syllables I share these words(the teacher says -two, three-syllable words)


1. Game "Undress words into syllables» .

Try it yourself, first in a whisper, and then say it out loud syllables words - names of objects which I will show you in the pictures.

2. Physical education « Syllabic jumpers»

I call words, and you should, pronouncing words by syllable, jump the same number of times.

3. Simulation syllabic composition of words.

When we graphically wrote down the sentence, then each word marked with a dash. To show how much words of syllables, you can draw rectangles divided into as many parts as syllables in a word.

(The teacher marks the most attentive children.)

4. Game "Counting"

You children always speak in sentences, words speak fluently in sentences. But sometimes, in the game, you say words by syllable. For example, when you pronounce counting rhymes. Now stand in a circle and listen to me syllables pronounce the rhyme.

Che - re - pa - ha tail under -zha -la

And for the hare - cem -be - Ms - la.

O-ka - for - las vpe - re - di

Who does not believe you-ho-di!

The teacher invites the children to recall other counting rhymes known to them and pronounce them according to syllables. The teacher prompts you to choose syllable rhythm for counting so that each the word is divided into syllables.


M e d v e j o n o k helps.


And now let's play. I will show you pictures, and you will find them diagram houses.

Look at the picture. What do you see? Name. Let's determine the amount syllables.

To determine the amount syllables in a word, there is another way. You place your hand just below your chin. Delya word for syllables, you keep track of how many times the chin touched your hand.

How did you share words into syllables?

How many syllables can be in a word?

7. Bottom line classes

What new did you learn about lesson?

What have you learned?

Why you need to share words into syllables?

Try to divide at home syllables of parents' names, nicknames of animals.