Logopedic rhymes for children 4 5. Logopedic verses (100 pcs). Evil rats gnawed at the roof


Speech therapy rhymes for children 4-5 years old

Speech therapy rhymes for children 4-5 years old are the most effective way to rid your baby of various speech and pronunciation defects that speech therapists advise using.

Speech therapy classes and exercises for children at home are systematic communication with a child using a playful form. If you interest your baby, you can exercise with him using these games:

- articulation gymnastics;
- finger games (useful for the development of fine motor skills);
- classes for the development of hearing, logorhythm and games for onomatopoeia (verses with movements);
-Learn poems to develop speech and expand vocabulary.

The most important and at the same time difficult task is to interest the child. After all, perseverance in a small child is still very small. But, by the way, it is not necessary to seat the baby, you can conduct classes with him when he plays or you do any daily activities with him, for a walk and so on. A mandatory requirement is to conduct classes with a child in a playful way. In this way, the child's attention and learning will be focused on the lessons, because young children often become stubborn if you try to get them to do something, but the game is another matter. Using game techniques in the classroom, you will avoid whims and tantrums.

Tips before starting speech therapy classes:

Initially, the duration of classes should not exceed more than 5 minutes, then gradually it is necessary to increase the time to 15–20 minutes.
The child should like such activities-games, do not insist on them and do not force them.
Performing systematically, but for a short time, any exercise, you will form a stable skill in a child.
Laugh, feel free to laugh heartily with the baby, do not scold or be overly strict with him.

In order for your child to speak clearly and competently, as well as to express his own thoughts and feelings, he must have a good vocabulary.

Your 4-5 year old baby's vocabulary consists of:
- Passive component (the category of words that the baby understands).
- Active component (the category of words that the baby uses when talking).

Initially, the active component of the child's vocabulary is small, however, over time, the child adopts words from the passive component of the vocabulary into the active one. It follows that the larger the passive component of your baby's vocabulary, the better.

To increase your vocabulary, read books together, look at pictures, comment on your actions and the characters in the book, and learn different types of

To Cheburashka in a cup,
The bug plopped down
Good Cheburashka,
Pulled out a bug
Put a bug
Dry on paper.
The bug dried up
Rise from the paper
And again cheburahnulsya,
In a cup to Cheburashka.

moonlight blue,
Didn't let the donkey sleep
The donkey sat down on a boulder,
And yawned and yawned...
And by chance the donkey suddenly swallowed the moon,
Smiled, sighed
And he fell asleep peacefully.

Ly-ly-ly we scored goals.
Lu-lu-lu near the windows on the floor,
La la la did not notice the glass.
Lu-lu-lu we did not hit the glass,
La-la-la only there is no glass in the window.

The mouse lived happily
I slept on fluff in the corner,
The mouse ate bread and lard,
But everything was not enough for the mouse.

The broom swept the floor,
Venik is very tired
He sneezed, he yawned
And quietly lay down under a chair.

evil rats,
Gnawed the roof
But a red kitten came, the rats ran into the holes,
And they trembled with fear.
Piggy - piglet,
Grunts awake:
Hook and Hook! Hook and Hook!
- give me the apricot!
Piggy Piggy,
Before you eat
You take soap
Yes, wash your snout!

Grek rode across the river, sees Grek in the river - cancer.
He put the Greek's hand into the river, and the Greek's hand was stabbed!

They wandered into our kindergarten,
Ten little chickens.
Got 'em off the street
Spotted chicken.
Pretty little chicken, you've got the wrong street
This is a kindergarten.
But not for chickens!

With alternation of paired consonants: C - Z W - F R - L G - K



Consonant alternation P - B:

PE - BE PE - BE TA hut is coming to you.

Alternation of consonants T - D:


We can’t understand Dasha in any way,
After all, Dasha has porridge in her mouth.
But not buckwheat and not pilaf -
This porridge is something of words!

We sat in order
Let's do exercises together
Not with feet, not with hands,
And theirs. tongues.

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog
Harvest blackberries.
red fox
He also wants to have fun.
Kuma thought:
The hedgehogs have darkness!

Rain, rain don't rain
Rain, rain, wait.
Let me get home
Grandfather to the gray.

A sluggish red cat rested his stomach.
I want to eat, but too lazy to toss and turn.
Here he lies to himself and waits - maybe the bowl will crawl.

The chizhik was sitting in a cage,
The chizhik in the cage sang loudly:
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will fly free.

I was on a hike
I beat the drum.
The wolf in the valley
I pitchfork ropes.
The kid was very sweet.
He washed his hands with soap.

Kirochki, Kiryushki,
Girls and boys!
Take care in the cold
Noses and fingers!

Mittens - on handles,
Valenki - on the legs!
Sledges and skates rush
On the ice track!

Cheeks are like apples
On the nose - snowflakes,
Girls and boys
They bounce like springs!

The mouse has crumbs and crusts in its mink.
In the pantry at the mouse pieces of gingerbread.
The mouse has greaves in a mug.
The mouse has mushrooms in the tub.
In the bowl of the mouse leftover leaven,
And in the cellar cheese and sausages.
In a saucepan - dumplings, in the oven - cheesecakes.
Kissel - in a bottle, coins - in a piggy bank.
On the table are bowls, forks and spoons.
On the bookcase are books about cats.
In the mouse locker - shirts, panties.
On the hanger - hats, on the rug - slippers.
The mouse on the shelf has threads, needles,
And near the stove - matches and candles.
On the door - hooks, chains, locks.
Stocks at a mouse - big surpluses!

Shishiga walked along the highway,
Walked rustling pants.
The step will step, whisper: Error,
Move your ears

Pour into a cup for a kitten (1)
Milk, milk.
He will start to lap on the sidelines (2)
Milk tongue.
Serves as a spoon for a kitten (1)
Tongue, tongue.
And the thin tail trembles,
And the barrel sighs.
And when dinner is finished
Our mustachioed eccentric,
Knowing what it takes to be clean
Washes like this:
He licks his lips (3)
And then - once again,
Wash your coat clean (4)
tongue, and sometimes
Paw muzzle washes -
Like a washcloth scrapes.
"Murr!" - will tell me with love:
"Everyone, thank you: I'm full!"

(1) - "Calyx": the mouth is wide open, the front and side edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.
(2) - "Kitten": we imitate the movements of the kitten's tongue - "grab the milk with the tongue and send it to the mouth."
(3): lick lips in a circle.
(4): imitate kitten licking fur.

Katya cooked porridge:
Substitute, dolls, cups!
Cup - Sachet, cup - Mache, (1)
This cup is for Natasha
And half a cup - Valenka,
The smallest doll.
This one is for a bunny, this one is for a bear,
Pinocchio, sit down like an adult! (2)
Eat with a spoon, not your nose!
Who can eat everything quickly
That pie will get with a pear.
Come on, quickly took the spoons! (3)
They quickly ate everything to the crumbs!

(1) - "Cup".
(2) - "Spoon": the tongue becomes narrower and longer.
(3): open and close your mouth wide).

Barely a small fungus
I was able to get through the moss.
He grew up all day
By evening it was huge.
When he saw us, he was surprised
And, thinking, he bowed:
He took off his hat and arched the back:
- Will you take it in the basket ?!

Exercise "Fungus": the tongue rests against the upper palate, while the lower jaw drops and the frenulum of the tongue is stretched.

And now - look, look -
You and I are heroes:
Collapsed old-old house -
We will raise the roof in it.

Exercise "Fungus".

The wind turned into a tube
A leaf blew into a pipe:
Song - the breath of the wind -
Rang... somewhere, somewhere,
There, behind the blue forests
Turned into sails.
Sea wind - older brother -
So happy with this song! -
puffs out cheeks,
The sail fills:
Cloud-boats -
white cranes -
Again they swim for the forests -
Rain is brought from the sea.

Exercise: we turn the tongue into a tube, blow through it.

Hey bunny, gray bunny,
Play the balalaika for me!
Play along and I'll sing
My best song!

The gray bunny played out,
Bunny did a great job
The balalaika rang
The red-haired squirrel sang.

Are you tired? Well take it easy
And start playing again.
Young bunny!
That's so balalaika!

Exercise "Balalaika": we irritate the tense upper lip with the tongue.

Who knocks in the forest, knocks?
- A woodpecker hammers a tree:
- D-d-d-d-d-d-dy,
My labors are not easy:
I'm not just knocking -
I'm flying this tree:
Under the bark - bug moves,

Exercise "Woodpecker": "knock out" the sound "D" with the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli.

The goose argued with the turkey:
"Birdkeeper, whose house is this?"
The goose hisses: "Yes, you are a baby!
I'll pinch! My house! Shhh!"
And the turkey: "Bla-bla-bla-bla!
You don't have a cola!
Everyone understands: the poultry house is mine!
I'm going home!"
Sparrows fly up from the rooftops
Frightened: "Shhh!"
And run to the edge of the village
Ducks from "Blah-blah-blah!"...
You know how to scare, friend,
And like a goose, and like a turkey?
Make us laugh a little:
Show us two bullies!

Exercise "Goose": we hiss - we blow on the tongue, raising it to the sky.
Exercise "Turkey": we stick out a wide tongue over the upper lip, saying: "Bl-bl-bl".

Lion cub learns to roar
He really wants "Rrrr!" say.
Lift up your muzzle,
Wants - "Rrrr!", Comes out: "Meow!"

How can he become a formidable lion?
We will help him with you!
Tractor - blue hero -
How does the engine start? - Trrr!

Lightning flashes! Thunder!
We will not let him into the house -
The roof is solid! No holes!
Let him grumble: - Grrr! Grrrr!

River bank. The surface of the water.
A boat is heard: "Dy-dy-dy."
Here comes the passenger -
The cutter will roar: "Drrrr! Drrrrr!"

The little lion cub tried
The lion cub practiced for a long time.
He is like a dad for the whole world
He will say loudly, loudly: "Rrrrr!"

We learn to "roar": we train to pronounce "R".

Once I decided my house
Tidy up the gnome:
Paint, brush found -
Whitewashed the ceiling.
Tassel: back - forward, - (1)
Another gnome takes paint,
Paints again: forward - backward.
How beautiful! The gnome is happy.

He is now dried slime (2) (on the upper teeth)
Sweeps the web
And in the corner, and on the chest of drawers:
- Let the spiders go into the garden!
Above is everything. I'm going down.
Well, you bastard, watch out!

Gnome, kneeling, (2) (on lower teeth)
- Left-right! - washes the wall
- Right left! - again and again.
The house shines like new!

Put down a rug (3)
On the fence our old man:
- Shake off the dust from it five times -
I'll put the bed on the floor again.

Floor washed. Nice to be at home.
And the tired dwarf decided:
- I deserve a treat -
Raspberry tea. With jam!

(1): draw with a wide tongue from the upper incisors to the soft palate.
(2): brush the teeth with the tongue from the inside to the left-to the right.
(3): spread a wide tongue on the lower lip; after a while, we alternate actions: stick out a sharp tongue forward - again spread a wide one on the lip (“shake off the dust”).

There are swings in the yard.
Did you swing? Indeed?
Come on, bunny, sit down:
Up-down, up-down!

Here is the fox:
- Wait! Give!
Rock me too!
Well, let's fulfill your whim:
Up-down, up-down!

Ooh, swing clubfoot
Paw stops:
- I'm swinging! Watch out!
Up-down, up-down!

Exercise "Swing": the tongue moves up and down.

Goes to Egor's grandmother: (1)
Climbing up the hill (2)
After the hill - again lowland. (3)
The river... The bridge arched its back. (2)
Next is a flat track. (3)
It rained - just a little, a little.
A rainbow woke up in the sky
Bent over the path. (2)

(1): smile, open mouth, press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth.
(2): bend the "back" of the tongue.
(3): lower the tongue.

Gray wolf under an old Christmas tree
I've been grinding my teeth for two hours.
Mouth opened wide
But he did not catch the bunny.

Exercise "Crocodile": open and close your mouth wide.

Elephant and zebra

It's hot in the zoo.
How sorry for the baby elephant zebra! -
The sun is hot all day
Even a shadow is useless.
Poor zebra is very bad!
Only the elephant will not groan:
He lowers his trunk into the pond - (1)
It takes up water for a long time.
Trunk - up: now you need to blow. (2)
- Rain! - Oh, how happy the zebra is!

(1): Simulate the suction of water through a thin tube.
(2): stretch lips forward with a tube and blow.

The bear has no basket - (1)
He picks up raspberries in his mouth. (2)

(1): mouth wide open and close.
(2): close lips tightly.

No bait - no hook
The fish was given a worm.
The fish rejoices: "Oh-oh-oh!
I'll probably eat it!"

Exercise "Fish": we round the lips, make an exciting movement with the lips.

Baby elephant

Look at the baby elephant:
The trunk of a child is long!
- I can do that too! -
Seryozha says to mom.
Lips rolled up
And how he pulled forward!
- Look how good! -
I look like an elephant!

Exercise "Proboscis": pull closed lips forward with a tube. Hold in this position for a count of 3 to 5.


Chipmunk, meeting us, in a hurry
Hides nuts behind the cheek -
The cheek became like a ball!
- Show me what's there, don't hide it!
Chipmunk gets angry in response:
- There is nothing behind the cheek -
See how thin it is.
- We see - a round one.
You don't keep a secret
What's the cheek? Show me!
- And this one is empty too! -
The chipmunk is seriously disturbed,
He nuts back and forth
Rolls: - Here!
They are not here, and they are not here!
We got our lunch.
- Do not worry and do not get angry!
For carrots - treat yourself!
We will go - a bear is waiting for us ...
- Hey guys! There are nuts.

Exercise "Rolling the nuts": with the tongue from the inside we rest alternately on one cheek, then on the other. Perform the exercise slowly, clearly.

On the side is a path, and in the center is a meadow.
Little pony, my good friend,
Again and again rides the guys:
You hear the hooves knocking and knocking.

Since he can't play with me,
I will become like a horse too:
Like hooves, the tongue sounds:
- Tsok-tsok-tsok-tsok! Tsok-tsok-tsok-tsok!

Exercise "Horse": smile, show teeth, open your mouth and, sucking your tongue to the sky, click the tip of your tongue. Mouth open wide.

Lollipop from cheek to cheek
Daughter rolls.
Do not rush, do not gnaw:
Let him not melt any longer!

Exercise "Rolling nuts".

We are with you when we wake up
Let's smile at the sun!

Exercise "Smile": keep the lips in a smile, the teeth are not visible.

We will plant onions and turnips
And put up a strong fence. (1)
It is necessary to make a gate in it - (2)
We welcome good guests!

(1) - "Fence": the lips are stretched in a smile so that 2 rows of teeth are visible, we put the teeth on the teeth in a natural bite; 2) "collar": the same, but open the teeth, keeping the lips in a good smile)

Gettin' round bagel
I always have breakfast for tea.

Exercise "Donut": the teeth are closed, the lips are rounded and slightly extended forward, the upper and lower incisors are visible. Hold in this position for a count of 3 to 5.

Here is a fence, and in it is a hole,
I watched her yesterday
Children are led to kindergarten -
Everyone goes through the hole:
Here they climb over the fence
Aunt Sveta and Egor,
Uncle Fedya and twins
Here is Boris with his sister Natasha,
Baba Galya is dragging Dimka,
The cook aunt Valya puffs.
Aunt Valya is not easy:
There is milk on the cart.
Creep through: "Oh!" yes "Ah!"...
And the gate is two steps away!

Alternating exercises "Donut" and "Fence".

Rabbit - white fluff,
Play with me my friend!

Exercise "Rabbit": the teeth are closed, the upper lip is raised and exposes the upper incisors.

Now for two minutes
We will become with you like ducks:
Pull lips forward
Will become a flat beak mouth.

(Exercise "Duck": stretch the lips, squeeze them so that the thumbs are under the lower lip, and all the rest on the upper lip, and pull the lips forward as much as possible, massaging them and trying to portray the beak of a duck.

I will give the horse a potato:
- Come on, have some fun!
- Frr! - the horse is unhappy.
- Better give black bread with salt!

Exercise "Disgruntled horse": the flow of exhaled air is easily and actively sent to the lips until they begin to vibrate. You should get a sound similar to the snorting of a horse.

Hot air balloon bright red
On the table lies in vain.
I'll make it better:
It will become big, flying!

Exercise "Balloon": inflate alternately one cheek, the other, both cheeks.

To make teeth cleaner
I brush them every day.

Exercise "Brushing your teeth": close your mouth; Circle the tongue between the lips and teeth in a circular motion.

The children feed the pig
Pig nose chooses:
Holds high Andryusha
Sweet big pear.
On the right - red-haired Antoshka
He offers her potatoes.
Maybe Katya is nimble -
Down there, to pick up the cabbage?
On the left - with Lada apples.
Piggy needs to do something:
Looking for piglet again:
"Is it to choose? Is it to take?"

Exercise "Piglet": move the lips stretched out with a tube to the right and left, rotate in a circle.

Something scares the fish
Fish cheek puff: (1)
Like, don't touch me! -
I am big! And in thorns!
How the danger passed, (2)
The fish became thin again.

(1): puff out the cheeks.
(2): draw in the cheeks.

The mouse looks out of the mink -
He really wants a cheese crust! -
Here it hides again:
Next to the cat - scary to take!

Exercise "Hide and Seek": quickly stick out the tongue straight and immediately put it back into the mouth.

Today I'm in a wonderful mood:
Grandma made delicious jam. (1)
I'll probably lick my lips a hundred times, (2)
And then I'll say "thank you" to my grandmother.

(1) - "Delicious jam": lick the upper lip from right to left, then - from left to right.
(2): lick your lips in a circle.

Smile soon, my friend!
And now baby
Show me the trunk
Like you are an elephant!

Dusty and big carpet
They put it on the fence
We knock out: "Ta-ta-ta!"
The house will be clean!

Exercise: smiling broadly, we bite a wide tongue, repeating: "Ta-ta-ta."

Like a clock, let's set it to the beat:
- Tick-tock! Tick-tock!
We talk like this:
- Tick-tock! Tick-tock!
We don't just talk
And we count the seconds
You can't fall behind:
- Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

Exercise "Watch": open your mouth, smile a little; the tongue, like a pendulum, goes straight from one corner of the lips to the other, does NOT slide along the lower lip.

If I bite lips
So I'm worried.
If I scratch my lips
So, I ask sweet.

Exercise: bite and scratch first the upper, then the lower lip.

Opening the bag
We see a tube in the bag.

We alternate exercises "Smile" and "Proboscis".

The fish said to the fish:
- I cooked borscht today
From shells and from silt,
It was very, very tasty!

The fish answered the fish:
- You, godfather, didn’t say that:
It was not borscht, but cabbage soup -
Look for grass for borscht!

Exercise "Fish talking": we clap our lips against each other.

Poems for the development of speech

Kar-kra-kra! All deep into the yard!
The fight started in the morning!
Two badass roosters
Feathers tear and crumple sides:
- And I'm the best decorated!
- I'm colored like a rainbow!
Fight for beauty...
To shreds wings and tails! ...
And they remained in the tails - Kra! -
Only fluff and two feathers!

Pink sad puppy:
"I could run fast,
Drive away cats, growl ...
How can I become real?

Immediately forty seven forty
Arrived at the lesson
Chattered, clamored...
What did they understand?

Do you hear the brook gurgling?
He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry
To the fast, talkative river,
Where do crustaceans and fish live.

Rain: "Tram-tram," - pounded on the roofs.
Egor heard the rain fraction -
Got the old drum
He also began to drum.

Tell me, sister Marina,
What chirps along the path?
Who starts the conversation?
Maybe the motor rattled?
Maybe the insects have a tractor -
Do they plow in the grass?
Maybe the guard at the find -
A scary beetle makes noise with a ratchet?
- Dear little man
So the grasshopper creaks its wing...

Look, look:
Brighter than the dawn
brighter than the clear sun
Bird breasts are red!

The guests sat on the mountain ash -
Like bright bunches of berries
Fired up here and there...
- What are your names, beauties?

We are the favorites of Santa Claus,
Snow is a joy to us, not a threat.
Give me cold, give me courage! -
Bullfinches love winter.

Axes clattered:
We are sharp and we are fast:
Next to this baby - home
Mansions will grow tomorrow.

The old forest argued with the field:
"Is pride - expanse, expanse?
Sea mushrooms, handfuls of berries -
Hurry, people, visit!"
The field grumbled bitterly:
"The talk of the herbs will subside soon.
Snow will cover the expanses -
Winter has its own patterns.
Here the choir will wake up streams -
We will continue the dispute in the spring."


In January, the fox skied,
I sewed a jacket, a red beret,
And in the morning - an arrow on the hill,
Where the bitter aspen grows ...
Partridges fly up!
The tail flickers among the trunks!
- Guard! Trouble! Nightmare!
It's hot in the grove! Bonfire! Fire!
- You, forty, balabolka!

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Of course, all children are different, and not everyone is bad at the same sounds, but speech therapists have a list of especially difficult sounds that most kids have problems with.

Speech therapy rhymes are a great way to practice if a particular sound does not come out of the crumbs, as well as to consolidate achievements if he speaks clearly enough. You can start learning these rhymes from the age of 2-3.

hissing sounds

Read with your child speech therapy poems for hissing and whistling sounds.

1. A bug plopped into a cup to Cheburashka, Kind Cheburashka Pulled out a bug, Put the bug to dry on a piece of paper. The bug dried up, rose from the paper, and again cheburahnulsya Into the cup to Cheburashka.

2. The wind rustles with Christmas trees, Our hedgehog is in a hurry to go home, And I’ll meet him with a wolf, A “snap” on the hedgehog with his teeth! The hedgehog showed a needle, the Wolf ran away with fear.

3. The hedgehog in the bath washed his ears, neck, skin on the abdomen. And the hedgehog said to the raccoon: "Won't you rub my back?"

4. The cuckoo bought a hood for the cuckoo, He put on the hood for the cuckoo, How funny he is in the hood!

5. On the river - reeds, Ruffs played out there: The circle is older, The circle is younger, And just kids!

6. Grandfather Hedgehog, Do not go to the bank: The snow has melted there, It floods the meadow. You'll get your feet wet, Red Boots!

7. Six mice walk to school, Playful and cheerful. In the lessons, six mice rustle, make noise, rustle. Hush, the cat is in a hurry here! "Shmyg" - and not a soul in the school.

8. The chizhik was sitting in a cage, the chizhik in the cage sang loudly: “Chu-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo, I will fly free.”

9. The yellow beetle was carrying an old acorn. The acorn was very heavy. The yellow beetle was terribly greedy, Even the leaf was a pity. The beetle kept its way downhill, while the acorn lost its support. The beetle angrily drove everyone away, Who wanted to help him. The acorn suddenly fell off the beetle, rolled off the hill quickly. The beetle now sighs difficult - He will not be able to chew an acorn.

10. There is a lid on the teapot, a bump on the lid. With a handle for a knob, we lift the lid.

11. Four Annies Shouted a day. Shouted a day, Not a bit tired.

12. We sewed pants for a teddy bear. Pockets on the pants, Buckles on the pockets.

Sound L

Your baby will love these funny speech therapy poems for the sound of L.

13. Blue moonlight Did not let the donkey sleep, The donkey sat on a boulder And yawned and yawned ... And by chance the donkey suddenly swallowed the moon, Smiled, sighed - And calmly fell asleep.

14. The caramel ship was carrying, the ship ran aground, The sailors ate aground caramel for two weeks.

15. In the Valenka store, they buy felt boots. Little felt boots How cute!

16. Ly-ly-ly, we scored goals, Lu-lu-lu, near the windows on the floor, La-la-la, we didn’t notice the glass. Lu-lu-lu, we did not hit the glass, La-la-la, only there is no glass in the window.

17. The mouse lived merrily, She slept on fluff in the corner, The mouse ate bread and lard, But everything was not enough for the mouse.

18. Broom swept the floor, Broom was very tired, He sneezed, he yawned And quietly lay down under a chair.

R sound

These speech therapy verses to the sound R will help the child speak correctly.

19. Evil rats gnawed at the roof,

But a red kitten came. The rats ran into the holes and trembled with fear.

20. Piggy pig

Grunts half-awake: “Ork yes grunt! Piglet and oink! Give me apricots! ” Piggy Piggy, Before you eat, You take soap, Yes, wash your snout!

21. We sat down in order, Together we do exercises, Not with our feet, not with our hands, But with our ... tongues.

22. Greka rode across the river,

He sees the Greek: in the river - pak. He put the Greek's hand into the river;

23. Different joys, how much joy from you! I rejoice in the summer, frisky wind, Early morning, mother-of-pearl dew, Horned snail, open gate ... I rejoice in a little - my joys grow.

The pure and clear speech of the child is the result of the care of his parents. So that the baby does not have problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds, you can conduct speech therapy classes at home. For children 4-5 years old (as well as younger or older), speech therapy rhymes are usually selected, which make it possible to turn exercises into a fun and entertaining game.

Speech therapy rhymes are rhyming sentences for automating the pronunciation of complex sounds and replenishing vocabulary. The scoring of such rhymes makes the articulatory apparatus, memory, and imagination work. Unfortunately, these exercises cannot completely replace classes with the participation of a specialist. But their implementation improves the situation so much that it will be much easier for the child to communicate with a speech therapist, and the number of classes will be significantly reduced.

10 conditions for success

Before you start learning useful poems with your baby, you definitely need to remember 10 rules that will help you cope with the task. Communication with a child has its own characteristics, and only those parents who readily acquire the necessary knowledge can give the crumbs a good speech.

  1. The first lessons should take no more than 2-3 minutes. Gradually increase the duration of the lesson (maximum - up to 15-20 minutes).
  2. The number of classes - 2-3 times a day. Experts advise to carry them out after breakfast and after a daytime sleep.
  3. Do little, but often - doing the same exercise forms a skill. So that the baby does not lose interest in the rhyme, you can slightly change the text.
  4. Teach the child in a specially designated place where nothing distracts, reinforce the explanations with visual material and your own example.
  5. The game form of classes is required. To interest the child, use facial expressions, gestures (show how a crow flies, how a cat washes), jokes, laughter, thematic lessons (about the seasons, animals, weather, etc.). By and large, any rhyme can be turned into a speech therapy chant. If the baby himself remembers some of the exercises, support his initiative.
  6. Praise the student even for small accomplishments.
  7. Focus on what the child is doing right, not on mistakes.
  8. Be an ally of the little family member. If he stubbornly fails at something, smile and find out together “why the tongue is so naughty” and how to fix it.
  9. Don't force your child to do it. Cancel the lesson if the son or daughter does not feel well enough. And if the desire to learn has disappeared, find the reason for the loss of interest, and eliminate it.
  10. Don't be discouraged if results aren't visible. Talk to a speech therapist to understand what your flaw is.

"Healing" poems

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog
Harvest blackberries.
red fox
He also wants to have fun.
Kuma thought:
The hedgehogs have darkness!


Rain, rain don't rain
Rain, rain, wait.
Let me get home
Grandfather to the gray.


A sluggish red cat rested his stomach.
I want to eat, but too lazy to toss and turn.
Here he lies to himself and waits - maybe the bowl will crawl? ..


The broom swept the floor,
Venik is very tired
He sneezed, he yawned
And quietly lay down under a chair.


Once a centipede
Invited for lunch.
Bugs, insects, midges are waiting,
And she's still not there.
Finally a centipede
Appeared at the table.
- I'm a little late.
Barely crawled.
After all, such bad luck
How can I not be late?
There is an announcement at the entrance:
"Please wipe your feet!"


Kra! crow cries. - Theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief crept early in the morning!
He stole the brooch from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Cork!
And a nice box!
- Stop, crow, don't scream!
Don't scream, shut up!
You can't live without cheating!
You don't have a pocket!
- How! - jumped the crow
And blinked in surprise. -
Why didn't you say before?!
Carrraul! Karrrman has been stolen!


To Cheburashka in a cup
The bug plopped down
Good Cheburashka
Pulled out a bug
Put a bug
Dry on paper.
The bug dried up
Rise from the paper
And screwed up again
In a cup to Cheburashka.


Wandered to us in kindergarten
Ten little chickens.
Got 'em off the street
Spotted chicken.
Pretty little chicken, you've got the wrong street
This is a kindergarten.
But not for chickens!


To get a kernel from a nut,

You need to crack open its shell.


Fishing lines in snares, snares - in fishing lines,
In snares - weasels, in fishing lines - foxes.


From the autumn aspen
The last leaf fell off.


Cut orange into slices
For Alina and Kolka.

Speech therapy rhymes for children 5-6 years old can be used the same as for babies 4-5 years old. But they must be supplemented with exercises that include the alternation of sounds.

sy - sy sy - sy became bored without a goat.
se - se se - se I picked grass for a goat.
ri - li ri - li the cranes have arrived.
sha - zha sha - zha we found a hedgehog in the grass.


che-che che - che dirt on the bear's shoulder.
zhi - shi zhi - shi like sweets are good.
zu - su zu - su do not let the fox into the house.
la - ra la - ra there is a mountain on the mountain.


Pu - boo - poo - boo sits an owl on an oak tree,
pa - ba pa - ba and under the oak there is a hut.
py - would py - would be chicken legs at the hut,
pe - be pe - be that hut is coming to you.


You - yes you - yes I found your traces.
te - de te - de only you are nowhere.
tu - du tu - du and I'm walking with a pipe.
ti - di ti - di come quickly.

Speech therapy rhymes for children 3-4 years old are the simplest.

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,
Neck, skin on the belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
"Won't you rub my back?"


Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood
The cuckoo put on a hood,
How funny he is in the hood!


Lid on teapot
There is a knob on the lid.
Hand for a knob
We lift the lid.


Sewed panties
Teddy bear.
Pockets on pants
There are buckles on the pockets.


The mouse lived happily
I slept on fluff in the corner,
The mouse ate bread and lard,
But everything was not enough for the mouse.


Evil rats gnawed at the roof,

But a red kitten came.

Rats run into holes

And they trembled with fear.


We sat in order
Let's do exercises together
Not with feet, not with hands,
And with their tongues.


Grek rode across the river,

He sees the Greek: in the river - pak.

He put the Greek's hand into the river;


Observed by the owl
clock schedule,
Everything is on schedule
By agreement.


White snow, white chalk,
The white hare is also white...
But the squirrel is not white -
It wasn't even white.

As you know, the easiest and most effective way to teach a child is a game. This is also true for a situation where you need to work out the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Of course, all children are different, and not everyone is bad at the same sounds, but speech therapists have a list of especially difficult sounds that most kids have problems with. Speech therapy rhymes are a great way to practice if a particular sound does not come out of the crumbs, as well as to consolidate achievements if he speaks clearly enough. You can start learning these rhymes from the age of 2-3.

hissing sounds

Read with your child speech therapy poems for hissing and whistling sounds.

1. To Cheburashka in a cup
The bug plopped
Good Cheburashka
Pulled out a bug
Put a bug
Dry on paper.
The bug dried up
Rise from the paper
And screwed up again
In a cup to Cheburashka.

2. The wind rustles with trees,
Our hedgehog hurries home
And to meet him a wolf,
On the hedgehog teeth "click"!
Hedgehog showed needles
The wolf ran away with fear.

3. The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,
Neck, skin on the belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
"Won't you rub my back?"

4. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood,
The cuckoo put on a hood,
How funny he is in the hood!

5. On the river - reeds,
Ruffs played out there:
The circle is older
The circle is smaller
And absolutely babies!

6. Grandfather Hedgehog,
Don't go to the beach
There the snow melted
Fills the meadow.
You get your feet wet
Red boots!

7. Six mice walk to school,
Playful and funny.
There are six mice in the lessons
They rustle, rustle, rustle.
Hush, the cat is in a hurry!
"Shmyg" - and not a soul in the school.

8. Siskin was sitting in a cage,
The chizhik in the cage sang loudly:
"Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo,
I will go free."

9. The yellow beetle was carrying an old acorn.
The acorn was very heavy.
The yellow beetle was terribly greedy
Even the leaf was a pity.
The beetle kept its way downhill,
The acorn was losing its footing.
The beetle angrily drove everyone away,
who wanted to help him.
The acorn suddenly fell off the beetle,
Rolled down the hill quickly.
The beetle now sighs hard -
He cannot chew an acorn.

10. There is a lid on the teapot,
There is a knob on the lid.
Hand for a knob
We lift the lid.

11. Four Annies
The days screamed.
The days screamed
Not a bit tired.

12. Sew panties
Teddy bear.
Pockets on pants
There are buckles on the pockets.

Sound L

Your baby will love these funny speech therapy poems for the sound of L.

13. Moonlight blue
Didn't let the donkey sleep
Donkey sat on a boulder
And yawn, and yawn...
And by chance the donkey suddenly swallowed the moon,
Smiled, sighed
And he fell asleep peacefully.

14. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground,
The sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.

15. In the Valenka store
Buy boots.
Little boots
How cute!
But I put on boots
Little Valenka -
It turned out to be boots
Too small for her!

16. Ly-ly-ly, we scored goals,
Lu-lu-lu, near the windows on the floor,
La-la-la, did not notice the glass.
Lu-lu-lu, we didn't hit the glass
La-la-la, only there is no glass in the window.

17. The mouse lived happily,
I slept on fluff in the corner,
The mouse ate bread and lard,
But everything was not enough for the mouse.

18. Broom swept the floor,
Venik is very tired
He sneezed, he yawned
And quietly lay down under the chair.

R sound

These speech therapy verses to the sound R will help the child speak correctly.

19. Evil rats gnawed at the roof,

But a red kitten came.
Rats run into holes
And they trembled with fear.

20. Piggy pig

Grunts awake:
"Hook, woof! Hook and Hook!
Give me apricot!"
Piggy Piggy,
Before eating
You take soap
Yes, wash your snout!

21. We sat down in order,
Let's do exercises together
Not with feet, not with hands,
And with their ... tongues.

22. Greka rode across the river,

He sees the Greek: in the river - pak.
He put the Greek's hand into the river;

23. Different joys, how much joy from you!
I rejoice in the summer, the frisky wind,
Early morning, mother-of-pearl dew,
Horned snail, open gate...
I rejoice in a little - my joys grow.

24. Rain: "Tram-tram" - pounded on the roofs.
Egor heard the rain
Got the old drum
He also began to drum.

Sounds C and C

Read these fun and effective speech therapy poems with the sounds C and C with your baby.