Without which the New Year's holiday will not work. What is the New Year without? Sparklers and fireworks

As for the New Year's table, it is better to abandon experiments, only proven and branded recipes. Often the "new" is not tasty, a lot of effort is spent, products too, but the result is not impressive. Anything “new” should be tested to avoid frustration and unnecessary anxiety.

Buy new tablecloths, new dishes, come up with a holiday concept.

If you invite guests, then invite so many guests that you can easily cope with, so that your holiday takes place at the festive table, and not in the kitchen. You must calculate your strength!

Do not try to squeeze out some fun, super-mood, the holiday can be kind, homely and cozy.

If you are single so far:

Decide for yourself whether you will celebrate alone, or will you invite or go to visit yourself. The main thing is that loneliness is not a reason to feel sorry for yourself.

Give yourself a festive mood! Do not think that only you have problems, but married couples are doing well a priori! Everyone has problems.

If you are tired, you do not have the strength to go anywhere and meet someone, make the decision to be alone on New Year's Eve, but not to hide, lose heart and suffer, but to be alone with yourself, finally ask yourself what I want, how do I want to live?

Set the table, prepare yourself what you like, set the table with the dishes you like, decorate the house,

After all, there is such a sign: as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. Therefore, allow yourself to be in a good mood no matter what. Only you can create a holiday!

Well, if you do not want to be alone at all, then in your environment there are people who will be glad to see you: parents, relatives, acquaintances. Try not to expect anything from this holiday, but to create it yourself. Don't wait for the Wizard, become a Wizard yourself!

After all, the world is our mirror, if you smile at him, he smiles back! And if you don't have something, this is a good reason to think, and not be sad or worried!

And let you have a HOLIDAY!

Tatiana Dzutseva

In contact with


Agree that just sitting at the table on New Year's Eve and gorging yourself is incredibly boring. If you diversify the event with games and contests for adults, you will definitely not be bored. Even the most serious uncles and aunts will have fun in earnest!

The traditional and still the best solution would be to spend the New Year with the family, where only the most beloved and close people are present. Still, it will be boring to just sit at the table and watch an endless stream of entertainment TV programs. It is much more interesting to arrange some exciting New Year's contests for the whole family at home, in which both adults and children can participate on an equal footing.

Funny questions and answers for the New Year 2018 New Year's games and entertainment: incredibly fun and unusual New Year

Invite your family to have a masquerade. Let everyone come to the New Year's table "in the image". Play some contests, hand out fortune notes, and don't forget to take your photo! You can even arrange a quest to find gifts.

If you have small children, then Santa Claus and Snegurochka must definitely come to them. If you can't invite professionals, ask your friends or dress up in these characters yourself. A breeze of modernity - congratulations from Santa Claus via Skype. Your friends will definitely cope with this.



Without what, the New Year's holiday will not work?

(ANSWER: Vodka)


He eats little, drinks a lot, and gives gifts to everyone. Who is this?

(ANSWER: Santa Claus)


You can only get sober at the New Year's banquet ...

(ANSWER: Christmas tree)


If crackers clap,
The little animals looked at you,
If the tree is a kind gnome,
Brought to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house ...

(ANSWER: ambulance)


On the eve of each New Year, early at dawn, “this” is brought into the house.

(ANSWER: husband from the banquet)


If you shout loudly with the whole honest company for a very long time in the New Year, then she will definitely come. Who is this?

(ANSWER: police)


She is plump in the chest, slender at the waist, and skinny at the bottom.

(ANSWER: Glass)


If you crush it a little, it will become hard, like a potato.

(ANSWER: Snowball.)


Small, cross-eyed, in a white fur coat, in felt boots. Who is this?

(ANSWER: Chukotka Santa Claus.)


Where does the snow woman come from?



How to make a man just go crazy in bed?

(ANSWER: Take the remote control from the TV)


What is the difference between an expensive piece of jewelry and a man?

(ANSWER: Expensive jewelry always satisfies a woman)


What happens if you turn right three times?

(ANSWER: Turn left)


What ends faster than a vacation?

(ANSWER: Vacation)


What human organ is capable of increasing tenfold under strong arousal?

(ANSWER: The pupil of the eye. And the organ of which you have thought, when excited, increases only 2.5 times)

Funny questions and answers for the New Year 2018 New Year's games and entertainment: Uniquely original and truly perky riddles for the New Year

New Years is a great time to hang out with a close friend for at least a few days. Do not be lazy to think over and organize an unusual New Year's Eve - create pleasant memories yourself!

Look up to the sky on New Years
You are for a few minutes.
There you will see bright, cool,

Among a wide variety of fruits
There is one New Year's -
Sweet, juicy, very ripe.
It's delicious ...

There is champagne in the glasses
And salads in bowls,
Well, the main one is on the table ...
Have you guessed? ...

Very warm, comfortable,
For snowdrifts - incomparable,
And they don't go out of fashion.
Santa Claus always wears them.
(felt boots)

They knock, they ring
They keep a record.
They give us a signal
When the year begins.

In the New Year, we will light them together,

They will light the house for us.
Loved by adults and children

They are cooked, bought
And they put it under the tree.
Happy New Year
And they are always highly anticipated.

There is a bucket on his head,
And the nose is an edible carrot
I'm used to winter and cold.
Tell me who is he?

White, fluffy -
Flies in the air
And the ground will touch -
It will melt right there.

Shines with bright lights
On the walls, windows, outside the window.
Her tree is lavishly decorated.
They decorate the house outside.

Gathered near the tree,
They joined hands together,
How much joy brings
New Year's ...
round dance

So that the New Year is fun
And brought us joy
We need to give each other
What? Of course…

Did you spot a typo or mistake? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter to tell us about it.

Friends! This is the last post with ideas for the New Year. Therefore, whoever added to friends for the sake of these posts, remove. Perhaps I will write one more post about stencils on windows, but I will post it in the New Year section, everyone can bookmark it and track it.

Well, now to ideas.

New Year's riddles.

1.Without what, the New Year's holiday will not work? (ANSWER: Champagne)

2. He eats little, drinks a lot, and gives gifts to everyone. Who is this? (ANSWER: Santa Claus)

3. Sober at the New Year's banquet is only ... (ANSWER: Christmas tree)

4. If you shout loudly with the whole honest company for a very long time in the New Year, then she will definitely come. Who is this? (ANSWER: police)

5. If you crush it a little, it will become hard like a potato. (ANSWER: Snowball.)

6. What human organ is capable of increasing tenfold under strong arousal? (ANSWER: The pupil of the eye. And the organ of which you have thought, when excited, increases only 2.5 times)

7.What is it: blue gold? (Answer: the beloved got drunk.)

8. Hanging pear - scary to eat. Why? (ANSWER: Boxers will stuff their muzzles)

9.It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life by winter (Snow)

10. In winter, I stand in the yard, in my hands a broom, a bucket on my head, a carrot in my nose. I carry out winter service. (Snowman)

Without arms, without legs, he draws on the glass. (Freezing)

11.We will chop potatoes, sausages into it,

Throw green peas to the eyeballs,

To softly doze off my face on the table

In a salad called OLIVIER

Ideas from the Internet for creativity with children:

Christmas wreath of tinsel

Christmas tree made of tinsel. It will look very harmonious if you perform them in the same style.

Candy Paper Gift Tags

From disposable paper plates

Herringbone for younger children (base - wooden skewer and paper rings)

Volumetric card with a Christmas tree for older children

Deer from rolls from tb

The idea of ​​how to beautifully fold a napkin on the New Year's table

Last year, I cut out such figures on the windows.

Templates for this year

P.S. If someone needs stencil schemes for windows, write in a personal mail, I will send it to everyone.

I am making candlesticks for the New Year. I take jars of baby food, coat them with PVA and roll them in coarse salt / sea salt (I even added a little beads). Then, under the neck, tie a ribbon around the candle inside). And after drying, sprinkle the jars with hairspray in three layers (after 20 minutes). Decorated the edges of the candlesticks with sparkles.

And I will make a Christmas tree out of tinsel. First, a paper cone, polyethylene on it, so that the edges remain. We lower the threads for the base into PVA and carefully wind them on the cone, let them dry for 5 hours. Then carefully remove the cone with polyethylene and wind the tinsel onto the base of threads. You can just leave the threads and decorate with beads.

I also made a herringbone out of handles 2 years ago.
And also postcards with "live" eyes from pens for grandmothers. There were also horses there.

Last year they made sheep
This year we will make monkeys. I also make calendars for grandmothers every year.
Here in the photo on the right is Santa Claus-calendar-countdown. We glued on the beard, and then cut it off a strip every night.

It may seem that riddles for the New Year are purely child's play. However, this opinion is erroneous: adults can also use them for their holiday purposes. For example, at a corporate party: when presenting a gift, an employee must solve a riddle. Why not? Our selection will help you!

Difficult riddles for the New Year for adults

This poor thing is constantly pulled by the tail. As soon as it is pulled, everything around flies up.
Answer: cracker.

He always comes only at night. And always unexpectedly in one second it becomes new, although before that it was very old.
Answer: a year.

This is an amazing magic that instantly turns children and adults into bears, bunnies and chanterelles.
Answer: masquerade.

This graceful spring straightens its fur every year. As a result, she is the most beautiful at every party.
Answer: tinsel.

You need to imagine that there is a saucepan on the edge of the table, which is covered with a lid. The dishes are standing in such a way that two-thirds of them hang from the table. The pan falls after a certain time. So what was in this dish and why did it suddenly fall?
Answer: ice.

Imagine a situation: a driver forgets his documents at home, including his driving license. On the way, he saw a one-way traffic sign, but the man ignored it and headed in the opposite direction. All this was seen by a traffic policeman, but he did not stop the driver. Why did it happen?
Answer: the driver traveled on foot.

How many eggs do you think you can actually eat on an empty stomach on January 1st?
Answer: you can eat only one egg, because the rest eaten will no longer be on an empty stomach.

On New Year's Eve, the car goes to the celebration in the village. On the way, five cars drive towards him. The question is extremely simple: how many cars are all going to the village to celebrate the New Year?
Answer: one car.

A New Year's dinner is being prepared. The hostess prepares food. What does she put in the pot before putting the food in there?
Answer: look.

Beautiful winter park. It has nine benches. Five of them were painted. How many benches are there in the park?
Answer: nine.

The pig, the symbol of the coming year, is a very useful creation. But the question is: can a pig call itself an animal?
Answer: it cannot, because the pig cannot talk.

Oh, and it was a noisy banquet ... But something at it still remained sober. Who was that?
Answer: tree.

New Year's riddles for adults - funny

Whose Parents is the Snow Woman with the Snowman?
Answer: most likely, you will hear: "Snow Maiden". In fact, the correct answer is Bigfoot.

Santa Claus has a constantly red nose. Why?
Answer: Most likely, in response you will hear: "Because he drinks a lot." However, this is not true: he just came out of the bathhouse. After all, we have such a good tradition: always visit the bathhouse on the thirty-first of December.

Santa Claus always has warm hands. Why?
Answer: most often adults answer that he is simply not a real, but a fictional character. But in reality, he just drank a little to keep warm.

Have you ever wondered why the Snowman wears a bucket on his head and not a normal hat?
Answer: most often they answer that it is so accepted, they say, this is a tradition. In fact, he, like a real man, went to take out the trash on December 31st. Well, he only came in April ... The bucket was put on his head by his wife.

Instead of a nose, the Snowman often has carrots. Why?
Answer: The most popular answer to this riddle is "because there was nothing else at home, and carrots are simple and cheap." But the correct answer is this: as a child, the Snowman very often picked his nose, which is why he was sent to be raised by Pope Carlo.

The snow woman is the lucky owner of two waists. Was she just lucky?
Answer: oh, a million weird and illogical answers come in here. In fact, everything is very simple: it is so very comfortable to hug.

Every woman expects such a gift for the New Year. He's really the best! It is fifteen centimeters long and seven centimeters wide. What is this?
Answer: a hundred dollar bill.

Without her, the New Year is simply unthinkable. And this is not a tree!
Answer: vodka.

This happens every New Year. "This" is brought at dawn. What is this?
Answer: husband from the banquet.

If on New Year's Eve the whole company shouts very loudly and for a long time, then she will definitely show up. Who is this?
Answer: of course, the police.

She has a very strange figure. She's skinny downstairs. Her chest is lush, and her waist is slender. Who is this?
Answer: a glass.

It will become hard, like a potato, if you crush it a little in your hand. What is this?
Answer: snow.

He wears felt boots and a white fur coat. Himself small, with slanting eyes. Who is this?
Answer: Santa Claus from Chukotka.

If unprecedented animals came to visit you, Christmas tree decorations danced in a round dance, bright lights blinked everywhere ... Who will come to you next?
Answer: ambulance.

This is far from a gun, but it shoots loudly. This is not a vile snake, but it always hisses. This is not 40-degree vodka, but ...
Answer: champagne.

By May, this chic white blanket is getting dirty and annoyingly annoying for everyone. What is it?
Answer: snow.

It injects, smells bad. They brought it just about from the frost.
Answer: husband.

This bright snot can be seen from all the streets of the city. She can run across forests and fields without any problems, and she will be seen even in the neighboring village. What is it?
Answer: fireworks.

Hear a question about the desired guest.
He will come soon - strain.
He easily fulfills every request,
But this is not Yandex, but ...
Answer: Santa Claus.

There are two cigarette butts in the glass in the kitchen.
And for some reason someone was dancing on the table.
There is a beaker unfinished with alcohol.
I came with my old man ...
Answer: Snow Maiden.

At night we were sneaking from the village
No vodka string bag, no beer package,
Neither an armful of girls, nor a lily whisk.
Fashionable, carrying a holiday ...
Answer: Christmas tree.

Let's get drunk and come with you
Wander around the city in an embrace.
We'll kiss in the moonlight
And with your mouth to catch crystal ...
Answer: snowflakes.

You yourself would never buy that.
Usually it is not expensive and not brands,
But nevertheless he is very nice
Someone hidden under the tree ...
Answer: a gift.

New Year's riddles for children

She always comes with gifts. In every New Year, she is the most beautiful, regardless of what the rest of the guests are wearing. All events on New Year's Eve revolve around her. Who is she?
Answer: Christmas tree.

Not a hedgehog, but in needles. There are no legs, but there are paws. Not a beautiful girl, but all in beads and sequins. Who is this?
Answer: Christmas tree.

“I'm an incredible fashionista. I love glitter, beads, all kinds of jewelry. However, I only manage to look like a queen once a year. Who am I? "
Answer: Christmas tree.

“Lilies of the valley bloom every spring in mid-May. Variegated asters always bloom in the fall months. And I bloom in winter for a short time and always only for the spruce. For a whole year, no one remembers me ... I lie dusty on the upper shelves in the closet and always rejoice when they finally remember me. Who am I? "
Answer: Christmas ball.

Which of the riddles did you find the most difficult? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Perhaps dressed up the tree remains the most important attribute of the coming year. But times are changing and trees are also being modified. They are very, very different:

Traditional forest beauties;

Artificial Christmas trees; exotic option:

Cypress or spruce, grown in a tub;

Vintage Christmas trees made from scrap materials:

Styrofoam, cardboard, beads, jewelry, lace, ribbons, shiny buttons, newspapers.

New Year does not come without a kind Santa Claus, who fulfills all cherished desires. This image goes back to folklore tradition. Even from children's fairy tales, we know Frost Red nose - an old man with a white beard, wrapped in a fur coat, in his hands he always has a big stick - a staff. Calm and important, like a master, he walks through the forest, taps with his stick, intensifying the frost and winter chill. And he also helps kind people and justly punishes the evil, cunning, insidious.

Santa Claus has a granddaughter named Snegurochka. She, too, came from folk tales. The image of the Snow Maiden, filled with romance and light sadness, in the play-fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden". The snow girl in a blue and white fur coat, hat, mittens has always fallen in love with children and adults.

The couple, known to everyone today, first appeared back in the now distant 1937. By the way, the appearance of the Snow Maiden changed: at once she was a little girl, and then she grew up. And now the granddaughter acts as an intermediary between the children and her grandfather, whom everyone loves.

For several generations of Russians are confident that the New Year comes precisely with the twelfth beat of the chimes.

The President's address is being broadcast on TV. This legacy of the era of Leonid Brezhnev continues to exist today. At feasts in all houses, the following must be present:

- "Soviet Champagne";

the famous Olivier salad;

Bright tangerines.

An integral part of the New Year's TV evening is "Blue light". This program appeared back in 1964. The format is changing, the participants, but the audience is always watching it with pleasure and looking forward to it.

In addition, Russians cannot imagine New Year's Eve without the classic Irony of Fate, the comedy by E. Ryazanov. Delightful music, great acting ensemble, witty phrases made this film a favorite hit movie.

Favorite films are also broadcast on weekends: "Carnival Night", "Sorcerers", "Jeltmen of Fortune", etc..

Children's round dances under the Christmas tree do not pass without the well-known and beloved by all of us from childhood "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Written back in 1903 by the Russian poetess R. A. Kudasheva and set to music by amateur composer L. K. Beckman, the song is still performed today.

And, of course, gifts from relatives, loved ones and loved ones who are waiting under the Christmas tree.