Biomechanics sketches on hand. Biomechanical tattoos. Biomechanical tattoo. Female version

In fact, biomechanics is a tattoo, which is a body interpretation of such a style in art as fantastic realism. Many masters who practice this kind of creativity draw inspiration from science fiction films of the last 25-30 years. A classic biomechanical composition - an imitation of a complex movable mechanical structure, visible through torn human flesh. At the same time, all elements should look as realistic as possible in order to create in the observer the feeling that in front of him is not a person, but a creation of robotics. Key elements used in such compositions are gears, pistons, springs, and the like.

Evolution of style

It all started with simple monochrome sketches. Today compositions have become more complex and detailed. Craftsmen often use a wide variety of colors to create a three-dimensional effect. Much attention is paid to drawing the "flesh". Torn muscles and tendons, although they look frightening, leave a vivid impression. Biological mechanics - tattoos that can be safely called one of the most provocative and defiant.


The most popular place for biomechanical tattoos is on the shoulder. The fact is that the biceps and triceps are distinguished by their relief. Due to this, it is possible to achieve the maximum three-dimensional effect. But shoulder is not the only suitable location. Also popular are places such as:

  • Inner side of the forearm;
  • Back and shoulder blades;
  • The area of ​​the calf muscles.

By the way, biomechanical tattoos are used to mask unsuccessful scars and other defects on the body. An experienced craftsman is able to develop a sketch that effectively hides any flaws. The biomechanical style is quite brutal in its performance. That is why it is often chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. Nevertheless, today there are a lot of "feminized" sketches for girls. For example, there is a popular idea of ​​torn flesh tied with an elegant ribbon. But once again, we note that such tattoos look especially bright on muscular male bodies, and girls are better off looking at alternative tattoo styles.


Biomechanics is not a very popular style among celebrities. A very narrow target audience of fans of this trend, however, is constantly expanding. And this suggests that one day someone from the celebrity will delight his fans with such an unusual tattoo on his body.

One of the geniuses of biomechanics is Nikolai Bernstein. He is a Soviet scientist who devoted himself to the physiology of movements. Bernstein studied them on the basis of models and methods of mechanics. The connection of the mechanical with living matter gave birth to a new science.

Her ideas came from scientific laboratories to artistic ones. As a result, there were films "Alien", "Terminator", paintings by Denis Mezintsev. The motives of the fusion of the living and the mechanical are also used by the masters tattoo. Biomechanics- not only a spectacular art form, but also filled with deep meaning. Let's talk about the implications of the wearable drawings.

The meaning of tattoo biomechanics

Biomechanical tattoo makes iron people out of ordinary people. Metal elements are drawn. They are associated with strength, steadfastness.

Connecting with living tissues, bolts and gears make it clear to others that the carrier is a strong, rational person. Do you think, is not a current flowing through the veins of this person instead of blood?

Biomechanics - tattoos, sketches which are aimed at creating the image of a cyborg. It is borrowed from both science fiction films and fairy tales.

For example, Ellie's Iron Man is a prime example of the fusion of living tissue with metal. A hot heart beats in the hero's chest. Its rhythm makes you cry. They flow over the iron, and it rusts. As seen, biomechanics - tattoo, photo which can speak not only of strength, but also of vulnerability.

Most biomechanical sketches open up the skin, revealing the inner contents. It is partly fantasized. The tendons are bolted together. The heart is driven by gears. A dagger is hidden under the ribs of the sternum. Subconsciously, all this is perceived as something alien, unnatural.

That's why, tattoo "Biomechanics" on the arm, back, head, can cause rejection. For some believers, for example, paintings are a mockery of the will of God. The Creator created man as he is. Why change your identity?

Have a philosophical meaning "Biomechanics" tattoo on the shoulder, and not only, comparing a person, for example, with a musical instrument. Imagine: - the skin is torn into rags, underneath are guitar strings. Metal wire is woven into living tissue.

Looking at the picture, you understand that you see a vulnerable, creative person. Like a musical instrument, it requires respect. It is necessary to tune the sound, do not leave the "guitar" in the cold. Only then will marvelous melodies flow from the "instrument".

The image of a bomb implanted in a person is also philosophical. The timer is counting down. It can be a symbol of hidden aggression. The tattoo hints that calm Ivan, or Peter, is one day capable of "exploding", that passions are seething in a person's soul.

A bomb inside the body can also be a sign of imminent death. Each of us has a timer and, as they say, only God knows when the contacts will close.

History of tattoo biomechanics

Tattoo "Biomechanics" - catalog collected for only a few decades. The first genres were made in the 80s of the last century in the USA. The same country released the film Alien. R. Giger became the illustrator of the picture.

It was he who developed the image of the space monster, and it was his sketches that inspired the tattoo artists. They decided that they could reflect this on human bodies, and they were right. Thousands of people came to the salons to become like the heroes of fantastic films.

Modern face tattoo "Biomechanics" - photo with 3D effect. Three-dimensional graphics emphasize the hyperrealism of the drawings. The slogan of the direction was also formed: - "Look what I have inside." But, you can look at the inner world of modern people from different angles. Over time, biomechanics has split into several styles. Consider the features.

Biomechanical tattoo styles

Biomechanics tattoo on the leg, arm, or torso with the image of clockwork details are called klokwork. Direction sketches bring up the theme of time. This is one of the few matters beyond the control of man. People themselves are like clockwork. The reminder in the form of tattoos makes you appreciate every moment of life.

Steampunk is also a biomechanical style. It includes sketches depicting civilizations based on mechanics and, in particular, the steam engine. Many paintings do not so much modernize the human body as cover it with images of Martians and other fantastic creatures.

Some experts consider biomechanics and new school tattoos to be. Cybermatics fits into the framework of the direction, since the new school is called upon to keep up with the times. Old school headpieces reflect everything modern, innovative. The fusion of flesh and metal is just one of the themes for creativity.

Specialization of tattoo biomechanics

The direction is focused on tattoo for men. Biomechanics based on the image of metal elements, mechanisms in the human body. They look rude. The color scheme is not romantic either. Shades of metals are respected.

Basically, this is a gray-black scale. As a result, the pictures look brutal, harsh. Such characteristics are not to the liking of most girls. They prefer delicate tones, the presence of feminine elements in the headwear - flowers, birds of paradise, hearts.

There is still a corset. This is the only maiden symbol that fits into the framework of biomechanics. One of the main techniques for direction is drawing torn flesh. If you pull it off with lacing, you get an elegant and thoughtful plot. For example, the corset is fastened on the back.

There remains a gap that opens the spine. It is depicted in the form of rails. This suggests that the spine is the main transport route of the body, its foundation. Scientists agree with this. They argue that the condition of the pillar directly affects the functioning of all organs.

It is impossible to understand the state of the human spine from the tattoo. But, you can evaluate how his fantasy functions. Those who opt for biomechanical tattoos tend to be rugged. Direction tattoos are requested by creative, extraordinary people. They are dreamers, whoever they are, women or men.

Biomechanics tattoo is a relatively young style that became popular at the end of the 20th century. Biomechanical tattoos depict mechanisms on the human body that break out from under the skin. Gears, pistons, complex steel mechanisms are the main subjects of tattoo biomechanics. The fashion for such drawings developed along with technical progress.

The topic of artificial intelligence, robots, science fiction books have formed a public interest in tattoos, which bring humans closer to robots and cyborgs.

Biomechanical Style History

The founder of the style is the artist Hans Rudolf Giger. The Swiss artist became famous for creating images and decorations for the cult film Alien. The leitmotif of his work has become a fantastic one. Innovators, technology lovers, representatives of cyberpunk culture began to make tattoos with Giger's canvases. Biomechanics is considered a predominantly masculine style, although girls adorn their bodies with futuristic drawings with mechanisms.

Tattoo Biomechanics Meaning

The meaning of Biomechanical tattoos can be different. For example, it can be a tribute to technical progress, science. People whose life is somehow connected with modern technology and technology make such tattoos as a symbol of the era.

For some, biomechanics expresses the idea that the inner world of a person may differ from his external appearance... Strength and intelligence do not depend on appearance, but on endurance, hard work and character.

Popular Subjects and Locations of Biomechanical Tattoos

Biomechanical Heart Tattoo

A mechanical heart tattoo is usually located on the chest. Mechanical heart tattoos do not have any specific meaning. The tattoo has a special meaning only for its owner. First of all, a tattoo in the style of biomechanics is a technically complex, masterful work. Aesthetic drawing with many nuances, which attracts the attention of others.

Biomechanical Sleeve Tattoo

A sleeve made in the style of biomechanics is a long and painstaking work. If you decide on such a tattoo, you should prepare for several sessions. Even the development of a voluminous and complex sketch for the master will take a lot of time. But the complex process and the wait is worth it. The sleeve tattoo with mechanisms looks very impressive.

Biomechanical Tattoo Shoulder

A biomechanical tattoo on the shoulder is popular due to the fact that the structure of the muscles in this place helps to create additional volume. The drawing seems to be three-dimensional and looks very good.

Biomechanical Tattoo On Leg

A tattoo with pistons, wires and gears on the leg also looks profitable and stylish. You can get a larger and more detailed tattoo on your leg than on your arm. If you are thinking of a volumetric, elongated sketch, then the thigh or lower leg will be the perfect place.

Biomechanics Tattoo For Men

Biomechanics traditionally considered masculine... Mechanisms and technology are considered a favorite theme of men around the world. Interest in this area is expressed in cinema, music, style and tattoos as well.

Biomechanical Tattoo For Women

Girls do not often decide on complex large tattoos in a biomechanical style. But still, there are brave lovers of a complex futuristic style who adorn themselves with elements of steel and mechanisms.

The fashion style, created by the Swiss artist Hans Rudolf Giger, dates back to the 80s. Looking at the paintings of the progenitor of biomechanics, you can see fantastic people, whose bodies are closely intertwined with pipes, parts and metal plates. By the way, it was Hans who became the author of the appearance of the alien mind in the film "Alien".

Despite all the outrageousness, biomechanical tattoos are gaining popularity only in the 2000s. It was during this period that humanity realizes that modern life is impossible without technology, robots and all kinds of electronics.

As a rule, fans of this trend are mainly men. Mechanical parts, screws, as if tearing human flesh, look very unusual, adding brutality to every man. There is a deep connotation in tattoos of this style - human possibilities are endless, each of us has tremendous power.

The female gender also successfully decorates her body with this style. True, when choosing a sketch, it is necessary to take into account that excesses can "shred" femininity. Making a tattoo of biomechanics on the arm, the girls place fragments of the mechanism on the body, diluting it with bright colors and exquisite details. The weaker sex has learned to play with rough biomechanics, making it more feminine and exclusive.

Biomechanical tattoo artists have a limitless talent for creating alien parts of the human body. The play of colors, the clarity of details, the correct arrangement of sketches on the body - all this can give a drawing stunning realism, turn a person into a living robot.

It is worthwhile to understand that prices for biomechanical tattoos vary from one artist to another. But whatever the cost, you only need to contact a competent specialist who is able to visually modify your body.