Fast rainbow smoke effect in Adobe Photoshop. How to draw smoke on a photo

Why did I give this title to the article? Because smoke is completely different in structure in different cases. And it is not necessary to consider the smoke erupting from the revived volcano as one and the same. And since articles on almost all sites on the Russian Internet are reprints of the same foreign lesson with a disgusting translation, understanding what and how to do is quite problematic not only for a novice user, but also for an experienced user. Therefore, we will try to consider in more detail and in detail how to make thin cigarette smoke.
Someone who can object to me, saying: "Why should I draw something else? After all, there are brushes for any reason. And about the smoke including" Yes, it's true. But someone drew them too. And I think it's interesting to know how?
I take a picture with a black background. Not necessarily black, but preferably dark. Well, I will immediately paste in a clipart - a cigarette. Based on this scale, we will draw the smoke.

Create a new empty layer on top. I will name this layer "Smoke" and paint the smoke on this layer.

I take a brush of white color, a little hard, somewhere around 5-10%, the size of the brush is about the diameter of a cigarette. I’ll draw something ... you can just a vertical line .. you can have some kind of figure .. for example like this.

With a smaller brush, I will draw several stripes of a darker color along the line of the figure.

Now you need to use the Distort filter - "Wave" Filter parameters are selected individually. I used the default ones. These are the ones.

I press OK. it turned out like this.

Without clicking anything else, I will immediately open the "Editing" tab. And in it weaken: Wave. Loosen by about half. 45 - 55%

Use the Wave filter again and again weaken it by 50%. I had to do this manipulation 5-6 times.

Attention: when using the filter, I recommend moving and transforming the object. Change the angle or width of the picture, etc.

Free transform, move, filter .. In general, we select. As you can see from the history, this is exactly what I did. The "eraser" is also used from time to time. Extra smoke rings are removed to make the shape of a stream of smoke more realistic.

After using the filter and transforming, I got this rough workpiece.

Well, then it remains only to "cultivate" the image taken. Duplicate the layer. I will tint it in a light lime color. The layer is gray, the layer is light green. Use a weak eraser to wipe off the smoke in different places. Pay attention to the transparency of the layers. I will slightly change the brightness of some areas. In general, by any means I try to achieve the greatest realism of the made smoke. As a result, we got such a smoke of cigarettes.

A naturally smoky cloud can be of any shape and direction. Do not forget that the smoke at the source is thin and the higher the cloud is wider. For example like this.

As usual, the article is not a direct instruction for unquestioning execution, but was written in order to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of certain tools of the Photoshop graphic editor.

You may think that the only way to show smoke is to ensure it is present at the moment of shooting, or to edit from another photo. However, as practice shows, it can be created from scratch using Photoshop. The difficulty in drawing smoke is to correctly convey its movement and dispersion in different directions. A very interesting and mysterious Wave filter will help us to solve this problem, with the help of which brush strokes turn into floating clouds of smoke.

1. Open the image in Photoshop. I chose this photo:

2. In the Layers palette (F7) create a new layer on top of the Background (Ctrl + Shift + N). The working color must be black.

3. Select the Gradient tool. In the list of options, find Foreground to Transparent, and then Linear Gradient

And draw a line from the top of the image to the bottom. Blending mode - Soft Light (Soft light).

4. Again, make the Background layer active and click on the b / w icon in the Layer palette

Choose from the Levels list.

Use the sliders to adjust the background as you like.

Now at any time you can edit the brightness / saturation of the background, for this you need to double-click on the Levels layer and move the Gamma sliders.

5. Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) on top of the layers. The working color is gray, the background color is white. In the Filter menu choose Render - Clouds

And in the Layers palette, set the Blending Mode to Screen and the Opacity to 70%.

Go to Transform - Scale

And increase the layer by holding the SHIFT key. We press enter.

6. Create a copy of this layer, place it on top of all layers.

Press shift + F5, the Fill window will come out, in the Content field select Black.

Create a copy of the layer on top (Ctrl + J). Blending mode - Overlay. We can paint with a white brush, and erase with a black one. Click directly on the layer thumbnail (not on the mask) and select Edit - Transform - Flip Horizontal from the menu. Click on the layer mask icon.

7. Create a new layer on top (Ctrl + Shift + N). Choosing a brush, preferably with a pointed edge

and try to draw some curly strokes, placing them in the direction of the smoke, preferably with thin tips (look for such a brush in the calligraphy brush library.

8. After. choose from the menu Filter - Distort - Wave.

In the window that opens, click on the Randomize button, OK.

From the Edit menu choose Fade Wave. Set the Fade Amount to 40-50%.

Click OK. Repeat this step three times until we get a smoke that will suit you. Finally, set the Blending Mode to Screen and adjust the Opacity.

9. Also, you can create more smoke layers using a larger brush, but the tip of the brush should be thin.

10. To correct the shape of the smoke, in order to create a movement element, choose Edit - Transform - Warp from the menu.

Move the Warp grid markers until you achieve the desired effect. We press Enter.
Here's what happened :)

The smoke effect on a photograph is usually created using special checkers, but you can do without them if you process the image in a graphics editor. Most often, the Photoshop program is used for this purpose. The effect of smoke is created with the help of special brushes, pictures with a transparent background, if the person is not photographed very close-up. How to make smoke in Photoshop so that it looks realistic if the subject is close? Let's consider further.

Search for source

You can find many images with smoke bombs, but often the background on them is not uniform and they are not suitable for creating a high-quality smoke effect. If you manage to find a good photo, you still have to deform it, which does not always allow you to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, before making the effect of smoke in Photoshop, it is advisable to choose such an image, the shape of which will ideally correspond to the objects in the processed photograph.

Let's start with a simple option. Let's try to create smoke using a transparent background. First, open the image, which we will process in a graphics editor, and then create a duplicate layer using the Ctrl + J hotkey combination. We correct the photo, removing unnecessary details that violate the composition. Then open the smoke source and drag it over the processed image. This can be done using the "Move" tool. Select the "Selection" tool and left-click on the image and select the "Free Transform" item in the menu that appears. By changing the proportions of the smoke, we adjust its size and position to the photo.

Correct lighting

When rotating a source, it is important to pay attention to how the light falls in the main image. In case of error, the effect will look unnatural. The source can be flipped or flipped, but if you can't combine the lighting, then it's better to look for another option, how to make smoke in Photoshop. When the correct location is found, the source layer can be duplicated by selecting it in the layers palette and pressing the Ctrl + J keyboard shortcut, and then position it in some other place, increasing or decreasing.

Correct brush settings

Now let's go back to the first smoke layer. Add a mask to it and process the edges of the image a little so that they don't stand out too much. For this it is best to use special brushes for Photoshop - "Smoke". They must be downloaded and installed in the program in advance, since they are not included in the standard sets.

We choose the most suitable one and with its help we correct the necessary places along the edges so that they are not too clear. To work with the mask, select black on the color panel, set the brush opacity to about 80%, and the pressure to 50%. Additionally, you need to set such parameters by opening the window with the brush settings: check the box for the dynamics of the shape with a size fluctuation of 27% and an angle fluctuation of 19%. The minimum diameter is set to 14, and the shape variation is 9%. Additionally, tick the "Smoothing" item. Now, in the process of drawing, the brush will change shape and turn over.

How to make an image look natural

Next, we work on the mask by selecting it in the "Layers" palette. Do the same with the duplicate layer. For more realism, you can create a new empty layer, take a sample of the color of the smoke with the Eyedropper tool, hold down the Alt key, paint on the details in the right places. Brushes for "Photoshop" with smoke in this case become a good help for the photographer. Optionally, you can add a blur effect to the image if you go to the "Filter" menu and select "Blur" there, and then in the drop-down menu - "Gaussian blur". For the blur radius, a value of 5 pixels will suffice. Combine all the layers into a group by selecting them while holding down the Shift key and pressing the Ctrl + G hotkey combination. Now we know one of the ways how to make smoke in Photoshop.

Adding color

Now you can change the shade of the smoke or completely recolor it. For this we will use the layers palette. Add a new Hue / Saturation adjustment layer. Bind it to a layer whose color we will change. To do this, click on the Clipping Mask icon. Before making colored smoke in Photoshop, double click on the layer thumbnail to open the settings window. In the parameters, check the box "Toning" and, moving the sliders, select the appropriate color. This is a fairly quick color change option that works well for images where the subject is in the background.

Working with the close plan

For close-up photos, you can use another option: cut out the smoke from the finished work. This is usually done using the Quick Selection tool or the Magnetic Lasso tool. To remove excess in the selected area, hold down the Alt key, and to add - Shift. In the top panel, click Refine Edge or Select / Mask. Now, before making the smoke in Photoshop CS6 or another version, we correct the edges of the cropped image, getting rid of dark transitions. Then, using the Move tool, drag it to a new layer. To place the smoke in front of the shape, cut it out and copy it, and then paste it in its original place. Drag the smoke layer so that it is between the photon and the cut object. Then we start working with the brush on the layer mask (as in the previous case), giving the image more natural outlines. All that remains is to merge the layers and save the photo. Now we know two ways how to make smoke in Photoshop.

Step 1. Create a document with a black background. On a new layer paint something similar using soft edges. Make sure the smoke layer is not merged with the black background layer.

Step 2. Duplicate the smoke layer (Ctrl + J) and apply (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur). I am using value 23 ... Then merge both smoke layers (Ctrl + E).

Step 3. Duplicate the layer you just merged (Ctrl + J). Alt + Click on the layer thumbnail to select it, and then apply (Selection - Modify - Shrink). I choose 10 pixels. Then invert the selection and click Delete... You should have a thinner version of what was on the previous layer. Lower the opacity of the layer below this.

Step 5. Then I use () on both layers, a little " pinching»Both layers to create a more realistic smoke effect. Merge the layers again.

Step 6. Now duplicate the recently merged layers one more time. Then I go to (Filter - Distort - Wave). I use the default settings. Then I lower the opacity of this layer. Merge both layers.

Step 7. Duplicate the layer again and click Ctrl + T, making the smoke thinner and higher. Merge layers.

Step 8. I use (

How to please your nails if you are already tired of the monochromatic coating and standard design? The effect of smoke on the nails will appeal to most girls who like to create a train of mystery and mystery around themselves. Let's take a closer look at this unusual manicure.

What it is

The effect of smoke on nails is also called smoky manicure. Such an original coating appeared not so long ago, but has already won the hearts of millions of girls. Bizarre shapes on nails, voluminous haze, clubs that intertwine with each other, and mysterious translucency - all this is so inexplicably beckoning.

Smoke can be clear or colored. It looks best on a black substrate, it is she who gives the mysterious haze a special depth. This original manicure is perfect for an evening option. It will look gorgeous with long dresses, trouser suits and other strict looks.

You can blur lines with nail polish remover or 96% alcohol.

Materials and tools

For you, we have collected the best materials to help you create a unique smoky finish:

Materials (edit) Characteristic
gel polish It is possible to perform such a nail design with gel varnishes, but it is a little problematic. Most often, it has a rather liquid consistency and is not endowed with special density. To achieve the effect of smoke on nails, it is recommended to use the thickest gel polish.
gel paint Ideal material for this effect. The density of the gel paint is high, and at the moment when the material comes into contact with the nail polish remover, a translucent haze forms on the surface of the nail.
gel-paste Not a bad material to use in this nail design too. A viscous gel paste disperses well when combined with a small amount of nail polish remover.
stained glass gels Simple stained glass gels can give a special depth to colored smoke, because they lie in a dense layer and give a special transparency to the picture. You can also make unusual transitions of clubs from one to another.

You can create the stained glass gel yourself. To do this, you need to mix the stained glass paint with a simple modeling gel for building or with a top.

Secrets of stylish nail art

For you, we have collected the most unusual secrets that will help you create an original coating:

  • stains can be done with a thin or flat brush;
  • volumetric design can be given using acrylic powder;
  • the best substrate for a design is black gel polish;
  • use special stickers with a ready-made print design;
  • the smoke effect looks good on nails of any length;
  • it is recommended to decorate only 1-2 fingers on one hand.

Execution technique

The smoke effect on nails is created in several ways. But they are all pretty simple in their execution. It is enough to find improvised means that every home user who loves to decorate their nails has at home. Let's take a closer look at each. And then you decide for yourself which one suits you best.

Simple brush

You can use a thin or flat brush to create a smoky manicure. It is with the help of them that a wavy line is created, which then will need to be blurred a little. A thin brush will help to create a line of any width, but a flat one has certain dimensions, but it is better to shade it with it.


If you do not have the time and desire to display something on your nails, then and will help to create an original haze. It is enough to select the desired image with volumetric smoke on any background. All you have to do is carefully attach the slider or sticker and smooth it over the surface of the nail with an orange stick. You can secure the design with a top coat.

Best ideas

The smoke effect on nails can be white, translucent, or colored. It all depends on your mood. Here you need to experiment and choose what you like. Usually such a design is not decorated with anything, but for originality, you can add several rhinestones on other nails.

White haze

You can create a transparent haze with simple gel polishes. It is important that they are very thick. Making a semi-transparent haze is pretty easy at home. Let's take a closer look at all the intricacies of this unique coating.

What you need:

  • base;
  • black gel polish;
  • white gel polish;
  • lint-free napkin;
  • flat or thin brush;
  1. Cover nails with gel polish base.
  2. Apply a black shade in 2 layers, drying well each.
  3. Remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth.
  4. Dip a thin brush into any white gel polish and draw a thin line around the entire perimeter of the nail. This line will be the direction of the smoke.
  5. On the one hand, it can be thick, and on the other, it can taper and be thin.
  6. Dip the brush into the gel polish remover and slide it along the line.
  7. The white gel polish will start to "float" a little. Dry this layer well.
  8. Cover the design with a top coat.

Video instruction

How to make a colored smoke effect on nails can be seen in the video below.

Volumetric smoke

How to add volume and color to the smoke? Indeed, with the help of simple gel varnishes, this is quite difficult to do, because they do not have sufficient density. Now we will tell you in detail how to decorate the smoke tubers.

What you need:

  • base;
  • black gel polish;
  • colored gel varnishes;
  • flat or thin brush;
  • colored acrylic powder;
  • nail polish remover;
  • lint-free napkin;
  • fan brush;
  • finishing top.

How to make a smoke effect on your nails:

  1. Cover nails with a base coat and then 2 coats of black gel polish.
  2. Remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth.
  3. After drying everything well with a thin or flat brush with white gel polish, draw a small wavy line.
  4. Moisten the brush in nail polish remover and carefully repeat the outline of the strip on the nail.
  5. Without removing the sticky layer, pour colored acrylic powder onto the nail with a fan brush.
  6. The design is ready. You can cover it with a top or leave it that way.

Colored smoke

If you do not have colored acrylic powder, then you can decorate the haze with the help of stained glass paints and a special one. The procedure for creating a manicure with smoke is quite simple and does not take a lot of time.

What you need:

  • base;
  • black gel polish;
  • stained glass gels;
  • structured gel for building;
  • nail polish remover;
  • thin brush;
  • glossy top.

How to create a smoke effect on your nails:

  1. Cover prepared nails with a base coat.
  2. Apply black varnish in 2 layers, drying everything well in a lamp.
  3. Draw a line with a thin brush.
  4. Dip the brush in nail polish remover and trace along the line you have drawn.
  5. Dry the layer in the lamp.
  6. On the palette, mix the stained glass gel with the gel for building (or top).
  7. Carefully paint over the haze with the resulting colored gels.
  8. You can mix several colors at once, which blend into one another.

The effect of smoke on the nails gives them a special gloss and mystery. As you can see, doing such a smoky manicure at home is as easy as shelling pears. Experiment with the shade roll and the depth of the haze itself. And then on your fingers an original manicure will flaunt, which no one else has.