Clear statuses about love. The most sincere VK statuses about love

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I don't want him to call and say: “In short, baby, I don't care who you are with now and who your boyfriend is. Tell him that you are only mine and that this is not discussed! "

The worst thing in the world is to lose not even a loved one, but faith in a loved one ...

Once a very wise man said: “Love can only be mutual. Everything that happens on only one side is a disease. "

I just really need you, so dear, so beloved ...

You send him emoticons with a smile, but he does not know how sadly you do it ...

Pillows faithfully share sadness with us, demanding nothing in return ...

We both know what we like to each other, but all the same, we continue to play the friend.

Why does life happen, so that you love, but you do not.

Hope dies last - said "Love", killing "Vera".

"This status is for all those who once stupidly lost their other half and, out of pride, missed the moment when they could return it."

I beg you to disappear from my life ...

It is impossible to be late when no one is waiting for you.

It's hard to forget the person who gave hope.

Sometimes it hurts to look at couples holding hands, realizing that in your hand there is only a package.

We all say: life has brought us together, life has tied us together, we have one path .. And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and do not even say hello. So much for life.

No, we are not strangers, no, not enemies! We just don't hear each other's steps. And these words smell bitter: "Fate tied us, Fate divorced us!"

When I see you, my heart stops ... How I love you, no one knows ... How to live in this world, I don’t understand ... As long as you are far away, I quietly die ...

How cold it is today ... on that day he left ... today my Guardian Angel has a day off ...

On cigarettes they write: they cause lung cancer, on alcohol: it is harmful to health, why don't they write on guys - is it dangerous for the nervous system?

Love is a very strange thing. First you are a bunny, then a bitch!

Tears cannot make someone who no longer love you to love you again ...

When we were together, I was never so happy, but I never cried like that.

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and in the heart there is a whole sea.

You know, I'm not cool, your friends don't like me, I don't give up after the first date. But I know how to love. And you will never have someone like me again.

If you saw yourself through my eyes, you would understand how special you are for me ...

Why do we do something after which loved ones start to hate us?

I am so tired emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually! I'm so tired of trying to be strong when all I want is to scream and cry in sadness and pain.

What is female loneliness? When a man sleeps next to him, but you don't want to snuggle up to him ...

I remember a lot, which is why I feel so damn sad sometimes ...

The more a girl forgives, the more resolutely and unexpectedly she will leave.

Do you know what the whole fun of this life is? You are ready to give a person everything he wants ... And he needs all this ... Only from someone else ...

Bodily wounds sometimes heal much faster than mental wounds. Time seems to stop and you shiver from inner pain ...

I can forgive, forgive anything, but not forget. I am the kind of person who forgives quickly but never forgets.

I saw his cn. I was on her page. I saw his comments on her photo, and I realized that he called her the same as me once. I cried...

How painful it is to see photos where your loved one is hugging another, and even more painful when he shows them himself.

There is no loneliness stronger than next to a person who does not see you point-blank ...

He who loved, he cannot love, who burned, you cannot set fire to him.

Sadness-longing wanted to eat me ... She choked, you bastard, from the first piece!

It's sad not because nothing has become, but because we know what could have been ...

I don't know what I will do when I see your eyes ... After all, my heart says: I love ... And my mind whispers: I hate!

The girl is easy to push away ... Throwing a rude word at her trail ... But then it will be difficult to return ... When you call her again ...

What is there to hide or keep silent, I love this person, it's clear. This is a stone on my neck, I am going to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and cannot live without it.

It's not that I can't forgive you for cheating, it's just that I can't believe you anymore.

Can't I love someone anymore ?! So many years have passed, but my soul is still offended ...

You have him in your friends, but you do not write to him, do not draw on the wall. You just look at his ava and think: How much I love you!

And if you suddenly remember again and want to return - come back, I will accept you for the third and for the thousandth time.

Never put sad statuses. After all, every brute wants to see how lousy you are.

I remember you gave me tears of happiness, but a hundred times more I experienced misfortunes with you ...

Why do we love those who do not love us ... And destroy those who are in love with us?

The man has come, the man has gone. And he doesn't know how much he changed your life. He, in general, does not care. He went away to cripple the lives of others. And he doesn't care.


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Love is sometimes not as sweet as it seems, but all because people sometimes raise it above everything else in the world, forgetting about their own interests and desires, raising the other half to the rank of a “heavenly” creature and living life only for the sake of it ... And after that, a person is inflated with despondency, sad thoughts, he loses the taste of life, and does not know what the reason is. Have you ever thought that we sometimes lose the taste of life due to the fact that we have changed our own destiny, serving another person? No, no, I am not calling you to dislike and to your own selfishness, I just want to say that a person should remain free, despite his relationship with another person! Love each other, help each other become better with every breath and every minute, give in, understand, but do not limit the freedom of each of you. After all, only then the relationship will become harmonious when you recognize that each of you is unique and goes your own way, and your soul mate is your companion of Life! The one who chose you out of a thousand, out of a million! Usually, falling in love does not pass without a trace, it is she who generates in us a sense of ownership in relation to another person, and where there is this feeling, there is always an expectation of gratitude! But gratitude is not always there, so live freely, remember about love, sincerely love a person for what he is, that he is with you, and respect him. Let the sad statuses about love help you understand some meaning in the problematic moments of the relationship. Good luck.

In our modern world, there is probably not a single person who would not use various social networks and communication services. That is why various short messages, for example, very sad statuses about love, have firmly entered our lives, with the help of them people express a whole range of their emotions.

I'm not complaining about fate ... She was no more lucky with me ...

Perhaps I suffer so much because of the fact that my soul is still flickering. It would be better if she weren't ...

She is beautiful, talented and smart, but at the same time unhappy ... It would seem that there is everything, but in fact there is nothing ...

She does not forgive betrayal, she hates betrayal, lies…. And if it leaves once, then you will never return it….

Beloved girls are given flowers, not tears ...

It's stupid to be around a man who is actually good but offends you all the time.

Happened in life, so it will be, because for this we were born, whom we love, we do not love, who loves us we do not love

Willpower: I haven't been looking at his page for the second day.

You make a god out of a man, and he leaves you. Another makes a beast out of him and he licks her hands

I can part with you. This stage in my life is over. Let me suffer, but I can do it ...

I am just a beginner sorceress. And the trick of how to forget you still does not work for me.

For fun, you can be sad. It is a pity that this does not make it more fun.

When you are lonely, even getting SPAM is nice.

Lost the meaning of life. Help me get it back, I won't stand for a reward ...

It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves.

You can hate me for who I am, but not for telling you the truth.

Tears? No, it's rain. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You can't erase it. A heart? You can't glue it broken. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You cannot change them ...

The account is closed. It is not subject to public viewing!

I remember our quarrels and grievances, we had an idyll so rarely ... Perhaps we loved, but could not understand it ...

My life is like candy. You can't call it sweet, but the wrapper is beautiful ...

How tired of being strong ... If only for a minute to allow yourself to relax, if only for a second to be scared ...

Half of our mistakes in life are because we feel where we need to think. and think where you need to feel.

most of all infuriates when they lie, they lie so clumsily that you want to punch in the face and say “more artistry bitch, you look sorry!

Sometimes changing the phone number changes the life of only one person. Someone who never gets through again ...

not a single love died a natural death. she was killed, is being killed and will be killed.

At some point, we still forget the person without whom we thought we could not live ...

It's a shame when a person whom you will never leave, whom you will always support, whom you will understand, does not appreciate this and hurts you !!!

What can you say about love when so much has been said about it? Yes, people talked about love since ancient times, knights fought for it on the battlefield, people died and were born. And until now we talk about love with no less feelings and awe. We want to love and be loved, no matter how much effort we put into it. If a person truly loves, then it doesn't matter to him how he dresses, where he is from and how much money he has.
Everyone probably remembers their first love, how you wanted to approach or how you would be approached and asked out on a date. It's so clean and no stupid thoughts. Over the years, everything goes away, you don't trust so much, you don't want it so much. Especially when it has been burned a thousand times on this one. If there are such problems, then read our sad statuses about love, which may not help in your life situation, but they will tell you how to endure, how to find strength in yourself, how to fall in love again, like a child, like the first time, remember ?

Look into my soul - there is emptiness ... Open my heart - you are not there ... Pick up all the fragments of our bitter love ... You will not glue anything ... Take away ... Go away ...

I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE! But love came and said simply: "I can't read ..."

Selling a heart. Not expensive. Used, broken, no one needs it. The "love" function is broken by a previous user ...

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts your ears, an unbearable emptiness at heart and tears

Unrequited love it hurts so much ... It hurts when the person you love, who you need, simply slaps on you \u003d ((

It always happens like this: you want to be proud, but you crawl on your knees ...

I wrote your name on my cigarette in order to smoke you out and erase you from my memory, but after taking a drag, I realized that I was breathing you. ...

Love cannot be used - everyone chooses for himself where to put the comma ...

Nothing kills the tenderness in a loving heart like hurtful words thrown in the heat of the moment at those you love ...

Now she kisses your lips, strokes your hair, and I remember with a grin your "I won't give you up"

You don't need me, I know that and you don't have to prove that I don't understand anything ...

How hard it is to look at lips that you can never kiss ...

You must understand that alcohol is not tasty without you, cigarettes are not soothing, and the heart is not glued.

They told me that it is not possible to love and hate at the same time, but I proved the opposite, I love and hate him ..

You deleted me from friends on VKontakte ... From friends in my world ... Deleted my phone number .. Deleted from ICQ ... From an agent ... AND FROM WHAT MEMORY IS WEAK ????!

You know, someday I will burst into tears in front of your eyes, I will stop making myself strong and you will see what you have done with the cheerful little girl.

Love is just a drug.

It is better to love quietly than to be impudently hung around your neck.

I would like to call you and tell you how good everything is with me ... That I am getting enough sleep and finally happy ... That it is July on the street, but spring is in my soul. I wish you would believe it ... But I will not call, I still love you ...

I began to love rain even more, because I know in the rain you are at home ...

Yes, I love strong coffee, white chocolate, I love my friends, I love the aroma of my perfume, I love the sound of rain, but ... but ... I don't believe in love ...

Again in the morning she hates the sun, because it takes away the dream in which she is, in which he is so much in love with her ...

Everyone in their own way goes crazy ... Someone in hysterics chokes with tears ... And someone like me - silently, keeping everything in himself and not giving a sign slowly crumbles into pieces from the inside ...

People leave my life ... People invade my life ... And I just put on glasses and put in headphones, turn on the music, drink coffee and live on ... And what is important - I breathe evenly ... Without failures with the LOVE label ... No glitches with YOU shortcut ...

And couples pass by, holding hands tightly, as if on purpose to emphasize my loneliness ...

Wherever I look, I see everywhere that he is not there ...

When we cannot be close with those whom we truly love, strangers appear in our bed ... It seems to us that we can overcome melancholy for a little while.

Every morning I wake up with hope and go to bed with another disappointment ...

Since I left you, I began to live on the machine, morning afternoon evening, every day the same thing. but I still found the strength, communicating with you to smile and say that everything is cool

He left without saying anything without shouting dirty linen and lies, he left and disappeared as if he had never been in my life, and I might have believed it, but somewhere deep down there is a memory of the minutes spent with you

I am lost in this world and I don’t know where to find a person who will give me a hand and say, do not be afraid, come with me

Even I cry at night ... Even I feel pain, hiding the pain under the mask of indifference and indifference, I go through life laughing ...

I hate tears ... They betray my weakness ... I hate those ... Who pretend that they need me ... I hate questions ... to which I do not know the answers ...

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love ...

We choose our own life)) Someone obviously knocked over a glass of paint on my life)) Everything deteriorated, but it turned out brightly)).

We're only waiting for one person online all the time, right? :) ... And for everyone he has his own ...

Only now she realized how dear he is to her ... How she misses his affection ... kisses ... those minutes that they were together ... Only now did she realize that she really LOVES him ...

Almost always, we understand that we love when we are already losing a person ...

No one will take the first step, because everyone thinks that it is not mutual.

Be quiet ... And don't shout ... Never beg anyone for anything ... Just straighten your shoulders and go into silence ... And the one who loves you will not leave you alone ..

If the girl gave you the key to the heart, do not rush to rejoice, tomorrow she can change the lock.

I know for sure that love will pass when the sea separates two hearts.

How scary it is when you say: "I love you", and on the other end of the telephone line they shout back to you: "What?"

A second is enough for a person to meet a special person. It will take a minute to find out. A day to love. But sometimes there is not enough life to forget him ...

And just at one point you realize that the way it will never be like before ...

It always becomes easier when you write poetry with tears. It's easier to forget ...

How painful it is to look at the sun ... But it is even worse to look at the lips ... You look, but you cannot kiss ...

Here I sit and tears like a hail ... Everything has passed, and cannot be returned !!!

If you confess to him, and he did not reciprocate, then everything later reminds of this ... It hurts so much ...

Sometimes you need to survive a small nuclear explosion in yourself, crush your soul with a pillow, send everyone around you and be alone with your grief ...
And all this, just to say in an even, firm voice "Goodbye."

Unrequited love is just two people who don’t need each other, only one of them does not understand this ...

Unrequited love is when you dream that he sent a message. You wake up, rush to the computer, and there is nothing there ...

And you will come and say: Sorry, please accept me back, but it will be too late, I have forgotten you, and maybe I never loved ???

Someday you will learn to guess the fall of my tears by the sound of the melody of my heart ... Someday ... when it's too late ...

You saw everything: how I cry, you saw how I laugh! But, only, I did not see one thing: how I suffer without you, how I suffer !!!

Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream of you in a dream. I love, I scream, I cry ... What do I mean in your life ???

I have been sleeping for a long time, smiling at my mother, calling my friends, walking in the evenings ..... I have been ill - this is also a feeling, a difficult but surest salvation, it is like a medicine for love, like a withdrawal after a lack of a dose ... thoughts, not in my life, now my heart is occupied by another ... And I shouldn't have told my friends: "I was there for so long, but I noticed her only now" ..... Now I am next to the one who noticed me, even not knowing my name ...

When people love each other, they are ready to take off and crash together! You took off with me ... but only I crashed, you chickened out ...

When someone tells you about love, it means that he loves you today. And tomorrow he can run away with your best friend.

Everyone walks by and sees a beautiful, confident girl in front of them, but they don't know that there is a little defenseless girl in her who just wants to love ...


Selected statuses about love with meaning and all the palette of feelings associated with it on the site! Love makes us look for beauty in everything, especially in words. Here, statuses about love will be the best help. If feelings overwhelm you, and you cannot find the words to say about them to your boyfriend, visit our website and you will find statuses about love for a boyfriend, thanks to which it will become easier to confess your feelings. It is often difficult for lovers to express how they feel. They are embarrassed to talk about their experiences, they cannot do it beautifully and, of course, are often afraid to be ridiculed. Our statuses in contact about love will help to express all shades of our feelings caused by one of the most wonderful human states - love!

The best statuses about love are here!

Here you will find the most beautiful statuses about love, which will suit any situation, be it a fleeting hobby, falling in love or the deepest feelings. You can choose and put any status corresponding to your inner state. Of course, the moods of lovers are very changeable, but you always have the opportunity to replace one status about love with another (maybe even the opposite in meaning), in which our site will undoubtedly help you. If your feelings remain unrequited, or your significant other is far away, then our sad statuses about love will help you convey everything that has accumulated in your heart even after hundreds of kilometers.

The best statuses about love!

The great feeling of love makes the selected statuses appear on this magnificent topic. Many words have been said about love, and it hardly makes sense to once again try to describe what you can, perhaps, only feel. But cool statuses about love will always allow you to express with one or two phrases what is happening in your soul and share these bright feelings with those around you. And if your significant other looks at your page on the social network and sees there a touching status about love, then it will immediately become clear to whom these words are addressed. And, believe me, at this moment there is hardly a happier person on the planet. And if you are in a playful mood and want to laugh with your beloved, then our cool statuses about love will help you with this.

Statuses about love here!

It would seem that such a small thing is to pick up a beautiful saying about love and set it as a status. Our statuses for classmates about love will not leave indifferent any of your friends and relatives, let the whole world know about your feelings. And how many pleasant feelings this simple step can bring to your beloved or beloved! Indeed, sometimes it is difficult for a young man in modern society to take a step towards his love; beautiful statuses about love for a girl will allow even the most shy young man to open his heart. At least a person will be in a good mood. After all, understanding that someone loves you is very expensive. And if this feeling is mutual, then it's just amazing! Distance today is not an obstacle to the greatest love and wherever your beloved (or beloved) lives, our statuses about love at a distance will help you to be closer to each other. Our site will help you find the coolest and most unforgettable love status. Let's find the status together!

Nowadays, every second person screams about love loudest to be heard. Already on the second date, teenagers confess their love to each other, and the situation comes to the point that the word “love” is devalued and equated to the standard element of goodbye “bye. love. kiss ”, losing its value and sacred, deep meaning. Only a few, unfortunately, treat this high feeling with due respect and attitude and prefer to keep their feelings in their hearts or on their page on a social network. People whose pages are filled with wise reflections and thoughts inspire respect and trust. And people, on the page of which wise statuses about love are reflected, all the more dispose others to their person. Reveal the whole true essence of this deep and important feeling, love, by posting wise statuses on your page.

Love, after all, it is like a snowflake, it can fall on your hand and quickly melt, it can slip past your fingers ... or it can fall on a glove without feeling the warmth of your hands!

Take care of each other, love! Understand, goodbye always ... And always cherish each other, Life cannot be returned back, never ... I Love! - do not hesitate, say, Will light up ... native eyes, Hurry to your loved ones from everywhere, Be happy together, always!

And I remember ... even when we just met, we said goodbye ... I walked home and thought: Just not to fall in love, but my heart was already beating treacherously fast.

When choosing between two people, it is always worth giving preference to the second, because if the first was truly dear to the heart, the second would not appear!

Seconds without a loved one are hours, hours with a loved one are seconds ...

To say "I love you" will take a few seconds, to show how - all my life.

- I will love the one who will give me the most beautiful stone. - No, everything will be different. First you will love him, and then he will put an ordinary cobblestone in your hand, and you will call him the most beautiful stone (Wise love statuses for social networks)

Loving people will stay together, not because they forgot their mistakes, but because they managed to forgive them ...

Loving is like standing on fresh cement. The longer you stand, the more difficult it is to break away ... and you can never leave without leaving a trace.

There, behind, there are many hands and eyes, but only your face is the most precious. In this life we \u200b\u200blove only once, and after that we look for people like him.

You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you ...

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it at once, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is a drug that is not prohibited, but it is still very difficult to get your dose ...

Take the sand in your hands. Hold it in the palm of your hand - and the sand stays in it, but if you squeeze your hand tightly into a fist, the sand will begin to pour out through your fingers and part of it wakes up. It's the same in relationships. Treat the person in the same way, do not infringe on his freedom, and he himself will stay with you!

You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can quit sports, quit your job, and love cannot be avoided. (Wise love statuses for social media)

They say that it hurts to look at the sun, but it is even more painful to look at the lips that you love, but you cannot kiss ...

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... But it is even more painful, holding her hand, to let go ...

You can't buy love by order ... You can't choose the taste and color ... It comes to some at once ... To others - after tens of years ... One burns ... Another smolders ... Yes, let's face it, not taya: "Love has no standards!" ... Everyone has their own ...

The more we chase after love, the more it runs away from us. And as soon as you suddenly start to run away from love, she is suddenly ready to throw herself on your neck.

Love asked friendship: "Why do you need when I am?" .. To which friendship replied: "To leave smiles where you leave tears .."

Love does not literally cost money - love requires action. And already actions cost money.

True love is not the story of Romeo and Juliet who died together, but the story of Grandma and Grandpa who lived their entire lives and grew old together!

They don't plan friendship, they don't shout about love, they don't prove the truth.

A loved one must be loved, just loved. And if you want to educate someone - buy a dog.

When you fall in love it feels like you are flying higher and higher, to the clouds. And then enlightenment comes, and you realize that you are in the clouds, and you have forgotten the parachute on the ground.

Be only with the one, at the very thought of which a happy sparkle in the eyes and warmth in the soul appears. The rest is a waste of time.

And he into it - with his head, as in a whirlpool. Kissed all her cracks on her heart. He will never give to anyone else, his infinitely beloved woman ...

A man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more empathetic in such matters; they would like to become the last love of a man.

He and I will never be together .. I will never touch him, I can never hug and whisper: "I love you .." I will just love him with all my heart and wait for some miracle ...

Know that the blue sky never ends, as love never ends, and dreams, of course, come true if you really want it.

If someone falls in love with you, you feel lonely ... more and more trying to find someone you can love.

A native person is able to feel the mood with which you knock on the keys of your keyboard, even if there is not a single emoticon in the text :)

And nothing that you and I are different! The main thing is that we are warm to be with each other, and so that we know that we can always count on each other.

I want to destroy all the distances .. hold your hand, no punctuation marks. I want to hug you and feel your breath .. (Wise love statuses for social networks)

You will meet me there ... where I do not know ... near the lake of our dreams. Where I tenderly embrace you, where your eyes are eternally clear.

Distance cannot destroy love, if there is one. It is not necessary to see a person every day to continue to love him.

We are driven by impulses and motives. And not crazy and insane actions are driven by one motive called "love".

Here you look into my eyes and we are very close, but we are separated by three unspeakable words - "I love you."

A real man who loves a woman will do everything for her happiness ... even if she is not happy with him ...

Love is like a game .. Whoever first said: "I love you" - he lost .. this time I am the losers.

Don't forget what a man does to other women. Sooner or later he will do this to you ...

If a man and a woman are separated by twenty steps, then you need to walk only ten and wait for your half, if you are not met, do not give one more step, because you can go to meet all your life alone. Each of the two must take their own steps.

In your relationship with your significant other, do not try to achieve perfection. Just be honest and honest at all times.

It doesn't matter what you look like, because there is still a person who considers you the most beautiful creature on earth.

True love never ends. Maybe over time it changes strength and shade, but does not disappear without a trace.

Time does not stand still, someday you will understand how you need her .. but next to her there will be someone who understood this before.

We think to love is simple. But few people understand that this is the strength of the heart, the greatness of the soul and wisdom that comes only over the years.

A man's feelings are always reflected in a woman. The more he loves, the brighter it lights up, making an impression on him.

In order for a girl to fall in love, a man must give her wings .. and in order to love, do not interfere with a wide sweep.

A real man can be called not the one who became the conqueror of hundreds of women's hearts, but the one who makes his only beloved happy every day!

If a man is stupid, he tries to re-educate a woman, a smart one will teach her, and only one who has wisdom will love her for who she is.

Loves not the one who cannot live without a person, loves the one who knows how to let go and live not next to a loved one ...

The proverb “from love to hate is one step” is not entirely accurate. No ... One step from charm to disappointment ... But between love and hate hundreds of attempts to change everything, a sea of \u200b\u200bwords and tears ...

If I said I love, then I answer. If I love, then I will not betray. If I said I give, heart, without sorrow. Just hold it and don't break it in half.

Embarking on the path of love, take firm steps. Flood everything along the way with the sparkle of your eyes! And having reached the high goal, take a breath to shake the world!

To love, you don't need an expensive car and a lot of money, just enough to have a heart that can feel ...

The character of a woman is a reflection of a man's love. The more his love, the more tenderness she has. And someone who treats women differently may not be surprised that he comes across evil women.

To make your lips beautiful - say kind words. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate kindness. A woman's beauty is not in her clothes, her figure or her hair. The beauty of a woman is in her eyes, because it is the road to her heart - the place where love lives.

Love your halves as they are. If something goes wrong - correct mistakes, and do not make a scandal out of the blue

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need love.

Do not give people hope for reciprocity if there are no feelings at all ... You waste their lives waiting for your answer ..

Quarreled .. She set the status: "Out on a date." he wrote: "I drink beer with friends" .. then they met together at the grocery ..

More recently, statuses that many of us use in social networks and when communicating with friends have firmly entered and consolidated in our lives. As a rule, statuses reflect a person's mood, his dreams, desires, feelings and experiences, as well as what he is doing at a certain moment. By the way, the concept of "status" implies two definitions. According to the first, this is the position of a person in society, but another definition, which is considered the most popular today, consists in certain phrases or expressions that personify the state of a person.

Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the most courageous, loyal and reliable.

A loved one will always be perfect, even with any of its flaws!

Separation has one big plus, because only after parting with a person, you feel who he really is for you, and how much you need him.

Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.

Do you think that happiness is about looking like a glamorous bitch and gathering crowds of fans at your feet? No, happiness is being close to one beloved guy who appreciates and adores you even without makeup and in home clothes, just because you are you!

If I said “I love”, then I will not betray my feelings, because life has taught me to be responsible for my words.

I need you ... - For what? - Just for happiness.

With just three words, you can give a person the desire to live by saying “I need you,” three words can lead to crying, saying “Let's be friends,” and with three words, speed up the heartbeat by admitting “I love you”. What are the three important words you are ready to say to me?

If you ask me to hug you as hard as I love you, you run the risk of being strangled!

Each person is an angel with only one wing. Therefore, we can fly only embracing our soul mate!

Only with that person is it worth being close, at the very thought of which there is a happy shine in the eyes and warmth in the soul. Everything else is a waste of time.

Between the destiny of the people destined for each other, there is an invisible thread that connects them, which can get confused, stretch, but still in an unknown way will lead these people to each other.

Happy loving eyes decorate better than any makeup!

It's not that butterflies flutter in my stomach ... I have samba hippos dancing.

A person who respects himself and his choice will never change!

People sent to us by fate will never leave our lives, no matter what we do. And therefore, you should not worry if a person disappeared from your life, it means that it was simply not your person.

You meet love exactly when you least expect and seek it.

You can go crazy with happiness when in the morning a person, thinking that you are asleep, gently kisses, with admiration running his hand through your hair, and you just lie with your eyes closed, dreaming that this happiness will last as long as possible.

I so want to be with you
And forget the past with you,
To love and always feel reciprocity,
Understand, this is not a whim, but a necessity!

Friendship is friendship, but you want to kiss.

Forgiveness is always the first to ask for the one who values \u200b\u200bthe relationship more, and not the one who is actually to blame.

Never talk about your love without feeling it inside, and do not be silent about it if you are sure of its existence. It is these two mistakes that prevent most people from being happy!

I fly with happiness, goosebumps ... When, confessing "I love you", I hear "Me too."

Love is the best antidepressant, slimming agent, energy drink and drug in one bottle!

If you love - love, if you do not love - do not fool your head, move away and do not bother to love others.

If someone has problems in love, do not be discouraged, but read cool statuses about love

What a pity that I'm not sick with you ... But with an extra mug I drank yesterday ...

So I want to hear from the opposite sex "I love you". Should I call my dad?

Did you really come to me from a fairy tale? - Yes - And from which one? - From the good .. - Kicked out? ..

People have such a need for love that some even love their spouses.

I love him ... I really like him ... and to whom this is dedicated, who the hell would guess

Anyone can have dinner with a girl, but breakfast must be earned ...

In a love triangle, one of the corners is usually blunt

When my beloved starts kissing and hugging me, I go to a psychologist because I don't have any boyfriend!

A story about a love triangle. Cast: me, refrigerator, computer. Melodrama

So fall in love. First the crown will fall, and then you can completely lose your head.

It seems to me that you are not sick with me.
It seems to me that you are sick in life.

Love makes a person purer. At least it makes you wash, shave and wash your socks.

When you quarrel, and then reconcile, and after a day you don’t remember what you were quarreling about, this is true love. However, sclerosis manifests itself in the same way.

We are all in a bustle of love ... We are not the same ...

Female logic: Scum ... scoundrel .. creature ... BACK !!

I wanted to call him, but realized that the subscriber is temporarily ... not worthy!

Sometimes you see a person and feel - this is the one you have been looking for all your life. But he doesn't care, he goes for bread.

Do not meddle in our love triangle, there are seven of us here!

From love to hate - 1 step. And from hatred to indifference, in principle, too 1 but ..., bitch, so long ...

In general, I love cherry pies. They, of course, do not reciprocate, but they do not behave like a schmuck.

Oh, bananas are blooming in the field by the stream, I fell in love with the young Negro. The Negro fell in love with her misfortune, I am afraid during the day, I won't find him at night.

Jealousy is a mixture of ownership, mistrust, and defeat. In this case, the presence of a feeling of love is not necessary!

Loves the one who is jealous all the time, Loves the one who is silent when meeting. And not the one who kisses all the time, And always talks about love ...

A person is jealous not when he loves, but when he wants to be loved.

Jealousy is a suspicion that not only you are cheating, but also you.

A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives her absence.

Jealousy for any reason does not paint a man. However, the horns do not decorate it too much.

Jealousy is stupid, it's a fact! And love is different ... Whoever does not love is a fool! And who loves - twice!

Sometimes divorce is enough to achieve happiness in your personal life.

There was a moment when I was scared that all my friends-girlfriends would become family and there would be no one to hang out with. But then, fortunately, they began to get divorced.

It is impossible to “drink a little”, “smoke rarely”, “cheat on your wife within reason”. There is no "golden mean" in determining the degree of depravity. You cannot degrade in moderation.

Mishandling a woman, depending on her status, can lead to marriage or divorce.

The baker whose wife is cheating is not horns, but bagels.

If your wife cheated on you, then this is very good. It means that besides you, there are also worthy and wonderful people in the world.

Nothing strengthens a marital relationship more than a couple's unsuccessful love affairs.

Some grow wings from love, others - horns.

There are no beautiful partings ... only bridges are beautifully raised.

Sometimes you want to love so much that you don't want to live ...

Happiness is - It cannot but be

Do not rush until YOU understand that I am alone, and there is no more dear to me ... When YOU walk a hundred roads of fate, and you cannot be one hundred and first without me.

I know how to love, I know how to forgive, I know how to bite, I can caress ... I stamp my foot loudly ... I will touch my hand, I will say with my eyes that you are mine ...

Our life is a book, and love is its best pages ...

How important it is to be loved! For real, seriously. The only one necessary to the point of madness, to tears! Beloved to be without fear, without suspicion and anxiety, without fear and empty doubts, as God intended love !!!

It just happens sometimes that life divorces two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

There are 1,000,000 guys, but why is he needed alone? Because, he is 1, and all the other 000 000 ...

Your boyfriend is not a hero, not tall, not slender. Fussy at times, often restless. He is not a millionaire, there is no car in sight. And he did not act in films and did not paint pictures. A suit, the wrong cut, Chanel won't buy for himself. Your boyfriend is not a hero ... He just loves you!

Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the nearest one will hear, and only I will hear what you are silent about ...

Do you know what will happen in 5 years? -What? -I will marry a handsome man, give birth to his son, and I will also love him madly. -And what about me? -You marry a psychopath and you will be happy ... -And what about us? - Silly, I'm talking about us ...

Standing at the edge of the mountain, she asked: - Do you love me? - I love you! - Then jump! He smiled, looked into her eyes and said: - Do you love me? - I love you! - Then push ...

I sincerely congratulate you on Valentine's Day, on the day of lovely eyes, illuminated with love! Let the sadness melt, like a winter snowflake, help you with this -Valentine !!!

If a person appears in your life with whom you forget the past, then this person is your future!

5 words about the ideal person: The One Who is With Me Now.

Love is when you get up early to make him a cup of coffee, and the coffee is ready.

There is no difference between the phrases "I love you" and "I will wash the floor" until you have done anything.

Lord, sometimes it seems to me that I cannot live without him! - You're right! - answered the Lord, - ... you only think ...

The heart decides whom to love ... Fate decides with whom to be ...