How to feed a child when he is sick with ARVI. It is important that you understand what to feed and how to feed your baby during this period. Special requirements for the preparation of dietary meals

How to feed someone with the flu

With a relatively mild course of the disease, low temperature and preservation of appetite, the diet of a patient with influenza does not need special correction. It is enough to provide the body with vitamins.


With a more severe course of the disease, the patient, as a rule, has no appetite. The body itself suggests that food is not the main thing now, energy must be spent on fighting infection, and not on digesting food. Fasting in this case is a defensive reaction that helps the body fight infection on its own.


In this case, you need to consume a lot of liquid (2-2.5 liters per day), preferably warm boiled water. Water helps to cleanse the body of viruses and toxins, neutralizes the acidic environment in the stomach and accelerates recovery. Apples, juices and other light foods can be used to get out of fasting.


Complete refusal of food is contraindicated in patients with low blood pressure, low blood sugar, insufficient blood supply to the brain, as well as those suffering from vegetative dystonia, severely weakened and elderly people over 80 years old.


If the sick person feels hunger, then there is no need to overcome him. But it is better to eat in moderation, avoiding heavy, especially fatty foods. You should not drink a lot of milk, as it activates the secretion of mucus, increasing the congestion of the airways.


All dishes should be given to the patient in liquid or semi-liquid form, vegetables and cereals should be boiled until soft and wiped, lean meat and fish should be cooked in the form of mashed potatoes or soufflés. Both cold and very hot drinks and dishes, as well as spicy, salty, pickled foods are excluded.

The well-known benefits of hot chicken broth are due, in part, to the content of the natural amino acid cysteine, which helps reduce mucus formation, which makes breathing easier.

IN SMALL Portions

Food should be taken in small portions and often - up to 6-7 times a day. This improves its assimilation, which makes it possible to quickly restore the impaired functions of the patient's body.

If sulfa drugs (sulfadimethoxine, etc.) are prescribed for the treatment of complications, then at the time of their intake, in order to avoid difficulties in removing fluid from the body from the diet, meat, eggs and all types of pickles should be excluded.

With a strong cough, especially in children, crackers, cookies, sour and very sweet juices, berries should be excluded from the diet. If you feel nausea, you should take small sips of lightly sweetened water and avoid acidic citrus juices and carbonated drinks.

Cabbage days

The cabbage diet is very effective when you get the flu. This is due to the fact that white cabbage is the most important source of vitamins, primarily vitamin C, as well as phytoncides, organic sulfur compounds, anthocyanins and the enzyme lysozyme, which have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. You need to adhere to the cabbage diet for 1-2 days. In addition to raw white cabbage, you can not eat anything these days.


As the general condition of the patient improves, his diet should be gradually expanded, including dishes from meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs and other foods containing a large amount of protein.

It should also be borne in mind that when the body temperature rises by 1 ° C, the metabolism is accelerated by about 7%, which means that the body's need for fluid also increases by the same amount. Therefore, the patient needs an abundant drink - tea with honey, raspberries, fruit and berry juices, compotes, fruit drinks, just clean water; the drink should not be hot, but warm, with nausea or vomiting - chilled, but not cold! The cold liquid traps mucus and can worsen the patient's condition.


How to feed your baby if he has a high temperature? A sick child refuses to eat, is capricious and cries, he has no appetite. Young mothers are worried about this behavior, as the baby is losing strength before our eyes. Let us consider in detail the question: what is the child fed at a temperature, how to restore the baby's strength and prevent the depletion of the body? We will also find out why children refuse to eat during illness.

Baby food during illness

If the child has a cold and refuses to eat, you cannot force him to eat. This will cause a negative reaction on his part and distrust of his parents. The kid refuses to eat, because the entire resource of the body is aimed at fighting infection: there is no longer enough energy to digest and assimilate food. Therefore, it is extremely unreasonable to punish a sick baby for a lack of appetite or to show your dissatisfaction with his behavior.

In the first days after the illness, the child may vomit at the sight of food: this is a normal protective reaction of the organism weakened by the infection. Children with high fever need more water than food. Offer your baby chamomile tea - he will not refuse. You can also give simple boiled water to prevent dehydration.

If the child asks for food, give him light food - applesauce (boiled) or a little semolina. If vomiting does not resume, offer fruit juice or jelly. The jelly contains starch, so the baby will not feel hungry. Fruit jelly extract will saturate the body with the necessary minerals and partially compensate for the deficiency of vitamins.

Note! With a cold, the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes inflamed, therefore it is not recommended to offer the child cookies: this can cause additional sore throat.

If the temperature is above 38 degrees, the child cannot eat solid food - only semi-liquid or liquid. Suggest yogurt, soft curd, or vegetable puree. Do not try to feed through force: the baby will resist and spend his last strength on it.

If the baby asks for milk, give a low-fat product. At high temperatures, the body is weakened and unable to assimilate fats. It is strictly forbidden to water the baby with cream to eliminate the feeling of hunger. Better cook him jelly or offer fruit jelly. When the child recovers, he will ask for food himself.

Fever with vomiting

What to do if a child has vomiting? What should be the food? In this situation, only the drinking regimen is indicated. When vomiting, the body loses energy, so you should not give your baby food - he will still vomit again and lose additional energy. The same applies to infants: a nursing mother needs to follow a diet for crumbs illness and not eat fatty, indigestible food.

Sometimes when vomiting, the best remedy is to drink warm boiled water. When vomiting stops, offer juice or liquid jelly. Observe the reaction of the body and the desires of the baby - he himself will choose what is better for him to drink or eat in this situation. Drinking in large volumes is also prohibited - drinking should be fractional. Offer half a glass of compote or water.

Recovery period

One of the happiest moments for a mother is the baby's appetite after an illness. What should be the food? There is no need to immediately offer a lot of food - the body has not yet restored the energy spent on fighting the disease. During this period, the best way to recuperate will be herbal tea with honey and fresh fruits:

  • banana puree;
  • baked mashed apples;
  • natural berry / fruit juices.

This nutrition will saturate the weakened body with a complex of minerals and vitamins. It is useful to offer your baby buckwheat / oatmeal porridge in milk: just do not add a lot of butter. Fats are difficult for a weakened body to absorb.

You can not stuff the child with food from morning to evening in order to restore the previous weight. Focus on the wishes and needs of the child, and the weight will soon be restored. Food should be vitamin, not satisfying.

Why is overfeeding dangerous during the recovery period? Pathogenic bacteria remain in the intestines for several days after the temperature drops, and large amounts of food will provoke unwanted phenomena in the child's intestines. This threatens with complications and the baby's refusal to eat at all.


How to feed a child at a temperature? Meals should be light - vegetable / fruit puree, jelly, yogurt, low-fat curd, liquid porridge in water. Cook dishes steamed or in the oven, with the exception of compotes and jelly. This is especially true in the recovery period - you can not give fried foods.

You should not wake up a sleeping baby to drink or offer to eat. Sleep during illness is a wonderful healer; in sleep, the body restores energy reserves. Do not try to feed the baby satisfyingly - the menu should be vitamin-rich, the portions of food are small.

In what cases do children better tolerate colds, SARS, flu? How to help the child's body cope with high fever without medication? Is Good Baby Care Enough to Recover From Coughs and Runny Noses? An experienced pediatrician reveals the mechanisms of well-known methods of caring for children during illness.

If the child develops signs of a cold, he should be left at home and put to bed. This serves two purposes. First, by doing so, you contribute to an easier course of the disease in the child himself. Secondly, you protect his friends from illness.

Air in the room: cool, humid, fresh

It is necessary that air temperature in the sick child's room was no higher than usual (20-21 ° C), and the air was humidified.

Some doctors recommend even a moderately reduced air temperature - 16-18 ° C, and there is a reason for this. The fact is that heat transfer from the surface of the child's body is difficult if the room is very warm, and the child is thoroughly wrapped up. The child also gives off warmth when breathing, inhaling cool, and exhaling air heated in the lungs to body temperature. Moreover, the greater the temperature difference, the greater the heat transfer, the less likely the child's body temperature will rise to very high numbers.

Wet air it is necessary, firstly, to maintain the moisture of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, otherwise the child will not be able to cough up thick and viscous sputum. Second, the child has to sweat to combat the rise in body temperature. If he is in a room with low humidity, the inhaled dry air in the lungs is humidified to 90-100% (remember the vapor from the mouth when breathing in cool weather). With each exhalation, the child loses fluid, and the respiratory rate in young children is 2-3 times more often than in an adult. During a day, a child with breathing loses up to half a liter of fluid. What kind of sweating is there ...

If you live in a house with central heating, it is advisable to either use a special humidifier or hang a moistened terry towel on the heating battery several times a day. This will make it easier for the baby to breathe and facilitate effective coughing.

The air in the room where the sick child is located should be fresh... To do this, the room must be ventilated several times a day. The following is considered the best ventilation method. The child is temporarily taken to another room, in the room for several minutes the vents (window) and the door are simultaneously opened - they create a draft. At the same time, the walls and furniture do not have time to cool down, and after airing, the air temperature in the room recovers very quickly. Ventilation allows you to remove microorganisms accumulated there from the room. Wet cleaning of the room contributes to this.

Eating and drinking for colds

A sick child wants to be cured as soon as possible. It is believed that additional energy is needed to fight disease. And food is the main source of energy. Everything is logical, but not entirely true.

As a rule, during a cold, the child has a decreased appetite. If during illness you try to overfeed your child, then the absorption of food is spent on the forces that the child could send to fight the infection. For such a case, a child always has some reserves in his body, which are less expensive to use than to assimilate food. After recovery, the appetite will improve and the child will quickly restore his reserves. So how should a baby be fed? Only focusing on his appetite.

With mild diseases that do not require significant costs to fight the infection, and the appetite is not disturbed. The more severe the illness, the worse the appetite and the less the child should eat.

The next point is related to feeding the baby. Trying to compensate for the decrease in appetite, they often try to feed the child with any delicious dishes: exotic fruits, oriental sweets, red caviar and other products that the child rarely eats in everyday life. However, new (even very tasty) food requires getting used to, and with an illness, the ability to digest is reduced. And instead of benefit, a digestive upset can join the common cold.

Food should be familiar to the child, not plentiful, although, of course, preference should be given to favorite, especially vegetable, dishes. And here the amount of fluid in the diet of a sick child must be significantly increased.

The additional need for fluid is associated with the fact that when a child is sick, the activity of metabolic processes increases. The formation of toxins increases, which must be removed with urine, sweat, and feces. With the disease, increased excretion of toxic waste products of microorganisms is required. With an increase in body temperature, sweating increases and breathing becomes more frequent. This is accompanied by increased fluid loss through sweat and exhaled air. Increased mucus production also requires additional fluid consumption.

All these additional costs of fluid in the event of a child's illness must be foreseen and compensated for, without waiting for his lips to dry out and the sputum thickens and the child cannot cough up it. On the contrary, if you give a child to drink in a timely and abundant manner, this will not relieve him of the disease, but when a fever appears, he will sweat profusely; body temperature will not be excessively high; the cough will be moist - the phlegm will pass easily; the child will urinate abundantly; and the deterioration in well-being will be insignificant.

In most cases of colds, the success of the fight against the disease largely depends not so much on taking medication as on drinking enough. At the same time, it is not enough to water the child only when he asks.

Pay attention to the moisture in your lips and remember the last time your baby urinated. An indicator of a lack of fluid in the child's body is dryness of the mucous membranes (lips, tongue) and a decrease in urination, and in children over 1 year old there is also an increase in the concentration of salts in the urine, which is manifested by its more pronounced color.

It is very important to stay ahead of the development of the disease and to water the child excessively in excess of his desire. This is not always easy. He has to choose a drink that he likes. The choice is wide enough. As a drink, you can offer weak tea, dried fruit compote, fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks, still mineral water, raisin decoction, special rehydration solutions.

The child should be given to drink fractionally, in small portions, avoiding violence, but resorting to various tricks that your imagination is capable of. Here, both a personal example and various game situations can be used. If you categorically refuse to drink, try offering your child food rich in liquid - melon, watermelon, cucumbers.

Drinking temperature depends on the goals you set for yourself. If the child is dehydrated and it is necessary for the liquid to be absorbed in the digestive tract as soon as possible, the drinking temperature should correspond to the body temperature. If it is more important for you, first of all, to reduce the elevated body temperature of the child, the drink should be at room temperature, since part of the thermal energy is spent in the digestive tract to heat the drunk liquid.

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Comment on the article "Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed"

Medications. Children's medicine. The eldest child caught a cold at school, after which I fell ill. The temperature rose to 38, then it was 37.5 for 3-4 days, the throat and runny nose were terribly sore. when the elder is sick how to protect the baby.


ventilate more often, keep children away from each other, rinse the baby's nose more often, you can drip Aqua Maris in droplets, rinse every hour, increase local immunity, protect against bacteria. Doctors also recommend dripping interferons. Oxolinic ointment is, after all.

Anaferon for children can be taken from the first month of life, we had a similar situation when the child was six months old. Well, she gave anaferon for children + aired the room every three hours, plus I tried to walk in a mask - I didn't get infected from me. It is in the form of tablets, you just need to dissolve the tablet in a tablespoon with boiled water and give it in this form.

Caring for a child for a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. If the child develops signs of a cold, he should be left at home and put to bed. Colds are not transmitted through milk, but milk will protect your baby from your own cold.


Breast milk has a laxative effect, read about it everywhere they write))) and the feces naturally liquefy) liquid food)

11/29/2016 13:40:24, Mom_Advice

After 2 years, there may already be true lactase deficiency. Can hand over the analysis? By the way, IMHO - if given, then from the breast, not expressed. It seems to me that it is not the milk itself that is more important for the baby now, but the opportunity to get contact with the mother, which he did not have at an earlier age. Many are still sucking at 2 years old, the reflex has not yet faded away.

The child is not isolated anywhere, because there is nowhere. Three times a day I could get out of bed and quickly cook porridge, even with a high temperature, during the day From a cold for the night to the bed, finely chopped onion on a plate (it helps very well, just don't be lazy) and ...


We are sick together)) And it's okay, I'm sick with pleasure, I've seen this somewhere else))
Here is my bloodline, picks up everything somewhere, brings it to me, I continue with a late stratum. And Valyusha is not sick.
Everything in the body works if it is determined to be ill.

It's clear. I see that it is difficult for everyone in such situations, and for someone it is very difficult, but everyone somehow cope. The main thing is not to be afraid :)
An acquaintance of mine told my mother that supposedly, if the child's mother is sick, then father or grandmother can take sick leave to care for a child (healthy). But, it seems to me, this is something from the realm of fantasy.

Children's medicine. Child health, illness and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (antibiotics for colds for children 3 years old medicine). How to quickly cure a cold for a baby up to 3 years old.


What do you think about natural preparations without chemicals? In which there are no side effects on the liver, kidneys, etc. About natural prevention without harm to health. All pharmacy pills have a lot of side effects. You heal one thing, you cripple the other. For example, these drugs [link-1]

05/14/2018 00:52:10, VikaM

Funny post. This is just a child with good immunity, that's why simple solutions help him.

Caring for a child for a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. We treat ARVI in children: correcting mistakes. When treating a cold in a child, mothers may encounter erroneous ones.By the way, they wrote about mustard plasters here as a remedy that increases lactation, so I think ...

Caring for a child for a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Colds in a baby, SARS in children of the first year of life. What can parents do to speed up their recovery? Your child will not get infected, but you need to cure the cold. how to treat a cold to a 7 month old baby.


and another question. The baby sleeps a lot now, apparently, so she is struggling with the disease? I offer the chest very often straight asleep, she gradually eats and sleeps on. But is it necessary to wake her up for taking and instilling medications? During sleep, she does not cough, and when she wakes up, the cough has become more frequent (((

04/14/2009 14:17:20, I

Many thanks to all! A doctor came to us today, but not a pediatrician, but a therapist. She listened and said that her lungs were clean, but her breathing was hard. Prescribed interferon, viferon, ascorbic acid 1%, a cough mixture (made in a pharmacy) and ibufen at a pace. Just questions - would you give ascorbic acid? She's so sour and, I think, very allergenic. Or am I not right? And the second thing. I put a candle for my daughter, squeezed the buttocks, but after 5 minutes she pooped 1 time, after 2 minutes again, and it was liquid. The whole candle, of course, was not there. So it has dissolved? But was it absorbed? Do I need to re-install? And the stool became liquid from the candle? Or is it also a manifestation of the disease? Lots of questions, but I have no one else to ask them. Thank you again and may your children never get sick !!!

04/14/2009 14:06:57, stupid mom (((

A sick child can be offered vegetable, dairy soups, meat and fish products in the form of soufflés, meatballs, steamed cutlets, boiled and stewed vegetables, soft cottage cheese, dairy products, casseroles, and always an abundant amount of liquid; it can be water, but it is better if the baby drinks fortified drinks - fruit drinks, juices, compotes, etc.

Food should be soft or semi-liquid so that the child does not spend a lot of energy and energy chewing food. In addition, semi-liquid and pureed dishes are digested better and faster. Do not offer your baby food that crumbles: small crumbs can provoke coughing fits. You should not add spices to dishes and add salt to them: such food irritates the mucous membrane and is less digestible.

Young children, on average, suffer from respiratory diseases up to 6 times a year, while encounters with intestinal and childhood viral infections are not excluded. How to deal with diseases with the help of potions and tablets, doctors in polyclinics tell parents in detail. But the questions about how to balance the diet, how and what to feed a child during an illness remain open and therefore become overgrown with all sorts of misconceptions. Here are the most common ones.

  • A sick child must be forced to eat, otherwise he will not recover.

In no case should this be done. As a rule, all children's, respiratory viral and intestinal infections are accompanied by high fever and intoxication. When viruses and bacteria multiply, the immune system begins to protect the body, as a result of which the temperature rises, breathing becomes more frequent, a significant loss of fluid is observed, and therefore water-salt metabolism is disturbed, blood clots and symptoms of intoxication appear - malaise, headache, lack of appetite up to complete refusal to eat, etc. Therefore, a sick child must first of all be provided with plenty of drink, since fluid loss leads to an aggravation of the symptoms of intoxication. For the same reason, force-feeding a child is unacceptable. This is especially true for diseases accompanied by acute gastritis - nausea, vomiting, since "imposed" food can intensify the symptoms of toxicosis - cause repeated or indomitable nausea and vomiting. Therefore, with a sharp decrease in appetite, you should not be afraid of malnutrition - you just need to take care of sufficient supply of the sick baby with liquid, which is especially important for infants and young children.

There is a rule that the entire amount of food that the child does not receive by age during the illness is replenished by drinking. To determine the amount of fluid required for a child with manifestations of toxicosis, it is necessary to take into account the indicators of his body weight. Children under 1 year old should be given 150-200 ml of liquid per day for each kilogram of weight, and 120-170 ml per 1 kg per day for children over 1 year old.

For drinking, boiled water, slightly sweetened tea are used; for viral and bacterial infections, drinks with vitamins are useful - rosehip infusion, tea with lemon, fruit drinks, compotes, fruit and berry juices diluted in half with water. Drinks can be given to a sick child warm - only in case of nausea and vomiting, the drinks offered should be at room temperature.

  • If the child refuses regular food, then you can offer him his favorite "goodies" - chips, crackers: let him eat at least something.

In no case should you resort to such "compromises". High-calorie foods lacking vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber may not be beneficial or even harmful to a sick child. During the preparation process, snacks acquire carcinogenic properties, i.e. the ability to provoke the development of cancer. When carbohydrate products are fried in oil, a carcinogen is formed - acrylamide. In addition, snacks are full of flavors, mostly synthetic. And their regular use leads to a decrease in immunity, which is already lowered during an illness, to the development of allergic reactions and diseases of the digestive system. In addition, the spices and salt added to snacks irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines, which also leads to inflammation. And the organs of the digestive system during intestinal infections and viral diseases are already in a state of "stress".

  • During illness, it is better for the child to give one fruit, as this is a source of vitamins.

Of course, fresh fruits are rich in vitamins that help the body recover, and are also abundant in dietary fiber - pectin, fiber. But it is unacceptable to focus only on them, since during an illness the body spends a lot of protein for metabolic reactions, thermoregulation, the formation of an immune response, and much more. Therefore, when composing a diet for a sick child, it is necessary to take care of the sufficient inclusion of proteins in it, especially of animal origin, and primarily milk proteins, since they have a lipotropic effect, i.e. able to reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. This is very important for improving the functions of the liver, which suffers from any infectious disease, neutralizing harmful substances - products of intoxication.

When choosing edible fats, it is necessary to focus on animal products - an important source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They, in turn, help the body form the correct immune response and fight off viral and bacterial agents. It is recommended to add vegetable oils to ready-made dishes.

With intestinal infections, the consumption of fruits and berries should be minimized. Of course, the fruit diet has a positive side - this is the ability of certain biological substances to have a certain effect on the body. For example, pectin, which is rich in fruits and berries, as a colloidal substance, has the ability to bind water and swell, forming a foamy mass. Passing through the intestines, it adsorbs, i.e. absorbs all harmful substances, toxins, bacteria.

Fruits and vegetables also contain organic acids that are bactericidal. These are positive factors, especially in the treatment of intestinal infections. But, given that fruits and berries contain high concentrations of fruit acids and carbohydrates, which cause fermentation processes in the intestine and aggravate the symptoms of intestinal infections, this category of foods from the diet of children suffering from these diseases should be excluded for 1-2 days or offered them in the composition of fruit drinks, compotes. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and causing flatulence are excluded from the diet: beets, cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, legumes, radishes, oranges, plums, tangerines, grapes, etc. But at the same time they must use fruits and vegetables rich in pectin - apples, carrots, potatoes.

  • Chicken broth is a cure for all diseases.

Indeed, since ancient times, strong meat, especially chicken broths have earned the fame of healing, thanks to the ability to increase the patient's appetite, thereby bringing him back to life. It is thanks to the good stimulation of appetite that chicken broth is popular in our time. But nutritionists do not recommend the use of meat and, moreover, meat and bone broths in the diet of young children, and even more so in the diet of adults and children with impaired metabolic processes. When boiling meat, proteins are destroyed, due to which muscle fibers become soft, and extractives pass into the broth - chemical compounds that are easily extracted by water from food during cooking and provide taste to food. Also, purines contained in meat, nitrogen-containing compounds, which are an indispensable component of muscle tissue, pass into the broth. There are especially many extractives in offal, meat and fish broths. When they are used, there is an excessive secretion of digestive enzymes, irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which steadily leads to inflammatory diseases. In addition to the fact that extractives have a strong stimulating effect on the digestive system, when they are used, the nervous system is overexcited, which is manifested by impaired concentration, emotional instability, and motor disinhibition. In children, extractives and purines can cause allergic reactions and metabolic disorders.

  • In case of intestinal infection, poisoning, the child should not be fed for some time - he can only be given water or tea.

This is not true - keep feeding the baby. Scientists have proven that with diarrhea, absorption remains, i.e. intestinal absorption function, sufficient to ensure absorption of food ingredients, therefore fast diets and water-tea breaks are not recommended and food intake during diarrhea should be continued. In addition, hunger slows down the healing and recovery processes of injured cells of the intestinal mucosa, weakens the body's defenses, and sharply disrupts the morphology of the wall of the small intestine. That is why a water-tea break is prescribed only in very severe cases and for no more than 4–5 hours with indomitable vomiting, and after it is over, the child is fed according to appetite. During the pause, the baby must necessarily receive a fractional drink in the form of glucose-salt solutions in the volumes recommended for a given age.

  • Since "they knock out a wedge by a wedge", a sore throat can be treated with ice cream.

There is an opinion that acute angina can be cured with cold, since after a sharp cooling in a sore spot, blood circulation increases and local immunity is mobilized. In this case, the probability of recovery for an adult is approximately 50%, and this is very small to recommend such a "method of treatment." For babies, this manipulation is by no means suitable, since the mucous membrane of the nasopharyngeal ring in children is very loose, the lymph drainage from the pharyngeal ring is enhanced and not fully formed, in addition, local immunity is not fully formed. Therefore, ice products can only aggravate pathological processes and harm the child.

With angina in children, warm milk gives a good therapeutic effect: warm drinks do not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane, and the milk contains fine milk fat, which creates a "protective" film on the irritated areas. Cranberry juice is also useful, containing biologically active substances that suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microbes. All dishes should be offered to the child in a warm form: this will help the tonsils to warm up and will not contribute to irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane. It is better to give food to the baby in liquid or semi-liquid form, since it is difficult for him to swallow solid food.
In any case, you should not experiment with the health of the child, because his body is quite fragile and vulnerable. Ask the doctor all questions about the baby's nutrition and listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Influenza is an acute viral respiratory infection that affects the respiratory tract and is caused by the influenza virus.


The influenza virus is characterized by constant mutation. Each new mutated strain is more resistant to known antibiotics, and requires the development of newer types of drugs. Now in the world there are about 2000 varieties of the influenza virus. There are three main groups of the virus - A, B and C: the virus of group A usually leads to epidemics and pandemics; group B affects only humans, usually children first, group C is poorly understood, the virus also spreads only in the human environment, does not differ in particular severity.

Causes of occurrence:

The most common cause of infection with the influenza virus is contact with a sick person. The route of infection is airborne.


Several days of the incubation period pass into the period of the acute course of the disease. A sick person has a fever, chills, headaches and muscles. Severe dryness in the nasopharynx accompanied by a dry, very painful cough. Of particular danger are complications that are possible with a severe course of the disease: pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, myocarditis, in the elderly and children under two years of age, the complication can be fatal.

Useful foods for the flu

  • chicken broth: inhibits the development of neutrophil cells, which cause inflammation and nasopharyngeal congestion;
  • garlic: contains allicin, which is harmful to bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • spices (ginger, cinnamon, mustard, coriander): increase perspiration, which is good at high temperatures, and lead to narrowing of blood vessels, making it easier to swallow and breathe;
  • foods containing zinc (meat, eggs, seafood, nuts);
  • fruits and vegetables with high levels of beta-carotene, folic acid, magnesium (for example: cantaloupe, spinach, apricots, asparagus, beets, cauliflower, carrots, mango, pumpkin, pink grapefruit, tomato, tangerine, peaches, watermelon, kiwi) ;
  • Vitamin C foods (papaya, citrus fruits, orange juice, yellow or red peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes);
  • Foods high in vitamin E (corn oil, almonds, fish oil, lobster, hazelnuts, safflower oil, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, and salmon steak)
  • foods containing flavonoids (raspberry syrup, lemons, green peppers, cherries and grapes, lingonberries);
  • Foods with quercetin, a highly concentrated form of bioflavonoids (broccoli, red and yellow onions).

Sample menu

Early breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, green tea with lemon.
Lunch: one soft-boiled egg, cinnamon rosehip decoction.
Dinner: vegetable puree soup with meat broth, steamed meatballs, rice porridge, mashed compote.
Afternoon snack: baked apple with honey.
Dinner: steamed fish, mashed potatoes, fruit juice diluted with water.
Before bedtime: kefir or other fermented milk drinks.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of influenza:

  • fruits of black currant (brew with hot boiled water with honey) - take up to four glasses a day;
  • a decoction of blackcurrant sprigs with honey (break the sprigs, add water and boil for five minutes, keep on steam for several hours) - use two glasses at night;
  • a couple of onions and garlic (grate an onion and two or three cloves of garlic and inhale deeply several times) - two to four times a day;
  • infusion of dried raspberries (pour a tablespoon of berries with one glass of boiled water, leave for twenty minutes) - take twice a day, 250 ml;
  • a mixture of linden flowers and dried raspberries (pour a tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water, leave for twenty minutes) - take 250 ml twice a day;
  • decoction of sickle and licorice root (licorice) (brew a tablespoon of the mixture with three hundred ml of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes) - take 250 ml twice a day;
  • infusion of twigs and leaves