What is the difference between the cerinous mucus from the plug. Dischallation of the mucosa: when is the norm, and when is the alarming bell? Mucous plug before childbirth, video

When carrying pregnancy, most of the future mothers do not know about some physiological processes passing in their body. So, for example, a girl may not know what a cork looks like in pregnant women, and that it leaves 1-10 days before childbirth under the action of hormones. This is an important sign of fast childbirth, and must be observed for the organism and its discharge during this period.

What does it look like?

Provide a photo of the deployed mucosa during pregnancy is not so easy. But, in essence, it is a plump mucus with a pink or yellow tint. It can also have other colors, since this parameter is individual and each woman has its differences in appearance.

Even a giving birth can noted the change in the color of the mucosa of the plug during the beating of a new pregnancy. But if the stopping plug has a green shade, then you need to immediately appeal for help to the doctor, because it is a sign of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

If a small amount of blood discharge is present in the mucus, this indicates small breaks of small vessels in the cervix. This is not absolutely nothing terrible, since the process when the cervix opens before childbirth, may be accompanied by microtrams. But if you started bright-scarlet bleeding, then you need to immediately call the "ambulance" brigade, as this may indicate the detachment of the placenta, which in itself very negatively affects the course of all pregnancy and child health.

What function does it perform?

The mucous plug is one of several protective mechanisms that protect the pregnant woman and her child from the effects of adverse external environmental factors, such as, for example, infectious diseases and microbes.

During the period of ovulation, the body of the woman was already prepared for fertilization and subsequent pregnancy. The cervix begins to produce thick allocations.

When the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, the body is received by the signal, which happened in fertilization, and a new life appeared in the body, the neck of the uterus highlights the mucous membrane, which, thick, closes the passage in the uterus as a cork.

Finally, the plug is formed in the first month of pregnancy, and departs, diving under the action of estrogen, usually 10 days before the start of childbirth.

One of three signs

The main symptoms of the beginning of the generic activity the overwhelming majority of young mothers consider the moment when fermented waters are departed, and the beginning of kits. This fact speaks of an insufficient understanding of those processes that occur in the body of the future mother.

It is still important to know that the first indicator of the beginning of the generic activity among doctors is considered to be the process of the intake of the mucosa.

The cervical cervix relaxes and opens, giving output for further influence of the oily water and the subsequent passage of the fetus through the generic paths. It is noticed that previously giving birth to women, the mucous plug moves a little earlier than the usual term due to the fact that after the first generations of the uterus remains in a discrepable state, which affects the exit of the mucus. At the same time, the first-night women of the chute canal walls are denser and therefore tightly hold the mucous tube, which, because of this, can exit parts containing bloody veins.

It is difficult to say, unfortunately, when it is a pregnant woman who needs to seek help from specialists. It can only testify that the appearance of a baby is not far from around the corner, but when it is - the question for which it is impossible to give an accurate answer. Maybe in an hour the water will go away, and continuous contractions will begin, and maybe everything will happen in two weeks. Therefore, the future mother and its loved ones are important to keep the situation under control and in time to contact the qualified help of doctors.

Additional signs of the emergence of childbirth

In addition to driving, the future mother may have a number of the following symptoms caused by hormonal changes, which suggest the completion of the formation of the fetus and prepare the body for the upcoming births:

  • frequent urges for urination due to the actions of estrogen in the blood, which reduces not only the muscles of the uterus, but also the bladder;
  • decrease in body weight and swelling in pregnant women due to fluid outflow from the body;
  • the stomach is lowered, as the child in the womb turns down the head in order to go through the generic paths to freely;
  • a pregnant woman changes the gait;
  • there are frequent bursts of irritability, anxiety, a bad mood, reduced appetite.

But even if you have all the above signs, no doctor can be called the exact time of the beginning of generic activity, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

Kid in safety?

Perhaps future mothers may seem that their baby is now in danger, when the mucous plug leaves, and infections from the external environment can penetrate into the wrap. But the wise nature provided for this case another barrier from the charin bubble in which the fruit is safe. It not only creates all the favorable conditions for the development of the baby, but also protects it from microbes, which can penetrate due to insufficient hygiene or under sexual contact, through the vagina to the uterine cavity.

Listen to yourself

Feelings when you have a mucous plug, can resemble the same ones that are visited during menstruation: pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen or pain in the sacrus area.

Do not notice the process of disheavage, only being in the shower. In other cases, fragments of the mucous plug may remain on underwear or sheet, which came out completely and immediately.

It can also go out of parts, this is also considered the norm during pregnancy.

From this point on, you can prepare for the beginning of the upcoming fights, collect a bag with all the necessary things and documents in order to go to the maternity hospital and do not forget anything along the way.

Do not leave the house for a long time, go on travel, ride by car. It is better to do homemade or just relax, keeping your phone at hand to contact closeness in case of starts.

In a situation, if everything happened, and the fights do not begin, too, should not be worried - it is possible that this is not due to natural reasons that are caused by the preparation of the body to the upcoming births, and the recent inspection of the vagina by a gynecologist. But in this case, it is not necessary to relax, since the fights may begin after some time.

In general, during pregnancy it is necessary to pay special attention to personal hygiene, especially after the mucous plug has moved:

  • timely change underwear and clothing, all bedding,
  • do not visit the pool or just water bodies in nature,
  • regularly fill up the genitals.

Bath is better not to take, limited to the shower, so as not to expose myself and child infection through the generic paths. Also necessary to abandon any intimate contacts with your man if you are having a sex life during pregnancy, for the same reasons that were named above. Now such a lifestyle should last until the beginning of childbirth.

At what point you need to contact the gynecologist?

During pregnancy, some future mothers occur such a situation when the mucous plug does not depart until the start of childbirth installed by the gynecologist. This is not a reason for concern, since, perhaps, she or moved away, and you did not notice it, while they were in the shower or toilet, or it will move away with the accumulative waters, immediately before the start of the birth themselves. In the extreme case, the obstetrician who will receive childbirth will remove it personally before the start of childbirth. In general, for the successful course of pregnancy about all the discharges, you need to inform your doctor. Such steps will allow you to prevent any complications in time.

There are cases where the future mother can confuse such a dangerous phenomenon as the premature leakage of the oily fluid, with the output of the mucosa.

This is a serious reason to apply to gynecology, as the problem can negatively affect the entire course of pregnancy.

Signs of the leakage of the octoplodic fluid can be:

  • wet stains on underwear;
  • an increase in liquid discharges during walking or when pregnant strains the muscles of the press with cough, laughter or sneezing;
  • liquid allocations are constant and occur continuously, they cannot be controlled using the muscles of the vagina.

This indicates a rupture of the fruit bubble. Its degree to identify a gynecologist, he also prescribes therapeutic procedures for the further successful course of pregnancy.

Any pregnant woman is waiting for the occurrence of childbirth with some trembling and fear. Some think, would soon come this moment, others want to wait a little more. But in any case, no matter how it is preparing for childbirth, they always come unexpectedly. How to understand what stopped a plug?

How and for how much is the mucous plug goes before childbirth?

Is it right to go to the hospital or still wait?

So many questions give rise to panic, which only aggravates the position, increasing the tension, bringing almost to the hysteria, extremely harmful and for mom, and for the baby. That is why to prepare and know exactly how to be what to do, you need to armared in advance knowledge. Many women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time heard that some traffic jam should move before birth, but at the same time they have no idea what it looks like, and do not even imagine how the cork goes before childbirth and what the plug moves .

So what is it - a traffic jam during pregnancy?

At the very beginning of pregnancy in the cervix, the mucus accumulates, or rather, the uterus itself produces and produces when ovulation. This mucus accumulates and thickens, tightly blocking the cervix, as if sealing it, overlapping the path of any infection from the vagina, thereby protecting the future child.

This cork is similar On a piece of mucus, jelly or jellyfish. In principle, it is quite a bit, about two tablespoons. Usually it has a white-yellowish color, can have a blood admixture or pink or pure white streak (every woman is purely individually).

How long is a traffic jam? It is impossible to say exactly how much time the cork is leaving. She departs in all different and at different times. Many women may not even notice that the plug has already moved away. After all, it can happen when hiking to the toilet (then you feel the feeling as if something fell out).

Often the mucous plug He departs during the adoption of the morning soul, at this moment you can also not feel anything and not to see. Only if the plug moved at night or during the day when you are in the underwear, then you can see a piece of mucus on panties.

Not everyone has a traffic jamThis can occur in stages, the plug leaves parts, that is, in such small quantities that only increased mucus is possible on the panties.

But many pregnant women can not move the cork at all, and then the obstetrician or doctor who receives childbirth will remove it personally. And it happens that the plug is moving along with the waters, and then it can also be noticed.

If you still noticed that the plug was departed, - do not panicThis does not mean that the childbirth will come immediately, you in the reserve can be still 2 weeks, especially if the time has not come true.

If the stopping plug has a normal white or yellowish color(Sometimes with streaks of blood), and the water after that did not move and the contractions did not come, then nothing terrible, you can relax. However, for personal calm, you should still go to the doctor and find out how soon you have a childhood and everything is in order. Depending on the overall pregnancy flow, the doctor will give concrete recommendations or direct to the hospital.

Don't forget that about fucking the mucous plug is still a precursor that the childbirth will come soon And close at the moment when you take your treasure in your hands.

So, it is better not to leave far from home, go on the journey and ride in transport. Review the packages that you have prepared for the maternity hospital, whether everything has been prepared at home, and wait.

But if after the mucosa of the plug, the water moved away or the contractions began, then in the maternity hospital will have to go immediately.

And one more point: if the discharge of the mucosa of the plug is accompanied by bloody discharges of the scarlet (there is a stopper with blood), at the same time quite abundant, then contact the doctor should be immediately. Although blood streaks in the mucous plug are normal (when the cervix is \u200b\u200bpreparing for childbirth, it expands, as a result of which capillaries can burst), but there should be no bleeding. So, in the event of such trouble, immediately call "ambulance".

Remember - attentive attitude towards yourself and your health, Persistently observing your own body is the key to successful childbirth and the health of your baby. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of mucous secretions, do not panic in vain, calm down, remember the information obtained and act in accordance with the assessment of the situation. Very soon you will become a mom, and this is not comparable sensations, because you will take responsibility for another life.

Expert comment

Commented on Sergey Yuryevich Bujanov, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the maternity department, doctor of the first category.

Cost of medical activity - 16 years.

The separation of mucosa from the vagina testifies to the harbingers of childbirth. Moreover, it does not matter at what time. Premature childbirth begins on the same mechanism as physiological or belated.

The mucous plug is formed from the cervical gland. This is a thick jelly-like mass that fills the entire cervical channel. The secretion of the cervical glands is constantly maintained by a high level of estrogen and gestagennes, hormones responsible for the growth and ripening of the fetus.

In this way, the mucous plug is not a cluster of thick liquid, Formed from the very beginning of pregnancy. The secretion of cervical cells occurs in continuous mode, and the mucosa stop always remains "Fresh".

It fills inside the cervix with a length of 4-5 centimeters: completely, not leaving the slots between the channel walls. In the mucus are antibodies - immunity cells that determine the pathogenic microorganisms.

Before starting childbirth, the balance of female hormones changes. Estrogen becomes much more than Gestagennes. That is, the process of maturation of the fetus is considered completed and canceled. Under the action of estrogen, the mucous cork is discharged followed by its separation.

At primordin and repeated womenthe separation of the mucous plug flows in different ways.

The fact is that not passing the process of childbirth, cervix at broken pregnant women It has a smaller diameter of the channel, and its walls are sufficiently dense, which hold the mucus as strongly that the mucous plug is moving either with blood or in parts.

At the same time, the prenatal structural changes in the cervical canal occur, which are accompanied by the separation of the epithelium cells. This is accompanied by minor bleeding. therefore bombing pregnantname blood streaks in minor dense distances.

In giving birth women The inner surface of the cervical elastic cervical surface. The covering epithelium is loosened, and the intercellular spaces are able to stretch. Therefore, the mucous plug in giving birth to women is moving simultaneously and bloodlessly.

Regardless of parity (quantity of childbirth) The separation of mucosa from the cervical channel in pregnant women occurs painlessly.

Except From the general grade are women who have defeats the cervical canal. Scars on the inner fee of the cervical cervix are formed due to the violent expansion in the production of abortions or inflammatory lesions of cervical cells with trichomonade infection.

Much less often bleeding from rebeling womenwhen disbeling the mucosa related to the presence of erosion of the cervix. Normally, the teleachment of the mucosa takes place for 3-5 days before the start of childbirth. The amount of thick liquid is slightly. No more than when ovulation. Because ovulatory mucus fills the cervical channel, the dimensions of which remain unchanged during pregnancy.

Department of mucosa plugindicates hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman who provide generic activities by canceling the process of carrying a child. This process is physiological and does not require medical intervention.

At the same time, when the sexual paths not studied under the microscope, it is impossible to distinguish from where they appeared: from the cervical canal or from the uterus?

The accumulate waters are sometimes departed before the start of childbirth.

The separation of the mucous plug does not mean thatthe protection of the fetus from the vaginal microflora is broken, as the second and more important barrier is the dense shell of the fruit bubble.

But in the observation of the charchopling shell(which occurs also absolutely painless), the danger of fetal infection becomes irreversible and steadily increases. The score of the time of anhydrous period goes to hours and minutes. It is impossible to determine which vaginal allocations that it is impossible at home. Therefore, when they appear, you should move the exact time and call "ambulance". The mucosa is a plug or an oily fluid - only the doctor can determine.

The period of pregnancy is a magical time when a woman is in constant waiting. And so, in the last month of pregnancy, this wait becomes special, because the meeting with the child is about to happen. There are many signs about speedy childbirth, among which the traffic jam.

The fears of pregnant women, for the most part, are due to the disadvantage of information about the processes occurring in the body during the child's waiting. This is especially true of visible manifestations that the future mother can not always be correctly appreciated from the standpoint of conformity of the norm or possible danger to his own health and health of the kid.

It is necessary to watch closely for any symptoms that cause the slightest concern. So, special attention to pregnant women is recommended to pay for such signs:

  • test tube
  • battle
  • feeding or influencing
  • bleeding
  • discharge

At different times of pregnancy, options for the well-being norms have significant differences. For example, if the testing of a cork or contractions begin in late dates - to worry about what, and if they feel in the first or second trimesters, it is better to report this to the observer doctor. The same applies to other signals of the body of the future mother.

Thus, for any condition or symptom, there are approximate terms, indicating the correct development of the fetus and pregnancy, all other cases, on the contrary, can talk about the presence of pathologies and require additional control by medical personnel.

Birth after dyeing plugs: how much time to wait?

Among the health workers there is an opinion that the mucous plug in patients should be out of approximately 2 weeks before the start of childbirth during their normal flow. The doctor warns that when the traffic jam, it is necessary not to leave such a fact without attention, as well as report it at the nearest medical examination.

Despite this, the teleachment of the mucosa does not indicate that the childbirth will occur very soon. It is important to know that before the start of childbirth, a period of up to a month can pass from dulling the traffic jam.

On the other hand, if the testing of the plug happened together with other harbing of childbirth, such a state of affairs most often indicates the disclosure of the cervix and the beginning of the generic activity of a woman. Accordingly, it is necessary to directly contact your observing doctor or go to the maternity hospital.

  • From the moment of death of the mucosa, the hygiene of the genital organs of the future mother should be paid to the hygiene, since such measures allow you to protect both the patient and the fetus from the penetration of infections.
  • Since then, from this time, it is not recommended to visit the pool, to enjoy swimming in the river or other reservoir, as well as enter into sexual relations.
  • A pregnant woman is to complete the latest preparations before the start of childbirth and be ready to go to the hospital at any time.

Traffic testing before childbirth: causes of appearance

Without doubt, nature is arranged wisely, and the flow of pregnancy and childbirth can be considered a vivid confirmation of this fact. So, the biological clock in the body of a woman is arranged in such a way that all the processes of the baby tooling occur exactly on time and just as it is necessary for a specific pregnant woman.

There is an opinion that the mucus formed to protect against infections, viruses and pathogenic bacteria, and the mucous plug formed, formed in the uterus during pregnancy, is designed to protect the growing fringe from penetration and negative influence of infections from outside.

The mucous plug during pregnancy is a jelly-like mass, which is usually formed approximately at the end of the first month of pregnancy.

  1. The appearance of the cork is due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman in a state of waiting for a child.
  2. Hormone production gives impetus to the beginning of the formation of mucosa.
  3. Such processes contribute to the formation of mucus in the uterus.
  4. Gradually, the amount of mucus reaches a certain amount, after which it takes the shape of the plug, which clogs the uterus.

It is known that the main purpose of the mucous plug during pregnancy is to protect the future kid from the influence of external adverse factors. Due to the mucous plug, the habitat of the fruit is reliably protected from the possible effects of infections.

With a normal pregnancy flow, a woman is usually allowed to lead sex life, which becomes possible due to the presence of mucosa. Also becomes possible swimming for the future mother in the bathroom at moderate water temperature, as well as in the river, sea or other reservoirs.

At the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the patient's body is preparing for childbirth, in the process of which changes the hormonal background. The production of hormones is responsible for softening the mucosa, which departs from the cervix and vagina, leaving the body of a pregnant woman.

In addition to the natural process of dulling the plug, there may be an external intervention. Therefore, the doctor should be inspected the patient as carefully and delicately. In any case, the discharge of the mucous plug is a signal to the approaching point of birth, which is not necessary to leave without proper attention.

What does the traffic test look like?

Medical practice describes various cases of dumping mucosa during pregnancy. Given the specific parameters of the pregnancy of each future mom, the mucous plug may look different. It is important to know certain nuances of dieting mucosa during pregnancy.

  1. Cork can move all immediately or allocated gradually for a certain period of time: from one to several days.
  2. In the case when the plug leaves parts, a pregnant woman may not even notice this process. This is due to the fact that the amount of mucus allocated is quite small.
  3. The volume of the traffic jam is usually approximately equal to two tablespoons.

Quite often, the mucous tube is difficult to distinguish with other vaginal discharges, so the patient at the near convenient time it is necessary to seem to the observing doctor. Only a doctor can conduct an inspection and find out what character has to be selected and find out what processes in the body of a pregnant woman contributed to those or other disclosures.

Each woman has a density and color of the mucous plug different. Normally, traffic jam may look like:

  • colorless
  • whitana
  • yellowish
  • pinkish
  • with strengths of blood

It is worth paying attention to that the appearance of blood streaks in the composition of the mucosa of the future mother is also considered an option for the norm. This is due to the process of disclosing the cervix, during which the smallest capillaries can burst, the blood of which is mixed with mucus, as a result forming a jelly-shaped clutch with an admixture of blood.

At the same time, do not forget that abundant blood discharges of the scarlet should alert a pregnant woman. In this case, it is recommended to urgently seek medical help.

There is an opinion that at first-night and repeated women, the process of fatting the mucous plug proceeds with some differences. It is believed that the period of pregnancy and childbirth in repeated patients proceeds more easily. The mucous plug in the giving birth women most often moves all at the same time and does not contain blood impurities.

  • In repeated future moms, the cell epithelium cells of the inner surface of the cervical cervix are more loose, and the neck is elastic, capable of stretching to the desired sizes to pass the child by generic paths.
  • At first-night women, on the contrary, the surface of the cervix is \u200b\u200bmore dense and not stretched, so the cable channel is clogged with a mucous plug stronger. For this reason, the cork in such fencers can move several days of parts, as well as to have a bloody structure.

The body of the previously broken future mothers passes a solid preparation for childbirth, preparing the cells of the epithelium to stretch, so the detection of the mucosa of the plug in such cases may be accompanied by the presence of blood clots. No matter how much childbirth was in a woman, the process of fatting the mucous plug during pregnancy is most often completely painless.

Tube testing: photo

Most people, especially girls who have not yet experienced pregnancy, have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe processes occurring in the body of a woman during this period. Moreover, listening to the various stories of their girlfriends and acquaintances, they most often feel the feeling of fear long before the onset of pregnancy and childbirth.

Most of women are interested in nuances of pregnancy leakage already during the child's waiting. In this case, future mothers read a lot of literature and draw information in other sources, for example, on hospital stands, respectively, their gestation.

Especially interested in future mothers signs of approaching birth, such as the separation of the mucosa of the plug, the influence of the octal water and the beginning of the contractions.

Since no doctor is able to predict the exact date of childbirth, each woman on certain signals of their body is trying to do it on their own at least approximately. Many data on pregnancy, childbirth and, especially, about the forerunners of the beginning of the labor activity, you can learn from sites on the Internet.

In addition to the text description, both in the network and in print literature you can see photos of the mucosa. It is worth considering that such information is better to study before the start of the pregnancy period. This will create the foundation of the necessary knowledge, providing peace of future mom in the process of pregnancy and will avoid overload with a large number of information at the time of the child's waiting.

Thus, the photo of the appearance of the mucous plug during pregnancy can be viewed with the goal of the overall understanding of the processes occurring during the pregnancy, but it should not be too impressed and trying to try on other people's situations and symptoms. It is better to seek advice and ask questions of interest to your observing doctor, as well as record important events and signals of your own body with a detailed description and time of their occurrence.

Harbingers of childbirth: the testing of traffic jam during pregnancy

Naturally, any woman, being in a state of pregnancy, wishes and waiting for the earliest successful childbirth. Especially this desire is intensified at the end of the third trimester, when the patient's body weight increases significantly, the quality of sleep deteriorates, the severity and other inconvenience appear. The situation is complicated by the fact that no one can accurately determine the date of natural childbirth.

A competent doctor will definitely explain the pregnant woman that it is possible to predict only a pre-date of birth. In this physicians, the results of the events are helping, among which:

  • analyzes
  • inspections
  • ultrasound procedure
  • availability or absence of harbors of childbirth
  • the product of the measurements of the abdomen, body weight, the height of the bottom of the uterus, etc.

The doctor makes conclusions about the possibility of fast childbirth, given all possible factors. At the same time, the doctor informs the patient about the rules of behavior in various situations, possible signs, and asks about their presence or absence during the nearest last period of time.

Hospiters of emergence among specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology is considered:

  • dispatch mucosa tube
  • starting fights
  • powering of spindle water

It should be noted that all these signs in aggregate indicate the occurrence of labor within 24 hours from the moment they appear. But, do not forget that the body of each woman has its own individual features.

So, one patient can feel the offensive of one harbinger of childbirth, and the other is all three at the same time. The mucous plug can move away during the visit to the toilet or other situations where the future mother will not determine and will not feel any changes due to objective circumstances. There are also rarely cases when the mucous plug does not leave the birth and removed in the process of the child's appearance.

Testing the plug before childbirth: does its appearance be sure?

I noticed or not a pregnant woman the moment of dieting mucosa - not so significant. The main thing is not to show concern and report to the doctor all the circumstances recorded during the expectation of the future child.

The fact is that the mucous plug during pregnancy may not move at all, so you should not expect this event. In other cases, the traffic testing occurs unnoticed, which is also worth remembered. The third option for the development of the situation can be called the discharge of the mucosa of the plug.

It is worth describing the appearance and color of the mucous plug by the observing doctor, consult with it and jointly draw conclusions about the imminent occurrence of labor in accordance with other signs accompanying the test tube.

In the color and structure of the selection, a medical worker will make assumptions about whether the mucosa of the mucosa directly has a different character. Recall that in the norm, the plug has a form of a small amount of mucus whitish, yellowish, pinkished color, or quite colorless, possibly with a certain number of blood streaks.

If the plug was departed, and other harbors of childbirth is not observed, then there is no time for childbirth. But, in any case, a pregnant woman should not be abolished from home one, making travel or other movements, complicating a trip to the hospital in the event of such a need.

Fights after dyeing cork

The depreciation of the mucosa during pregnancy is one of the harbing of childbirth. Another thing is that the testing of the traffic can occur independently, and maybe accompanied by other signs indicating the approach of the beginning of generic activities in a pregnant woman.

It should be noted that the allocation of traffic jams from the body of the future mother is completely natural. This situation does not require medical care. But, in order to be calm for the state of the girlfriend and the future child, you need to know exactly what exactly the mucous plug has been deployed, and the accumulating waters are not impaired and the integrity of the accumulator bubble that provides nutrition and the development of the baby is not impaired.

In fact, it is possible to determine the nature of the discharge from the vagina only by researching under the microscope, so this can only make it a highly qualified doctor in a specially equipped laboratory. If the mucosa is discharged, it is important to take into account the term of pregnancy.

So, if the preliminary date of childbirth has already approached and the patient must soon give birth, you must definitely pay attention to the possible occurrence of grapple-shaped pains and petitions of the abdomen.

Sometimes it is possible to feel the feeling of not strong pulling pain, similar to menstrual. After them, a pregnant woman can feel the fight. In this case, most likely we are talking about the beginning of childbirth. It is necessary to calm down and calculate the repetitions of the fights: if the gap between them does not exceed ten minutes, then it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital.

Can the fight without disagreeing?

The fights can begin on any gestation period, but, of course, in the normal one, their appearance falls on the end of the third trimester when they marke the beginning of the generic activities of a pregnant woman.

The mucous plug may move on the last time, and may not move away at all. At the same time, the patients note that, most often, pains appearing during the dishevement of the mucosa, something resembles menstrual. However, it is worth remembering that in this case it is recommended to avoid receiving any painkillers, as this may cause serious damage to the health of the fetus.

Only a child knows when he comes to the time to appear. Therefore, the uncontrolled reception of any drugs during pregnancy is prohibited.

When can bout without traffic jams?

Fights, in fact, can begin on any gestation period. Thus, their appearance is not necessarily associated with the disorder of the mucosa. In the medical center, the fight is made to divide into training and ordinary.

In the first case, we are talking about the preparatory processes in the body of a pregnant woman. The fact is that since the first day of pregnancy, the female organism does everything possible to ensure the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. The whole process of pregnancy provides for the gradual development of the future child and prepare for his birth.

Therefore, starting from the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, some patients begin to feel the appearance of periodic unstained spasms. We are talking about training fights. Their fundamental difference from generic contractions is a small intensity, rare frequency and a rapid end.

Some women can not at all feel training fights, others - feel quite clearly. One thing unites them: they do not lead the body into a state of combat readiness and do not increase strength, but, on the contrary, they quickly pass.

Intensive fights in early pregnancy should be treated with high attention, since their appearance may indicate the beginning of premature births.

Generic contractions are harbingers of childbirth and most often indicate the beginning of the intensive phase of the generic activity of the women in labor. They increase their intensity, occur simultaneously with the disclosure of the cervix and require mandatory finding in the maternity hospital, where the future mother is able to provide the necessary medical care.

Fights without the disheaval of the plug and the accumulation waters

How many women exist, so much individual cases of pregnancy and childbirth. Births can begin after the dieting mucosa, pouring the oily water or the beginning of the bout. But also often there are cases when the fret bubble is punctured by the doctor already in the process of generic activity.

In such cases, the doctor independently eliminates the mucous tube, which remained inside unchanged and the woman's body has not left in a timely manner.

The appearance of contractions is considered the main assistant in labor flow. Such spasms enable the female body to push the fruit naturally. Simultaneously with the disclosure of the cervix and pressure of the fetus, the fights ensure the movement of the future child in the generic paths and contribute to the speedy appearance of it.

It should be noted that childbirth can last many hours in a row. At the same time, the fights can be of different intensity and duration, until, in the end, the desired degree of force is sufficient for the birth of the kid.

Is it necessary to discharge with a traffic jam?

The discharge of the mucosa in pregnancy looks like the appearance on the underwear of a certain amount of selection. In fact, this is the discharge from the vagina, only their nature is absolutely natural and should not cause any concern.

But, simultaneously with the mucous plug, there may be other discharges, such as blood or an oily fluid. Not only the mucous plug, but also the accumulate waters can sometimes leak before the origin. In this case, the fruit ceases to obtain the necessary food and oxygen saturation, so it is necessary to immediately apply to medical workers for help.

We should not forget that there is a danger of infection of the future kid, in order to avoid urgent measures to be taken. Of course, the most alarming for a pregnant woman should be the appearance of the selection of bright scarlet. Such a situation may indicate the presence of pathology, the beginning of premature genera and other processes requiring urgent medical intervention.

The mucous plug closing the cervix is \u200b\u200bquite small in volume, so most often the future mothers do not notice her disheavage. If the number of discharge from the vagina is significantly, then, most likely, we are not at all about the plug, but about the oil-ferrous waters or discharges of another nature.

Can there be pain when moving the plug?

The teleachment of the mucosa during pregnancy, as a rule, occurs painlessly. In any case, the future most of the future mother should not have. But, nevertheless, there are different cases in medical practice.

  • For example, if the mucous plug leaves while taking the shower of the future mom, the relaxed muscles will not be allowed to feel any inconvenience or changes that occurred. Especially if the mucus is colorless or white, or a yellow shade.
  • Also, do not forget about the different sensitivity of a separate female body and about various pain patients.
  • The norm of the norm is considered both completely painless teaching of the mucosa, and the feeling of the nesting pain, similar to the menstrual, muscle tension and pulling pain in the bottom of the belly of a pregnant woman.
  • If there is still a lot of time before childbirth, these symptoms quickly pass and do not tend to repetition.

Each woman in labor is important to be in a relaxed arrangement of the Spirit, listen and analyze any sensations arising during pregnancy. If you are not sure that the body does not require help, or something confuses you, contact your medical assistance, where they dispel your doubts or offer hospitalization.

Video: What is a mucous plug and how to understand what she moved away?

Nature carefully calculated and secured all the conditions for the emergence of a new person. When pregnancy in the body of a woman, there is a restructuring of the work of endocrine organs and respiratory organs, the mobility of joints increases, the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system organs. One of the peculiarities of the pregnancy of pregnancy is the extinguishing from the cervical canal of the uterus before childbirth.

What is a generic plug?

The cervix of a semi-green woman produces a special fluid with a slightly alkaline pH - cervical mucus. This mucus consists of glycoprotein proteins, amino acids, enzymes, sugars and water. It is needed to protect spermatozoa from the destructive effects of the acidic medium of the vagina when they are passed through the female genital paths.

When the kernels of the smithest and largest cells of the human body are connected in the uterine tube - the male sperm and female eggs - the embryo is formed, or a fruit egg. As soon as the germ falls into the uterine cavity and fixes on the mucosa of its wall, the female organism includes the "save pregnancy!" Mode Education in the cervix of the protective cork - part of this special mode.

The cervical mucus, which is produced by the cylindrical epithelium, under the action of the progesterone hormone becomes more dense and viscous, and by the end of the first month of pregnancy completely overlaps the cervical canal. Her destination is to prevent the infection in the uterus, for example, when you have sex or bathing.

When and how the generic plug leaves

As the date of delivery approaches, the overlapping cervical canal is dense and the elastic mucosa cork is diluted. This occurs under the action of the hormone estrogen, which the body of a pregnant woman in the predatory period is highlighted in increased quantities. Simultaneously with this, cervical tissues are shortened and smoothed. Free output free output, the protective cork is squeezed from the cerval channel and removed through the vagina.

The debit of generic traffic jams is one of three significant signs of loved ones. Two other signs - the outpouring of the oily water and generic contractions - testify to the already beginning of the generic activity. The traffic jam in most cases goes earlier - a few days before delivery, and the time of its release is purely individually. This may happen two weeks before delivery, and directly during childbirth. All these options are normal, and you should not impose anxiety.

How to determine what stops traffic jam before childbirth? Generic plug looks like a dense thicker transparent mucus, resembling a raw egg squirrel, jelly or sea jellyfish. Its average volume is about two tablespoons, color - dairy, yellowish or pinkish. It is not scary if the mucus has a small number of bloody fragments, since small capillaries when the extension of the cervix can be damaged.

Generic cork can go in parts, several times, or move away during the morning toilet. So if the birth has already begun, and you never recorded the fact of the output of the mucous plug - nothing terrible: you may just not notice this, or your generic plug is still in place, and will go away with the fruit waters.

If you discovered the outlet of the mucous plug, it is best to leave far from home, and be prepared to quickly get together in the maternity hospital. Try to pay more attention to personal hygiene - more often changing and linen, use the shower, not a bathroom. And yet: you will have to abandon sexual contacts, if so far have happened - the defense is removed.

What should alert when the generic traffic jam?

The following situations may be the reason for unscheduled appeal to the doctor:

  • If the generic cork consists mainly of blood or after the output of the mucous bunch, abundant bleeding appeared. It can talk about the process of detachment of the placenta;
  • If the plug has moved earlier than 2 weeks before the alleged date of birth. In this case, it is not possible that premature birth begins.
  • If the allocations that you have taken for the generic plug have no jelly-like, and liquid consistency, and constantly appear, intensifying when the press muscle is moved or tension. It is possible that this is the accumulating waters that under time up to 37 weeks is dangerous.

However, even in the case when one of the above-described abnormal situations takes place, it is not necessary to pay a panic - modern medicine is quite successfully copes with such problems, and most cases end with successful clauses.

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Tatyanka27 14.07 19:32

To panic when the traffic jam, of course, is not worth it, but it is necessary to turn to the doctor immediately. During the first birth, my traffic jam was already with the beginning of the battle, and I immediately went to the hospital. That is, in the head somehow, the relationship was deposited - the plug was departed, then the childbirth will begin. But during the second pregnancy, the mucous allocations began, it was calm towards them, because the period came up and began to wait for the fights. But even after a day, the contractions did not begin, but allocations continued. I thought it was a traffic jam! It's good that the husband took away to the hospital, there made a special test, and determined that the fruit bubble grew and the child had time to be born, he chips. Urgently caused childbirth. I want pregnant women very responsibly relate to any sensations, allocations, often everything can go not as we assume. It is better to overpire, as they say ...

Many future mothers know that if the mucous plug is in front of childbirth, it signals that they will soon begin. What is such a mucosa as it looks, and how exactly the process of fatting the cork is carried out, you will learn below.

How exactly does the mucosa look like

Under the mucous plug understand gele-shaped mucosal bunchwhich fills the cervix during pregnancy throughout the term. It consists of a cervical mucus that is formed at the beginning of pregnancy and then gradually thickening, forming a viscous tight plug by the time of birth. Normally, it is a clutch with small blood splashes, but without abundant bloody discharge.

The function of this clock during pregnancy is to protect the uterine and the fetus from getting there malicious microbes and infections. Before starting childbirth, such a traffic jam peers and departs, thereby freeing the cervix for the start of the process.

Many people know that the destruction of this mucous clot is one of the harbingers of what the child will be born soon. However, everything is purely individually. Some can be left immediately before the start of childbirth, and other future mothers have several weeks before them.

Like other physiological processes, the discharge of the mucosa plug during pregnancy is due to a number of reasons. When pregnancy in women, the hormonal background changes greatly, therefore the mucus is torn. Often it can leave already at the 38 week of pregnancy, when the body begins to radically rebuild and prepare for the birth of a child.

The main causes of death mucous clots in front of childbirth:

Insofar as change of hormonal background During pregnancy, each woman occurs differently due to individual characteristics, the traffic jam can get out of someone earlier, and someone a little later. But everyone needs to understand how the process of dishelling is happening to begin preparation for childbirth.

How to distinguish the test tube before childbirth

Often primary mother confused the extension of water and traffic jams. We give some differences:

As mentioned earlier, the mucous plug before childbirth may postpone in advance, maybe right in front of them. If after its dishell, the contractions immediately begin, it is not worth worrying. Equally, as in the event that after that you will wait for this event for another week.

Be maximally careful as possible when there are no other signs of emergence of the traffic jam, in some cases you need to consult a doctor. This is especially true when it goes earlier than a couple of weeks to the approximate date of delivery. There are situations where water departs and contractions begin, and the plug never came out. It is impossible to wait for the moment of her extinction in such cases, you need to go to the maternity hospital, the mucus can come out directly during childbirth.

How to understand that the plug during pregnancy begins to move away? In its symptoms, this process resembles somewhat menstruation sensations In the form of pain of sipping character in the lower back and at the bottom of the abdomen. She can also turn away and imperceptibly, for example, during a visit to the toilet. In other cases, traces of mucus remain with the disheve. The mucus is moving or a complete dense clock, or in parts, everything depends on the hormonal features of the pregnant woman.

Features of the emergence of cork at primary and repeatedly

When preparing for childbirth during pregnancy, the hormonal balance in women changes greatly. So, shortly before delivery, the hormonal background affects the muscular tone of the uterus, under the pressure of the fetus cervix slowly expands. the process lasts a little longerthan in repeated. At the same time, the process itself is practically no different, but the time of mucus death can be different. Firstborn are preparing for childbirth longer, and the birth may be longer than those who give birth in the second or third time.

In repeatedly, the length of the waiting for labor after the cork is most often small. The second and subsequent genera are mainly distinguished by their swiftness. Very often they begin for an hour and other after the movement of the plug.

The process of dieting mucosa Not very long, often it happens instantly. But this does not concern cases of its disheaval of parts, then it lasts a little longer, sometimes a few days.

Hygiene after death

It is very important to behave correctly when the mucus has already come out, and the birth has not yet begun. Remember that during pregnancy, she acted as a protective shield against infections. After her removal, adhere to such an important rule of hygiene: it is better not to accept the bath, but to limit yourself to the shower. Also do not bathe in pools and water bodies. The fact is that the water can easily get into the genital paths and to make an infection, despite the fact that the child is additionally crossed by the oily waters.

Sign up the plug is easyYou can hardly confuse it when leaving with other discharges. It is a compacted translucent clutch that has minor splashes that have no pathological nature. These blood clots speak only a small amount of burst vessels.

It is necessary to worry in cases where the mucus after disheaving is too bleeding, and contains abundant blood discharge. It can talk about the start of bleeding and the development of pathological processes. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Is it possible to speed up the childbirth after

Many pregnant women are often interested, whether it is possible to speed up the beginning of the generic activity when the mucous clot is moving. Naturally, few people want to interfere in the natural course of events, especially in the absence of various kinds of pathologies. But if you want without medication help apply the onset of birthYou can use the recommendations of the "experienced" moms.

The easiest way to bring the beginning of the generic activity after losing the traffic jam is to walk and more in a vertical position. So you will help your child quickly go out. When mom is in motion, the child is lowered, and under the action of its strength heaviness moves along the generic paths. This will greatly alleviate pain in childbirth and will allow them to resolve them faster.

The testing of the cork indicates that childbirth is not far from the mountains and the future mom need to prepare for the upcoming eventEven if it happens a few days before it. If you are not bothering you and everything happens according to plan, then there should be no problems and soon you will meet with the long-awaited baby.