What to do to be smooth face skin. Smooth face is easy! Tips how to make the face smooth. How to make skin smooth skin

Hello, dear readers. Recently noticed one feature when used soda, leather dries. So I decided to learn more about how to make the skin soft, smooth and moistened. He asked about this with a friend who watches his skin, and in response she sent a whole article. Of course, I also want to talk about soda, but about it in another article.

If you are simultaneously concerned about inflammation, photorestation and wrinkles, then surely confident that smooth skin is not about you. Fortunately, expert dermatologists of other opinions. By making only 12 simple changes to your beauty-routine, you can achieve smooth and silky skin.

1. Less - it means better, to apply cream on the skin

If you believe certified dermatologists, the first thing you need to stop doing everything that you do now. Nowadays, aggressive marketing is aimed at convincing you to acquire the tenth jar of anti-aging cream or even a whole care system.

And willy-unilies think: "maybe if you apply more diverse tools, the effect will be better?". Sad, but sometimes it can work against us.

Too much of the anti-Age of products or procedures can make the skin more sensitive, cause irritation, redness, dryness, and also aggravate existing wrinkles and provoke the appearance of new ones. Therefore, first of all cease to use everything at the same time.

2. Wash less frequently. Is it possible to wash often soap

Many people think that the key to the smooth skin is a superstitious face, but it is not. In fact, too frequent washing with a much big chance will bring more harm to the skin than good.
For the health of the skin it is really important to gently remove the makeup and flush the dirt accumulated per day, however, the fact that during the day you need two or three times the skin to the screenshot is myth.

Frequent washing can provoke the same negative effects as the use of too much anti-aging products - dryness and irritation. With aggressive washness, we damage the lipid layer, which protects and moisturizes the skin.

That is why dryness appears, with which the skin is trying to cope with the development of even more skin saline. In the end, we get dehydrated, but at the same time oily skin. Just cut the amount of washbasins and give the skin to relax.
And one more thing - after washing, do not forget to wipe the face with toner or lotion. This step will help remove the remnants of dirt, skin saline, dead skin cells, also remnants of the means for washing, which are not flushed with water.

3. Do not squeeze inflammation. Is it worth squeezing acne

We all know how strong the desire to get rid of inflammation with the help of squeezing in the pus, but we advise you to refrain. Acne requires a careful relationship that your dermatologist can provide, and not your fingers.

Similar amateur only will extend the life of inflammation, not to mention the risk of infection and scarring. A competent dermatologist will not only take care of acne, but also picks care for you, which will help to avoid the appearance of new purulent inflammation.

Well, how to get rid of black dots on the face, the article published earlier will help you. You can read.

4. Exfoliate the skin, but do not cease. Than to depart the skin of the face

A truly smooth skin requires removing dead skin cells. The fact that exfoliation can dry the skin or thin it is a myth. Regular exfoliation accelerates the process of refreshing skin cells, while naturally producing such moisturizing agents as hyaluronic acid. The exfoliation also helps to make the skin more dense, as it spills the production of elastin and collagen.
It is strongly recommended to use non-abrasive scrubs that can injure the skin due to particle content, and peelings based on natural acids that gently dissolve dead cells on the surface of the skin so that new living cells can replace them.

5. Wash your brushes. Your health depends on the cleanliness of the hands

How often do you wash your makeup brushes? Most likely, not enough. Dirt, remnants of makeup and skin fat are an excellent place to reproduce bacteria, which, falling on the face, cause inflammation.

Fortunately, cope with these is very easy, since even the usual soap is suitable for washing the brushes. At the same time avoid soap with the addition of flavors and dyes.

6. Stick up healthy nutrition. Healthy food is natural vitamins

The saying "You are what you eat" how it is impossible to suitably suitable under the topic affected, as the skin is the ideal reflection of our internal health. In order to make the skin smooth, you need to enter into diet food rich proteins and omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Such products will help keep moisture and restore the reserve of natural moisturizing factors in the skin.
Dermatologists argue that the abundant use of superfudov will also help improve the texture of the skin, fill it with moisture, make an elastic and smooth.

This includes the above-mentioned protein products (salmon, tofu, soy, sardines); High omega-3 products (almonds, salmon, sardines, walnuts, linen seeds); Such antioxidants for fast regeneration of the skin, like vitamins A, C and E (carrots, sweet potatoes, nutmeg pumpkin, berry); Minerals such as magnesium and zinc, which contribute to the production of hyaluronic acid, one of the most powerful leather humidifiers (soy, algae, carrots, pumpkin seeds, wholegrain products).
If you do not want to radically change your power system, then at least follow the advice of the famous cosmetologist Joanna Vargas. Joanna advises daily to use green juices, which will become an excellent replacement of afternoon coffee. According to her, the effect of fresh green juices, which help to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen and stimulate lymphatic drainage, will have a positive way on the skin of the face after a few days after the start of the reception.

7. Drink more water. How much water drink on day

There is a million reasons why you should often reach a glass with water, and smooth skin is one of these reasons. No dermatologist or cosmetologist will deny that the amount of non-pool fluid drinks directly affects the skin condition. When the body is sufficiently moistened from the inside, the skin becomes smoother, soft and elastic.

More about how much water to drink on day can be viewed in a previously published article ,.

8. Use sunscreen

Most people already know how important it is to protect against sunlight, but not everyone understands that the skin condition is also very much depends on how much time you spend on the sun.

Penetrating into the skin, ultraviolet rays are damaged, which are manifested in the form of wrinkles and flaws of the skin. To extend the youth of the skin, use the Sanskrit daily. Stop your choice on a suitable SanCrine for your face, it is desirable with such components such as titanium oxide and zinc oxide.

9. Moisturize the skin

Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize again. Moisturize the skin twice a day. Moisture will fill micropholes between dry skin cells, which will help make the skin more smooth. The degree of desired humidification depends on the time of year and the environment.

For example, a very hot shower, especially in winter, deprives the skin of such important moisturizing components as ceramides. Therefore, it is better to wash in warm water, and then scrupulously apply moisturizing means for three minutes after the shower. It will help even more to get skin moisture.

10. Use natural

The key to the smooth skin can not always be found on the shelf of the pharmacy or cosmetic store. Sometimes the simplest, most natural products can give your skin that the most glow that all girls dream of.
For example, you can adopt a mask based on natural yogurt as a means for smoothing the skin. Yoghurt in this mask works and as an anti-inflammatory ingredient, and as exfoliating, since yoghurt contains milk acid.

Strawberries tighteners, and almond flour is a soft scrub that cleans pores. It is recommended to make such a mask twice a week.
First of all, moisten the cotton disk in the apple vinegar and wipe inflammation, then apply a mask:
- one cup of yogurt
- Polfluga Strawberry Maste
- Hollow of almond flour (finely ground almonds)
Mix well and apply to the whole face. Massage movements raise the T-zone in which black dots appear. Leave the mask for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

11. Apply reinforced care for the night

At night, your skin needs additional care, so you should not use your usual daily moisturizer. For a night caring agent, pick up a means with retinoids. Retinoides stimulate the production of collagen and normalize the cellular update.

12. Conference clean linen

Keep clean all the fabrics that come into contact with your skin. This is a bedding, and a night shirt. Special attention is paid to the pillowcase, as it is most often contaminated, and has direct contact with your skin.

13. Do not ignore cosmetology procedures

If most of the tips and funds do not help you, there is nothing galloping to resort to the help of cosmetologists. There are a number of specific problems that require interventions of professionals. For example, pigmentation, acne, pedestal, visible damage from sunlight. In all these cases, the procedures can really give visible results.

The human skin is constantly exposed to environmental factors: the sun, cold, air. Because of this, it becomes coarse and dry. The skin will become smooth and smooth if a little change the routine of the day and lifestyle.

Daily care

How to make skin smooth and smooth without visiting salons? Start your day with dry exfoliation. With such a technique, dead skin cells are removed, and blood circulation is stimulated. In this case, the skin becomes fresh. The procedure must be carried out on a daily basis. Then the skin will become shining.

Dry peeling. How to do?

How to properly carry out the procedure? Follow the instructions:

  1. To the skin is not injured, you need to pick up brushes made of natural fibers.
  2. Movements must be confident, short and directed from the limbs to the center. The whole body is wiping, and a separate small brush is used for face.
  3. For dry exfoliation, the skin should be dry, contact with a dry brush and damp skin is not so strong. Therefore, friction will be weak. As a result, the effect will not be so noticeable.

Bathing in cool water

How to make skin smooth and perfectly smooth, as well as maintain it in such a state? We need to wash in cool water. Water treatments in hot water lead to excessive dryness, microtraums, a feeling of strut appears. The transition to cool water should be gradual in order not to get sick. Water room temperature gradually must be reduced to a colder. This will save the skin tightened. Some useful recommendations:

  • The duration of the water procedure should be no more than 10 minutes so that the skin does not dry.
  • Wash too much with cool water.
  • Hot baths can be used, but not often. They are good to remove stress.

How to make skin smooth and smooth during water procedures? You can exfoliate the skin in the shower with the help of hubs, washcloths or a special exfoliating glove. Such a procedure will help get rid of dead skin cells. The scrub for these purposes is also perfect. Just do not need extra diligence, it is necessary to rub the skin gently. For the face you need a separate urine. On gloves), damaged particles of the skin and bacteria remain so that the skin does not arise and it continued to remain gentle, it is necessary to wash it regularly.

Too frequent use of soap to keep the smoothness of the skin for a long time, undesirable. Cleaners who are part of the shower gels, scrubies, soap in bars, make dry skin. At the same time, the raid, which remains after their use, is not flushed completely. Therefore, the skin looks dim. In such cases, soap based on natural oils is suitable. Also, wash just water will be appropriate. With soap wash parts of the body that sweat the most.

Application of oils

How to make the skin of the body smooth and smooth, so that the effect remains for a long time? Applying a lotion or moisturizing cream after the shower must. So moisture is maintained in the skin cover, it forms protection against dry air throughout the day.

To make the skin beautifully glow, you can use coconut oil. It dissolves quickly on the skin and gives it additional moisturizing.

How to make the skin of the face smooth and smooth if it is sensitive? For such purposes, the shea oil is perfect. In winter, the skin especially needs additional care, so Lanolin can also be used.

Deep downward humidification can be achieved with olive oil. It is applied to the skin. After that, within 10 minutes it should absorb. Then it must be washed and wrapped dry.

Flawing and dry leather faster loses its elasticity and softness. How to make skin skin smooth and smooth? You can return its beauty with the use of lotions with lactic acid. Especially they are suitable for the skin of heels.

Sensitive and burnt the skin in the sun will be soft after applying aloe vera gel.

Male leather care

To properly care for the skin, it is necessary to determine its type. There are such types: dry, oily, combined, peeling or normal leather. It is necessary to carefully inspect your body and determine the "front of work", for which sites need a more thorough care. Only then conduct procedures aimed at eliminating the shortcomings. How to make smooth, smooth skin man? Men should also be well-groomed, like women. Therefore, tips on how to make the skin be beautiful, fit and the strong floor. Care recommendations:

  • With extreme caution, you need to treat areas of the skin where acne appeared, regardless of whether they are on the face or on the body. Dry brush will make only worse, new rashes and inflammation will appear. You also do not need to use soap or other substances that will only exacerbate the situation.
  • Skin with diseases such as Rosacea, eczema, deserves a more attentive relationship. It is necessary to apply only such funds that will not harm it. In addition, you need to refer to the doctor who will assign the right decision.

Physical exercise

What will help except caring funds? How to make skin smooth and smooth? Methods have a variety of. One of them is physical exertion. The skin will come into tone, and blood circulation will improve. The general condition of the body will be better, and it will be visible on the skin.

Need the following exercises:

  1. To improve blood circulation, you need to walk more, run, ride a bike or swim. In addition, the skin will acquire a healthy shade.
  2. You can strengthen the muscles using power training with dumbbells. The skin tone will become smoother, and the figure is more touched.
  3. Stretching. With its help, the muscles will remain in good shape, which will also improve the skin condition.

Food and Smooth Leather

How to make skin smooth and smooth using proper nutrition? The lack of nutrients in the body is reflected on the skin. If you add more fruits, vegetables, protein and wholegrain into the diet, then the skin will acquire a natural glow. Also at its condition will well reflect the inclusion in the diet:

  • Nuts and avocado. Useful fat, which is contained in these products will help the skin to remain elastic.
  • Products that are rich in nutrients and trace elements. For example, sweet potatoes, carrots, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, mango and blueberries are rich in vitamins A, E and S.


It is also necessary to consume a large amount of fluid. Fresh and radiant skin becomes due to the saturation of the cells with the necessary amount of moisture. Dehydration usually leads to the fact that the skin dries. At least 8 glasses per day need to maintain her healthy state. Also, a large amount of water is contained in fruits and vegetables, in such as cucumbers, salad, apples and berries. Herbal and other teas that do not contain caffeine, useful. You can also drink water with lemon.

Harmful substances for skin and organism

There are substances that harm the whole body. And first of all, it affects the skin. These include:

  • Tobacco. Tobacco use is fraught with the appearance of spots and wrinkles ahead of time.
  • Alcohol. Due to the fact that it delays water in the body, the skin stretches, loses its radiance and becomes gray. And the ability to dull useful substances from the body leads to the fact that blood vessels are bursting. Therefore, alcohol consumption should be limited.
  • Caffeine. Because of him in the body there is dehydration, which adversely affects the skin condition. One cup of coffee per day is quite admissible if you wash it with a large glass of water.

Right habits

How to make the skin smooth and smooth, while not spending big money for visits to the cosmetologist? It is necessary to start the correct habits. Let's look at:

  1. Apply sunscreen on a daily basis. With the help of the Sun, the skin will become shining due to the sun, but it causes harm to the skin. Permanent location is fraught with the appearance of wrinkles, stains, and can also lead to skin cancer. The tool must be used even in winter before entering the street. Sunscreen is applied not only on the face, but also on those parts of the body that will be exposed to the sun.
  2. You need to go to bed only with peeled skin. Makeup need to wash off. In cosmetics there are substances that will affect it all night, and this is very harmful to the skin.
  3. Lack of sleep also negatively affects its condition. Therefore, the night sleep should be at least 8 hours.


There are many ways to maintain skin in excellent condition. They can be combined. It will not be worse if physical exercises and proper nutrition are added to correctly selected cosmetic care.

At birth, our skin, especially on the face, is smooth, soft and flawless, as if silk, but smooth skin of the face every year of life still remains in the past. Smooth smooth face skin depends on many factors: poor nutrition, stress, summer heat, cold winter air, cosmetics, environmental pollution, which make a smooth face ugly. If you, like many people, are worried about the fact that your skin has ceased to be smooth as in youth, know that there are some simple things that you can do at home so that the face is clean and smooth.

How to make skin smooth skin

In this article, we will not talk about hardware ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face and about other expensive cosmetic procedures. Nature itself allows you to make the skin smoothly smooth at home without special financial costs.

Smooth face masks: lemon, honey and olive oil

Honey works and as a cleansing agent for the skin, and as an anti-inflammatory agent: Honey struggles with flaws of the skin of the face, and its antioxidants reduce signs of aging. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as other nutrients that can help get rid of skin problems. In addition, lemon for the skin of the face is useful in that it gives it shine, reduces dark stains and clarifies the skin tone. Olive little women began to use in ancient times. Olive oil improves skin elasticity and face skin color.

In order to make a mask for a smooth face, you need to take an equal number of olive oil, honey and lemon, mix the ingredients, and then with the help of a cotton swab to apply the mixture on the face. A mask for a sleek face from honey, lemon and olive oil should work for about 20 minutes, then rinse it with warm water or leave it for the night - but do not forget to wash it in the morning.

Smooth skin of the face requires moisture

Moisturizing cream helps the top layer of the skin to keep moisture, which in turn, allows the skin to remain smooth. The best time to use the moisturizing cream is immediately after the soul, it will remain the residual moisture after the water procedure. In addition, the moisturizing face cream must be used in cold weather before going out on the street. By the way, do not forget to apply moisturizing cream and for the skin of the hands after soaking dishes or other homework

If you have normal skin skin (not too fat or too dry), try a moisturizing water-based cream. If the skin of the face is dry, you need to use a moisturizing cream based on glycerin, oil or wax, which evaporates so quickly. People with oily faces should also choose moisturizing water-based cream.

Video: Homemade skin moisturizing

The face becomes smooth after removal of stains

If you suffer from pigment spots on your face or traces from acne, you can delete them with a few simple procedures. Salicylic acid based products naturally exude a skin, remove acne and prevent acne education. Read on our portal article about 30 ways to remove traces from acne. Benzoyl peroxide is another effective means to treat from moderate to heavy acne. You can also use the remedy for cleaning pores or homemade face masks that have already been mentioned above.

Many people - both women and men suffer from dark spots on the face. The medical term of this problem is melanomium. Details on how to remove dark spots on the face, read in this article on the portal of Moscow medicine.

Video: Households from spots on the face

Get rid of wrinkles to be smooth smooth skin

Wrinkles appear not just because we are older, but because our skin loses its elasticity and begins to weaken. Wrinkles can be unsightly phenomenon and can make smooth skin ugly. Good news is that there are various creams that can get rid of wrinkles, as well as various natural means.

Two excellent example of homemade masks from wrinkles on the face, it is milk with honey and one lemon juice with sugar. Detailed information How at home to deal with wrinkles on the face in this article about the massage of the face

Smooth skin of the face it means to be cleaned and depart!

One of the most important things to be done to make the skin of the face is smooth, it is regularly cleaned it. Ideally, you must use a facial cleansing agent twice a day, as this will allow you to get rid of dirt and oil on the skin and in turn, will return the radiance, and it will be smoother.

In addition, if you need smooth skin skin, it is very important to remove any makeup before bedtime. Every woman knows what he should do it, but most feel too sleepy or just too lazy to actually do it. The problem is that if you leave your makeup for the night, your skin will become dim and you increase the chances of the development of wrinkles.

You should also regularly depart the skin - it is necessary to remove dead cells that have accumulated on it.

Protect yourself from the sun so that the face is clean and smooth

The sun is the largest source of skin damage, so you should always protect it to avoid symptoms of the influence of the Sun, such as coarse or dry skin, freckles, wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. The best way to always have a smooth face is to avoid the Sun, when it is most active as possible, as a rule, between 12 and 16 hours. If you have to go outside at this time, always put your hat with wide fields. You should also use SPF sunscreen at least 15; Always check that it is waterproof.

Proper nutrition for smooth skin

Everyone heard the expression "What are you that you eat", and when it comes to your skin, it is very for sure! If you want your skin for a long time to go smooth, you should have products that have a high content of vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D. Vitamin A and Vitamin C, play a particularly important role in the way the skin is smooth and clean preventing the appearance of spots and acne on the skin. In order for the skin to be smooth, it is also important to consume a lot of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids - their fruits, vegetables and green tea - these substances ignite your skin from infections and retain it smooth.

The most important part of a healthy diet for your skin, however, is simple water. Keep in mind that most of the human body consists of water, and you must maintain a proper balance to keep the skin moisturized.

How to make a face smooth with a healthy lifestyle

Of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is good for your health as a whole, but few understand that a healthy lifestyle can also help you have a smooth face. When you make various exercise, you have a blood circulation, which in turn allows the skin to get more nutrients. Physical culture and sport can even help minimize wrinkles due to an increase in the production of collagen by your body.

Smoking, on the other hand, can harm skin, smoking gives the skin a yellowish or brownish shade. Alcohol can also cause skin problems, as permanent or significant alcohol consumption leads to problems in the liver, which in turn causes an unhealthy yellowish skin shade.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about how to make the skin smooth face , It is intended only for informing the reader. It can not be a replacement for consultation by a professional medical worker.

Probably, many noticed that a woman with perfect skin of the face decorates one sweep of carcasses and a translucent lip gloss, and those who have it prone to the formation of pigment spots, the appearance of black dots and extended blood vessels, does not save even the perfect eye and lips makeup.

You can fight this injustice of nature and need. So how to make the skin of the face perfect?

Defining body cover factors

The skin is a body that is affected by the general state of the health of the body. And if this indicator leaves much to be desired, then the reason is worth looking inside the body.

If you notice that you look older than your peers, decide and pass a comprehensive examination. Take care of chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal bodies.

After all, nutrition in the health of the skin is of great importance. Take a decision once and forever refuse fast food and semi-finished products, turn on only useful and natural products in your diet, which do not include chemical components.

And most importantly - drink more fluid. After all, water is the first thing that needs skin for humidification, radiance and elasticity.

Avoid stress, long stay in the cold, sun and wind. If you have at home or at work too dry air, buy a moisturizer or simply set the room with water tank. In the period of heating the premises it must be done.

Discard bad habits, because smoking leads to a steady earthy color of the face, which over the years is only enhanced. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially carbonated, was fraught with edema, in particular, the formation of bags under the eyes.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular walks in the fresh air contributes to the work of early wiping and aging skin, it is necessary to remember this.

Purifying face

How can I make a face perfectly clean? You should not neglect the morning washings and never go to bed without removing the cosmetics.

Today, in stores you can find cleaning foams, milk, creams and gels for every taste and wallet, but an increasing number of consumers prefer to use home cooking tools and there is nothing surprising in this, because scientists have already proven that the abundance in cosmetic products of petroleum products adversely affects on skin condition.

We are talking about parabens, lauryl sulfate sodium, mineral oils, propylene glycol, crystalline paraffin, etc. If you do not have the opportunity to acquire the cleansing agents from professional cosmetologists who make them themselves, you can do this personally and store the prepared composition in the refrigerator.

A low-fat kefir can be used as a cleansing agent. Apply a little this product on your cotton disk and rub your face. Repeat the procedure several times, and after moisten the disc in the decoction of medicinal herbs. To do this, it is impossible to suit the decoction of chamomile flowers or infusion of green tea.

Deep purification and matting

How can I make a face perfect? Ensure deep cleaning of the pores from dust and dirt. This is especially true of those who have increased, and the skin is prone to the formation of acne and acne. At least twice a week, the face must be cleaned with a scrub or peeling.

To do this, it is required to unpack, so that the pores revealed, and apply one of the following formulations by massaging movements:

  • mix on one tablespoon of coffee grounds, grape seed oil and honey. Treat face and rinse with warm water;
  • mix on one tablespoon of sugar, shallow sea salt and grated on a grater of fresh cucumber. Use with the usual way.

If your skin is characterized by greedy glitter, in no case cannot be applied to it based on the basis and hydrogen peroxide. Thus, it is only possible to increase the selection of subcutaneous salts.

Use a matting tone base or matting tone cream, only it must have SPF protection.

This will help protect the bodies of the body and prevent the secrecy of the sebaceous glands under the action of sunlight. However, looking for a way to make the perfect tone of the face, it is necessary to remember that using simultaneously multiple matting agents, you can get the opposite effect.

Fight inflammation and pigment stains

The appearance of pigment stains is always a nuisance for a woman. To disguise them, special cosmetics are needed, such as cream with soy extract or high concentration of retinol. With strong manifestations of pigmentation, cream with hydroquinone can cope.

At the same time, you can try to eliminate the problem with the help of the funds of traditional medicine:

  • cooking the infusion of cleanliness and wipe it places with pigmentation: brew 1 h. Grass 1 glass boiling water, cool, strain and use for destination;
  • the same effect has lemon juice, which can be actively involved in the composition of various masks, and you can prepare a solution based on water and juice in a ratio of 1:10 and wiped them the affected places.

An annoying and unpleasant to wake up in the morning and see the red purulent pimple on the forehead or chin, which appeared so closely before the first date or an important interview. In this case, the mask with sulfur will help:

  • in ΒΌ h. l. Water pour sulfur at the tip of the knife, mix and apply to the problem area. If you have more time in stock, you can prepare such a composition: in the same proportions of water and sulfur add 1 tbsp. l. Kaolina, 5 drops of grape seed oil and 2 drops of Bergamot or Rosemary essential oil. Mix everything, to handle the skin of the face, and after a quarter of an hour, washed with warm water. This tool cleans perfectly, tightens the pores and brightens the skin.

When inflammation, the use of a cream with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide is shown.

And you can also prepare such a composition:

  • beat the protein of one egg before the formation of the foam, add 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil, and after, without stopping stirring, pour a little starch. As a result, the consistency of thick sour cream should be. Apply the composition on the face of a quarter of an hour, and after washed with warm water. Course treatment - 10 masks from breaks in 2 or 3 days. If necessary, after 3 months, repeat the course.

Eliminate bags under the eyes

If, after a rapidly spent night, you have to get up early and prepare for an important meeting, and you do not know how you can make the perfect makeup of a person who would not give out fatigue, rewind and bags under the eyes, you will have to try a little.

To start, wash, apply a cream for the area around the eyes, and after a liquid consilet on the inner corner of the eye and grow it along the line of growth line of the lower eyelid with light pattering movements. In this case, the color of the consistent should be one lighter skin shade.

Each girl dreams of having a soft, smooth and elastic skin, while the weak floor representatives are lost when choosing a solution to this problem. Beauty salons offer their services, Internet Chisit a lot of recipes in order to achieve smooth skin at home.

It is no secret that the beauty and health of the skin depends primarily from the correct purification, tone and nutrition.

1. Purification of the skin
Cleaning the skin follows in the morning and in the evening, while choosing funds needed depending on the type of your skin. It should be remembered that for dry skin it is necessary to pick up more gentle agents.

2. Toning of leather
For skin tones, lotion will help you or cosmetic ice, such as chamomile, can be purchased in any pharmacy or prepare yourself. Therapeutic properties of the chamomile will also calm the skin.

3. Feed skin
Then, the skin cream should be applied to the skin, do not forget that the cream based on glycerin should be chosen in winter, in the spring and autumn - vitaminized cream, in the summer - moisturizing.

Also to achieve the desired effect should not be forgotten about scrubs and masks. Moreover, today there are many options Cooking at home. Here are the main of them:

1. Kefir mask to smooth skin and treat acne.

  • 2 tbsp. Clay mix with kefir and bring to thick consistency, then add a couple of droplets of oil from rosemary.
  • Apply on the skin of the face and keep 10-15 minutes.

2. Mask from tomatoes (eliminates inflammation on the skin)

  • Take a ripe tomato and mix from 1 tbsp. Honey.
  • Apply a mask for 15 minutes.

3. Peach mask (for shiny skin)

  • Mix peach oil with a lavender, clove and oil of Chebrets.
  • Apply to the skin for 5 minutes, then make skin massage.
  • Then wipe the skin with a tonic without alcohol.

This procedure is repeated 1 time per week for oily skin, for normal and dry skin no more than 2 times a month.

Mask for Moisturizing and Nutrition Body

To do this, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of cottage cheese and lemon juice: 2 500 ml cream cans mix with 1 kg of cottage cheese thoroughly and apply to the body with a thin layer to leave for 30 minutes. Then wash off with water.

Massage with the use of brush and further body moistening with oil will help from goose skin in the thigh area. A more tangible effect will be if the massage is alternating with sports.

Do not forget that food, lack of bad habits, healthy sleep and sports, together with the procedures described above - the guarantee of the health and beauty of your skin. Come on, comprehensively to the improvement of your body, and the result will not wait long for a long time.