Day of the elderly: the history of the holiday, traditions, congratulations. Material (younger group) on the topic: holiday scenario dedicated to the day of the older generation

Marina Pchelintseva
Scenario of the holiday "Day of the older generation-2013"


(for employees and veterans of the kindergarten)

Guests enter the hall and take their seats.


Each time has its joys, its colors.

Winter - pleases us with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Spring - the first greenery, freshness. Summer is full of colors and flowers. Autumn - with its generosity, rich harvest. This is probably how it is in a person's life. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years are the time for the flowering of creative forces, the time for accomplishments, caring for children and grandchildren.

On this day, we want to congratulate all the people dear to our hearts - the older, wiser generation. Don't let the wrinkles that appear scare you - they, like rays, warm the hearts of those around you. Happy holiday, dear ones, and all the best to you!

1. Nature changes color,

The weather is changing

And the golden sun

The rains follow

And behind the warmth - bad weather,

Behind grief there will be happiness

And youth into old age

A person changes.

2. So life goes in a circle,

Years rush to each other

But joy, hope

The year and century are filled.

And on a bright autumn day

Accept the concert as a gift

Our dear

Our good man!

"Congratulatory Song"

1. We invite you all to the concert, friends,

We will give you our kind smiles,

Forget about your sorrows

We will sing and dance with you,

Let's sing and dance with you!

2. The sun shines high in the sky,

How good it is to live in this world,

And the years do not grow old where there are children nearby,

Stay with us in the garden always,

Stay with us in the garden always!


1. You created traditions

Fighting in us - from you!

It's a life position

Called now!

2. Your undertakings are the main ones,

You have a strong footprint in life,

Thank you, our glorious,

Veterans of yesteryear!

3. The heart is warmer today,

Many exciting thoughts.

We want to congratulate you on the meeting

Veterans - workers, teachers!

4. Work as an educator,

Live always, loving children,

Shine and shine with light

And spend a whole century of myself

What an honor to acknowledge this!

We continue the relay!


(under the backing track of the group Dune "Communal Apartment")


You know, somehow I can’t turn my tongue to call you elderly people. You are young at heart, you have such soulful, beautiful faces. May I call you young people? Let's celebrate Young Person's Day today then. Do you agree?

If you feel bad, how do you deal with such a mood?

What is the main quality of character that you value in people?

What should not be done to always remain kind?

What advice would you give to the younger generation, to your grandchildren and granddaughters, to be like you.


It can be said for sure that the secret of your youth is optimism and hard work.

Now we will see how cheerful, optimistic you are and how you can cope with the task.


(2 participants are selected, who are invited to guess 5 songs each (backing track, the winner is awarded a mini-prize)


Host: I have prepared poems for you,

But you can help me read them!

As soon as I raise my hand, Signal!

Everyone says the word "health"!

We must know the laws of health!

Take care of your health and protect!

Health means a lot!

Everyone's health is more important!

And good health for the benefit of all people!

May mind and health

Spirituality, kindness

Here they rule over pain

And life will be bright!


There is a childish joke. Parents had no time, and grandfather went to the parent meeting. He came in a bad mood and immediately began to scold his grandson:

Ugliness! It turns out that you have solid deuces in history! For example, I always had fives in this subject!

Of course, - answered the grandson, - at the time when you were studying, the story was much shorter!

We want, dear ones, to wish your story to continue as long as possible, so that your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will please you ...


SONG "LET THEY RUN Clumsily ..."


Host: This is where our celebration ends!

It's time for parting

We ask in our hearts to save you,

And instead of the usual words "Goodbye!".

We say: "See you again!"

Guests go to the Winter Garden for tea.

Concert program dedicated to the Day of the older generation "Love, Reverence, Care"

Good afternoon, dear guests. We are starting the concert.

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons, and in the Russian Federation this holiday has been celebrated since 1992.

On an October autumn day, it has become a good tradition note a holiday dedicated to worthy, wise, respected, in spite of everything, persistent and hardy people with a capital letter! To you!

Musical accompaniment No. 1 "Fanfare" (0.15 sec)

For you stands ……………. Isakovsky's poem "To a Russian Woman"


This day is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of your hearts, for the strength given to work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation.

Today in our hall there are many who wish to congratulate you on this significant day.

For you: …………….. with the song "Black Cat"


"Elderly" - does not apply to you,
The word is only for passports,
You are young at heart,
Let love burn in your hearts!

Scene "Grandma's day off»


Today is our Sunday,
I won't wake up Grandma now.
For breakfast, I'll probably fry potatoes,
I'll bake a pie and cakes with jam.
All this is not difficult for me to do myself,
After all, Grandma should have a day off.
… Food on the table and bouquets in two vases
- Go, granny!.. Granny, well, where are you?

I'm in the kitchen! I'll take it off the floor now
Salt, butter, potato skins...
Then scrape off I must hurry
Dried dough from the walls and doors ...
Jam from the window, I'll wash it off the ceiling
And have breakfast, granddaughter, I'll sit down with you.


Don't let the years scare you.
And wrinkles will bypass
And gray hairs only from happiness
White frost will fall.
Be happy, healthy
Cheerful always,
Stay young
Let the years go by.

And now I invite you to the stage

………………. with the composition "How the fog has fallen"


Your role is invaluable
In our life - it is!
And such relatives, loved ones
On this day, you can't
Don't congratulate, respect
And do not give warmth!
And all congratulations for you,
Wishes to live long!

…………………… Yesenin's poem "Oh you Rus"


Gentle, sincere words of warmth,
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

Performing……………………. "Gypsy"


To cheer up we have an intellectual game -

Quiz Kinoman. Participate, don't be shy!

What movie is the phrase from?

1. Live well, and live well even better (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

2. And what about the father, do you have brides in your city? (12 chairs)

3. With a slight movement ... of the hand (Diamond hand)

4. Unsubstantiated, Watson ... (Sherlock Homes)

5. So that you live on one ... salary (Beware of the car)

6. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid (Striped flight)

7. East is a delicate matter Petruha (White Sun of the Desert)
8. But who will plant him ... he is also a monument (Gentlemen of Fortune).
9. The meal is served ... sit down to eat, please (Gentlemen of Fortune)

10. Fedya needs to .... (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)


Not one step towards old age

Not an hour to sorrow

But only in joy

And only in vigor!

Performs for you


Let it be warm from sincere words, from pleasant moments,
From the fact that there is a lot of goodness around,
Let the mood get even better!
May life always be generous with gifts!

………………….. poem "For you"

Years flew by, and there were adversities,
And as if you did not notice them,
And if bad weather comes again.
You will remember the songs of the young winds!

Song of yesteryear - Katyusha. Join us. Let's sing along (musical accompaniment No. 3)


Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,
On a high bank on a steep one.

Came out, started a song
About the steppe, gray eagle,
About the one you loved
About the one whose letters she kept.

Oh you, song, girl's song,
You fly after the clear sun.
And a fighter on the far frontier.
Say hello from Katyusha.

Let him remember a simple girl,
And hear her sing
May he protect his native land,
And Katyusha will save love.

Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,
On a high bank on a steep one.


The happiest moments
The best news!
So that from warm congratulations
It has become brighter!

Life will be more wonderful, brighter,
All dreams will come true!
inspiration, good luck,
Gentle words and beauty!


Let's all forget how old you are, because you are young at heart, and take part in the competition:

1. tie a scarf to each other. 4-6 people go out.

If you want to participate but cannot come, we will come to you. Let's raise our hands!

Distributing supplies for the contest. begin.

(musical accompaniment No. 2)


May it always be spring.
lives in your heart,
Let the rays of the flower
Bloom for you!
Happiness - without measure!
Health - without measure!
Lots of success
Hope and faith!

Scene Grandfathers and grandchildren.

1- Hello Peter! You won’t go out on the bench to sit, tryndet, about this and that?

2 – Yes, what are you, I haven’t done my homework yet.

1 – What are the lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You finished school a hundred years ago!

2 - Yes, I do - huh? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren.

1 - Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

2- Really? Is that how you pamper them?

1 - I do not indulge! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite me cleanly.

2– Oh, really strict.

1- So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2 - Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem Hm - hm ..., There is a green oak near the seashore; golden chain on that oak...
1- Yes, good!

2 - And day and night the dog is a scientist ...

1 - Am I a dog? What dog? What dog?

2 - Well, I don't know what breed he has.

1 - Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

2 - A - a, I understand - I understand! I then first, At the seaside, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist ...


2 - He goes to the grocery store with a shopping bag ....

1 - With what string bag? Which deli? Where did you see this?

2 - Oh, what are you, friend! I have so many more lessons, I messed everything up.

1 - What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2-She's already been named.


2 - Col! It is put to those grandchildren for whom grandfathers do homework.

1+2 = Oh-ho-ho! Eh!


Wonderful, amazing
Let it be every hour!
Looking forward to new discoveries
Delight, shining eyes,
Smiles, inspiration,
Warmth and beauty!
On this wonderful holiday
Let the dream come true!

Chastushki for you (musical accompaniment No. 4)

At least you are old people
But you are young at heart.
You always stay
Young up to a hundred years old!

The old woman says to her grandfather:
- I'm going to America!
- Go, I'll give you money:
I will sell your crutches.

Two old women without teeth
They talked about love
- We are in love with you:
I - in sour cream, you - in pancakes.

Grandmothers and grandfathers,
Clap your hands.
And dance until you drop
Don't feel sorry for your feet!

Grandma was peeling potatoes
Grandfather sang songs on the roof.
Grandma whistled a little -
Grandpa flew into the chicken coop.

Smoked pots
Julia cleaned with sand.
Two hours in Yulia's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

We will sing and you will dance
You don't spare your feet.
After all, you are not old yet,
You are young at heart!

On my sundress
Cockerels and cockerels
In the whole world there is no more beautiful
My sweet grandmother!

Congratulations on the holiday,
And we wish you with all our hearts.
For you to live long
And you bloomed like flowers!


There were forgiveness in life

And the bitterness of separation

And there were joys

But there were also pains.

And time goes by

And the years fly by

You look ahead

Looking back.

Performs …………… with the song “I give you music”


We are grateful to you for the past years,
For the fact that you are bad weather to spite everyone,
Overcoming all storms and hardships,
Laugh so fervently and lightly.
Thank you for the sparks of fun
They will delight anyone
And the autumn of life in an instant
Blooming spring wrapped.
Thank you for your concern.
You are our vanguard and reliable rear.
Your character, friends, is of such a nature,
That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

Performs ... ... the poem "The Day of the Elderly".

Now I ask those who participated in the quiz and competition to raise their hand, show where you are.

(we give gifts for participation)

May every day

What fate took

Brings joy with the sunrise.

And a lucky star shines on you

Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

Our concert is over for you. Thank you very much for your attention. Sweet treats await you in the hallway.

(You can add any number of concert numbers, it all depends on the time you have).

Working with the elderly is one of the priorities of the district's libraries. Many of them work closely with the District Social Welfare Centers. These are, first of all, the libraries of the districts of Kuzminki, Lefortovo, Lyublino, Nizhny Novgorod, Yuzhnoportovy. On the basis of the CSO of the Nekrasovka district, the club "To whom over 60" operates. Events in which library No. 117 holds. In library No. 134 for day-care pensioners of the Kapotnya TCSO, the clubs "LIK" and "Nature and Man" work.

In 2015, pensioners attended clubs of interest: “PK World”, “Computer ABC”, “Inspiration”, “Bereginya”, “Meeting”, “Moscow Yards”, “Stoletnik”, “Kladez”, “Non Boring Age”, "Veteran", cinema club "Kaleidoscope of life", etc.

SEAD Libraries cooperate with Councils of Veterans. Events for the older generation are held throughout the year, but special attention is paid to them on the Day of the Elderly. This year, 21 events have been held by this date.

Recently, library No. 113 presented a gift to pensioners of the Tekstilshchiki district - a creative evening of Gennady Petrovich Malakhov, a well-known popularizer of non-traditional ways of leading a balanced lifestyle, author of books on improving the body, participant and host of a number of television programs.

Library No. 110 celebrated the 90th anniversary of the active reader of Library No. 110 - Aelita Ivanovna Bobrova. Veteran, home front worker, member of the Writers' Union - she is an indispensable participant in all library events.

I would also like to note the evening “Autumn of life is a golden time!” in library number 121 in the Southport region. The evening of popular classical vocal music was attended by laureates of international competitions - singers: Maxim Timofeev and Marina Muravieva, concertmaster - Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Delitsieva.

Librarians with great love and warmth prepared these events for their readers of the "golden age".

On October 1, in (Perovskoye Highway, 16/2), the event “Honor your parents - you will be happy!” dedicated to the Day of the Older Generation. Our guests watched a presentation about the holiday, after which a fascinating conversation took place. A little later, the bard Natalya Alexandrovna Zheguleva joined us and sang songs of her own composition for the guests. The evening passed in a good and friendly atmosphere.

On October 1, in the children's department (Tashkentskaya st., building 18, building 1), a meeting "They have no feelings of age" was held as part of a meeting of the family literary club "Firefly". Before starting the crafts, a conversation was held with the children using an electronic presentation. Regular members of our club know how nice it is to give something that is made with your own hands. The children were happy to create, while showing a lot of imagination. They put a piece of their heart and soul into the work, because giving joy and love to loved ones is a great happiness!

October 3 (adult department) invited everyone to the literary and musical evening “O age of autumn! He is dearer to me than youth and summer ... ". In this autumn season, we honor and thank all those who dedicated their youth, health, strength, knowledge to their children, their people. Our viewers received congratulations from the Good Mood team, which fully justified its name. Speaking through poetry, songs gave enthusiasm, youth to all those present. The sincere, warm atmosphere of the evening ended with a collective tea party.

1 OctoberForpupilsd/ With 339 Vchildren's (st. Zhigulevskaya, d. 6, To. 2 ) took placematinee « Humanelderly - Thisfundgold» dedicated to the day of the elderly. At a holiday dedicated to the kindest, most beloved and loving people in every family, the children talked about how they love their grandparents, how they help them. The children read poems and guessed riddles. We were happy to play the role of a cook, helping to distribute products for soup and compote. In conclusion, the guys watched the m / f "Grandma's Lesson".

On October 1, the literary and musical program "Glorious golden age" was held dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons. The audience didn't get bored. Good mood, jokes, puns and laughter became the main events of this meeting. The event was decorated with fragments of works by favorite poets and the most provocative and cheerful songs. The evening was a wonderful leisure activity for older library readers.

On October 3, a literary and musical program was held in the Children's dedicated to the Day of the elderly. The children, readers of our library, were told about the history of the holiday, about books and songs about our beloved grandparents. The story was accompanied by a display of color slides, R. Pauls' song "Golden Wedding" sounded. The children, in turn, prepared poetic numbers. At the end of the event, the m / f "Masha and Magic Jam" was shown.

On October 1, a festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Older Generation "And autumn is beautiful when spring is in the soul" was held.
The day of the older generation has another name - the day of kindness and respect. On this day, we tried to congratulate those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.
Students of the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanova congratulated the present veterans on the holiday and performed specially prepared creative numbers.
We would like to express our gratitude to the young artists for their high performing skills and sincere generosity. With special warmth, we would like to thank Olga Ivanovna Borisova-Nesterenko, teacher of the piano department, for her high professionalism in training young artists and readiness for cooperation.

October 1 held a literary porch, dedicated to International Day of the Elderly. The library staff prepared a literary composition "It's not a problem for us!".

On October 1, 2015 in (Trofimova St., 15) the festival "Age of Wisdom" was held, timed to coincide with the International Day of the Older Generation, for home front workers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Yuzhnoportovy district. The choreographic group "The Scarlet Flower" congratulated the guests. The children delighted the veterans with incendiary dances and songs. Also, a book by a resident of the region, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Professor Boris Dmitrievich Gudkov - "The Northern Sea Front of the Country" was presented. The author spoke about the history of the creation of this documentary work, shared his memories of the years of his service in the Navy. In conclusion, congratulations were made from representatives of the district administration and the newspaper "Our District - Yuzhnoportovy", the guests were presented with gifts from the company "Good People".

September 26, 2015 in (P.Romanova st., 6) was held the evening "Autumn of life - golden time" dedicated to International Day of the Elderly. It was attended by laureates of international competitions: singers Maxim Timofeev (bass-baritone) and Marina Muravieva (soprano), accompanist - Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Delitsieva. The employees turned to readers - the elderly - with words of gratitude for the warmth of their hearts, wisdom, strength given to work, experience that they share with the younger generation. Young singers performed popular romances and arias from operas. The readers thanked the speakers with warm applause for the talented performance of such works as Don Basilio's aria from D. Rossini's opera "The Barber of Seville", P. Tchaikovsky's romance "I bless you, forests!", the Neapolitan song "Santa Lucia!". A book-illustrative exhibition "And old age is joy" was also presented. At the end of the evening, all readers were presented with souvenirs in honor of the holiday.

On October 2, for the older generation, the historical hour "Feat of Valor and Honor" was held dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 and its main battle - the Battle of Borodino. Viewing the presentation “Journey to 1812. The battle of Borodino”, prepared by children from the circle “Kompyunishki” for the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War and the presentation “Borodino bread” - a story about the fate of the Tuchkov brothers, heroes of the war of 1812. A review of the book exhibition "1812 - The Year of Russia's Military Glory" was prepared for the event. The exhibition told about writers and poets - eyewitnesses of those formidable events.

On October 1, in (Rogozhsky settlement st., 5) a big festive concert of the choir "Chants of Russia" took place under the leadership of Boris Harutyunyan for members of the club "Vstrecha" and residents of the microdistrict. The concert program included Russian folk songs and songs by B. Harutyunyan. The audience received a big gift for the International Day of the Older Generation. The library team congratulated Boris Harutyunyan on the 50th anniversary of his creative work and expressed their deep gratitude for the preservation of the traditions of the musical culture of Russian song.

On October 1, the International Day of Older Persons was celebrated in (Saikin St., 9/1) with a literary and musical composition "How young we were." The librarians congratulated veterans and representatives of the older generation at the exhibition “Autumn of Life is a Golden Time”, and then, together with pleasure, they listened to the singing of bard Valery Sorokin and poems by Anton Belyaev. All participants of the event received flowers, sweet gifts and a lot of positive emotions.

"The best age!" - this was the theme of the literary and musical drawing room, which was held in. Our most beloved and grateful readers came to visit the library on the "Day of the Elderly", which is celebrated annually in Russia. The guys from different creative studios of the Maryino district delighted our viewers.

October 3rd at (Shosseynaya st., 50) a literary and musical evening was held "Happy Day of Ageless People" dedicated to International Day of the Elderly. This autumn evening, the vocal duet "Moscow Outskirts" performed for our guests. Russian romances and songs performed by Alla Golikova and Eduard Tsarev created a spiritual atmosphere in the hall. The performance of the artists was accompanied by multimedia slides, and at the end of the festive program, our reader L.M. Korneeva read poems of her own composition, endowing everyone with warmth and good mood.

On October 3, in (St. Batyuninskaya, 14) a literary evening-dialogue "And drink some tea and discuss a book" was held dedicated to the day of the elderly. All invitees were able to participate in the discussion of short stories-sketches from the collection of our reader L.I. Zhuravlev. E.L. Borisov performed songs by famous composers and his own composition.

You have seen a lot
Huge experience behind.
I wish you this day
Live with peace of mind.

Bathe you in love, care
Beloved, dear people.
So that you are always respected
No problems were known.

I ask respect not for age
And not for the gray hair of the elderly,
Our swift age will be lived,
And someday we will catch up with them.

I ask you to respect the era
What the elderly had to go through:
In the poor mostly, but not bad,
There is something to remember, something to grieve about.

For the great time of battles
And for the good work
For the romance of their relationship
And always for great faith!

For roads, benches and squares,
For the built cities.
The elderly can be an example -
How well lived the years!

Laughter was sincere, joy was open,
Sometimes the whole yard was invited to visit.
We are the traditions of this forgotten
We don’t remember, it seems to us - nonsense.

We don't know housemates
We don't know who's name is.
Young, we live differently
Our comfort and coziness is more important to us.

But let's say today
Elderly dear old people
Just a kind word, dare
Tribute to give them to the great years.

We have a lot to learn from them.
And it makes sense to teach youth
Only strive for good in life,
And people older than us - respect!

Dear veterans of life and work! Congratulations on the Day of the elderly! We wish that age is not an obstacle to getting joy, happiness and great pleasure from life! We wish you a wonderful mood every morning and for the whole day, love of relatives and friends, respect and understanding! May your bodies be cheerful and healthy, and may your spirit always be on top and strive for the Lord for comfort and joy!

Health is the most precious gift
Which, like water, do not get drunk,
Let the mischievous fire of youth
It sparkles joyfully in your wrinkles,
Let children, grandchildren appreciate, cherish,
The heart will be hot, the mind will be cold,
And let the years run slower
Happy International Day of the Elderly!

The venerable age must be honored,
After all, you deserve respect!
I wish you a happy life
Please accept my congratulations!

Let the soul fill with warmth
Let health not be naughty
Let your house be cozy
May peace always reign in it!

Let there be children, grandchildren,
Let them visit you more often
So that you forget about boredom
So that your every hour is bright!

You are so wise, because you have seen a lot,
After all, life has passed like a long road,
We wish you to smile more often
Take care of your health, do not be upset in vain,
So that you live easily and well,
And your house was bright and big,
And there were many guests in the house,
Relatives and your closest friends,
So that tears drip from happiness
And do not be embarrassed by cute wrinkles!

On International Day
All older people
Health, peace to you,
Only good news.

Love, honor, strength,
Comfort and warmth
Let the young in the heart
Spring is always roaring.

Congratulations on your holiday!
May there be no troubles in life
I wish you good health
Live for at least a hundred years.

Let the soul not grow old
Will be forever young
Heart flutters with love
Regardless of the year.

Each acquired wrinkle,
With every gray hair
You can boldly be proud
You are an example to all young people.

We congratulate you today
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We trust endlessly
We respect, appreciate, honor.

Vigor, health, strength,
Ease in business, love.
Grandchildren to visit, to go,
Children, so as not to disappoint.

Let there be youth in the soul
And experience with wise eyes.
Prosperity, grandchildren, kids.
Let the children please with calls.

Comfort in the house and love
For the whole family and neighbors.
May the spirit be invincible.
Happy life, not average.

The day of the elderly has arrived.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Look great to a hundred
May all days be good!

We wish you tenderness, warmth,
Good health always
So that life flows smoothly
Let trouble not knock on the house!

October 1 is a special day. A day when you can safely bake a cake, prepare congratulations and invite grandparents and grandparents to the holiday. Today, the whole world honors the elderly.

It is only in youth that life seems long, health is inexhaustible, and the prospects are wide. Over the years, especially in old age, a person understands more and more that his problems forever remain purely personal and, at best, can only be of interest to close relatives. But it's not. The world community has not bypassed the issues of the elderly.

There are many social and state programs aimed at supporting the elderly, and even an official holiday. The whole world honors people who have crossed the 60-year mark on the Day of the Elderly, which falls annually on October 1.

Who celebrates the day of the elderly?

How often do we remember our elderly relatives? The bustle of life, constant troubles and problems do not leave a free moment for most people to think about their own lives, not to mention caring for the older generation.

At best, the younger generation remembers their aged parents, grandparents on their birthdays.

What can we say about that old woman whom the inhabitant meets every day at the bus stop, hurrying to work. Does the thought come to mind that she may need help, or maybe her grandmother, there is no one to talk to and a word at all.

There is an excellent occasion, since there are not enough opportunities for daily care, to remember your elderly relatives. Dedicate some of your precious time to them on October 1, which is the Day of the Elderly in 2016.

Who should be congratulated on this wonderful autumn day? Of course, their parents, who gave their children their best years, grandparents, who tirelessly care about the well-being of children and grandchildren.

And don't forget about distant relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and, of course, about that granny that you encounter every day at a bus stop or in a supermarket.

Remember how many old people were left without care and absolutely alone. Definitely, you can give up on such social problems. It is the business of the state to ensure the old age of its citizens. But do not forget that the years are fleeting, and with his actions and relationships, a person lays the program of actions for his children.

Therefore, the Day of the Elderly is not only a holiday for people wise with life experience, it is a day of respect, a day of gratitude, a day of help, in which everyone without exception, regardless of age, gender and status, should take part.

history of the holiday

It would be unfair to say that before the advent of the holiday of the elderly, the issues of the elderly were not raised in society, and children did not take care of their parents in age.

In many families, traditions passed down from generation to generation are sacredly honored, relatives gather not only “on occasion”. Senior men and women are respected and their opinions and advice are unconditionally listened to. And who doesn’t love grandma’s pies or quiet cozy home gatherings. Such communication without a reason brings together and gives warmth to the soul.

No less important has always been considered the issue of the elderly and at the state level. Medical quotas for treatment and rehabilitation, social and targeted assistance. Even the maintenance of nursing homes can be safely attributed to one of the points of a kind of care. For some of the old people, this is the only shelter and way of survival.

Why, then, the question of organizing a special holiday became relevant. Surely without this, people and the entire community did not have enough opportunities to not forget about the global nature of such issues.

First of all, the holiday is organized as a tribute of respect and gratitude to the older generation. Not in the last place was the issue of reducing the life expectancy of people on the planet. Such an indicator depends on the social security and health of the elderly. Important were the problems of old age for low-income citizens and people living in third world countries. Not every person is able to ask for help, to say out loud about their problems.

Therefore, the UN took care of the sad statistics, stating that more than a billion people on the planet have crossed the line of old age, which, in relation to the total number of inhabitants, was more than 10%. Understanding the relevance of the aging society and the demographic situation, the Ball Assembly proclaimed a resolution on the establishment of a special day dedicated to the elderly. The event fell on December 14 in 1990, but the celebration has been celebrated since then on October 1.

At first, the initiative was supported by European countries. Russia joined the celebration in 1992, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation was adopted, which spoke about the importance of the problems of the elderly. Later, the holiday found support both in America and in other countries that are not members of the UN.

For a quarter of a century, the International Day of Older Persons has acquired its own traditions and, most importantly, achieved its goal - to change the prejudiced attitude in society towards the elderly.

For centuries, the cult of ancestors was not always held in high esteem. There were terrible customs, according to which weak old people were thrown to a terrible death. Yes, and modern society was not distinguished by loyalty to pensioners, and outdated stereotypes became a stumbling block in solving many social issues.

Thanks to the holiday of the elderly, it became possible to speak openly about the problems of the elderly, pay tribute to their many years of work and care, and take small but real steps in providing much-needed assistance to them.

Undeniable facts about the elderly

When does old age come, that is, old age? Judging by generally accepted standards, this category includes people over 60 years old. Officially, a person who is over 75 years old is already considered an old man.

But is it possible to judge the age of the passport data. Someone even at the age of 70 remains a mischievous grandfather-boy or an enthusiastic grandmother-entertainer, and for someone, “spiritual” old age comes already at 35.

In many ways, of course, the condition of people of age depends on the social status and material security, and this fact is undeniable. Healthy nutrition and expensive treatment, timely examinations and preventive health improvement, a variety of leisure activities and activities of interest and interest are not available to every person after retirement.

But you must admit that in order to make airplanes with your grandson, plant strawberries in the beds and even write scientific papers, it is not necessary to focus on the lack of resources. How many happy grandparents run in the park in the morning, take strollers with their beloved great-grandchildren or devote their free time to their favorite hobby.

After all, this is a wonderful age when the children have already grown up, a career has been made, and a house has been built. And finally, the time has come when you can devote your life to yourself and your forgotten dreams.

And many older people do just that, surprising their friends, and all the inhabitants of the planet with their achievements. It turns out age is not a hindrance to fame. And dreams are obeyed by confident and persistent.

So, the dream of an American nurse, and later a housewife, Katherine Josten was only 60 years old. After the divorce, the lady plunged headlong into acting, achieving world fame and receiving 2 Emmy awards.

The famous KFC restaurant chain was breathed life by the old Colonel Sanders, when he was no longer 60 at all. Having failed with his diner, the man did not give up, but created a unique recipe for roasting chicken, thanks to which he gained popularity.

The first exhibition of paintings by Anna Maria Moses took place when the grandmother from America turned 80 years old. The lady remembered her hobby after the death of her husband and continued to write until the age of 101.

Old woman Nola Oks received her first higher education at the age of 95, returning to interrupted studies after 73 years.

And history knows a lot of such facts. Historians and scientists, millionaires and athletes, artists and writers became famous and rich precisely after the age of 60.

But not all people, having entered retirement age, rush headlong to conquer new peaks. For most, such changes in life become a huge stress. To remain out of place, to become a burden, to lose the possibility of self-realization, to feel unnecessary or, in general, superfluous - such a prospect frightens many.

Caring children and grandchildren can support, make it clear that life goes on. Therefore, it is so important to involve your elderly relatives in any field of activity.

Do not refuse help, trust your old people - their indispensable experience will be a good help in life, and for them such activities will be akin to a second wind.

For some pensioners, on the contrary, there is time for sports, participation in public and social life. And according to the results of polls, the dream of many old people is travel and, of course, health, and the lonely are not averse to acquiring romantic relationships.

How to congratulate the elderly?

Don't miss the Day of the Elderly in 2016, which will be celebrated on October 1st. This is a good reason to dedicate this day to your elders. It is not necessary to organize grandiose feasts, it is better to consider options for a cultural program.

For your loved ones, you can organize a barbecue in nature - an autumn and still warm day is conducive to such family leisure. Or you can just help clean the garden, do laborious work in the garden or around the house. But do not forget about communication by organizing home gatherings with a cake.

Get acquainted with the program of cultural events that take place in the city. Why not tell mom and her girlfriends about interesting concerts, fairs or competitions that are held on this day by public or government organizations in their honor.

Take part in charity events: donate your creative works that can be realized at charity fairs, provide sponsorship.

And, of course, prepare congratulations that can be sent in the morning by SMS or presented in the form of a beautiful postcard.

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Day of the elderly. So I want to say more of the most affectionate, most sincere words, so that their warmth can warm and always remind you how we honor your care, your love. Let your eyes shine with joy, your soul does not lose its passion and youth, and all illnesses and misfortunes are bypassed.

Every day we remember your concern,

We honor your experience and hard work.

On a holiday dedicated to the elderly,

Words are spoken in your honor, and fireworks are thundering.

Set aside sewing and knitting for a while,

Forget the awl and hammer

On this day, accept congratulations

Our beloved senior.

Larisa, August 30, 2016.