Why does the girl not want to talk to me? Girl doesn't want a relationship? The reason is always in you! The girl does not want a relationship with me

Asking himself the question of what to do if the girl does not want to communicate with me, the guy can not always find the answer to him on his own. Why isn't she replying to my messages? What is he doing without me? If she doesn't want to see me, does she have someone else? Men are at a loss when a girl suddenly leaves or simply stops communicating without explanation. Men want but don't know.

No one wants to lose their girlfriend, but all attempts to resolve the situation are faced with the categorical “I don’t want to talk”? Then it's time to take a sober look at the relationship and figure out why this is happening. What are you doing wrong?

Why did she start ignoring

If a girl suddenly realized that she no longer wants to communicate, before taking any steps, you need to figure out the reasons, and for this you will have to analyze and objectively evaluate the actions of a man. So, what could be the reasons that girls start to ignore:

  1. Resentment for some act or inaction.
  2. Manipulation. She has some goal that she would like to achieve in this way, plays the game "understand me."
  3. Loss of interest. She discovered that the chosen one turned out to be completely different from what he tried to seem at the beginning of the acquaintance. The girl concluded that she did not like him, she did not want further communication. Maybe a rival has appeared on the horizon, so all her attention is riveted to him.

How to understand these fickle girls, why do they leave and what do they want to achieve with their behavior? Such decisions are not made overnight by girls, for sure this thought has been brewing in her head for quite some time, while you were still talking, but the alarm signals went unnoticed.

She either directly said that she was not satisfied with the relationship, or tried to point out in hints what she wanted, but she never got it. Let's figure out how to act in a given situation, if we want.

What to do at the very beginning

The first step is to calm down and take a short break. Both partners need a little time to comprehend what is happening. And you yourself need to answer the question of whether it is really needed, is it ready for action in order to? If she does not want to communicate with me, is it worth wasting time or is it time to leave? If the guy is determined, then you should use the pause wisely, analyze your actions,. Remember her reaction, draw conclusions.

Girls love decisiveness and responsibility in men. When you need to achieve your goal, you should go to the end. The initiative has always been the prerogative of men, you should not expect action from her. In no case should you become limp and humiliated, this is a way to lose respect. You must always remember that a girl will not leave a worthy man. If she understands that she is important, then she will not end the relationship.

Having understood the main reasons for the gap, having analyzed all the mistakes in communication, you should start working on yourself, eliminate shortcomings, develop advantages and go directly to action.

Let's move on to action

Let's look at the steps that should be taken depending on the reasons for her departure. If this is an insult, and the reason is known, then everything is in the hands of the guy. The result will most likely not be long in coming. Even if the act does not seem so terrible, you need to take it for granted that for her it can be really important and insulting. Apologizing to her personally, being sincere, admitting that you offended her and promising not to do it again - that's the right decision. And be sure to keep your word!

The guy needs to be prepared for the fact that she will not immediately forgive, but a start has already been made, you should not go astray. Gifts and surprises will help speed up the process. Presents do not have to be expensive, but proportionate to the offense that caused the offense. It is better to give one rose 10 times than to bring 10 roses once.

But the reason for her resentment is not always known, it happens that for no reason at all she simply stops talking. Everything is more complicated here. No need to turn on the "sapper" trying to guess the real reason. It is better to calmly ask why the girl left and does not want to communicate, and say that without knowing the reason, it is impossible to do anything for reconciliation. She will not tell everything right away, but you need to be patient and behave with dignity. When her answer about the reasons is received, it is time to apologize. If she constantly shirks, but she herself cannot explain anything, you need to be extremely careful. If this behavior does not go away after a couple of days, there is an attempt at manipulation.

How to counter if she's manipulating

If a man calmly and without accusations asked a specific question, what she was offended by, while expressing a desire to improve relations and make amends, but there was no answer, you need to wait a while and ask the same question again. If she does not explain anything, then it is important to remain firm and indicate without accusations that there are no reasons for such behavior on her part and it is better to stop it in order to save your relationship. The next tactic is counter-ignoring. The ball is on her side, it's up to the guy to let her know that he's not going to play these games.

Maintain stamina, do not succumb to whims, while not losing your face and not breaking into hysterics. This is the best response. If you manage and not succumb to provocation, then she will understand that such games do not bring the desired result.

Another effective way to resist manipulation is to distance yourself. Actively engage in your life, spend time as useful and bright as possible, and at the same time in public, so that she can see who she can lose because of unreasonable grievances.

This technique of distance causes a strong attraction and interest in women, but here you need not go too far so that she does not have real reasons for resentment. It is important that she does not feel that she is indifferent. Distance should be alternated with approach, when you let her know that you still want reconciliation and still have feelings for her, and then move away again if she continues to manipulate.

What to do if the guy is no longer interested in her

There is only one reasonable method here - to become an interesting person. And above all interesting for himself. You need to leave for a while trying to get in touch with the girl and engage in your development. Where to begin? Do something that builds masculinity:

  • sport;
  • improving their professional skills;
  • reading books on self-development;
  • study of new areas of activity;
  • increase your earnings;
  • achievement of the set goals.

Sooner or later, changes will become noticeable to others and to that very girl. At some point, she will look at the former with completely different eyes,. This will be a new start of communication. But do not expect a quick result.

But what if he would be happy to apologize and demonstrate his best male qualities and positive changes, but only she disappeared from the radar and there is no way to talk? You can make some effort and be in her news feed, get on the pages of the magazine she reads, or even on television. But the quickest and least expensive is to convey what you want to say through her girlfriends.

Even when it is not possible to talk with the chosen one in any way, no one will forbid to communicate with her friends. The main thing here is to demonstrate your changes for the better and the seriousness of your intentions, but without undue obsession.

A friend will certainly convey all the details of the conversation to the girl, only she will add her impressions and emotions, and this can play a key role in shaping a new opinion about the guy. In this situation, it will be useful to use psychological tricks to win over a friend, for example, by giving her a compliment.

There is always one useful thing about a break. This is an occasion to take a critical look not only at the relationship with the girl, but also at yourself, at your strengths and weaknesses. Is the guy ready to change and become the kind of man his lover wants to see in front of him? If yes, then these tips will help you.

Girl doesn't want a relationship

Dating & Pickup

Girl doesn't want a relationship

If a girl says that she is not ready for a serious relationship, then it is quite difficult to convince her. The bottom line is that if a girl says: "I'm not ready for a relationship," it means that she doesn't like you.

But you should not exclude such cases when the girl really does not have the time or desire to build a serious relationship. In this article we will try to give advice on the last category of girls.

What to do

Think about why you need this particular girl. Is it just because she's attractive? If this is the only reason, then you will have problems. Because beautiful girls do not experience problems with male attention. So think again whether such a girl is suitable for a serious relationship or not.

Reciprocate. The best way to encourage a person to do something is to forbid him to do it. So be joyful, be friendly. Say you don't want a serious relationship either. And it will bite the girl.

Show her that you can be a good friend. Friendship is the key to any serious relationship. If there are common interests and topics for conversation, then you can always interest her to spend time with you. And everything can happen there.

If she tells you that she is not interested in a serious relationship, then you have shown her that you are in love. And that scares a lot of girls. So don't show your feelings anymore. If she is ready, she will remember everything herself.

If you are friends, then do not forget about touching. Random touches, touches, hugs can put her in a more serious relationship. Moreover, girls in friendship with guys allow themselves much more than the guys themselves suggest.

Don't ask a girl to be your lover. Every time we put a girl in front of a choice, we can lose her. Therefore, there is no need for any framework or ceremonies. Walk with her and enjoy her company. Nothing more is needed.

Consider her interests. It's trite, but almost everyone forgets about it.

  1. Most girls say they don't want a serious relationship only when they don't like a guy. Since it is impossible to make someone fall in love, it is worth spending your energy, time and money on the one that will reciprocate.
  2. Very often, those who have been severely wounded in the past do not want a relationship. Therefore, you can not pressure and force a girl to meet with you. Let it happen by itself.
  3. In order to change the attitude of another person to yourself, you must first change yourself. So successful work, successful hobby, successful friends. And then the girl herself will understand what a fool she was.
  4. Know how to admit defeat if the girl does not give in to your charms. Much better to spend your time on something else. There is no need to fight for something that cannot be won.
  5. And finally, if a girl refuses you, perhaps she already has a lover, or she secretly loves another guy.

What you need to know

  1. While you are trying to get a girl who refuses you, let those who sincerely want to become your soul mate pass by.
  2. The more you talk about your feelings early in the relationship, the more desperate you seem. And that scares every girl. And almost everyone will run away from you. So self-confidence and self-sufficiency are always useful in a relationship.
  3. You don't need to deceive yourself. If a girl walks with you, goes to cinemas and cafes - this is not a sign that she is your girl. Girls love to take advantage of guys and offer nothing in return.
  4. There are a number of girls who want to be surrounded by male attention. At the same time, none of the men can become her gentleman. These girls need attention, not relationships.
  5. If she offers to remain friends, then she is not interested in a relationship with you.
  6. There are many girls around. And every guy will be able to find the one that will be waiting for him.

If you want to please a girl who does not want a relationship, you will have to put in a lot of effort. As you know, men and women, like beings from different galaxies, express their feelings in different ways. Most girls who say "I'm not ready for a relationship" are simply not interested in the guys who are told this. There are very few real situations when a girl is really "not ready for a relationship." Although there is always a chance that you may be rejected if the girl you like is in no hurry to end the conversation with you, do not take the phrase "I'm not ready" too close to your heart, but invite the girl to spend time together. After reading this article, you will learn how to behave in this situation.


Approach the girl you like

    Think about why you want a girl to like you. Just because she's beautiful? If this is the only reason that moves you, you are on the wrong path. To a beautiful girl very often show attention only because of beauty. With so much attention, a girl can feel lonely and misunderstood. She may begin to think about her personal qualities if beauty is the only reason for showing attention to her. Think about what attracts you to this girl. Holding someone's hand just because of their looks is cruel. Before you show your interest in a girl, think about your motives. Pay attention to positive qualities:

    Be attractive to women. If you want a girl to pay attention to you, be attractive to her. This should be expressed in your appearance, behavior and in your relationships with other people. By making some changes, you can not only make yourself more attractive to women, but also become a more confident person. It is not necessary to resort to drastic changes. Start simple: stay hygienic, listen carefully, do something nice for others (not just when she's around).

    Talk to the girl you like, even if she doesn't show interest in you. Let her know that you like her. Try to develop a friendly relationship with her. However, be careful not to act aggressively or be too intrusive. Ask her about something that both of you are interested in. You can tell her something about the weather, about school, or about something she might be interested in. You can break the ice if you offer her your help. For example, help her complete a project or homework. Choose interesting topics for conversation. Don't talk about politics, religion, past relationships, or traumatic events.

    Don't send conflicting signals about your feelings. The term conflicting feelings refers to the difference between how others perceive you and your behavior and how you evaluate yourself. A girl may refuse you if you send her conflicting signals. For example, you may constantly talk about other girls and your past dates, or you may be late for a date, which may also cause a girl to ask questions.

    Be a good friend. If she's really not interested in a relationship, or she can't be in a relationship right now for whatever reason (family, school, work, health, etc.), don't pressure her. Be a good friend to her. Give her support. This is especially important if she is facing a serious problem, such as the death of a loved one or illness.

    • Respect her right to privacy and personal space. Don't try to solve her problems or give her advice. Just let her know that you are there and ready to listen to her.
    • Be a good listener. Do not rush to express your opinion and resist the temptation to decide everything for her.
    • Make a plan for how you can show your attention to her. Offer to pay for her at a cafe or give her a ride home. Simple good deeds, like bricks, can eventually become a solid wall of strong relationships.
  1. Joke with each other. Nice funny jokes are a way to show your interest in someone. Jokes can defuse tense situations. When you make fun of someone, do it in a way that doesn't hurt the other person. In addition, the girl must understand that you do not want to hurt her feelings, but only show your interest in her. You can make fun of what she eats or the style of music she listens to.

    Flirt with her. Flirting is a universal and essential aspect of human interaction with the opposite sex. When flirting, look at the girl, smile, and then quickly look away. You can also compliment her or act like an old-fashioned gentleman by holding the door, letting the girl in front, giving her something to eat in a cafe, or carrying her purse. If you're already in a close enough relationship, you can brush a strand of hair out of her face, give her a hug when you meet, or sit next to her. If she is not indifferent to you, she will take a step towards a meeting and will also flirt with you.

    Make her jealous. One way to get a girl to show interest in you is to keep a little coldness in the relationship. If your relationship is at an impasse, start chatting with other girls. By doing this, you can make her jealous, and she will appreciate your relationship even more.

    Build an open relationship. If you love her, and she loves you, but is afraid of any commitment, you can build an open relationship. An open relationship is a relationship without obligations. Everyone in your couple is free to do whatever he wants. You can afford to flirt with other girls. If you are between 18 and 24 years old, then an open relationship can help you become emotionally mature and learn how to communicate with the opposite sex. In an open relationship, it is important to establish ground rules so as not to hurt each other's feelings:


A woman may say she doesn't want a relationship. And not for any particular reason, but simply because.

And don't take it seriously "I have too much work now" or “I haven’t moved on from past relationships yet”. These are all excuses. The reason is different. Why does a girl really not want a relationship? What to do if a girl does not want a relationship? To spit on everything and not meet or turn on the man mode and achieve it?

What if the girl doesn't want a relationship:

1. What is the reason she doesn't want a relationship?

If a girl says she doesn't want a relationship, she's lying. Yes, yes, that's exactly what it is.

3. You can not force.

What should be done? First of all, explain to yourself that not all is lost. You have many other options.

It is with this attitude that you can begin to take action to win the girl.

4. Stop worrying about what she thinks.

Stop thinking about what's on her mind. Develop the habit of not replaying various possible outcomes in your head. Make it easy for yourself. Be that as it may, the most important person in your life is yourself.

Therefore, you should only care about what you personally feel. Based on your feelings and emotions, your behavior should develop. A woman keenly feels your mood and notices all the hidden signals of behavior. How you feel is of paramount importance.

Your self-confidence, stamina and originality will determine which group you are in: potential friends or men.

Relax and accept that she needs you as a friend. Take care of yourself, have fun, have fun and do not limit yourself in communicating with other women.

It is forbidden:

  • send her messages every day;
  • share your "feelings";
  • ask her when she will be ready for a relationship;
  • give her too much attention;
  • put pressure on her.

What then is possible?

1. Befriend her friends.

No one has such a strong influence on her as her friends. So one of your goals is to befriend her friend.

If you suddenly found yourself at the same party, try to get to know her friend better. Chat with her, show yourself from the best side.

You can use this useful acquaintance for another purpose. She will see how much attention you pay to her friend and may become unconsciously jealous.

There is a chance that she will wake up the fear of missing you. It will also get worse if a friend starts telling her how cool you are.

2. Let things unfold gradually.

I understand how difficult it is to force yourself to be patient and learn to wait.

So, if she is not ready for a serious relationship, build a non-serious one. Start dating her on an occasional basis without determining your status.

The goal is to give her the impression that she doesn't owe you anything. That she is still free and dating you just like that.

After calling her a couple of times, wait for the next time she will do it herself. Don't try to talk to her about relationships.

The essence of this method is that over time, she will begin to get used to your meetings and become attached to you. And this leads directly to a permanent relationship.

3. Set deadlines.

This doesn't always work. Therefore, you must determine for yourself the terms during which you are ready to continue to achieve it.

If you don't invest, get over it. Most likely, it really is about her. Then give her freedom.

You have no right to spend a lot of your time on something that cannot be fixed now. It is likely that on the next street you will meet a woman who is ready to build a relationship with you.

If a girl told you that she doesn't want a relationship, know that this is not always true and not necessarily forever. Try to find out what is really hidden behind these words.

If you do everything right, you will see that you have every chance of becoming her boyfriend.

Did you read the article? But how do you put all this information into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to achieve a specific girl?

You will learn about this at a paid training "How to turn a woman's NO into a woman's YES".

Reading time: 2 min

How to get a girl is a question that worries not only losers and those who have no experience in building male-female relationships, but also guys who are quite wise by experience, for whom either the significance of a particular girl is great, so I want to reduce the chances of failure or the worked out ways of achieving for some reason not worked.

Any girl must be pursued directly and confidently, without building complex workarounds. The primary task will be to indicate to the girl what type of relationship (intimate or serious) you want with her, otherwise, with the help of fantasy or expectation of your perseverance, the girl can give you an honorable place in the friend zone, and pay attention to someone who clearly offers her a serious relationship. Act confidently and always choose to take action over inaction if you don't want to watch her being taken away from you with the same gestures. Girls love impudent, but cheerful and kind guys, so, having caught such a wave, you can appear in her thoughts more often than a deeply spiritual and always pleasing bore.

How to win a girl's love

The girl must be pursued honestly, i.e. after learning that she likes motorcycles, you should not pretend to be a biker, not even knowing how to ride a bicycle. Be yourself, without straightening and amendments, no matter how great the temptation to appear before the chosen one in the image of her ideal. The truth will still come out, and the degree of disappointment may outweigh her desire to stay with you. You should not strive to merge into a magazine image - this is also bad because they are all of the same type and merge after the third acquaintance into a single lump. By being yourself, you get a chance for uniqueness and the opportunity to hook a girl with your own chips, which she can appreciate. And if this does not happen, then you should not be upset by the unrequited feelings of a person who is not able to accept you?

In order to more easily arouse sympathy, remaining yourself, compliments should settle in your arsenal. Give up standard phrases, and after carefully observing the girl, note and praise what you really like about her and what is valuable to her (it is better to praise a shirt sewn by a girl than a beautiful walk or eyes - where the girl spent her energy, elicit more response).

Becoming the one who can cheer her up better than others, make her laugh, talk about positive things even in the most terrible situation - this will help the girl fall in love with you. Joint laughter brings together, creates a sense of community and trust between people. And when the relationship begins to gradually warm up, you can begin to bring in a certain amount of romance.

How to get the love of a girl? Give the young lady flowers, bring goodies, invite her to the cinema or for an evening walk around the beautiful places in your city. Show courtesy, care and patience. Establish more visual and tactile contacts, but keep the edge of propriety. Look closely, learn to talk with your eyes, and do not look at her like at a fair. Try to touch her, but do not squeeze, it is quite appropriate to take her hand, straighten her curl, stroke her shoulder. Touches should be appropriate in context (it is better to hug at a meeting than in the middle of a story about historical facts dug up in the library).

Each of your dates will strengthen and develop the feelings that have arisen more and more. Your task at this stage is not to spoil what has been achieved (by sudden disappearance, inattentive attitude, rudeness), but rather to bring relations to a new level. When the first sympathy has manifested itself, the girls want to make sure that the young man's intentions are serious and can arrange provocations or start monitoring your reactions to small factors. No matter how much she says, sitting with a sad face and a colorless voice, that everything is in order with the mood, and she will cope, do not back down, find out what happened and help as much as you can.

Surround her with beauty, lightness and a pleasant sense of security. Keep an eye on your appearance - rushing to the salon and buying yourself a new wardrobe will be too much, but it's worth keeping an eye on the cleanliness and condition of your clothes, skin and hair. Find out what the girl wants to make her wishes come true, but also have a couple of prepared options in case she says “I don’t know” and doesn’t want to make a decision. Give her a hand, move her across the road, stand a little ahead of the transport, give your jacket if it gets colder - let her feel protected on a subconscious level, this is much more expensive than loudly declaring "I will save you from war."

A girl should feel special and interesting in the most serious sense, otherwise the feeling of being used will quickly settle in her soul and then there can be no talk of love, rather about.

How to get a girlfriend? By sending her messages in the morning and before bed, you will fill all her thoughts with you even at a subconscious level, and by sharing joint plans for the future, make her heart open.

How to get a girl who doesn't want a relationship with you

It happens that ordinary courtship does not help to get the attention of a girl, and it turns out that she does not want a relationship. To find out how to get a girl who does not want a relationship with you, you need to find out what caused her decision. Usually, the reasons that make a girl talk about the unwillingness or unwillingness of a relationship are deeply intimate, so try to reduce the speed of courtship and become for her someone with whom sincere spiritual intimacy is possible, to whom she can open up in a similar topic. In the process of such excavations of truth, it may turn out that she does not want to contact you, then it is not worth moving further than friendly relations. And if she is wary or even negative (this will be accompanied by characteristic facial expressions and statements) refers to relationships in principle, because she has recently experienced a difficult breakup, has long been severely mentally traumatized in a relationship, or is now physically unable to communicate with someone else (study, work, courses, treatment, etc.), then the situation can be corrected by your efforts and patience.

If a girl is very pretty, you are ready to help her and you don’t know how long to wait for this, then learn to be a good friend who can listen and cheer, help and at the same time not absorb all her temporary space.

Over time, you will get to know each other in more detail and better than couples who start with dates, because friendship is the key to a strong relationship. When she gets used to your constant presence, gently invite her somewhere. You should not have a candlelit dinner on the first such evening, come with a huge bouquet and offer to meet, kissing her at the door of the house. Just take a walk, have fun in a way that the two of you will be interested in (planning such a day, knowing the person well, is quite simple). And after several such dates, when such a joint pastime becomes familiar, you can gradually add romance.

The result of your friendship can be anything, stay understanding and respect the girl's decision. It’s great if everything worked out for you and thanks to your efforts you managed to overcome certain psychological difficulties of the young lady. And if not, then there is no point in spending a lot of time, hoping for changes, except for wasting spiritual resources. It may happen that you will forever remain only a good friend who helped you get through hard times and returned faith in men, and she will be the first to share with you the good news that she has found the love of her life. This is a rather painful blow, but remember why you made such unconventional efforts - to get a girl as a trophy or to make her happy, guided by your love?

Is it worth it to seek a girl if she refused a relationship?

Before you start actively seeking recognition from a particular person, determine for yourself whether you need to seek the girl who refused. After all, refusal due to unwillingness to build something joint with you or because it is a kind of game aimed at gaining more power over you are fundamentally different. Listen also to yourself, what drives your desire to achieve this girl. If this is a strong love and a desire to be always with her, then perseverance and desire will help you. And when this interest is dictated by the fact that the girl is outwardly attractive (and you don’t know anything else) or by the fact that this is an unattainable prey and the hunter’s instinct works in you, it’s better to leave this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcompetition.

To achieve a girl who refused a relationship, you need to analyze why this happened. Remember what she complained about or how she argued. It often happens that young ladies are offended by the lack of banal courtship. All beautiful creatures want flowers, beautiful words, grand gestures, so that even a deaf-blind-mute person can see that it is you who love this girl and very much. Give her gifts and surprises, do funny and bright things (shout all over the street about your feelings, come to her window on a white horse) - the brighter and crazier it seems to you, the more likely it will be for the girl.

If the reason for the refusal was lack of time, then review your schedule and organize it in such a way as to be as present as possible in the life of the chosen one (develop and finish work by the end of the working day, monitor the quality so as not to redo it on the weekend). And when you can’t be physically close, send her an SMS with some positive or funny content, not forgetting to tell her how much you miss her.

Work on what caused the refusal, and if you don’t have such facts on hand, and your lady is used to your appearance at her first call and round-the-clock attention, then it’s beneficial for her to keep you in this role, then move away for a while . This will be a certain shake-up for her, making it clear that you no longer intend to indulge in the continuation of this kind of relationship, and she will have to choose between having you in her life as an official companion or accepting your absence. Most likely, in a couple of days she will miss you, because she is used to your constant attention, and she will appear at your place. At this moment, the main thing is to keep what has been achieved and not slide back into the friend zone.

Your own feeling will help you decide whether to pursue the refused girl or leave it alone. Sometimes the inner confidence that it is worth continuing is so strong and unshakable that, despite the logical inconsistency of the facts and the futility of the situation, everything turns out great. But the reverse situation is also true, when everyone can persuade you to try again, because she “almost agrees” does not find a response and such confidence in your soul, the attempt may be a failure.

How long it takes to continue to seek a girl after a rejection depends on the strength of your feelings and the capabilities of the nervous system. Someone can not stand the week, and someone easily continues unrequited courtship for twenty years, giving this woman all his life and missing the opportunity to build his happiness with others.

How to get an ex-girlfriend?

Is it necessary to seek the girl with whom the relationship ended? You broke up not because of the senile reason "because it's sunny today", but because of something significant. Longing for the former and the desire to start all over again often arise among those who have been abandoned, but feelings for the person remain, and they want to continue living as before. But realize that nothing can be returned, that the person has not chosen you once, betrayed you, and what are the chances of not repeating when you get together. If you initiate a breakup, it is likely that now the emotions have subsided, and only pleasant moments come up in the memory, and I want to try again. Remind yourself (or ask friends) why you left.

In any situation, be aware that people change in the process of gaining experience and overcoming crises, undergoing psychotherapy or realizing their own shortcomings. But all this changes a person for a long time and not drastically. So, by returning the old relationship, you return the old person, only, among other things, the parting is also added there.

Any new meeting begins with a goodbye, so it’s worth starting the return of the former with parting with her. By sincerely releasing a person and giving him the will to live without you, you show respect for his choice by your action, give freedom and the opportunity to fulfill your new meeting, being already changed. Do not try to keep the girl by force (calls, requests, reminders), this will only cause a desire to leave, and the harder your efforts, the more force the girl will resist.

Spend the time of silence after releasing it on your own development. Analyze your behavior, complexes,. You can practice developing a new strategy of behavior, work on discovering your true needs or confidence. Young ladies like confident guys who know the direction of their dreams, and not those who follow her desires with a tail. Also, girls are attracted by success and difference from herself - go in for sports, learn a new skill. Open your business, achieve results in competitions. When you have a full and dynamic life of your own, it becomes interesting to others. Pay attention to your appearance and evaluate how much girls like you in general. Ask girls for advice on what to change and try to change according to their advice (most ladies appreciate neatness in men). But remember that your self-development and achievements will not help if you do not correct the reason for the breakup, and your main efforts should be spent on overcoming the negative points voiced by your girlfriend.

You should not report your changes and achievements to your ex, believe me, she will find out anyway. Start chatting with ladies, so you can restore your own self-esteem, feel attractive in women's eyes, hone your communication skills or not lose your existing ones. Moreover, communication with other girls can cause jealousy in your former passion, and a sense of ownership is sometimes stronger than logic.

Being absolutely free and receiving news from others about how everything is fine with you, the girl will soon begin to initiate your communication or meetings. Hide joy deeper, communicate politely, but a little detachedly. You need to show your inaccessibility, this is what will help emotionally affect the girl. If you immediately run to it, then the interest will fade at the speed of light.

If her interest in you becomes stable enough, you can start to initiate communication and contact her for a start on any business and consulting issues, then unobtrusively treat you to coffee, take her home. The fact that you were together should work as a catalyst and the resumption of relations will happen faster than new ones will begin. The resumption of relations is only the beginning of serious work on oneself and interaction.