Day of the employees of military commissariats is our reliable rear. Congratulations on the day of employees of military commissariats in verse and prose

Forgetting all sorts of problems
Filling the glasses with all the wine
Let the commissars in dusty helmets
Lean over one table
We congratulate you worries
May they not touch you now
Let's raise our glasses, away from work
This day and good hour!

Both in the spring and in the fall - conscription into the army.
Everyone will hasten to serve for the good of the Motherland.
Learning, other fees, mobilization -
Military enlistment offices is a specialization.
We wish you healthy recruits,
To make the work pleasant and easy,
So that warm smiles shine every day,
And in every undertaking there was success.

Our military commissar
At heart, a hussar.
Daring, brave, strong
And loving.
We wish you to smile more often
Captured by sorrows, do not surrender,
It's fun to walk through life
Maintain good spirits.
Become doubly lucky
And always be on horseback.

They look at you with a tenacious gaze
Workers of the military commissariat
Evaluated immediately and unambiguously
Good - not good, man or woman.
Whoever comes to them, they know for sure
If you are fit - to serve, period!

All employees are unchanged
Military commissariats
Happy Holidays!
Putting my hand on my heart, we wish you:
Health, happiness and good luck,
In the work of success and dedication,
Execute the call plan,
To raise the prestige of the military registration and enlistment office.
We wish you bright prospects
Let there be only positive things in your life!

At the military registration and enlistment office the officers
They master the fate of the guys skillfully,
They decide twice a year,
Someone for the landing, someone for the fleet.
And who will go to serve in the infantry
And he will dig trenches there.
Who will be closer to the planes
And who for construction work.
And may our congratulations
They cheer you up.

The fate of youth depends on you,
Who is in the Airborne Forces, and who is in the infantry.
Who should be closer to planes?
Who will serve in Avgan, and who will continue.
We wish you patience in your work
And you will always be held in high esteem.
Happy employees day
Military commissariats!

The military registration and enlistment offices of our Motherland should
Track the replenishment of the reserve
Those good fellows that the Motherland needs
For the purpose of a country without nerves.
Let on this momentous day
All those who work in the military registration and enlistment offices,
I would forget about the difficulties for a moment,
After all, this is your holiday, guys!

Your work is not very simple
And sometimes it is not appreciated.
After all, not everyone is given to understand
What a debt to the motherland to pay
Every citizen should
And the law is one for all.
Your approach to work is correct!
We wish you strong nerves
Significant, great accomplishments,
And career achievements!
Courage, patience, strength
And a reliable, strong rear.

Day of military commissariats
It is important for us - it is a holiday for all of us.
I want to congratulate all employees,
They are working with us now.
May work with our youth
And with experienced warriors always
Only joy always brings everyone-
Let it never be boring.
And let the checks and records,
Daily hard tedious work
Doesn't seem like a simple routine to you -
Not everyone dares to work here.
There are nuances in our business,
And today I wish you
To make it come true that you have always wanted,
So that everything is always tough.

The Russian calendar is replete with holidays. In addition to the official ones, there are many solemn days that have remained unaccounted for. For example, in April there is a reason to congratulate workers serving in military registration and enlistment offices on their professional holiday. April 8 - Day of employees of people whose activities are directly related to the defense of the Fatherland.

History of origin

The history of the emergence of these institutions goes back to 1918, when the People's Commissars established the Decree “On the Organization of Commissariats”. In the vastness of the young Soviet state, commissariats of district, provincial, volost, and county localizations were opened. Since then, this date has been celebrated annually on the calendar, April 8 - Day of employees of military commissariats. Until 1993, the duties of the military registration and enlistment offices included only the organization of conscription and keeping records of young people and those who were retired. Later, the range of responsibilities expanded. To the existing tasks, the organization of accounting for the equipment of the armed forces in the territory assigned to the commissariat was added. So, the date of the origin of the holiday is April 8, 1918. Since then, the Day of the employees of military commissariats has become a professional holiday.

Military commissariats today

This year the structure of military commissariats celebrated its 98th anniversary. Almost half of the staff of the military registration and enlistment offices are by no means stern men in uniform. Today, many women work in the military commissariats. Military commissariats are inextricably linked with the process of creating and developing the army, continue to make a big contribution to solving the most important tasks to ensure the defense capability of our country.

Today, the primary tasks of the military registration and enlistment offices are:

  • mobilization process;
  • keeping records of human and economic resources;
  • propaganda work among young people to serve in the Russian army;
  • organization of regular training sessions;
  • the admission of citizens to the service under the contract;
  • other measures of a defense nature.

For this hard work, do not forget to prepare congratulations for them on the Day of Workers of Military Commissariats.

Spring appeal

On April 1, a conscription campaign started in all corners of the Russian Federation. At present, it is a hot time for everyone. Even on the Day of Military Commissariat employees, photos from the news feed carry the message that field work is in full swing. According to the selection criteria, young people with good health conditions and higher education are fit for service. The army of the Russian Federation is in need of qualified personnel. The presence of a driver's license in a young man-recruit will affect the fact that, most likely, he will become a rookie of the driver's column. According to medical statistics, about 40% of young people have some kind of health deviation. In the first place in terms of morbidity is flat feet caused by improper selection of shoes. This is followed by eye diseases such as myopia (myopia), acquired as a result of spending a lot of time in front of a computer or television screen.

Unfortunately, as practice shows, a certain percentage of young people of draft age are not summoned to the draft board. It is disappointing that the parents of such young people for the most part support and even contribute to evading military service of their sons. In order to combat deviators, a number of amendments have been adopted in the legislation. For example, upon reaching the age of 27, if a man regularly ignored the summons to the draft board, then he will not be able to receive. Instead, a certificate of the established form will be issued. As you know, when applying for a job in the list of documents required for registration, a military ID is required. Those wishing to get a job as civil servants in municipal bodies, in the absence of a military ID, will be denied vacancies.

Young people with established chronic diseases included in a special list of diseases for which military service is impossible, as well as fathers with two or more children, have the right to a deferral of up to 27 years with the subsequent receipt of a military ID. Although, according to the summons to the draft board, such persons must appear all the same.

Congratulations to the workers

Greetings on the Day of employees can be created in prose or poetry. If your friends or relatives are connected with the work of the military registration and enlistment office, or you yourself are working for the benefit of defending the Fatherland, congratulate the workers on this very day. The employees of military commissariats must be appreciated because they have earned honor and praise for their hard, painstaking work.

Military enlistment office employees!

We wish you a rich life!

So that each of you is ready

Make the recruits warmly welcome.

Today is the date of real men -

employees of military registration and enlistment offices.

There are thousands of reasons for joy -

We drink to you guys!

The fate of a soldier is in your hands:

To whom in the construction battalion or infantry,

Who should fly on airplanes

Who should guard the border -

You are ready to patronize everyone!

We wish you patience in your work!

She is always held in high esteem for us.

Congratulations to the soldiers and battalion commanders -

Happy Military Commissariat Employees Day!

Congratulations to the employees of military commissariats on their professional holiday is an important component of public relations and respect for this profession. After all, the peaceful future of the country is in their reliable hands. On this day, they wish them family comfort, happiness, wealth, smiles and adore the work of these people.

The defense of many states depends on the army, which operates according to a conscription strategy. The Russian Federation also belongs to such countries. The military commissariats are considered the main link responsible for the recruitment of employees. To honor their importance for the Russian army, a corresponding holiday was established. The date is officially recognized. It is celebrated annually by all military personnel, including medical and administrative personnel and people who have retired, on April 8.

history of the holiday

The history of the event has ancient roots, dating back to 1918. During the formation of the Soviet Union, the first military commissariats appeared. Support for their creation was the Decree issued on April 8th. In 2006, this document became the basis for writing the decree No. 549, adopted on May 31. He set the date for the Day of the employees of military commissariats. The decree was signed by President Vladimir Putin. The holiday has acquired an official status, but has not become a mandatory weekend.

Since 1993, the range of tasks performed by the employees of the military registration and enlistment office has significantly expanded. Now the military commissariat, in close cooperation with local government bodies, along with the organization of conscription into the Armed Forces and registration of privates and reserve officers, as well as equipment located on the territory of the region, performs a number of social tasks.

The employees of the military registration and enlistment offices do not have secondary tasks, be it the organization and maintenance of military records; organization of accounting for vehicles provided to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; the organization of moral and psychological work or the organization and conduct of events for military vocational guidance and professional psychological selection of citizens; notification of family members of military personnel who have died or died during military service.

Military enlistment office employees,
I congratulate you on your day!
I wish the salary to grow
Like champignons in the rain.
May the service always fight
The salary only increases.
May fate fulfill dreams
And kindness is everywhere.

The military spirit and bearing can be felt from you a mile away, commissar! The call is a hot time for you, and everyone knows that you see right through the guys and you simply won't let go of the one to whom Destiny has written to become a military man! Happy Day of the employees of military commissariats!

On the Day of employees of military commissariats, I want to congratulate those people thanks to whom our military rear, that is, the army reserve, consists of the most selected soldiers! Your task is to recruit the best of the best, and there is no better supplier of this plan than you!

Happy Day of the employees of military commissariats, military comrade! You are a real commissar, your soul is just a general and asks for order! I wish you a glorious and long service, well-deserved distinctions before your superiors and every prosperity for many years!

You are doing your duty so that our army is invincible and every warrior is in his place, where he is most needed! Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the employees of military commissariats! Be strong, courageous and young at heart for many years!

Now the draft does not last for decades, so what are we afraid of military commissars? Better to congratulate those who serve in the military registration and enlistment offices on their professional holiday, and honestly admit that we would like to be equal to them! We wish you many many years and great success!

Military commissariat, from the heart
Loud congratulations today!
Health, happiness and love
I wish his employees.

Ease you in your affairs,

Congratulate the military commissariat,
Today we are in a hurry.
The selection of guys is excellent,
And it is undeniable.

We want to wish you good luck,
And avoid adversity.
May you have enough patience
For the entire next year.

Congratulations on the day of employees of military commissariats

Let there be no sorrow and sorrow
Life will always be interesting.
Everyone will have joy, understanding,
Never when trouble will overtake!

Military commissariats,
Happy holiday today.
And work is quiet and calm,
Every day, I wish you.

I wish all dreams to come true!

Who is able to defend the Motherland!

You only have a simple job,
And all so that it was overwhelming.
Throw away worries and worries
I congratulate you on your day!

So that you are appreciated at work,
The call always went well
And at home to be loved
And the table was laid magnificently!

At the military commissariat
You have been serving that year!
I wish that as a result
You have reached enormous heights!

I wish you strength, a lot of patience,
Kindness, luck and prosperity,
Strong health, steel,
So that everything is in order in life!

Happy Holidays
Everyone on the staff
Military commissariats.

We wish to select
Great fighters for you,
To defend the Motherland
Everyone was ready.

We wish you not to hide
Draftees from you,
So that they themselves are eager to become pilots,
Tankers, sailors.

Work in the commissariat
Luckily for you, it happened.
Always grow your salary
So that you live happily!

You will give a ticket to all citizens of the military!

Congratulations on the Day of the employees of military commissariats! Military service has always been in an aura of glory and courage, what can we say about such valiant people as you! With all my heart, I wish you to carry her proud military spirit throughout your life and enjoy rich prosperity for many years!

To the call of young men in various troops
The employees are very strict:
Posture so that it is even, tough,
So that he could overcome any enemy.

And hundreds of faces and thousands of names,
They take place every day every year.
So that in the future you will be reliably protected
The native land is a large people.

Who will travel far, who will serve next, close
Decide tirelessly all year round.
Interview, make lists,
Who will be recruited this time.

Who will get into the landing, who will be taken into the radio operators,
And who will go to the scouts for the army.
With the rights - in motorists.
And for whom to get into the signalmen will be lucky.

And for everyone in the military registration and enlistment office, for its employees,
today we celebrate their holiday on April day,
and in their hard work, but such a necessary Fatherland,
from our hearts we wish to be always on top!

Whom to put on the draft record for them,
and issue a solemn military ticket,
the military commissariat will take care of,
there is definitely no doubt in this matter!

On an April day, we sincerely wish
recruiting offices to call on the decent,
and on their professional holiday,
workers worked so that it is worthy!

Our modern youth
Such a mess in young heads!

Please accept my congratulations!

Worthy of great respect!

Military commissariats

And keep it up, guys!

You keep track of the accounting and selection of all soldiers,
You are servants of law and order in cities,
Educate about service and military craft,
And you decide where they serve: in the sea, in the sky, on earth.

And for all your work, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you peace in the sky and tranquility of the country.
We wish you good luck, light, sun, kindness,
And everything in the world, let your dreams come true.

We dedicate poems to all military commissars,
May the spring day be without "moon eclipse",
Let the sun shine in the sky, making all dreams come true,
And what is most important in the world is that there is no war.

You are the employees of the department,
Where is the call of the soldiers going,
You follow the account,
All recruits, guys.

And for all your work,
For work and for accounting,
We congratulate you today,
On this festive day.

Our modern youth
Such a mess in young heads!
As soon as they hear about the military registration and enlistment office -
All their feelings are paralyzed by fear.
But the military commissariat is not a joke,
And not to frighten the people, it was established.
When the country calls for help on difficult days,
He leads the line of volunteers!

On your professional holiday
Please accept my congratulations!
And know that you are like no one else,
Worthy of great respect!
After all, almost a hundred years, without interruption,
Military commissariats
They stand guard over tranquility, peace -
And keep it up, guys!

The military registration and enlistment office is your favorite job,
And so let it be for many years!
You will solve all the problems and worries
You will give a ticket to all citizens of the military!
May only success await you
I wish all dreams to come true!
Always call for service only those
Who is able to defend the Motherland!

Military enlistment offices
It's time for us to congratulate.
Soldiers in these institutions
Find out where they will be due.
So let them work conscientiously
Military enlistment offices of different countries,
Beginning a warlike tale
Soldier's without serious wounds!
So that you can sleep peacefully
Brides, mothers of the whole earth!

Those who work in military registration and enlistment offices,
We need to congratulate them today,
They ensure the security of the country,
May the days be happy, bright!
I wish you good luck, happiness, prosperity,
And may everything always be alright
Ease you in your affairs,
Let fear not touch your souls!

Despite the work is in full swing.
From big cities and villages
The call has begun with you!

Form an army visage.

Military enlistment office staff
Today we want to congratulate
May they be lucky

Let them not hide
Always work conscientiously
Appreciate your life days!

The military registration and enlistment offices of our Motherland should
Track the replenishment of the reserve
Those good fellows that the Motherland needs
For the purpose of a country without nerves.
Let on this momentous day
All those who work in the military registration and enlistment offices,
I would forget about the difficulties for a moment,
After all, this is your holiday, guys!

April 8th is your holiday,
Despite the work is in full swing.
From big cities and villages
The call has begun with you!
You send the best fighters to the ranks,
Form an army visage.
You were the creator of the beginning of victories!
"Hooray!" there will be a cry for you!

Issue a military ID to everyone.
There is a huge flow of daily affairs.
We dedicate congratulations to you!

The military registration and enlistment offices of our Motherland should
Track the replenishment of the reserve
Those good fellows that the Motherland needs
For the purpose of a country without nerves.
Let on this momentous day
All those who work in the military registration and enlistment offices,
I would forget about the difficulties for a moment,
After all, this is your holiday, guys!

And in our military registration and enlistment office
A very brave military commissar.
The call plan fulfills,
And their employees
Appreciates, respects.

Military enlistment offices
It's time to send us congratulations.
Soldiers in these institutions
Find out where they will be due.
So let them work conscientiously
Military enlistment offices of different countries,
Beginning a warlike tale
Soldier's without serious wounds!
So that you can sleep peacefully
Brides, mothers of the whole earth!

Military enlistment office staff
Today we want to congratulate
May they be lucky
And let them leave troubles in the past,
Let there be more recruits
Let them not hide
Always work conscientiously
Appreciate your life days!

April 8th is your holiday,
Despite the work is in full swing.
From big cities and villages
The call has begun with you!

You send the best fighters to the ranks,
Form an army visage.
You were the creator of the beginning of victories!
"Hooray!" there will be a cry for you!

The conscripts are coming here

And so not everyone could.
We are to you for our old friendship
We present a bold congratulations.

Happy your day
And we wish
So guys
Everyone would ask

Call youth to order
Very important in the army.
Military enlistment offices in Kamchatka
Today I will congratulate!

Your work is not very simple
And sometimes it is not appreciated.
After all, not everyone is given to understand
What a debt to the motherland to pay
Every citizen should
And the law is one for all.
Your approach to work is correct!
We wish you strong nerves
Significant, great accomplishments,
And career achievements!
Courage, patience, strength
And a reliable, strong rear.

Army combat readiness
Depends on your efforts.
So that the army is legendary
Served for the good of Russia.
May the sunsets be peaceful
There will be no wars and unrest
Let the soldiers go on the attack
At the training camp, only exercises.

Our military commissar
At heart, a hussar.
Daring, brave, strong
And loving.
We wish you to smile more often
Captured by sorrows, do not surrender,
It's fun to walk through life
Maintain good spirits.
Become doubly lucky
And always be on horseback.

Let health not let you down
And affairs easily argue.
Calls go according to plan
And all the deviators are!

On this day in April we need to congratulate
Those who work in military registration and enlistment offices.
The call has begun, and work awaits them:
Put the guys on military records
Give an exact answer to all questions,
Issue a military ID to everyone.
There is a huge flow of daily affairs.
We dedicate congratulations to you!

And in our military registration and enlistment office
A very brave military commissar.
The call plan fulfills,
And their employees
Appreciates, respects.

Military enlistment offices
It's time to send us congratulations.
Soldiers in these institutions
Find out where they will be due.
So let them work conscientiously
Military enlistment offices of different countries,
Beginning a warlike tale
Soldier's without serious wounds!
So that you can sleep peacefully
Brides, mothers of the whole earth!

April 8th is your holiday,
Despite the work is in full swing.
From big cities and villages
The call has begun with you!

You send the best fighters to the ranks,
Form an army visage.
You were the creator of the beginning of victories!
" Hooray!" there will be a cry for you!

The military registration and enlistment offices of our Motherland should
Track the replenishment of the reserve
Those good fellows that the Motherland needs
For the purpose of a country without nerves.
Let on this momentous day
All those who work in the military registration and enlistment offices,
I would forget about the difficulties for a moment,
After all, this is your holiday, guys!

Everyone and everyone knows
Our commissar is a military commissar.
We are glad to congratulate you all,
Outfits are canceled

Military Commissar, dear father,
All the servicemen are with you
Celebrate your holiday
Let the military march sound!

Call youth to order
Very important in the army.
Military enlistment offices in Kamchatka
Today I will congratulate!

Happy your day
And we wish
So guys
Everyone would ask

The completeness of the army is your concern,
The conscripts are coming here
To serve bravely in parts of the country.
And if they don't go themselves, then it doesn't matter,
After all, you know how to attract anyone to the service,
And so not everyone could.
We are to you for our old friendship
We present a bold congratulations.

The completeness of the army is your concern,
The conscripts are coming here
To serve bravely in parts of the country.
And if they don't go themselves, then it doesn't matter,
After all, you know how to attract anyone to the service,
And so not everyone could.
We are to you for our old friendship
We present a bold congratulations.

Call youth to order
Very important in the army.
Military enlistment offices in Kamchatka
Today I will congratulate!

Happy your day
And we wish
So guys
Everyone would ask

Those who work in military registration and enlistment offices,
We need to congratulate them today,
They ensure the security of the country,
May the days be happy, bright!

I wish you good luck, happiness, prosperity,
And may everything always be alright
Ease you in your affairs,
Let fear not touch your souls!

Work at the commissariat
Luckily for you, it happened.
Always grow your salary
So that you live happily!

congratulations on the day of the staff of military registration and enlistment offices

To serve you perfectly
So that the look is not a nickname
And to behave decently
Every conscript!
Let the military registration and enlistment offices always
Will count
Much better - just like it used to be!
And let it be shame
Those who do not want to serve
And it runs from you,
Call overtime
All to their construction battalions!

Day of all employees of military registration and enlistment offices
We all celebrate April 8th.
I congratulate you, live richly!
So that they never dare to be sad.

May joy settle in your home,
Happiness may live in the heart forever
So that you never have to cry
Only from happiness, let it ... Sometimes.

When the call comes inexorably close
Some people want to disappear
And only real men are -
They are in a hurry to get into their own army.

And on the Day of military enlistment offices
I want to wish you honor and valor,
Thanks to people like you - there is no need for others -
Let the native army flourish!

Who can defend the Fatherland?
The commissariat knows about it,
And you are his employee, important, honest,
Songs sound today for health!

We are happy with the Day of the employees of the military registration and enlistment offices
Congratulations! Let the soldiers be faithful
To your Fatherland, to your Motherland,
We saved children from the war!

Happy military enlistment office staff day!
I want to wish you good luck.
And so that the guys grow up healthy,
How else to defend Russia?
I wish there were more smart
Strong, brave and tough soldiers.
Happy day of the recruiting office workers!
Your work is worthy of all kinds of rewards.

You are supporters of militarism!
Would you increase your power at times -
How else? Because everyone here is called
Provide the Fatherland with a call!
And the guys go to the soldiers:
Without protection, the power cannot ...
Happy Military Commissariat Employees Day!
May it be easier for everyone, friends!

You are a military commissar, a superstar shaper
Supplier of military force, hussar loyal to the Motherland!
Robust and reliable for challenging jobs -
You have a good gift to choose healthy fighters!

We are glad to congratulate you: higher bonuses, salaries
We wish you most of all success!
On shoulder straps so that the stars fall as it should,
Happiness so that without the hindrances and love of all beauties!

Our esteemed military commissar,
Let me make a remark to you today!
You are impudent and handsome, like a hussar!
You radiate masculine charm!
And keep it up! Today and always
You be a role model!
I wish you health for many years!
Ardent hussar love, prosperity!

See also congratulations at