Children's protective cream from frost. Winter selection: baby creams from frost

Even if you bought the warmer Kerry overalls in the world for a child, you will not stretch it on my face. Therefore, in a couple of clothes, you need to take care of the choice of the best frost cream for the child. We will tell you what should not be as part of a children's cream and call the 10 best, in our opinion, based on reviews and facts.Creams from frost are sold apparently invisible, but not all of them are equally useful, albeit effective. Many prefer proven by generations Soviet creams "Children" and "Tik-so", someone trusts only manufacturers from the US and Europe, someone does not trust anyone, and intently reads labels, and someone does not bother and smears the first one that fell into shop. What category are you? We decided to check many popular creams on the subject of the composition and choose for you the best representatives of the class of color creams (Cold - from the word Cold - Cold)

What to look for in perfect composition?

Since the main function of the cream is to protect, it logically suggests waxes and oils. Useful and effective ingredients - natural oils, beeswax, panthenol or decantenol. These substances have anti-inflammatory and healing effects, soothe skin. Chamomile (can be indicated as Chamomile) is suitable for sensitive skinny skin, since almost no one causes allergies. Zinc Oxide (Zinc Oxide) helps in tissue regeneration. Fennel (Fennel) - in creams is a kind of catalyst, because it has the ability to strengthen the therapeutic effect of other ingredients. Calendula (Calendula) - has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the creation of a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses. Olive oil (Oil Olive) - contains many vitamins and useful trace elements. Coconut oil (Oil Coconut) is becoming increasingly popular in cosmetology as an antioxidant who helps protect the face. Sesame oil (Oil Sesam) helps to avoid skin peeling in winter. Fat mink (Oil Mink) is valued for the ability to quickly heal the wounds and other damage, and also softens the skin.

What should not be?

Little manufacturers are dared to include parabens, oil refining products, paraffin oil and artificial fats, although they are not prohibited. Just everyone knows that even for adults, these substances can represent certain harm, and for the child and is suppressed. Usually on the label is largely written that there is nothing like that there. If there is no such inscription, see the composition. Following the parabens, there is a completely harmless sounding petroleum (in the composition can be designated as E 905B, E905B, Vaseline, Petrolumber, Petroleumjelly, Petroleummber, Whitepetroleum, YellowPetroleum, paraffin). And all because he, in a dense film, prevents the evaporation of water. With frost, this property can cause frostbite to -5, but with windy weather before -5 and the cream with vaseline will perfectly cope. The second enemy, which should be avoided in the composition, - alcohol. Until 2 years old, do not even think to buy creams with him in the composition, as it dries very much. Then - with caution. It is better that in the Cold-cream there was no water. Here is the same logic as with your moisturizing cream. Water in the frost will turn into crystals and hurt the delicate skin of the child. This does not mean that the cream with water can not be bought, there is nothing harmful in the water itself. You just don't need to forget that after applying and before going out on the street, it should pass 30-40 minutes.

How to apply cream?

Even if there is no water in your chosen cream, it is better to apply it for half an hour before going out, as the cream should have time to form a protective film. If water enters the water, it should have time to evaporate during this time. By the way, the time of the cream is also limited, as well as sunscreen. Approximately, the cream protects for 6-8 hours. It is hardly walking in the frost with a child longer. But it is better to remember this information. And here's another advice that is almost never observed: after returning the cream you need to wash off.

Below is a review of the most popular funds that, in our opinion, are quite safe. Among them, there is no possibility to allocate the best, because when choosing an individual approach is needed: someone has an allergy child, and natural extracts may be contraindicated, someone will be solely eco-composition, someone consistency and smell will be more important than the ideality of the composition. Well, that there is a choice! And it's good to know exactly what you choose for your child. Basic balm from wind and cold

Protective balm from the wind and cold Weleda

Price: from 306 rubles

This brand has long and reliably proven itself among other kindergartens, and does not need a submission. The bold plus of this cream is the absence of water. This means that you can not even wait for 15-30 minutes before entering the street, but to immediately dive in the cold, not afraid of redness and temptation. The beeswax and related skin Lanolin in the cream form the protective cover, and the skin breathes. Calendula flower extractors eliminates inflammatory phenomena on the skin, and almond oil increases the elasticity and protective properties of the skin. Especially recommended balsam for kids whose skin needs to protect against bad weather, and children with inflamed skin. Suitable and adults with sensitive skin.

Mustela Hydra Stick Mustela

Price: from 576 rubles

This is the oldest brand, created over 50 years ago, which is the European leader among the leather care products presented in pharmacies. In the Alps, frost with wind and snow, the French prefer to use Mustela with Cold cream. The series with Rald cream includes several funds, but the most efficient is Hydra-stick for lips and cheeks. It strengthens the thin hydrolyphid layer of the skin and protects it from the adverse effects of the external environment due to the content of vegetable wax and vegetable oils. Stick contains water, so it costs to apply it in advance, 30 minutes before the release of frost. Suitable allergies.

Wind cream Bubchen

Price: from 170 rubles

The cream reliably protects even the most sensitive skin, providing it with protection from the effects of adverse weather factors. Vitamin E supports additionally cell function, chamomile extract has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, soothes, softens and moisturizes the skin. Gathering for a walk with the baby, 30 minutes before the exit to the street simply apply "cream with wind and non-judgment" on the open areas of the body, and no bad weather is scary.

Cuppet Cuppet from Mirra Suite

Price: 600 rubles

Excellent cream that is suitable for both children and adults. It enhances the capillary blood circulation, and also nourishes, moisturizes and increases the elasticity of the skin. The cream has a good natural composition and a pleasant smell of herbs and essential oils. It is good to smear his arms, face and neck on street sessions in winter sports, long walks. The composition has water, so you need to apply it in advance. Also, the composition includes cedar, castor and oil oil, extracts of propolis, nettle, ginseng, green tea, carbamide, glucose, carotene, vitamins E, F, C. In general, you can safely take.

Cream "Little Polar" Little Siberica

Price: from 142 rubles

It has a gentle, pleasant aroma. It has a very dense texture. If you apply the cream on the broth of the child, it is very hard for it. But protects the skin from the wind and the cold is just perfect! This cream has an extremely natural composition that, on the one hand, is very cool to the health of the child, and on the other can cause an allergic reaction. This cream contains a lot of vegetable oils (sunflower, castor, shea oil, cocoa, cedar, rack) protect and nourish the skin. As part there are extracts: calendula, juniper, rhodium rose). The composition has alcohol, but its number is noncritical.

Baby cream with wind, frost and bad weather PAPA CARE

Price: from 256 rubles

The composition from the official site looks like a paradise garden, but if you look at the opposite direction of the product, you will see that there are water, and preservatives that do not like the Ecogolic site. But still, in general, it is a good cream, with a convenient dispenser, at an adequate price. As part of a lot of oils (avocado oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, almond oil, corn seed embryos, vitamin E, panthenol, bee wax, eclash extract. This is important for allergies, as many natural components that can Be a reaction.

Cream balm from bad weather and cold Mommy Care

Price: from 790 rubles

Unique cream balm from wind and cold from Mommy Care is designed for special protection of sensitive skin of kids from birth during the cold season.
Carefully selected ingredients create a protective barrier that does not allow the skin to lose moisture, retain the skin of the child with soft and tender, prevent irritation and does not score pores. This balsam is also suitable for dry skin of the hands in cold and / or dry weather. Good natural composition, but there is alcohol in small quantities and water.

Cold Wind Cream Chicco

Price: from 360 rubles

This agent forms a protective film on children's skin, but at the same time absolutely not sticky and not fat, and does not allow the wind and frost to damage tender cheeks. Does not contain dyes, alcohol, parabens and is safe for kids. Pleasant fragrance, tender consistency. Wonderful savior while walking with windy autumn and frosty winter. The composition is water, so it is worth apparing the cream early.

Children's cream from wind and frost Dvorilla

Price: 160 rubles

Girls, preferring a domestic producer, we thought for a long time, what kind of cream to contribute to our high-quality and "boldly recommendation" list. Among the applicants who are so praised on the network, were: Cream "Children's", Cream "Alice", "Tik-so", "Morozko", "911". Yes, most of our creams cost 50-100 rubles, and this allows you to close your eyes on the imperfection of the composition. But if you still see it, we will see that almost all creams contain Vaseline (there is no tick-like). But in Tik-sou, there is an allergenic component of Kumarin. In Morozko and 911, parabens are contained. But we still wanted to find excellent our cream - and found. In throat! The cream from the wind and frost is inexpensive, and the composition is simply impressive. Nothing harmful, even a hint. The cream carries, protects and strengthens the natural protective barrier of the skin. Chicken fat makes skin soft and elastic, does not cause irritation and does not clog the pores. Coconut and Shi oils neutralize the negative impact of sun rays, wind and frost, soften the skin, soothe redness. The extracts of daisy flowers and a series gently care about the skin of the child, contributing to its recovery. Does not contain mineral oils, parabens and dyes. Fan is natural, perfectness is perfect. Suitable from birth. Can we do if they want!

Warm clothes are useless when it comes to the most vulnerable - open areas of delicate skin of the baby. On the autumn and winter walking forehead, nose, cheeks, and sometimes the knobs of the crumbs are under the sight of cold wind and spiny snowflakes. How to protect them in the cold season? Of course, with the help of a cream from bad weather!

What is protective cosmetics?

If a newborn has recently appeared in your family, and you yourself are not a fan of winter sports, then they still could not know the protective cosmetics. So called cosmetics that contain a large amount of fatty substances and water. When applying such a cream on the skin, some of the fat components penetrates the horny layer, and the other remains on its surface, thereby creating a protective barrier, as well as moisturizing and softening the skin. Water, part of the tool, evaporates quite quickly, so a small chill felt on the skin. Such cosmetics are ideal for the care of sensitive children's skin - after all, with babies, still lying in wheelchairs, and with walkers that make the first steps, they advise to walk as much as possible in any weather.

How does the failure cream work?

The protective cream is completely absorbed and "merges" with skin. It is not washed off with water (for example, rain drops), it is not erased when contacting with clothes and leaves no fat traces on it. Due to the increased content of fats and waxes, the cream leaves a impermeable film on the skin. It becomes a kind of barrier for wind, snow and frost: moisture from the lower layers of the skin does not rise to the surface, and hence the skin is reliably protected from dehydration and frostbite. At the same time, the cream does not prevent sweating and contribute to the normal breathing of the skin.

Why use it?

Every day, washing and disguised your baby, the young mother sees that the children's skin is very gentle and sensitive. It is worth allowing a small error in care - and irritation and redness appear. "How to walk with a child in cold and windy weather?" - Worried mom.

Yes, the leather of babies is much more than the skin of adults, is subject to the influence of aggressive external factors (for example, friction about clothing - a hat-helmet, a scarf or mittens) and especially suffer from adverse weather conditions. Under the influence of the wind, rapid skin dehydration occurs, reinforced oxidation and drying of the skin fat. The natural result of this is the drying of the skin. It also happens that the strong frost and the wind provoke cold allergies from the kid.

The main task of the "winter" cream is a reliable skin protection from wind and low temperatures. "There are children with absolutely healthy skin, the care of which on the street is minimal - tears from the wind or drops of rain on the cheeks enough to get rid of the handkerchief. But such cases are the exception to the rules," the dermatologist Svetlana Kovaleva is sure.

The protective cream is simply necessary if you have noticed a kid on the skin after a walk:

  • redness;
  • dry peeling plots;
  • small, point inflammation.

At what temperature requires protective children's cosmetics?

The "Star" Hour of Protective Cream is Late Autumn, Winter and Early Spring. Such a cosmetics is definitely necessary if the thermometer column dropped below the minus 10 degrees. Focus on the circumstances: if the skin of the crumbs is sharply reacting to the slightest gusts of the cold wind, it is better to use the cream even at a temperature of about 0 degrees.

How to use it?

The science of applying a protective cream Mama will have to master the same way as other activities for child care. What rules are important to observe, using this cosmetics?

  • Apply protective cream to the open areas of the baby;
  • Use the cream 20-30 minutes before going to the street so that he can do it to absorb. Otherwise, in the fresh air, the water remains will instantly evaporate, and the baby can frowse the cheeks;
  • Before using the cream slightly "warming up" it, hooked in the palms: it will be easier to apply on the skin;
  • Act consistently: take a small amount of cream on the pillow of your fingers, swipe the line from the nose to the forehead, go through the temples, then "read" nasolabial folds, spread the cheeks and chin. After that, light massage movements need to be labeled cream and flush the excess with a napkin. Latest barcode - Pass the baby with a hand cream.
  • Apply cosmetics evenly. It is important that the nose or on the cheeks, even after half an hour, there was no surplus of the cream!

Is it necessary to use children's cosmetics?

"For children, it is necessary to select only the specialized funds that have passed dermatological control and are recommended for sensitive children's skin," explains the La Roche-Posay and Inneov Medical Expert in Russia in Russia. Ekaterina Dobrydneva. - As a rule, these are products with a minimum amount of components that are well absorbed. And do not irritate the skin. " Do not use the creams for child skin care, as well as any cosmetics, if they are not specified that they can be used to care for newborns!

What to look for on the label?

And the mother goes to the pharmacy or to the store. How to choose a really safe tool? "In the classic design" Winter "cream - this is a mixture of bee wax, paraffin and pink water. It is this recipe that has long been used by the French pharmacopoeia," says Cosmetologist Svetlana Kovaleva. - Modern manufacturers improve the formula, first, highly purified ingredients, secondly, Replacing floral water (for example, thermal water), and, thirdly, creating unique delicate emulsions. Sometimes oil extracts of calendula, cod or halotus liver add to the old one, but an upgraded recipe.

It happens that the skin of the baby is already damaged - the child has skin rashes, dermatitis, or on the face and arms there are abrasions. For these cases, there are protective equipment with anti-inflammatory (for example, with zinc) and restoring (such as panthenol) components.

What should not be in the composition of children's cosmetics?

Children's protective cosmetics should not contain dyes, fragrances, parabens and alcohol! Carefully make sure that the cream has no polyethylene glycol - it is toxic for the skin, and can also cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. "Remember that a large number of components in the children's product can provoke cross-allergic reactions," says Ekaterina Dobrydneva.

How to choose the way "winter" means?

To shorten the path of trial and error, choosing a tool, to begin with, limit the smallest packaging itself - 40-50 ml. If the choice turns out to be successful - boldly take the packaging of a larger volume. If the baby has dreamed and lips flakes (such often happens with kids who have not yet normalized salivation), take a look at the protective lip balm: it feeds well, restores and softens the lips. And, of course, most importantly, do not forget that on the jar should be indicated, from what age this cosmetic product is recommended to use (for example, from birth or after three years).

Most Popular Children's Cosmetic Products

Wind cream and bad weather, Sanosan. Contains white wax, sweet almond oil and avocado oil. Intensively protects the open areas of the skin into any bad weather from the tempering and redness.

Baby Walk Cream, Bella Baby Happy Natural Care. Carses, protects and strengthens the natural protective barrier of the skin. It contains olive oil that protects the sensitive kid's skin from adverse weather conditions, as well as shea oil, neutralizing the negative effects of sunlight.

Protective balm from wind and cold with calendula, Weleda. Provides particularly reliable protection in bad weather and protects the skin from moisture loss. Beeswax has a beneficial effect on the skin, so it is ideal for sensitive children's skin. It has a gel structure per 100% fat basis and well absorbed.

Wind and Nepicultural Cream, Chicco. The formula with coconut oil enhances the natural barrier of the skin of the baby, creating a protective layer against the effects of weather conditions. Hypoallergen and clinically tested on sensitive skin.

Multi-regenerating agent for sensitive and irritated skin Cicaplast Balm B5, La Roche-Posey. Instantly reduces discomfort caused by irritation due to content in panthenol, thermal water La Roche-Posey and Carite oil. Contains antibacterial components. Suitable for babies.

Mustela Bebe Cold Cream. Quickly absorbed, provides long-term moisturizing and restores the protective mechanisms of damaged skin. Eliminates the consequences of adverse climatic conditions, leaving the skin soft and velvety.


Cream, which I smear a little child, is in the first place in the article. Sanosan, indeed, perfectly protects from the cold. Only apply it is not necessary before the way out, and 20-25 minutes. To manage to do and start working

Interesting material, good selection of creams. And in a timely person came across my eyes, on the eve of the winter practically. Thank you! And at prices look at the online stores I will go, it's already good that I know what exactly to watch

Thanks for the useful information

Comment on the article "Children's" "Winter" "Cosmetics: 6 popular funds. Editor's choice"

Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship Recommend children's cosmetics. I do not understand at all, you need to buy a set of baby cosmetics for 5 years. What better to choose or what to pay attention to?


pupa has children's sets. But they still need to search.

I have boys, but there is a niece)) That's how much I heard - many scolding children's cosmetics, well, or we are lucky. Therefore, as a result, everyone uses adulthood.
The Son on the DR went to the girl, among the gift options there was cosmetics, a girl with gymnastics. I bought Pupa, they have sets in the Girl. Shadows, lip gloss. With bang)))
Children's toilet water has different manufacturers.

Very need advice!. Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Care and child education up to the year: Nutrition, diseases very much ask to help choose baby cosmetics. Recently read that almost all cosmetics (and for adults too) contains sulfates, harmful ...


I buy organic HELAN cosmetics, there is a children's linea Bimbi. Like the composition, mostly plant components, herbs and oils.

I also confused. I order all the baby on Iherb, I liked Earth Mama Angel Baby and Weleda. Wonderful.

Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of the child up to the year that you chose for your children, what brand / firm? And that in the end you need: powder, cream under the skin care, two in one (shampoo and bathing), the same brand.


Attails did not use, the cream under the AQA Baby diaper. Milk for skin care, two in one (shampoo and bathing means), the same brand. All 0+. After a year, he bought anti-sos-foam and gel to wash boys. Wet wipes buy sananoan, pampers green and white, Ashanan, Baby Line. Johnsons tried, did not benefit, allergic.

In addition to water and soap, nothing soaps / not smeared. A couple of times, however, I used Sudokra (TC Marka Padguznik did not fit).

Caring for skin and hair, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothing and shoes, fashion. What kind of stool is better to choose that if you do not cut the skin and do you need a moisturizing cream? Face care in winter. Walking on Redness Solutions or Extra Mild, summer ...


I would advise Faberlik series for young skin, there is still a good series in Mirr, it is necessary to wash a regular gel, a tonic for normal skin, and a daily / night cream, (just do not take all sorts of salicylic and so on, they are all dried) You will also take zinyritis and process the plots of rashes while the hearth is small with it easier.

children's cosmetics. Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Care and child education up to year: nutrition, diseases, development. Tell me, please, how to choose cosmetics for baby? (not yet born, but now I want to buy everything you need ... and ...


we prefer our mom
it is gratifying that the company is watching not only for quality, but also for the trends of the market, for the reaction of buyers, etc.
novelties have always interesting. For example, uniform sets are very convenient, or a diaper cream.

We used Babyline and now use creams, gel, and shampoo without tears. Allergies do not cause us, the smell is pleasant for all means, and the composition is safe.

Downt for a child. Pregnancy and childbirth. Section: Did a child. What from cosmetics to buy newborn. In winter, without it without it. In the summer (after the sandbox) with soap - hands, the rest - if I have been strongly (in fuel oil, for example) or once in ...


By the way about simple Soviet: And the soap is children, and the cream (where a cat with a dog) - My allergic Kate came best. Yes, Bepanten - from the Maligences, just in case.
And again, again for problem skin - there is a good Mustela series - regenerating cream, lotion and foam-shampoo (from milk crusts).

Cream under diapers. Cream from oil is characterized by the fact that the oil cleans, and the cream - it is better suited if redness on the skin. We almost did not use the powder. Warning against Johnson and Johnson, we did not fit anything and did not like it. They are very drying the skin. We live on Buebhen. By the way, they all bubbles are designed so that they are scary like babies. Our just eye did not reduce with bottles with butter and a tube with cream. Until now, they play with them (they left it several empty bubbles). Our children's cream is also not bad. Back for the winter it would be nice to cream for cheeks from the temptation and frost.

Children's cosmetics for newborns. Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Care and child education up to year: nutrition, diseases, development. Section: Child Care (What cosmetics will advise in the maternity hospital and for the first time for the baby. How firms?)


In the maternity hospital, only napkins were needed. And about cosmetics - only an experienced way, because The same means can be completely opposite reviews, and maybe allergies appear ((I, for example, the very "our mother" praised, and did not like it, and there are bubbles at all. My preferences: cosmetics for a bath with a talc from Chicko (very good from the milk peel helps); from the dialiness of Bepanten; from redness - protective cream from Bubchen; Under the diaper used the cream of Sanosan with zinc oxide, but it is only when I gauze, nothing needs to be changed, and if the diaper is changed, and if It suits the child - there will be no diameters; Oil napkins from Sanosan, and wet - the world of childhood, just not in the box, but in a pack (suits first of all the price-quality ratio).

The cream under the diaper is our mother - a complete g ... oh, my husband bought mistaken instead of the fueble, still a whole bank is lying.

We like Buckchen, most kids he does not cause allergies. In our set: special protective cream, wet wipes, oil, calendula balsam, shampoo, bathing. The rest was not useful.

Johnson did not like at all, on the Baby Lainovsky all-weather cream and our "little fairy" gave out red cheeks, Burebchn for some reason also did not go. I tried to exercise, but, IMHO, the price is unnecessar than high (or I saw it only at expensive places). Now they stopped at my favorite Iva Roche (they had a line for babies) - at first glance, it is expensive, but because of a thick consignment (this is about the shampoo-gel for the body) it turns out very economically. Maybe I just came across fakes Johnson, but their shampoo with a chamomile rushed like a driver. We also had our children's cream for the face (it seems Linda). Darapolen did not see anything better than Drapolena. Sinking and oil napkins did not use fundamentally, preferred more often to wash the ass with a cloth and ventilate it in the air. Soap likes our, baby, from the series with herbs: plantain, aloe, chamomile, calendula, etc.

Read the composition of the children's cream

What active ingredients should be in the composition of the children's cream?

The basis of a good children's cream should be vegetable oils. Such as cedar, olive, almond. The last two possesses the highest similarity with lipids of the skin. Due to this, they are able to easily penetrate the skin and saturate it with vitamins.

Along with vegetable oils, very "caring" components are beeswax and. They form a protective layer on the skin of the kid, while not clog the pores.

If the child's skin is very sensitive and inclined to irritation, choose creams, which contains calendula and chamomile. They perfectly cope with the tasks set - soothe, relieve inflammation and possess antimicrobial action.

We have prepared an overview of children's creams from frosts, each of which is worthy of attention. Natural components in the composition will reliably protect your baby from bad weather, and you just have to choose the most appropriate means.

This hand cream will have to taste even to moms, because it perfectly protects against dying and dryness, while quickly absorbed, without leaving the feeling of film on the skin. According to the consistency, it looks like a thick oil, and the smell leaves a lot of pleasant sensations.

The composition of the cream is rich in vegetable oils: shea butter, cocoa, sunflower, cedar. Also present castor oil and sea buckthorn oil, which is famous for its moisturizing and nutritional properties. Juniper extract will perfectly cope with irritation and healing microcracks. Such components will provide your kid's handles the most reliable protection!

Balsam has a fatty, oily texture, it is perfect for the owners of sensitive skin. It is economically spent and pleasantly smells of herbs.

Very well protects against the templement, because there is lanolin, bee wax and almond oil. They create a protective barrier on the skin, which will protect the gentle skin from the negative impact of the harsh frost. I would like to note that the plus of this balsam is the absence of water in its composition. In addition, they can not only use kids, but also adults!

This cream is capable not only to protect against wind and frost, but also from UV radiation, so it can be used even in the summer as a UV protection.

Cream consistency thick, dense. It has a pleasant herbal smell and is very economically spent. Among the active ingredients there is bee wax, waxes, shea oil and almond oil, as well as hydrolate chamomile. The extracts of honeysuckle and sage in the composition provide a wound-healing effect for tender skin of the baby. With his task, the cream copes perfectly, he is able to withstand even the longest walk.

The cream has a thick consistency, it is quite greasy, but not sticky. Does not score pores, has a pleasant sweet scent.

As part of Candelil wax, Shea, cedar and cocoa. They will remove children's skin from the harsh frosts, covering it with a protective film. Extracts of calendula and juniper are designed with irritation, and the rack oil and the Rose radiol extract perfectly restore the skin after the impact of negative factors, such as wind and frost.

This balm will defend the gentle skin of your child while walking in the cold season. It is easily absorbed and protects against the temper.

Skin protection provide natural and efficient components as part of this agent. Extracts of sea buckthorn and snowstone will shoot irritation, redness, as well as warn the dying and dehydration of the skin caused by the action of severe frosts. Anti-inflammatory properties have organic cedar oil oil, which is also part of this Balzam.

Mummy Care balm is truly universal: it can be used for all skin sites subject to dyeing and exposure to cold air. Suitable for kids from birth. It has a tender texture. It is easily applied, quickly absorbed, does not leave the feeling of stickiness.

As part of the high content of Lanolin. This means that the baby's skin will be covered with a thin protective layer, which prevents the loss of moisture and any irritation. Nourishing oils of olive and jojoba will save from dryness and dehydration, and calendula will remove irritation and calm the skin.

Any protective cream must be applied 30 minutes before entering the street, so that he manage to absorb.

Neither the wind is not afraid, nor frost, if using special means and be confident in their quality.

The choice of children's cosmetics is really very wide today, and far from the cream protects the baby from negative factors. The main defense is the parents who consciously approach the choice of everything that surrounds the child, including the choice of cosmetics.

Cream from cold and frost - This is the protection of the skin from bad weather and provides the necessary care in winter.

In winter, the whole skin of the body needs in winter, but the open areas are especially requiring attention - face and hands. If you can put on the gloves, thereby protect them from the frost, the person is becoming dilapidated and not protected by anything. That is why it is necessary to choose a good cream protection for the face from cold and frost.

Important! It should not only protect the skin from unfavorable weather factors, but also to care for him. So that the cream from bad weather has benefited, it needs to be selected for hands and face separately.

For face

The face is the most unprotected part of our body, in the summer it is exposed to ultraviolet, winter - cold and wind. There are many harmful factors on it, because of which the skin is agreed here much faster. To preserve youth, first of all it is necessary to care for and replenish the lack of the necessary elements. Also, you can not forget about protection, especially from frost and temptation. The cream from the tempering of the face will help for a long time to maintain health and skin youth.

Creams from the cold cold have special properties - they create a protective barrier and are saturated with the necessary substances. The film keeps moisture and heat in cells. Thus, water on the surface is not crystallized, and skin cover is not injured and does not dry. Face protective cream from frost must be nutritious and fat.

Recommended composition. Nutritional oils or fats, vitamin complexes and plants extracts must be present. In addition, the dense barrier is ensured by the content of silicones and synthetic components.

For hands

Hands are exposed to frost and wind no less than face. Despite the fact that we can protect them, putting gloves or mittens, skin cover all the same and weakens, especially with a strong frost.

Fact! Hands freeze more than face. This is caused by the fact that there is no protective lipid layer on his hands, which is on the face.

Our handles are exposed not only to cold, but also household chemicals, street mud, and also most in contact with water. Consequently, they need constant and full care, as well as good protection in the cold. Cream for protection against cold weather will protect your handles and warn their temptation and frostbite. Cream from frostbite for face and hands should be used for half an hour before going out.

For kids

Gentle children's skin reacts greatly to the effects of low temperatures. It is a child to go outside - a light blush appears on his cheeks. Children love to play on the street longer, but no parent will not want to expose them to frostbite. There is a way out - it's enough to apply half an hour before a walk cream from bad weather. It will help protect the skin of the child - eliminate redness, peeling and dryness.

Recommended composition. Children's cream for winter should contain natural fats and oils. Very useful mink and batching fats, as well as eucalyptus oil, mango, cocoa. Panthenol and Allantoin perfectly protect and heal. The tool must be hypoallergenic - this quality is required for children's creams. There should also be absent dyes and fragrances.

For men

Not only women and children need to protect the skin in winter. Frost and cold wind do not even spare a rough men's skin. Therefore, men also need to use cream from cold and face cold. Very often on store shelves you can find universal products that are suitable for the whole family. However, cosmetologists recommend using a special male winter cream, designed for the features of the male cover.

Important! Such means contain not only protective components, but also perfectly care. In addition, men's funds contain special perfumes, thanks to which you will smell with male perfumes, and not feminine flavors.

Good creams from cold

This tool is suitable for both children and adults. With it, you can save the skin from the tempering, redness and dehydration, which arise as a result of the operation of frost and wind. Does not cause irritation and allergic reactions. Contains in its composition vitamin E, almond oil and carite oil, as well as panthenol.

Approximate price: 150 rub.

Perfectly protects the face, it does not cause irritation and allergies, and also does not block pores. Provides careful care, prevents redness, dryness and peeling caused by adverse weather conditions. Perfectly suitable as the basis for makeup.

Approximate price: 150 rub.

Cool Men Moisturizing Winter Cream for Men

Promotes moisturizing dry skin cover during the cold season. Ideal for men, contains a perfumed fragrance. The extracts of marine algae, bamboo, guarana, caffeine, panthenol, allantoin, ceramides are present. These components not only fill the skin of moisture, but also saturate with its necessary vitamins and microelements.

Approximate price: 65 rubles.

Witex "Winter Care" Hand Cream

The tool effectively protects the skin of hands during the cold season. A special formula prevents the appearance of cold allergies, microtraums, redness. In the composition of natural oils.

Approximate price: 65 rubles.

Winter has come - the time of strong winds and strong frosts. Tender leather faces need protection and care. Resist snow and winds will help additional power skin. Cosmetics producers compete in the development of the most efficient and modern products, which, unfortunately, is inaccessible to most consumers. Children's cream from frost was and remains optimal output from the situation.

How to choose a baby cream

The modern cosmetology industry provides a huge range of protective creams and balms from bad weather. Despite differences in cost and composite components, the principle of their action remains uniform. Applied with a thin layer baby cream with a series helps to form a special film preventing skin drying, Development of inflammatory processes providing additional nutrition.

Simple recommendations of specialists will help not get confused in the variety of jars and tubes:

  • It is required to carefully learn the composition. Permissible components: Panthenol, natural wax, paraffin, glycerin and extracts of various healing plants.
  • Children's cream from thenels should be the most natural possible in its composition, because it is used to care for the most young members of society.
  • You should give preference to domestic brands of production.
  • It is important to visually inspect the packaging. Cracks, chips, dents suggest that alien elements could easily get into the cream.
  • Products with a note "Hypoallergenic Composition" have specially popular. Cream should not have a strong specific smell.
  • Consistency Competently selected ointment reminds thick sour cream. It is unacceptable for the release of foreign fluid, lumps - this indicates significant disorders in storage and production.

How to use baby cream

The skin of the hands and face is one of the most sensitive places in the human body requiring enhanced protection. Care from this ordinary children's frost cream. Competently selected cream will not only soften the irritated areas, prevents severe frostbite, but also fill the supply of nutrient elements. The skin will be newly elastic, it will be possible to forget about peeling and redness forever. And the main advantage of the goods is its affordable price and a wide variety of assortment.