Spiritual practice of rail. Does rake help with serious diseases? Hand positions when healing

Recently, spiritual practices aimed at self-knowledge, self-improvement and even healing themselves are gaining increasing popularity. We consider one of the most popular traditions today.

The energy of life

Reiki is a type of working with energy by attracting it from the depths of the Universe. This tradition, which came to us from Japan and firmly rooted in our country due to its effectiveness. People who interact with the rails are not only better learning themselves and the world, they learn to see and feel much more than others. And the ability to heal their hands, in which, in fact, is the main purpose of the rail, allows you to achieve amazing results in injuries or diseases of the practitioner or loved ones. Is it possible to learn the rails yourself?

Seminars or home learning?

Almost every major city you can find seminars that teach interaction with the rail. 1 stage of initiation and training (payment requirements are usually not different from each other in cities and countries) lies in the disclosure of the channel, according to which the student will receive the rail energy.

Training allows you to learn the basic skills - to fill yourself with the energy of the rail, heal with the help of palms of yourself and other people, as well as animals. At the same time, the master tells the story of the rail, the basic principles of work, is initiated and teaches to meditate correctly. The first step on average costs 150 dollars. Lost training for several days. Many people for independent practice are usually fairly first steps. The masters claim that their students have enough basic knowledge that they can then use to independently increase their knowledge and opportunities.

Is it possible to train a rail independently at home? It is real, but requires a lot of desire to explore and practice the rails. On some sites, you can also find paid training videos that will help you figure out the flow of information.

Home study of the rail has some advantages, but work with energy always carries a certain risk if not accompanied by the instructions of an experienced master. Therefore, carefully examine about the rails everything you need to know before you start practicing.

Alas, you will not be able to fully master the art of working with the rail, because when learning the rail, initiation is impossible.

The term "Reiki"

For the best to understand this tradition, consider the meaning of the word "Reiki". It is interpreted in different ways, as it has several values. First of all, this is the designation of the life energy "Rey" and "Ki". Also, the term is applicable to naming the universal energy and God and the process of restoring health with the help of hands.

Working with the rail allows you to adjust the body to accept the energy of the finest plan. This is the unity of the soul and body, allowing you to know your own "I".

Does rake help with serious diseases?

Chinese specialists have long argued that all our diseases arise due to violation of the flow of vital energy. Tradition will allow you to fill the body with energy, learn how to manage it. Many people really cure their diseases with the help of a rail, but for this you need to find the root of the problem.

Where to begin?

You firmly decided to practice the rails? How to start learning yourself in this case, while you do not know? Start with awareness. Look inside yourself, understand what rooting problems are pursuing you and why. Analyze your life and your help you find the origins of many of your own problems. Way to change yourself and your life.

Check out the necessary literature. Knowing people advise several authors:

  1. Dian Stein. Among her books "Practical Guide ...", several cycles of the "Basics of Reiki".
  2. Lia Sokolova.
  3. Walter Lubeck "Spirit Reiki". The book is based on the records of famous rack masters.
  4. Lisa Kashlinskaya.

Energy cleaning

In addition, you need to feel your own energy. Deliver to yourself listen to yourself. But before this it is recommended to clean your own biofield with the help of the so-called energy soul. The shower lies in cleansing thin bodies with candles. The thing is that our chakras are clogged with thickens of negative energy, which prevent them from functioning normally. To fully tune in to the rail, clean your biofield from these clots. You can make the energy shower daily - after a busy working day and communicating with unpleasant people. Cleaning will allow you to remove negative programs and improve your own well-being.

Do not forget to conduct a rack meditation.

Reiki meditation

Meditation is one of the most successful methods of knowing his own "I", the search for harmony between you and the outside world. Before starting to work with the rail, they need to feel. Sincerely and with feeling call the energy of the rail. During meditation, the back must be smooth, the hands are folded in a prayer gesture, and the feet are tightly connected. This will allow you to close your own energy. It is better to rely on the back of the wall or a chair to keep the spine in a vertical position, but at the same time save relaxation. Feel the energy flowing in your body, warm, bright, filled with gratitude and joy.

Meditative machinery

  1. Meditate in the same place at the same time. Do it daily.
  2. Start meditation from three minutes, gradually increasing to half an hour.
  3. Drive your diary to record your own emotions and sensations during each meditation.

During meditation, nothing should interfere with you. Relax, breathe deeply and plunge into the blissful state of inaction - Cosmos will show you everything you need to know. At the same time, do not forget about gratitude. Sincerely thank your spiritual teachers, the highest entities that will come to your appeal. Remember that, sending gratitude to the Universe, you get in response to your sincerity much more than give.

Reiki meditation can help you solve complex life questions. During meditation, ask the question of interest to you at your highest "I", calling the rails. The answer to the question may not come immediately. Such answers come in different ways - in the form of pictures during meditation, some of which will have to decipher, or a sudden understanding of how to do.

And, of course, do not forget during training about the principles of this tradition.


We continue learning the rail. Rake principles are five rules, or rather, instructions that have been translated from the Japanese language and have several interpretations. You can choose those that are closest to you. It is imperative to repeat these rules immediately before the session. You can even not tell them out loud, the main thing is to feel every word, skip through ourselves.

  1. Today is not angry.
  2. Today, do not worry.
  3. Today, be grateful.
  4. Today, working on yourself.
  5. Today be kind.

Try to follow these principles constantly, and you will see how lighter and lighter has become in the soul. After all, before you heal others, you need to heal yourself. Very soon you will not even need to make an effort to follow these instructions - Rakes will open you harmony and calm that do not allow unpleasant emotions.

Techniques and Reiki Exercises

And now - the most important thing! Exercises that will allow you to call and feel the energy flowing in your body. To do this, you will need exercises to realize the first level of the rail.

Reiki awareness

Below we will look at a few exercises, but before this, take into account several rules.

  1. Exercises are better to spend in the morning, immediately after awakening, when the brain is in the changed state, and before the departure to sleep.
  2. Make exercises on an empty stomach.
  3. The duration of exercises reaches half an hour, because in this case it all depends on when you achieve the desired result. What exactly? You will surely feel it.
  4. It is desirable weak, inappropriate lighting and lack of any extraneous noise. Your thoughts should soar freely and easily, so you should not be distracted by external factors.
  5. Do not let your thoughts interfere with you. If they "sailed" to another rush, start all over again.
  6. Each exercise do about half an hour.

Exercise 1. Is basic in any meditative practice. It is important when teaching the rail independently. So, sit more comfortable in the chair and call: "Reiki!". Make a deep breath with the thought "I inhale the rails," and then exhale with the thought "I exhale the rail." At the same time, do not make a pause between inhale and exhale, each of which must be accompanied by the appropriate words. Mentally you can stretch the words. The main thing is not to watch your breath, save it involuntary and free. When blowformes disappear by themselves, leaving the feeling of how energy is distributed over the body, the result is achieved. The duration of the exercise is about 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. The following exercise is made in a horizontal position. You need to enter the relaxed state reached in the first exercise, and gradually relax every better start on the right side. For example, at first relax your right legs, then switch to the left. Go to your hands. Gradually rise to the head. Remove the tension from the neck, chest, back, pelvis area, mentally relax the heart, brain, nerves and tendons. When in that part of the body to which your attention is directed, you will feel warm and severity - the result is achieved. To achieve a sustainable result, practice exercise at least two weeks.

For further practices, allowing to develop the abilities of the rail, you will need working with a master. The full training of the rail is independently impossible without the help of a specialist. There are other exercises aimed at working with energy within their own body. Check out the descriptions of breathing and relaxing exercises by selecting the option.

What is the initiation of the rail?

What is the difference between training and initiation? Dedication to the rail must be held with the master. The setting is to open the channel, that is, in dedication to the rail. Remember that the choice of the master in this case is an extremely responsible case, as a person with unclean thoughts is able to "push" on your channel energy essence that will feed on your energy. The scheme for the initiation of the rail varies from the master to the master, so there is no specific technique.

The initiation is to synchronize the masters of the master with the student. That is, you transmit a specific program that allows you to interact with the energy of the universe. Setup allows you to increase the energy reserve, as well as strengthen intuition and give other mental capabilities.


And is it really possible to learn rails yourself? You can learn basic skills, but you cannot achieve a high level. However, if you have the potential, you may well have enough home learning to achieve the result you need.

Hello, dear indounding readers!

My name is Lydia. Along with my spouse, a one-year-old daughter and my mom, we have been living in India for almost a year, and we plan to continue to continue this fascinating action. In this regard, I believe that I can be useful for my themes and on this beautiful site, or rather even the portal, about India and South Asia.

1 part ___ What is Reiki.
2 part ___ creating history. Security and fineness of practice.
3 part ___ pro learning and different schools.
4 part ___ My experience in the rail.

Who confuses my Capslock, sorry, but I just have such a letter style. I am so writing everywhere :) So I highlight the main thing in the thought I want to convey. I will be glad to be someone useful for his story and look at this topic.

1 part ___ What is Reiki

If we speak very simple, and if it is generally possible about the rails to say in a nutshell, I would say so - the rails are a multi-level complex of energy practices, which can use any person and even a child of any age, for the purpose of recovery at all levels and in order to improve Harmonization of many spheres of life.

At the same time, the rail is not a magic wand, or -tlease from all diseases and problems. Reiki is a certain reservoir of energy that leads a person to a state of integrity, and against the background of this holistic harmony, the human body comes in a healthier state, with the most natural way. Therefore, most often the practice of racks designate energetic practices. But this designation does not reveal the entire multifaceted essence of the rail, simplifies understanding at the first stages of study. The rekey energy process itself is activated by the student through a dedication (or initiation) into this practice on the 1st stage of learning, which is conducted by a rack master teacher.

If you say a little more, then these healing abilities, as a certain potential, is originally for each person from birth. So, for example, when you have a headache or some other part, you instinctively apply palm to the patient with a certain subconscious target - to make it easier. Therefore, the rails are carried out through the palm chakras, especially at the first levels of learning.

Since I am an additional fitness coach, I will bring an analogy with the muscles in the human body to be more understandable. So, healing abilities, as a compressed program archive, have every person. Just as there are muscle fibers in the body. And each person can develop healing abilities to the level of a good healer. Just like pumping muscles before the appearance of the relief. But that the muscles become stronger and dense, and only where you need, you go to the gym and, most often, under the guidance of the coach, we are engaged in a specific program with a gradual increase in loads, and also customize the power and all day mode, That the result manifested itself and preserved.

Also with our healing abilities - by themselves they will not be so effective to effectively, "eco-friendly" and quickly improve and comprehensively agronized the whole multi-level human system, unless of course you have reached the level of enlightenment :) and therefore in the rack practitioner system, as Probably in any "fine" practice, you also need training according to a specific program with detailed explanations of the master teacher, and also need an initiation (dedication), as a revitalization or a certain toggle switch, which will give the necessary fine-energy push and "will show" direction. And then, with the help of multi-level rail practices, you can develop the necessary abilities to the level when you can find out, heal and comprehensively aggrave yourself, and if there is a desire, your relatives and loved ones.

Reiki is an ancient and wise self-describing, but nevertheless it is primarily a certain tool on which it is necessary to "learn to play." And every person has this process very individual. After training and the first period of setting up practices in the natural course of life, the rack practices become sufficiently light and pleasant, convenient and facilitating in many aspects. Personally, in my life, this is happening for many years. In the field of health, in the field of relationship, in the field of personal growth and self-awareness, and even in the field of impact on the future.

Results from Reiki practitioner are sometimes very impressive, but I will not write here about them in detail, as it will be just words. Alien experience - he is quite ephemeral in words. Reiki practices are known only through their own experience, and not theory.

The meaning of the word "rail"

The word rail is typically written with two hieroglyphs. The upper hieroglyph is read as "Ray", which means "Divine, universal, spiritual". The lower hieroglyph is read as "Ki" - "Energy, Spirit, Strength." Together it can be translated as universal life force or universal vital energy. The word "Reiki" itself is more correctly writing through the letter "E", and also to pronounce, precisely with a solid vowel. Sometimes this word is written separately, as well as the designation "Rei Ki" - "Rei Ki". But many have already become accustomed to the word "rail" - ply and through the letter "E". The essence of this is certainly not changing.

Sum up Reiki is a certain way, and in your own experience I will say that this is the way first of all to yourself. To yourself a holistic, harmonious and balanced in all 4 levels of the pyramid of the power of life:

1__ in physical (the level of "coarse" manifested body),
2__n energy (level of essential, astral and mental "thin" tel),
3__Nu information (or programmatic level - the level of the causal body, which, like the "hard disk" on the computer, carries the basic programs for the choice and desires of the Spirit and Soul)
4__ and on the spiritual (or level of consciousness, the level of buddhic and atmanic bodies)

2 part ___ creating history. Security and fineness of practice

Sincerely, Master-teacher Reiki,
Lydia and Mikhail Boyko
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वेषां भद्राणि पश्यन्तु॥ सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वेषां मड्गलं भवतु॥

P.S. Our contacts in "Profile" - That is, to find out, you need to click on the name "Lydia Boyko" in the top, after the title of the article.

Lydia Boyko

SELECT RATING nonsense is badly medium well fine

Comments: 8.

Lydia, thanks for the new and

Lydia, thanks for the new and interesting topic.
I got 1 step in India about 10 years ago, it was quite by chance, I just gave the initiation and did not teach anything, so I didn't use anything with anything, although I came across a rack periodically, more precisely, they pushed me sometimes in this direction :) I think I'm not One such ...

To the question of security ... A big question is how? From my childhood, I treated my hands at all without knowing it, that is, not learning, because Irerebla ... I imagine the basics of bioenergy ... Reiki - as I understand it, too, as Indian, Chinese qi, etc. - Energy that flows by itself through the Wire substitted in her face, that is, the human body, the measuring cup is set above, more or less will not follow, understandable. The question is different. There is a creature that you want to help. There is some kind of rails in this case. How to separate your desire to help (well, accordingly, our own energy promise, with all the losses and the return) from the universal energy that knows itself and does it all?
Perhaps the answer is rhetorical, and maybe you have a key to it?

Good question. I am H.

Good question.

I wanted it in the article first to reveal, but then I changed my mind) Apparently it was necessary to add about it all the same.

1) You were very thinly noticed The importance of security issueduring energy transfer, relative to the "interception" from another person of its energy-information distortion. Simply this topic is a bit controversial, and in various schools, the rails talk about it in different ways. At the very beginning of mine, I went 1 and 2 step in the classic school of Reiki, where we did not explain this question, I would even say that it was a little silent, or maybe the disclosure of this issue was planned later than the 2nd stage. But now I can say that it is worth talking to students already with the 1st stage.

Later, passing a full course of study in the non-classical school of Reiki (about different rack schools I will write in the 2nd block of this article), I realized that it really is very important to know about some of the ways "fine" protection during the transfer of rack energy. For example, there are special additional to protect that I was given in this school already on the 2nd stage, there are special simple energy practices that can be added in the 1st stage. Also in my school there is a whole system of energy-information cleaning from all that it is possible to "pick up" from a person to whom the rail is passed. After all, in fact, no one is immune from this - if there are resonant channels (that is, the coincidence of vibrations, which is not so easy to track and transform and transform in advance), then you can still "hold up" - it works fine - "such attracts only the like". .. And with cleaning, it's good, it helps - if "drank", then I went and "washed", only on the "thin" level.

Thus, I can already say for sure that it is still better to be a security question and know about it from the very beginning. After all, the "pollution" of the person who is put on their hands with the energy of the rail can be sooooo different - in my practice there was a couple of serious cases when I was rescued after such sessions "saved" and restored only cleaning with rack symbols. Of course, I tell all this, based on my personal experience.

2) about the separation of their desire to help.There is such a thing - "Ethics of Reiki" - it says that a person should always ask himself to "tremble" rack's energy. Even if it is the closest person, not to mention the familiar - a person must pronounce a simple request before session of the rail: "Forests me, please" ... It seems that there is such a difficult thing here. In fact, it turns out not everyone can ask. And a whole bouquet is revealed - if a person cannot ask, it means it is quite closed, even to such natural energy, or he has too many pride vibrations in character, which means there are big spaces in the worldview - and in the end, most likely you Itself then "will get")))) And if a person may ask, can thank, then you can make a session of the rail several times - at the same time she listens to his heart - that it says how comfortable you are comfortable with all this sending of energy. If all the chanti is not worth thinking too deep - this is moving yourself or it is separate from this energy. After all, you can and so, and so to interpret - everything is not just so, and all through us, in any case.

But there is another side of this issue. Based on my experience, I come to a deeply conscious conclusion that every person should be able to help himself. Of course, I'm not talking about all 100 percent of cases. But nevertheless, when you decide for someone, "", in this case, with the body - then for it they can "ask" and with you - why do you interfere with your own help to pass the lessons of that soul ... here it is necessary to understand the subtlety After all, to send, suggest, to show a couple of times, how to come to harmony with the help of the rail - you can and you need! ... but to treat another person is not very correct, especially from a karmic point of view. He must learn this, especially in our time when these practices are available and open for everyone. But when this person himself finds time, opportunities, self-organizing, mobilizes, will enter the most useful role in such cases the role of a "student of life", that is, it will make his efforts for such a "fine" impact on his "problem" - then he will definitely grow , That is, he learns that lesson who is asked him the universe through. And what was the whole point and the purpose of his "problem".

And by the way, that is why the non-classical school, in which I studied, has long been abandoned from the practice of treatment, and replaced the focus towards learning. Yes, Mikao Usui passed through such desires to help other people just treatment - at first he did it - he simply invited sick people to the community and treated them. They recovered. But after some time they returned to him, and were very unhappy, since their diseases returned again. Gradually, Micao Usui came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to simply treat, and it makes sense to teach a person to treat himself. And in general, treatment without explaining the person of such important how "for what are given diseases" and so on - such treatment is considered to be in the gunner of Tamas (ignorance), and therefore does not lead to something true and benevolent. And besides, few people are ready to really listen to just a person who makes a session of the rail :))) in century - everyone needs authority))) Therefore, the sense itself (not the result) of treatment is simply becoming minimal at all. Soon I will lay out the 2nd block of the article - I reveal this topic there.

Thank you, Achadidi, for your attention to my article and it is very nice that you are familiar with the rail.

Someone believes that the path to wealth and success is associated with severe labor, which is not for the power. However, it is possible to achieve the desired and through spiritual practices that help develop at all levels. Using the teachings of the rail, you can not only improve your health, but also easily perform any desires.

Reiki History

Rake's doctrine came to us from Japan. The first met with this energy Buddhist Mikao Usui, who, after numerous meditations and long-term privacy, opened secret knowledge and power. The word "Reiki" itself includes two meanings that are translated from Japanese as a "soul" and "mind" or "energy". After all, it is one who owns this technique, the secrets of the universe opens. Such people can not only manage their health and attract the desired to themselves. They are able to heal other people.

However, despite this, the rails are more common to healing and alternative medicine. As a rule, any knowledge of which skeptics cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science in this category.

Raiki doctrine

This teaching is based on five simple principles that need to be used daily in practice.

  • do not be angry;
  • do not worry;
  • show gratitude;
  • work diligently;
  • be kind to others.

These principles help to know the harmony and find it within themselves. However, in the modern world, some cannot fulfill these rules. Our society was so distinguished from spirituality that a simple manifestation of politeness can be calculated as a hypocrisy or a desire to catch up in someone else's kindness.

That is why the knowledge of the rail is transmitted only by masters after a certain preparation. In addition, this energy will not work if you intend to use it in selfish purposes.

Classification of levels

There are three main steps in the rails that are gradually. Dedication to each level is called initiation. This is a kind of ritual aimed at the disclosure of certain chakras through which the healing energy will come to you.

First stage Reiki is aimed at physical healing and cleaning energy at all levels. If your biofield is slapped and weakened, this practice will restore health and strength. Of course, everything will take place gradually and depend only on your perseverance. After all, to obtain a visible result it is necessary to practice the rails daily.

Second step Expanding your features. Those who have received follow-up initiation can heal other people, and they do not have to have physical contact with customers. With diligent training, energy transmission and healing can be held at a distance.

At this level of knowledge, the practicing rail, symbols are opening up, thanks to which you can charge water and food, as well as attract love and wealth to your life. The ability to fulfill desires is given precisely on the second stage, because at the initial stage, the person is cleared and increases its spiritual level of development. After such growth, people understand true values \u200b\u200band are determined with their real desires. And even if you try to attract a lot of money, but your thoughts will be mercenary, smart energy will not help you in such matters.

Third step (It is also called the level of the Master) is given only to those who have established in their intention to help those who want to gain their purpose with the help of a rail. Only masters are given the opportunity to initiate other people. As a rule, a person who received the highest step is capable of much. However, he calmly refers to the material benefits and is not afraid of losing something. These people can constantly be in the stream of abundance and get everything they want. For them, money and wealth no longer have such value, as for most others, but this does not mean that they live in poverty. Masters know how to find a golden middle, attract money and love in their lives, while remembering the spirituality and still apply the five commandments of the rail to each newcomer.

How to understand that the rails suits you

If, after reading the text, you have had a lot of desire to learn more about this teaching or try a healing session on yourself, it means that you are able to let the rack energy in your life.

To do this, it is enough to find a master who is suitable for you and learn from him the rules of initiation. After all, the rail is an excellent tool not only to attract success and abundance, but also for spiritual development and self-knowledge. Open the universe towards the universe, love the world, think positively and do not forget to click on the buttons and

03.03.2016 01:00

Rare female names today sound and remember increasingly. Return from the past forgotten Slavic options, ...

Read the article to the end! All answers - there!

From the article you will learn:

  • What is Reiki (Rake) actually!
  • Safety and the consequences of the use of rail energy, which are silent by the Master!
  • Is it safe to the use of ray and kundalini symbols!
  • Completely new techniques, principles, methods of helping the rails due to turning off the stresses of the past in humans.
  • Initiation and dedication to secrets as edges of the highest levels of the rail!

What is Reiki

Reiki training system (or Reiki from Japanese: Ray - Spirit, soul, ki - energy, mind), as one of the types of energy healing, considers all human diseases from the point of view of the energy of life, its lack or excess in the relevant authorities and systems of our physical Body. When the distortion of the human energetic shell is detected, the rack master through his hands is saturated with this zone of the energy of the life "KI", synthesized by them from the surrounding space (space), i.e. Creates, as stated, the channel "clean" rack energy (Reiki), which focuses damaged organs and patient systems, restoring all distortions in its energy shell. Thus, the healing of the rail is performed. The consequence of this, as a rule, is the rapid restoration of health and the normalization of all the functions of the body.


Unlike the usual energy healing, where the healer, as a rule, works as its own energy (including cycling his energy Kundalini), specialists and masters of the rails use the "clean" (in theory :-)) the energy of the space that is easily absorbed by the person, That is because it is "clean", i.e. Not painted and not polarized by the healer of Reiki. At least, the majority of schools for training Rake. (Hereinafter in this article we will show why this can not be From the point of view of the laws of physics and why the reasoning about the "purity" of the energy of the rail is myth.).

Fig.1. Various types of deformation of the energy shell, leading to
a) hypertensive phenomena, obesity or sharp weight reduction,
emotional discomfort, irritability; problems with kidney activity;

b) the previous symptoms are added chronic constipation,
impotence or infertility, dairy, chlamydia are possible,
herpes, sex infections and cystitis;

c) Previous symptoms are added strong loss of vision.

Now there are many different courses, seminars, centers, school schools, training systems and directions founded by various rayek masters. One of the most well-known directions - Kundalini Reiki, based on the method of which is intensifying the energy of Kundalini in the human body and its subsequent use for the healing of its physical body, mind and help to other people. The following directions are also distinguished: Mikao Usui Reiki, Karun Reiki, named after Masters-Teachers, founded these schools of Reiki, whose systems are divided into certain steps, on which students receive appropriate initiations and initiations: 1 Stage Rake, 2 Stage, 3 Rake stage.

For the fastest connection of a person to higher energies, as well as in the process of the initiation and initiation ritual, the so-called rack characters (special signs and hieroglyphs) are used in Reiki. The use of these symbols does not require mandatory meditation or long years of spiritual practice, according to many masters in schools directions of Karuna, Usui and Kundalini Rake. Impact directly to the subconscious, these rack characters cause changes in the inner state of a person and thus give it the opportunity to connect to the highest source of energy. In some system training systems, the symbols can be activated only in a certain way, but in fact there are different ways to activate symbols and many Wizards Reiki and Books are taught that it is enough to just think about the intention to use these characters to activate them.

But we will not be detailed in this article to consider all the principles, fundamentals and techniques of the teachings of the rail. This can be found a lot of infomatics and other sites, as well as read in popular reiki books.

We will talk here about more interesting things!

So what is Rake (or Reiki) is actually?

It would seem - a magic tablet, effective, without side effects leading to rapid healing. But is it? Can the energy passing through the hands of the healer to be clean, even if they are synthesized from the space? AND to which consequences In a long run leads This type of energy assistance, as customers and specialists themselves, rack masters and any other energy healers. And how much is how stable can be the result of helping when applying data of healing technician by hand over.

Let's figure out and in the search for answers to these questions will be applied not to the common opinions of various schools of rails and subjective estimates of the rack's strength of various treatment methods, but to physics of energy-information interactions, as to neutral orbitra!

Fig. 2. The method of removing the characteristic of the radiation of each chakra of the person by the methods of "infosomatics".
So it is possible to test the effect of energy racks for adjustment
the human energetic shell in the process of "Healing" session.

I would like to emphasize that we are very positive about both the Reiki system as a whole and to all masters and specialists who provide people with help methods of energy healing. Their work deserves respect, because Thanks to their work, many people have already been able to get a get rid of their diseases and see on their own experience that their physical body and visible material world - not everything in nature, and somehow there is a world of invisible energy of energies, from whose ballas Our health depends on the body.

Many years ago, we ourselves were in practice all the dedication steps in the techniques of the rails and healing practices, reaching at this level of higher mastery. But then we were forced to leave this level and go higher by taking the position of categorical non-interference in extraneous energy systems in any way, under any pretext, with any intensity because of seen side effects, safety disorders and the limited data of energy technician assistance: both rakes and any other method of healing by overlaying hands.

This article is intended to show specialists providing assistance on rack techniques, and energy healing practices, as well as those who only undergo learning a rail or is looking for deliverance from their diseases in these techniques in the form of a panacea, much more advanced picture of the world than that limited Only the level of energy flows. Diseases, as it turned out, can have a completely different root cause, whose roots lie above, in the field of information interactions, and the "bad" energy is only their consequence.

For starters, let's consider in more detail limited applicability of healing practices in general, Whether rayes or any other energy assistance system.

Let us turn to the physics of fine plans for the existence of matter and modern scientific research of the processes of energy-information interactions in the framework of the new direction of "Infosomatics" at the International Institute of Social Ecology.

In addition to his physical body, any person also has an energy casing (also called biopole or aura), created by the energy-information radiation of organs and body systems, as well as the passage of control signals of the brain through biologically active points (energy meridians) of the body and having energy nodes Puffy, called chakras.

Fig.3. Physical, energy, intellectual and human sheath

In detail, disassemble the physics of the device and the function of each of these shells in this article we will not, as this is quite a volumetric subject. Let us dwell only in more detail on the physical, energy and emotional shells of a person and their relationship.

The emotional shell is formed due to the "foaming" of the surface of the human energetic shell when they manifest positive emotions: joy, pleasure from any process, etc. Those. The more the person is experiencing positive emotions in his life, the larger the volume of the emotional shell has (in the metric coordinates). And the emotional shell, in turn, performs the function of lenses collecting flat-parallel cosmic radiation (in the figure - wavy lines from above) on the human pattern. This radiation collected by the emotional shell feeds, in turn, the human energetic shell. And the state of the energy shell directly affects the functioning of organs and systems in our physical body.

And, as a result, you can pay attention (this is also confirmed by independent research of psychologists and physiologists) that people with an optimistic life position, often experiencing joy in their lives, as a rule, are much less susceptible to cold, viral and other diseases than those Who is constantly being depressed or a bad arrangement of the Spirit! In the latter, the latter is simply "dropped" or completely lack their emotional shell, and their energy shell, without receiving a proper feeding from above, is also greatly reduced in size and ceases to protect the physical body from the program effects of various viruses. This level of protection of the energy shell of our body can be compared with the atmosphere of land protecting us from solar radiation and meteorites.

Fig.4. Deformation of the emotional shell of a person depending on its condition. Optimism / pessimism.

Now let's look at the eye of the paintings of Rake and Energy Healers: if a person has little energy, (consequence of increasing fatigue, CHU - chronic fatigue syndrome, exposure to colds, etc.), then it is necessary to raise it its level of energy due to the saturation of its energy shell "clean" cosmic energy transmitted through the hands of the healer. Such is the concept of learning Rake in various schools! Well, or you can hear a recommendation for the use of the Awakening technician of its energy Kundalini in the school of Kundalini Rake.

And now, from all of the above, think what's wrong here? What is anti-natural? From the point of view of nature, in this case, human diseases occur only because of its incorrect, namely "pessimistic" and, possibly, aggressive life position! Nature thus encourages it to simply change its attitude to the world, shows him that he does something wrong, if he has no positive emotion from the life. Start rejoice, look for a positive, change your attitude to what you do not like, or do not communicate with these people, change the place of work, just rejoice .... Generate positive emotions .... And you will be healthy again!

And third-party energy assistance provided technicians Reiki, in this case no better pillsthat helps eliminate the consequence of the disease, but not his reason. Having facilitated due to external energy docking during the rail session, this person will not solve his main problem associated with his worldview, he won't surrender that exam, which he prepared nature, and will be sent to the penalty area, since the energy swap received Anti-natural way, it will be very quickly embarrassed due to the disappearances of its own substitute for cosmic energy. And as soon as the energy potential of such a person falls until the previous level, he will again have the same diseases! Output - brains need to be included! The main problem is in them!

Fig.5. Focusing of a flat-parallel cosmic radiation on a human pattern with an emotional shell performing the role of lenses.

Now further. The shape and condition of the fine-material shells of a person (as well as his physical body) is not static, but dynamic, i.e. It is constantly changing depending on those stresses that a person experiences from those processes and situations in which a person is located.

If adding the 4th measurement described above, i.e. Time (T), then we will receive the following subcomterior object of a higher plan for the existence of matter (mental plan) - body of human memory (differently - soul), which consists of a set of configurations of its shells in each time quantum from the human point so far. It looks like this:

Fig.6. Mental human body, memory body or soul. Consists of a set of human shells in every quantum of time.

Fig.7. The mental body of a person (or the memory body of the 4th dimension). What it consists of.

In the body of memory all stresses are recorded who passed a person throughout his life. They can be traced to distort the configurations of its shells at certain periods of time.

Fig.8. The mental body of a person with distortions of configurations of its fine-material shells over time up to a complete disappearance ("eating") of all shells other than physical (red regions) due to stress or finding this person in the exposure area strong energy vampire.

When removing graphics the so-called " lines of life» (human memory body), which is removed using the infosomatics techniques, is also visible, from which stresses a person could correctly go out, and what a control effect on it, affecting it, affecting it, and in the state of his psyche . Such stresses can and need to be discharged, eliminated in their past for special technologies so that they do not provide a managing programming impact on the present and future of a person.

Fig.9. Mental human body (chronon body): perfect and real configurations.

Fig.10. Example of removal graphics "Lifeline" (memory bodies). All pits leaving for a negative area are control stresses experienced by a person and have not worked for now. Plus it is given a definition of the type of each stress. Working with the past and shutdown data of control stresses, as a rule, leads to rapid normalization of health man in the present.

So, if a person has a large number of unreought-after and non-convicted stresses in his past, then most of the energy of his body from the present "tee" in these pans of the past to cover its energy-information debts. Those. These are those "Two" in the school of life that a person has not yet relocated, and nature will charge these debts until he cleans his "Augean stables" and will not proceed his line of life! A person with a large number of stresses in the past who were incorrectly passed, turns into energy vampire because Often even the reserves of its energy shell generated by the body in the present, lacking for the filling of these poults of the past, and it is forced to "suck" the energy from its nearest environment. And all the diseases (even very serious) such a person are caused by the fact that all the energy of his body breaks into the past, and on maintaining the body in a healthy state, it is simply not enough!

Well, and what is the use here to use reiki technology To help yourself or contact healers to obtain energy assistance from outside?! It's like pouring water into a leaky barrel! Still flow ...

The holes need to plug and barrel to patch! And this can be done, only working with the past of a person, helping him to discover, rewrite and eliminate the main governing stresses, causing such an outflow of the forces from its present. And the client himself should work under the supervision of a specialist, and not a specialist instead of the client, having poured out other people's sins (in this by the way, one of the main conceptual mistakes of all the techniques of energy healing). Only in this case, "the sufferer" will receive "offset" from nature, and its disease will be held, naturally, without the need for any external energy processions committed in violation of the laws of nature.

Now let's look at the possible distortion of the human energy membrane, shown in Fig. 1 above in this article and in Fig.11 below

Fig.11. Distortion of the power membrane of the donor with energy vampirism and an increase in its acceptor in the spectrum consumed.

On the line of life, it looks like this:

Fig.12. Stress at the age of 10, which led to the complete "collapse" of the energy of the test and translated it into the discharge of an energy vampire. The graph shows that from stress this person still not released And its existence (without work on the shutdown and rewriting of this stress in its past) is possible only by consuming the vitality of other people.

Fig.13. The initial energy-insufficient person from birth itself.

Again, in this case, Reiki and healing will be nothing better than a pill temporarily removing the symptoms of the disease due to the infusion of additional vitality in the person, but not eliminating its cause. The holes in the barrel (human energy membrane), through which its energy is uncontrolled, as they were, and remained.

Maybe it's easier to disable consumers from yourself? It's very simple! But you will not find this information in one book on the rail, or in one system of training Reiki!

On the site of a person's silhouette, imagine who according to your assumptions can "suck" your vitality, i.e. Be an energy vampire. It can be your boss or subordinate, any relative, constantly spoiling your life and causing you a feeling of discomfort, a sexual partner, with your jealous outcomes and constant total control of your life. Yes, anyone, and it will not necessarily be one person! There may be a lot of them. If you do not know who "drags" with you your vitality, let your subconscious take this choice for you: just close your eyes and try to see the image of this person. Your subconscious requires this information! Trust him. And now launch the technology for this link →

Do not worry, you can't harm this technology. And after meeting and communicating with this person, the connection between you will still be restored. Therefore, for reliable protection, this technique can be recommended to apply regularly, or scrolling the roller from the site according to the link given, or using your imagination!

And do not be surprised if you have after this, even the most simple technique, will begin to pass any diseases! Moreover, independently and without the need for external energy injections, as well as in nature!

Now about the imaginary "purity" of the energy of Reiki (Ray Ki)

Take a look again in Fig. 15. Flat-parallel cosmic radiation (depicted by wavy lines from above), which is called in the rail training system channel "Clean" Energy, it will definitely pass through the program, intellectual and emotional healer shell before it falls into its energy shell. And only already from its energy shell (or rather only from its 5th chakras), the healer of the rail can make the removal of this channel to another person who is assisted.

Fig.15. The channel of the attracted raka energy necessarily passes through the program, intellectual and emotional shell shell. Can this energy be "clean"?

But even water, as the studies of Masar Yamoto, retain information about the trajectory of its movement and after passing through the urban pipeline, strongly changes its energy-information characteristics, which inexorably illustrate the configurations of the raw-frozen droplets of this water. If a person creates a channel for sublimation of the power flow and directs it to any coordinates of his will, then it creates a pump, and pipeline. And this pipeline passes through all his bodies of higher dimensions! And "that at the bottom, then at the top, both at the top and below." Therefore, the declarations of "cleanliness" and the primacy of the energy flow in Reiki are a myth, calculated on amateurs and spaces. In fact, the act of healing practices, and the Rake practices are simultaneously involving the signs of sexual interactions with the association of energy membranes, and aggression - the penetration of one shell into another!

And if you consider the supervision by the highest forces of any person and the need for any resident of the earth to feel the measure of responsibility for violation of the laws of nature, then more and more often the healers and Reikists get on their playful "braid" from the curators (higher forces) of those sufferers that they interfere Perform individual tasks for the knowledge of this world and unauthorized "redeemed their sins", designed by the highest forces to teach their wards!

And in conclusion of all specialists, Masters Reiki, healers want to warn about safety techniques when assisting people with energy methods:

Between the client and the healer, with such practices, a strong energy-information communication is established! Whatever conditionally "clean" your energy is neither. Such is the physics of subtle plans!

We passed through it many years ago, reaching the highest levels in healing practices and Reiki techniques. And if these ties are not separated by special techniques and do not even think about their availability, then very soon the health of the healer itself begins to sharply deteriorate, and it turns into an energy-consuming energy, and it starts this energy not only from its current Clients but also that the most interesting - from all its former customers equally in the energy-information connections that were established earlier in the process of assistance, i.e. There are inversion of all connections, and those for whom the healer was previously an energy donor, now become donors for him themselves, receiving regular health problems and exacerbation of old diseases.

In terms of nature safe period of work on energy healing technologies and racks is not more than 5 years! During this period, the highest strength "rubbing and pick up" all errors and incorrectness allowed by their overall object so that he can learn and get sensitive experience in this energy level, and further - either go higher on the level of information technology, or fall Down under the load taken on "other people's" problems and karmic debts, either stay at this level and work further, if it is the true purpose of this person in this life and it really has a healer channel. Only in this case it will be under the protection of the highest strength and beyond.

If you allow yourself to discover and sit out of these "rits", as well as to eliminate the basic governing stresses in their body of memory, consuming the vital forces of the present from the past, that is the need to spend the rail sessions for ourselves itself!

But this is the next level, the level of information types of assistance, and not energy. This is "infosomatics" - a new scientific direction, which makes it possible to solve problems in the body and thinking of a person not by the help of third-party energy resources and foreign implementations, but on their own - with the help of information infosomatia technologies, knowledge of the laws of nature and physics of subtle plans of the existence of matter!

And in conclusion, I would like to note the most important thing: in terms of the laws of nature, the way of assistance is only where the person himself makes himself, and the specialist only helps him in this, pointing out the places to be corrected by conducting the appropriate diagnosis of his bodies Thin dimensions and showing technologies and ideological models for quick adjustment and rewriting their mistakes of the past, present and probabilistic future!

Only this method retains freedom as a specialist, and the one who addressed him for help and guarantees the disappearance of energy-information bindings on any plans for the sustainable existence of matter after the end of work. There is no mixing of the power engineer and the formation of karmic ligaments that occur with any kinds of healing assistance, there is no violation of the safety and laws of nature. Yes, and the effect of such a type of assistance is many times stronger and more stable than from the above-described energy processions!

Because any problem (health, in business, in interpersonal relationship) is given by the highest forces of man as a lesson that he should learn, and henceforth, not to repeat such mistakes of his past in his future, or as a call to change his world view in relation to certain Life situations and become stronger in this quality! And the specialist in this case, based on its experience, knowledge and technologies, only comes to a person who is understandable to him the essence of this lesson, helping him to go through this lesson quickly, according to the accelerated program, having received a test for the higher forces. But necessarily - on your own!

If someone proposes to take responsibility for the mistakes of another bypassing his head, giving him an illegal energy processing instead of the required learning, he invades the territory of the higher forces, which as strict teachers at school, put twins in the form of burdens Karma and health states excellent and two-room at the same time when it turns out that the challenge in physics for the dual decided the excellent card, but signed a testing work with the name of this dual, a two-room at school of life.

So maybe you should not still "joke" with the highest teachers and the laws of nature? Maybe you should explore these laws and just do not step on the rake on the road of your life? Because only in this case, you will have a stable health, success in business, harmony in the family and the truth joy in the eyes of the fact that you finally found and learned to apply the magic of the "philosophical stone" the magic!

"International Institute of Social Ecology".

DVD initiation. Care of the highest levels of the rail.

It has long been known that a person can heal himself and others using special energy.

For centuries, for centuries, various names were given: treatment by imposing hands, healing, spiritual healing.

For many millennia, people used vital energyBut then the ancient knowledge was undeservedly forgotten and remained only available to the chosen.

In recent decades, people's thinking change, people realized the existence of such an opportunity and gained access to these knowledge.

Currently, various methods of "work with energies", as a form of therapy of a number of emotional and bodily disorders, changes in life situations, are very widely used in practice. One of the most mild and accessible to each methods - rails (Reiki) is a healing method with vital energy.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient energy system that helps healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, allows you to influence situations arising in your life.

Reiki is a name given to the healing energy that exists in nature, which is always around us. The first syllable "Rei" means the universal, the second syllable "Ki" means "vital energy", and together "Reiki" is a "universal vital energy".

Just as the air is present in nature and we are able to absorb it, the rack energy is around us, this is the energy of nature surrounding peace and we have the opportunity to use this healing energy. Reiki initiation enhances our ability to do it.

Anyone can heal the rack energy, no magic is required for this, no special abilities or state of consciousness.

The healing of the rack energy is safe and for the healer (he does not give anything of his own, only conducts the energy of the rail) and for the healing (healing in the rail occurs exactly so much as a person is ready for this, work in the rail is not only at the level of the physical body, but also on emotional, mental and other levels, which allows you to remove not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease or negative situation).

Reiki Features:

Rake helps in the treatment of any diseases that occur both at the body level and at the level of emotions and thoughts.

Strengthens a person's faith in itself.

Removes physical and emotional loads, bringing calm and energy.

Cleans the body and emotions and helps get rid of bad habits and dependencies.

Reiki strengthens the person's creative potential and energy.

Improves memory and creates a positive attitude, helps a person overcome negative emotions: malice, fear, anxiety and live in harmony with the world.

Promotes the healing of problem life situations.

Helps find your way and answers to exciting questions.

For young children, the rack energy is useful in that they are less sick, and, sick, faster recover, develop better, they are easier for them to learn, they have improved memory, hidden abilities are developing.

Elderly, Reiki can significantly improve their well-being and prolongs life.

Why follow this practice yourself, is it better to use the help of rack masters?

In our society, it so happened that we are often used to shifting responsibility for your health, physical and sincere on others.

On doctors, psychologists. Disappointed in official medicine and science - on masters of alternative medicine, psychics and parapsychologists.

But for some reason it does not get better. In one place ceases to hurt, but begins in another, one "spiritual hole" drew, the following appears.

You run from one doctor to another, parting with the last money only in order to not be responsible for their health and their integrity. We are looking for masters, a guru and wizards who will solve all our problems, they will plunge on the head and explore trouble with their hands.

Do you still believe that someone instead you can cure your body and soul?

The master can direct, teach, push to act.

But you can only change your life!

One of the methods that can help in this is the Energy Practice of Rei Ki.

This is one of the best techniques, learning which and passing the initiation, man himself can improve his physical and emotional well-being, influence the situation in his life.

Reiki is very soft energy, the energy of the surrounding world, nature, love. And the healing of this energy occurs as gently, without breaking, very carefully and carefully.

In our center we teach you to do it yourself so that you finally have taken responsibility for your life and began to actually change it, and not hopefully walk from the master to the master.

Getting learning and initiation of the rail will be useful if you want Heal yourself and others not only on physical, but also on emotional, mental and other, deeper levels.

Reviews of our students:


I welcome everyone!

Patients from among relatives, close friends and pets arranged a queue as soon as they found out about my capabilities. For such a short period of time, Reiki did daily several times a day.


* Basic hernia of newborns at his granddaughter (the surgeon said that the case is heavy, it is better to find a grandmother-test, he will not be able to help) - for 3 sessions passed completely. Together with her the problems of "Gazikov" disappeared.

* My tuent of 75 years old was sick for 2 months after influenza: severe weakness, heartbeat with minimal loads, sweating, subfebrile temperature - for 6 sessions fully recovered, leads an active lifestyle, works.

* Daughter 22 years old influenza, high temperature, baby breastfeeding: The temperature dropped even during a rail session for 8-10 hours without additional preparations. The flu has passed for 3 days without complications.

* I - changed the job quickly, easily, more interesting and well-paid. Much less disturbed back pain.

* My cat - turned the paw, 3 weeks of chrome. After 2 sessions, the rails passed everything.

* The removal of head and menstrual pain is almost every day different people. The result is fast and persistent.

* Reiki to the situation is a favorite occupation with me and the whole of my family. The most important thing is that as if you did not plan, the result is always wiser expectations. Just amazing!

Huge changes occurred in consciousness: it sounds like "oil oil", but I began to think that I think. Previously, like most of us, I was thinking only to produce a good impression, even if my thoughts at this moment were full of negative: I did not express them out loud - it means I am a good girl. Now I think more responsible. It is difficult to tell in words.

Angelica, 2012.

I chose this particular center because democratic prices were good reviews about this center from friends who were already here.

I wanted to learn how to understand my life even better, to have a work tool with your inner and external world.

I liked it that during the whole process felt that there was some movement of energies inside me, I constantly wanted to yawn, some blocks were shot, apparently, because I really wanted to sleep after the training, and slept for almost a day.

During treatment, he felt bliss and a sense of amazing calm and peace. In addition to himself managed to cure a dog from poisoning. Periodically, you must rejug your husband, mom and animals. Mom and her husband feel warm and say that she subsides pain in the lower back, pain in bronchi and stomach.

Thanks great Oles and Ilona for affordable and fine training!

Malakhova Natalia Sergeevna. https://vk.com/id2987284.

With the trainings of Olesya, I have been familiar for several years. I consider them interesting and useful. Very often, coming to classes, I received answers to the questions exciting me.

For a long time I was looking for answers to the question "Where do diseases come from and how to cope with them?". Older daughter from 6 years have had problems with the stomach. Medical treatment helped temporarily, and then the disease returned.

I also had a sense of catastrophic lack of energy. There was no strength on any desire or dreams. This was the impetus to obtaining the initiation of the rail.

I received the initiation of the first stage in April 2014. Energy (heat), going through his hands, felt immediately after initiation.

At the very beginning, it was not entirely believed in the effectiveness of this system. But after it began to recover painful sensations, the faith came to the fact that the rack energy is very effective. At first I applied my new abilities to treat my loved ones.

It turned out very quickly removing the headache, reduce blood pressure, alleviate the grinding inflammation, remove the pain in the stomach, significantly reduce the duration of colds. After starting the time to offer help to friends and acquaintances. And every time I heard that the pain was held that well-being improved, I grew confidence in the effectiveness of the rack energy. It's very cool when you can help without drugs and very quickly. Now I plan to get the initiation of the 2nd stage of the rail to increase the flock of the rail and to be treated at a distance.

I would like to express my great gratitude to Oles for her works and thank the universe for all her gifts.

Previously, I didn't even hear anything about the rail, but I accidentally came to the site of Olesya and I was very interested in her trainings.

Previously, I did not do anything like and decided to try.

Beginning with cash flow. The training I was just captured and in the process of work I realized that I just lack energy and not postponing decided to engage the rails, there was a huge desire to gain energy and share it with the surrounding.

He received an initiation on May 18, 2014. And I simply have no words to transfer my condition ... Sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and most importantly, through just a few sessions, during the meditation I suddenly squeezed me: and I fly, I do everything easily and with pleasure. The hands became very sensitive, first only the palms (before that, the hands were always cold, even in the heat), and now as soon as I call for the rails, the hands are completely starting to "burn" and nice to cripple. And here are my first successes:

1. Cured Mom's noise in the ears (complication after sinusitis), fill it periodically energy and she really likes it.

2. The son cured an angina, although the doctors prescribed antibiotics, but we coped.

3. Well, the most important thing, I gained the vital energy that was so lacked, I want to fly, create and fill everything around. And this is only the beginning ....

Olesya, thank you so much that you share with us your experience, I hope that it was not the last meeting


In December last year, I had the idea to learn training. On the Internet I read that the teacher should like. And I sent a desire to the Universe that I want to meet such a teacher. My desire came true. I easily went to the site of Olesya. Green background and bright pictures immediately set me to me. I read the articles, looked at the video and realized that Olesya Dobrovolskaya is my man.

I received initiating 1 level rail through Skype. Olesya at that time lived in Brazil, but at the same time found time to become a conductor for me. This is an amazing feeling. We are in different parts of the planet: I am in the Ural apartment, and Olesya in the hot brazil. During the initiatives, the sensation was different from the heat of the palm to light coolness. I liked the approach of Olesya: everything is clear, not in a hurry and gently, in female. After the initiation, I started the practice myself, and my morning begins with the rail. This is a beautiful addition to those female practices that I practic. According to the results, a month later, I can say that I have become more trusting life, my palms became hot (before that there was bad blood circulation), more joy and energy, and incredible vitality and efficiency. It is possible to remove pain and fatigue, balance energy. Reiki is generally wonderfully combined with yoga, with sacral dances. Because I herself advise and lead a group, then Reiki, as a good angel, I am in support. Thank you, Olesya! You are clean, very bright and incredibly smart little man. In addition to what you have charm, you are very professional approach to your work. I really liked the presentation and presentation of the material, your meditation, your support. And yet, you are a conductor of joy, light and love!

Huge respect and gratitude to you! I am glad that you are my teacher. A huge prosperity and movement only up! With love, Kristina Grinevich. Yekaterinburg.

I am the master teacher Reiki - Hooray! Thanks to Oles Dobrovolskaya for a miracle of learning. I met different masters, but Olesya is a master with a capital letter. Apartment and individual approach, soft supply of material, support (meditation and books) and very clean and light rail flux. With the practice of the rail, my life has become very much changed and I am glad that I am very well feeling this energy. I regularly practicing rails, combine with female practitioners and rejoice in what happens. Olesya, I want to wish you creative prosperity! And I am ready to teach and transfer the knowledge of the rail in your city!

With love and gratitude, Christina Grinevich. Yekaterinburg.

Conduct training - Rake Masters:

Reiki allows not only to shoot symptoms, but also to work with the causes of diseases and situations at the level of their soul.

Side Effect of Reiki Sessions: A person begins to "hear hearing" better, his soul, feel his nature, see his way.

Someone has it leads to the fact that a person finds his favorite thing, someone has to spoiled relations and finding his beloved person.

Typically, the raka energy acts gently, but in my practice there are such cases when people were dismissed from work (at that moment, when a person understood that he was bad in this company, but it was scary to dismiss), the relationship suffering from the years. (To free the place of new).

The railings believed that the whole negative, which arises in the life path, is not a punishment at all, not the development of "bad karma", but the experience that you need to get a person, his soul at this stage of life.

If experience gained, realized, you can go further.

For the energy of the rail, there is no past, the present, the future. All this is a single information space that is constantly in motion changes.

By changing something in the present, we change the past and the future. Changing the past (in the rails on 2 steps we can heal the events of the past), we change the present and the future

There are also certain principles of rails, which also help human healing at all levels.

These five principles are very important for self-improvement and inner harmony. Their founder of the rail system, Mikao Usui considered a wonderful healing agent. By doing so daily, you will gain clean and healthy mind, which will affect your daily life.

It is today rejoice

One of the spiritual poems of Emperor Maidie, selected for his system Mikao Usui sounds like this:

Every moment of our life is invaluable.

Now I will try to live my new day

Without regret.

If we give themselves the installation on joy, not so easy to arise and settle in our internal organs of hatred, anger, despondency, anger and fear.

It is today expecting the best

(in some sources "do not worry", but with a particle "I don't like less)

It is today than gratitude

First of all, a person must be grateful to the world, life, fate surrounding people.

After all, you can be grateful, including, and for some negative events or the relationship that we taught us something.

Once in heaven sent the soul to the ground to be able to get invaluable experience.

Who will go with this soul to be near, to hurt her such suffering in which she can grow and gain the condition of happiness?

Silently hid eyes all the bright souls. And only one of them, the closest to our soul, which was to have a long journey, said: "I will go. For her .. "

This is the Eastern Parable ...

Sketched a wide sky,

Serene and clean,

Such blue above us.

Our soul can grow

And become the same open!

It is today to work hard

Work on yourself - it means to actually change yourself and your life for the better.

It is today who be kind to people

The kindness is expressed in the fact that if you see the suffering, and you have a medicine from his illness, then you are aiming to give it a medicine.

If at least try to live in these principles, remember them every day - in the soul, and as a result, both at the body level, will certainly become joyful and harmonious.


Sequential work with the energy of the rail gently introduces us to a meditative state, leads to the practice of meditation.

We begin to consciously know the world, consciously work on themselves, and, as a result, quickly moving forward along the selected path.

We have contact with our inner and external world, knowledge and wisdom are acquired.

Meditation in the rails helps to realize the causes of problem situations and find ways out of them. This is a kind of psychotherapy, in which a person can help himself help.

One of the healing meditation can be downloaded at the top of this page! :) Disk with healing meditations We give our students on each of the steps of the rail.

The capabilities of healing with the help of rail are huge: it turns out to be very effective in many cases - it allows you to significantly accelerate the healing of the wounds, heal the diseases of the internal organs and infectious diseases facilitates pain, makes it possible to treat at a distance, does not have harmful side effects, contributes to the development of hidden human abilities.

Reiki helps not only the body, but also the soul, harmonizing the emotional state of a person - helps to solve life problems best for soul, and much more.

Five advantages of racks

1. The healer during a session does not spend its energy, but on the contrary, it is also fueled by the rack energy.

Many healers have such a situation that when working with a person, they give their energy, and the patient becomes good, and the healer is bad.

In addition, healers often assume the problems of their healing, and even there is such an opinion that healers are usually sick because of this.

In the rails there can be no such.

Because they heal is not personally, and the Universe (God, Absolute) - through our hands.

We are just a channel, spend a person's flock stream.

And the energy of the rail heals heals, it acts as it is necessary for the highest human benefit.

As a result, the healer during the Reiki session does not spend its strength, does not take the problems being healed. On the contrary, the healer is also fueled by energy and life forces, because the rails goes to a person through it.

And due to the fact that the flock stream goes through the healer to the healing, the healer itself is also healed at a time when it makes a session to another person.

2. Reiki is absolutely safe.

Raiki energy - Divine Nature. This is the energy of the highest level, and it resets all destructive intentions, removes the whole negative. Just as the flow of water is washes away any dirt.

When we make a rail session as a healer, we are protected from the problems being healed.

And the person who receives a session always receives a clean energy that heals it gives the vitality, improves emotional state.

Reiki always acts well for a person, to his highest good.

3. No need medical education.

To become a healer of the rail, you do not need to have a medical education.

Of course, if you know how our body is arranged, where there are internal organs, as various diseases appear at the level of the physical body, then it is only in plus. But this is not mandatory.

In order to make a healing rail session, it is enough that you have the initiation of the rail at least 1 steps, and you know how to conduct a session.

Riiki energy acts itself. The task of the healer is only to be a channel, conductor.

Reiki - Divine origin, and in the rails there are information about everything about all the phenomena of being.

And the rails know, in which ideal state there should be our health, and knows how to restore it.

4. Everyone can easily learn.

Everyone can become a healer of the rail.

The main thing is your desire and regular practice.

The rail system was created in this way that anyone could learn to feel this energy to conduct her through himself and direct.

If you have never been doing any energy practices before that, then the rails are a great start.

You can heal yourself and other people you can immediately after receiving the initiation, after passing the seminar at 1 stage.

If you are engaged in other energy practices, they can be combined with racks.

When you do any technique in the rack stream, the effect is enhanced.

To train the rail, you do not need any special training, you only need your desire and regular practice. Leather color and religion either do not affect your ability to use this practice.

But the energy of the racks in itself, without your work and desire, will not do anything. Not in vain it says: "God has no other hands except your ..."

5. Reiki helps us in everything.

Rake more than healing.

Those who practice the rails, this energy helps in everything.

1st step. In this step, a person gets the opportunity to heal himself or other rack energy by imposing hands on a problem space.

After this stage, you can also work with situations arising in the present time, to heal them using the rack energy.

In the center "So!" At this stage, we give you to use the technique of work with your desires and situations that you want to solve in the present time using the rack energy.As well as a collection of healing meditations.

The 2nd stage allows you to use remote impact methods through working with characters.

You will be able to use others at a distance, while it does not matter where there is a person to whom you pass the rails - or in the next room, or in another country.

It also appears the possibility of healing physical states, emotions and situations in the past, present and future.

The minimum gap between the settings for 1 and 2 level is about three months, provided that daily independent work within 21 days after 1 stage.

The 3rd stage is the master - the master. At this stage, it is possible to transfer the settings to other people and teach others. Rake stream is much enhanced.

In the rail system, as in any spiritual tradition, it is important meet your master.

The old Eastern saying says: "When the student is ready, the teacher comes to him."

There are several criteria when choosing your teacher.

This teacher is ready to convey his student his knowledge. He strictly obsesses the ethics of the rails. He does not try to manipulate or use his students. He does not condemn people. He does not try to subjugate the student of his will. He does not expose his abilities at the bottom, does not try to impress. (After all he heals it, but the energy of the rail).

And he must like you personally. (otherwise there will be no motivation to learn).

How to choose Masters Reiki (Reiki)

Reiki can be successfully combined with any spiritual and therapeutic methods. I, with the consent of the client, successfully using this method, along with psychological, when solving distressed situations.

My spiritual line in the rail: Mikao Usui - Suzuki San Chris Marsh - Taggart King - Benedict Karauš - Miroslav Liva - Atma - Veronika Khorisnova (1 and 2 level) - Ilona Yefimova (3-step) - Olesya Dobrovolskaya

Today, the rail sessions in our center are only in emergency cases or within individual programs to the result and consultation . The main emphasis is on learning, because We want people to take responsibility, learned to create harmony themselves in their lives.

The peculiarity of our center is small groups, no more than 10 people, which in the learning process allows you to pay attention to everyone.

Please sign up in advance, the groups are usually closed already a week before the training.

P.S. We invite you to get acquainted with us and such a wonderful method like railings, receiving additional materials about the rails upstairs and at the bottom of this page! And welcome to the 1st stage of the rail!