Physical development of the modern preschooler. Norms of the physical development of children: motor functions. Evaluation of the physical development of children

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGBOU VPO "Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology

Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

according to the basics of pediatrics and hygiene of children of early and preschool age on the topic:

"Physiological assessment of the physical development of preschool children"


student 511 groups

Filimonova Arina





Features of the development of preschool children and their assessment


List of used literature


It is known that physical development along with other indicators of children is a significant indicator of the state of the health of children. The state of physical development depends on congenital features, as well as on environmental conditions in which the body is growing and formed. To conduct examination of the physical development of children, in particular anthropometry, prepared medical workers should be allowed, since the technique and methods of anthropometric measurements require certain knowledge and practical skills.

It is very important to constantly monitor the physical development of preschoolers. The purpose of this study is to form a submission of morphological, functional, somatoscopic signs, familiarization with methods and devices used for anthropometric and functional research, the formation of the skills of assessing the physical development of children in anthropometric and physiometric features.

Features of the physical development of preschool children and their assessment

physical development preschooler growth

Under the term "physical development of a child" understand the dynamic growth process (increase in length, mass, individual parts of the body) in different periods of childhood. The physical development of children is influenced by many factors that sometimes it makes it extremely difficult to identify the causes of his violation. The main criteria for physical development include mass and body length, circle ready and chest, body proportions (physique, posture).

Anthropometric indicators are a complex of morphological and functional data characterizing age and sexual peculiarities of physical development. They are divided into three groups:

Somatoscopic - the state of the musculoskeletal system (the form of the spine, chest, legs, state of posture, the development of muscles), the degree of grease and puberty;

Somatometric - length and body weight, thoracic circumference, thighs, shins, forearm, etc.;

Physiometric (functional) is the life capacity of the lungs (jerking), muscular strength of the hands, a rain force.

Somatoscopic indicators.

It is starting to inspect the assessment of the skin, then the shape of the chest, the abdomen, legs, the degree of development of musculatures, grease, the state of the musculoskeletal system and other parameters (indicators).

The skin is described as smooth, clean, wet, dry, elastic, sluggish, acne, pale, hyperemic, etc.

The state of the musculoskeletal system is estimated by a general impression: massiveness, shoulder width, posture, etc.

The spine performs the main reference function. It is examined in the sagittal and frontal planes, determine the shape of a line formed by the vertebrae's sausage processes, pay attention to the symmetry of the blades and the level of the shoulders, the condition of the waist triangle, formed by the waist line and lowered by hand.

Normal spine has physiological bends in the sagittal plane, the FAAS is a straight line. In the pathological states of the spine, curvature is possible both in the head-rear direction (kyphosis, lordosis) and in the side (scoliosis).

The posture is a familiar pose of a relatively standing person. It depends on the form of the spine, the uniformity of the development and tone of the muscles of the torso. The posture is distinguished correct, stubble, kifotic, lordothic and straightened. To determine the posture, visual observations over the position of the blades, shoulder level, head position. In addition, instrumental research includes (determining the depth of the cervical and lumbar bends and the length of the spine).

Normal posture is characterized by five signs:

1 is the location of the spiner of the vertebrae over the plumb, lowered from the head of the occipital bone and passing along the integral fold;

2- arrangement of the first level;

3- position of both blades at one level;

4-equal triangles (right and left) formed torso and freely by hand;

5- The correct bends of the spine in the sagittal plane (a depth of 5 cm in the lumbar department and up to 2 cm in the neck).

With a number of diseases (scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.) there is a change in posture. It is often an occupation of an inappropriate sport, early specialization (gymnastics, bar, etc.) lead to the disorder of the spinal function and muscle imbalance, which adversely affects the functions of the internal organs and human performance as a whole.

Stop - body support and movement. There are a stop normal, flattened and flat. For a flat foot is characterized by the omission of the arch. The development of flatfoot is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant, painful sensations in the foot and ankle joint.

Somatometric indicators.

The most stable indicator of physical development is the growth of the child. It determines the absolute length of the body and, accordingly, an increase in body size, development, ripening of its organs and systems, forming functions to one or another period of time.

In the first year, the child adds in an average of 25 cm., So by the year its growth is an average of 75-76 cm. With the right development of the child, the monthly increase in growth can fluctuate within ± 1 cm, but by 6 months and by year these fluctuations Growth should not exceed 1 cm.

The measurement of the children of the first year of life is carried out in the position lying horizontal growth. The child is placed on the back in such a way that the head is tightly touched by the top of the header to the transverse bar. The head is installed in a position in which the lower edge of the orphanage and the top edge of the ear goat are located in one vertical plane. The assistant fits the baby's head tightly. Legs should be straightened by a slight presses of the left hand on the baby's knees. The right hand is applied to the movable plate of the growth tightly to the heels, bending the feet to the straight corner. The distance between the fixed and the mobile strip will correspond to the growth of the child.

The growth of children is increasing unevenly. In a period of 4 to 5.5 years, the boys and on the 6--7-me-year year, Girls are somewhat accelerated - up to 6--8 cm per year (the so-called first physiological stretch). It can be estimated that since 1 year, the child grows annually on average by 5 cm.

Growth measurement in children over a year is held in the standing position by Rostometer. The child becomes on the platform of the header with his back to the vertical rack, in a natural, straightened position, touching the vertical rack heels, buttocks, inter-opaque region and a population, hands are omitted along the body, heels together, spokes apart. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orphanage and the top edge of the ear goat is in one horizontal plane. The movable bar is applied to the head without pressing.

Body mass.

In contrast to growth, the body weight is a rather labile indicator, which reacts relatively quickly and changes under the influence of a wide variety of reasons. Especially intensively gaining body weight occurs in the first quarter of the year. The mass of the body of the docking newborns ranges from 2600g to 4000 and on average is 3-3.5 kg.

The dynamics of body weight is characterized by a greater increase in the first 6 months of life and lesser by the end of the first year. The mass of the child's body is doubled by the year, by the year it triples, despite the fact that this indicator may vary and depends on the nutrition, transferred diseases, etc. The energy of body weight increases with each month of life gradually weakens.

On average, for one year, the mass of the baby's body is equal to 10-10.5 kg. The increase in body weight in infants is not always distinguished by such a pattern. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child and a number of external factors.

The determination of body weight in young children is carried out on scales with the maximum allowable load to 20 kg. Initially, the diaper is weighed. It is placed on the tray of the scales, so that the edges of the diaper do not breathe from the tray. The child is placed on a wide part of the tray head and a shoulder belt, legs on a narrow tray. If the child can be planted, it is planted on a wide part of the tray with buttocks, legs on a narrow part. Placing the child on the scales and removes with them only with the closed of the scale of the scales, standing is not on the side, but right on the side of the scales. Weight readings are counted on the other side of the weights where there are notches or cutting (the bottom weight must be placed only in the on the bottom, the score of the notches). After recording weight, the weights are put on zero. To determine the weight of the child, it is necessary to subtract the weight of the diaper from the testimony of the scales.

Weighing children up to one year in preschool institutions is carried out every 10 days, from 1 to 3 years - once a month.

At an older age, the annual body weight gain is on average 2 kg: for the 4th year of life - approximately 1.6 kg, for the 5th - about 2 kg, for the 6th and 7th - 2 , 5 kg. By 6--7 years, the mass of the child's body is approximately equal to the double mass of his body at the age of 1. The accurate assessment of the physical development (physical development) of the child is possible only on the basis of the comparison of the indicators of its growth and body weight with the indicators of standard growth rates or curves.

In assessing the physical development of the child, it is necessary to know the right relationship between body weight and growth. Under the mass indicator (MRP) means the ratio of mass to growth, i.e. What a mass is 1 cm. Body lengths. Normally, the newborn (MRP) is 60-75.

Proportionality of development.

In addition to the growth and body weight, the correct proportions of the body are important to assess physical development. It is known that the chest circumference of the docking is less than the circumference of the head at birth. The head of the head in the docking children fluctuates in fairly wide range - from 33.5 to 37.5 cm., On average, 35 cm is equal. When analyzing these digital indicators, the growth and weight of the child's body should be taken into account, as well as the ratio of the circle of the head with a thoracic circle. . When compared, it should be borne in mind that at birth, the head should not exceed the circle of the chest more than 2 cm. In the future, it is necessary to navigate the growth rate of the head of the head. In the first 3-5 months, the monthly gain is 1.0-1.5 cm, and then 0.5 -0.7 cm. By the year, the head circumference increases by 10-12 cm and reaches 46-47-48 cm (on average 47 cm.), By one and a half years, it increases to 47.9 cm, in 2-year-old kids - up to 49 cm, and three-year-olds - up to 50 cm. For the 2nd year of life, the head circumference increases by 2 cm, for 3rd - by 1 cm.

The measurement of the busty circumference is made by a centimeter rubberized ribbon in a state of quiet respiration (pause, and older children when inhaling and exhale). The tape is superimposed from behind - at the corners of the blades, and in front - at the level of the lower edge of the nipples.

Statistical functions.

Static functions are assessed taking into account the pace of motor development of the child. These are various baby's motor skills. It is necessary to take into account the ability of a child at a certain age to hold the head, make movements with hands (feeling the object, grabbing, holding toys in one hand, performing various actions), the appearance of dynamic functions (turning from the back on the stomach and from the belly on the back, pull up, crawl, sit down , get up to your feet, walk, run).

Timely teething of dairy teeth.

Teeth are laid around the 40th day of embryonic life. The child is born, as a rule, without teeth. The teething of the teeth is an act of physiological, the first teeth teck up at the age of 6 months. First there are 2 lower middle cutters, 2 upper medium cutters appear for 8 months, 2 upper side cutters appear for 10 months. By year, 2 side lower cutters are dispersed. Thus, in 1 year of life, the child must have 8 teeth - 4/4. By 2 years ends the teething of the remaining 12 dairy teeth. From 5--6 years, the teeth begin to fall out, replacing constant.

Development of movements.

At the end of the 1st - 2nd year, the child masters independent walking. Some kids can walk around, after a year continue and crawling, and sometimes movement on all fours prefer walking. Methods of crawling are improved and vary. However, each of them contains the following components: straightening the head, neck, back and arms; simultaneous turn to the opposite sides of the body and shoulders, torso and pelvis; Differentiated shoulders and hands, torso, feet and pelvis. These components of the crawling have already been partially mastered by the child on the 1st year of life, they are further improving and combined into new motor skills.

Some time, the baby continues to walk "sideways". Child 12 - 15 months when walking may not hold on to the support, but it is not yet capable of turning back to get a toy. This will be possible only by one and a half years.

In the vertical position, the kid is not able to completely straighten the hips, because of what he stands the "belly forward", and his feet are somewhat unfolded.

When the baby is 1.5 years old, he begins to move in a new way - beating his hands in the elbows and pressed them to the body. As the movements of the hands and the shoulder belt are increasingly differentiated, agreed (reciprocal) hands movements are formed when walking: the right hand makes movement forward simultaneously with the left foot, and vice versa.

Increasing the stability of the body in a vertical position contributes to the development of leg movements. The thighs and knees are freely infringe on, in the footsteps, a fitful bending (lowering the front of the foot of the foot down) is formed, so that the heel-finger shape of the step appears with the initial support on the heel, then the so-called flipper.

From one and a half years, the baby begins to easily get up without support from the position on the stomach and on the back. Then he gradually masters various combined movements. For example, learns to climb up and go down the steps.

At the end of the 2nd year, the child is already able to go back, trying to run. Such progressive development of motility becomes possible due to the improvement of the equilibrium function. Forms a uniform rhythm of step.

Aged from one and a half to 2 years, manual actions, requiring the suspension of the forearm, continue to be improved, and the child learns to turn the door handle, pour items from the boxes.

The development of coordinated arbitrary extension of the fingers and the active use of thumb formulates the basis for improving manipulative activity.

With the development of differentiable and controlled movements in the wilderness of the joint, the child gets the opportunity to simultaneously act with both hands, but in different ways.

By the end of the 3rd year, the coordination of movements in the child is already quite developed.

Thus, due to the intensive development of motor functions, the child by 3 years has already owns ways to eat many objects, as well as initial self-service skills.

In addition to anthropometric measurements, the muscle tone, tutor tours, the nature of grease, etc., is noted, etc. Determine the thickness of the subcutaneous layer should not be on a single site, but in various places (on the chest - between the nipple and sternum, on the stomach - at the level The navel, on the back - under the blades, on the limbs - on the outer surface of the thigh and shoulder, on the face - in the cheek area). Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous layer, they talk about the normal, excess and insufficient deposition of fat. Attention is drawn to uniform (throughout the body) or uneven distribution of the subcutaneous layer.

The definition of a soft tissue turgora is carried out by squeezing with large and index fingers of the right hand of the skin and

all soft tissues on the inner surface of the thigh and shoulder, while perceived the feeling of resilience or elasticity, called the tour. If the tour is reduced, then the feeling of lethargy or decrees is determined.

The muscle tone is determined by passive flexion and extension of the upper and lower extremities. According to the degree of resistance, which occurs in passive movements, as well as on the consistency of the muscle tissue, determined to the touch, judges the muscle tone. In healthy children, the tone and mass of muscles on symmetric places should be the same.

Anatomy-physiological features of organs and systems.

The skin is thickened, becomes more elastic and resistant to mechanical effects, the amount of blood vessels in it decreases, but more relatively large. By the age of 6, the structure of the dermis is approaching such in adults, but the keratinization of the horn layer of the epidermis is not finished yet. Hair thickness increases with 0.08 mm at the end of the first year of life up to 0.2 mm to 6--7 years.

The intensity of exchange in bone tissue is reduced. Calcium content in the skeleton increases from 179 g of 3 years to 239 g of 6 years. The skeletal osenation is not completed, there are still a lot of cartilage tissue. By the fourth year, the lumbar lumbar lumbar lumbling significantly decreases, and therefore disappears the abdominal anticipation of an early age. By 5--6, the form of the spine becomes the same as in an adult, however, the fixation of the spine is still imperfect.

The growth of the facial skull is ahead of the growth of the cerebral, the apparent sinuses of the nose continue to form (separation sinuses). By 4 years, the bottom nasal turn is developing.

By 7 years, the formation of the chest is completed. The ribs gradually take the same location as in an adult, a respiratory muscles develop, the so-called rib breathing appears.

Up to 6--7 years, voice gap, trachea and bronchi remain narrow. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract gentle, rich in blood vessels. The lungs are increasing, the number of alveoli, the bronchiole lumen. By 5--7 years ends the formation of the structure of the acinus. Respiring volume increases with 114 mls in 3 years to 156 ml of 6 years, a minute volume of breathing - respectively from 2900 to 3200 cm3. By 6 years, the need for oxygen reaches the maximum value - 9.2 ml / min / kg (which is twice as high as adults). Breathing becomes deeper and rare, one respiratory movement accounts for 31 / 2--4 pulse impact. The respiratory frequency is reduced from 30--35 in 1 min at 1 year to 23-35 in 1 min to 5--7 years. With auscultation of the lungs up to 5--7 years, puery breathing is determined.

Cardiovascular system becomes more efficient and hardy. The mass of the heart and the power of heartfrections increase. The shape and location of the heart is almost the same as in adults. The boundaries of relative heart dullness in 2--6 years: the upper edge is the second intercosta, the left edge is 1--2 cm in the left edge of the left midcoluchy line, the right edge - a little knutrice from the right inclusive line (does not reach the middle of the distance Between the right side of the linen and the right edge of the sternum). The top of the head of the heart during inspection is determined in the fifth intercostriety, a slightly duck from the right media remover line.

Gradually, the frequency of heart abbreviations is graduated: in 3 years it is 105 blows in 1 min, in 5 years - 100 shots in 1 min, at 7 years old - 85--90 shots in 1 min. Hell rises an average of 95/60 mm Hg. Art. At 3--4 to 100/65 mm Hg. Art. at 7 years old. For the estimated calculation of blood pressure, you can use the following formulas: for systolic blood pressure - 90 + 2N, diastolic - 60 + N (N - age in years).

There is a further development of the gastrointestinal tract. From 2 to 5 years, the length of the esophagus increases from 13 to 16 cm, the diameter is from 13 to 15 mm, the distance from the teeth to the entrance to the stomach - from 22.5--24 to 26--27.9 cm. The weight increases And the capacity of the stomach, the intestine is lengthened. The mass and dimensions of the pancreas and liver increase are improved, their functions are improved. In children of 5--7-year-olds, the lower edge of the liver performs from under the right edge arc per 1--2 cm on the midcurbicular line. Due to the increase in the secretion of the digestive glands, the digestion becomes more perfect becomes an increase in the activity of digestive enzymes. The frequency of intestinal emptying is 1-3 times a day.

Increases the mass and sizes of the kidneys. From 5 years, the building of the Nephron's Cluster is the same as in adults. The number of urine decreases from 10 times a day at 3 years to 6--7 at 7 years. In 3 years, the child highlights up to 800--900 ml of urine per day, in 7 years - up to 1000--1300 ml. Endogenous creatinine clearance corresponds to adult indicators.

The hematopoietic system develops, the mass of bone marrow increases. The composition of the blood (blood) changes: in 4-5 years, re-crossing occurs in the leukocyte formula, when the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes is almost aligned. The mass of the fork gland, the mass and size of the spleen increase. The number of lymph nodes continues to grow, the lymphoid apparatus of the nasopharynx, the gastrointestinal tract develops.

Further improvement of the immune system occurs, the level of complement increases. The synthesis of immunoglobulins increases: the blood content of immunoglobulins M reaches the level of an adult to 4--5 years, and immunoglobulins G - at 5--6 years. The level of immunoglobulins and in preschool age is lower than in adults.

The glands of the internal secretion are developing. The hypothalamic-pituitary system is being improved, the size of the pituitary is increasing. A sufficient level of secretion of triple hormones of pituitary glands provides normal child growth dynamics and the correct functioning of the peripheral inland secretion glands. The weight of the thyroid gland increases, the hormones of which are necessary not only for growth processes, but also for the differentiation of the Ts.N.S., normal intellectual and psychomotor development of the child. Differentiation of zones in adrenal cortex continues. There are no significant changes in the level of sex hormones, but there is a further development of the sex glands (eggs, ovaries), their "preparation" for the period of puberty increases the mass of parachitoid glands.

The development of central and peripheral nervous systems continues. The mass of the brain increases. Conducting Ways Ts.N.S. And the nerve endings in the cephalokaudal direction: by 3--5, the myelinization of nerve fibers is mainly completed. After 3 years, the cervical and lumbar thickening of the spinal cord appear, its mass by 3--5 is tripled compared with the mass at birth.

There is a further development of the senses. The dimensions and weight of the eyeballs increase markedly. In children of 6 years, the processes of formation of refractive continue, deep vision is beginning to develop. By 6 years of visual acuity reaches 0.86. The volume perception of objects and the ability to distinguish between the color is worse than in school age children. The acuity of hearing and the ability to differentiate sounds increases. At the 6th age of hearing acuity, the words are lower than on the tones. The smell improves - the sensitivity to smells and the ability to their differentiation increase.


So, we reviewed the features of the physical education of children of preschool age; Main ways and rules for their assessment.

Under the physical qualities and abilities, we understand the qualities and abilities that characterize its physical condition, this is primarily the state of its morphofunctional development: the constitution of its body and the physiological functions of the latter. The signs characterizing the body's constitution include, in particular, such indicators of its physique, as growth, weight, body circumference, etc. Among the various physiological functions of the human body, it should be noted that the motor function is characterized by the human ability to perform a certain circle of movements and the level Development of motor (physical) qualities.

And, of course, in early and preschool age it is important to solve the tasks of the upbringing of almost all physical qualities.


1. Hygiene of children and adolescents ed. V. N. Kardatathenko - M. - Medicine - 1980 - s. 41-115

2. Kozlov V.I. et al. Child development physiology. M., 1983. - 15 s.

3. Veltishchev Yu.E., Vetrov V.P. Objective indicators of normal development and health status of a child. - M., 2000. - 165 p.

4. Evaluation of the physical development of children: method. Indications / Sost. Krasnov V.M., Grigorieva M.N., Krasnov M.V., Piskunova A.I., Kustova V.G. - Chuvash. University, Cheboksary, 2002. - 56 p.

5. Grocholsky G.G. Muscular activity of preschool children: method. Recommendations, AFL and CRB. - MN, 1992. - 44C.

6. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methodology for the physical education and development of the child. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2001.-368С.

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When analyzing children's fears, materials A.I. Zakharov .



The history of the development of a child in the period from 3 years to 5-5.5 years of age.

Leading records of the child's development during this period:

1. The duration, the severity and features of the flow of the "crisis of three years".

2.Adaptation in the children's institution: the ability to communicate with peers, the possibility of adapting in a children's team, adaptation to the requirements of the social environment, the presence- Specific reactions to visiting the children's institution.

3. The benefit of the game as the leading activity of this age.

4. In connection with the differentiation of motor functions inherent in this age, the presence of a leopard or ambidexter (no persistent preference for any hand or legs) in a family or other relatives should also be found.

Fears of junior preschool age.

1. In 3 years in boys most often compared to subsequent age are representedfears of fabulous characters (50%), heights (40%), blood (43%), injections (50%), pain (47%) and unexpected sounds (43%). 2. Half other fears, despite their smaller severity, reachesboys maximum in question: in 3 years -darkness (33%); closed and open space (27 and 20%, respectively),waters (27%), doctors (23%).

2. At 4 years old - loneliness (31%) and transport (22%).

3. In girls Reach the age maximum common fears with boys: in 3 years -loneliness (33%), darkness (37%), pain (40%), Ukolov (41%), in 3 and 4 years - blood (27% in both ages). Does not reach the maximum, but quite pronounced andfear of closed space At 4 years (21%).

4. In the younger preschool agefear of lonelinessbased on a diffuse feeling of anxiety or anxiety,it is specified by the fear of attacks embodied in the face of terrible fabulous characters. Deciphering this combination of fears Next: The child, remaining alone, without parental support, is experiencing a sense of danger and instinctive fear of the fabulous characters threatening his life.

5. Boys at 3 years most often fearBaba Yagi (34%), Kosza I (28%) and Barmaley (34%).

6. Girls Accordingly, more often fear the same characters in 4 years - at 50, 42 and 47%.

7. At 4, 33% of boys and 39% of girls are expressedfear of wolf . All these fabulous images can be known to knowreflect the fear of punishment or alienate parentsfrom children with a lack of such significant feelings of love, pity and sympathy. Then the Yaga Baba may be involuntarily associated with the mother, and the wolf, Barmalei and Koschey - with the Father.

8. Triad of the triad of fears for this age:solitude, darkness and closed space.

Physical development of children 3-5 years.

Three years .

1. Huge motor skills of the child: it confidently runs, speeds up and slows down the pace, changes the direction of movement, can catch the ball and keep the balance, it rises well and descends along the steps, rides a three-wheeled bike.

2. At this age, the baby is able to dress independently and undress, knows how to fasten (it is hardship) and unbutton the buttons, wear shoes (on velcro).

3. In three years, the child is already well oriented in space and can easily find the item you need or perform some kind of task to search for toys.

4. It is also well developed visual coordination. He is already able to use scissors, independently have, drinking from a cup, unfolds candy without mother assistance (just a master of all hands).

Four years .

1. Motor activity is improving: the child can stand and ride on one leg, walks backwards, jumps aside, back and forth, alternates juggling, jumps over low obstacles, marches music in tact.

2. In this period, the right (left) hand is clearly formed.

3. In this age, not all children get to tie the laces correctly. However, almost all of them are taking active attempts in this direction.

Five years.

1. Control over the movements of the body is noticeably improved. All the skills that the child acquired to this age is improving.

2. In this age, the kid catches the ball with two hands (from a short distance), hitting him about the ground several times and catches, rides on a two-wheeled bike (without safety wheels including), rides on the rollers, jumps through the rope, deftly overcomes obstacles , walks on a log, makes simple dance movements.

Table of speech development:

Age of the child

Sounds that appeared in speech

1 year - 1.5 years

b, t, k, h

1.5 years -2

f, in, th, dy, ny, whp, x

2 years - 2 years 6 months

sch, zy, ny, bj, d, t, d, n

2 years 7 months - 3 years 5 months.

ficy, c, s, x, l

3.5 years - 3 years 8 months

h, Sh

4 years - 4 years 6 months

sh, f,

4 years of 6 months - 5 years

rye, R.

Development of children's speech from 2 to 6 years.


Active speech

Understanding speech

2 years of 6 months

There is a rapid increase in the vocabulary stock.

Adequately uses pronounsi, you, me ; Uses offers from 2-3 -4 words. Sophisticated non-union offers.

Repeats two digits "one", "two" in the correct sequence, has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number "one";

We use smaller-burning forms of words. Suffix appear.

Understands read short stories and fairy tales (with a support for the picture, and then without it)

3 years

Vocabulary 500 words and higher, communicates from 3 or more words, uses the multiple number of nouns and verbs. Calls its name, gender, age, understands the meaning of simple predictions, performs tasks like:Put a cube under a cup, put a cube into a box.

Frequently asks you questions. Speaking, tells, your impressions, thoughts

Contracts sounds, syllables, words when reading.

Calls colors, the form of objects

Understands complex suggestions like: "When we come home, I will ...". Understands questions like: "What are you in your hands?". Listens to explanations "as" and "why." Perform two-step instructions like: "First we wash your hands, then we will dine." Understands the importance of simple predictions and multiple numbers.

3-4 years

Owns a dictionary about 1500 words. Begins to use complex suggestions. He says offers from 4-5 words.

Specifies many questions, uses the words "Who?" and why?"

Uses type expressions:"I think ....", "I hope that ...."

Properly uses verbs in the past time.

Understands complex proposals, the values \u200b\u200bof the prepositions are out of a concrete usual situation. Listening long fairy tales and stories.

Performs requests and teams, even if the necessary item is not in sight.

4-5 years old

Has a vocabulary of about 3000 words

Knows his address

Enjoys proposals from 5-6 words.

Enjoy all types of proposals, including complex.

Able to retell.

Pronounces almost all sounds.

Determines the right-left in itself, but not from others.

Knows simple antonyms (big, small, solid - soft)

Enjoy the past, present and future time.

He considers to 10.

He knows the appointment of objects and can say what they are made.

Performs verbal tasks with pretextsbehind, between, near, toetc. Understands a conditional sentence with the wordif a. Understands the grammatical form of suggestions like:The picture was drawn by Masha.

6 years

Has a dictionary of about 4000 words

All sounds pronounces correctly.

Able to tell and retell, trying to express his attitude towards told.

Enjoy complex offers.

Consumes all parts of speech

Uses abstract and abstract concepts

Distinguishes and differentiates speech sounds on rumor and in pronunciation

Can retell the events of the past day, story, cartoon.

Cognitive activity: 3.5-4.5 years.

1. Sometimes its gender, age, name and surname, differentiates them (what is your name? And the name?), The names of the parents.

2. You can repeat the adult out of 4-5 words (the cat sleeps, it is warm. After lunch, we will go walk.).

3. It knows all the colors of the spectrum. Unmistakably calls red, blue, green, yellow. Selects identical shades of color.

4. Displays geometric shapes and calls: a circle, square, picks up similar to this: triangle, oval, rectangle.

5. Lade the concepts of "one-lot".

6. It knows the generalizing words "dishes, clothes, toys" (what toys do you have? What kind of dishes do you have in the kitchen?).

7. Damage to play Children's lotto, finds identical pictures

8. The answers on the Questions along the reading of the book (what did the chicken have done? -Aschko).

9. Can draw several well-known items as adults have taught (if not draws, it can at least copy the cross, straight lines and cool).

10. Maybe you can build something from a children's building material or a designer with a clearly designated detail of the construction. Building must match the sample.

11. Make sure to fold the pyramid, taking into account the size of the rings, put one into another 6-9 decreasing molds, insert the liners into the board with slots, fold the substantive cutting picture from several parts.

1. Drawing the following colors: red, yellow, blue, green, white, black.

2.We: correctly hold a pencil, brush and use them; Cut strokes, horizontal, vertical, round lines.

3. Conducts in contours, copies the cross, reproduces forms.

4. In the modeling, you can: Roll a lump of clay with straight and circular movements; Turn the strainers skated with straight movements in the form of a ring, connect ends, flatten clay lump between palms, connect 2-3 familiar shapes.

The game:

1. Lobs to play with toys, plays simple plots with a chain of action (cooks in a saucepan soup, seats a doll at the table, gives her a plate, feeds, stacked sleeping).

2. Requires his actions - can answer questions that he does and why, what will happen next (now I will eat lunch and a doll with a teddy bear).


1. In the peers playing "nearby", sometimes in the game partner, but not destroying it.

2. In the family shows a desire to do a lot.

Skills: i can wash myself, brushing your teeth, go to the toilet, dress after sleep. He knows where what lies and easily performs the requests of an adult to find and bring.

Attention indicators:

1) can find similarities and differences in objects.
2) Can find similarities and differences on pictures, drawings.
3) collects design designer
4) collects a picture of 3 or 4 parts into one.
5) Repeats the actions for adults: Hands up - Hands to the side - to raise the leg - lower the leg.
6) The child makes cotton in your hands when an adult calls a certain word from the word list. The child should clap his hands with the word "ball" when you say the words: a cup, a notebook, ice cream, wall, telephone, pyramid, sea, lemon, ball, spoon, snowflake.
7) keeps 4-5 objects in view.
8) Not distracted by 5-7 minutes when performing tasks.

9) still do not know how to intentionally maintain attention for a long time in the same direction, distracted from other items.

Indicators of attention attention:

By three years, children should:

1. Fill the task without being distracted about 3-4 minutes;

2. In the field of view of at least 3-4 items;

3. Right 2-3 distinctions between objects;

5.Made find the same items, figures;

6.Made to find objects that differ from others.

By four years, children should:

1. Fill the task without being distracted about 8-10 minutes;

2. Hold in the field of view of at least 4-5 reports;

3. Run 3-4 differences between objects;

5.Make find the same items, figures.

By five years, children should:

1. Fill the task without being distracted for 10-12 minutes;

2. Hold in the field of view 6-7 subjects;

3. Right 5-6 differences between objects;

4. Fill an independent assignment on the proposed pattern;

Memory development indicators:

By three years, children should:

1. Make a memorize at least 3-4 of the proposed items or named words;

repeat literal proposals consisting of 2-3 words;

2.Scount the content of the storyline (on issues);

storing the location of toys (2-3-4), call the memory that was where it was.

By four years, children should:

1. Mark not to memorize at least 4-5 proposed items or named words;

2. To be able to talk about memories, fairy tales, stories;

3. Expose literal proposals consisting of 3-4 words;

4. Collect the memory of the events of your life and the surrounding environment;

to tell the content of the plot picture;

5. Quoting the location of the toys (3-4), call the memory that was where it was.

By five years, children should:

1. Mark not to memorize at least 6 proposed items or named words;

2. Summary to memorize poems, sweatshirts, riddles;

3. Put the content of a small piece or fairy tale;

4. Improve and tell the events that occurred on the eve, as well as bright events of life;

5. Quite and repeat small phrases;

6.Made to compare two images by memory.

By three years, children should:

1. Add suitable objects to each other by tying them between themselves in meaning (for example, a basket and mushrooms, a cup and a saucer, a bucket and a blade, etc.);

2. Consider two subjects with each other, detect the discrepancy between them;

3. Party among four items one that does not look like the rest (for example, three different buckets and matryoshka, three different apples and flower, etc.);

4. Snow who from animals where he lives, that he loves to eat;

5. What things are needed in summer, and what - in winter;

6. Suspend the pyramid taking into account the magnitude of the rings;

8.Sut cut pictures from 2-3 parts.

By four years, children should:

1. Add objects to the Group on certain features, call them a generalizing word (animals, toys, fruits, shoes furniture, dishes);

2. Add suitable items to each other by tying them between themselves in meaning (for example, hat and scarf, needle and thread, a cup with a saucer, etc.);

3. Attend the subject in groups that are not suitable for general features: "Find what is superfluous" (for example, hare, protein, hedgehog and fungus; apple, pear, grapes and pencils, etc.);

4. Strip the logical series from a specific group of figures or objects;

5. Create two subjects with each other, detect the discrepancy between them;

6. Navigate the missing parts from items (for example, a clock without arrows, a kettle without a handle, a flower without petals, etc.);

7. Include inconsistencies of images in the picture of the surrounding reality (for example, chicken with a hare ears, an apple on a fir branch, etc.);

8. Suspend a pyramid of 5-6 rings, taking into account their magnitude;

10. Suggest cut pictures of 3-4-parts.

By five years, children should:

1.Sut the sequence of events in a series of plot pictures and make a connected story ("Spank pictures in order to get a story");

2. Classify items according to certain features (color, form, quantity, quantity);

3.Dide the subject in a group that is not suitable for general features;

4. Carefully find inconsistencies in drawings and explain them;

5. Clear two subjects with each other, call, what they look like and what they differ from each other;

6. Same and call details of clothes, parts of the car, house, tree, flower;

7. Suitable, taking into account the magnitude of the pyramid of 8 rings;

9. Suggest cut pictures of 4-5 parts.

Signs of lagging in the development of the cognitive sphere 3.5 - 4.5 years.

1. Done oriented in three contrasting values, i.e. can not invest a smaller subject in more (nesting, bowls)

2. It picks up 3-4 colors; confused in selection of 4 colors;

3. It collects in the correct sequence a pyramid of 3 rings (after the show);

4. There is clearness in attempts to deliver an underdeveloped subject;

5. It is solved by the gaming situation itself upon presentation of the game material; Does not imitate the actions of a close adult.

6. He can build a "turret" from cubes;

7. Do not draw, and if he draws, then nothing recognizes in his doodles;

8. Do not add a pyramid of 4 rings, four-stroke dull;

9.Not shows famous items in pictures (animals, toys, dishes, clothes);

9. Do not fold a split picture of two halves.

Signs of lagging in the development of the emotional sphere.

1. It is able to calmly wait a little (after an adult explanation);

2. Do not understand "good" and "bad";

3. In addition to the crying child (according to the example of an adult), 4. It is manifested by long-term emotional memory and emotional anticipation;

5. Lightly distracted from any classes;

6. Do not determine its emotional state (fun, sad, boring, interesting, good, bad).

Indicators of normal development at the age of children from 4.5 - to 5.5 years.

Cognitive activity:

1. It knows my address, a birthday, where or who parents work, the age and race of the classes of brothers and sisters (Sasha 9 years old, he studies at school, in grade 3). 2. Can answer questions like "On what floor do you live? How many rooms in your apartment? How many people do you have in the family?

3. Make sure to learn the poem from 4 lines and knows several such poems.

4. Can repeat for adults 5 scattered words (braid, fly, grass, forest, mushroom).

6. Maybe you can copy simple geometric shapes.

7.Casses navigate in space - understands "at the top", "below", "nearby", "between", "opposite", "under", "over" about ".

8. The differences in the pictures (on one tree with flower, and there is no).

9. Cobbies cubes, mosaic.

10.Makes questions like "How to name apples, pears, peaches in one word?"

11.Can a little fairy tale, a story, to retell on matters.

Age features of the development of visual and motor coordination:

Coloring simple forms. Copies the title printed letters.

Fine activity.

1. Draws a simple "house" (square and diagonal). Draws a person, depicting from 2 to 3 parts of his body. Copies the square, star. Takes up three parts in an unfinished picture.

2. Even the number of items that the child can draw. Scene drawings appear, often monotonous. Knows the names of 6-8 colors.

3. When designing can reproduce a simple sample, even if the parts are not highlighted in it.

4. Can cut out the details of the applications and stick them, sculpt from plasticine. Non-flat figures (carrots, berries).

The game: Plots of games are becoming diverse. Substitution items are widely used (in the game in the store dandelions - candy, sand-sugar, pebbles-money). Performs the rules of simple collective games (hide and hide and bumper).

Communication: Maybe play together with another peer child. Refers to children differentiated (I love Tanya, because it is cheerful, and Dima is not very, because he greadings).

Skills: Changes with simple orders (cover the table, pour flowers, wipe dust). Dress up for a walk and strips, returning from the walk, on your own.

The history of the child's development in the period from 5.5 to 7 years.

1. The psychologist first of all should be interested in the problems arising during this period, or the growing of previously had problems both in terms of the child's behavior and in terms ofcognitive development.

2. Also, it is important to note the level of "readiness" for school learning (whether the letters knew whether to read the syllables, whether he had a direct score to 10).

3. With the other side, a psychologist need to find out such non-specific features:

Increased depletion and reduced performance,

The tempo features of the child (fast-slow, "copper"), increased excitability and difficulties of regulating their own behavior against the background of obvious signs of depletion or without them,

Emotional lability (mood instability, ease of transition from laughter to tears and vice versa).

4. The presence of frequent respiratory diseases or aggravation of chronic, severe infectious diseases, the effects of injuries, surgical operations, to one degree or another influenced the mental development of the child.

5. The fact of the mother, father (in a triangle).

6. Relationship with peers.

7. Capacity to the role-playing game.

8.The calf and ability to draw.

9. If the child visited the kindergarten, - how to build a relationship with educators, with children;.

10.Son of the child, the presence of fears, "nightmares";

11.Baby, mental injuries, reactions to them.

12. Reading the child to school in cognitive, communicative, volitional spheres, "school maturity".

This is the age of the greatest severity of fears, which is due not so much emotional as cognitive development - an increased understanding of danger.

1.Central place occupiesfear of death Maximum expressed in boys at 7 years old.

2. Enhanced in the older preschool age, not yet reaching the maximum,the fear of the death of parents.

3. Maximally presentedfear of animals (42 and 38% - in 6 and 7 years old in boys and 62% - 7 years old girls),from fabulous - Snake Gorynych At age 5 and in 3 years, boys (in 27% at each age), at 6 years old - in girls (45.5%).

From other typical for ages, it should be noted:

4. Fear of depth - boys 6 and 7 years old (47%), girls 7 years old (65%).

5. Scary dreams - Boys 6 years old (39%), in girls in 5 (43%), 6 (43%) and 7 years (42%).

6. Fear of fire - For boys in 6 years (39%), in girls in 5 (55%), 6 (56%), 7 (56%) and at 9 years (54%).

7. Increasing in the older preschool age, keeping at a high level in the futurefear of fire In 6 and 7 years old, boys (59% and 62%) and 6 and 7 years old in girls (79%).

8. Fear of attack - In 6 and 7 years old, boys (50%) and at 7 years old in girls (73%).

9. Fear of war - at 6 and 7 years old in boys (59% and 50%), in 7 years in girls (92%).

10. In contrast to the boys in girls in the examination underlinedfears get sick at 7 years (46%), punishment at 7 years (37%), before falling asleep in 5-8 years (16-17%) and fabulous characters in general In 5 years (65%).

11. The coming link of fears from the senior preschoolers willfear of death .

According to correlation analysis, it is closely related to

Fear of attack


Death of parents

Terrible dreams


Fabulous characters







The death fear is more often found in children who are found in 8 months. The fears of strangers, as well as some caution and foresight at the beginning of walk.

In the future, they do not need to hide matches, because they are afraid (fear) fire and fire.

Attention is drawn to the fear of height in pre-school age. These children do not go from the slides, quickly assimilate precautions, for example, not to approach the open window, do not stand on the edge of the cliff, etc.

Fears of attacks, diseases, death of parents, terrible dreams, elements, fire, fire and war. They are associated with the fear of death in the entire age range of 3-16 years, both in boys and girls.

All this is the manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, which is exacerbated from physically, somatic and non-reliable children).

12. In the senior preschool age, the threat to life is associated with such a fabulous character asZmey Gorynych.

13 . Fears of fire and fire Received their development in the senior preschool age, being one of the manifestations of fear of death.

14. Crocodile - in the senior preschool age (death fear).

Cognitive activity:

1 . He knows the names of the patrony of parents, grandparents, grandmothers, acquaintances, their middle name. Understands relational relationships (grandmother - Mother Mama, Uncle Vitya - Mamin Brother).

2. Names to navigate in the city: remembers the road somewhere after several repetitions of this path, knows the name of his transportation of transport, nearby streets.

3. Same names of months, can say what day the day of the week, a month, what holidays are in winter, in the spring.

4. Remembers the names of the books that he read could answer the question where he traveled last summer, last weekend.

5. The wishes to understand the time.

6. Maybe you can remember the word, picking up a picture, such that reminds the word and explain this connection. For example, you need to remember the word "fire" - Best chooses a picture with the image of the newspaper and explains "the paper is well lit." It can establish several such connections, and 40 minutes by pictures remember words.

7. It can guess the subject on the grounds (green, thick, long vegetable cucumber).

8. distinguishes the word form from its content (what word is longer - an hour or minute? Snake or worm?).

9. Word couples, calling not only differences, but also similarities (chamomile and dandelion are flowers, the chamomile is white, and the dandelion is white, the chamomile has a middle, and there is no dandelion, etc.).

10.Names complex speech structures: "Sasha went to walk after looked at the TV. What did Sasha do before? Walked or watched TV?"

11. Causes of causal relationships and patterns (Vova threw a coin in the water - the coin drowned. Threw the carnations - he drowned. Mom said, all iron objects are drowning. Does the little iron button drown on the window? Masha looked out on the window and said it was raining at night. What saw on Masha Street?).

12.Can you choose words to a certain sound, invent words with a given number of sounds, divide the words to the sounds K_A_SH_A.

14. Draws, designed, sculpt the condition that the adult sets.


1. The jumps through the rope, it falls into a moving object (computer games with a gun), riding a two-wheeled bike.

2. The direct line of the point is 6-8 cm from each other.

3. Copies ornaments, complex geometric shapes (trapezium, pentagon).

4. Synchronously with two hands sticks every finger to the thumb.

Fine activity:

1. Accurately paint, strokes, can arbitrarily change the push force on the pencil (thick and thin lines).

2. Draws on the task of an adult stick of the same height, copies samples (mugs, squares), observing the size.

3. Make sure to continue the specified ornament, repeat the contour of the "winding track".

The game:

1.C. board games with rules are available: Domino, checkers, cards. Playing school, taking on the role of a teacher.


Easily turns on in a joint game with children, may agree with a partner about joint actions, well understands the instructions of not very familiar people on the organization of any activity. In the presence of parents can essentially answer questions of completely unfamiliar people.


Can perform complex instructions (in the upper left drawer in the writing desk in a red box are pencils. Bring me yellow.). Breaking the instructions for steps: Open the table box, find a box, etc. not allowed. Uses the sequence of operations when performing simple domestic action.

Indicators Development of attention.

1. This age is capable of arbitrary attention, but its stability is still small (10-15 minutes) and depends on the conditions and individual characteristics of the child. The number of simultaneously perceived objects is small (1-2). Children of this age are not capable of quickly and often switch attention from one object or type of activity to another.

By six years, children should:

1. Fill the task without being distracted for 15 minutes;

2.Tore in view of 8-10 items;

3. Right 7-8 differences between objects;

perform independent assignment on the proposed pattern;

be able to find the same items.

To seven years, children should:

Perform a task without being distracted about 20 minutes;

To hold in view of at least 10 items;

Find 10 differences between objects;

Perform independent assignment on the proposed pattern;

Copy exactly pattern or movement;

Be able to find the same items.

Memory development indicators:

By six years, children should:

1. Mark not less than 7-8 proposed items or named words;

2. Make a memorization and tell the poem, sweatshirts, riddles;

3. Practice close to the text of the stories or fairy tales;

4. Set the rows of numbers (from 4 to 6) visually and on rumor;

5. Register and repeat phrases consisting of 7-8 words;

6.Scount the events of your life, remembering all the details;

7.Scount the content of the story picture.

To seven years, children should:

1. Mark not to memorize at least 9-10 proposed items or named words;

2. Assume to tell the poems, fairy tales, stories;

3. Consider literally sentences consisting of 9-10 words;

4. Advanced rows of numbers (from 5 to 7), remembering them visually and on rumor;

5. In detail to talk about the memory of the events of your life and the surrounding environment;

6. In detail to tell the content of the storyline;

7. Select the location of the toys (8-10), call the memory that was where it was.

Indicators of the development of thinking:

By six years, children should:

2. Classify items in a group of specific features (color, form, quantity, purpose);

4. Note the subject in groups that are not suitable for general features;

5. Strive simple logical tasks;

6.Sut the logical series of figures;

7. Create two subjects with each other, call than they look like and what they differ from each other;

8. Suggest cut pictures from 5-6 parts;

9. Suspens the pyramid of 10 rings, taking into account their size;

To seven years, children should:

1. Summarize the sequence of events in a series of plot pictures and make a connected story;

2. Tighten objects to the Group on certain features;

3. Add suitable items to each other by tying them among themselves in meaning;

4. In groups, an object that is not suitable for general features, justifies this exception in speech statements;

5. Translated from one principle of classification (for example, by material) to other (according to properties, qualities, functional purpose) and justify their actions in speech statements;

6.The most complex logical tasks;

7.Set the logical series from a specific group of figures or objects;

8. Consider two subjects with each other, detect the discrepancy between them;

9.Set text with an appropriate picture;

10. Sust links between characters and objects depicted in pictures;

11.Inadly respond to humorous situations and images, jokes, riddles, humorous stories, understand their hidden meaning.

The differences of the child before the crisis and after the crisis.

Baby to crisis

Child after crisis

Focuses on the result of activity, the method is withstanding only under the control of the adult

Interested in the way - how to make it right, that is, absorbs various algorithms.

Focus on everyday concepts, their own experience, therefore, grouping pictures, for example, combines items that are needed to each other (wardrobe and dress, etc.).

Scientific concepts are beginning to be formed, the items are grouping on a meaningful summarized basis (dishes, clothing).

Does not see common between similar tasks, if the material is different, perceives it as a new one (the tasks are different: the first was about apples, and the second about the Christmas tree).

Thinks generally and therefore allocates the type of learning task - having learned the way to solve some training task, successfully applies it in all cases.

Does not understand the reversibility of mathematical operations, the consistency of quantity (if the plasticine ball has in front of it in the cake and (asking where there is more plasticine, which is in a ball).

It understands the reversibility of mathematical operations and therefore can verify the correctness of actions, solves indirect tasks, understands the constancy of the amount.

Gaming interests prevail, the school does not want to school or there is an extracurricular moments there.

The "position of the schoolboy" is formed, go to school for knowledge, the game goes to the background.

Indirect criteria of physical and physiological readiness for learning are

1. Frustration of constant teeth.

2. Towance of certain proportions of the body, due to which it becomes a positive so-calledphilippine Test, the child can, with a vertical hold of the head, overlap the left ear shell with the right hand.

3. Coefficient of somatic maturitydefined by dividing the circle of the head for the length of the body becomes less0,44.

Signs of difficulties in development in children of preschool age.

1. Establishing the indicated standards within the year indicates a slight delay in mental development,

Within two years - about pronounced or about the possibility of mental underdevelopment.

In any case, the inconsistency of the development rates of the age norm requires the organization of a special psychodiagnostic survey.

2 . The clones in the cognitive sphere are determined by the following general features:

game: Poor, Primitive, Plots Monotonous, In general, playing does not like, games with rules are little accessible or unavailable at all;

cognitive interests are not manifested: does not like to listen to books, does not ask questions, it is not interested in anything, attempts to play educational games cause refusal;

I remember badly, can not learn a poem, home address, date of birth, etc.;

Does not understand the meaning of many events, stories, cartoons, can not answer questions about them;

Not oriented in the household sphere, almost nothing knows about the world around;

Invisible in productive specific children's activities: drawing, modeling, appliqués, design.

The lag in the development of the emotional sphere is stated in the presence of the following signs:

Differentiated emotional assessment of the surrounding people or events does not appear;

Does not respond to non-verbal signals of positive or negative

the relationship of an adult (does not feel how they relate to it);

Does not understand the emotional state of other children and adults.

On deviations in the emotional sphere

Can be judged by availabilitybehavioral disorders. Behavioral violations indicating the emotional discharged discharacters are systematized on the basis of Questionnaire D.Chott in Modifications G.Y. Kudrina (1992):

1. Difference to people, things, situations

Never asks for help of unfamiliar or unfamiliar people,

Does not begin to communicate with them even with their initiative;

2. It has one good friend and ignore other children;

3. often worried about something;

4. Lentally from fear;

5. Camping under the nose when they greet it;

6. It does not bring the teacher in the kindergarten of his drawings, crafts, flowers, although other children often do it;

7. Rinsing and blushing if a question is asked him; Easy comes out of the game.

8. Depressive disorders:

Quickly tired;

Vygl, the misinterpretation, inattentive;

Sudden and sharp decay of energy are observed;

Apatichen even in games;

Rarely laughs, looks oppressed, unhappy; often dreams in reality; Speaks inexpressively).

9. Care:

Never greet anyone

Does not respond to greetings;

Does not show friendliness to other people and avoid talking;

Lives in his world;

Absolutely does not show interest in manual work, collective games and refuses them;

Like a "alerted animal";

In a conversation, it is worried about the topic.

10. Anxiety in relation to adults:

Several times greet;


Tries to please adult exaggeratedly willingly fulfills orders,

Very much tells not very close to adult, including relations in your family, various fantastic, fictional stories,

Yabedy for children;

All the time trying to interest adults with its own, and if it fails, it starts to fully ignore them.

11. Hostility towards adults:

Changeable in moods;

Often happens in a bad mood;

Spoils toys, things,

Lies without reason and difficulty;

Protects against accusations of open lies, unscrewing on others, rudeness;

Can steal money, sweets, valuable things;

May behave openly obstacious: to tell the children of indecent stories, swear, draw "hooligan" drawings;

It does not comply with the discipline, at best, under the threat of physical punishment).

12. Anxiety towards children:

He likes to be in the center of attention, for this or playing a hero - risks without need, or it is pretty a fool, builds a jester;

Breasts before children when the teacher comes out of the group behaves very noisy in kindergarten;

Impries the hooligan traits of others.

13 Felice towards children:

Interferes with the other in games, frightened over them, likes to scare;

Quarrel, offends children;

Holds inappropriately - bite, scratched; sticks to weak;

Hide or destroy other people's toys and things;

Trying with their comments to create difficulties in other children;

Almost everyone is in bad relationship, children do not like him.

14. Lack of social regulation:

Hidden, incredulous;

Selfish, loves intrigue;

Takes someone else without permission;

Sculpts in competitions;

Ignore the caregiver - never asks for help, manifests full indifference in conversations with him, while normally communicates with other people;

Never voluntarily takes any job;

Indifferent to praise and censures;

Never looks into the eyes.

In order to judge the availability of one or another violation, it is necessary to observea number of symptoms, which belong to this diagnostic category, symptoms from different diagnostic categories in the amount of 5 or more, usually also indicate emotional disadvantages.

The readiness indicators of the child to school.

1. Personal readiness.

Formation of readiness for the adoption of a new "social position" - the position of a schoolboy who has a circle of certain duties and rights and occupying a special position among people. This personal readiness is expressed primarily with respect to the child to school, to educational activities, to teachers, to themselves.

1. The mining of children of senior preschool age is striving to go to school, some of it attractsexternal attributes: "I will have a new portfolio", "School in our yard is new and big", "I have a friend at school."

2. Many children explain their desire to go to school the fact that they will deal with the schoolacademic activities: "I want to learn to be like dad," "I will learn to read and write," "In school, the tasks are interesting to decide."


1. Addly remark thatif the child is not ready for the social position of the schoolchild, even if there is intellectual readiness for school, learning him will still be difficult. The successes of such children are usually extremely unstable.

2. However, those preschoolers who are particularly concerned thatdon't want to go to school. Some of them are focused on the sad "experience" of the school life of the senior brothers or sisters: "I do not want, there are twice there, and then they scold at home." Other started school. If the child is constantly saying: "You can't connect two words, how do you go to school?" "So you go to school, there will be shown to you!" - It is unlikely that you can count on the fact that he will have a desire to learn.

2. Intellectual readiness.

The most important indicator of the intellectual readiness of the child to school is also mastering them related, grammatically and phonetically correct speech: the ability not only to understand the speech of another, but also independently build suggestions for their thoughts, the ability to pick up and pronounce words, the ability to distinguish between similar sounds.

  1. Wallave readiness.

1. Registration of the main elements of the skill: The child is able to put a goal, make a decision, outline the action plan, execute it, to show a certain effort in case of overcoming the obstacle, assess the result of its action.

2. The landing preschooler is able to manage his movements, attention, deliberately memorize the poem, overcome pain, subordinate to his desire to do something.

Bibliographic Description:

Nesterova I.A. Health and physical development of children [Electronic resource] // Educational Encyclopedia Website

Consider the relationship of the health and physical development of children, which is one of the key children's health indicators. The need to regularly assess the level of physical development of the child in order to overcome possible diseases in the early stages of their occurrence.

The importance of the physical development of children

Health and physical development are closely interconnected. Children with existing health impairments - physical development slowed down or significantly deteriorated. The physical development of children is presented in the aggregate of morphological and functional signs of the body in their relationship in childhood. It is inextricably linked with the upbringing of thrust to a healthy lifestyle.

The health problem and physical development of children is widely studied in medicine. Back in the XIX century, Russian scientists F. F. Erisman and N. V. Zak found that the physical development of children and adolescents from privileged circles is significantly higher compared to peers from families of low-income.

During the Soviet government, such scientists were written about the health and physical development of children as: A. N. Antonova, M. D. Bolshakova, M. A. Minkevich, E. P. Stromskaya, L. A. Sysin, L. L. Rokhlin , V. O. Moch and others. Currently, the problems of child development and health are paying much attention in the writings of such specialists as: V. V. Golubev, A.A. Baranov, N.V. Jested., Shabaliov dr.

Children's physical development indicators

Health and physical development of children depends on what physical form and how often the child is engaged in sports. An important role in assessing the health of children is performed by the indicators of the physical development of children.

Under the physical development of children understand the totality of morphological and functional signs of the body such as:

  1. height,
  2. chest Circle,
  3. lung tank
  4. muscular power of hands, etc.

The physical development and child and adult is directly related to the activities of the body systems:

  1. cardiovascular
  2. respiratory
  3. digestive
  4. musculoskeletal, etc.

The state of the above systems is an indicator of the physical development of the child. It has been established that, from how the child is developed physically dependent the body's resistance to adverse effects of the medium, disease resistance. Thus, the physical development and health of the child is interrelated and affects each other.

Many valerologists note that physical development as a category of health is directly related to the condition of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal and other systems. It is indisputable. However, it is impossible to forget that the level of physical development does not depend on the level of physical development to the adverse effects of the medium, the resistance of diseases and, accordingly, the condition of the internal organs.

The physical development and health of the child is interconnected and affects each other. Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the body and is one of the most important indicators of children's health.

Currently, more and more talk about the acceleration of the children's body. It has an unpredictable impact on the health and physical development of children. Acceleration is an accelerated pace of development called the body. In science, not one theory of accelerations get along. It is believed that this is the result of a general trend in the biology of a modern person who has arisen under the influence of scientific and technological progress. This is a change in nutrition, an increase in the activity of the Sun, a change in climatic conditions, urbanization, disorders of genetic isolation (interethnic marriages), radiation of household appliances, etc.

The indicators of the physical development of the child are most often considered growth and weight. They are estimated by comparing the magnitude of its growth with the standards presented in standard tables. Such tables periodically constitute on the basis of mass examinations of children in certain regions having their geographical, social and economic features.

For the children's body is characterized by rapid growth and continuous development. According to N.V. The hedgehog in medical science is distinguished by a number of children's development periods that are reflected in the figure below.

Periods of the child's life

The physical development of the child is influenced by many factors:

  1. Inheritance, in which not only parents are played by a big role, but also the racial affiliation and genes of many generations of ancestors.
  2. The nutrition of the child, which ensures the physiological needs of the body. Unbalanced nutrition often leads to a deficit or excess of certain substances, the development of various diseases.
  3. Environmental conditions and child care.
  4. Hereditary diseases, the presence of some chronic diseases transferred severe injuries or infectious diseases.
  5. Correctly distributed physical activity, motor activity of the child, his psychological and emotional state.

Most often, the growth of the body ends to 16 to 18 years.

Physical development is a process, strictly subordinate to certain biological laws.

One of the most important laws of physical development of children - the less age, the more active the processes of growth occur. Based on this, it can be argued that the organism is growing in the most active way. For 9 months, the kid organism grows from several cells to the size of an average of 49 - 54 cm of growth and 2.7 - 4 kg of weight. During the first month of life, the child grows about 3 cm and adds a lot of 700 - 1000 g. On average, by the end of the first year, the child weighs about 10 kg and has a height of 73 - 76 cm. With an increase in age, the increase in the physical development of the child decreases with increasing age.

Another important law of growth of the children's body is a change of stretching and rounding periods. Periods of so-called stretching are replaced by rounding periods - each period lasts about 1.5 - 3 years. The most pronounced periods of rounding aged 3 - 5 years, and stretching periods - in adolescence.

Control over the indicators of the physical development of the child is necessary at each stage of development. It must be remembered that any disease is reflected in the physical development of the child, breaking it.

Evaluation of the physical development of the child

To identify the health and physical development of children, analyzes indicators and calculations, to identify various indices.

The assessment of physical development is carried out by comparing the individual indicators of the child with regulatory. The first (basic), and in many cases, the only method of assessing the physical development of the child is the conduct of anthropometric studies and the assessment of the data obtained. This uses two main methods presented in the figure.

Methods for assessing the physical development of children

Consider each method of assessing the health and physical development of children separately.

The method of indicative calculations is based on the knowledge of the basic patterns of increasing mass and body length, chest and head regiments. Relevant regulatory indicators can be calculated for a child of any age. The permissible range of deviations of actual data from the calculated is ± 7% for average physical development. The method provides only an approximate picture of the physical development of children and is used by pediatricians, as a rule, in case of providing medical care to children at home.

The anthropometric standards method is more accurate, since individual anthropometric values \u200b\u200bare compared with regulatory by age and the sex semi. Regional standards tables can be of two types:

  1. Sigmal type.

When using tables compiled by the method of sigmal standards, a comparison of actual indicators is carried out with an average arithmetic value (m) for this feature of the same age-sex group as the child we observe. The resulting difference is expressed in sigma (δ - the average quadratic deviation), determining the degree of deviation of individual data from their average size.

The results are assessed as follows: with medium physical development, individual values \u200b\u200bdiffer from age standards (m) by no more than one sigma in one direction or the other.

Depending on the size of the sigmal deviations, 5 groups of physical development are distinguished. They are presented in the figure below.

Physical Development Groups in accordance with the sigmatic deviations.

Consider an example: the average growth of 10-year-old boys is 137 cm, the average quadratic deviation is 5.2 cm, then the schoolboy of this age, having a height of 142 cm, will receive an assessment of the growth in the shares of the sigma equal to

142 – 137 / 5,2 = 0,96,

i.e. the growth of the student is within the m + 1σ and is estimated as an average, normal growth.

The final data obtained for each sign of physical development, in sigmal terms can be clearly represented in the form of a so-called anthropometric profile, which is performed graphically and shows the differences in the physique of this person from other persons. This method is widely used in dynamic medical supervision of the physical development of children, athletes, servicemen and other populations.

When using tables compiled by the method of centter standards, it is necessary to determine the values \u200b\u200bof the interval, which corresponds to the actual value of the feature, taking into account the age and sex of the patient, and give an assessment. The method is not mathematicized and therefore better characterizes the variational series in biology and in particular in medicine. It is easy to use, does not require calculations, fully allows us to estimate the relationship between different anthropometric indicators and is therefore widely used in the world.

Currently, knowing the floor, the age of the child and determining the anthropometric characteristics, one can figure out the degree of deviation of its physical development.

Centilla is a certain proportion or percentage of an appropriate feature in children, depending on age and gender. This is a quantitative indicator of the physiological boundaries of this feature.

For medium, or conditionally normal, values \u200b\u200bare accepted in the range of 25-75 centles (50% of all children). The interval from 10 to 25 centles characterizes the area of \u200b\u200bmagnitudes below average, from 3 to 10 centles - low, below 3 centles - very low and on the contrary, the interval from 75 to 90 centles - the region of magnitude above average, from 90 to 97 centles - high, above 97 cents - very high. Above 75 and below 25 cents are the border zones of quantitative characteristics of the length and body weight, requiring caution when assessing the risk of serious deviations.

Indicators lying outside the 97th and 3rd valves reflect explicit pathology or illness.

Each result obtained when measuring the length or body weight can be placed in the appropriate area, or the "corridor", the central scale, which allows you to estimate the physical development of the child: the average, above the average, high, very high, below average, low and very low . If the difference between "corridors" between any 2 of 3 indicators does not exceed 1, we can talk about harmonious development. If this difference is 2 "corridors", development should be considered non-harmonic, and at 3 or more - disharmonious, i.e. Evidence of obvious disadvantage.

When observing and measuring the child, the pediatrician makes a conclusion on physical development and recommendations in the event of a deviation from the norm.

But for an adequate assessment and timely adjustment of your child, the doctor must be familiar with:

  1. with the previous development of the child,
  2. with transferred diseases,
  3. with the presence of the characteristics of the child.

Parents must clearly track the physical development of the child together with the pediatrician. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of diseases such as endocrine, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular disease, etc.

The assessment of the physical development of the child occurs in strictly regulated periods listed below.

So, control over the physical development of the child and its assessment is extremely important in modern extremely complex environmental conditions. It is also necessary to emphasize the fact that the physical development and health of the child is interrelated indicators. Healthy children have adequate indicators of physical development. If the child has any diseases, they worsen physical development indicators.

Permanent monitoring of the physical development of children is necessary, it allows you to identify many diseases in the early stages, even before the start of complaints about the health of the child or his parents.


  1. Golubev V.V. Zohnovy Pediatrics and Hygiene of Preschool Children - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011
  2. JSCova N.V. Pediatrics - MN: Higher School, 1999
  3. Lykova O.I.Medicin Statistics: Lecture Abstract - M.: Eksmo, 2011
  4. Zaprudnov A. M., Grigoriev K. I. Pediatrics with children. - M.: Goeotar Media, 2011
  5. Pediatrics. National leadership. Brief edition / Ed. A. A. Baranova. - M.: Goeotar Media, 2014.
  6. Pesheva M.V. Denisova S.V. Maslova V.Yu .. Basics of pediatrics and hygiene of children of early and preschool age - Arzamas: Agpi, 2006.
  7. Heavy O.V. Pediatrics. - New book, 2010.

The development of the child is predetermined by the genetic program of ontogenesis implemented in specific environmental conditions. Growth provides genetic regulation, controlling the synthesis of hormones, growth regulators, receptors to them. Altitutically controlled development is almost completely controlled by the human genome, although various external environmental factors operating through the maternal organism can make changes to the program of individual development of the embryo and fetus. External environmental factors can have both positive and negative impacts on the growing organism. The factors regulating the growth of the fetus belongs to the placenta. Growth hormone is considered chorionic somatommotropin. CO 2 half of pregnancy in regulation of growth and development takes part hormones (insulin).

In the postnatal period, hormones contributing to the growth is a somatotropic pituitary hormone (STG), thyroid hormones and insulin. Growth hormone stimulates hondrogenesis, and thyroid hormones are more affected by osteogenesis.

The most active child grows in the first 3 years. For 1 year, its growth increases by 25 cm, for 2 - by 12-13 cm, for 3 years - 7-8 cm, for the first 3 years - about 40-45 cm.

Doubling the length of the child's body takes place by 4 years.

Periods of "stretching" are observed at the age of 5-7 years and 12-15 years (there are differences in boys and girls).

The body weight doubles to 4.5-5 months, and by 9-10 months. - triples.

The periods of "rounding" are observed at the age of 9 months. - 3 years old and in a publ. In parallel with age, the proportions of the body are changed, while the legs are most intensely, their length increases 5 times, the body is 3 times, and the head is 2 times (Fig. 1).

As a result of neuro-humoral regulation disorders, the overall delay in growth and development can develop - nanism (cerebral, pituitary, thyreogenic). In some cases, hereditary-constitutional deviations of growth and development are observed. External factors affecting growth and development include nutrition, education, ecology, presence or absence of disease. The unfavorable effect of external factors can manifest itself in somatogenic or psychosocial nanice.

Evaluation of physical development is possible by different methods. The most modern of them is the assessment of the central tables. Central distributions are most strictly and objectively reflect the distribution of signs among healthy children. The practical use of these tables is extremely simple and convenient. The centers columns show the quantitative boundaries of the feature in a certain share or percentage (valuable) of children of this age and gender. At the same time, for medium or conditionally normal values, values \u200b\u200bare made in the range from 25 to 75 centles.

Each measuring feature (growth, body weight, chest circumference, head circle) can respectively be placed in "its" area or "its" corridor of the centenary scale in the corresponding table. No calculations are made. Depending on where this "corridor" is located, it is possible to formulate an estimated judgment and take a medical solution. At the same time, the following options are possible (Table 2)

table 2

Feature Coridal Corridors

Area or "Corridor"

Characteristic area

Estimation, doctor tactics

Region "Very low values"

(up to 3 centles)

No more than 3% of healthy children, special counseling, survey

Low values \u200b\u200barea

(from 3 to 10 centles)

The region "values \u200b\u200bbelow average"

(from 10 to 25 centles)

15% of healthy children

Region "average values"

(from 25 to 75 centles)

50% of healthy children and therefore most characteristic of this age - sexual group

Region "Values \u200b\u200babove average"

(from 75 to 90 centles)

15% of healthy children

The area "quantities"

(from 90 to 97 centles)

7% of healthy children. In the presence of other deviations in a state of health and development, counseling and examination is shown.

Region "Very High Values"

(from 97 centles)

Not more than 3% of healthy children. The probability of pathological changes is quite high, special counseling, examination

Definition of somatotype

it is carried out according to the sum of the corridors (body length + breast ok + body weight).

3 somatotype:

  1. microsomatic - Fri below average (amount to 10)
  2. mesomatic - FR average (amount from 11 to 15)
  3. macroSomatic - Fri above average (from 16 to 21)

Definition of harmony

  1. Harmonious - if the difference between corridors between any two of the three indicators does not exceed 1.
  2. Disharmonic - difference 2.
  3. Sharply disharmonious - exceeds 3.

For example:

E. girl, 7 years old. Growth -127 cm - corridor 4, body weight - 27 kg - 4 corridor, breast ok - 60 cm - 4 corridor, their amount is 12 - macromatic somatotype. Harmonious development.

Estimation of body weight

If in 3-5 corridor - the norm. 1 and 2 corridor - mass deficiency. 6 and 7 corridor - excess mass.

Conclusion According to the central tables we will analyze on our example:

Girl e., Date of measurement: 01/01/2017. Age 7 years. Growth - 127cm (4), body weight - 27 kg (4), Breast OC - 60 cm (4), head head-54cm (4).
Mesosomatic type, with normal mass, harmonious development.

Empirical Formulas and Tables

The mass of a duplicate newborn baby is 2700-4000 g, length - 46-56 cm, head circumference - 34-36cm, breast circle - 32-34 cm.

In the first 4 days, the physiological loss of body weight occurs, it does not exceed 6% of the mass at birth, due to the predominance of catabolic processes, fluid deficit, loss of water with breathing, through the skin, with a meconium, urine. By 7 days, the restoration of the lost mass occurs.

Giving body weight and growth in children of the first year of life, we define on the Kislyakovskaya table.

Empirical formulas for calculating anthropometric data in children of the first year of life

Head Circle: At 6 months is 43 cm, for each month to 6 months, 1.5 cm is subtracted, if more than 6 months are added 0.5 cm.

Breast Circle: At 6 months is 45 cm, for each month to 6 months, it is subtracted 2cm, if more than 6 months are added 0.5 cm.

Empirical formulas for calculating anthropometric data in children older than the year

Body Length from 1 to 10 years:

  • Baby length of a child of 4 years - 100 cm.
  • For every year up to 4 years old by formula 100 - 8 (4-N)
  • Body length over 4 years then 100 + 6 (n - 4)

Body Length from 11 to 15 years:

  • Baby length of a child at 8 years - 130 cm.
  • For each year to 8 years, 7 cm is deducted.
  • For each year, more than 68 years is added 5 cm.

Body mass from 2 to 11 years:

  • 10.5 + 2 (N -1), where 10.5 kg is the middle mass of the child in 1 year.
  • Body mass of 5 years - 19 kg.
  • For every year up to 5 years, 2 kg is deducted.
  • For each year, more than 5 years is added 3 kg.

Body mass from 12 to 15 years: 5n - 20

Chest circumference from 2 to 15 years:

  • At 10 years - 63 cm.
  • Up to 10 years: 63 - 1.5 (10-N)
  • Older 10 years: 63 + 3 (n - 10)

Head circle from 2 to 15 years:

  • at 5 years - 50 cm
  • for every year up to 5 years, we subtract 1 cm
  • for each year, more than 5 years is added 0.6 cm.

Evaluation of FR premature children in the first year of life

The sigmal and percency table is used.

Vertical - indicators of mass, diens, circles of head and chest, horizontally - its gestational age. If the intersection point of these lines is located between the R25-50-75 curves, the indicator corresponds to the norm, if p10 is 25 and 75-90, then the indicators are higher and below average.

Under the term "physical development of a child" understand the dynamic growth process (increasing length, mass, individual parts of the body) in different periods of childhood. The physical development of children is influenced by many factors that sometimes it makes it extremely difficult to identify the causes of his violation.

The main criteria for physical development include mass and body length, head circle and chest, body proportions (physique, posture). The main indicators and formulas used for the estimated assessment of the physical development of the child are shown in the table.

Table. The main indicators of the physical development of children

Development period

Indicators and development formulas

Fruit mass mass of 30 weeks - 1300 g; On each subsequent week, 200 g is added, 100 g of the fetal body length of 25-40 weeks are taken away: the length of the gestation in the week of + 10 cm of the fetal head is 34 weeks - 32 cm; On each subsequent week, 0.5 cm is added, 1 cm takes

Friendly of the chest fetal of 25-40 weeks: the term of gestation in weeks - 7 cm


Body weight 33003500 g

Body Length 51-53 cm

Head Circle 35-36 cm

Chest Circle 33-34 cm

Physiological loss of body weight to 3-5m day of life is

3-6%; body weight is restored to 7-10m

Grease body weight (count on body weight at birth) - 600 g

Increase body length by 3-4 cm Increase of circle of head by 1.5-2 cm Increase in the circumference of the chest 2 cm

Middle Body weight gain - 700 g

Increase body length monthly - 3 cm

Increasing the circle of the head to 40 cm (monthly increase of 1.5-2 cm) and the circumference of the chest up to the same size

The average monthly body weight gain - 700 g. Increasing body length monthly (after 3 months) by 2.5 cm increase in the circle of the head to 43 cm (monthly increase after 3 months - 1 cm)

The average monthly weight gain (after 6 months) - 400-600 g, body weight by 1 year - 10-11 kg

An increase in body length from 6 to 9 months by 1.5-2 cm per month; From 9 to 12 months - 1 cm per month. By 1, the body length increases by 25 cm and is 75-77 cm

An increase in the head circumference to 46-47 cm (monthly increase after 6 months - 0.5 cm)

Over 1 year old

The mass of the body after 1 year increases by an average of 2-2.5 kg per year to 10-11 years; In the future, the mass is calculated by the formula of PC5-20 kg, where P is the age of the child from 12 to 15 years

By 4-5 years of life, the body length of the newborn doubles, i.e. It is 100-106 cm (annual increase is calculated by the formula: the length of the body of a one-year-old child + BHP, where P is age in years). Then (up to 15 years) proceed from the growth of an 8-year-old child, equal to 130 cm. For each subsequent year, 5 cm is added, for each missing 7 cm

The head circumference increases in a lifetime by 22 cm (by 11 cm in the 1st year of life, then 1 cm annually up to 5 years and amounts to 50 cm at this age; subsequently up to 15 years 0.6 cm per year)

Thus, the most active child grows in the 1st year of life. Thus, the mass of the body of a newborn baby to 4.5-5 months doubles, and by 10-11 months it triples. The length of the body for the year increases by 25 cm. During the human life, only in children up to 3 months old, the circle of the head exceeds the circle of the chest. In the bottom of the newborn, this difference is 2 cm. The rapid increase in the head circumference indirectly indicates the intensive development of the central nervous system in the 1st year of life.

Called the physical development of children

For a more accurate assessment of the physical status of the child, appropriate standards tables have been developed, in particular, the values \u200b\u200bof the distribution scales that have been widespread around the world from the mid-70s of the 20th century. Most often apply the Scale of Stuart. It highlighted the corridors of 3, 10, 25, 75, 90, 97. For central curves on the abscissa axis, the age of the child is postponed in years, the value of the corresponding feature is delayed on the ordinate axis. Curves are designed taking into account the sexuality. The age (ideal) norm is the range of a feature, peculiar to 50% of healthy children of the same age and gender.

Normal indicators of the physical development of the child lie in the range of 25-75 centles. Deviations beyond the limits of 97th and 3rd values \u200b\u200bare considered pathological. In those countries where there are no national tables, WHO recommends applying graphics as an international standard, obtained by the National Health Statistics Center.

An increase in the mass and body length in children is uneven, wave-like. The periods of "rounding" when the body weight increases mainly, falls on age 1-4 and 8-10 years; Periods of "stretching" when the length of the body is growing mainly, - at 5-7 and 11-15 years old.

When assessing the physical development of the child, it is also necessary to pay attention to its elasticity of the skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous fiber, the turgor of soft tissues, muscular tone, psychomotor development.

Evaluation of the physical development of children

When assessing physical status, simultaneously take into account the length and mass of the body. For options, the norms are commonly related to the measurement results deviating in the range of 5-10% of the average indicators.

Separate estimation of body length and mass:

  • The length of the body may be normal (medium), reduced, low, elevated, high.
  • The body weight can be normal, reduced (reduced food), low (insufficient food), elevated (increased meals) and high (excessive power).

Simultaneous estimation of body length and mass:

  • Normal physical development (average harmonious) - the body length of the child corresponds to its age (± 5-10%), and the mass corresponds to the length.
  • Disproportionate (disharmonic) physical development - the ratio of the length and mass of the body is broken in any direction by more than 5-10%.

Physical development does not correspond to age with deviation in length or body weight by more than 10%. Physical development can also be proportional to (and length, and the weight of the body of the child is reduced or elevated in comparison with the age norm by more than 10%) and disproportionate (length and body weight do not correspond to each other).

Acceleration of children

In the 20th century, acceleration was noted in developed countries, i.e. Accelerating the growth and development of children in all age periods, starting with intrauterine. Over the past 40-50 years, the body's length of newborns increased by 1-2 cm, one-year-old children - by 4-5 cm. The average growth of children aged 15 years over the past 100 years has become more than 20 cm. There is also a faster development of muscle strength. Acceleration of biological ripening, as evidenced by the earlier deadlines for the appearance of the cores of the ossification, the teething of permanent teeth, puberty, in particular the menstrual function in girls. Distinguish between harmonious and disharmonious types of acceleration.

Harmonious type - both anthropometric indicators, and biological maturity above average for this age group.

Disharmonious type - Strengthening body growth in length is not accompanied by the acceleration of sexual development, or early sexual maturation is not accompanied by increasing growth in length.

Acceleration is the result of the complex interaction of exo- and endogenous factors (change of genotype due to the migration of the population and a large number of mixed marriages, a change in the nature of nutrition, climatic conditions, scientific and technical progress affecting the ecology).

Earlier, the acceleration process was considered only as a positive phenomenon, but in recent years, such children identify more frequent disproportions of the development of individual systems of the body, especially neuroendocrine and cardiovascular. Currently, the acceleration process in economically developed countries has slowed down.

In the future, they do not expect a significant reduction in the age of puberty or further increase the body length above the norm established for millennia.

Factors of the physical development of children

The physical development of children affect both genetic and exogenous factors.

The effect of heredity affects mainly after 2 years of life. There are two age-related periods when the correlation between the growth of parents and children is most significant: from 2 to 9 and from 14 to 18 years. At this age, the mass ratio and body length can differ significantly from the ideal due to the expressed constitutional characteristics of the physique.

Environmental factors (exogenous factors) have great impact on the potential of physical development. They are divided into intrauterine and postnatal.

Intrauterine factors of the physical development of children

The intrauterine factors include the health of parents, their age, the ecological situation in which they live, bad habits, professional harm, the course of pregnancy Mother, etc.

Anthropometric indicators of the newborn are sufficiently stable. Even relatively small deviations from the average indicators, as a rule, testify to the unfaithfulness in a state of newborn. In the most severe cases, especially when not only the body's mass suffers, but also its length, diagnose the delay in the development of the fetus, which is often combined with various vices. In such a case, the use of a range of 25-75 centles as a normal indicator can lead to a serious underestimation of the state of the child.

The delay in the development of the fetus can be as "symmetric", i.e. With a uniform decrease in the mass and body length, which indicates more severe defeat and "asymmetric". With "asymmetric" delay, i.e. With a prealtimate reduction in body weight, the child is diagnosed with intrauterine hypotrophy. Excess body weight is characteristic of fatal syndrome, obesity, lymphatic and hypoplastic diathesis, for children born from materic diabetes.

Breast circle in newborn, as a rule, is measured to compare with a circle of the head. The difference is more than 2 cm most often serves as a sign of hydrocephalus. When measuring the circle of the head and chest, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of preserving the occurrence of the bones of the skull on each other, which has arisen in the process of childbirth, the thickness of the subcutaneous fiber, the solidity in the chest area. Reducing the circle of the head in comparison with the norm at birth often occurs as a result of changing its configuration. Microcephaly is detected significantly less than compensated hydrocephalus.

Postnatal factors of the physical development of children

Postnatal factors of the physical development of children: nutrition, day mode, emotional state of the child, chronic diseases, climate-geographical conditions.

A moderate nutritional deficiency is delays the rise of mass, but the length of the body, as a rule, does not affect. Long-term fasting, unbalanced nutrition with a shortage of trace elements and vitamins leads not only to the shortage of mass, but also to the lag in growth with a change in body proportions.

For early children, high motor activity, stimulating osteogenesis and cartilage growth. However, it is necessary to monitor the adequacy of the physical mobility of the child's age. Thus, the excess vertical load when lifting weights leads to an opposite effect - growth inhibition. Of great importance is not only correct wakefulness, but also sufficient sleep.

In early age children, especially in the first year of life, closely interrelated physical and neuropsychic development. The absence or insufficiency of positive, excess negative emotions affect the physical condition and can be one of the causes of growth violations.

Various chronic diseases of the child can cause growth delay, as metabolic processes are broken. So, the growth of growth-weight indicators for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (Yura), fibrous disease, and some endocrine diseases are noticeably affected.

Climate-geographical conditions refer to mediocre factors affecting growth and development. An acceleration of growth in spring, braking in the autumn period is noted. Hot climate and highlands inhibit growth, but can speed up the biological ripening of children.

Especially rapidly unfavorable environmental factors affect the physical development of young children, so anthropometric indicators in the first year of life are fixed monthly, and between the ages of 1 to 3 years at least 1 every six months.

Norms for the development of preschool children

The cardiovascular system grows, develops and is functionally improved almost continuously. The most active heart growth is observed in children of preschool age, i.e. at 3-7 years. It becomes more rustier and efficient, resistant to different kinds of physical exertion. Muscular fibers of the heart thicken, connecting tissue begins rude. The transverse allocation of the heart muscle to this age is clearly expressed. Histological differentiation of myocardium ends.

Changes are also subject to conductive heart system. Previously, its fibers had a fuzzy contour, now their formation occurs. In connection with these features of development, a number of pathologies may be observed, for example, a heart rate violation. Arrhythmia can also be observed, lengthening intervals between cardiac abbreviations.

The growth of vessels (arteries, veins) often does not coincide with the growth of the heart itself. The vessels provide blood all the fabrics and organs of the children's body. In preschool age, the arteries width is equal to the width of the veins.

The child's pulse frequency is also changing with age (table).

Table. Child pulse aged 3 to 6 years

The walls of the arteries of the children's body are elastic. Therefore, blood flow blood flow in children is less than an adult. Normal pressure indicators vary for boys and girls. The same values \u200b\u200bare noted only in 5 years. The average blood pressure values \u200b\u200bfor boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old are shown in tables 8 and 9.

Table. Medium values \u200b\u200bof systolic blood pressure for children from 3 to 6 years


Moderately reduced


Moderately elevated


Table. Medium values \u200b\u200bof diastolic pressure for children from 3 to 6 years


Moderately reduced


Moderately elevated


The skin is thickened, but continues to be sensitive to ointments and creams prone to allergic rash. It is also not enough to quickly adapt to changes in temperature, which is why overheating or supercooling is possible.

The immune system continues to develop, thanks to which the child is less likely to ill, and the diseases themselves proceed in a lighter form.