Physiological and psychological changes during pregnancy. Useful tips for future moms. Changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman, for which constant changes occur. These changes are both external and internal.

As for external changes, their appearance, as a rule, does not cause special issues. This is, first of all, such obvious signs, as rounding the forms of future mommy, pigmentation on the skin, the allocation of breasts from the chest in the later timing.

But the internal processes are hidden from our eyes. Therefore, noticing any physiological or mental changes, the future mom is worried, whether she has everything in her baby normally.

Indeed, there is a lot of questions. Why is the mood change quickly? Why did it become more likely to go to the toilet? Why appeared such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling? Etc…

Let's start with the fact that emotional instability is a normal state during pregnancy. Future moms - they are, will always find a reason to worry. Even if you find this reason is difficult. And we will talk about this today.

In this article, you will learn that the special emotional state of pregnant women, accompanied by alert and fear, is the result of changes in the hormonal background.

You will also find information on how realized pregnancy has already been affected on the female organism.

Changes in the female organism during pregnancy:

From the cardiovascular system

Increases the volume of circulating blood to ensure blood flow already two organisms. Such an enlarged heart volume is much more difficult to pump. For this reason, the heart muscle is slightly thickened. Also a little increasing the frequency of heart abbreviations.

Due to the increase in blood volume and special hormonal rearrangements, the venous outflow from the lower extremities is difficult. In this regard, pregnant women are so often developing varicose disease.

Arterial pressure in the early periods, as a rule, moderately decreases. In the later dates, many women have a tendency to enhance arterial pressure. This is due to the physiological thickening of the blood and the action of hormones, which prepare the female organism towards childbirth.

Thickening of the blood and an increase in the tone of vessels is a protective reaction of the female organism, the prevention of massive bleeding in childbirth. Thanks to such processes, in the female body, with blood loss in childbirth, the vessels react sharply by spizming.

Blood in a damaged vessel quickly folds, forming a thrombus. Trombo closes the place of damage to the blood vessel. Thus, blood loss will be minimal.

The blood supply is increasing not only the uterus, but also all the organs of the small pelvis. Therefore, so often in pregnant women, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are still in early time.

From the respiratory system

To provide oxygen mom and child, the respiratory system of a woman during pregnancy is also subject to change. The diaphragm due to the magnified in the sizes of the uterus is lifted. Due to this, the chest volume decreases.

Light becomes closed in a chest, they cannot fully straighten with deep breath. To solve these problems, the respiratory center in the brain gives the team to breathe more often. As a result, respiratory movements are rapidly.

A woman becomes more sensitive to a lack of oxygen. Therefore, many pregnant women cannot be in stuffy, hot rooms, public transport.

In later times, the shortness of breath is often worried. It appears by increasing the load on the heart and lungs. By increasing the frequency and depth of breathing, the maternal organism is trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Everything is done so that your baby does not need anything.

From the digestive system

In the first trimester, as a rule, women are concerned about toxicosis. The degree of severity of its manifestations is individual. Someone marks nausea only in the morning. Someone suffers from nausea around the clock. Someone bothers and nausea, and vomiting. And many do not face such symptoms at all.

Toxicosis occurs due to temporary poisoning of the parent body by the products of the baby exchange. Most often, the symptoms of toxicosis are completed after the first three months of pregnancy, when it starts to fully function the placenta. In the future, it will be responsible for the exchange of substances between mom and child.

Sometimes the future mothers have a taste perversion. For example, I want to eat something inedible (chalk, clay, soap). This state most often indicates a sharp shortage of some substances in the parent organism. Therefore, such a situation must be defined by the doctor.

Another frequent symptom accompanying pregnancy is heartburn. Due to the change in the position of the stomach in the abdominal cavity due to the increased uterus, the acidic content of the stomach in the esophagus is often observed. Acid irritates the walls of the esophagus, and it causes painful sensations in the sternum.

Control with such a problem will partly help alkaline drink, such as milk. Why will partly help? Because the main reason is the change in the position of the stomach of a pregnant woman - it will not be possible to correct.

To suffer less from heartburn, the future mom is important not to occupy a horizontal position immediately after eating and take food at least two hours before sleep.

From the bone system

The baby is growing rapidly, it needs more and more resources for growth and development. And nature is so laid down that the kid will take everything necessary from the parent.

Moreover, if nutrients, vitamins and trace elements come in insufficient quantities, the development of the organism of the mother will go on the development of crumbs.

For example, with a lack of calcium decreases the density of bone tissue (initial osteoporous changes) in the body of a woman. Therefore, so often at the future and moments, problems arise with teeth.

Due to the increase in the mass and the size of the uterus, the center of gravity is shifted in future mothers. Thanks to this, the vertebral pillar straightens, and the lumbar lordosis (the bend of the spine, addressed to the stomach) deepens. Many notice that the gait of pregnant women changes, becomes more important. It is also called "proud walking".

The connecting tissue of bundles, cartilage, pelvic bones breaks down. Such an action is provided by hormones allocated by the placenta (relaxing, progesterone). Due to their action, the mobility of sacral joints, symphiza increases. The bones of the pelvis diverge.

So the body of the future mommy is preparing for childbirth. Thanks to such changes, the kid's head is easier for generic paths.

From the endocrine system

The pregnancy is rightfully considered a serious hormonal surge in a woman's life. You will be surprised how many processes in the body of a woman regulate hormones.

Without a proper hormonal background and the pregnancy itself can not come. And preparation for childbirth is carried out thanks to the action of hormones. The subsequent after childbirth breastfeeding is also impossible without a certain hormonal background.

So, about everything in order.

During pregnancy, the hypophysic activity increases its activity. This is a brain department responsible for the activity of all endocrine glands. It begins to work more actively.

The hypoophysis significantly reduces the production of follicularity and luteinizing hormones, which regulate the hormonal operation of the genital glands. In this regard, the process of maturation of new follicles in the ovary is terminated and no ovulation occurs.

During the period of pregnancy, a hormone prolactin is actively produced in the hypophysies. It is he who prepares the dairy gland to further breastfeeding.

The result of its actions can be noticed in the early period of pregnancy. The chest is actively incremented in size, becomes sensitive, especially in the packer.

With the onset of pregnancy begins to function a new endocrine organ - the yellow body of the ovary. He is responsible for the development of progesterone. This is the main hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for the implantation of the embryo, for its retention and preservation.

Closer to 14-16 weeks, the function of developing progesterone takes on a placenta.

The hormones of the thyroid gland are actively produced, which actively affect all metabolic processes as mothers and the fetus. The thyroid gland itself during pregnancy increases in size.

The lack of its hormones can lead to a violation of the formation of the brain of the baby. And their excess can provoke the interruption of pregnancy in the early stages.

Parachditovoid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas are actively involved in operation.

In the hypothalamus (subbojor region of the intermediate brain) is produced by a very important hormone oxytocin. From the hypothalamus he enters the back of the pituitary gland and already from there begins his work.

Peak concentration of oxytocin reaches in late dates. It is he who is responsible for the beginning of a generic activity, reducing the uterus in childbirth and stimulation of the release of milk from the mammary glands.

From the urinary system

With the advent of pregnancy, the future motley increases the burden on the kidney. Since the kidney is a filtering body, then they are responsible for cleaning blood from the products of metabolism and mothers, and the fetus.

Due to the increasing size of the uterus and under the influence of a certain hormonal background, the walls of the ureters and the bladder relax and are permanent pressure. All this leads to a greater urine delay in urinary bodies.

In turn, this is a significant risk of forming urinary tract infections. Therefore, pregnant women so often need to control urine tests.

In women, waiting for the baby, the urinary urge is noticeably studied. Everything for the same reason, due to the grave of the bladder to a pregnant uterus. But the relaxed walls of the bladder are fully reduced, as before pregnancy, can no longer. Therefore, the residual volume of urine in it after urination is greater than that of a non-remote woman.

Due to increasing the volume of circulating blood, fluid delay and increasing the concentration of sodium ions in the body under the influence of a hormonal background, physiological swelling appears.

In addition, the following factors can provoke the appearance of edema: excess of the cook salt in the food of the future mother (the table salt is NaCl, that is, Na + ions), exercise, heat.

Edema can be physiological (manifestation of the norm) or pathological. The difference between physiological edema from pathological in the fact that, with the exclusion of provoking factors, physiological swelling disappear.

For better working kidney doctors advise women to relax on the left side. This contributes to urine outflows on ureachers in the bladder, and thus facilitates the work of the kidneys.

From the immune system

With the onset of pregnancy, women have a restructuring of the immune system. Such a restructuring is needed to ensure pregnancy and the normal development of the kid.

The fetus has a genetic material of the child's father, which the immune system of the mother initially recognizes as a foreign and potentially dangerous. Temporary changes immediately after the occurrence of pregnancy allow the maternal organism to not launch the immune processes of the embryo rejection.

The restructuring of the immune system in the direction of "dullness of the vigilance" acts not selectively. Immunity decreases in all directions. This can provoke the aggravation of any chronic diseases of the future milf.

Against the background of a decrease in immune protection, the body "crawl out of the shelter" and the pathogenic microorganisms are activated, which before that "quietly sat in the ambush" in the form of chronic infection or carriage.

During pregnancy, diseases of the urinary system, respiratory tract can be acted. Allergic reactions are often observed, even for previously used products.

Changes in the skin, which occur during pregnancy, notice almost all future mothers. The severity of these changes varies significantly from different women. Through the entire pregnancy, the condition of the skin even at the same woman can change.

General laws here are such. In the first trimester, the skin may be dry and sensitive due to the predominance of progesterone in the blood. In the second trimester, due to improved blood flow, a healthy blush can improve and appear. Naturally, if the future mommy does not suffer.

Song and sweat glands in pregnant women also work differently. As a rule, their work is activated. A woman can notice the strengthening of sweating and the appearance of oily shine on the skin.

For more dark representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, pigment stains on the skin may appear. Also more distinct freckles are becoming more or more.

Normally on the body of a pregnant woman appear sections of hyperpigmentation. This is a peculiar dark strip on the middle line of the abdomen and darkening in the nearby area. The skin around the genital women also darkens.

Often, stretch marks appear on the body. This process is associated with an interpretation of the skin and taking place in a thin layer of the skin - Derma. At first, stretch marks have a brown color. But gradually they whiten and resemble the rings. The appearance of stretch marks directly depends on the elasticity of the skin of a woman, which is genetically determined.

Hair and nails during pregnancy grow faster. At this time, the period of growth (period of life) of the hair is extended. This is due to the action of estrogen, the concentration of which increases. Therefore, women can often mark the increase in hair lungs during pregnancy.

After childbirth, women often complain about abundant hair loss. This is due to the normalization of the level of estrogen after delivery. Accordingly, hair growth and hair life expectancy returns to the original level.

If your hair and nails have become dim, brittle, then, most likely, you have a shortage of any trace elements and vitamins. Do not forget about such changes to inform your doctor. These may be the first manifestations of deficient states during pregnancy (for example, anemia).

Changes in the emotional sphere of pregnant

With the onset of pregnancy and the woman itself, and its loved ones can notice changes in the emotional sphere. The psycho-emotional system becomes more labile.

Such a state leads hormonal restructuring, and a sense of double responsibility, and anxiety for the well-being of the flowing pregnancy, and the restructuring of the usual styles of life, and reassessing priorities.

At the very beginning of pregnancy there are powerful hormonal restructuring. Initially, female hormones are dominated - estrogens. The estrogen is then inferior to their dominant Hormon, preserving pregnancy - progesterone.

The second trimester is set by a relatively smooth hormonal background. By the end of pregnancy, a familiar anxiety for the upcoming birth joins changes to changes in the hormonal background.

I can say that the people are too disseminated by myths that all pregnant very capricious. This often pushes future mothers to artificially invent special desires and puzzy with close relatives.

In fact, pregnant women want care and attention, feelings of protectedness. In this responsible period, such a person who can support, calm, dispel anxiety and doubts should be nearby nearby. After all, positive emotions are so necessary.

In the joyful moments of our life, special hormones are produced - endorphins. They have a positive effect on metabolism and the development of the baby. Therefore, the more mom rejoins, the better the baby is developing in her womb.

How does women have a transferred pregnancy affect health?

Many studies of scientists have proven that the pregnancy in history significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. According to modern data, breastfeeding provides additional protection not only from ovarian cancer, but also from breast cancer.

One of the estimated explanations of this phenomenon is a change of hormonal background in a pregnant woman, temporary leisure of the ovarian and the absence of ovulation.

It is known that at the site of the exit of the egg from the ripened follicle in the ovary, a microtraman is formed. After the healing of each rupture, a small whiming rutter is formed.

According to some researchers, violations of data healing processes microtrase can lead to malignant reincarnation of the ovary cells. Therefore, women suffer much less often suffer from ovarian cancer, whose ovulation was less.

Changes in the body that occur due to pregnancy is not fear. After all, after delivery, all processes are quickly normalized. And let the figure, form, sleep and wake mode changes. If desired, and with a change in the figure can cope.

Maternity is the main mission of a woman. Woman, realized as a mother, acquires a new meaning of life. Believe it is worth it. Health to you and your children!

An all increasing amount of oxygen, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral and other substances is necessary for the intrauterine fetus. All these substances are delivered to the fetus from the mother's organism. The finite products of the fetal metabolism are received in the blood of the mother, which are derived by the excretal organs of pregnant. Consequently, the body of a pregnant woman performs additional work, requiring strengthening or restructuring the activities of the most important systems and organs.

Under the influence of new conditions related to the development of the fetus, numerous and complex physiological, adaptation-protective changes arise in the body of a pregnant woman. They define homeostasis and the normal functioning of organs and systems, contribute to the proper development of the fetus, prepare the body of the woman to childbirth and feeding the newborn.

The restructuring of the body's activities associated with pregnancy is regulated by the central nervous system with the active participation of the internal secretion glands. A growing fruit egg is an irritant of nervous endings of the uterus. These irritations are transmitted by nervous ways to the central nervous system, where in the cortex, subcortical departments, in particular in the hypothalamic region, arise appropriate reactions, under the influence of changes in the activities of the domestic secretion glands and other organs and systems.

Changes in the central nervous system are carried out not only by reflex, but also under the influence of hormones. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the activities of a number of internal secretion authorities are changed. In this regard, the ratio of blood hormones circulating in the body changes. These hormonal shifts also have a significant impact on the activities of the nervous system and other organs.

Nervous system.During pregnancy in the nervous system, complex changes are occurring, having physiological character. In the core of a large brain, periodic oscillations (increase and decrease) of the intensity of neurodynamic processes are observed.

In the first months of pregnancy and at the end there is a decrease in the excitability of the cortex of a large brain, which reaches the greatest degree by the time of the occurrence of labor. At the same time increases the excitability of the reticular formation of the trunk and spinal cord. By the same period, the excitability of subcortex departments of the spinal cord and pregnant uterus receptors increases. These changes contribute to the beginning of the generic activity. Within almost all pregnancy (up to 38-39 weeks), the excitability of the spinal cord and the uterus receptors are reduced, which causes inertia ("peace") of the uterus and contributes to the right course of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, changes in the tone of the vegetative nervous system are observed (at the beginning of pregnancy there is an increase in the tone of the wandering nerve), therefore various phenomena are often arising: a change in taste and smell, nausea, increased saliva, constipation, leaning.

Endocrine system.In the activities of the glands of internal secretion during pregnancy, significant changes occur, contributing to its offensive, development and correct flow of birth.

The ovary develops a new iron of the internal secretion - the yellow body of pregnancy, the hormone of which (progesterone) contributes to the implantation of eggs and the development of pregnancy. The yellow body of pregnancy from the III-IV of the month is subject to regression, and its functions performs the placenta. Follicles in the ovary are not ripen, ovulation is terminated. The process of ripening follicles is inhibited by a yellow body hormone and a change in the gonadotropic function of the pituitary.

The hormones produced in the placenta are essential for the development of pregnancy. In the first weeks and months there is a strengthened synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone, enjoying blood, contributes to the functioning of a yellow body, and, consequently, the physiological course of all processes arising in the uterus in the early periods of pregnancy.

Estrogenous hormones are produced in the placenta: estrov, estrone, estradiol. Estoric is especially formed, which plays an important role in pregnancy (hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle fibers of the uterus, synthesis of contractile protein, etc.). At the end of pregnancy, the formation of estrone and estradiol, increasing the incidents of the uterus and its sensitivity to oxytocyne and other substances causing musculaturt abbreviations. Other hormones are formed in the placenta.

The front proportion of pituitary glands during pregnancy increases by 2-3 times, large cells with acidophilic grainy (cells of pregnancy) are formed in it. Other cells (acidophiles, basophiles) do not significantly change.

During pregnancy, products of gonadotronic hormones, especially luteinizing and luteotropic (prolactin), are significantly enhanced. These hormones enhance the development and endocrine function of the yellow body, as well as along with estrogen and progesterone contribute to the preparation of the mammary glands to lactation.

The formation of thyrotropic and adrenocorticotropic hormones acting on the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, as well as growth hormone (somatotropic), which affects the growth of uterine growth and other sections of the sexual apparatus; It is assumed that this hormone moves to the fruit and stimulates its growth.

The rear share of pituitary glands (neurohypophysis) during pregnancy does not increase. The oxytocin (pitocin) is accumulated in the hypothalamus) accumulates in the rear lobe of the pituitary The synthesis of this hormone increases at the end of pregnancy and it enters the blood in significant quantities during childbirth. At the height of the generic activity of oxytocin in the blood is greater than at the beginning of childbirth. In the rear lobe of the pituitary gland also accumulates Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone).

Thyroid gland during pregnancy more or less significantly increases in 35-40% of women. This is due to hyperemia and hyperplasia of ferrous elements, increasing follicles and content of colloid. In the first months of pregnancy, there is often some increase in the function of the thyroid gland, and in the second half sometimes there is a hypofunction of it. However, the content of the protein-bound iodine in the plasma is not reduced.

In parachitoid glands, changes often arise, expressed in the leaning towards the pituitary. In such cases, calcium exchange is possible, as a result of which spastic phenomena arise (convulsions in the oscracon muscles, etc.).

The adrenal glands in connection with pregnancy are subject to significant changes. Their bark is thickened by hyperplasia of cellular elements and enhanced vascularization, the synthesis of steroid hormones increases and the release of them into the blood. The formation of glucocorticoids, regulating carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as mineralocorticoids regulating mineral exchange increases. There is evidence that during pregnancy in the adrenal cortex, the synthesis of estrogen, progesterone and androgen are intensified. With the activities of the adrenal glands, an increase in cholesterol and other lipids is connected, as well as skin pigmentation during pregnancy. Morphological changes in the brainstant not found. The bark and brainstatus when interacting with ACTG contribute to the creation of a high tone of organs and tissues to the beginning of childbirth.

The immune system.In the immune system there are changes associated with the antigenic heterogeneity of the organism of the mother and the fetus. Immune reactions arising in the parent organism do not lead to rejection of the fetus and shells (by type of reactions against allograft). This is explained by the immaturity of the antigenic system of the fetus, a decrease in the activity of immune reactions of the pregnant woman, the presence of an immunological barrier, the role of which performs the placenta, the fetal shells and the accumulatory water.

Metabolism.The exchange of substances during pregnancy changes significantly, it is due to the restructuring of the functions of the nervous system and the glands of the internal secretion. During pregnancy, the number of enzymes and the activity of enzyme systems increases, the processes of assimilation prevail in metabolism. At the same time, the amount of exchange products (carbon dioxide, nitrogen compounds, etc.) increases, to be removed from the body.

BX. The main exchange and consumption of oxygen during pregnancy increase, especially in the second half and during childbirth. The increase in oxygen need is compensated by increasing the frequency of respiration, pulmonary ventilation, bronchial passability.

Protein exchange. Pregnant women occur the accumulation of nitrogen, the stock of which is necessary for the body of the mother and the fetus. The accumulated proteins are spent on the growth of the uterus and the mammary glands, the construction of organs and tissues of the growing fetus and part of the proteins is postponed as a stock, which is spent after delivery in connection with the feeding of the child.

The content of proteins in serum during pregnancy is slightly reduced due to amino acids and albumin (globulin fraction increases). It is assumed that this is due to the release of fine albumin through the vascular walls of capillaries in the tissue (the permeability of the capillaries during pregnancy increases) or enhanced consumption of them for the body of the fetus.

The use of modern research methods made it possible to detect specific protein components in the blood, characteristic of the pregnancy period (protein of pregnancy zone). They are synthesized in the placenta (in Chorion, Amnion and in the decidual shell) and the body of the fetus (alpha and beta proteins) and enter the blood of a pregnant woman. The physiological significance of specific proteins of pregnancy is studied.

Carbohydrate exchange. Carbohydrates, which are energy material during pregnancy, are well absorbed; The concentration of blood sugar is usually normal. During labor, the blood sugar is moderately increasing. Carbohydrates in the form of glycogen are postponed not only in the liver and muscles of the body, but also in the placenta and muscles of the uterus. Carbohydrates from the body of pregnant women are moving through a placenta to the fetus in the form of glucose. When the organism is overloaded with carbohydrates, the pregnant women sometimes appear sugar in the urine, which is due to an increase in the permeability of the renal epithelium, a change in the tone of the autonomic nervous system and the enhanced adrenal function. Such glucosuria quickly passes when establishing the correct power mode.

Lipid (fat) exchange. In the blood of pregnant women, the amount of neutral fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids and other lipids were increased. The accumulation of lipids is also occurring in adrenal glands, placenta and lactic glands. Often, during pregnancy, the subcutaneous fat layer increases. Lipids are spent on building the tissues of the organism of the mother and fetus, neutral fat is an energy material. The large number of lipids in the blood explained the ease of the onset of the essential and other types of anesthesia in pregnant women. In the process of exchanging fats, split to finite products? Carbon dioxide and water. In case of violation of the power mode of a pregnant woman, especially with overpressing fats, the process of splitting them may change. In such cases, in the body of pregnant, the active acidic products of incomplete combustion of fats are accumulated. Therefore, the amount of proteins and fats in the food diet of pregnant women should be sufficient for the organism of the mother and the fetus, but not excessive.

Mineral and Water exchange. During pregnancy, there is a delay in the body and the spending of calcium salts on the construction of the fetal bone system. The absorption of phosphorus is enhanced, which is necessary for the development of the nervous system and the skeleton of the fetus, as well as for the synthesis of proteins in the mother's body.

From the mother of the fetus becomes iron, which is an integral part of hemoglobin. During the period of intrauterine development, the fetus accumulates iron in the liver and spleen. With insufficient administration of iron with food in pregnant women, anemia arises, and the fetal is disturbed. There is a delay in the body of pregnant other inorganic substances: potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, cobalt, copper and other trace elements. These substances also switch to the fetus and determine the normal course of exchange and growth processes. The delay in inorganic substances has biological significance for the mother's body, in particular to prepare it for childbirth and lactation.

The accumulation of inorganic substances affects the water exchange, which is characterized by pregnancy a tendency to the water delay in the body. Water delay associated mainly with a slowdown in sodium chloride dedication causes a juicability of tissues during pregnancy. It depends mainly on the increase in the interstitial fluid. Inherent in pregnancy, a touch of fabrics determines their lightweight extensibility, which is essential for the passage of the fetus through the generic paths.

In the regulation of water exchange during pregnancy, the hormones of adrenal cortex (mineralocorticoids), aldosterone, progesterone, sodium-refinery, play an important role; Water delay, it may depend on the action of antidiuretic hormone. With the normal course of pregnancy, there is no significant delay of water and chlorides, the liquid is rapidly excreted from the body.

With the pathological course of pregnancy (late toxicosis), the release of the liquid slows down, the accumulation of chlorides and water increases, and edema occurs.

Vitamins. In the overall metabolism during pregnancy, vitamins are essential. The need for them is a pregnant woman in connection with the need to supply fetal vitamins and maintaining their own metabolism at the physiological level. Increased the need for vitamins A, in 1, D, E, K, PP and especially C. The daily need for vitamin C increases by 2-3 times; It is of great importance, in particular, for the development of the fetus, germinal shells and placenta. The role of vitamin A is great in the process of fetal growth, vitamin B 1 - in regulating the functions of nervous, enzyme and other systems. Vitamin D is necessary for the full development of the skeleton of the fetus, vitamin E contributes to the correct development of pregnancy (thereby miscarriage); His action is associated with the hormones of the front lobe of the pituitary.

With irrational food, pregnant women easily arises a lack of vitamins, which can lead to a violation of physiological processes inherent in a properly developing pregnancy. In hypovitaminosis, the development of the placenta is violated.

Preventive use of vitamins (especially in winter and spring) contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, the proper development of the fetus.

The cardiovascular system.When pregnancy, the cardiovascular system imposes increased requirements due to the increase in the vascular network of the uterus and other sections of the sexual system, an increase in blood mass, the occurrence of a new placental circle of blood circulation.

The heart of pregnant woman gradually adapts to the load. The physiological hypertrophy of the left ventricle occurs, improving the functional ability of the heart, an increase in the minute volume, some increase in the vascular tone and the increase in the pulse. Due to the high standing of the diaphragm in recent months of pregnancy, the heart is located more horizontally and closer to the chest; Its boundaries are expanding and the heart push shifts the dudder. Logging of large vessels can cause the appearance of unclear systolic noise. These changes are functional and completely disappear after delivery.

During pregnancy, the network of vessels of the uterus, vagina, mammary glands increases dramatically. On the outer organs, in the vagina and on the lower limbs, some extension of the veins are often observed, sometimes the formation of varicose nodes.

The permeability of capillaries increases, which contributes to the transition to the tissue of water, salts, albumin and other substances. There are observations indicating the expansion of capillaries and some slowdown in the blood current during pregnancy. Blood pressure during physiological pregnancy does not change or has some decrease in its first half. In the second half of pregnancy, a tendency to hypertension is noted, which is associated with an increase in the vascular tone.

It is believed that the rise of blood pressure is above 120-130 mm Hg. and down to 100 mm Hg. And less signals about the occurrence of pregnancy complications. It is important to have data on the initial level of arterial pressure. The increase in this indicator (especially stable) is taken into account as the beginning of the pathological process.

The heart rate in the second half of pregnancy moderately increases (75-80).

Blood.During pregnancy, blood formation increases, the amount of red blood cells, hemoglobin, blood plasma and the total volume of circulating blood increases.

An increase in blood mass, erythrocytes and hemoglobin begins in the first months of pregnancy and continues until the VII-VIII month; Before childbirth, the intensity of blood formation decreases. The volume of circulating blood by the end of pregnancy increases by 35-40%, and circulating erythrocytes - by 15-20%. The increase in plasma volume exceeds the process of increasing the mass of erythrocytes, therefore, with the active erythropoese and the increase in the number of erythrocytes, the content of them in 1 liter of blood in pregnant women may be lower than that of non-empty. Most healthy pregnant women often have a small leukocytosis (due to neutrophils), the content of monocytes, eosinophils and platelets does not change. The rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes (ESO) during pregnancy increases to 20-30 mm / h.

An increase in blood mass, the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is important in terms of delivery to the fetus and tissues of pregnant nutrients and oxygen.

In the rolling system of blood, changes are occurring adaptive. Most researchers indicate increasing coagulation potential, especially in recent months of pregnancy. Starting from the IV-V month, the content of fibrinogen, promrombin, factors V, VII, VIII, X are gradually increased. The content of the fibrinstabilizing factor decreases, especially by the end of the pregnancy. Slightly increasing the adhesiveness of platelets. Anticoagulant potential decreases, fibrinolysis is braked. In this case, intravascular coagulation does not occur. These changes contribute to hemostasis and prevent significant blood loss in childbirth (with placenta detachment) and in the early postpartum period.

Breath system system.During pregnancy, the lungs are increasing due to an increase in oxygen need. Despite the fact that at the end of pregnancy, the uterus pens out the diaphragm up, the respiratory surface and the lungs of the lungs are not reduced due to the expansion of the chest. Bronchial permeability increases, the use of oxygen increases. Breathing in recent months of pregnancy becomes somewhat more often and deeper, the gas exchange is enhanced. Sometimes stagnant phenomena in the larynx and the mucous membrane of the bronchi. This increases the sensitivity of the body of pregnant women to the influenza and other common infectious diseases.

System of digestive organs.Many women at the beginning of pregnancy are noted changes in the taste sensations, the appearance of pleasure (gravity to the acidic, salty, etc.), aversion to some types of food (for example, to meat, fats, etc.); Some pregnant women are significantly increased appetite, which is associated with changes in the functions of the nervous (diancephal region) and digestive systems. The secretion of the glands of the stomach and intestines does not change, but sometimes there is a decrease in the acidity of the gastric juice. The stomach shifts the growing up and the stop. The intestine is pushed out of the front abdominal wall; Some pregnant women have hypotension of the lower intestinal department.

The liver is involved in the regulation of all types of metabolism and neutralizes toxic exchange products. In recent months of pregnancy, the liver is shifted upwards and the stop, the blood supply is enhanced, the structure does not change. Due to changes in the exchange and the need to neutralize the products of metabolism not only the mother, but also the fetus load on the liver during pregnancy increases. Some researchers have noted a decrease in the antitoxic and volatility of carbohydrate functions of the liver. In healthy women, in the physiological course of pregnancy, the liver copes with an increased load and the function is not violated.

Urinary organs.The kidneys during pregnancy function with great tension, because they are removed from the body the products of the body of the body itself and the growing fetus. Despite this, neither morphological or functional changes arise in physiological pregnancy in the kidneys. In recent months, traces of protein may appear in the urine. This indicates the possibility of a serbious pathological state - toxicosis of pregnant women. The former idea of \u200b\u200bthe physiological nature of a low-proof proteinuria is currently not supported. Even the traces of the protein in the urine should be considered a signal of the premorbid state. Sometimes pregnant women have transient glucosuria, especially with an excess of carbohydrate food. When glucosuria appears, a pregnant woman needs to examine it carefully.

In the first months of pregnancy, some women note rapid urination on urination due to the fact that the uterus presses on the bladder. In the following months of pregnancy, the bladder stretches, shifts up, the urethra is pulled out and straightened; The tone of the ureters decreases, their lumen becomes wider. At the end of pregnancy, the fetal head presses to the entrance to a small pelvis, and therefore pressure on the bladder and the increase in urinary urges may occur.

System of musculoskered organs.During pregnancy, serous impregnation and breaking of the articular ligaments, cartilage and synovial shells of pubic and sacral-iliac connections occur. These physiological changes occur under the influence of the relaxin generated in the placenta, they are most significantly expressed in the pubic compound and to a lesser extent - in the sacratling and iliac.

As a result of the occurrence of changes, the pubic branches on the parties are considered by 0.5-0.6 cm. A more significant discrepancy (1-2 cm or more) is considered pathological, especially when pain.

Physiological changes in the joints of the pelvis give a slight increase in the direct size of the entrance to the pelvis, which contributes to the normal flow of labor (adaptive factor). During pregnancy, the chest expands, the rib arches are raised, the lower end of the sternum is distinguished from the spine. The posture of a pregnant woman changes: as the uterus grows and the spine is growing and the spine is straightened, the shoulders and the back of the hitch, the bending of the back in the spine area increases ("proud gait" pregnant).

Leather.The skin during pregnancy is subject to peculiar changes. Quite often, there is a deposition of a brown or coffee-colored pigment in certain areas: on the white lines of the abdomen, on the nipples and the near-block circles, as well as on the face. Especially often pigment spots (chloasma uterinum) are formed on the forehead, transport, the upper lip. Pigmentation is stronger than brunettes. The origin of the pigment is associated with the change in the activities of the adrenal cortex, in particular with the enhancement of education in the reticular zone of brown pigment.

The abdominal wall due to the increase in pregnant uterus is gradually stretched. This is especially significantly expressed in large fruit, multi-coded pregnancy. With a significant stretching of the abdominal walls in women with insufficiently elastic skin, pregnancy scars appear - Striae Gravidarum. Male scars are formed due to the discrepancy between the connecting and elastic elements of the skin.

The scars of pregnancy have the kind of pink, reddish or bluish-bugs arcuate. They are usually located on the skin of the abdomen, less often on the skin of the mammary glands and the hips. After delivery, the scars of pregnancy acquire the appearance of white shiny stripes.

When subsequent pregnancy, fresh reddish-bluish scars of pregnancy may form in the presence of old, faded scars. During pregnancy, changes in the navel region occur. In the second half of pregnancy, he smoothes, it is pronounced in the past month. In multiplied women, with multiple pregnancy and excess accumulation of arrogant water, there is often a discrepancy between the abdominal muscles.

Some pregnant women appear hair growth, legs, on the side of the abdomen (hypertrichosis). This hair growth in unusual places is associated with a change in the activities of the domestic secretion glands and the endocrine function of the placenta. Hypertrichosis usually disappears a few months after childbirth.

Body mass.An increase in body weight during pregnancy is associated with the growth of the fetus and the uterus, an increase in the number of accumulating waters, the total weight of the blood. The increase in body weight is also associated with fat deposition and serous impregnation of pregnant fabrics; Some significance is the increase in the mammary glands.

During the first months, the increase in body mass is minority or absent. After III, the body weight gradually increases, especially noticeable in the second half of pregnancy. Women's body mass in the second half of pregnancy increases normally by 300-350 g per week (fluctuations are possible from 250 to 400 g). A more significant increase in body weight typically indicates an excessive water delay in the body, which is observed in toxicosis. During the pregnancy, the mass mass of the woman usually increases by 10-12 kg.

Mammary gland.During pregnancy, the dairy glands are subjected to significant changes, as a result of which preparations for lactation occurs. Irony slices increase in volume, their number increases. Epithelial cells in ferruginous slices increase, fat droplets are formed in their protoplasm; In the first months, colostrums (Colostrums) appear on the surface of the nipples, in the second half of pregnancy, the colostrum may be allocated independently. The blood supply of the mammary glands is enhanced, subcutaneous veins are expanding in volume and become intense, it is often tingling in them. Nipples increase, pigmented together with the near-block circle, rudimentary glands of the near-block mug (Montgomery) perform sharp. The excitability of smooth muscles laid in the nipple increases; With mechanical irritation, the nipple muscles are reduced, the nearby circle decreases, the nipple performs sharp.

The growth of the mammary glands and their preparation to lactation occur under the influence of hormones produced in the placenta (estrogens, progesterone); Secretion is activated by the Somatotropic Hormone Placetes (placental lactogen).

Genitals.Pregnancy causes changes throughout the body of a woman, but they are most significant in the uterus. During pregnancy, the magnitude, form, position, consistency and reactivity (excitability) of the uterus are changed.

The uterus increases in size throughout the pregnancy. At the end of her uterus occupies almost the entire cavity of the belly. The length of the non-embled uterus is 7-8 cm, and by the end of the pregnancy - 37-38 cm. The diameter increases from 4-5 to 25-26 cm, the front-facing size - up to 24 cm. Mass of a non-removed uterus - 50 g (in transmitted up to 100 g ), at the end of pregnancy - 1000-1200 g (without a fruit egg). The volume of the uterus by the end of the pregnancy increases 500 times. The increase in the uterus is mainly due to hypertrophy of its muscle fibers. Each muscular fiber is lengthened at 10-12 times and thickens 4-5 times; At the same time, multiplication of muscle fibers occurs, the growth of newly formed muscle elements, a grid-fibrous and agricultural "frame" of uterus, which is inextricably linked with its muscular.

Muscular fiber hyperplasia occurs mainly in the first half of pregnancy (for the first 18-20 weeks). The walls of the uterus reach the greatest thickness (3-4cm) by the end of the first half of the pregnancy. In a later date, the uterus increases mainly due to the stretching of its walls of the growing fruit, its shells and waters. The increase in the uterine cavity contributes to the vertical stretch of spiral-shaped muscle fibers of the uterus. By the end of the pregnancy, the walls of the uterus are thinning to 0.5-1 cm.

The junction of the uterus grows and breaks down. The number of elastic fibers increases. All this leads to the softening of the uterus, an increase in its plasticity and elasticity. The uterus acquires the ability to change the shape, magnitude, capacity, tone, excitability and contractile function. The mucous membrane of the uterine undergoes significant changes, turning into a decidual (dropping) shell.

The vascular network of uterus increases significantly. Arteries and veins of uterus are lengthened and expand; Especially lengthen the veins and increase their lumen. The course of vessels becomes winding, sproured, which allows them to adapt to changes in the magnitude of the uterus in its abbreviations. The vascular network of the uterus increases not only by elongating the arteries and veins, but also by forming new vessels. Lymphatic vessels are also expanding and extended.

During pregnancy, the blood supply to the uterus increases sharply, many times the amount of blood flowing through its vessels increases. The uterus remains a relatively constant and optimal blood supply, which is not subjected to special changes in the occurrence of processes accompanied by the redistribution of blood (shock, blood loss, etc.). There is an opinion that a peculiar depot of blood is formed in a pregnant uterus. These changes in the vascular system and blood supply to the uterus are important in relation to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen, not only in myiometry, but also in the motherboard of the placenta (Deciduas Basalis). Nervous elements of the uterus are hypertrophy in number, the number of sensitive receptors increases sharply. These receptors are essential in the transfer of pulses from the fetus to the central mother's system.

In the wall of a pregnant uterus, the content of calcium, trace elements, glycogen and phosphocreatinine needed for contractual activity of it during childbirth increases. The presence in the uterus of biologically active substances - serotonin and catecholamines is noted.

In the cervix of muscle elements less than in her body; The hypertrophy process in them is negligible, the number of elastic fibers increases the connecting tissue breaks down, the vascular network (mainly venous) is developing so much that the cervix resembles the cavernous (spongy) fabric. In the cervix, congestion is gradually developing, it becomes a blue, edema, softened, the cervical canal is filled with a thick mucus (mucous plug).

Until IV month of pregnancy, a fruit egg is in the uterus cavity. From the IV month of pregnancy, the lower pole of a growing fruit egg stretches the uterus's endings and is placed in it. From this point on, the experiencies are part of the fruit and turns into the lower segment of the uterus.

During childbirth, the experiencies together with the cervix turns into the output tube. The cervix at the end of pregnancy seems shortened due to the fact that the head of the fetus goes to the inlet of a small pelvis (at first-night) and shortens vaginal vaults. The length of the cervical cervix does not change. Serous cover of the uterus is stretched, but at the same time it does not fill.

The outdoor and inner zev of the uterus in primaries remains closed dot of childbirth; The repetitive cervical channel in recent months of pregnancy is expanding and often skips finger.

The shape of a pregnant uterus also changes. In the early term of pregnancy, there is a pressing of that corner of the uterus, where the egg implant occurred. From the III month of pregnancy, the uterus is rounded, becomes spherical, and in the further egg-shaped. The position of the uterus changes in accordance with its growth. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the abortion of the uterus turns increases, and in the future the angle between the body and the cervix disappears, the uterus straightens, often leans to the right and turns a little the left edge of the Kepened, right. After the II month of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus rises above the plane of the entrance in a small pelvis, at the end of the day it reaches the hypochondrium.

The excitability of the uterus in the first months of pregnancy is reduced; With an increase in the period of pregnancy, it increases, reaching the highest degree to childbirth. According to some authors, an increase in the excitability of the uterus is observed in the first months of pregnancy and at the end of it. During pregnancy, irregular weak painless cuts in uterine, contributing to blood circulation in the intervalic space system and in the uterus. These reductions of women almost do not feel. From the VIII-IX month of pregnancy, the contractile activity of the uterus is enhanced, and by the end of pregnancy, the reduction becomes more often and stronger.

The uterine pipes during pregnancy are thickened, become juicy due to hyperemia and serous impregnation of tissues. As the uterus grows, the position of the pipes becomes more and more sheer; By the end of pregnancy, they hang down the ribs of the uterus.

The ovaries increase slightly, become softer; ovulation in them is terminated; In one of the ovaries is the yellow body of pregnancy. In connection with the growth of the uterus, the ovaries rose from the small pelvis and are located in the abdominal cavity.

Bundles of the uterus are lengthened and thicken. Especially significantly hypertrophies round and sacratropic bonds, which contributes to the deduction of the uterus in the correct position during childbirth. Round bundles of the uterus are torn through the abdominal walls in the form of heavy. By the location of round ligaments, you can judge the place of attachment of the placenta. If the placenta is located on the front wall, then round ligaments are in parallel or diverge the book. If the placenta is attached to the rear wall of the uterus, round ligaments go down in the converging direction.

During pregnancy, the pelvic fiber becomes loose, juicy, easily absorbable.

The vagina due to pregnancy is subject to significant changes. The blood supply to its walls increases sharply, serous impregnation of all its layers occurs. The walls of the vagina are loosened, become juicy and easily spent. The mucous membrane of the vagina acquires a blue painting.

During pregnancy, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscle and connective tissue elements of the vagina occur; In connection with this, the vagina is lengthened, expands, the folds of the mucous membrane protrude sharply. Due to the loosening, the ability of the mucous membrane of the vagina for suction increases. Therefore, during pregnancy, the dysfunction of toxic solutions is dangerous (for example, summa). During pregnancy, the contents of the vagina increase due to hyperemia and the enhancement of transvisation. The secretion of the uterine cerial glands, tightening cells of the vaginal epithelial, leukocytes and microorganisms are mixed up to the transponder.

The external genital organs during pregnancy are breaking, the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina becomes cyanotic. In repeated-seated sometimes on the outer genitals, varicose nodes are formed, the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the vulva is enhanced.

The basic data outlined above the changes in the body of a pregnant woman show their complexity and a versatile character. In preparation for pregnancy and in ensuring its proper development, all the most important systems of the body of the woman are involved. All arising changes have an adaptive character, the totality of them determines the process of continuing the genus.

It is believed that in the central nervous system during pregnancy, a dominant focus of excitement (pregnancy dominant, gestational dominant) arises, which ensures the normal course of physiological transformations in the organism of the mother necessary for the development of the fetus.

As they write in all articles on pregnancy, first of all, the future mother is changing taste preferences. In fact this is not true. Many women during pregnancy refuse to favorite products and begin to actively use what they never ate. Some pregnant women combine incompatible (herring and jam, ice cream and cucumbers, etc.) and enjoy. But there are also those who adhere to the usual diet.

One of the most notable changes during pregnancy is an increase in weight and abdomen growth. Normally, a woman is gaining about 10-12 kg during pregnancy, of which 4-4.5 kg falls on the fetus, spindle water and a placenta, 1-1.5 kg - to an increase in the uterus and the mammary glands, 1.5 kg to the increase The amount of blood and 1 kg of the intercellular fluid. As a rule, the body of the future mother is in stores the fatty tissue necessary for successful breastfeeding.

Bones, muscles, leather

During pregnancy in the body, a special hormone is produced - relaxing. It is he who provides a safe and physiological discrepancy between the pelvic bones during the birth needed to pass the fetus by the generic paths.

In late pregnancy, a woman can feel an increase in mobility in the joints, and some future mothers complain about pain in the brushes of the hands, knees and elbows. These problems disappear.

Many women notice that in the second trimester of pregnancy, the line from the navel to the pubus darkens, becoming brown; Darken and increase in diameter of the near-block mugs - the arolas. Under the action of a pigment, which during pregnancy produces adrenal glands, freckles or pigment stains can be formed.

During the expectation of the child, the skin on the stomach is very stretched, stretch marks (Stria) may appear. With high elasticity of skin, stretch marks may disappear a few months after childbirth. If the elasticity of the skin is reduced, Stria remains on the body of a woman for life.

Respiratory system

During pregnancy in the blood, the content of the progesterone hormone increases, which ensures additional relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi walls. This leads to an expansion of the lumen of the respiratory tract necessary to increase the volume of air inhaled by 40%. Interestingly, 30% of them go to the needs of the fetus, and the remaining 10% are used in the body of the future mother.

Heart, vessels and blood

Cardiovascular system, without exaggeration, takes on the main load during the waiting period of the child. To deliver all the necessary nutrients to the uterus, hypertrophy occurs, that is, an increase in the left ventricle, the increase in heartbeat and an increase in the minute volume of blood.

Blood pressure in the first trimester may even decrease a little, which causes lethargy, weakness and drowsiness (they are often complaining of pregnant women at the beginning). Somewhere in the middle of the second trimester, each woman has pressure increases by an average of 10 mm. RT. Art. However, in pathological cases, these figures can increase significantly. In such situations, we are talking about gestosis - the complication of the second half of pregnancy, fraught with such dangerous states as eclampsia. High blood pressure jumps up to high numbers, as you know, can cause or.

Pregnant provides food products not only, but also baby. And despite the fact that the blood of moms and the fetus during pregnancy is not mixed, the woman requires an increased volume of this fluid. As a result, during the waiting period, hematopopits increases, the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin increases. By the end of pregnancy, the total amount of blood increases by 40%.

Urinary organs

The problem of urgent visits to the toilet is quite acute almost before each pregnant. By the middle of the second trimester, the enlarged has a noticeable pressure on the bladder of a woman. This situation is quite physiological, but it makes the future mother "run to the toilet" quite often. And the more, the stronger the pressure, and, therefore, the more often hiking to the toilet.

The growing uterus presses not only on the bladder, but also on the intestine. However, in this situation it works not in plus, but in minus. The squeezing of the intestine prevents the normal peristaltics providing food progress. As a result, constipation arise - a rather unpleasant state, especially during pregnancy.


Comment Article "Pregnancy: Changes in the body. In which trimester?"

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. This organism begins to rebuild. For that intelligent, beauty, love, I am happy, I am glad to all changes, I am changing how I am changing and love for the fact that the sizes of life say about what the size and shape of the abdomen is pregnant Why stomach hurts during pregnancy.

Pregnancy: changes in the body. Many women notice that in the second trimester of pregnancy the line from the navel to the pubis darkens, becoming intimate not to offer? ... a psycho-emotional sphere is changing: a woman can become irritable, appears ...


everything is fine with you! Sleep is good;) I sleep right since the beginning of pregnancy. Now there are already 13 weeks, and I will put me, lean, there and sleep;) and the pressure is low (90/60). It is hard only when the weather is changed and atmospheric pressure jumps. My doctor says that the main thing is to rearrange. If you love, you can green fresh tea, too many caffeine. Grow on health!

It is not necessary to be ashamed, especially if the husband does not complain :)
Hold on, everything goes, it will pass and it :)
I only after 13 weeks myself felt a man.

Some women during pregnancy are experiencing multiple orgasms. During pregnancy and lactation, changes and external structures of the breast are undergoing. Nipples and straws increase, their color varies from pink to dark.


In the first B. Rivne to the size rose. From 38 to 39. Now the eighth month is already, and the paw is the same, I hope that it will remain.

My 40-41 remained with me after 4 days of domestic pregnancy. It probably increases with those who have not yet rust ...

During pregnancy, the hormonal balance of women changes, and blood sticks to the genital organs. Some women who used to be difficult to get an orgasm, being "in position," reach it easily and more often want sex, to mutual pleasure ...

During pregnancy in the body, women occur significant changes. Why we overeat: 10 good reasons. Hyperfagic reaction (overeating) for stress, or emotional food, like food 7Y.Ru - information project on family issues ...

The food of a pregnant woman affects not only the condition of its body, but also on the full development and health of the future as the increasing functional load on the mother's body is changing during pregnancy and the ratio of nutritious ...

The second pregnancy of Italian has come during the first. Good news for women who like to enter babies - walking pregnant if you wish and successful coincidence, you can at least whole year.

IMHO if during pregnancy a woman transfers long-term stressful situations, everything depends, in my opinion, firstly, from the type of nervous, my baby developed during pregnancy, too, during a terrible stress (my mother died suddenly ...


I am a specialist, so I have an opinion dealethenian, but your experience is. The first pregnancy was very nervous, I had to hide the pregnancy, my husband could not arrange a divorce with the first wife and his father traveled out of the house. The child was born normal, as I then understood, not even very shrieking. The second pregnancy proceeded in absolute spiritual equilibrium, even there was no excitement at work, since I was sitting at home. And the babe was born a restless, s-hands-non-descending.

The child has the type of nervous system that he inherits from his parents. Indeed, it often happens that the same parents have completely different children: one is completely calm, another hyperactive with scattered attention. That is, what is laid, then laid down. So it does not depend on stress. IMHO if during pregnancy a woman transfers long-term stressful situations, everything depends, in my opinion, first, on the type of the nervous system of the woman itself, secondly, from its health state and, thirdly, from the relationship itself Women to what happened. And since any stress can cause unpredictable consequences for human health (from headache to heart attack), it is the peculiarities of these consequences in a pregnant woman and will affect the fetus. The consequences may be different and known, probably everyone. These are mainly awesome-vascular disorders: an increase in pressure, attacks of panic attack, heartbeat, headaches, lack of appetite, insomnia, dipresses, etc. This, in turn, can cause (as in the chain reaction) complications of the course of pregnancy and even the threat of miscarriage. I think the nature of the mother and then it was trying to protect the nervous system to a woman from such things during pregnancy. If the pregnancy is desired and the child is long-awaited, then it is so positive emotion for a woman that it suffers much easier for many stressful situations. So pronounced by the pail-legged child, born from the mother, whose pregnancy proceeded in stressful situations, but without complications and consequences for her health, I think I will not. If, as a result of these stresses, the health of the mother worsened and, as a result, there were complications of the course of pregnancy, then the answer is obvious - deviations will be, but not necessarily in the development of the child's nervous system. Here, everything will be dependent on what stage of pregnancy there were these stressful situations that led to the disease of the mother.

Pregnancy This is a normal (physiological) process flowing in the body of a woman during the intrauterine development of the fetus. During pregnancy, the woman's body is subjected to deep transformations. With normal pregnancy development, all changes in the body of the body are aimed at creating a harmonious relationship between the organism of the mother and the body of a developing fetus. Also, from the very first days of pregnancy, the preparation of the body of a pregnant woman to future birth and breastfeeding begins.

Below we consider more details the most important changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy, as well as their value for normal evolution of pregnancy itselfGiving birth and breastfeeding period.

Organism systems subject to change during pregnancy
From the very first days of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman is subjected to deep transformations. These transformations are the result of the coordinated work of almost all organism systems, as well as the result of the interaction of the mother's organism with the child's body.

Changes in the nervous and endocrine system
The main roles in the implementation of the transformations of the female organism during pregnancy are the nervous and endocrine systems.

At the level central nervous system (Head and spinal cord) The complex nerve mechanisms are launched, aimed at preserving the constancy of substances in the body of a pregnant woman necessary for the normal development of the fetus. For example, it was noted that up to 39 weeks of pregnancy, impulses coming from sensitive uterus receptors are blocked at the spinal cord level, which allows pregnancy preservation and prevents premature birth. Changes in the central nervous system lead to some changes in the mood and behavior of a pregnant woman. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can celebrate increased irritability, fatigue, drowsiness - all these protection mechanisms developed by the central nervous system to prevent excessive fatigue of a pregnant woman. The changes of the sense of smell (intolerance of some odors), taste and gastronomic preferences, as well as coming nausea, vomiting and dizziness are associated with a change in the tone of the wandering nerve (nerve regulating the work of most of the internal organs).

Well known is the fact that the nervous and endocrine systems are in close cooperation. This interaction is particularly clearly manifested during pregnancy, the normal course of which is the result of the interaction of these two systems. The inclusion of the endocrine system in the development of pregnancy takes place even until fertilization. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus (the center of the brain is responsible for the transfer of nerve signals from the nervous system in the endocrine), pituitary gland (central endocrine iron of a person) and the ovaries (sex glands of the body of a woman), make it possible to develop an egg and prepare the female sex system to fertilize. From the first days of pregnancy and up to 10 weeks, the development of pregnancy is maintained at the expense of hormones secreted by ovaries. Throughout this period, there is an intense growth of the fetus placenta. The placenta, as is known, in addition to the role of nutrition of the fetus, also performs the synthesis of hormones necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. The main hormones of the placenta is estriol (it is also called the defender of pregnancy). This hormone stimulates the development of blood vessels and improves the supply of fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

In a smaller amounts of placenta, estrone and estradiol synthesize. Under the action of these hormones there is an increase in the genital organs of a pregnant woman: the uterus, vagina, the mammary glands, an increase in the volume of circulating blood in the mother's body (to improve the nutrition of the fetus). In disruption of the functioning of the placenta (during various diseases of the mother or fetus), may come abortion or disruption of the development of the fetus (underdevelopment).

Also, the placenta synthesizes progesterone, stimulating the development of the mammary glands and the preparation of them to lactation. Under the influence of progesterone, the muscles of the uterus and intestines are relaxing. Progesterone has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, determining the above, drowsiness and fatigue. The effect of progesterone on the development of a fat fabric of a pregnant woman is important. Power supply of nutrients in adipose tissue during pregnancy is necessary to ensure the nutrition of the fetus and the formation of milk in the postpartum period.

In addition to hormones synthesized in the placenta, various hormones are played an important role, which are formed by the endocrine system of the mother's organism. It should be noted that at the initial stages of development, the organism of the fetus is not able to synthesize many hormones, but they come to him from the mother's body. For example, hormones of thyroid gland are extremely important factor in the development of the fetus. These hormones stimulate the formation of bone tissue, brain growth and development, as well as energy production. To ensure the needs of the fetus, the mother's body synthesizes large amounts of hormones.

Different incoming changes as, for example, skin pigmentation and an increase in bone widths and face outlines arise due to the action of a pregnant woman's pituitary gland, synthesizing melanotropin (hormone, stimulating the production of skin pigment) and somatotropin (hormone, stimulating the growth of the body).

Changes in the metabolism process
Changes in metabolism during pregnancy are aimed at ensuring the needs of the developing organism of the fetus. It is clear that for the normal flow of metabolism, and, consequently, the development of the fetus requires the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the mother's body.

To increase the amount of assimilated food, the mother's body produces a greater number of digestive enzymes. At the level of the lungs, blood saturation is increased by oxygen. This is carried out mainly due to an increase in the number of erythrocytes, and increase the content of hemoglobin in them.

In the blood of a pregnant woman notes an increase in glucose and insulin concentration, as well as fatty acids, proteins and amino acids. All these nutrients penetrate the placenta into the blood of the fetus, thereby ensuring the developing body material for growth and development.

The change in the exchange of minerals in the body of a pregnant woman is important. There is an increase in the blood concentration of many minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, magnesium. Like nutrients, these elements penetrate the blood of the fetus through the placenta and are used by a growing organism for development.

During pregnancy, the need of a woman's body in vitamins is increased. This is due to the enhancement of metabolic processes, both in the very body of a pregnant woman and with the fact that part of the vitamins, from the mother's body goes into the organism of the feed and is used to them for their own development.

Changes in internal organs during pregnancy
During pregnancy, many internal organs are subjected to significant restructuring. These changes are adaptive, and, in most cases, short-term and completely disappear after delivery.

The cardiovascular system Mothers during pregnancy is forced to pump a greater amount of blood to ensure adequate supply of fetus with nutrients and oxygen. In this regard, during pregnancy, the thickness and strength of heart muscles increase, the pulse and the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute are studied. In addition, the volume of circulating blood increases. In some cases, blood pressure increases. The tone of blood vessels during pregnancy is reduced, which creates favorable conditions for the enhanced supply of nutrient tissues and oxygen.

All of the above changes in the cardiovascular system are completely disappearing after delivery.

Respiratory system During pregnancy, it works hard. The frequency of respiration increases. This is due to an increase in the need of the body of the mother and fetus in oxygen, as well as in limiting the respiratory movements of the diaphragm due to an increase in the size of the uterus, which occupies a significant space of the abdominal cavity.

The most significant changes, however, occur in the genitals of a pregnant woman. These changes prepare a female sex system for childbirth and feeding the child.

Uterus Pregnant woman significantly increases in size. Its mass increases from 50 g. - At the beginning of pregnancy until 1200 g. - At the end of pregnancy. The volume of the uterus by the end of pregnancy increases more than 500 times! The blood supply to the uterus increases significantly. In the walls of the uterus, the amount of muscle fibers increases. Cervix Filled with a thick mucus, blocking the causta cavity of the cervix. Uterine pipes and ovaries Also increase in size. In one of the ovaries, the "yellow body of pregnancy" is observed - the place of synthesis of hormones supporting pregnancy.

The walls of the vagina are breaking, become more elastic.

Exterior genitals (Small and large sexual lips), also increase in size and become more elastic. Crab crotch fabrics. In addition, there is an increase in mobility in the joints of the pelvis and the discrepancy of the pubic bones. The above-described changes in the sex tract are extremely important physiological importance for childbirth. The breaking of the walls, an increase in the mobility and elasticity of the genital tract increases their throughput and facilitates the advancement of the fetus for them during childbirth.

Leather In the zone of the genital organs and in the middle line of the abdomen, it usually becomes darker. Sometimes on the skin of the side parts of the belly, "Stragia Gravidarum) is formed, which, after delivery, turn into whipless strips.

Mammary gland Increase in size, become more elastic, intense. When pressed on the nipple, a colostrum is observed (first milk).

Body mass of pregnant women increases in size. The normal increase in body weight at the end of pregnancy is 10-12 kg. Or 12-14% of the mass body of a pregnant woman.

All the changes described above, coming during pregnancy, should be distinguished from the signs of the so-called "imaginary" or "false pregnancy". False pregnancy arises with the conviction of a non-embled woman in the fact that she is pregnant. Such a situation is observed in some cases in patients with mental or endocrine disorders. At the same time, the power of self-sustaining of a woman is so large that there are some physiological changes characteristic of real pregnancy: an increase in the mammary glands, the appearance of a colostrum, the disappearance of menstruation. The patient's survey helps to make a diagnosis and recognize a false pregnancy. It is also important to recognize a false pregnancy from a simulated pregnancy, in which a woman knows that it is not pregnant, but based on some considerations, trying to convince others in the opposite.


  • Kokhanevich E.V. Actual issues of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductology, triad-X, 2006
  • Savelyeva G.M. Okuchery, Medicine, M., 2000
  • Carr F. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Health Women, Medpress-Inform 2005

Pregnancy is a state of continuous physical adaptation necessary to meet the needs of a growing fetus, as well as to ensure the constancy of the medium in which its growth occurs. The degree of this adaptation as a whole exceeds the needs of the fetus, therefore there are significant reserves, allowing to transfer periods of stress or deprivation without significant changes in the fetal environment. Each of the physicism of the mother's body is experiencing changes.

Endocrine system.

The endocrine system plays an extremely important role in the emergence and development of pregnancy.

With the beginning of the development of pregnancy, changes in all glands of internal secretion appear.

In one of the ovaries, the new iron of the internal secretion begins to function - the yellow body of pregnancy. It exists and functions in the body during the first 3-4 months. The hormone of the yellow body is progesterone - contributes to the nidiation of the fertilized fetal egg into the mucous membrane of the uterus, reduces its excitability and thereby favors the development of pregnancy. Progesterone has a protective effect on a fertilized egg and the uterus. Under its influence, the transfer of nerve excitation from one muscular fiber to the other is slowed down, with the result that the activity of the neuromuscular uterine machine is reduced. It contributes to the growth of the uterus during pregnancy and the development of the iron tissue of the mammary glands. The level of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy is 10 - 30 ng / ml, increasing with 7 weeks of pregnancy above the above indicator.

The yellow body gradually regnets from 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, stopping its function completely to 16 weeks.

At this time, a new iron of internal secretion appears - a placenta, which communicates the fetus with the mother's organism. The placenta produces a number of hormones (gonadotropins, progesterone, estrogens, etc.). Chorionic gonadotropin contributes to the progression of pregnancy, affects the development of adrenal glands and the gonad of the fetus, on the exchange processes of steroids in the placenta. Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be determined at 3 week of pregnancy, in 5 weeks its level in the urine is 2500 - 5000 IU / L, in 7 weeks it increases to 80,000 - 100.000 me / l, and by 12 - 13 weeks the content of chorionic gonadotropin decreases to 10.000 - 20.000 I / l and remains at this level until the end of pregnancy. The placenta produces a placental lactogen - a chorionic somatotropic hormone, which, due to its anti-synthulin action, enhances the processes of glycoegenesis in the liver, reducing the tolerance of the body to glucose, enhances lipolysis.

The placenta also produces other hormones: melanocystimulating hormone (IGS), adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) hormone, thyrotropic (TG) hormone, oxytocin, vasopressin; As well as biologically active substances - relaxing, acetylcholine and others.

The placenta produces steroid hormones of estrogen rows, one of which is an estrilla. Its level in blood during pregnancy increases at 5 - 10 times, and excretion with urine increases hundreds of times. Estrogen, neutralizing the effect of other estrogen placenta (estrone and estradiol), reduces the contractile activities of the uterus during pregnancy.

In the pituitary, thyroid glands and adrenal glands, great changes also occur.

So, one of the first instructions for pregnancy can be the detection of steadily growth of luteinizing hormone (LG) of the pituitary gland. The products of the melanocystimulating hormone (IGS) are usually increasing, which determines the inclination to hyperpigmentation in pregnant women. The front proportion of pituitary glands produces hormones, which at the beginning of pregnancy stimulate the function of the yellow body. The rear share of the pituitary gland produces vasopressin and oxytocin. Oxytocin stimulates cutting the muscles of the uterus, probably due to the relief of the influence of prostaglandin. It is a weak antidhyra and is also isolated by vasodilatory influence, although during pregnancy the latter is suppressed by estrogen. The accumulation and action of oxytocin are directly dependent on the content of estrogen and serotonin in the placenta, which is blocked by oxytocinase. This enzyme inactivates oxytocin in the blood of a woman during pregnancy, it is formed in the trophoblast and is an enzyme of pregnancy.

In childbirth, the production of pituitrytrin's rear lipophysis is significantly increasing. In the postpartum period, the hormones of the front lobe of the pituitary gland contribute to the establishment of a new function - lactation functions.

In the first months of pregnancy, a certain increase in the function of the thyroid gland may occur, in the second half - sometimes it occurs its pituitary. The level of circulating thyroxine during pregnancy as a whole does not increase, although the intensity of the main exchange increases by 10% of the initial one. Clinically, pregnant women can detect a light swelling of the thyroid gland, due to the increase in its activity due to the need to compensate for the reinforced conclusion of the intake by the kidneys.

During pregnancy, the bunched zone of the adrenal cortex is hypertrophy. The formation of glucocorticoids regulating carbohydrate and protein metabolism increases. The synthesis of cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and androgen is enhanced in the adrenal cortex. Under the influence of adrenal operations, exchange processes in the body of a pregnant woman increase, the blood content of cholesterol and other lipids increases, the skin pigmentation is enhanced.

With normal pregnancy, the level of aldosterone increases, which stimulates the sodium output by the kidneys.

Insulin level increases, due to stimulation of Langerhans islets with lactogenic placenta hormone.

the cardiovascular system.

During pregnancy, the cardiovascular system of healthy women undergoes significant changes.

Hemodynamic changes.

Hemodynamic changes during pregnancy are a manifestation of compensatory and adaptive adaptation to the coexistence of mother and fetus organisms. They are expressed in increasing cardiac output, increasing blood volume, increase the frequency of heart abbreviations and venous pressure. Hemodynamic changes are closely associated with an increase in body weight, uterus, fetus, placenta, increasing metabolic rate by 15-20%, including additional placental circulatory circulation. One of the main mechanisms to maintain the optimal microcirculation conditions during pregnancy in the placenta and the vital organs of the mother (heart, brain, kidneys) is physiological hypervolemia of pregnant women. The volume of blood plasma in pregnant women begins to increase from the 10th week of pregnancy. The intensive increase of the blood plasma volume of the blood plasma continues until the 34th week of pregnancy, after which the increase continues, but much slower. At the 34th week of pregnancy, an increase in blood plasma reaches 30-40%, by the end of pregnancy - 50%. Thus, the PCL by the end of pregnancy is 3,900 - 4000 ml. The volume of erythrocytes is also increasing, but to a lesser extent, increasing to the end of the pregnancy by about 18 - 20% of the initial level. The imbalance between the plasma volume and the volume of blood elements leads to the fact that on the 26-32 week of pregnancy, the hemoglobin content and the number of erythrocytes, despite their absolute increase, the brains decrease by 10-20%, that is. Olichemical anemia develops and blood viscosity decreases. Thus, almost every woman during pregnancy, there is a relative reduction in the level of hemoglobin, sometimes called "hydrames of pregnant women", which can be prevented by appointing iron preparations. This state of the so-called physiological hypervolemia(autogemodilation).

Physiological hypervolemia is an important compensatory adaptive mechanism, which: 1). supports optimal microcirculation conditions in vital organs during pregnancy; 2). Allows some pregnant women to lose 30 - 35% of blood volume without the development of pronounced hypotension (protective effect of autoghemodilation).

During pregnancy Average blood pressure Raises from 95 Normally up to 105 mm.rt., which facilitates the transfer of oxygen from the mother to the fetus. Average hell is determined by the formula: Hell CP. \u003d (Garden + 2DD) / 3,

where the garden is systolic blood pressure, DDA - diastolic blood pressure.

Cardiac ejectionThe healthy disabled woman has 4,2l / min, increases for 8 to 10 weeks to about 6.5 l / min, and this level is held almost to the birth, immediately facing the trend towards a decrease in emission. An increase in emission consists of increasing the impact volume and the increase in cardiac abbreviations from 72 to 78.

Lone heart volume (Mos)with physiologically occurring pregnancy, an average of 30-32% by 26-32 weeks of pregnancy increases. By the end of pregnancy, Mos slightly decreases, and the beginning of the birth increases and slightly exceeds the initial value.

Resistance peripheral vessels,decreases especially by the middle of pregnancy, so between the 16th and 28 weeks there is a tendency to reduce blood pressure. The decrease in the total and peripheral resistance of the vessels is explained by the formation of the uterine-placental circle of blood circulation and the vasodilator of progesterone and estrogen. There is an expansion of the skin vessels, as a result of which the woman feels less and sometimes it can feel worse with warm weather. An increase in blood flow surface is noticeable on the elbow side of the palms in the form of palm erythema. Part of women detect phetechial hemorrhages in the field of palm erythema. They are not considered a manifestation of the lesion of the liver or hemostasis system, and are only a clinical manifestation of an increase in the concentration of estrogen and disappear after 5 to 6 weeks after delivery.

Arterial pressure, If we do not talk about the tendency to a small drop in it in the middle of pregnancy, it practically does not change in a healthy pregnant woman. An individual level of blood pressure is determined by the ratio of 4 factors:

1). Looking at overall peripheral resistance;

2). Looking for blood viscosity;

3). Willing the volume of circulating blood (BCC);

4). Enlargement of the minute volume of the heart.

The first two factor contribute to the reduction of blood pressure, the last two - increasing. The interaction of all four factors supports blood pressure at an optimal level.

Cardiac activity.

During pregnancy, physiological tachycardia is observed. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the frequency of heart rate (heart rate) by 15-20 ° C / min exceeds heart rate before pregnancy. Central venous pressure rises an average to 8 cm. (outside the pregnancy is 2-5 cm. Body). Pressure in the veins of the upper limbs does not change. The pressure in the lines of the lower extremities increases. Partially caused by force of gravity, and partly an obstacle caused by the return of blood from the uterus and the placenta. Pregnant uterus squeezes the lower hollow vein. The deterioration of the venous outflow occurring through lumbar and paravertebral veins, as well as a decrease in the minute volume of the heart, some women cause a collapse. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the position on the back.

High standing bottom of the uterus leads to a limitation of the diaphragm mobility and changing the position of the heart in the chest. In this regard, half of healthy women during pregnancy listened to systolic noise at the top of the heart. Strengthening of I tone on the top of the heart is noted, it is sometimes observed on the pulmonary artery. Extal ECG changes are not observed during pregnancy.

Hematological indicators during pregnancy.

Table 3.

Normal hematological desirersion indicators

The total number of leukocytes increases from 7.500 to 10,000 in 1 mm 3, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate reaches a maximum of 50mm maximum.

The number of platelets is approximately doubled by reaching 316.000 in 1 mm 3 generation. The content of serum fibrinogen increases with 3 g / l before pregnancy up to 6 by the time of birth. In the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, the content of blood coagulation factors increases, the prothrombin index is growing. The blood coagulation rate is gradually increasing, the structural properties of blood clot are enhanced.

The level of proteins in the blood plasma decreases from 70 to 60 g / l, which causes the drop in the osmotic pressure of the plasma, which is why the tendency to swells is observed. The albumin / globulin coefficient falls from 1.5 to 1. These changes occur due to a decrease in albumin levels and an increase in the content of alpha and beta globulins. The level of gamma globulins is reduced.

respiratory system.

Pregnancy requires increased respiratory exchange to meet the increasing metabolic needs due to the presence of the fetus - a continuously growing organism with intense metabolic processes, as well as the growth of maternal metabolism. In this regard, starting with 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, the mother's respiratory system undergoes a number of morphofunctional adaptive changes, which, together with the shear in the blood system and the blood system, provide an oxygen supply and isolating carbon dioxide in accordance with the needs of the body.

Morphofunctional changes in the chest.

By the end of pregnancy, the diaphragm rises by 4 cm, and despite this, its excursions in the process of breathing have a lot of scope, both with vertical and horizontal position. The high mobility of the diaphragm is ensured by a decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles and the expansion of the chest, the circumference of which increases by 6 cm by increasing the transverse diameter. The changes in the chest and the diaphragm lead to a change in the type of breathing in pregnant women, which becomes predominantly the diaphragmal.

Lung ventilation.

During pregnancy, the lungs increase due to increasing oxygen needs. The overall consumption of oxygen by the end of pregnancy increases by 30 - 40%, and during fence - by 150 - 250% of the initial, reaching from the primary 800 - 900 ml on 2 / min.

P CO2 drops from 38 to 32 mm.T.. Due to hyperventilation, which facilitates the removal of CO 2 in the standard of maternal blood.

These compensatory reactions are provided by the processes of hyperventilation of the lungs, the hyperfunction of the heart, the activation of erythropoese, leading to an increase in the number of circulating erythrocytes.

Nevertheless, the tours of the diaphragm during pregnancy remains still limited, and pulmonary ventilation is difficult. This is mainly expressed in the increase in respiration (by 10% of the initial), and gradually increasing (by the end of pregnancy - a 30-40% of the initial) respiratory volume. The minute respiratory volume (mod) increases from 8.4 l / min at 12 weeks of pregnancy to 11.1 l / min by lifetime.

An increase in the respiratory volume occurs due to reducing the backup exit.

Little Life Capacity(The maximum amount of air removed by the maximum exhalation after the maximum inhalation) is actually not changed during pregnancy. Despite the fact that the life capacity of the lungs is not subjected to significant changes during pregnancy, its components - the current volume and stock inhaled volume are subjected to large quantitative changes. The current volume is the amount of inhaled and exhaled air under normal breathing - progressively increases from the third month to the period of the delivery, reaching the values \u200b\u200bof approximately 100 - 200 ml (40%) more than that of non-removed. The stock inhaled volume increases in late pregnancy due to an increase in the size of the chest. The inhaled volume in combination with the current volume is capacity inhawhich on the sixth seventh months of pregnancy is more about 120 ml (5%) than the indicator of non-empty. In contrast, the reserve exhaled volume decreases by about 100 ml (15%) in the second half of pregnancy, reaching the smallest values \u200b\u200bfor 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. The reduction in the spare exhaled volume is explained by increasing the current volume, and since the vital capacity does not change, by the end of the usual breath, the compression atelectasis of light pregnant pregnant is enhanced and they contain relatively less air than in the lungs of a non-death woman.

Residual volume -the amount of air remaining in the lungs after the maximum exhalation is less than 20% when the endless pregnancy than is out of it. In the same time functional residual lung capacity (Foy) and total lung volume (OOL) due to the high standing of the diaphragm decrease. Maximum lung capacity- The volume of air contained in the lungs by the end of the maximum inhalation is lowered.

The operation of the respiratory muscles increases, the consumption of oxygen is increasing, although the resistance of the respiratory tract by the end of pregnancy is reduced by almost 1.5 times.

The arterial partial pressure of oxygen during the normally flowing pregnancy is reduced to 30 - 32 mm.T.T., however, due to the simultaneous increase in the bicarbonate of sodium bicarbonate by the kidneys pH Blood remains normal.

Mechanical properties of the lungs.During pregnancy, the overall resistance of the lungs is less than 50%, than outside the pregnancy due to the weakening of the tone of the smooth muscle bronchiole due to excess progesterone.

Perfusion lungs During pregnancy, the diffusion of oxygen through the alveolar and capillary membrane does not change, or slightly decreases, while maintaining the ability to increase with the load.

Thus, morphofunctional changes in the respiratory system during pregnancy create the necessary conditions for the implementation of pulmonary hyperventilation, which, in combination with an increase in pulmonary perfusion and an increase in the exchange alveolar-capillary area, makes it possible to strengthen the respiratory gas, respectively, the needs of the body of the pregnant and its growing fetus.

Uriction system.

In the first and in the second trimester of pregnancy, the kidney blood flow increases, gradually returning to the initial level by the time of birth. In the late period of pregnancy, an enlarged uterus prevents the venous outflow from the kidney, although it is detected only when pregnant lies on the appropriate side.

The intensity of glomerular filtering increases by 50%, returning to normal only after delivery. Inuline clearance increases from 90 to 150 ml / min. Additionally, almost 100 liters of liquid is filtered daily. Despite this, the removal of urine is somewhat reduced. During the II of the trimester of pregnancy, an increase in cardiac output, plasma volume, boom velocity of glomerular filtration to 40% is observed. In the third trimester of pregnancy, these indicators return to the initial level. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the kidney blood flow is 10% higher than normal, while glomerular filtering returns to the norm by the end of the 7th month of pregnancy.

Due to increased glomerular filtering and increased plasma volume, the level of creatinine in blood serum is lower than that of non-remote women. This also contributes to a decrease in protein catabolism during pregnancy.

Also increases urea and uric acid. At about the 16th - 20 week of pregnancy, the renal threshold for glucose falls sharply, which is quite often a glucose. The release of 140 mg / day glucose with urine is considered the upper boundary of physiological glucosuria.

During pregnancy, about 20% of women there is an appearance of orthostatic proteinuria. The likely cause of this proteinuria can be compressed by the biscuit of the lower hollow vein and the kidney veins uterus. The main indicators of the kidney function are presented in Table 4.

Under the influence of progesterone, the muscle fibers of the bladder are hypertrophy, because of which it becomes elongated and sluggish, which can lead to his bending and stagnation of urine. Due to the relaxing effect of progesterone on the smooth muscle muscles, some athochers are observed, which can contribute to the opposite reflux and the cast of urine into the overlying urinary system departments. The situation is exacerbated with increasing the uterus, which presses the bladder, which in the aggregate contributes to the infection, the development of hydronephrosis. Thus, conditions are created for the development of pyelonephritis during pregnancy, the risk of the occurrence of which is especially large in violation of the vaginal ecology.

Table 4.

The kidney function during pregnancy.


In the sexual system, the main changes relate to the uterus. By the time of generations, the uterus increases to the size of 28x 24x20 cm. So, the length of a non-embled uterus is 7-8 cm, by the end of the pregnancy it increases to 37-38 cm. The transverse size of the uterus increases with 4-5 cm outside of pregnancy up to 25-26 cm. The mass of the uterus increases from 50-100 g outside of pregnancy up to 1000 - 1500 g by the time of birth.

During this period, it shifts the diaphragm upwards, and in the position lying on the back squeezes the lower hollow vein so much that it interferes with the venous inflow to the heart from the lower half of the body and causes hypotensive syndrome. An increase in the size of the uterus is determined by the hypertrophy of muscle fibers rather than increasing their number. Each muscular fiber is lengthened 10-12 times and thickens 4-5 times. Hypertrophy occurs under the action of estrogen and progesterone.

The lower segment of the uterus begins to form about 12 weeks of pregnancy partially from the bottom of the body of the uterus and partly from the top of the cervix, which is littered with glazed epithelium, similar to the epithelium of the uterus body, while the cervical channel slightly shortens. The cervix becomes softer and vascularized, taking a shiny shade. The cervical channel remains a tightly closed plug of viscous, opaque mucus, which serves as a barrier on the path of bacteria from the vagina. The cervical cervix epithelium is growing, iron fabric becomes more active.

It softens and becomes more plastic and elastic and muscular fabric of the uterus. The uterus becomes the ability to respond to the amplification of the tone in response to various irritation. The mucous membrane of the uterus is subjected to a certain restructuring, a decidual (disappearing) shell is developing from the functional layer of the endometrial.

The vascular network of uterus grows: expand, extend, increase in the amount of arterial, venous, lymphatic vessels. Blood vessels in the field of attachment placenta are especially growing. The number of nervous elements of the uterus increases, new sensitive receptors are formed, providing the transmission of nerve pulses.

The excitability of the uterus in the first months of pregnancy is reduced. However, gradually normal rhythmic cuts in the uterus, characteristic of the lutein stage of the menstrual cycle, are enhanced, although they remain completely painless (reduced Bracston Giza). As pregnancy progressing, these cuts gradually increase according to strength and frequency and, although they are not strong enough to cause the cervixation of the cervix, they can have any meaning for the "ripening" of the cervix.

The amount of contracting protein actomiosis increases in the uterus muscle, the level of total phosphorus increases, creatine phosphate, glycogen is accumulated. Biologically active substances are gradually accumulated: serotonin, catecholamines, histamine. Bundles of the uterus are lengthened and thicken, which contributes to the retention of the uterus in the right position both during pregnancy and in childbirth. Round uterine ligaments, sacrum-uterine bundles are exposed to the greatest hypertrophy.

Fallopiev pipes are thickened due to serous soaking fabrics. As pregnancy progressing, the uterine pipes are lowered along the lateral surfaces of the uterus, the pipes become inactive during pregnancy.

The ovaries as the yellow body degeneration become inactive, cyclical changes are stopped in them, with increasing pregnancy, they move from the cavity of a small pelvic to the abdominal cavity.

The vagina and the bottom of the pelvis becomes softer, the number of vessels increases in them. The thickness of the vaginal epithelium is also increasing, the reaction of the vaginal medium becomes more acidic.

The blood supply to the outdoor genital organs increases, varicose veins can appear on large sex lips. The elasticity and flexibility of the walls of the vagina, the external genital organs and the bottom of the pelvis are increasing, as a result of which they become more stretchable, prepared for the passage of the fetus during childbirth.

Gastrointestinal tract.

As pregnancy develops, some displacements of the digestion organs in an anatomical sense are occurring. Thus, the stomach is hosted horizontally, and the increased pressure on the diaphragm can lead to a violation of the activities of the stomach sphincters, which is why the acidic content is tightened and causes heartburn. The small intestine shifts up and to the wall of the peritoneum. The blind intestine moves up and sideways - the trap for a careless surgeon.

The reduction of the smooth muscles of the intestine decreases, probably under the influence of progesterone, which often leads to constipation. The trend of constipation can be burdened with increased absorption of water in the colon. Stagnation is often formed, which leads to a cholestatic jaundice. The acidity of the gastric juice is reduced.

Pregnancy with its normal flow usually does not cause any significant changes in the liver. Histologically revealed an increase in glycogen content and fat deposition in liver cells. Characteristic of pregnancy is an increase in alkaline phosphatase (from 26 to 75 IU against 25 meters of non-empty women), direct bilirubin (up to 0.5 - 3.0 mmol / l).

bone muscular system.

The relaxing effect of progesterone during pregnancy is also reflected on bundles and joints, especially it is expressed on the joints of the pelvis, which facilitates the passage of the fetus by the generic canal. This phenomenon is partially determined by flattening and stretching feet feet in pregnant women. The skeletal muscle tone slightly decreases, which can lead to the omitting of the shoulder belt and squeezing the shoulder plexus, causing typical elbow paresthesia. However, this happens rarely. A more frequent manifestation during pregnancy is the development of lumbar lordosis due to the need to balance the weight of an enlarged uterus. Such lordosis can increase back pain. Lordosis is aggravated if the woman walks in the shoes in high heels.


Pregnant women enhances skin pigmentation, especially expressed on the face, around the nipples and the white line of the abdomen, especially pronounced by the brunettes (Chloasma Uterinum). . This phenomenon is due to an increase in the number of circulating melanomulating hormone. Longitudinal strips 5-6 cm long and about 0.5 cm wide appear on the stomach and hips. At first they are pink, but then become pale and more compacted. It is assumed that they are due to the separation of the elastic layer of the skin from other layers due to increasing the level of circulating adrenal hormones. They are called stripes of pregnancy (Striae Gravidarum). Sometimes birth spots appear.

The intensity of the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases.

Nervous system

Since the occurrence of pregnancy in the central nervous system, the mother begins to flow the flow of impulse, which causes the development of a local focus of increased excitability in the central CNS - gestational dominant. The excitability of the cerebral cortex to 3-4 months of pregnancy is reduced, and then gradually rises. The excitability of the underlying CNS sections and the uterine reflex device is reduced, which ensures the relaxation of the uterus and the normal course of pregnancy. Before childbirth, the excitability of the spinal cord and the nerve elements of the uterus increases, creating favorable conditions for the beginning of the generic activity. The tone of the vegetative nervous system changes, in connection with which the pregnant women often observe drowsiness, plasticity, increased irritability, sometimes dizziness and other disorders. Usually these phenomena are gradually disappearing with increasing pregnancy.


During pregnancy, the main exchange and consumption of oxygen increases. The intensity of the main exchange in a healthy non-embled woman is approximately 2300 kal per day. During pregnancy, the intensity of the main exchange increases by about 10%, which is due to the increased consumption of oxygen and the activity of the fetus, so that total energy costs are approximately 2500 kal per day. In the amount of additional energy consumption for the entire pregnancy, approximately 68,000 calves are half of which is covered by fats and one third due to carbohydrates. Proteins provide only 6.5% of energy, as they are used almost exclusively for the formation of tissues.

In the body of women accumulates protein substances necessary to meet the needs of a growing fetus in amino acids.

Changes in carbohydrate exchange lead to glycogen accumulation in liver cells, muscles, uterus, placenta. To the fetus, carbohydrates are transferred in the form of glucose, ensuring the energy needs of the fetus, the processes of anaerobic glycolysis.

In the blood of pregnant women, the concentration of neutral fat, cholesterol and lipids increase. The firms are passing in the form of glycerol and fatty acids, which are used as an energy material, as well as to build tissues.

During pregnancy, the needs of the body are increasingly pregnant in calcium salts, phosphorus, iron, which are necessary to master the skeleton of the fetus, the formation of its hematopois, the development of the nervous system.

The overall increase in body weight during pregnancy normally is 12 kg. One third of the increase, 4 kg, is recruited in the first half of pregnancy, and the remaining two-thirds, 8 kg, in the second. 60% of the total weight gain is due to the delay of water caused by the accumulation of sodium. The detainee water is distributed as follows: in plasma 1.3 liters, in the fruit, placenta and amniotic fluid 2 liters, in the uterus, lactic glands 0.7l, and in the extragnenital intersticital fluid 2.5l. By the time of the generics of the fetus and the amniotic fluid weigh about 5.5 kg together, and this mass is lost after delivery. The remaining 6.5 kg occur to the share of the uterus, the mammary glands, for fatty reserves (especially on the hips and buttocks).

After a sharp decrease in body weight in the first four days after delivery due to the rapid diusree, arising from the cessation of the receipt of the placenta hormones, it continues to gradually shrink over the next 3 months or so.

Tests for self-control .

    The volume of circulating blood during pregnancy increases on:

Does not change at all.

2. Physiological hypervolemia of pregnant women occurs on time:

20-22 pregnancy weeks

- * 34-35 week of pregnancy

38-39 week of pregnancy

16-15 week of pregnancy.

3. The level of proteins in the blood plasma during pregnancy is reduced to:

4. General oxygen consumption by the end of pregnancy:

- * increases


5. Normally, during pregnancy, it is:

- * Breathing

Rediature resignation

The respiratory frequency does not change.

6. On physiological glucosuria during pregnancy they speak at the level of glucose in the urine:

120 mg / day

130 mg / day

- * 140 mg / day

150 mg / day

7. The yellow body of pregnancy operates in the body until:

2 months pregnancy

3 months pregnancy

- * up to 3-4 months of pregnancy

Up to date.

8. The placenta allocates all of the above, except:

Chorionic gonadotropin

Placenta lactogen

Melanocystimulating hormone

- * Placental insulin.

9. Formation of glucocorticoids during pregnancy:

- * enhanced


Not significantly change.

10. The overall increase in body weight during pregnancy normally is:

11. The main function of the chorionic gonadotropin is:

- * Maintaining the Functions of the Yellow Body

Initiation of implantation

Initiation of the development of the breast

Determining the viability of the fetus.