Floresan solid oil fast tan. Best tanning facilities in the sun: rating of efficient and protective creams and sprays. Sun Beauty Satin Sheen Oil Fast Tan Optimizer from Lancaster

Limited stay under ultraviolet rays is useful for health. But the excessive exposure to sunlight negatively affects the body, causing premature aging of the skin of the face and body. Therefore, to avoid deposits, it is necessary to use protective oils. The remedy lies with a thin layer on the skin, protecting the covers from the action of free radicals and preventing the appearance of uneven pigmentation. As a result, the tan becomes smooth and saturated.

When to use oil for sunburn?

Cosmetic products for tanning based on oils have a low degree of protection, so they need to use them already on tanned skin.

  • For white-skinned girls, oil with high protection SPF is suitable.
  • For owners of dark skin - Activators oil.

Also oils are used after sunbathing. They restore the skin after exposure to ultraviolet, having a drum drum with useful substances.

Best natural oils

Many folk remedies have sunscreen and caregoing action. They quickly absorb, do not cause allergic reactions due to the content of preservatives and flavors. Natural composition rich in tocopherol will provide a luxurious tan.

Varieties of oilsMethod of application
Coconut In its pure form, only the refined product is used. For the foundation, you can take and unrefined, you will need only 5 part. For these purposes, oil should be pre-mug in a water bath. The consistency becomes solid at temperatures below 22-25 °. Dense, nutritious structure protects covers from the harmful effects of ultraviolet. The effect of gradually manifested persistent tan will be provided.
Olive This basic vegetable oil is recommended for applying the owners of light skin, prone to burns. Applying olive oil - a luxurious golden hue is guaranteed. The effect is achieved due to the content of iodine in Olive, and the presence of fatty acids will ensure the preservation of moisture in the cells.
Persikova Get butter from fruit bones. It gives the skin softness and velvety. The content of organic acids provides maximum protection against ultraviolet.
Pumpkin Suitable for all types of skin, calm covers after sunburn. The Vitamins complex will give the body a beautiful tone, delivering from peeling and redness.
Sea buckthorn Healing, nutrient oil is used for delicate, sensitive skin. Keeps the level of moisture, contributes to a uniform synthesis of pigment, providing a gradual manifestation of a tan.
Linen Used to enhance the intensity of the shade. It is recommended to use for dark skin in combination with walnut butter, it allows you to give a beautiful chocolate tone.
Jojoba Contains a large amount of antioxidants, improves elasticity, turgora. It is also possible to use for hair protection, it is recommended to distribute a few drops by the crest.
Carrot Significantly strengthens the tan. It is used only in the evening when the intensity of the Sun is noticeably reduced. It is added to vegetable oil only after obtaining the base shade, for fixing and intensity of the tone.

Recipes of oil mixtures

Get a uniform, resistant shade, while keeping the freshness and youth of the skin you can cook your own protective equipment. Oil mixtures prevent the appearance of redness and peeling, help the uniform distribution of the main pigment of the tanning - melanin.

Cooking method
1 Connect in equal proportions (25 ml) peach, rapid, refined olive oil. When exposed to the manifestation of burns, add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil. Before applying intensively shaking the composition.
2 To obtain a more intense shade, linen and walnut oil will be required. It is important to acquire high-quality products of well-known manufacturers. When entering immature fruits, the appearance of sensitivity, skin redness is possible. Each ingredient will be required 50 ml, as a tan activator will require citrus essential oil, 5 drops per 100 ml.
3 100 ml cold pressed olive oil warm on a water bath, after pouring 20 gr. Natural coffee. Insist on a bottle of dark glass, for 2-3 weeks, intensively shaking daily. The tool must be prepared a few weeks before the start of the beach season. The homemade mixture of oils accelerates the receipt of a resistant bronze tan.
4 Based on the sunflower refined oil, it will take 40 ml. Separately warm the apricot, and argana, it is Moroccan oil that provides a protective SPF factor. If sunbathing is planned to be pursed in the early morning or late in the evening, you can enrich the mixture with 5 patchouli ether drops.

Reviews of stores

Popular tan oils:

  • Floresan;
  • Johnson Bebi.
Biocon Oil-spray SPF 6 is based on basic filters, to obtain an intensive tan. The product is intended for dark skin, fixing an existing shade. Cannot ensure proper protection to light cover. The formula of beta-carotine activator stimulates accelerated pigment synthesis. The absence of alcohol and aggressive solvents makes it possible to use for sensitive skin, prone to an allergic reaction.
Lancaster Legendary Tan. The product is designed to enhance the sun, can be used after sunbathing. Experts of the French company created oil, fixing spectacular golden color. Lancaster contributes to restoration and deep humidification. The resistant tan, obtained on vacation, will delight for another month, after the use of cosmetic oil.
Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oil It has unsurpassed aroma, Hawaiian fruits and coke oil. Stimulates actively generating pigment, the tan is perfect. Quickly absorbed, does not leave the feeling of stickiness and tracks on clothing. Water resistant qualities allow you to use the minimum volume. Vitamin complex helps to soften and moisturize the skin, suitable for use with the active sun. The day of the use of oil on the beach will achieve the result of a full-fledged weekly vacation.
Garnier Ambre Solaire. Sun oil is applied after obtaining a dark shade, to secure the result. It has a low SPF factor, the action of the Garnier formula is directed to the acquisition of a beautiful golden tone of dark skin. Intensively feeds and moisturizes, relieves painful sensitivity. Normalizes the water-lipid balance, helps to adjust the heat exchange. The product from Garnener passed dermatological control, does not cause allergic reactions.
Nivea Sun. Effective means for protecting light skin from burns and dehydration. At the heart of the composition of jojoba oil, softens and moisturizes. Anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties, are beneficial on sensitive skin. The oil from Nivea has a liquid, transparent consistency, quickly absorbed, activating the synthesis of melanin. It is recommended to use at the beginning of the season to obtain a uniform distribution of pigment.
L "Oreal Paris Sublime Sun Waterproof dry oil nourishes and moisturizes, protects against the sun in active clock. The absence of glossy shine creates a sense of a gentle cream, enhances the intensity of the tan. Protective filters ensure the preservation of the skin hydrobalance, vitamin E warns the occurrence of burns. It is recommended to use to obtain a beautiful sea tan with a golden tint.

Terms of application

To obtain an ideal, bronze tan, it is worth performing certain recommendations:

  • safe, smooth tan, it is possible to obtain at a certain time, the smallest threat of sun rays are presented to 11 and after 16 hours;
  • cleansing procedures - peeling, application scrub, it can easily provoke burns, use the exfoliating compositions better a week before rest;
  • for the same reason, an hour before sunbathing, it is not recommended to use soap or shower gel;
  • in the initial stages, it is better to choose oil with a SPF factor 25-30, after the skin darkens, switch to SPF from 3 to 8;
  • it is necessary to use porcelain leather, cosmetic oil is used after purchasing chocolate shades;
  • apply a new layer need every 3-4 hours, even if the waterproof effect is specified;
  • a few drops are to be distributed using the ridge and on the curls, will ensure the preservation of keratin integrity, the prevention of the incidence of hair trunks;
  • the tan is manifested after 40 minutes of staying in the sun, in the solarium it is individually calculated minutes for gradually giving the body of a beautiful shade;
  • after the beach you need to take a shower and apply a fixing layer for restoring and nutrition of the skin;
  • it is not necessary to use the overdue oil, in addition to the lack of protection effect, the appearance of allergic reactions that are increasing in the open sun;
  • it is harmful to apply oil after sunbathing, it does not speed up the appearance of the sun, but will only lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Video: The secrets of a beautiful and flat tan

  • to carry out the procedure for cleansing the burdown epithelium 2 days before the planned rest;
  • it is recommended to include on the menu orange, grapefruit or carrot juice;
  • lubricate the skin with a cream with SPF factor 30 needed in the first days of sunbathing;
  • a few days later, an activator oil can be used to obtain a beautiful shade;
  • on the beach to feel confidently, it will help the BB cream, it attaches a matte tone to face, hides hardly defects;
  • to care for body skin, olive (almond, jojoba) oil with light beer (lemon juice) in equal proportions are also used.

By selecting high-quality oil for sunburn, or prepare yourself, it is easy to get even, bronze tint. Healthy shiny skin, will be the best reward.

Oils with SPF help to purchase an intensive smooth tan without harm to the skin. They protect the skin and from UVB rays, provoking redness and burns, and from UVA-radiation - the reasons for photoregation and pigment spots. In addition, these funds feed the skin and activate the production of melanin. They need to be applied 15-20 minutes before entering the sun.

  • Suitable for all types of skin and body skin, skin color is very bright and light.
  • SPF: 30.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: Sweet Orange, Burity.
  • Manufacturer: Lancaster, Monaco.
  • Price: 2,899 rubles.

Thanks to SPF 30, this gentle oil can be applied from the first days of vacation. It helps people with very light skin to get without prejudice to health. Also enhances the existing tan, gives a pleasant bronze color without rims.

Loading oil consistency. It is comfortably sprayed, quickly absorbed, does not leave traces on clothes. The remedy is not comdicated, suits people with oily skin. Oils in the composition make it not only tanned, but also elastic.

Update the oil is needed every 2-3 hours and after bathing.

2. Tanning amplifier with B-carotine Kora

  • Suitable for dry and prone to dry skin and body skin, skin color - light and light brown.
  • SPF: 20.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: sea buckthorn, calendula.
  • Manufacturer: Kora, Russia.
  • Price: 390 rubles.

Oil with a barely catchy floral smell helps to achieve a beautiful sunburn and protects the skin from burns and chlorinated water in the pools. Moisturizes and nourishes it.

Light oil texture, water-mounted. Due to this, it is evenly distributed. Absorbed about 10 minutes and does not make the skin sticky or oily. Sometimes it can leave a thin film. However, the buyers argue that this does not cause discomfort.

  • SPF: 15.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils in composition: Makadamia and Marula.
  • Manufacturer: Sun Look, Poland.
  • Price: 425 rubles.

Rich in vitamins and oils, this remedy feeds and moisturizes the skin, makes it smooth and silky. The oil is quickly absorbed, does not leave traces on clothes and divorces on the body and face. The only thing that will remind you of his presence on the skin is a slight sweet scent.

Oil strengthens the protective barrier of the skin, restores and protects it from drying and harmful effects of the sun, wind and water.

You need to update every 2-3 hours and after wiping the body with a towel.

4. Biosolis oil spray oil

  • Suitable for all types of skin and body skin, skin color - light brown.
  • SPF: 15.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils in composition: rapeseed, sesame, olives, sunflower seeds and apricot bones.
  • Manufacturer: Biosolis, Belgium.
  • Price: 1 330 rubles.

Moisturizing oil-spray reliably protects the skin and hair from UV rays. The texture is very easy - the remedy is instantly absorbed, it does not block the pores, does not leave a sticky film and does not take off the hairstyle. Tan with him is flat, resistant and without red.

Update you need every 3-4 hours.

5. oil-shine for intense tan Librederm

  • Suitable for all types of body skin, skin color - darkness from nature, tanned.
  • SPF: 10.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils consisting of: almond, Chinese roses, sunflower seeds.
  • Manufacturer: Librederm, Italy.
  • Price: 794 ruble.

The oil activates the generation of melanin, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity and elasticity. It also protects against the negative impact of UV rays and prevents photobores. The indisputable plus is special components in the composition that prevent the adhesion of the sand particles to the body.

Thanks to a special dispenser, the means is easy to apply without assistance. The texture of oil is light, it quickly absorbs and leaves no greens. Smells vanilla.

6. Oil for beautiful tan CHARM CLEO COSMETIC

  • Suitable for the skin and body skin prone to dryness, skin color - darkness from nature, tanned.
  • SPF: 6.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: soy, sunflower seeds, corn.
  • Manufacturer: Charm Cleo Cosmetic, Russia.
  • Price: 634 rubles.

This tan oil is an excellent combination of a protective complex and a quick tan activation complex. It has a non-fat texture, well distributed over the skin and quickly absorbs.

The tool protects the skin from solar burns and premature aging. Vitamins in the composition of oil are saturated, nourished and moisturize the skin, prevent dryness and peeling.

Update need every 2 hours and after bathing.

7. Oil for uniform sunburn Le Café de Beauté

  • Suitable for dry and prone to dry skin and body skin, skin color - darkness from nature, tanned.
  • SPF: 4.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: almond, coconut, avocado, apricot, orange.
  • Manufacturer: Le Café de Beauté, Russia.
  • Price: 308 rubles.

This oil not only gives the face and body a beautiful smooth bronze shade, but also makes skin gentle and velvety. The composition moisturizes the skin and helps maintain the optimal balance of moisture. Vitamins slow down the processes of aging and struggle with dryness.

Also, the buyers mark a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma of oil and economical consumption.

Update need every 1.5-2 hours and after bathing.

Best Sun Oils without SPF

Oils without SPF attract the sun's rays, nourish and moisturize the skin, protect it from cutting. They also give her radiance, enhance the existing tan and contribute to the appearance of a dark shade.

Already quite tanned girls and those who never burn can use the funds listed below. But the celebrush risks get.

  • Suitable for all types of skin and body skin, skin color - light and light brown.
  • Water resistance: Yes.
  • Oils consisting of: sunflower, coconut, palm trees, walnut extracts, calendula, carrots, paprika.
  • Manufacturer: Aroma Jazz, Russia.
  • Price: 350 rubles.

The oil has a liquid consistency, it is conveniently distributed. After applying quickly absorbed, does not make the skin with fat and sticky. But it satisfies it with vitamins A and E, prevents the formation of free radicals and moisturizes.

The most noteworthy that tanning with this means is very resistant and manifests pretty quickly: enough pair of hours to get a chocolate shade.

Update you need every 2 hours.

2. Bar Oil Australian Gold Dry Oil Intensifier With Bronzer

  • Suitable for all skin skin types.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oil in composition: carrot oil.
  • Manufacturer: Australian Gold, USA.
  • Price: 2 159 rubles.

Oil provides intense smooth tan and moisturizes the skin. It has a pleasant texture, easily distributed and quickly absorbed. After applying the means, the skin does not shine and does not stick. Australian Gold Dry has a sweet, but not a shrill aroma.

Update need every 2-3 hours and after bathing.

  • Suitable prone to dryness and dry skin of the face and body.
  • Water resistance: no.
  • Oils consisting of: wheat germs, jojoba.
  • Manufacturer: OME, Russia.
  • Price: 1 380 rubles.

The oil has a pleasant sweet robust aroma and a tender texture. It absorbs in 5 minutes and does not give out its presence on the skin: no fatness, no stickiness, nor brilliance. Perfectly cares for the skin, deeply moisturizes and helps maintain the optimal moisture balance. Tan with this means falls smoothly and quickly.

You need to update every 3-4 hours and after swimming.

During the tanning, the effects of UV rays on the skin, which can lead to negative consequences. To avoid it, use various means to protect your skin, but at the same time contributing to the acquisition of a beautiful bronze tan. Recently, the oil has become enormous in great demand and popularity. This cosmetics has a smaller SPF factor on comparison with creams and lotions, but at the same time it has a number of useful properties and helps to acquire a beautiful smooth tan in a short time. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right oil for tanning, talk about its advantages and minuses.

Pros and cons

Oil has a number of advantages over other tan products.

  • Intense golden tan. The oil creates a protective film on the body, which contributes to the greatest scattering of the sun's rays, not allowing to penetrate the skin cells. But at the same time, the oil attracts UV rays, providing a quick and uniform tan.
  • Economical consumption. Need a small amount of means.
  • Softens the skin. This cosmetic means contains fatty oils and vitamins A and E, which have a moisturizing effect.
  • Provides regeneration. The composition contains nutrients saturacing the skin and contributing to its speedy upgrade.
  • Smoker skin. After applying oil, leather looks sparkling and well-groomed. This property is actively used by photographers during a photo shoot.
  • Protective function. Oil film on the skin protects it from redness, burns and photobores.
  • Strengthens the existing tan and makes it more intense.
  • It is impossible to use the owners of problem and oily skin. Due to its fat texture, the oil can score pores and lead to the formation of acne.
  • Immediately after applying the skin, sand and dust can stick.
  • Many oils do not have a waterproof effect, so their action disappears immediately after swimming.
  • Not suitable for bright skin representatives, because they usually have a low level of SPF protection.

Rating Top 7 Best Sunners

Currently, on the shelves of shops, you can find a huge variety of oils for sunbathing from various cosmetic companies. They differ in their composition and degree of protection. Relying on the opinion of dermatologists and customer reviews, we have drawn up the top 7 of the best oils. This list includes:

  • Nivea Sun;
  • Le Cafe de Beaute;
  • Ambre Solaire;
  • Health and Beaute.

Let's talk about the listed cosmetics in more detail.

Oil suits the owners of dark skin. Product type: oil spray. It has a softening and moisturizing effect. A convenient dispenser makes it easier to apply. Promotes rapid tan at the expense of a low degree of protection. Contraindication to use is an immune leather to the tan.

Price: 120-240 rubles.

defance tan oil

  • suitable for face and body;
  • waterproof;
  • easily sprayed and applied;
  • pleasant perfume smell.
  • has a low level of protection (SPF 6);
  • when applied in the hands there is a slippery flare;
  • not suitable for sensitive skin.

I bought this oil to acquire a uniform tan. I have the owner of a dark skin, so this cosmetic product is perfect for me. The tool has moisture resistance, so it can be bought with it and not take care of what it will wash. Texture is pleasant, nelipkaya. If you do not forget to update every 2 hours, you can buy a chocolate tan without much effort. It has a pleasant smell.

The company relatively recently exists in the market of cosmetic products, but is famous for its quality. Bubble with butter has a convenient dispenser. The manufacturer recommends updating the oil after each bathing and using a towel. Vitamins that are part of moisturize and care for the skin, preventing photobores.

Cost: 362 - 474 rubles.

kolastyna tan oil

  • provides a shining skin;
  • intensive moisturizing;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • convenient dispenser.
  • strong smell;
  • washed off when bathing;
  • nose leaks.

When buying this tool carefully studied its composition. Vitamin complex C, E and F have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it more beautiful. The oil spray prevents the formation of free radicals, and therefore, prevents the formation of wrinkles. The main thing is not to forget to update the oil after swimming and after a certain time specified in the instructions.

Nivea Sun.

Oil spray helps to purchase a uniform tan and at the same time he has a careful and protective effect. The more abundant you will apply the skin on the skin, the more intense will be the protection. Vitamins included in the composition provide intense skin moisturizing. Beta-carotene, which is part of the formation of free radicals, damaging cells.

Price tag: 380 - 408 rubles.

sun oil Nivea Sun

  • does not leave stains on clothes;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • suitable for all skin types with proper application;
  • dispenser in the form of spray;
  • waterproof.
  • sticky;
  • the dispenser occurs when spraying;
  • it is rapidly spent (enough for 10-15 applications).

Took the oil with you to rest abroad. I have very sensitive skin to the tan. If we use sunscreen creams with a high level of protection, I do not light up at all, and if I use creams and lotions for tanning, then the skin is quickly burning. I read that Nivea Sun oil, exactly what is needed by my skin. And in fact, with a constant updating and proper use, a beautiful tan has acquired.


The oil is produced on the basis of natural components that care for the skin and enrich it with vitamins. Since the degree of oil protection is small, it is not recommended to be in the sun in the clock of its activity. This remedy ensures the acquisition of the sun and, when in the shade, due to the incoming beta-carotene.

Price: 361 - 480 rubles.


  • supports moisture balance;
  • oils included in the composition are moisturized and soften;
  • provides regeneration;
  • convenient dosing;
  • prevents the formation of wrinkles;
  • suitable for face and body;
  • nice smell;
  • not washed off when bathing.
  • it is rapidly spent (enough for 10 application).

Ordered the oil over the Internet. The composition pleases, no harmful substances. The manufacturer claims that the tool is made only with the use of natural components and cosmetic fragrances. Indeed, the aroma of the oil is pleasant. Apply and distributed perfectly. Well absorbed. Allergies do not cause. You can use on the whole body and on the face. This is a huge plus. But minus is that it ends very quickly. I had one bottle for about a week.

Ambre Solaire.

This cosmetic product contains an astaxanthin enzyme, which struggles with the harmful effects of sunlight of any length to the human body, stimulates the production of collagen and smoothes the skin saturacing it with oxygen. And rosemary extract contributes to the removal of inflammatory processes and eliminates redness of the skin. Oil Carite provides a smooth golden tan.

Cost: 389 - 600 rubles.

ambre Solaire Tan Oil

  • moisturizing and nutrition;
  • prevention of photoborement;
  • used for face and body;
  • protects against dryness;
  • without fragrances and parabens;
  • light texture;
  • when applied, the skin becomes velvety.
  • for one pressing on the dispenser, very little means;
  • scores pores.

The oil recommended the sales assistant. When applied, revealed a lot of positive moments. You can swim with this oil, it is waterproof, not washed away. The degree of protection compared to other oils is higher. You can sunbathe, without fear of getting burns and burn. The skin with this butter looks beautiful and glowing in the sun. But the owners of oily skin is not suitable. After some time began to notice that it clogs the pores on the face. Therefore, changed the oil on the cream.

It is a dry oil-spray. Well absorbed and leaves no fat traces. The oil forms a special barrier on the body, which repels harmful UV rays, prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes, but at the same time hesitates heat and contributes to the formation of a uniform bronze tan. The glowing of the skin, elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Price tag: 444 rubles.

floslek tan oil

  • light texture that quickly absorbs;
  • uniformly applied;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • waterproof;
  • makes skin shining and silky;
  • keeps water balance.
  • not detected.

Very good tool. I'm just delighted from him. It has all the useful properties that can be collected in a cosmetic product of this purpose. You can sunbathe and even existing tan. Suitable for any type of skin, as it has a light texture, quickly absorbed and does not leave a unpleasant adhesive film on the body. When applied to the skin, a comfortable sensation of moisturizing and nutrition is created. And the shining appearance attracts attention.

Health and Beaute.

The oil is made on the basis of natural components. Promotes a uniform tan without burns, inflammation and redness. Walnut oil softens dry skin, has a tonic effect and improves blood supply. Carrot extract contributes to a rapid tan, improves skin condition. Slows aging. Protects irritation and rashes.

Cost: 957 - 1340 rubles.


  • thanks to a convenient dispenser, it is easy to apply to all parts of the body;
  • has an antibacterial property;
  • suitable for any type of skin;
  • strengthens the tone;
  • prevents the formation of pigment spots;
  • moisturizes and eliminates dryness.
  • after bathing it is necessary to update.

Among all the means of the solar series, I choose the oil. This agent received as a gift. I really liked it. Pleases its volume. There is enough oil for a long time, considering that a small amount is necessary for the whole body. The texture is light, well distributed, dust and grains are not lipped. Quickly absorbed. Then. What needs to be updated after bathing, I do not think the problem, since I do not like to swim. But a caring complex based on natural components makes my skin beautiful and provides perfect smooth tan.

Comparative table of presented means

To clearly appreciate the basic characteristics of the funds described above, we present to your attention the following table:

Name SPF. Water resistance Volume (ml) Manufacturer Price, rub.)
6 + 165 Russia 120-240
15 150 Poland 362 – 474
Nivea Sun. 6 + 200 Germany 380 – 408
LE CAFE DE BEAUTE 4 + 200 Russia 361 – 480
Ambre Solaire. 15 + 150 Germany 389 – 600
15 + 150 Poland 444
Health and Beaute. 15 250 Israel 957 – 1340

Lists of the best

  • best price;
  • natural composition;
  • intensive nutrition.

Consider each other in the presented categories.

Best Price - Floresan

Oil is waterproof, not washed off when bathing. The composition contains beta carotene, vitamin E and butter. These beneficial substances provide tanning without harm to the skin. High barrier properties prevent the skin from the skin of harmful UV rays and retain the water balance of the skin. SPF factor: 20. Maslo has an intense moisturizing property. Volume: 150 ml.

Price: 75 - 133 rubles.

floresan tan oil

Natural Composition - Clarins Sun Care Oil Spray

The composition of this cosmetic product includes natural components that ensure care of your skin. Vitamins E, C and F contribute to moisturizing, skin nutrition, make it more shining and healthy. Palm oil creates a protective layer on the skin, preventing violation of the water balance. The skin gets a smooth tan without redness and burns. Carrot and peanut butter prevents dry skin, strengthens the tone and prevents photobores. Suitable even to representatives of very sensitive skin, since it does not cause irritation. Does not leave traces on clothes. Protection factor: 10. Volume: 250 ml.

Cost: 512 rubles.

sun oil Clarins Sun Care Oil Spray

Intensive nutrition - Levrana

Cosmetic oil with sunflower extract. Provides cell regeneration, prevents the formation of small wrinkles from the Sun and has healing properties. The protective layer prevents the penetration of sunlight deep into skin cells. Walnut oil makes tan to more even. Hypericum extract attracts a new tan and contributes to its uniform distribution. And those who are part of the vitamins are care for the skin. SPF factor: 15. Volume: 100 ml.

Little applies to organic cosmetics.

Price tag: 553 - 650 rubles.

levrana tan oil

What to watch when choosing

When choosing an oil, pay attention to the protection factor. The more this indicator, the better it will protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays.

Carefully learn the instructions. It says how to apply oil and after what time it should be updated. And also manufacturers definitely indicate the scope. Some oils can be used for face and body. A huge role in choosing has a composition. The larger in the composition of natural components, the more careful property will have this cosmetics. The large content of chemicals in the composition indicates that the oil will not suit representatives with sensitive skin and prone to allergies.

An important aspect when choosing is the water resistance of the oil. Many of the representatives of this cosmetic segment are washed off when bathing.

When using oil, apply it correctly, before leaving the house for 15-20 minutes, dispense well and give it to absorb. Do not forget to update the oil. Just following these advice, you will get the perfect smooth tan!

Tanned skin - the dream of every girl. It is believed that it looks beautiful, and together with the sports body attracts the attention of men.

When summer comes, the ladies wear swimsuits and go enjoy the sun on the beach. However, many of them forget about such an important point as protective oil from the sun. Even if you want to tan, the use of the protective agent is required.

Description of composition

Despite the name of the means, the base oils are not the main component in the composition of this product. They are not enough to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. But, of course, oil or oil mixtures will be part of the product - thanks to them, oil consistency is achieved, but they will be located in the middle or even at the end of the list of composition.

The effect of protection from the Sun is achieved due to the SPF factorSun Protection Factor. The more it is in the composition, the better the protection, therefore, on the label next to these three letters, they write a number from 10 to 50. In addition, thermal water may be present in the oils, extracts of various plants and fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sun oil should perform several functions at once.

  • Nourishing and softening. Due to the action of fatty acids, vitamins A and E oil makes skin softer, feeds it necessary elements.
  • Moisturizing and smoothing.Sun oil in large quantities are used for photo shoots in bikini, as the skin after it literally sparkles and looks smoother.
  • Protective.Thanks to the oil on the skin, solar burns, pigmentation, the skin does not blush from a long stay in the sun. Oil leaves on the skin an invisible, sometimes glossy film that does not allow the sunshine to penetrate too deep.
  • An anti-fiction effect.Anti-aging function is explained by the fact that the high content of SPF absorbs an ultraviolet, which is the cause of the appearance of pigment spots, redness, irritation and wrinkles.
  • Used for intense tan. Oils not only absorb ultraviolet, without giving it to penetrate too deeply to skin cells, but attracts it, providing a golden even tan.

Without flaws, it also did not cost. Oil agents are harmful to apply the owners of problem, oily and combined skin. They are comedogeneous, can cause acne appearing and score pores. In this case, it is better to prefer the milk and a tan cream. Also to the skin after applying, it can stick dust and sand for some time.


Oils according to the functionality are separated depending on the degree of protection from the Sun, and the defining criterion is the power of the SPF factor. The smallest SPF is 2 (some natural basic oils), the highest - 50 (suitable for people with very light skin).

You should also consider your phototype, which can be determined by the shade of the skin, hair and eyes.

  • Celtic.At the owners of this type, pale leather, often spring, blonde hair and eyes. Celtic phototype of girls is better not to sunbathe at all, since they are almost always burning, but to use the means with SPF50 in hot sunny weather.
  • European NORDIC. Lightly blond shades of hair, nut eyes and light skin. Nordic type sunbathing is also not recommended - they burn such girls although less frequently than Celtic, but still often. Sun oils must have SPF not lower than 40.
  • Middle Eastern, or mixed.Peach skin, as if with a natural tan, brown hair, light. Oils Representatives of phototype use the most common - SPF30, as they sunbathe well and are rarely burning.

  • Mediterranean, or South European.Distinctive features - olive skin, dark shades of curls and eyes. Representatives of this type can not be embarrassed, the tan is going to place exactly. Just like the Middle Eastern, Mediterranean type is enough SPF30 or even 15-20, there is no particular difference.
  • Indonesian, or Middle Affairs. Smooth skin without freckles, dark hair and eyes. Most often found in the territory of the East. Type representatives lightly sunbathe, which is not always needed with and so bronze skin. It is enough will SPF20 or even 10.
  • African. Very dark skin is the type of the Nero-shaped race. Despite the fact that ladies with such skin never burn out and tanning cannot die from the sun, they need to protect against the sun exposure to them - enough oil with SPF10 or the usual base.

Rating the best

  • Dry oil "Sublime Sun" from L "Oreal Paris with SPF 30 Promises even tan and shining smooth skin. Available in a package of 150 ml and is a dry spray, which includes MEXORYL XL-soluble SPF filters soluble in the invention of L "OREAL.
  • Anthelios XL oil with SPF50 from La Roche-Posay - Perfect oil for girls with pale skin. Manufacturers emphasize that the composition also includes natural thermal water, patented by a brand, with an elevated selenium content. Selenium is a natural antioxidant, humidifier, therefore, the skin after use is also well moistened. Can be used for oily skin or leather with acne without risk of deterioration, as well as for photoceat hair. It smells like flowers.

  • Oil "Ambre Solaire" from Garnier with SPF15it is quite a budgetary agent. As an additional ingredient, Pis (Carite) is present, mitigating, restoring, preventing irritation. Vitamin E provides improved regeneration and elimination of peeling, even the resulting burns. The oil is equipped with a dispenser. Fragrance East.
  • The Garnier brand has one more oil "for intensive tanning." It includes vitamin E and coconut oil. It not only protects the skin, but also moisturizes it. Garnier brand means are among the most popular and affordable in Russia.
  • Oil "Huile Solaire" from the French brand Biotherm It has SPF 30. The manufacturer claims that the tool protects against ultraviolet, levels the tan and nourishes the skin, not allowing it to be cut into the sun.

How to do at home?

Before using ordinary vegetable oil, it is necessary to consider that its SPF does not exceed 10. This will not be enough for blond and girls with peach skin, however, it will be just right for dark-skinned.

Coconut oil can be used as home natural oil for sunburn. It was popular in the 60s of the last century, and its popularity does not fall to this day.

SPF Coconut Oil - approximately 8-10. It can be used before, and after sunbathing girls with African phototype. In addition to protective properties, oil contributes to a flat tan, makes skin elastic, elastic and soft, so it is quite suitable for daily care not only in the solar time of the year.

Coconut oil can be bought at the pharmacy, in a cosmetic store or order on the Internet. It is also used for hair, lips, nails, however, it should not be used for the skin of the face - too heavy. Also forget about it, if you have an individual coconut intolerance.

In addition to coconut, you can pay attention to the olive oil of the first press, carite, another name - Shi, Argan, macadamia.

The recipe for cooking oil for sunburn is extremely simple. It is necessary to apply a little nutrient oil on the palm of palm, to be confused and massage movements to distribute on the skin of the body. In the same way, the base oil can be used as healing burns. It treats not only sunburn, but also household, as it accelerates regeneration and softens the skin.

In no case cannot be used by essential oils, especially citrus: they are photosensitive, when entering the sun can give your skin pigmentation, acute acne, cause peeling and itching.

How to use?

The main thing that is worth knowing before the purchase of oil is how to use it and how to choose. It is worth choosing on the tone of your skin and the photoTip - the lighter skin, the higher the SPF you need to take. And since with age, filters protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation (UV) are depleted, after 35 years SPF should also be increased.

It is necessary to apply oil in 20-30 minutes before entering the sun.The result from applying the means directly on the beach will be almost zero, since the filters begin to act immediately. After bathing, apply oil is not required - it is created on a hydrophilic formula, it is not washed off with water, but it should be updated every two hours under the scorching sun.

Do not leave a tube with butter in the open sun and do not let the direct sunlight fall on it - hide it into the bag or remove it to the closed shelf so that it is not spoiled.

Even using an oil with a high sunscreen factor, it is impossible to be in the sun, especially if time falls at noon, when the UV rays are particularly active.

The perfect bronze tint, which the ladies are so craze, visually slightly slightly, eliminates the external manifestation of cellulite, and also wonderfully harmonizes with a bright summer wardrobe.

In order to avoid deplorable situations regarding the sun in the sun, cosmetic companies have created many funds that allow you to protect the skin from negative solar exposure, to measure the tan, to emphasize the beautiful shade. However, among their wide variety it is difficult to choose the perfect means.

Cosmetic tools to protect the skin from ultraviolet and give it the desired shade in the summer season, quite a lot. Choose the best sunburn oil in the sun because of this is difficult. Each brand talks about what benefits of the product, but only those who used it are said about the disadvantages.

Therefore, before using any means, you need to clearly know what kind of skin you have, how it can react to a particular component and so on. Of course, in cosmetic products there are chemical additives that can have a certain impact. Therefore, even the best oil for sunburn on the sun can cause a negative reaction to the skin.

Funds from Garnier

Special preference is given to the products of the Garnier brand, which operates in the cosmetic market for a long period of time. The manufacturer created a full-fledged line of cosmetics for the body, which includes means for the intensity of the tanning color, to protect and power the epidermis, moisturizing.

Garnier intensive tan oil is produced with a tropical coconut aroma, which is used after sunbathing. Its essence is that it enshrines the total hue, and also contributes to its greater saturation. Due to the pleasant texture, it does not score pores, does not pack things and causes skin sticky. However, there is a nuance that consists in weak skin protection from solar influence, which is why it can only be used by those who have the type of skin.

For full protection, oil-spray is created, characterized by water resistance. It nourishes the skin with the necessary trace elements due to the presence of carite oil in its composition. Such a tan oil from Garnier is applied before starting to actively stay in the sun. The cost of funds is relatively affordable.


Another cosmetic giant is Nivea, developing products for solar procedures. Among them, oil spray is distinguished, which is characterized by a high degree of protection against the negative effects of ultraviolet on the skin, not allowing it to rehabilitate and burn.

However, the oil for sunburn should be applied before going to the open sun, evenly spraying it onto an open skin surface. It includes jojoba oil, which does not give the skin to lose moisture. Thus, the surface will be smooth and moistened. The cost is characterized as the average.


The famous brand of cosmetics L`oreal is not lagging behind its competitors and is also engaged in the production of tanning tools. Its most preferred means in this lineup is an activator oil that practically attracts the tan.

It should be applied before entering outdoor sun rays. After its use, the tan on the skin is evenly and neat, and a beautiful bronze tint is created. In addition, it has protective functions from burns. The cost is not high.

Johnson`s Baby.

Johnson`s Baby specializes more on the release of means for kids. Thus, products are recommended for use and adults, who have pretty gentle and light skin, which is exposed to strong external influence and dryness.

Nevertheless, some mistakenly use Johnson Baby oil for a sun, which is not worth doing.

The oil chip is feeding the skin with useful trace elements and moisture. It does not contribute to attracting, fastening the tan, and also does not protect the skin from burns. It is advisable to use oil after sunbathing so that the skin does not drive under the influence of ultraviolet.

Yves Rocher.

The famous cosmetic brand Yves Rocher also produces a special tool for lovers to sunbathe. An interesting point is that it is a dry oil-spray that allows you to achieve greater intensity of the shade. But it does not have almost no protection against ultraviolet, but only feeds and moisturizes the skin.

It should be used after staying in the open sun or during periods when it is not so active, for example, in the evening. It contributes to the velvety of the skin and a beautiful shade, however, for greater protection against scoring sunlight, it is better to use another tool. The cost is low.


Who among us is not familiar with the Avon cosmetic brand? She produces a whole summer ruler for lovers to spend time on the beaches, under the sun. The oil spray oil to enhance the tan from Avon besides what contributes to a uniformly beautiful shade, also actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin. He softens and smoothes the skin surface, without giving it to crack.

It does not have a special protection against ultraviolet, nevertheless, burns and severe redness can prevent. It is best to apply it before going to the open sun or after. Pleasant fragrance and affordable cost attract many.


Eveline manufactures a tool that also use lovers to acquire a beautiful bronze tint during the summer. Eveline tan oil is characterized by water resistance, which is so appreciated by beachheads, as well as those components as vitamins E, C and beta-carotene.

It will help to avoid burns and eliminate dry skin, making it elastic and velvety. In addition, the oil emphasizes a beautiful bronze tint, making it more saturated. It is applied in minutes 20 minutes before reaching the open sun. The cost is relatively low.

Sun Look

Sun Look releases several products for the beach season, one of which is oil for the body. The aromatic waterproof agent, which includes coconut and argan oils, gives a beautiful sparkling shade to the resulting tanning.

In addition, Sun Look Sun oil helps to moisturize the skin and supplies nutritional trace elements.

It prevents the appearance of burns and strong influence of ultraviolet. It should be applied when the dermium has already been sitting or dark. However, the nuance is that it can leave white divorces and is difficult to laugh under water procedures. The cost is low.


Floresan also made its contribution to the tools for lovers to find a beautiful tan. The most popular product of the brand, or rather, the oil, characterizes vitamin composition and extract of avocado and carrots oils. It contributes to the receipt of a uniform tan, and also protects the skin from active solar exposure.

Tanning oil Floresan saturates the skin with nutritional trace elements, does not leave traces and films. It is quite easy to wash off with water and has a pleasant aroma. It attracts the tan and makes it more resistant. The cost is low.

To choose for yourself the best oil for sunburn, you can go an experienced way or chat with others that use similar means.

Regarding the definition of a suitable option for itself by samples and errors, you can risk trying various oil grades and observe the effect of them. Based on oil reviews, a certain rating has been created, which was created by studying what people who use him who are talking about the means.

With it, it was drawn up the effect of oil, the body's response, the cost of the means and confidence in the manufacturer. Therefore, choosing oil for a tanning, the rating can a few help.