Hooponopono: how to practice correctly, bad reviews - why they are. Ho'oponopono Meditation: How to Clear the Situation in a Relationship

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Most people have more and more problems, negativity and irritation increase, respectively, people start to get sick, relationships deteriorate, there is not enough money, etc.

There are many factors that contribute to this, but one of them is that all problems are born in the head, and a person can change the situation himself, changing his attitude towards himself, people and situations, i.e. engaging in self-development.

In the books, the practice is revealed as a path to love, forgiveness, and resetting one's own reality.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Hooponopono copes with all the problems that lie both within the boundaries of consciousness and beyond:

  • Guilt - practice teaches you to let go and forgive yourself and those around you.
  • Conflicts in the family - hooponopono is an excellent prevention of quarrels and insults.
  • Anxiety - the method inspires confidence and helps to cope with constant tension, suspicion, inferiority complex.
  • Stress - after regular practice, the reaction to life's difficulties becomes positive, and the number of negative accidents decreases sharply.
  • Despair - Hooponopono gives a guide, opens a new path of possibilities, brings a person into a state of harmony.
  • Regret - the method teaches you to painlessly let go of the past.
  • Diseases of the body - a healthy mind heals a sick body.
  • A pessimistic view of the world - after practice, reality does not look like a faded series of negative events.
  • Lack of money - after the practice, financial well-being improves.

What is the essence of the method?

The Hooponopono method assumes the full and unconditional responsibility of the person himself for everything that happens around him.

Ho'oponopono catchphrase: "The world starts with me!"

Any events with friends, buddies, neighbors are all the result of our thoughts.

Even any negative situations we have attracted to ourselves. We may not remember how and why it happened and what we did. Once they allowed a negative thought in their head - as a result they got the corresponding problems.

If you want to eliminate negative situations from your life, you need to correct not the situations themselves, but your emotions in relation to them.

The most important essence, the secret of the Hooponopono technique lies in the constant pronunciation of 4 phrases, which make up the formula of happiness:

  • "I'm really sorry"
  • "I'm sorry"
  • "I thank you"
  • "I love you"

In these magic words lies the recipe for clearing the memory, and it does not matter whether you are aware of them or not, the main thing is repetition.

The formula helps a person send signals of love and forgiveness.

« I'm really sorry» - By this you show your regrets because of the situation that has arisen.

« I'm sorry”- with this phrase you ask for forgiveness for inadvertently creating a negative situation in your thoughts.

« I thank you”- with this phrase you make it clear that you accept any situation, even negative ones, and you are grateful for the lesson they have taught you.

« I love you”- this powerful phrase clears all the negativity that you feel for yourself or another person or situation.

How to Practice the Ho'oponopono Method Properly

You can repeat these magical phrases both mentally and out loud.

Anywhere and anytime. And it doesn't even matter whether you believe in what you say or not - it will definitely bring results.

The Hooponopono technique is multifunctional.

If you are tormented by fears, or burdened by guilt, say these phrases in relation to yourself.

It helps to find peace and harmony, you clear your mind of negative blocks. The order of the phrases is not important, just repeat them in turn, devoting 2-3 minutes to each phrase.

You can also work through a conflict situation with a specific person.

If you quarreled with your loved one, or quarreled with your parents. There was a misunderstanding with a colleague or a conflict with a friend - use the technique by simply repeating these phrases already in relation to the situation or a specific person.

Mentally imagine that you are talking with the person with whom you want to correct a negative situation.

  • "I'm really sorry"
  • "I'm sorry"
  • "I thank you"
  • "I love you"

Use the four Ho'oponopono phrases when talking to him. Use the name of the person you are addressing.

Use your imagination, imagine saying this to him live.

Apologize for the situation, accept it with the words "I'm sorry", thank you for your understanding, confess your love.

In my video (cut from the training) I also analyze the situation with business partners. Watch, write, apply!

The full version of the training can be purchased for 300 rubles.

Over time, repeating these phrases will become a habit, and you will notice how life changes for the better.

So, now you know how to use the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono technique to clear the situation.

Hooponopono cheat sheet:

If you decide to practice the Hooponopono method, then you need to firmly grasp and apply daily in your life and relationships with others the following 5 postulates:

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are negative, they create a negative physical reality.

3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a perfect physical reality, radiating LOVE.

4. I am fully (100%) responsible for the creation of my physical universe.

5. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

By trying this cleansing method, you have nothing to lose. Doubt takes more time than repeating affirmations. You will get a useful psychological experience that will help you cope with long-standing problems. Hooponopono removes stagnation in life.

If you are bogged down in long-standing experiences, give up, lose interest in life, then this guide to Hooponopono is for you.

Away with fear and skepticism. It's time to bring harmony and strength back to life.

In our modern and dynamic world, there are many different ways to find yourself and make life better. Recently, a Hawaiian practice called hooponopono has gained popularity. As a result of its use, you can find peace and patience by using simple rules daily.

Hooponopono what is it: practice for beginners and wonders of the method

Main purpose Hawaiian technique is that thanks to it a person finds himself and gains success in many aspects of his life. If you regularly apply the practice for beginners, then soon the Hawaiian method promises spiritual development, growth and enlightenment. Hooponopono distinguish four active phases of human development, in which the soul and mind are cleansed. Each of the phases is based on a specific phrase that must be spoken in order to find peace and vitality.

  1. I love you - these are words that help a person to cleanse himself of negativity and come to the truth. Thus, they will help increase self-esteem and teach a person to love himself.
  2. I am very sorry - a person can say such words if he expresses regret with negative thinking and actions. When the reason for launching this stage was a negative program and perception.
  3. Forgive me - in the ho'oponopono method, such words carry remorse or forgiveness for committed deeds and thoughts. When they are pronounced, a person feels freedom.
  4. Thank you - with this technique, gratitude is expressed to the Universe and higher powers for what a person has today.

Hooponopono for Beginners Quick Result: Read and Talk

Daily practices and tools will enable a person to quickly deal with their problems. For example, to eliminate the negative view of the world. Helps avoid conflict situations get rid of guilt. The main goal of ho'oponopono is to have a positive reaction to any difficulty.

And also the technique is aimed at developing a healthy body and spirit. This method gives a person a chance to find a landmark in his life and achieve a harmonious state in himself. To get such a result, in hooponopono, is possible only by deleting garbage from your memory. Consider the principles of work in the hooponopono technique.

  1. Positive human thinking that creates reality is the main tool. And reality, in turn, is created only on love.
  2. Each person is responsible for his life and for what can happen around him.
  3. Negative thinking can only attract problems.
  4. The results of a person's thoughts are the result of a person's work on himself. Man cannot exist apart from his thoughts.

Hooponopono how to practice and read correctly?

In order to use the hooponopono technique you need to create specific conditions for this. The practice of this Hawaiian method is based on the application of some items:

  1. A person's financial condition will help change the conversation with coins. They need to ask for forgiveness - this is the main tool of stability.
  2. The flower is a symbol of love and self-purification on the way to a good life. Therefore, it is best to contact him and then the plant can become a good companion.
  3. Rossa is a cleanser. Dew drops can cleanse a person of negativity.
  4. Butterfly helps to remove negative thoughts and take the path of perfection.
  5. A pencil and an eraser will be needed in order to erase the negative points in life.
  6. The symbol of the material sphere is the sunflower. It can become a symbol of abundance and harmony.

Practicing Ho'oponopono: Basic Techniques and Tools

One of the wonders of hooponopono is the financial side of our life, which is of interest to almost everyone. Financial problems can disappear if the first practice of ho'oponopono is applied. This method mainly involves forming the right attitude towards money and thereby creating positive energy using verbal formulas.

In the Hawaiian method, a special instruction is used, in which it is possible to determine how to properly practice the attitude towards money. The main thing is - a conversation with coins.

In order to cleanse your life of negativity, it is recommended that beginners to practice hooponopono use some meditative methods. One of them is the use of a pencil and an eraser. It helps to erase all existing negativity and make room for the new and positive.

  • Ho'oponopono money should be treated with respect and valued as an achievement of a goal.
  • In order to open a cash flow, you need to remove the block, which is based on fear. Many people are afraid of losing their jobs or money, so they close in this regard.
  • Ho'oponopono's method of raising money is based on the use of coins. They need to express gratitude and show forgiveness and love.
  • In order to get rid of negative thoughts, you need to take a new and unsharpened pencil. Thus, activate the main word negative. On a subconscious level, it must be constantly erased. Thus, there will be a cleansing of the negative. From time to time you need to tap the pencil on the subject or on your body for the effectiveness of the method.
  • The main thing in this method is that the negative is erased. Hawaiians believe that constantly clearing negativity can lead to a deep cleansing of even the previous generation.

Raising finance with ho'oponopono

I meditated last year when I was in a terrible financial state. The hooponopono method with conversation and coins helped me.


Other Ho'oponopono Techniques

There are many ways that the ho'oponopono method offers. One is aimed at the return of love, the other at good health. On the net you can find many videos with a detailed display of meditation.

The main thing in hooponopono is inspiration and intention to act. Thus, intention is our mind. In another case, inspiration is an instruction from God. Thus, at a certain point, you will be able to obey and begin to listen to certain advice. As a result - your actions on a particular issue. Intention is the management of your life based on what you see in your life. Inspiration is a kind of message from God that acts in accordance with the messages. Thus, intentions work, often for certain results. Inspiration works wonders and only remains make your own choice.

It is worth noting that any action on ho'oponopono must be performed in connection with the relationship between people.

  1. The universe is thoughts and their embodiment.
  2. Negative thoughts can create a harmful physical reality.
  3. In the event that thoughts are perfect, then they can create love and with it physical reality.
  4. It must be the realization that you are working to create your physical world.
  5. It must be the realization that there is a transformation when thoughts are harmful.
  6. Do not think that everything else exists separately from you.

It is worth noting that the process of practicing Hooponopono personality is restored. Existing problems can be considered and each separately will be solved. In addition, many problems come from the past, the practice of ho'oponopono will help to resolve them completely.

The Practice and Miracles of Ho'oponopono

Many reviews are based on real events in people's lives. The hooponopono technique of restoring life is only spoken of in a positive way. This technique helps to cope with many problems, especially those that relate to a person's personal life. Therefore, when developing principles, you can achieve the goal.

Most people resort to the ho'oponopono technique if certain diseases are present. It is worth noting that this practice does not cure, but only speeds up the healing process. Thus, it helps to go through certain steps that will improve a person’s mood and set him up for recovery.

In the event that a girl wants to return her loved one, whom she lost for one reason or another, then the Hawaiian system offers the following system.

  1. It is necessary to make an analysis of the general condition and understand the reason for the departure of a loved one.
  2. It is necessary to remove the blocks formed inside due to fear and resentment.
  3. You need to forgive yourself and your loved one. After that, the situation should be reset.
  4. The final stage is the formation of a special code phrase, which will include several components - a request for forgiveness, regret and gratitude of a person.

To help speed up the healing process, the practice of ho'oponopono offers the following system.

  1. You need to remember what caused the disease. You will need to eliminate stress and an irritating factor.
  2. For people suffering from heart problems, you need to pay attention to the attitude towards others. Do not forget about yourself and others and pay enough attention.
  3. It is recommended to let go of the situation, to forgive yourself and others. After that, a comfortable state should come. In addition, you need to focus on the main text until the problem disappears.

Hooponopono for marriage and weight loss

Many women use the practice of hooponopono to find happiness in life, and this is a slim figure and marriage. This Hawaiian method offers to help anyone who is ready to find female happiness in life. This is based on the elimination of internal blocks and negative energy. Thus, it becomes possible change your relationship with your loved one person in a positive way.

Specialists of the Hawaiian method offer to think over a program for getting rid of excess weight and complexes about the lack of a couple in a woman. Therefore, you need to practice hooponopono daily for maximum results.

  1. The first thing to do is to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, as well as fear.
  2. Mentally and speaking aloud, you need to forgive all existing grievances of your own and another person.
  3. For women, ho'oponopono is an effective means of getting married. To do this, you need to talk with your loved one on a subconscious level. Therefore, it is best to do this when he is sleeping.
  4. It will be necessary during the dream of a loved one to pronounce the main phrase of the hooponopono technique, based on the main components. Only then will he propose.
  5. It is worth remembering the time when the weight was increased initially. Determine what your actions led to weight gain. You also need to remember the negative points. At the same time, the girl must throw off the entire burden of the past and analyze the situation.
  6. Having made the right conclusions and indicating the code word, you will be able to find a beautiful body. It is especially important at this stage to talk to the person.

I lost weight thanks to hooponopono

Last year I started losing weight using the hooponopono method. Really helped me. Moreover, I can say that as a result of my weight loss, I got married.

But it is not always possible to find reviews in which hooponopono give such positive results. In order to , practice gave a real result it is not easy to pronounce code phrases, but sincerely believe in achieving their result.

Hooponopono - it is energy activation in two inseparable things. Many look forward to identifying a quick option. It is worth following all the above rules, then there is an opportunity to find happiness. The main thing is not to forget to meditate while talking with certain objects and aiming at a certain result. Remember that at an unconscious level, all your thoughts are put aside and soon materialize.

The ancient Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono has different tools and techniques, each with its own purpose and function.

Some of you have long been familiar with this updated Hawaiian method called Ho'oponopono and have been practicing it, some have learned about it not so long ago and are only learning its basic techniques and depths, there are those who are not familiar at all, but simply ended up on this page in search of saving new truths or tips that will help change your life for the better.

Returning to the tools, Dr. Hugh Lin suggested them to all of us. Who knows, maybe after cleansing with them, Inspiration will shine on you and tell you how to create your own tools for cleaning and prosperity.

  • HOOPONOPONO'S TOOL - FLEUR DE LISE FLOWER “The fleur de lis flower is a tool that clears the memory of the bloodshed of constant wars and the slavery of ideas, places, situations and beliefs, which in turn cause constant war. "Our mind is constantly

  • HOOPONOPONO TECHNIQUE - SALT SHOWER. We are always (or often) among people. And among the many energy essences invisible to the eye. It is possible in a very simple way to free yourself from those who want to “drink” our energy and stick to us. Taking a shower

  • HOOPONOPONO TOOL - GREEN MAPLE LEAF. A tool that works with deep depression, the feeling that no one loves you, does not understand you, abandonment, if you want to give up life. Would you like to learn more and understand how the method works?

  • HOOPONOPONO TOOL - BELLS. A tool, in the form of a flower, which can be spoken aloud or silently repeated in the mind. Do you want to study and understand more deeply how the Hooponopono method works, so that consciously, for the benefit of YOURSELF and

  • HOOPONOPONO TECHNIQUES AND LACK OF MONEY…. HOW TO WORK WITH IT? Put a banknote of any denomination in a prominent (for you) place and a pencil with an elastic band. Every day, tap the rubber band on the bill, saying "dewdrop". TECHNIQUE "WALLET". IN

  • HOOPONOPONO TECHNIQUE - HEALING WATER. Pour into a glass of water. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight, do not cross your legs. Place your hands palms facing each other at chest level. Say "I love you". Feel the warmth in

  • HOOPONOPONO TECHNIQUE - MONEY. We live in the material world and money is an important part of it. I will not talk more about money, I turn to technology. Get the money out of your wallet, out of your pocket, in general, from where

  • HOOPONOPONO TECHNIQUE - CLOUD. Lie on your back, arms loosely along the body. Relax. Imagine above your head, above the top of your head, a small cloud. If it takes on any color, so be it. start

  • HOOPONOPONO TECHNIQUE - I AM THE OBSERVER. If you become a witness to or participant in a conflict, begin to monotonously say to yourself "I am an observer, I am an observer, I am an observer." It was not in vain that I singled out the word "monotone". Intonation,

  • HOOPONOPONO MIRROR TECHNIQUE Look at yourself, try to see yourself for who you really are and love yourself. Love will come from the depths. In this way you will see the real you, you will see the world. You

  • HOOPONOPONO TOOLS - STRAWBERRY AND BLUEBERRY. Dr. Hugh Lin says that these berries have a cleansing effect on our memory. They annul the past. Eat them fresh and dried. Benefits for both health and

  • The man who spread the Ho'oponopono method to the masses was Joe Vitale. The writer and follower of New Age psychology is widely known to fans of the movie The Secret. This method has long been used by the native inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands to change the surrounding reality.

    Hooponopono translated into Russian means to make order, correct mistakes, achieve harmony.

    Initially, ordinary people did not have enough strength to realize their desire, so shamans healed the world around them and modified it. Over the years, ordinary residents also learned this, then the teaching spread to other continents.

    The miracles of ho'oponopono begin with changing yourself. And since everything is interconnected, changing the object entails a chain reaction, changing the world as a whole. For the greatest effect, self-purification, getting rid of negative energy and blocks is necessary.

    The wonders of ho'oponopono - what's the point

    You can read about changing yourself in many teachings. Most often, we are recommended to change the worldview and perception of things around us. The hooponopono technique is somewhat different.

    The main message is that each of us is a part of one whole, we are responsible for everything that happens around and influence everything.

    The most striking example of the action of the method is the life of Hugh Lin.

    For some time he worked as a doctor in a psychiatric hospital, where he successfully healed those who were considered hopeless. At the same time, being a certified specialist, he did not conduct personal meetings with patients. Didn't study their treatment histories and drug charts. He took everyone's story as his own. Therefore, he worked on himself, thought about his appointment as a psychiatrist, about causes and consequences.

    After some time, the patients began to recover, at first the handcuffs and straitjackets were removed from the violent ones, then the drugs were canceled. A few years later, the department was closed due to lack of patients.

    When Joe Vitale found out about this, he decided to meet with Lin. During the conversation, he learned about how the miracles of hooponopono are performed. It turned out that everything is very simple.

    Hooponopono - how to practice correctly

    The ho'oponopono method is based on taking responsibility and being part of the whole.

    Each of us consciously or unconsciously decides what and how will happen around, rebuilding reality. Happiness and trouble, love and disappointment, we attract ourselves. It all starts with a thought, and notice materializes.

    Hooponopono for beginners recommends starting from your emotional mood. By correcting our emotions, we accept responsibility for what is happening. Then, playing the situation, modeling dialogues, actions, we work with ourselves. This is how we change our attitude, hence our behavior. Relationships change the world around us.

    Hooponopono practice helps to solve the following situations (problems):

    • build relationships with family and colleagues
    • improve mutual understanding in the family, make peace with your loved one after a quarrel,
    • improve health, correct weight (lose weight), get rid of chronic diseases,
    • improve your financial situation by attracting money into your life,
    • teaches us to let go of guilt and replace pessimism with realism,
    • helps to get rid of doubts, develops self-confidence, helps to overcome stress.

    Hooponopono tools are words and our energy.

    The key phrases are 4:

    1. I love you (I love you) - this is a strong emotional and verbal message that allows you to cleanse yourself of the negative, gives a good energy message to the outside world.
    2. Forgive me, forgive me (Please forgive me) - the words show the unintentional modeling of a negatively colored situation in thoughts and the embodiment of negativity, a willingness to change.
    3. I'm sorry, I'm sorry (I am sorry) - an indicator of awareness of one's responsibility and desire to change what happened.
    4. I thank you, thank you (Thank you) - an indicator of humility and acceptance of what is happening as a life lesson.

    The method of work is based on turning inward. It is our thoughts, when embodied, that change the universe, transform into events. Everything that happens is born in the human mind in the form of thought forms, then it is broadcast into the world. So the philosophy of teaching says that we are able to change everything if we sincerely want it.

    Hooponopono for beginners: quick results


    This technique works with the barriers within us. Therefore, it is necessary to start with awareness and acceptance of the problem. Then follows the path of change - the reconfiguration of oneself. From what words will be uttered with what message, the reaction of the outside world depends. Therefore, hooponopono meditation should be thoughtful and positive. Even words of apology and regret should not be negative. It's just accepting a fait accompli and wanting to change it.

    • Awareness and acceptance of the problem

    For beginners who want to succeed in hooponopono, it is important to understand that much of what we perceive is subjective - far-fetched.

    Everyone perceives the same smell, taste, color, object differently. We give the emotional coloring to the world ourselves, and then we get upset, because the unconsciously created looks different than we wanted. You need to learn to be neutral.

    • Healing -

    The next step is to heal yourself and those around you. Higher powers give us a burden that we can take on, they don't send too much. Just accept what happened and that you are responsible for what happened. Try to maintain a neutral attitude, not painting everything black or white.

    Do not blame yourself or others, these are just the plans of the universe and the path it has chosen.

    Hooponopono meditation will help you do this.

    • Key phrases

    Then you can start pronouncing 4 secret phrases - tools. Do it thoughtfully, with a positive color. Perhaps at first they will be just words, but when you say them like a mantra many times, you will believe in their power and success. You will notice how life will begin to change, filled with goodness.

    Reading Rules

    The miracles of ho'oponopono come into our lives gradually.

    To achieve them, daily practice is necessary.

    • It is necessary to pronounce affirmations () separately (starting from the first) for 15-35 minutes.
    • The Hooponopono prayer, consisting of 4 phrases, must be pronounced consciously. Therefore, at first it can be difficult to concentrate.
    • Regular meditation with relaxing music can help in preparing for working with the technique.

    Over time, you will learn to easily enter the desired state, you will instinctively begin to correctly perceive the situation, take responsibility for it. It will become easier for you to change yourself and rebuild the world.

    The technique will not work if you do not work out all the stages or skip one of them.

    Remember, it’s worth starting with awareness and acceptance of responsibility for your “I” and events in life.

    Positive attitudes are not the only method the teaching offers.

    In a huge number, there are techniques and exercises that are not at all difficult to perform. If you're serious about mastering ho'oponopono and changing your life for the better, here are some powerful tools to help you get there.

    Hooponopono Techniques

    Hooponopono meditation for clearing the situation is based on understanding the postulates:

    • negative thoughts precede negative material reality and vice versa,
    • a positive world is generated by love and is a consequence of positive thinking,
    • you are responsible for the real world created by our thoughts, we can manage it,
    • everything is connected, as in physics energy does not disappear without a trace. By changing ourselves, we change the universe.


    In the process, you will mentally play out your version of the development of events. Visualization may look like erasing the bad with an eraser, and drawing new lines with a pencil. So you mentally give the message of a new good world and the development of events.

    If your imagination isn't rich enough or you find it difficult to visualize a situation, try the following exercise:

    1. Take an unsharpened pencil with an elastic at the end.
    2. Start tapping on any object that needs to be cleaned - a thing or yourself. If you want to get rid of negative thoughts, just tap on any surface.

    Ready! To enhance the effect, you can say the four main hooponopono affirmations (I love you, I'm sorry, etc.)

    Glass of water

    1. Take a glass (preferably transparent) with clean water.
    2. Fill it up about ¾ full.
    3. Place anywhere in your home.
    4. Change the water in the glass twice a day. If you feel anxious or anxious, you can do this more often.

    For greater effect, write a problem on a piece of paper and place a glass on it.

    blue solar water

    1. Take a blue container (glass, bottle, vase).
    2. Pour clean water into a vessel and leave in the sun for at least an hour.
    3. With this solar water you can wash, drink, cook with it and so on.

    rainbow butterfly

    It will save your family from quarrels and conflicts, bring happiness and harmony to the house.

    1. Find, print, draw a bright multi-colored butterfly.
    2. Place it in a conspicuous place - on the computer screen, refrigerator.
    3. Every time you look at her, say affirmations.

    Hooponopono and Orthodoxy - is it possible for believers to practice

    It so happened that the basic postulates of Orthodoxy and ho'oponopono are the same. Both teachings preach humility and faith, goodness and love. There are no contradictions as such, and the practice of meditation does not interfere with church attendance.

    What is different in the two philosophies is only the attitude towards the physical world and the method of its creation. In Orthodoxy, it was created by God, a higher power. In Hawaiian teaching, it is created by a person.

    In any case, auto-training used by shamans and inducing goodness does not directly contradict the postulates of the church.

    Therefore, if you wish, you can use both options for communicating with higher powers.

    The Hawaiian ho'oponopono meditation technique helps you learn how to cleanse a situation that worries you of negativity. This practice fills the mind with positive energy vibrations, relieves "low" feelings: anger, irritation and resentment. As a result, a person becomes more calm and peaceful.

    Hooponopono meditation: what is the point?

    Hooponopono meditation is an ancient Hawaiian healing and purification technique. It can be used in any situation where you are filled with negative emotions to quickly let go of the conflict and forgive the offender. You can also practice the technique daily to heal on a deeper level: work through traumas and repressed negative emotions that are deeply embedded in your subconscious.

    During a meditation session, a person monotonously repeats four simple phrases:

    1. "I love you". This phrase helps to reset all emotions, get in touch with a higher power and be filled with the energy of love. A person recognizes that unconditional love lives inside him: for God, for himself, for people and for the world. He gives this feeling into space, which ultimately helps to change life for the better.
    2. "I am very sorry". This is an acknowledgment that some negative programs influence your life: parental, ancestral and acquired during life. This is an awareness of the problem and an expression of the desire to solve them, taking responsibility for everything that happens in life.
    3. "Please forgive me". This is an expression of readiness to accept any consequences of negativity and a request for healing. Complete humility that results in true forgiveness - with the heart, not the head.
    4. "Thank you". An expression of gratitude that rebuilds a person's consciousness to higher energy vibrations. Feeling gratitude, you give away a powerful resource of the Universe, as a result, in real life, you become able to accept abundance and all kinds of benefits.

    It is these four phrases that have the highest energy vibrations, so they completely heal a person from negativity, help to cleanse themselves of injuries, complexes, beliefs and attitudes that prevent them from living happily and harmoniously.

    How to practice ho'oponopono with people?

    In the classical technique of meditation, a person, repeating phrases, refers to the Higher Power: God, the Creator, the Creator, the Universe. It doesn't matter what it's called, it's enough for you to believe it.

    But let's also consider a special case of using practice to resolve conflicts with people. How it works:

    1. Let's say you have a conflict with a loved one, a colleague, or just an evil tram conductor.
    2. You felt sharp negative emotions: irritation, anger, resentment, or something else.
    3. First of all, you need to recognize and realize your negative emotions. Say to yourself: “Yes, now I am offended, annoyed, the situation that has arisen bothers me.”
    4. After accepting your feelings, start repeating the cherished four phrases of hooponopono, referring to the offender. Imagine him as if he is standing in front of you.
    5. Gradually, bright bad emotions will begin to let go of you, and you will feel complete peace.

    This method is very efficient. It helps to quickly let go of any grievances without burying them in the depths of your subconscious. You learn to sincerely love people and accept any of their behavior. As a result, after regular practice, you notice that you are irritated and angry less often, you become more calm, loving and peaceful.

    You gain the ability to sincerely forgive, as a result, your inner state changes. You begin to radiate powerful energy flows of love, gratitude and acceptance, which ultimately changes the world around you. People always mirror your state.

    You can turn on this video for meditation:

    Important Points

    Regular practice of ho'oponopono is already a huge step towards a happy and harmonious life. But meditation is not enough if the rest of the time you do not control your mind and still think negatively.

    Important points that you need to realize and implement in your life so that the effectiveness of hooponopono is maximum:

    1. Take responsibility for your life. Accept as an axiom the fact that everything that happens is the result of only your actions and thoughts. Whatever happens around is a reflection of your inner state. Stop blaming others, government, employer, husband, children. Instead, ask the question, “Why did this negative situation happen to me? With what thoughts or actions did I attract her?
    2. Remember about the specularity of the Universe. It always reflects your inner state. If you experience negative emotions very often, then various unpleasant situations will happen to you no less often. If you are sure that all people are bad, they will confirm your belief. If you set yourself up that the world is a pleasant and bright place in which you have found your place, it will be so.
    3. Very often, your life is influenced by generic and parental programs and attitudes. You may or may not be aware of them. These scenarios need to be worked on with the help of a therapist or constellation master. It is important to trace recurring scenarios. For example, women in your family have always been lonely - this is inevitable for you if you do not realize and eliminate the cause.
    4. It is very difficult to get any results without faith in a Higher Power. Therefore, meditation works most effectively for those people who feel God and recognize his existence. If you consider yourself an atheist, it will be more difficult, because there is no unconditional faith in the power and strength of the universe.

    The four ho'oponopono phrases are your pass to a world without limits, where there are no serious problems and difficulties, and wishes come true quickly and easily. In such a world, there are many opportunities and there is always a place for love.