Injection cosmetology that. Injecting cosmetology procedures. What is injection methods in cosmetology

Injection cosmetology (mesotherapy) - This is one of the most effective ways of suspending and rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck, neckline, hands, as well as the correction of the figure, in which the active substances are delivered to the body using uchols. Mesotherapy has become an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. With the help of injection cosmetology, it is possible to get rid of wrinkles for it, to normalize blood circulation, restore the contour of the face, improve the structure of the skin, etc.

The so-called "injections of youth and beauty" is a fast and efficient minimally invasive way to rejuvenate and eliminate the most common skin defects. The technology is based on the principle of the effects of drugs (Botox, hyaluronic acid, xseomine, vitamins, amino acids, natural pigments), which are introduced by a syringe or a special microinyl gun directly to the center of patholagia. In this case, a targeted effect of the drug on a specific zone is occurring.

The medicine is introduced superficially microscopic doses to a depth of 1.5 mm to 6 mm, with very thin and short needles. The mezotherapy course, as a rule, contains 7-10 weekly facial procedures, and 10-15 body sessions. Supporting procedures are held 1 time per month. The effect is noticeable after the first sessions: the skin becomes a living, natural color, the contour of the face is improving, the skin on the body becomes an elastic. There are also programs in injection cosmetology, allowing you to get an instant effect.

Procedures injecting cosmetology

So, under the injection cosmetology refers to the use of special rejuvenating procedures:

  • 3D modeling and reinforcement
  • Tredlifting 3D-Mesonites
  • Plasmalifting
  • Placentamentary therapy
  • Introduction Botox, Kesomin, Dizport
  • Mesotherapy and ozone therapy
  • Contour plastic
  • Skin biorevitalization
  • Photobiomolation
  • Intrilipotherapy (Aqualyx technology).

In most cases, maximum efficiency can be achieved when combining several procedures. The advantages of injection procedures in cosmetology are an instant effect, minimization of allergic reactions, minimization, no need for long-term rehabilitation, as well as the possibility of combining with other methods of treatment.

Effect of injection procedures

With the help of injection cosmetology procedures, not only the problems of skin rejuvenation, neck and neckline, but also other tasks, such as:

  • Treatment of scalp when hair loss
  • Elimination of PTOSA
  • Nutrition and skin moisturizing
  • Form correction and increase in lips
  • Getting rid of nasolabial folds
  • Elimination of asymmetry forms
  • Correction and removal of deep wrinkles
  • Restoration of the shape of cheekbones
  • Correction of oval face
  • Treatment of acne disease
  • Getting rid of cellulite and stretch marks.

Read more about Injection Cosmetology procedures and read in this category. Youth and beauty!

Injection, being representatives of traditional medicine, are also changing under the influences of modern innovation. Moreover, it happens constantly. Methods representing the area of \u200b\u200binjecting cosmetology are constantly upgraded and their number increases. At the moment, they include: mesotherapy, biorevialization, borestruption, bioarming, contour plastic, etc. But what do the procedures imply under such names and what do they differ? On exactly with plastic and other methods of rejuvenation, will the technologies of injecting cosmetology be considered competitive? What? You can find answers to these and other questions you can from this article.

Injection cosmetology presents procedures for which needles (cannulas) are used, with the help of which drugs are injected under the skin. The most common: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioarming in different forms, contour plastic, plasmolifting, botulinitherapy. Many of the current existing procedures that relate to injecting cosmetology and have new names, in fact, are variations of well-known traditional technologies. In other words, the traditional procedure is carried out using an innovative preparation.

Injection zones

Injections are obligatory or without them you can do?

At the time, the devices of laser, light and radio frequency effects are obtained in our time, injections do not lose the leading positions. This method prefers to use many customers. In addition, it is considered one of his favorite doctors. In addition to this, the cost of injecting cosmetology services for most of the population is affordable.

Injection cosmetology procedures are not just simple and understandable. They are always honest. In the sense, the drug is introduced - the effect is obtained. This explains the popularity of "beauty engines". Since they work always reliably and efficiently, neither customers nor doctors refuse them.

Injection is the perfect version of the delivery of the drug under the skin

It is no secret that the skin is a kind of barrier. It perfectly protects the body from entering various substances and contaminants. Therefore, the effect that you can observe when applying creams and masks can not always bring the desired result, in contrast to injections. For example, in which only water-soluble ions are administered under the skin by means of injections, is one of the most popular ways of "delivery". Methods of injection cosmetology are practically universal. In addition, the price of injection injection services is not high.

With the help of injections, cosmetologists can enter:

  • various preparations
  • strictly in the required quantity
  • in the right form
  • in exact place
  • on the necessary depth.

In addition, the punctuations themselves that accompany injections also have a beneficial effect on the skin, providing an excellent stimulating effect. Response reactions that run skin punctures accelerate the action of the drug used, reinforcing it several times as well as:

  • expand and increase vessel permeability;
  • activate immunocompetent cells,
  • provocate the emission of fat cells of biologically active substances.

The procedure of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy "against" biorevitalization

These methods of injecting cosmetology, in general, have one base. In fact, they provide numerous injections, with the help of which under the skin are injected with small doses the necessary drug. At the same time, the depth of its introduction on the entire zone being processed is not significant.

Mesotherapy is injectable procedures by which multico-component compositions are subcutaneously introduced into which such biologically active substances as amino acids are antioxidants and vitamins.

When biorevitalization, injections are delivered under the skin drugs based on hyaluronic acid. As a rule, these are natural agents that stimulate the restoration of the dermis on the structural level and normalizing subcutaneous metabolism. At the moment, specialists also use more advanced compounds containing polyneconucleotides, polypeptides, etc. Thanks to such compositions, it is possible to achieve the most vivid effect in terms of correction of age-related skin changes.

In other words, mezotherapy, and biorevitalization, imply the same options for the introduction of drugs that differ in composition.

Contour plastic and biorevitalization: differences

The contour plastic conducted by injection is a method in which volume modeling occurs by deep administration under the skin of the hyaluronic flores. As previously indicated, during biorevitalization of injection is deeply not introduced. Such a technology is directed to eliminate visible skin problems caused by age-related changes due to the formation of additional volume in the subcutaneous fat. Unlike it, biorevitalization with surface injection contributes only to improving the quality of the skin.

Softlifting - innovative method of volumetric modeling

This is one of the most recent and promising techniques that the plastic surgeon of Ulf Sumulsonn, known in Europe, relatively recently created. This procedure will allow you to use all the possibilities of components of hyaluronic acid - filler fillers. The use of new generation fillers in bulk modeling contributes to the creation of a beautiful and proper facial oval, removing age-related signs and fatigue. This new approach also acts on all lines of the person, creating straight and clear lines of cheekbones, chin, cheeks, as well as in the eye area. Many are already inclined to the fact that softlifting in the near future will become an excellent alternative to plastic operations.


Vector Lifting, Mesoni and Bowariming: To create a frame

One of the innovative technologies in the field of injecting cosmetology is the bioarming procedure. When this procedure is carried out, thanks to deep injections, hyaluronic acid is subcutaneously introduced, which is characteristic of low viscosity. The principle of such technology is that through a linear puncture, which is made on the skin, the drug is introduced, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Thus, a peculiar framework is created which due to its elasticity holds the tissue of the skin in the required position by tightening them.

This procedure can also be known as the "vector lifting". Such a procedure involves the introduction by subcutaneous injections of drugs along the tissue lines of Langer tissue to ensure the initiation of neocolalagenesses. Therefore, the "vector lifting" refers to one of the variants representing the methodology of bioarm.

The next stage of the development of the principle of bioarm will allow us to use mezzani. These are absorbed threads from polydioxanone. They create a frame, "flashing" face. The instant tightening effect causes the tension of the subcutaneous mezzentes. The collagen fibers formed on them will subsequently become a biocarkas when the mezzani is solved finally. Thus, this procedure will provide a noticeable lifting effect for several years. Moreover, the price of the introduction of mezzanines into the skin of the face will allow you to get quickly and for a long time the most desired effect.

Below the information video about biorevitalization :

How injecting cosmetology develops

Methods for volume modeling in our time are in the greatest demand. It is used as prophylaxis against gravitational changes related to the contour of the face. The principle of the technique is to introduce into individual areas of the person who appeared the first signs of changes, a small number of filler. It will provide support, preventing the loss of elasticity and "slipping" of tissues. In other words, it will become both a biocara stage and a correction tool. The fact that this method is considered to be the most efficient and preserving the effect for a long time is considerable interest from customers who seek to go through the procedure now. Moreover, to prevent changes much easier than getting rid of them.

In addition, the region of injecting cosmetology has great development prospects. Already, many specialists speak of innovative, combined correction techniques using more improved drugs. The popularity of this area revives considerable interest among developers and specialists who seek to solve as many patient problems as possible. It is possible to use individual techniques for each individual situation.

Thus, became a unifying link for a variety of diverse areas of cosmetology, in which needle and innovative medications are used as the main impact on the code.

Injection procedures for the correction of age-related facial changes - such as mesotherapy, biorevitalization and biorescence - enjoy the greatest demand in patients by virtue of their popularity. However, the effectiveness of these procedures and, accordingly, the patient's satisfaction is determined by the correctness of the evaluation of the testimony to their conduct.

The choice of patients for each of the procedures depends on the age-related features of the skin and its type, various concomitant states, and even on what is planned to be obtained by the injection course. The bioretric procedure in a certain sense combines the properties of other injection courses, and when it is carried out by Meso-WHarton ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199, it even has certain advantages that read the site.

Benefits of biorescence in front of other injection procedures

Mesotherapy, biorevitalization and bioretia really have a lot of general features. Therefore, they are often confused not only patients, but even cosmetologists who have just begun to develop injection procedures.

Injection procedures are carried out with thin needles, with which the necessary substances are delivered directly to various layers of soft fabrics of the face and body. The most popular mesotherapy techniques are sprouting techniques that allow admins to introduce drugs in the epidermis and dermis .

Deep sprout, or infiltration, allow you to introduce a drug to a depth of more than 4mm, depending on the localization of the drug administration method.

The main difference of mesotherapy from biorevitalization is the composition of drugs for administration and their consistency.

In addition to the components in the mesocoxies that perform the therapeutic function, the main delivery of them in the tissue is hyaluronic acid, which is always unstable, low molecular weight in the mesocoxteiles. This is characterized by mesococci, as liquid preparations that have a fairly fast effect, but not very long and non-accumulative action.

Preparations for biographelization and biorescence, also basically contain hyaluronic acid, however, it in such cocktails, unlike mesococci, has a higher molecular weight, more than 1000 kDa. This molecular weight of hyaluronic acid in the composition makes preparations more viscous, gel-like, which eliminates their introduction to the equipment of sprouts.

Biorevitalizes are introduced mainly into the dermis by papules of various diameters or microinges, they have a prolonged effect and accumulative effect.

Indications for various injection procedures


The main indications of mesotherapy are violations of the function of the epidermis (dyschromy, xerosis, etc.), inflammatory processes in the dermis (acne), excessive fat deposits, anti-essay vascular therapy.


Reducing the turgora, dryness and dehydration, small surface wrinkles


Indications for biorescence as in mesotherapy varies from the effect of components in addition to hyaluronic acid. May be: inflammatory processes (acne, rosacea); sebugulation disorders; pigment formation; correction of fatty sediments on the face; Normalization of the vessel function of all vascular systems; Restoring the normal function of collagen formation and much more.

The peculiarity of drug preparations is that in their composition, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it provides an intercellular frame for healthy skin and is a handler of therapeutic components. Thus, the effect of biorescence is preserved longer and may have a pathogenetic effect on the disease.

MESO-WHARTON ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199 makes it possible to create a reserve of active substances that will gradually release and promote intensive skin renewal.

Meso-WHarton ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199 are based on unique polypeptides, as well as amino acids, trace elements, vitamins that create all the conditions for the "intensive" skin therapy according to different testimony.




Age selection of patients

A unique drug for intensive age-skin therapy in patients with severe signs of loss of structural and, as a result, an increase in skin surface area, reduced its elasticity and turgora

The unique drug for intensive therapy of patients whose skin is subject to damaging factors (inflammation, insolation, smoking, as well as intensive therapy of problem skin (in the complex treatment of acne, Rosacea)

Basic action

Creates optimal conditions for migration, proliferation and differentiation of their own skin stem cells into healthy young cells of the epidermis and dermis, which completely restores the structure of young skin in age patients

It has a nonspecific anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the pigment formation, protects and restores cellular DNAs and the skin cells themselves from the effects of damaging factors, which is clinically expressed in alignment of the color of the face and the appearance of the "radiance" of the skin, eliminate the morphological elements of acne and Rosacea, the normalization of sebuts, the narrowing

Main components

  • Polypeptide "WHARTON JELLY PEPTIDE P199"
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • growth factors;
  • carotenoid "Fucoxanthin F199"
  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • growth factors;

Results of biorescence with the drug

Restoration of the structure of young skin in patients of older age group: thickening of the epidermis and dermis, reducing the area of \u200b\u200bskin flap, restoration of the intercellular frame, elimination of age dischromy

Restoration of the structure of "healthy" skin in patients of various age groups: the alignment of the complexion of the face, the appearance of the "radiance" of the skin, eliminate the morphological elements of acne and rosacea, the normalization of sebates, the narrowing

Course of bioraction procedures

From 4 to 8 sessions with an interval of 7-14 days, the duration of the resulting effect of 12 months

From 4 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days, the duration effect depending on the testimony of 8-12 months

Combined intensive therapy Meso-Wharton P199 and Mesoxanthin F199 can be assigned by a doctor according to the testimony and is carried out by a course 4 + 4 procedures, 2 + 6 or 6 + 2 at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

Hyaluronic acid in Meso-Wharton ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199 has a high molecular weight (more than 3 million, yes), which makes it possible to prepare longer to maintain optimal skin hydrobalans and do not contribute to the active stimulation of "damaged" or "aged" skin structures.

Biodepary results Meso-Wharton ™ F199 and Meso-Xanthin ™ F199 are noticeable after the first procedure, and the fulfillment of the full scheduled course can solve many aesthetic patient problems.

Long time in the beauty industry, plastic surgery was considered the most effective method of rejuvenation. And today to correct skin defects and returning it to the former elasticity allow the so-called "pricks of beauty". Injection methods give an instant result, have a minimum set of contraindications and rarely cause serious side effects.

Different techniques are aimed at preventing aging, correction of cosmetic defects, rejuvenation of the appearance of the skin. The long-term effect and availability of procedures are additional bonuses that make it possible to take care of their beauty to millions of women.

What is injection methods in cosmetology

In aesthetic medicine, injection methods are used to combat skin defects and signs of its aging. With the help of a special cannula or the finest needle, rejuvenating agents or cocktails are injected under the skin.

In the deep layers of fabric, the drug or cosmetic cannot penetrate if it is simply applied to the skin. With the help of injection, it can be delivered to the desired depth and adjust the appearance of the skin on the problem area. Multiple punctures allow you to control the correction zone, inflicting the minimum number of microtrams to avoid possible the development of inflammation.

Crosses contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and influx. The permeability of the vessels increases, which allows the biologically active components of the blood and immune cells to saturate tissue. Protective skin properties increase, activated and. As a result, a new fabric framework is formed.

Injection methods in cosmetology allow us to solve the following tasks:

  • improve the appearance of the skin;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • normalize sweating;
  • cope with some species of alopecia;
  • make the contour of the face clear;
  • and much more.

Their advantages and disadvantages

Injection methods of rejuvenation enjoy well-deservedly, due to:

  • the possibility of using multicomponent drugs with various properties;
  • dosing accuracy and introduction to the desired depth;
  • painlessness and safety;
  • rapid result;
  • minimal fault of contraindications and absence of age limitations;
  • a small rehabilitation period;
  • speed of procedures and effects of at least 1 year;
  • lack of need to use expensive equipment;
  • availability of procedures;
  • features to choose the most suitable method.

In its work, injectable methods of rejuvenation are used not only expensive clinics, but many beauty salons. To make a small correction, it is not necessary to go to a major city and look for a specialized institution. It is enough to use the services of the nearest beauty salon, not forgetting to study his reputation and reviews of those who have already tried the action of "beauty enclosures".

Women who experienced similar techniques, rarely talk about shortcomings. Mostly it is the need to lead a closed lifestyle for 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure. This is due to the fact that there are often small hematomas and swelling, which usually pass on their own after the injections. More serious side effects are possible. For example, a violation of the symmetry of the face or is not at all the effect that was expected. But, justice for the sake of, it should be noted that after plastic operations, the likelihood of serious side effects is much higher.

Basic techniques

Injection method of correction is selected in each case individually, taking into account the wishes of the patient and the effectiveness of the procedure in one way or another.


Botinotherapy is shown in the event that it is necessary to smoke wrinkles and reduce the depth of small folds. For injections use weakened botulinumoxin. The drug for a while paralyzes the Mimic muscles, which contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. After the fold, the folds smoothed.

It has not only rejuvenating properties. The drug blocks strengthened sweat glands. As a result, the patient gets rid of excessive sweating.

With all the advantages of this technique, it is necessary to clearly follow the recommendations of the doctor and carefully treat the choice of a specialist who will conduct the procedure. Otherwise, side effects may occur:

  • asymmetry of eyebrows, lowered corners of the lips, immobility of the age;
  • violations;
  • paralysis of the facial muscles;
  • asymmetry contour of the face;
  • the inefficiency of repeated procedures.

  • Procedure called "" Based on the injections of hyaluronic acid. This is an option of contour plastics. The drug is introduced in different directions relative to the mimic muscles: on the tension lines perpendicular or in parallel. Help to form a new face frame, which will pull the fabric and hold them. The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that its own elastin and collagen begins to be actively produced and gradually replaces the artificially created framework.
  • It is possible to simulate a facial frame using a similar technique, but instead of hyaluronic acid. Mesoni - The finest material of polydioxanon, which after some time after the introduction under the skin is completely absorbed. The procedure passes quickly and painlessly.

Contour plastic and softlifting

  • Contour plastic Success can replace plastic surgery. With the same results, the contour plastic does not cause side effects and allergic reactions. The recovery period is practically absent. The methodology is based on the injection of hyaluronic acid of non-residential origin. Fillers are administered under the skin to change the volume and shape of lips, eliminate wrinkles and deep folds on the skin, correction of the facial oval and increase skin elasticity. In some cases, hyaluronic acid injections help. Additional bonuses of contour plastics are moisturized skin and activation of its own collagen.
  • Make a form of a sculptural person will help such a procedure as. The methodology is based on the introduction of the latest generation fillers with a dense structure. In their composition - all the same hyaluronic acid. The volume rejuvenation of the person is accompanied, the cheeks and the temporal zone, the modeling of the lips and the chin, erasing the signs of aging.

Contour plastics and softlifting can not replace the plastic surgery if you need to remove the skin excess or adjust the fraud.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

The technique of performing these procedures is the same. For injections, solutions based on drugs, homeopathic agents, vitamin complexes, serums, extracts of medicinal herbs are used.

  • - The procedure for introducing a single-component drug under the skin, which can remove inflammation, eliminate increased sweating, get rid of pigment stains and effects acne, accelerate hair growth, to establish blood circulation, improve metabolic processes and increase local immunity. Cocktails for the procedure can be prepared or compiled by a beautician.
  • - This is a kind of mesotherapy. The basis for injection drugs is hyaluronic acid with a low molecular weight structure. Together with it, monopreparations are used to enhance the effect, ordinary for mesotherapy. The purpose of biorevitalization is moisturizing and improving the elasticity of the skin, as well as the leveling of the relief of the skin cover.

You are offered to your attention a video telling about various injection methods in cosmetology:

Other variants of beauty enclosures

Name of the procedure Essence of the procedure
Injection with calcium hydroxyapatiteInjections contribute to the production of own collagen. Apply to smoothing wrinkles, skin moisturizing, preserving the contour of the face and stimulating the formation of collagen fibers. The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy, with diabetes, the presence of inflammation in the correction zone.
Ozone injectionsOzone injections can form part of rejuvenating therapy. With the help of ozone injections, you can remove inflammation, cure cooperosis, get rid of dandruff, fungus, cellulite. Ozone promotes rejuvenation of deep layers of epidermis, updating cells and smoothing the top layer of the skin.
Injections of lactic acidArtificial lactic acid helps to smooth out the nasolabious fold, remove deep wrinkles, give the clarity contour of the face. It is impossible to introduce milk acic acid in the forehead, eye and lips. Among the contraindications: pregnancy and lactation period, autoimmune diseases and blood disease.
PlasmoliftingThe essence of the procedure is to be introduced into the problem areas of the patient's blood plasma, but by platelets enriched. Plasmolifting will help to cope with the age aging of the skin, refresh the complexion, tighten and moisturize the skin, cope with acne, remove the consequences of hobby in solarium, smooth wrinkles.

How to choose a suitable solution

It is impossible to choose the appropriate method of rejuvenation to choose. To get the desired effect, you need to take into account the age, features of the structure of the face and facial expressions, the presence of allergies. The beautician must estimate the realism of the wishes of the patient and the duration of the rejuvenating effect.

Some procedures have a number of contraindications. This should be notified by a specialist who will conduct a rejuvenation procedure. To determine the possibility of holding it, you will have to pass a number of analyzes and consult in adjacent specialists.

In order for the procedure to be effective and brought only satisfaction, it is necessary to take care of the choice of a suitable clinic or the cabin, and also make sure the specialist qualifications.

Injection procedures - A well-established minimally invasive method of rejuvenation and facial correction and shapes. "Injection of youth and beauty" Steel became an excellent alternative to plastic operations, which for many years were the only way to get rid of signs of aging and skin defects.

Today, thanks to injecting cosmetology, you can without surgery Fast, efficiently and practically painlessly eliminate deep nasolabial and vertical interbural folds, radial wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer corner of the eye (the so-called "goose paws"), change the shape of the lips, etc. It is not surprising that injecting cosmetology has so many fans.

The appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging directly depends on the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, which, alas, decreases with age. However, with the help of special preparations (botulinum and hyaluronic acid), you can slow the aging processes. The introduction of these substances under wrinkles smoothes them, and in the Mimic muscles - reduces the number of their abbreviations. The method successfully eliminates the existing skin defects, and, in addition, prevents the emergence of new ones. In the same way, other biologically active substances and vitamins can be administered to the dermis.

In our clinic, this popular area of \u200b\u200bcosmetology is submitted by the following procedures:

Properly selected technique and professionalism of doctors - a guarantee of success. We only have high-class specialists - dermatocosmetologists with many years of experience owning the most modern techniques. We apply high-quality, certified techniques and drugs, and procedures are carried out under sterile conditions, in compliance with all necessary sanitary standards and rules. All this in the complex with the equipment from the best European manufacturers gives a constant result - patients leave with us with rarely, beautiful and healthy.

Effect of injection procedures:

  • correction of age-related skin changes (flabby, dryness, swelling, unhealthy complexion, pigment spots);
  • food, skin moisturizing;
  • correction of wrinkles on the forehead, on the bridge, around the eyes, around the lips;
  • getting rid of pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • increased lips;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • restoration of the shape of the cheek;
  • nutrition, moisturizing, restoration of the turgore of the skin;
  • treatment of acne disease;
  • treatment of the scalp when pores (losing) hair;
  • getting rid of local fatty sediments on the face and body, cellulite, stretch marks.

Advantages of injecting cosmetology:

  • instant effect;
  • minimally invasiveness (uncompetitive, not requiring anesthesia, method);
  • does not require long-term rehabilitation and does not violate the usual rhythm of life;
  • minimization of allergic reactions;
  • combined with other methods of treatment (for example,