How to quickly apply mascara to eyelashes. The nuances of choosing cosmetic accessories. Important about coloring

There is no woman in the world who would not use mascara to give her eyes expressiveness and charm. However, not all the fair sex knows how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara, although they are sure of the opposite. When going to work, a party or just leaving the house to go shopping, all the girls pick up a brasmatik and begin to transform their look. Achieving irresistibility, many fashionistas end up with crumpled spider legs instead of a fluttering look or a fan with a huge amount of lumps of mascara on them. Still, there are a few tricks to help avoid such misunderstandings.

Mascara selection is the first step to success

There are many varieties of mascara, we highlight the main ones:

  1. Waterproof mascara. Protects your eyelashes from smearing when exposed to water.
  2. Lengthening mascara. The name speaks for itself, the mascara lengthens the eyelashes thanks to the special shape of the brush and the composition of the mascara. In the past, silk bristles were used to create a lengthening effect. Which, when the mascara dried, often fell into the eyes of girls, and the creators abandoned such a composition and invented a new lengthening formula.
  3. Curling mascara. As in the case of lengthening, a special curved brush with piles of various lengths is used for the effect. Mascara manufacturers have come up with a special composition formula that makes the mascara, when dried, act on the eyelash with a tightening effect, thereby twisting it.
  4. Bulk ink. In such a brasmatic, the contents are very thick, and the brush is hard. Mascara envelops each, giving it extra thickness and thus creating volume.

In addition to the above types, there are carcasses of a special orientation. For example, nourishing mascara contains vitamins that help strengthen eyelashes or restore them after extensions. Also on sale you can see brasmatik for very sensitive eyes, which contain a minimum of chemical additives, and thereby reduce eye irritability.

Owners of long, fluffy and bright eyelashes by nature often use an ordinary transparent gel. It not only additionally nourishes the cilia, but also gives them a shape and a neat appearance.

Stages of makeup eyelashes

So you have chosen the right mascara and now proceed directly to painting your cilia. Instructions on how to paint eyelashes with mascara can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Stand near the mirror and with your index fingers press the eyelashes to the eyelid for a few seconds. This will help curl them a little before applying the color.
  2. Pick up some mascara on the brush, dipping it into the brasmatik just once.
  3. Start painting over the upper eyelid from the roots, leaving the maximum amount of mascara at the base of the eyelash. The movements should be springy and, having reached the tips with a brush, give it a bend.
  4. Paint over the lower lashes with light strokes to simply add brightness to them.
  5. Comb the resulting fan of cilia with a special brush.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the maximum amount of mascara should remain on the roots of the eyelashes so that when the cilia dry they have a support to maintain their shape.

A few secrets to help

When using the cream, it often happens that it gets on the cilia. Before using the mascara, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth, and then lightly powder with regular powder.

Despite the habit of painting the upper lashes first, experts recommend starting with the lower cilia. In the coloring of the upper eyelashes, the order of applying the dye is important. First, the central part is painted, then the outer, and only then the inner corners of the eye.

After applying the mascara, pause, wait until the first layer dries and paint over the eyelashes again.

It is advisable to develop skills in applying mascara to eyelashes not on the evening when you are going somewhere, but in a separate free time with a calm mind and in a good mood. If, after practicing the skills, you still stained the already painted eyelid with mascara, then take a damp cotton swab and, after waiting for the cilia to dry, gently wipe the stained area.

Some professional makeup artists say that the lower eyelashes make the eyes look smaller when applied and therefore do not recommend coloring them. However, if you want to achieve great expressiveness of the eyes, then the lower eyelashes must be made up. To avoid a diminishing effect, we advise you to get a white eyeliner and, before you paint your eyelashes beautifully, carefully draw a white stripe on the inner lower eyelid.

Comb your eyelashes before applying makeup, this will allow the mascara to lie on them more evenly. If you paint the eyelashes directly from the face, then this will lengthen the cilia, and if you do it a little to the side, it will create the effect of a “fox look”.

In order to prevent mascara from smearing under the influence of water, everyone knows waterproof mascara, but most often it does not have more properties. Therefore, trying to achieve a complex effect, you can use different types of mascara, and at the end cover the eyelashes with waterproof.

Many young ladies like to use colored mascara and they should know that it is better to apply it over black, but not on their own.

Eye care is the key to beauty

Often, when coming from a party, many girls do not want to wash off the mascara and go to bed with painted eyes. Prolonged exposure to mascara depletes the eyelashes and therefore it is not surprising that once beautiful and healthy, they have become short and faded.

Therefore, always wash off the mascara from the eyelashes before going to bed. It is better to do this with special means, the choice of which is now very large. It is better not to wash off the mascara with soap and water, it harms the eyelashes, while make-up remover lotions contain nutrients. To influence the eyelids and eyelashes, when removing makeup, you should be very careful, you do not need to rub your eyes and stretch the skin in order to avoid the appearance of premature wrinkles. Apply the product on a cotton pad and apply it for a while to the eyelashes until the mascara is completely washed off.

To preserve the beauty of the eyes, it is important not only to know how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara, but also how to keep them healthy and well-groomed.

Every female person knows that to complete the make-up, it is necessary to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes - to make up the eyelashes. After all, since their tips have absolutely no color, tinting will give them color and volume. As a rule, there are very few beautiful natural eyelashes that do not need additional care, which is why some girls and women use a variety of tricks.

How to color eyelashes so that your eyes are charming, expressive and emphasize the extraordinary The answer is quite simple - buy How to color eyelashes with mascara to get the desired result? Without a doubt, any lady can answer this question. But here's the problem: many people mistakenly think they know absolutely everything. However, as in any other process, there are subtleties that some women do not adhere to or simply do not know.

So, after you have purchased mascara, let's proceed to the eyelash process itself, right? Here are a few rules.

If there are traces of fat on the cilia, the mascara will not hold. After applying the cream on the face, it is necessary to blot the eyelashes with a napkin, and apply a little powder on the eyelids.

Apply mascara to eyelashes in the following order:

First of all, the lower cilia are painted. The brush should be in a vertical position, the mascara is applied with the tip of the brush;

Then we return the brush to a horizontal position and paint the upper cilia. First, we paint the middle of the eyelid, then the outer part, and only then the inner;

It is necessary to paint eyelashes, moving from the roots to the tips, along the entire length. Movements should twist, lift, lengthen eyelashes, each of the movements should be fixed for just a few seconds;

After applying the first coat of mascara, let it dry, then stand again.

· In order to lengthen the eyelashes, pull the brush up along them, slightly raising your head.

To obtain gracefully curved eyelashes, it is necessary to slightly cover the eyes and lightly move the eyelashes on the upper eyelid with light movements of the brush.

If you want to emphasize the graceful lines of the eye itself, and make the eyelashes look like the light wings of a butterfly, the movements should be slightly oblique, from the center of the eyelid to the temple.

· To evenly distribute the carcass before you start, you need to comb it with a special brush, thanks to which you will separate them.

How to dye eyelashes and not visually reduce the size of the eye? Most cosmetologists and makeup artists do not advise dyeing the lower cilia, as this supposedly visually reduces the eye. In fact, it is necessary to paint the lower cilia, the only way to get it flawlessly. If, nevertheless, it seems to you that after painting the lower cilia, the eye looks smaller than it really is, proceed as follows: before applying mascara to the eyelashes on the inner lower eyelid, apply a thin white pencil a line that visually enlarges the eye.

If you suddenly stained your eyelid with mascara in the process, do not despair and apply all makeup again. You just need to wait a few seconds until the mascara is completely dry on the eyelashes, then take a cotton swab and gently, with a light movement, remove excess paint. Remember: mascara should only be on the eyelashes!

You can also color the cilia with a special paint. Eyelashes are dyed in the same way as hair, and the result, as a rule, lasts for a month.

You need to learn how to properly paint eyelashes not on the day when you have to go on a date or a dinner party. Take some time and practice applying mascara correctly.

All girls love to look beautiful. And one of the most affordable ways to do this is makeup. Indeed, after the skillful application of cosmetics, anyone can be transformed. Another thing is that you need to clearly know how to properly paint your eyelashes with mascara without lumps, “spider legs” and straightened bristles. Even more skill, patience and caution requires dyeing eyelashes at home. It is these two methods that will be discussed in this article.

eyelash texture

To learn how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara beautifully, you must first find out what structure, length, density and color they have, and then choose the appropriate product.

  • It is better to make up soft cilia with expensive mascara with a fairly strong brush, which will not only evenly distribute the pigment, but also comb the bristles.
  • If you are the owner of hard eyelashes, painting and makeup should be done with a liquid product and a hard brush.
  • How beautiful to make up eyelashes if they are rare? The answer is simple - take a thick mascara that will fill in all the "gaps", add volume and evenly separate all the bristles.
  • It is quite simple to make up long eyelashes with mascara - give up the lengthening effect in favor of density - you don’t want the “fan” to scratch and stain your eyelids, and break?
  • How to color eyelashes to beautifully curve them? Take a curling iron or use mascara with a curling brush. The forceps should be used before, not after, the staining procedure.

How to apply mascara to eyelashes

It would seem that every girl has a flair for how to make makeup beautifully. But in addition to intuition, you need to have certain skills and knowledge - after that, eye coloring will take you a few minutes.

Having dealt with the intricacies of make-up, we will tell you how to dye eyelashes at home.

The basic wisdom of coloring eyelashes

Carefully approach the choice of a product such as eyebrow and eyelash dye - if the product is of poor quality, allergenic or simply expired, you can seriously injure the skin of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye. Ideally, painting should be done after a dermatological test and in a verified salon. But many women prefer to perform this procedure at home, on their own. Well, just before you make up your eyes, stock up on all the necessary attributes. You will need:

  • black or brown paint - depends on the natural shade of your hair;
  • a mixing container made of ceramics, porcelain, earthenware, plastic - but not metal;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • petroleum jelly or oily cream to protect the eyelids - make sure that it does not get into your eyes;
  • a brush with which eyelash dye will be applied - it can be a washed mascara brush or a special corrugated stick.

The coloring itself will be carried out in a strictly defined sequence. As a rule, any paint for eyebrows and eyelashes has detailed instructions, but in case it is lost, we will repeat it again.

  1. The substance in the amount of 1-2 ml is squeezed into a container, and diluted with hydrogen peroxide (10%). Also, eyelash dye can be extinguished with 1 tablet of hydroperite dissolved in 1 tsp. water. Make the mixture immediately before staining, shaking it with a special applicator.
  2. A cream / petroleum jelly is applied to the skin of the eyelids, cotton pads folded in half under the eyes. Paint is applied using a corrugated stick. Try not to stain your skin.
  3. Keep the mixture on the cilia for a quarter of an hour, and on the eyebrows - from 5 to 10 minutes. It is better to break the procedures into two stages.
  4. To prevent the paint for eyebrows and eyelashes from burning the mucous membrane of the eyes, close your eyelids tightly and tilt your head slightly down. If you feel a slight burning sensation, do not rush to wash off the paint with water - tears will neutralize its negative effect. It is worth learning that such a procedure is never completely painless.

Mascara on the eyelashes allows you to make the look deeper and more expressive, as well as to give the image a certain completeness. However, it is with its application that many women have problems. It seems that the mascara is expensive, and the manufacturer promises an incomparable effect, and the cilia look unnatural and stuck together. The reason for this is by no means as a cosmetic product. It's just that not all women know how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara.

Let's start with the main thing: how to choose mascara?

Before you buy a brasmatik in a store, you need to decide on its main purpose. Perhaps you just want to slightly lengthen your lashes and leave them as natural as possible? Or do you want more volume? There are several main types of mascara, among which you need, in fact, to choose the most suitable:

  • Lengthening - for owners of short thin eyelashes who want to achieve a natural effect.
  • Twisting - to form a bend.
  • Giving volume - for obtaining fluffy eyelashes, reminiscent of overhead.
  • Waterproof - for make-up in the hot season or in bad weather.
  • With a vitamin complex - to nourish and strengthen cilia.

Knowing how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara, you can create a magical look using any means. The main thing is that it meets your makeup requirements.

A few words about brushes

The formation of this or that effect depends not only on the composition and consistency of the cosmetic product. Of great importance is the brush with which the mascara is applied. It can be cone-shaped, curved, or even spindle-shaped. In addition, brushes are made from a wide variety of materials: rubber, silicone, plastic, etc.

It is impossible to say which option is the best. Each manufacturer makes the most loud advertising for their cosmetic product. Therefore, before opening the bottle, we already know that one mascara makes eyelashes voluminous, and the other lengthens and twists them. But still, it is much more reliable to rely on your own feelings than on the promises of the manufacturer.

Signs by which you can determine that the mascara is of high quality

The quality of the product is just as important as knowing how to apply mascara correctly. Secrets that will point you to a good brasmatic:

  • The bottle says it's hypoallergenic.
  • The mascara can be easily removed with any make-up remover product.
  • The applied makeup does not smudge and does not crumble from the eyelashes.
  • Tinted eyelashes do not stick together, they do not form lumps.

In addition, it will not be superfluous if the carcass contains nutrients and vitamin complexes. This will provide additional care for the cilia, as well as protect them from the effects of the coloring pigment. It is also worth checking the tool for drying speed: the time it takes for it to harden should be enough to apply one full layer of mascara.

Color selection rules

In most sources describing how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara and paint, only the technique for performing the process itself is specified. At the same time, there is little where you can find information about the decorative side of the issue, in particular about the choice of color for a cosmetic product. In the classical sense, eyelashes are always painted black, which is why this nuance is not specified.

In fact, stylists not only do not prohibit, but also recommend using mascaras of various shades. It is only important to be able to choose the right color for the brasmatic so that it blends harmoniously with the image. Brown or gray mascara is perfect for daytime makeup - this option will make the look soft and natural. And blue-eyed young ladies can treat themselves to blue cilia, which will look even more voluminous. As for festive and evening make-up options, they allow the use of bright extravagant shades. Experts who know how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara advise in this case to choose colors that are in harmony with eye shadow and lipstick.

Mascara techniques

Depending on how to use the brush, this or that effect will be formed from the use of the product. A favorite technique of makeup artists is applying mascara in zigzag movements. Such an interesting method allows you to paint over the eyelashes as carefully as possible and give them a charming volume. To use this technique, it is necessary to apply mascara not in a straight line from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips, but by slightly moving the brush from side to side. The disadvantage of the method is that it is not suitable for young ladies with thin and sparse cilia. Zigzag application will only stick them together and make them look unnatural.

There is another way to paint eyelashes with mascara. The rules for applying mascara in this case are simple: you need to do it with the tip of the brush. Thus, you will get a noticeable lengthening of the eyelashes. However, there are often some downsides as well. As a rule, eyelashes stick together.

How to apply mascara?

Each woman paints her eyelashes in a way that is convenient for her. Nevertheless, there is a classic technique for applying mascara, on the basis of which each lady forms her own "handwriting". So, the final stage of makeup is performed as follows:

  • Eyelashes are curled with special tweezers in advance, if necessary.
  • The brush is then removed from the mascara bottle. Excess funds on the brush are removed on the edge of the brasmatic or a napkin.
  • Next, the eyelashes are directly painted. In this case, it is desirable to slightly raise the chin up. The technique that describes how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara implies that the movements of the brush should be directed from the outer corner of the eyelid to the inner one. It is important that the agent is distributed evenly. Apply it from the very roots of the eyelashes towards the tips, trying not to leave empty areas. This will create additional volume.
  • After applying the mascara, the eyelashes are combed with a clean brush or separated with a regular toothpick. By this time, the tool should not have time to dry.
  • If necessary, a second layer of mascara is applied.

To be or not to be colored lower eyelashes?

As they say, how many people, so many opinions. Therefore, many women who are interested in how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara argue about this. Expert advice on this issue is slightly categorical. Firstly, the lower eyelashes should never be heavily stained with mascara. It is enough just to give the desired shade, and the volume and lengthening will be clearly superfluous. Secondly, in some cases, the use of mascara on the lower eyelashes should be completely abandoned:

  • When performing age makeup.
  • If natural eyelashes have a dark shade.
  • With bulging eyes.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that the main focus should be on the upper eyelashes. The lower eyelid is better to simply emphasize with a pencil or shadows. And if you still want to use mascara, then you need to apply it quite a bit.

How to paint eyelashes with mascara: little tricks

At first glance, it seems that coloring eyelashes is a simple matter. I brushed them a couple of times and got the desired effect. In principle, to paint eyelashes with mascara, you do not need special knowledge, but to do it beautifully, you need to work hard. Here are some tips to help you achieve incomparable results:

  • Brasmatik is desirable to change every 3-4 months.
  • If the mascara is imprinted on the upper eyelids, it can be easily removed with a cotton swab using makeup remover.
  • Before applying a new layer of the composition, carefully powder the cilia. This will make them more voluminous.

You can make your look unique if you remember these simple rules. Not everyone knows how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara, but this is very important for high-quality makeup.

Eyelash extensions: can they be dyed with mascara?

Naturalness is now more than ever in fashion, but artificial beauty still does not cease to be popular. Is there anything wrong with getting eyelash extensions? After the procedure, they look more voluminous and attractive. In addition, it saves a lot of time spent on daily makeup, because such eyelashes do not need to be tinted regularly. However, sometimes ladies, even after building up, strive to use mascara.

It is worth noting that the makeup of eyelash extensions is highly undesirable. First, it emphasizes the unnaturalness of the image. Secondly, mascara, as well as formulations for removing it, can significantly shorten the life of artificial eyelashes. If you can’t do without it, then you should choose a non-water resistant brasmatik without oil content.

Now you know how to properly paint your eyes with mascara. Step-by-step instructions will be an excellent guide to perfect makeup, and the recommendations in the article will help you achieve the perfect result. And do not forget: nothing will emphasize beautifully made-up cilia like a happy and confident look.

  • The main mistakes when using mascara
  • How to remove mascara?
  • Eye makeup removers: rating

In order for the eyelashes to be long, voluminous, lush, not stick together and stick together, you only need mascara? Of course, the quality of the product really plays an important role.

Which mascara to choose?

    For weekdays, choose mascara with a neat brush-comb, which will help to paint over the eyelashes well and slightly focus on them, but not turn them into the main detail of the image. Among these mascaras is Lancôme's now classic Hypnôse.

    For special occasions, a mascara with a large, fluffy wand like Urban Decay's Big Fatty or Maybelline New York's Lash Sensational will come in handy. It is they who “envelop” the cilia with color, at the same time providing them with maximum volume, lengthening them and giving an expressive, attractive bend.

But the point is also how to use the selected mascara. Applying it to the tips with light strokes is far from the best tactic if, as a result, you want to get an expressive look of supposedly extended or.

How to dye eyelashes: basic rules

Prepare your eyelashes

First, use to give your lashes a subtle curl, then apply a primer like NYX Professional Makeup's Big & Loud Lash Primer to coat them with a layer of texture for added volume.

Eudon Choi © fotoimedia/imaxtree

If you do not have a special primer on hand, you can powder or sprinkle eyelashes with powder. Also, a transparent eyebrow gel is often used as a primer.

Start with the bottom lashes

If you paint first, on the contrary, the upper ones, then they are 99% likely to leave prints on the upper eyelids while you are busy with the lower ones.

Sharon Wauchob © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Coloring exclusively the tips of the eyelashes is an option for those who prefer makeup without makeup.

A full-fledged make-up of eyelashes in this way, of course, cannot be obtained. To get the most out of your mascara, start at the roots. This will “lift” the eyelashes and at the same time make the look more open. Make zigzag movements - thanks to them, it will be possible to paint over each eyelash as efficiently as possible.

Marcc Jacobs © fotoimedia

It is not always possible to paint over thin hairs at the inner corners of the eyes the first time. It is for them that roundings with additional bristles are made at the tip of the mascara brush - use them to treat “hard-to-reach places”.

Eyelashes should be painted on both sides

Almost all girls paint their upper eyelashes only on one side - from below. But on top they remain without mascara - and this is a big omission. To make eyelashes longer and more voluminous, paint over them from two sides: both from below and from above.

Lela Rose © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Be careful with lower lashes

If you carelessly wield a large brush from voluminous mascara, you can, firstly, get the effect of spider legs, and secondly, stain the skin of the lower eyelids. By the way, make-up artists recommend using waterproof formulas for the lower lashes so that the mascara does not spread or smear: during the day, it is the lower lashes that come into contact with the skin more.

MSGM © fotoimedia/imaxtree

To perfect your lashes, use a clean brush after applying mascara. Comb her eyelashes: this will improve separation and remove lumps.

Mascara brushes: main types

Few people know that the effect that mascara gives depends largely on the chosen brush. Different types are suitable for different purposes. Let's talk about this in more detail.

straight brush

This is a classic version of the brush, which allows you to independently adjust the length and density of eyelashes when staining them.

Oval brush

This is perfect for girls with sparse eyelashes who want to increase their volume and create a "doll" or "cat" look.

curved brush

She curls her eyelashes and creates a seductive look. A curved brush with villi of different directions is suitable for girls with “naughty” eyelashes and will allow you to securely fix them. A slightly curved brush will create a natural effect - choose it for everyday makeup.

Tapered brush

A brush with a cone shape lengthens the eyelashes due to the different lengths of the villi, and also allows you to paint over each, even the shortest of them.

Figure eight brush

It allows you to quickly and easily paint over the eyelashes in the corners of the eyes.

Round brush

If you want to lengthen and curl your eyelashes, and also carefully paint over them in the corners of your eyes, choose mascara with a round brush.

How to paint eyelashes with mascara? Video lesson

  • If you are using an eyelash curler, you must do so before applying mascara. Otherwise, the eyelashes will become brittle and brittle.
  • Watch your mascara - once it expires, using mascara will become harmful to the eyes. It is necessary to change the agent every six months.
  • Molly Goddard © fotoimedia/imaxtree

    How to remove mascara?

    Removing mascara is just as important as applying it. Use only special make-up removers.

    • Before you begin to wash off the mascara from the eyelashes with a make-up remover, you can moisten them a little with water, and then gently remove the pigment by running your fingers over the eyelashes.
    • The remains of mascara on the eyelashes and eyelids must be removed with a special tool. If you don't wash off the mascara thoroughly enough, the next day the new layer is unlikely to spread evenly. Most likely, because of this, lumps form on the eyelashes.