How to make a spanish back massage. Spanish massage - features, interesting moments. Massage Spanish what it is

Massage is one of the oldest therapeutic techniques aimed at rehabilitation, rejuvenation and improving the forces of the whole organism. And throughout the millennium, this way of care of the face and body has not ceased to be improved. At the beginning of the 20th century, a completely new method of rejuvenation of the body was invented in Spain, which the manual therapist Enrique Garcia presented to the world. He called his technique "Hemolymfodrenage", but more she is known called "Spanish Massage".

New - well forgotten old

Many people know that almost 27-30% of our body consists of an intercellular fluid. It plays a crucial role in the vital activity of the human body. With it, there is a bilateral exchange of various biologically active substances between tissue and blood cells. It is on this liquid medium that the main impact occurs during massage procedures. Garcia was able to merge together the best techniques of ancient techniques:

  • millennial traditions of Tibet, his spiritual practices;
  • one of the world's oldest Ayurvedic medicine;
  • ancient Indian teaching body management yoga.

For the main basis of the Spanish massage, a chromassage technique was taken, aimed at strengthening and eliminating various shortcomings in muscle tissues. Massage treatments Enrique Garcia are considered one of the most efficient among other types of massage techniques.

What is the uniqueness of massage

The Spanish face massage is aimed at the maximum restoration of the elasticity of the fabrics of the whole person, which occurs in the process of deep relaxation. Garcia has identified several major postulates, laws on which its massage therapy holds:

  1. It is unacceptable to use two and more techniques at the same time, as they can have opposite actions, which will reduce the whole effect.
  2. In case of mass production, the characteristics of the body of this person are carefully taken into account.
  3. In the process of massage sessions, more than one hundred different techniques are used, which completely eliminates the addictive body to the same effects (when conducting the procedure, the receptions are not repeated twice).
  4. All techniques are distinguished by unique plasticity, which makes the procedure completely painless and at the same time as deep as possible.

Special accent Garcia did a feeling of pleasure and delight during massage. He believed that the appearance of endomorphins (joy hormones) ensures maximum healing and rejuvenating effect. The technique of the Spanish massage of the face, which includes several different practices:

Mothenissive. Her goal is to strengthen the elasticity of the muscular and articulation. Special relaxing movements affect each muscular group, carefully studied separately taken joint and its articulation.

Somato-moto. It is aimed at training the entire nervous system. This is achieved by contrasting sensations: from hard influences on certain zones to delicate, relaxing, stroking techniques. Very often used in a mixture of feathers, oval stones, threads.

Lymphodnaya. Aimed at removing excess tissue fluid. Together with it, disintegration products, toxins and various slags.

Hemolymphatic. Technique working on strengthening and improving blood circulation, pressure normalization.

Neuroshedative. Mildly and very effectively removes apathy, irritability, stress. Stabilizes sleep and stimulates certain centers of the brain. This technique seems to carry a patient into a state of intrauterine development. There is physical "rebirth" of man.

Magic opportunities

What is Spanish face massage? This is the subordination of time, efficient rejuvenation of the epidermis. Due to the combination of unique techniques, the Spanish massaging rate increases many times the elasticity of the epidermis, removes wrinkles, reduces. Improves color and relief of the skin. During sessions, deep modeling of the whole person occurs:

  • the destruction of the "second chin";
  • lifting of the entire eye area, tightening the upper eyelids;
  • correction of lip shapes (Silicone Effect);
  • relief from the "Sharpei Effect" (deep face lift).

Spanish massaging effectively rejuvenates not only the facial area, but also the zone of the neck and neckline. This technique is ideal even for pregnant women (which indicates its absolute security). After the course of sessions, all the cells of the epidermis are filled with by life oxygen, the facial decrees goes, many times slow down the biological and photoborement of the epidermis. Spanish massage is very effective in the following problems:

  • lowering immunity;
  • face lymphostasis (violation of Lymph outflow);
  • changing the battery function of epidermal tissues;
  • constant formation of swelling;
  • Varicose;
  • increased dry skin.

The magic technique has a number of contraindications. Spanish massage cannot be carried out with cancer tumors, infectious and fungal skin diseases, aggravation of asthma.

Massage exercise technique

Spanish massage unlike others, it starts not from the hearing of the muscles, but with relaxation. Then the massage therapist gradually moves to more rich techniques. Massage movements (almost all of them circular) are performed by the pads of the fingers or the whole palm. The work of the masseur master resembles the original dance of the hands, when the fluttering plastic movements are moving into the rigid trituration edge of the palm of the palm, and a second in tweak exposure and immediately become fluid.

During the entire session, the background serves musical hypnotic support, specially selected aromaslas and candles are used. Spanish facial massage requires beauty in everything. Before you lie on the table of a massage therapist, the face is thoroughly cleaned from all traces of cosmetics.

Question answer

"Is it possible to spend the Spanish massage yourself?"

This science learn for many years. This practice requires the highest level of preparation (do not forget that the Spanish massage is a serious impact that affects the deep muscles of the face and the bone system). Each client is being developed by the individual massage technique, given the condition of the face, skin existing problems. The choice of necessary oils and creams also occurs strictly individually.

With a competent speech of the Spanish massage, you can solve almost all flaws of the skin and the problem of appearance. Spanish massage is compared with the work of an experienced plastic surgeon on efficiency and results. The effect of procedures is observed after the first session.

"How often do the Spanish massage sessions?"

Specialists recommend pursing the sculptural massage procedures weekly 2-3 times. A full course is calculated personally for each patient (usually it includes 10 procedures). Spanish massage can be spent twice a year.

Video of the Hispanic Face Massage:

Spanish massage is a fairly new technology that, however, has already managed to gain popularity in different countries. This is a completely unique technique that makes it easy to affect the skin and muscle, relaxing and at the same time eliminate problems such as cellulite, swelling, decreasing skin and lethargy.

What is Spanish massage?

As already mentioned, this massage method is quite new. In 1920, Dr. Ferrandis opened the famous massage school, where the technique called "Chromassage" was used for the first time. It was it that it became the basis for the formation of the equipment of the Spanish massage.

It is worth noting that this technique has a lot of advantages. The most common body massaging techniques typically include no more than 6-8 effective techniques. The human body adapts to such equipment very quickly, and the effect of sessions decreases by a few weeks later. Spanish massage is the synthesis of the most effective techniques of Eastern and European, and also includes methods of kinesiology and American chiropractors. In the arsenal of a specialist more than 100 effective techniques.

To date, the Spanish massage is considered a completely unique treatment system that is used to restore the body.

Why do you need a Spanish massage?

This type can be divided into two main directions, which are used with different goals.

  • A myotteni massage technique is designed to affect the joints. The fact is that after injuries occurs around the joints. Thus, a block is formed, which limits the freedom of movements. Spanish massage can cope with this problem.
  • Neurosted technique is intended primarily for removing emotional and mental stress, which negatively affects the body, causing fatigue and sleep disorders, problems with the digestive tract, etc.

In any case, the Spanish massage works perfectly on the skin, normalizes blood outflows and lymphs, positively affects the work of the immune system, perfectly relaxes the muscles and, of course, helps eliminate the effects of injuries and get rid of extra kilograms.

Spanish face massage

To date, this technique is becoming increasingly popular. After all, soft, but deep impact helps to improve blood circulation, which in turn provides cells with the necessary amount of oxygen. After several sessions, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a nice color and healthy radiance. In addition, this technique allows to eliminate swelling and stagnation of fluid.

Spanish body massage

Body massage allows you to get rid of many problems. First of all, the Spanish massage helps to get rid of cellulite, eliminate skin dery, reduce stretching. In addition, this technology makes it easy and quickly processing problem areas, destroying fat deposits in the most hard-to-reach places. Also, this technique allows you to quickly relax muscles, remove fatigue, tension and spasms.

History. Spanish massage is a fairly young system. The method of Spanish massage developed the Spanish scientist Enrique Garcia. Garcia was based on the experience of Dr. Ferrandis, who founded a massage school in Spain in 1920, where he distributed his technique called "Chromassage". Methods Enrique Garcia received the name of the hemolymfodrenage, which he developed in the Institute of Inmaster's Manual Therapy. This technique distinguishes its specific impact on the venous system, as well as on an interstitial fluid, which plays the most important role of the intermediate medium through which bilateral metabolism is carried out between the blood and cells of other tissues. Enrique Garcia massage technique included various techniques of Ayurvedic medicine, Buddhist spiritual practice and yoga.

Methodik. The technique of Spanish massage is based on the three main postulates formulated by E. Garcia. First, there are no use of two techniques in massage, since some of them can mutually comply with each other, possessing the opposite effect. Secondly, the technique of Spanish massage includes more sowing various techniques. With such a variety, the individual characteristics of the patient's body are taken into account, and addictive to repeating receptions is excluded, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. Thirdly, this massage is distinguished by an incredible plasticity of techniques, thereby eliminating painful sensations (while the massage provides deep penetration into tissue). Garcia in this case emphasizes the importance of the improving effect of endomorphins, causing the feeling of joy and pleasure in the body.

As mentioned earlier, the equipment of the Spanish massage of Garcia is based on the technique of chromassage of Dr. Ferrandis ("Hiro" translated from Spanish means "hand"), which is aimed at eliminating the pathologies of muscle tissue and its strengthening. The chromassage is carried out only on the lower limbs, back and face as the most problematic areas. During the entire session, no reception is repeated. Massage begins with relaxation (and not with heating muscles), after which they go to deeper receptions (as a rule, these are circular movements that are performed by palm or finger tips).

Spanish massage includes several unique techniques. The myotensive technique includes relaxing effects on each muscles group, in the process of which the joint is driven and is being worked out with articulation. This technique is aimed at restoring the elasticity of the muscular and articulation. SomatoMoMonal technique is aimed at strengthening the nervous system and is built on the contrast of sensations: from relaxing techniques to sufficiently enhanced actions for irritation of reflex zones (movements are made by palm or fingers in different directions, at different speeds and power). Sometimes additional materials are used: stones or feathers. Another technique is lymphatic modeling - aims to remove excess liquids from tissues and exchange products. The hemolymphatic technique is aimed at normalizing local blood circulation, decrease in arterial and internal pressure, and the neuromisotive massage technique removes stress, apathy, irritability, sleep disorders and is to stimulate certain brain centers (such a massage causes sensations similar to those "who are experiencing a person in the intrauterine period ).

Spanish massage sessions can be carried out no more than 3 times a week.


  • varicose
  • lymphostasis
  • reducing immunity
  • nutrition of food cells and tissues
  • age and pathological dryness
  • increase skin elasticity
  • reducing edema
  • removing stress
  • improve tone
  • reduced arterial pressure


  • diseases in the aggravation stage
  • skin diseases
  • malignant neoplasms,
  • bronchial asthma during flowering period (May-June)

Video lessons:

Spanish face massage ─ is a procedure that will help extend the youth of the skin, bring her fresh look to her and get rid of various defects. Positive changes will be noticeable after the first session, however, to achieve a strong result, you will need a course of procedures. This type of massage is currently very popular in Russia and Europe. What is unusual in this procedure?

Spanish body and face massage combines many yoga techniques, Indian medicine, manual therapy, Buddhist practitioners. The procedure is carried out with the mandatory musical accompaniment using aromatic oils and candles. Some specialists use stones and feathers. Such techniques can only be carried out by professionals who have been trained for several years.

The uniqueness of the Spanish massage is that its action is directed simultaneously on the muscles, joints, blood, nervous, lymphatic system. During the session, the specialist uses more hundreds of ways to expose: knuckles or pillows of fingers, with the whole palm or her edge. The procedure is carried out by generous, stroking, relaxing movements. Intensive techniques are not used here.

Another unique feature of the Spanish massage is the lack of repetitions of the same reception. Thanks to this technique, the client's nervous system does not have time to get used to a specific impact, but remains sensitive to each new touch. During other types of massage, the body quickly adapts to a repeated effect, which is why the effectiveness of the procedure is reduced over time.

Indications and Contraindications for Spanish Massage

The Spanish massage rate helps not only eliminate the aesthetic defects of the face, but also solve the mass of health problems. This procedure is useful for the following problems:

  • cooperose;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • the change of the facial oval;
  • the availability of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • other age-related changes;
  • swelling during pregnancy;
  • transferred stressful situation;
  • reduced immunite;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • depression.

Spanish face massage has a minimal number of contraindications. It is allowed even when it is not recommended to carry out ordinary therapy sessions. However, the procedure is prohibited at various skin diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, presence of malignant formations.


Spanish massage attracts not only women, but also men with their strong rejuvenating effect. In the course of the procedure, the blood supply to tissues is improved, they are saturated with oxygen, exchange processes are activated, toxins are output. The skin is aligned, acquires a beautiful shade, becomes elastic. Skillful manipulations allow you to save the body from excess fluid, thanks to which there are bags under the eyes and swelling.

What other results can be achieved thanks to the Spanish face massage? This procedure helps:

  • adjust intracranial and blood pressure;
  • improve the mood for a long period;
  • get rid of fatigue;
  • remove the consequences of stress;
  • increase lip volume;
  • smooth the nasolabial fold zone;
  • remove the second chin;
  • tighten the face.

How is the procedure?

Spanish face massage begins with careful skin cleansing from pollution and cosmetics. Then the face is covered individually selected oil so that the expert's arms easily slide on it. There are no warming movements in Spanish massage, all manipulations are directed to relaxation. The deep effect is achieved through full muscle relaxation and exposure to the bone system.

Not only oil, but all the movements are selected by a specialist individually. The masseur puts the correct diagnosis, evaluates the location on the face of the nerve endings, determines the tasks that must be solved during the period of the procedure. Face massage can be carried out up to 3 times a week. The course is at least 7 procedures. You can repeat therapy after 2 months.

Choose a massage therapist you are ready to entrust your body. During the procedure, an invisible exchange of information between the patient and the specialist occurs. Intuitively adjusted contact contributes to deeper relaxation and better effect.

Despite the fact that the Spanish massage rate requires monetary and temporary costs, to achieve the effect that he gives, at home is impossible. With the appearance of age-related changes on the face or other problems, do not postpone "for later" a visit to a specialist. You will get a storm result that will last for a long time.

In secret

  • You missed the meeting of classmates, as you are afraid to hear what they have come ...
  • And even less often catch the admiring looks of men ...
  • Admitted skin care products do not refresh the face as before ...
  • And the reflection in the mirror is still a cup of age ...
  • You think that look older than your years ...
  • Or just want to "make" youth for many years ...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and ready to use for this any opportunity ...

Yesterday no one had a chance to return youth without a plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how I managed to stop old age and return youth

Lack of money for vacation in Sunny Spain? Maybe then you should try to surrender to the professional masseur, because in many beauty salons, customers are offered such that it has almost ceased to be exotic, procedure, like a Spanish massage. The Spanish massage proposed in the cabin fully corresponds to the one that can be enjoyed in the resorts, the difference is only one thing: do not go anywhere.

Massage "Spain" was born relatively recently (a little less than 20 years ago), but the reviews about it are invariably positive, he has already won a lot of fans, as it is not only a unique, universal and pleasant procedure, but also very effective. The scheme of such an array was invented by a manual therapist E.Garsia, who had improved previously existing types of massing. Positioning the technique of chromassage, he took all the best of the ancient Tibetan spiritual practices, and yoga to create a hemolympodent massage, which later began to call Spanish.

Effects of Spanish Massage

What is so remarkable procedure invented by Enrique Garcia?

  • Its action is directed, first of all, on deep relaxation of the muscles, at the expense of which the skin is transformed, rejuvenates, pulls up, eliminate swelling, excess fat and toxins are removed.
  • Stresses, muscle tension, problems with the cardiovascular system, - Who would have thought, but you can forget about all this by passing the course of massaging Enrique Garcia.
  • As we know, our body is almost 30% the intercellular fluid is incredibly important for all processes of vital activity. And, if you work well with this liquid, you can achieve improvement of metabolism, general rejuvenation and, of course, improving well-being and appearance. Spanish massing is sent to work with the intercellular liquid.
  • The cosmetic effect of the Spanish massage is simply awesome: the face after it looks like after high-quality expensive lifting procedures: pulling up the oval, wrinkles smoothed. At home, simply applying a cream or mask on your face alone, this is not achieved.
  • For the body, the effect of the Spanish massage is comparable to the effect of anti-cellulite, the results can be achieved after a pair of procedures. So, if you need to get good in the photo, and there is no time for diet and gym, sign up for a massaging session on the eve of the responsible event. For even more impressive results it will be necessary to undergo a course of 10-12 procedures.

The Spanish massage is not traumatic, has no contraindications, suitable for both the face and body.

Spanish body massage

It turns out that not only the lymphodine and anti-cellulite massages are able to give our body a slightness and tightness. Beach of all modern women - cellulite - will help defeat the Spanish massage. In addition, it can completely get rid of stretch marks or at least make them less noticeable. After the session, hidden reserves of the body are activated, it begins to function in full force and deal with its own problems.

Not only for women recommended the technique of Spanish massage, men also have those problems that it will help to solve. Fatigue at work, muscle driving after intense sports workouts, stress and tension, all this brings unpleasant sensations from which it is absolutely necessary to get rid.

Spanish face massage

The main value of the Spanish massage of the face is to relax all the muscles. The combination of various techniques, the atmosphere, specially created for the procedure, is all promoting relaxation. A good massage therapist clearly knows what group of muscles is better to influence the lungs, stroking the pads of the pillow, and on what - plug-in, intimidating or rubric movements, which places require intensive pressure, and which is only easy touch. All these subtleties give the client great sensations. Spanish face massage techniques:

  • improve blood supply to fabrics;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • improve drainage lymphs and outflow of venous blood;
  • align the complexion and relief;
  • reduce swelling;
  • pick up the oval of faces and remove wrinkles;
  • contribute to the lifting of the upper eyelid and correction of eyebrows;
  • smooth the nasolabial fold;
  • remove the second selection (and someone perhaps the third one);
  • rejuvenate neck and zone.

Homemade Spanish Massage

You can try to repeat the Spanish massage techniques at home, but this will require instructions. Thank God, now there is a lot of educational video (the best of them at the bottom of the article), as you can make a massage yourself no worse than in the cabin. It is more convenient to watch the video where it is stood up, how and what movements to do, step by step and in detail. We will not stop at this, just enter the request "Spanish face massage training" or "Spanish body massage" in the search engine, and you will immediately see the necessary lessons.

Hemolymfodrenage has not only a cosmetic effect, but also has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is recommended to people:

  • in which such a problem is observed as swelling;
  • which are concerned about the varicose veins;
  • in which lymphostasis is diagnosed;
  • which are subject to chronic stress;
  • immunity of which are reduced;
  • in which for one reason or another, cells and tissues are broken;
  • which have increased blood pressure.

Practices of Spanish Massage

The technique of such an array is quite complex, and includes several practices.

  1. First, myottenissive practice. Its purpose is to improve the elasticity of the muscular and articulation. Each single joint is thoroughly worked out.
  2. Secondly, somatomotional practice training nervous system. How? With the help of a combination of contrast sensations: the rigid effect is combined with tender strokes. Sometimes items are used: feathers, stones, threads.
  3. Thirdly, lymphatic design practice. It has already been mentioned in more detail about it, its main goal is to eliminate excess fluid.
  4. Fourth, hemolymphatic practice. Thanks to this technique, blood supply is improved, pressure is normalized.
  5. And finally, fifthly, neurosted practice. The latter, but not much important. Stress, apathy, irritation, bad sleep, - all this runs thanks to her. A person seems to be born.

Video: Spanish face massage technique