Like love can be Platonic. Platonic love - exists or not

There is an individual face of love that leads to high spiritual values.
Love is the most mysterious feeling that is characteristic of man. For centuries, people tried to understand the depth of the human soul and love gusts.

Love has enough views. For example, Platonic love is qualitatively different from the romantic feeling to which most people are inclined. She excludes sexual relations.
You can experience a feeling of Platonic love for a person to which there is affection. Simple communication with him delivers true pleasure. At the same time, Platonic and romantic love - the concepts are completely different, having a thin face.
Platonic love is spiritual feelings, not supported by physical contact. This type of love received its name from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who devoted a lot of time to thinking of this phenomenon. Nowadays, Platonic love is less common than before, after all, freedom of morals of modern society makes people more accessible for each other. But still, it exists.

((Liberation from Dogm
Platonic love happens that under which they understand the feeling of mutual understanding, attachment, emotional dependence and support. But such love can be confused with the feeling that we call friendship. Without a doubt, friendship between a man and a woman has the right to exist, and it happens. But is it easy and painlessly it goes? Not always. If a person falls in love, he becomes not enough to just see and hear his object of adoration. He needs elementary physical intimacy, I want to hug, touch, kiss. And the society has formed the opinion that the intimate proximity between friends is a man and a woman - by definition can not be. But the mind is extremely difficult to believe it, so the feelings take the top, and the physical attraction becomes the cause of spiritual experiences. If such an attraction is mastered by a person, then very often friendly relations end in sex. After that, the relationship cannot be called Platonic.

Gourmet Love
There are causes of love without sexual contact. Such love is characterized by the fact that it flourishes and lives at a distance. It does not require evidence, hugs, touches, kisses. Love is hidden in the very depths of the heart.
Even in a married couple, this can be
In this union, the spouses support morally and materially each other, they have a lot of common interests, they forget about sadness, sadness and boredom.
Eastern family education
Eastern peoples still protect the traditions and arms of the ancestors. Children in such a family are brought up on strict rules and are obliged to respect religious prescriptions. To have close relationships before the wedding is considered a big shame. But if he was smelled of feelings, they would not get anywhere from them. Therefore, Platonic relations are the best option that allows a man and a woman at least somehow be together.
Conscious Failure
There are people who refuse sex and no longer regret it. Some do not like to lead a sex life, some find happiness completely in the other. They prefer to be content with spiritual love, considering it clean, sinless and correct. It can be said that this feeling is engraving a person and puts his spiritual world above instincts. It happens that one of the partners speaks for platonic relations. What then to do? Or develop "unusual" love, or part.
Health problems
Platonic love can exist in the case when a person cannot do carnal joy on the state of health. Problems may not only be physical, but also psychological.
Unrequited feelings
The most common type of Platonic love is undeveloped feelings. The mass of literary works of world classics is devoted to unanswered love. The lack of reciprocity leaves the right to Platonic Feelings. Untreated love is elevated and impossible. Such feelings are found in the very fact of the existence of the object of lust.
Lack of sexual attraction
Sometimes there are such relations when one or two partners have no sexual attraction. Contrary to a large number of opposite opinions about what this does not happen - it is! After all, there can be a good relationship between a man and a woman: mutual understanding, common interests, moral support - they are placed on each other and it is good. Perhaps, they simply do not belong to those paces that are physically attracted to themselves.
Fear spoil relations
Do not exclude that Platonic love is a psychological response to fear of destroying the relationship with physical contact. Quite often, when a man and a woman are close to spiritually, then sex can spoil everything. It is not a fact that after intimate relationships they will be paired.
First feelings
Also, Platonic love arises with the first love when young people have not started to lead a sex life. Teens get a lot of emotions from communicating with the opposite sex through lovers of views, gentle touchs and mental experiences. And while the power of hormones did not cover them with their head, they enjoy this time of the first innocent experiences.

Chastity: Love Fairy Tale
Love is a search for unity, search for harmony of opposites and harmony of similarity. Opposites - because everyone lacks half, and similarities - by virtue of spiritual kinship: if two souls once were alone, they feel the need to meet again.
It sounds romantic, but everything in this magic fairy tale is involved, dreaming about the fact that once a twin soul will meet and the half of that half, which was once lost.
The presence of platonic feelings elevates a person over its instincts and enforces existence.

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"Ideal", "spiritual", "clean", "sublime" yes, that's all about her - about love called the name of the ancient Greek philosopher. Modern people are difficult to believe in its existence. Although I really want - we are filled with sexual freedom, in which the first place is given to the conversation of the bodies, not a shower.

For centuries, people try to understand what relationship can be called love. It was concluded that she (love) is different - earthly and spiritual. Manifestations of earthly love: passion, intimacy, sexual satisfaction. And about the spiritual love most of all loved to talk Plato, in honor of which she was later called. So what is platonic love?

These are spiritual relations between people without sexual contact. Clarify: And even without his desire, otherwise it's just a long sight. One-sided or mutual one.

The world exists on the principle of sinusoids: the rise is recession. The sexual revolution was a natural consequence of his taboo on sexuality. But this wave kicked - now more and more people love to indulge in thoughts about high. Even the fashion appeared: one love for life. Here you have a decline of the "lower" deposits simultaneously with the lifting spirituality.

At the same time, the concept of Platonic love has time to transform: now it is so called the harmony of spiritual with sensual - the so-called Union of Sky and Earth.

From the point of view of psychology platonic love He is a rare variety of male-women's relationship. Two people can meet many years, celebrating holidays together, but at the same time do not touch each other. The spiritual dominant is what is the main thing for them, for her, they can easily refuse the pleasures from the sensual sphere.

Psychotherapists are well aware that there are many married couples in which people will value each other, but do not support sexual relations, especially in adulthood.

Platonic, but it is love!

Despite the skepticism of individual personalities, Platonic love is still love. Just right by words, images, symbols related to the second signaling system. Love in the usual understanding includes both systems: the first (sensation), and the second. People experiencing Platonic love, Bodies are silent, do not come into communication.

In the textbooks on psychology, a phenomenon is assigned to a phenomenon, which is called "Station Prostitute Syndrome": a man plastered a girl, without erotic attraction, and he walks his physical desire to satisfy the station to confused.

We will not argue with supporters of opinion that claims that the main goal of the Union between a man and a woman is the continuation of the kind. Judging by the rapidly growing population of the globe, most people support this point of view. But if it were so everyone thought, then there would be no masterpieces of classics, also born in love - Platonic.

Let's not go far. Our native Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky dedicated his fourth symphony to a woman with whom he never met is a mezzanit of hope von Mecc. Despite the absence between them physical contact, hope turned out to be a composer even closer to his own wife, which was also younger than the "muse."

Platonic love... arguing about its existence is a matter that does not make sense. Because this phenomenon is already many hundreds, or even thousands of years, and their right to life it has already proved. Just the people to whom she comes - not so much, but, paraphrasing the classics, since she still comes, it means that it is necessary to someone?

Disinterested or selfish, parental or divine, altruistic, compassionate, unrequited, happy, long-fashioned and multifaceted love is the source of unceasing experiences and unrest for all representatives of humanity.

A complex ambiguous feeling can vary from banal attachment to things, classes, pleasures, people, to a breathtaking passion like a disease. With the need to love a person is born, but what objects for its expression it will choose, depends on its intellectual development, spiritual and moral education.

Love is necessary to us as air, without it, the individual does not develop not only in the mental sphere, but also a physiological sense. It has been experimentally proven that the absence of childbearing nyan abandoned babies, immediately affects children's health. They begin somatic disorders, mortality increases.

With a gentle feeling, a person meets since childhood. That love, which he gave his parents in infancy, he will remember all his life. The baby is not only forever imprinted in the subconscious attitude towards him of loved ones, which forms his self-esteem, but also will remain in the memory of "ideal" of interaction with loved ones, which he will unconsciously implement in adulthood.

How is love express in our life?

The psychology of feelings, according to philosophers, is manifested in four forms: related relationships (family), friendly (social connections), sexual attraction (erotic), aspirations to God (unconditional and sacrificial).

Love is expressed in various states and types of interpersonal relationships. It can be a virtuous and compassionate or selfish and mercenary, passionate, on the contrary, calm, affectionate, cruel, painful. Western researchers also distinguish the various options to the above forms, as well as the symbiosis of several types between themselves.

Love in the highest manifestations can be described with the help of a Christian concept, which closely connects it with tolerance and mercy:

"Love is merciful, long-suffer, does not envy, does not proud, it is not extolled, it does not inform, not annoying, does not seek his own, it does not rejoice in a wrong, but the truth is not thinking, no evil thinks; And everything covers, everything hopes, it believes everything, everything tolerates. She never ceases, although the languages \u200b\u200bare smelled, and the prophecies will stop, and knowledge will abolish. " (1 Cor.13: 4-8).

Supreme Act of Love - Chastity

The friendly form of feeling capable of merging with the Divine is distinguished by the lack of desire to use a person for their own purposes to meet sexual instincts or egoistic needs.

Whether friendship is possible between a man and a woman disputes are being conducted for a long time. For the first time, the concept of chaste feelings is found at Plato, who spoke of the spiritual unity of people, without the presence of Eros.

Thanks to the reflections of the philosopher and the term Platonic love appeared. This, according to contemporaries, attraction to another human spirit, without impurities of sensuality. The feeling passes as communicating with the subject of adoration or remains forever. Relationships with an object of attraction can be up to the limit emotional, not deprived of romantic experiences.

Love is going on without sexual experience or transforms into something more depends on specific partners. Most often, chastity relationships are found in adolescents who stretch each other, seeing the perfect image of beauty in the satellite. They still do not have thoughts about physical proximity, there are no sexual fantasies.

The feeling passes more often, mostly just forgetting. For many young people, the object of their love is inseparable. These are actors, favorite singers, celebrities show business. Of course, the feeling not confirmed in reality is inevitably passes, but helps in the formation of the ideal image of the future partner.

What should I do today with my love?

Each of us once suffered from unrequited feelings, fascinated bitterness. Teenage love proceeds especially difficult, which sometimes passes painfully and can flow into a mental illness. It is distinguished by great egocentrism and storm emotions. When this happens, the youth is ready for very extravagant acts, separation often passes tragically and may end suicide.

A teenage passion requires an attentive attitude towards what is happening adults, whose task is to teach the child to react to separation with the subject of adoration. Boys or girls should not perceive the break as the end of the world. When a gentle feeling passes, they should be able to focus on affairs, books, films, sports, the mass of other interesting activities.

Probably, at any age it is hard to endure an undivided feeling. What to do with unrequited love, how did she happen? Of course, do not worry. The word to worry comes from the word chew. What is the point of infinitely scrolling in my head, what has already happened? Of course, you need to spend internal work on errors. Try to understand why a person did not answer reciprocity. Perhaps he is simply not ready for close relationships or you demanded the love of a married man, the heart of which, inseparably occupied by the second half.

Love or affection?

Psychology adds to the category of love affection, which is aimed at any objects of the outside world. This feeling can be described as dependence, sympathy, attraction to someone or something.

As a rule, it is expressed in the form of a habit that connects an individual with an object, even if he does not want or tired of interaction. The first in human life affection appears in the baby to his mother or other educators.

Most contemporaries are seriously tied to TV, mobile, Internet, rock band, comfort, dishes, lifestyle, clothing, cigarettes, alcohol, friends.

The attachment is easily transformed into slavery of a person from his own habits. It seems possible to do without any object or call to a friend, but there is no strength to resist. No wonder the Bible warns from the formation of habits by the phrase "the treasure of yours in your heart."

If there is a "sausage" in the soul and mind and mind, it begins to depend on the eating and suffer if it does not have the opportunity to satisfy artificially created, independently or with the help of the media, the need. As they say, "who worships what is that and the slave."

In life, affection of children, parents, intimate partners is often found. Of course, such a feeling in itself is not bad when it is under the control of the individual, does not spoil his life, does not turn into dangerous mind, does not threaten the loss of family, work, health or life.

A person's feature to be attached to various objects is one of the reasons why psychology does not recommend entering into close relationships doomed to break. Why, for example, unwanted love of a married man and, even temporary interaction with him? If you do not touch the moral side of the question, the novel with a non-free person threatens with stress for both parties, and the property of each homoacapiousness is used to everything that lies badly, can make relations unbearable. As they say, nothing passes without a trace.

The attachment refers to love, but this feeling of the opposite direction, its vector is directed not to other objects, but on himself, it is more like a self when a person satisfies the needs of his "ego". "I love Masha", in fact, "I feel good and comfortable when there is a girlfriend," I can't live without Victor, "inside -" I got used to him, without him alone, uncomfortable, "" I need to call a friend, missed True motivation - "At absolutely no one to fall out that dose of pets (offended by others), which has accumulated in a week. Where is Galya? ".

How to distinguish love from affection?

At what point, gentle feelings turn into a habit? Or maybe there was no feeling or was loved for a long time? The meeting was random, so the relationship turned into a painful dependence? How to distinguish love from affection?

When communicating with a person, the habit of it sooner or later appears. The attachment is easy to confuse with love. Some people do not make differences between two different feelings. And in that and in another case, without a comrade, sad and lonely, the shortage of communication, pain in parting, is acute.

So it turns out that people are dreaming of love, implies attachment under it, or challenge addiction, puzzled with eternal feeling.

To understand the distinction of two concepts, we give an example of real love. A sample of feeling is the attitude of the mother to her child. This love is not selfish, not calculated, merciful and long-suffering. The feeling can be briefly described as the unconditional adoption of another person, despite the appearance, intellectual abilities, characteristics of character, temperament, financial situation or social status.

On the contrary, when a person treat a friend as a comfortable thing "to carry it hard, and thoroughly sorry" is affection. The difference between attitudes towards a partner is noticeable when parting. Love wishes a dear person of happiness, even if he live without her. The attachment will begin to jealous, revenge, offended, afraid of loneliness.

As a rule, all human life goes to the development of the ability to love the Middle. Sometimes people do not achieve the ability to experience a high feeling. The psychology of love is based on the ability of the individual to put in the center of the Universe not, and the Middle. This feeling is akin to sacrifice for another person. This is when a person is reversed from the self, is in the state of "we", and not "I".

Where does love go?

Parting with a close man, as a rule, is experiencing hard. When love passes acutely, loneliness be felt, the whole was divided into two parts, which diverged into different directions.

When this happens, each of us ask yourself questions: "Why did the relationship cease?", "Who is to blame?", "What to do next?", "Why is the feeling?"

People break up when the partner stops satisfying the need for love. A person as a social creature, without this feeling is not able to live, he must receive a portion of sympathy and attention from others.

The desire to look for a feeling in the outside world laid in us from birth. Naturally, each of us wants a positive response from the selected object. When our desires are not satisfied, we suffer, experiencing, experiencing stress, which can develop into a mental illness.

The problem relates more to improper understanding of the love itself. This is not a passion, definitely not love, not a habit, not addiction. This is the process of interaction between both sides, or rather their joint creation of relations. Why is the desire for partners "create"? The answer cannot be unequivocal.

Someone develops intellectually or sexually his comrade, he becomes "not where" and boring with him to develop. It happens when the feeling is underway under the influence of disappointment in a partner. A person loses hope for the possibility of building warm trust relationships with a satellite, and without it it is impossible to be one psychologically, or ceases to believe in the ability of a person to correct.

In fact, the concept: faith, hope and love are very interrelated among themselves and are one of the indispensable conditions for the normal existence of a pair. As soon as people cease to experience the desire to establish relationships, their feeling begins to die and transform into banal affection.

12 330 0 Hello, dear readers! Today we want you to tell you about platonic love, relationships, their history, species and advantages.

History of origin

Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher, a thinker, the founder of many theories, a student of Socrates, for the first time in his work "PIR" made a concept, and revealed the essence of Platonic relations.

Platonic relations According to Plato, this is a spiritual attraction of people to each other, while the carnal desires and joy are completely rejected. The ancient Greek philosopher argued that the person consists of a soul and body, and for each it is characteristic of his own kind of love: physical or spiritual.

  • Bodily relations - It's thirst to get carnal joy, satisfy the body, the desire of physical intimacy.
  • Spiritual relations - This is a noble form of relationship between people, where the soul is striving to be near Platonic Love.

Hence it follows that platonic love - This is a fragile relationship, which is based on the desire and desire for a spiritual connection with the object of love, excluding carnal joy.

Platonic love is a true way to express your feelings and emotions. According to Platon, only a person who can control his feelings and emotions can consist in platonic relations. Here an ancient Greek scientist emphasizes that the ability to control his feelings is distinguished by a person from an animal who is not peculiar spiritual.

Platonic relationships help to know happiness, Approved Plato.

Platonic love men and women in the modern world

What is it? Love or friendship? What is the difference? It is believed that the platonic relationship between a man and a woman is much stronger than friendship, love or affection. Often, such love is the original source of strong and strong feelings. At the same time, it is not always mutual, it can be one-sided and unrequited feelings. And for friendship, the interaction of two people is characterized, the presence of common interests.

In the modern world there are many types of platonic relations. Let's look at some of them.

Unrequited love

Unrequited love - This is a type of platonic relationship at which there are two sides, but one of them takes an active position, and the other passive.

What does it mean? The active side of Platonic love has feelings for the passive side. At the same time, the passive side may not guess the presence of a sense of love, or simply not to respond to them.

Such Platonic love is characteristic of adolescents who often experience unrequited feelings for peers, teachers, idols. These people, they give "secretly" love or want to imitate them. As a rule, such love passes independently and imperceptibly with age, when new interests, aspirations and desires appear.

Relationships at a distance

This is the love of men and women at a distance, which is rather forced than the desired one. After all, as a rule, when removing the barrier, which is the distance, such relations will grow into something more. When meeting, relations at a distance rapidly take the form of romantic relationships.

This is a kind of relationship in which partners experience feelings of love, sympathy, interest to each other. Today, relationships at a distance can exist for a long time due to technological advances: social networks, Skype, emails and other.

The relationship of the elderly

Often solely the overall bond may appear in a pair, which had previously bodily relations, but by virtue of the age they went to no. Also, Platonic love can flash between single elderly people. As a rule, in old age, interests, desires change in a pair, while the desire of physical proximity is moving into the background.

The spiritual location of each other in the elderly pair is ideal, because general interests come to the fore: Walking, watching movies, classes with grandchildren, entertainment with friends.

Spiritual proximity

This is another option of Platonic relations, in which, as a rule, people independently and consciously protect themselves from the carnal utees, putting spiritual goals and spiritual development. In such relations, people unite common interests, desires, aspirations, spiritual proximity.

This form of relationship is often found between truly believers who consider physical contact with sin.

The concept of platonic relations and their causes

Platonic love is spiritual, higher feelings that are not supported by physical imposition to each other. The main reasons for Platonic love are as follows:

  1. Religion. Some peoples of the East Cheutut traditions today. According to religious prescriptions, any relationship is prohibited before the wedding. However, all people, everyone has feelings and desires. This is how Platonic love originates when the couple experiences feelings, but does not show them about the object of love.
  2. Voluntary rejection of physical contacts. Sometimes, people at their own will renounce the carnal joy, in the name of spiritual relationships.
  3. Poor health. This is another reason for which Platonic relations may occur in a pair. There are a number of diseases in which one or both parties cannot exercise physically. A platonic love based on spiritual, psychological, moral support originates in such a pair.
  4. Unrequited feelings. As mentioned above, often such love is characteristic of adolescents against pop stars, literary heroes, teachers, friends. The source of such feelings is the existence of an object of love.
  5. Fear spoil relationships. Very often, Platonic love is the result of fear take the first step in relation to the object of love. This fear to destroy, spoil existing relationships, as a rule, friendly.

The duration of platonic relations

Platonic love lasts exactly how much the partners want this. It depends on whether such a relationship is arranged each direction, whether both partners want something more.

Today it is very difficult to distinguish platonic relations from friendship or romantic relationships, because Her signs and borders are blurred. As a rule, today Platonic relations are the first stage of the relationship between a man and a woman, which over time independently develops and begins to unite not only spiritual, but physical contact.

Platonic relations end if your spiritual proximity develops into physical. The second option, if you had a conflict, a quarrel or you just changed the interests, against the background of what misunderstanding appeared.

How to support Platonic Relations

At the end, we want to give you some tips on how to keep platonic relations:

  1. Do not be afraid of change.So the nature is arranged that if you are different sex, then feelings, sexual attraction can break down between you. Do not be afraid of such a development of events. If one of the partners does not suit further relations without physical proximity, it is better to let this relationship end now than it will be a reason for quarrels and conflicts in the future.
  2. Determine the borders. If you do not want to develop relationships and are afraid that the partner can think otherwise, you should talk to him. During the conversation, determine the clear boundaries of your relationship. Let us understand the partner that friendship is more important for you in physical proximity. Offer a partner to treat each other in fraternal.
  3. Do not pay attention to someone else's opinion. Often, the Women's Platonic Love to a man ends as a result of the influence of public opinion on the subconscious. If you have decided to stay in a spiritual connection with a person, do not listen to others, trust yourself and your partner.

Benefits of Platonic Relationships

  1. They are stronger and resistant, as a rule, over the years are only mounted, signing by new emotions, events.
  2. Exclude the appearance of jealousy, doubt;
  3. You will not need to create the visibility of the desire to communicate, because you like to communicate - you have common interests;
  4. Help better know the opposite sex. In the future, it will help you to build strong romantic relationships with another person.
  5. You always have a counselor who does not compete with you, but is really your friend.

Platonic love

Platonic love
The expression comes on behalf of the ancient Greek philosopher of Plato (427-348 BC), which in his essay in the form of a dialogue called "PIR" invested the reasoning about this kind of love in the chart of the character by the name of the pavnia. The last reason for her love is "ideal" - purely spiritual.
In this sense, the expression is used in modern speech, but usually ironically.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

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