How beautiful to paint your hair on medium hair. Hair dye - Ballozh, Ombre, Shatuch and Other Fashion Types

With the approach of summer, the hair painting on short hair is gaining increasingly popular, because it was during this period of the year that you want to stand out from the crowd and surprise those around with its beauty and originality. A few years old have known many ways to change the color of their hair, because then it emphasized their status and noble origin. Now people came up with many dyes and even more techniques of staining. Modern girls are difficult to choose a color and equipment, but the article will tell about the most fashionable paint on short hair and help decide on the choice.

Hair dyeing

As you know, today, staining has and practical importance - masking seeds, although most often people are resorted to it in order to change the image, underlining the haircut or revitalizing their natural color. Fortunately, there is no need to look for folk remedies, because many manufacturers are produced on sale paints for hair, thanks to which there is an opportunity to embody all their bright desires.

Staining techniques

Women regularly changing hair color, know that the result can not always be perfect. Often curls become brittle and overwhelmed, and their color is very distant from the desired. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it should be understood with the varieties of staining and understand which option is better suited to a person. Among the most common techniques:

  1. Classic. The usual monophonic staining, in which the curls along the entire length are of the same color, most often prefer people who want to hide gray. The only drawback of classical staining is the coloring substances can overwhelm hair and make them brittle. You can avoid this by purchasing more expensive paint.
  2. Melting. This option is used by people who want to lighten their hair. The essence of the technique is the game on the contrast of natural and discolored strands, which are evenly distributed throughout the head. In this way, you can also disguise the seed with the help of the shade of the "salt and pepper". It is worth noting that first the hair is stained into the ash color, and only then bright separate strands on a couple of tones.
  3. Coloring. It is very similar to the previous technique, which youtelling prefers because of bright tones. Several natural curls are painted in a beautiful color, which is ideal for extraordinary personalities that are suitable for the question of their appearance with originality.
  4. Armor. A wonderful way to combine dark and light strands. It is performed on the same technology as coloring, but instead of bright tones, coffee, brown and golden shades are used. The color itself begins only at a distance of several centimeters from the roots, thanks to which it is not necessary to make the adjustment too often. As a result, the hair looks pretty beautiful and naturally, and the effect of sun glare is created using light lines.
  5. Balayage Short Hair Style Painting Reminds Melting, but in this case the strands begin to brighten up from the middle of the length, becoming more rich already closer to the ends. As a rule, this technique is applied to dark curls, although it looks good in blond hair. The strands can be painted as some kind of color and several contrasting tones, but it is best to select that shade that will be combined with natural hair color in order to get the effect of burnout.

New in the paint industry

Not all people are decided to change their natural color, as they fear the appearance of unnecessary problems. Therefore, painting hair on short hair can be carried out as an experiment in the following ways:

  1. With eluminization. To date, this option is considered the best, since it not only allows you to see how one or another shade will be suitable for natural color, but also improves the hair structure. For coloring, a special means "elumen" is used, which includes exceptionally natural dyes. Due to this, this method is ideal as dry and brittle and normal hair, increasing the volume and quickly returning a healthy shine.
  2. Colored shallow. Often, young girls have a desire to create an original and completely new image of only day. You can do it easily if you purchase special hair shakes that are sold in the appropriate stores. Smalls are fairly easily applied and washed off from the hair, and a huge color palette will allow you to choose the best option for every girl.

We select tint

The most important and responsible stage in changing the color of the hair is not the process of staining, but the choice of a new shade. It is best to consult on this issue with a specialist, but if I want to do everything yourself, then you need to at least follow the overall compatibility criteria, not forgetting about the colors of the skin and eyes. So, during the selection of the colors, the following rules and recommendations should be followed:

  1. Painting hair (dark) on short hair will better look in chocolate or blueberry colors. It should not carry out experiments with the blond, since there is a considerable risk of becoming the owner of spoiled hair. But if you want to brighten up, it is better to choose that technique where the roots are not affected (Ballow, Ombre).
  2. Locons of natural red-colored color is very harder and color is much more difficult. You can brighten them with ash-shades with paints, which can cope with the yellow, appearing after the clarification. The procedure is best done in the cabin, since at home there is no warranty on obtaining the desired result. From the dark tones, the color of cinnamon, red, and also copper.
  3. Blonde lady perfectly go caramel, sandy and golden tones. A light-chestnut tone is suitable for dark eyes. Lighten the dark blond curls with the help of more sparing techniques in the type of felting.

Choose paint

In addition to choosing a tone, painting hair on short hair requires also the correct selection of the paint itself. The main criterion is durability, and in accordance with it there are only three types of compositions:

  1. Tinting means of the first level (sample shampoos, foam). Harm curls such funds are not caused, but for a couple of weeks.
  2. Semi-free tools for dyeing second level (soft dyes). The color of the strand changes literally on a couple of tones and keeps no more than two months.
  3. Persistent paints of the third level (professional goods). Used for radical change of color, with incorrect staining can cause serious damage, and keep from two to six months.


Ombre painting on short hair makes attract attention, since this original technique does not give up its position for many years. Coloring creates a shadow effect, perfectly refreshes the image and makes it possible to raise the hair repainting procedure. Features Painting:

  1. Hair painting for short Ombre style is performed in stages.
  2. Special paint It is for such a staining technology for sale in special stores, and its cost is about 100 dollars.
  3. Smooth transition is created by vertical movements of the brushes, and sharp - horizontal (in some other technologies, is the opposite).
  4. Such a color is ideal for a haircut of a square, where clear or some blurred transitions perfectly determine the transition of colors.
  5. Wash your head is recommended only 2-3 days after the procedure itself, otherwise the paint can be cleaned.

How will look at short hair

Short haircut and painting on short hair using Ombre technology perfectly combined with each other, since in this case the smooth transition of color shades looks quite beautiful, even though it will not be easy to make it. With incorrect staining, the result can look for the usual hairstyle with angry roots. Therefore, the painting of hair in the style of ommeration should be carried out with a clear observance of the minimum difference between different shades.

Color variations

The most popular and acceptable for many girls are the following color variations:

  1. A sharp transition from the dark color of the roots to light tips, or vice versa.
  2. Smooth hair painting in the style of ombre on short hair, where the borders of colors are blurred.
  3. Staining only ends into bright and unusual tones.

Care after the procedure

When the desired effect is obtained and a new image created, we should not forget about the care of painted hair. It is necessary to use the special shampoo and the rinse balm, intended for the painted chapels. The head should be soaked carefully, the water is not too hot. If the hair became brittle, then it is necessary to use cosmetics on a silicone basis, creating a protective film.

Season 2019 offers to radically change its own image using conventional paint and non-standard ideas. Creative staining of hair, and it is about him, will make you the most fashionable, unforgettable, stylish!

Unusual painting - to be or not to be?

Non-standard staining has its own characteristics, so before going to the salon, appreciate all the pros and cons of the procedure.

Advantages of unusual painting:

  • Makes an image memorable, modern and bright, especially in combination with trendy haircut. But for this, of course, you will have to search for an excellent specialist who will come to the procedure, taking into account your wishes and individual characteristics;
  • This is the best way to hide the flaws flaws and appearance flaws. Competent performed staining can disguise fragility, damage, sequencing tips and other problems;
  • Hair bright shades look alive, strong and shiny;
  • Thanks to unusual hairstyles, a woman becomes younger for several years.

Disadvantages of creative painting:

  • The need for regular (once a month) correction of rope roots and burnt-colored;
  • If you do not like this experiment, it will be extremely difficult to correct it, especially if the procedure was carried out with persistent paints;
  • High price. Hairdressers who perfectly own similar techniques are very small, therefore the price of such a procedure will be quite high.


If it was previously thought that this technique is only suitable for long hair, now it is successfully carried out even on short strands. The principle of action is the same - a soft smooth transition of one tone to another. The tips of the hair are brightened about 2 or 3 shades. If the length allows you to make three transitions. For very short haircuts there will be enough two. Ombre just looks perfectly on Long Beabe, Kare, Paj and even Pixie with an elongated bang.

Rainbow dyeing

Those who crave experiments, but fears unnatural colors in the chapels, we advise you to look at the iris technique made in soft pastel colors. Beautiful pink, blue and pearl mix will make your appearance bright, but will not cut the eye.


The essence of this staining is darling or clarifying randomly selected spars, combined from the roots. As a result, we get the effect of burnt hair, beautiful and natural. The main advantage of the tent is rapid execution, the minimum effect of coloring agents and a natural appearance. The transition between colors does not have to make smooth - because each of you can make the sludge at home. In addition, each strand is painted at different heights, which only enhances the naturalness of the hairstyle.

Staining bangs

Creative staining of bangs is the best opportunity to quickly change your style and transform the hairstyle. Just a few strokes - and you will become another! For painting bangs, almost any of the listed techniques will fit. It looks good both on trendy short haircuts and on the strands of medium length.


Another incredibly fashionable staining technique, which looks very beautiful and rather unusual in a short performance. It is staining thin strands into contrasting colors. Balayage is something similar to classical highlight, but thanks to a well-blurred border between the shades, it looks more natural. Such staining attaches a short and middle haircuts an additional volume and makes a unique highlight to the girl's enclosure.

Tip! In this case, the technician is selected under the hairstyle, and not vice versa. Therefore, the haircut should be done before painting, and not after it.

Strawberry blonde

A light pink shade will be the perfect solution for blondes. It will be very easy to achieve this color on the clarified hair - it is enough to toned them sparing with paint or tinting shampoo. It looks strawberry blond as tasty as he sounds. Thanks to him, you are not only a variety of light palette, but also easily neutralize unnecessary yellowness.

Gradient dyeing or degrad

Degrad technique managed to win a large army of fans. For staining, several similar or contrasting colors are used at once (the difference can be up to 6-8 tones). They are stretched along the entire length of the hair, ranging from the very dark and ending with the brightest. Best gradient technique looks at a dark basis. Its advantages can be safely attributed to the natural appearance and the lack of need for frequent tinting roots. As for the shortcomings, there will be no so much. First, degrad is almost impossible to do it yourself. Secondly, choose a competent combination of shades for a short chapels, it is not even an experienced specialist.


Ellumination can be made not only for long hair, but also on medium and short length. With this staining of the chapels, it is beautifully highlighted with bright and not too traditional shades. Women decorated on such a brave method of transformation will be able to quickly emphasize their own uniqueness.


For those who are afraid of cardinal changes, but wants to make something new to the appearance, there is another very interesting technique. It is called "Babilagets" or "Solar Bunnies". The essence of such staining is to clarify individual strands, which is performed as close as possible to the ends. As a result, we obtain the effect of burnt strands.

Tip! To emphasize the beauty of "solar bunnies", make a lightweight twist and color the base in a light or light chestnut.

In the next video you can see examples of creative staining for short hair:


Fashionable coloring of the season 2019 can not do without old good melting. This year is relevant both traditional execution in dark light shades and bright, color. The most popular colors for the seelings included ashes, copper and lilac. With no less demand and glare highlighting, in which the main color remains unchanged, and only the darker strands lie to the clarification.

Tip! In order not to make a mistake with the choice of tone, consult an experienced colorsist for advice. It will help to figure out which shades are cold or warm. Perhaps you do not even have to drastically change the database. Sometimes there are several bright accents to create a stylish image.

rapart staining or festage

Feel that it is time for big change? Did you decide that you lack audio and extravagance? Then start with the hairstyle! It can be beaten by unusual screening staining, which will allocate you from the crowd and will attract the attention of others. The main advantage of the feet is its uniqueness - you can be sure that no one will repeat this pattern. This technique suits the hair of any color and almost any length. The pattern can be applied even on a shaved area!

The procedure itself is considered one of the most gentle. It allows you to highlight one or more strands without affecting the roots. And one more very pleasant moment - stencil painting is possible to repeat at home. Take any drawing, apply it to the film, cut out and apply to the hair. Just a few smears - your hairstyle is ready! The most popular patterns are zebra, leopard, feathers, flowers, heat-bird.

Tip! For screen staining, it is not necessary to use resistant paint. For a temporary effect, for example, for some holiday or event, color spray or dry pastel is useful.

Neon Coloring or Crazy Colors

This option is suitable for true extremes. With it, you give the hairstyle an unusual coloring and make it incredibly colorful. Thanks to this hairdresser's novelty, you have great opportunities for experiments. You can somehow combine a few shades or apply one, but very bright. Such a mad of color causes an ambiguous reaction from others and attracts views. Trust Crazy Colors better professional - at home to achieve impressive results is extremely difficult.

Pixel coloring

Creative dyeing hair of medium length includes and insanely beautiful pixel technique. In this case, the coloring composition is applied to the hair in the form of motion rhombuses, squares, triangles and other geographic patterns. For pixel staining, contrasting and fairly bright colors (green, purple, blue, yellow, red), as well as their combinations are ideal. One of the most important requirements for creating hairstyles are perfectly straight hair. The best pixels look at smooth haircuts - Kare, Bob, asymmetric. The main enemy of laying is a strong wind. With this weather, the pattern will be almost impaired.

Interesting! Previously, the pixel technique was present solely in a podium fashion, but recently this drawing is increasingly found on urban streets. True, in this case, more relaxed variations are used.

According to the masters, this way of painting requires good professional skills, so it does not fit for self-use.

Noble seeds

As can be seen in these photos, gray - this is not a reason for complexes and depressions. Rather, the opposite is the last couple of years, silver and snow-white strands are increasingly choosing not only mature ladies, but also young women. If you have never been painted, but you have already appeared first grayish, it's time to wear it with dignity and pride. Experts even invented the new name for this style - "Glamor Granny" or "Granny Glam".

The ash spray can be performed not only throughout the mass of curls. There are some more stylish options:

  • On tips;
  • On half hair separated by a horizontal line;
  • On separate strands.

Artificial sledna perfectly combines with basic flowers - wheat blond, nuts, coffee, chocolate, brown, caramel, rusm, honey, etc.

Important! To get a beautiful gray color, you will have to brighten up. And remember, the owners of cold coloring are less likely to miss, than girls with "warm" appearance.

Color bomb

The hit of this season was wine and berry shades. Of these, the most popular is the color of Marsala, a red tree, cherry, Bordeaux. They can be used both individually and in a duet. Often cherry strands are made of chocolate base. If the chapels are characterized by warm color, the cherry should be replaced by a burgund or a lingonberry. Other unusual tones are used at least demand - green, purple, orange, blue, ruby, fiery, turquoise, etc..

Two-color staining

In this case, the master picks up two similar or contrasting colors for staining. Their location can be the most different. For example, the top layer of hair can be painted in a darker tone, and the upper leave light. Another option - the hair is separated by half a direct surgery and each of the parts are toned into his shade.


Block coloring for short hair requires an accurate assessment of the structure, lugs and states of strands. The fact is that the hair of different types react differently to this or that pigment, and the selected tones are required to respond to the shape of a haircut, skin color and other important nuances. When performing this technique, the lap is divided into several segments, each of which is divided into separate strands. Every such part is painted in your own shade. At the same time, special attention is paid to bangs and temporal areas.

Important! Before starting the procedure, you need to think about it well and even draw a scheme for the location of color blocks. Remember, the more tones you plan to apply, the more difficult there will be a process. True, much depends on the length and shape of the haircut.

As you can see, with creative hair staining your image will not be boring. Do not be afraid to be bright and extraordinary - hurry to implement any of these beautiful solutions!

It is the hair that predetermine the whole style and image of the girl. Properly selected haircut and good hair color can turn it into a beauty, and an unsuccessful choice can spoil its appearance by making an imperceptible, faded too eccentric or vulgar. Therefore, to choose from your hairstyle, it is necessary to approach very seriously and not to make hasty independent decisions.

This year opens a new fashion season in hairdressers. Looking stylish and modern this year, the owner of any hair length can. We propose to choose a new image for yourself.


It is believed that the "Pixie" haircut (or "elf") became popular thanks to Audrey Hepburn. In the film "Roman holidays", the Heroine of Audrey cuts luxurious curls, thus protest against the role of princess imposed. According to the second version, the hairstyle entered the fashion a little later thanks to the actress MIA Farrow (after the release of the film "Child Rosemary"). Years, the twiggy model (Bolshaya Hogdy, who conquered the world of Glamor) returned Pisii to the former glory.

Later, a short haircut with strands of different lengths has again gained popularity thanks to Holly Berry. This hairstyle is suitable for bold girls with an elegant facial oval and give them the kind of young ledge.


Haircut "Garson" (in translation from Franz. - "Boy") is largely reminiscent of "Pixie". However, there are differences:
-In the Harson haircut is usually longer hair;
The one is much longer than in Pixie.
Many give preference to haircut "Garson", because the presence of bangs allows you to experiment more with styling.

Not every girl will have to taste such a bold appearance of the appearance. With such a style, it is difficult to seduce the guy (many men still give preference to classic hairstyles). If you do not care about the opinion of men and scratching grandmothers on the street - dare! Shared whiskey are perfectly suitable for music lovers in the style of "Punk".

A feature of such a haircut is that it combines and long and short hair. This option will suit girls wishing to drastically change the hairstyle, while saving long curls. More precisely, part of the curls.


Acid and pastel pixels

Pixel hair dye appeared not so long ago, taking place in the top of the most unusual modern styles. It looks more likely when it combines contrasting shades.

Exquisite brand

Brond is the merger of the words "Brunette" and "Blonde". Armion is characterized by a combination of dark and light curls. Although this style has appeared for a long time, he still has not come out of fashion.

Stencil coloring of all sorts of colors

This type of staining allows you to turn your curls into real artwork. The combinations of wonderful drawings guarantee you the attention of others. What color to choose? You decide.

Short hair

Short haircuts not only look playfully and with charm, but also very comfortable in care. But short hair can be cut only to those girls who have a face (oval or heart) and the structure of the hair.


This is a classic that decades does not come out of fashion. Every season we are watching a kara on world podiums, but with minor stylish changes.

This year it can be perfectly smooth smooth square, a layered square or a kara with bangs.


This kind of short hairstyles suited to women of any age and with any type of hair.

Bob can be complemented by oblique bangs, lengthen one of the parties, do perfectly smooth or give texture, due to different lengths of strands.

Graduated haircuts

This season they are at the peak of popularity. The layeriness of such hairstyles allows you to create volume even on the hair of medium density. Such a hairstyle is not only easy to care, but also has many original laying options.

Long bang on face

Bold girls can choose a short hairstyle with a long bang, falling on the face. It can be both smooth structure and graduated.

Raised bang

A stylish emphasis of this season can be raised, with a varnish, up bangs. It can be any length and structure, creating a playful and youth image.

Medium hair

Haircuts on the average hair length go to absolutely everyone, regardless of age, face shape and dense. Such hairstyles can be easily changed using various types of styling, creating new images every day.

Cascade or graduation

This is a simple way to change a little hairstyle, while not sacrificing the total hair length. They give the volume of subtle hair and shape - to gastim.

Care on middle-length

Smooth and smooth kare is the most popular hairstyle on the average hair length this year. It can be decorated with interesting accents: to make braid sample, bangs, small nobody top strands. Such a haircut has many variations of stylish styling for all occasions.

In addition, torn ends appear fashionable, which give some audacity to the image.

Long hair

Long and well-kept hair at all times look luxurious and fashionable, and this season is no exception. Long hair The last few years are on top of popularity.


The gradation of strands need to be done given the structure of the hair, delicate and face form. Depending on this, the cascade can only be on the tips of the hair or along the entire length.


If you have smooth beautiful hair, it is better to refrain from the cascade and make a fashionable bang trendy this season. Its length can be any - as below the eyebrows,
so very short to give the face freshness.

Bold girls can be experimenting with its shape: smooth, stepped, rounded - depending on the face form.

Bunk haircuts

A bold experiment will be an asymmetric haircut that combines both short strands and long.


2015 is a year of natural and natural colors. Such an effect can be achieved with natural coloring substances or sample paints, but not only at home. This season is especially popular, chocolate, red and blond.


Most of the women of the planet are the owners of exactly dark blond or light blond hair.

To give color depth and brightness, this season uses all the shades of chocolate (from the bitter to the dark blond), chestnut, caramel, golden and creamy.

The blond color is suitable for almost everyone, it makes the face softer and rejuvenates.


Redhead color in nature is considered very rare and unique. This season, this color is particularly popular.

It will suit girls with a very bright color of the skin that are not afraid to stand out among the crowd. The same one who is embarrassed to express themselves, you can paint your hair into a calmer golden or copper color.

Redhead color is the color of youth. It is young girls with freckles he paints the most.


Brown remains in fashion for whole decades. This season, he also is popular, adding some new shades into a wide palette.

Going out of the skin color and damn face, you can pick up the shades of bitter chocolate, Parisian chestnut or brandy color.


In 2015, natural blonde is popular. It is easiest to achieve beautiful color to girls with light rusia hair. It will look natural and beautiful. In the trend, there is a wheat tint, the color of the bleached flax, gold, copper, creamy and caramel.

Blonde gives freshness to face, significantly rejuvenates and gives the image of some sexuality.

Among the Hollywood celebrities, it is very common with the effect of "hair outragments", when strands of light and dark tones are naturally mixed with each other.

Although the Melting technology itself gradually comes out of fashion, in 2015 the effect of "salt-pepper" used using the ash color on the contrast with dark strands.

The black

Black color also never comes out of fashion. This season is stylishly add several multicolored strands to black hair.

Ombre or degrad

This coloring technology has gained popularity last year and still holds leading positions. Sometimes it is also called "Californian Melting". The essence of painting is to create a smooth effect of transition from dark roots to light tips. Any colors can be combined with each other, and the transition can be both smooth and sharp to emphasize the contrast.

Staining 3D

This is a very complicated, but popular technology among celebrities. It gives the volume with thin hair, and dull color - brightness. The essence of 3D in the choice of three shades, in which not all hair is painted alternately, but only some strands. It looks expensive, luxurious and fashionable.

Good luck and bold experiments!

If a woman changes hairstyle, then it will change life soon.
Coco Chanel

Millions of women around the world use staining in order to be bright, individual and unique. Many still appeal to beauty salons to perform hair coloring, nevertheless, this procedure is becoming increasingly popular at home.

When a desire arises to change anything in your life, you should not resort to the services of a plastic surgeon or tortured themselves with painful cosmetology procedures. It's just enough to find your master - and allow him to change not only the appearance, but maybe with him and life.

Transition from dark hair in light turns a burning brunette into a charming blonde. This is a very complicated procedure. It takes a lot of time and requires great qualifications from the Master. In order to obtain the light color of the curls, hairdressers resort to one of the following staining methods:

Staining Not only give hair shine and smoothness, but will make a highlight to the image, changing it radically. Such a method is best to cry out the hair from the roots to the tips, using the paint of the same color. It is important to remember that such a procedure should only be done on healthy hair. The beauty although it requires victims, but it is not worth weakening its curls for her. In addition, it is not recommended to paint hair after a chemical curling to avoid the appearance of colored spots.

For many women hair highlights became a permanent procedure. In this way, you can disguise the gray or add brightness and charm to your image. It will be the perfect option for those who do not want to completely paint hair.

It is best to sign up for the master and entrust such a complex process to him.

Allocate the following methods of utraging:

  • using a hat with a plurality of holes, through which thin strands in a chess order with a special crochet and stain in brighter colors;
  • applying American highlighting, which allows you to give the hair alive and natural gloss, thanks to the use of about three different tones;
  • Crazy Colors is a felting with contrasting colors of saturated shades to create creative and unusual hairstyles.

Despite the fact that the felting is a rather complicated process, the reflection in the mirror will say that the forces were not spent in vain!

Toning hair - It is painting not resistant paints, but with shades. So you can try different colors and decide on the future full color. In this method, relevance and beauty hairstyles will always keep up with fashionable trends.

Toning allows you to use several color shades when staining. The advantages of this method include:

  • the possibility of staining after a chemical curling;
  • the disruptibility of the dye allows you to change the image every 6 to 8 weeks;
  • no ammonia and hydrogen peroxide;
  • allergic testing is not required;
  • coloring products are easy to use.

Many girls strive when painting hair to achieve naturalness and naturalness. Coloring shatuch Creates it. This method allows you to imitate the effect of natural hair burnout, creates a relief from darker roots to brighter tips. The fascus adds a depth of color, and the hairstyle volume. Such technique is perfectly hiding the resulting roots and masks a light gray.

The tent is performed on small, frequent, chaotic strands, but not throughout the entire length and with a small roasting indent. The borders of the color are being built at the expense of the pram.

3D painting - This is not only a tribute to fashion, it is also the opportunity to look truly royally. The advantages of this type of hair color is considered the richness of the color palette, the natural view of the hairstyle and the resulting volume effect.

Technique 3D Relying on a combination of colors of one gamma caused by a certain way to hair. And the obtained overflows and smooth transitions between shades allow you to reveal the multifaceted palette and genuine volume.

The procedure itself is gentle and does not require pre-lightening hair, since the beauty master picks up shades under natural color. Initially, the main tone is selected, which complements 3-4 shades.

After painting the hair in a few weeks, the reversing roots are noticeable, which often looks not very neat. Therefore, that the hairstyle always pleased the eye, you need to regularly twist your hair along the entire length.

If the hair has one tone, then in this case, when painting the roots, it is necessary to apply the means directly to them, and after a certain time, stretch the paint along the entire length of the hair.

If the curls are scratched using various techniques and mixing paints, then such a procedure is better to entrust the professional.

Roots also score, following fashion. To do this, use bright rich colors that are applied to the root zone. Thus, the hairstyle is obtained original and creative.

Two types differ coloring:

  • full - in which all hair weight is processed with a substitution of a natural shade;
  • partial - in which part of the hair and natural tone is stained is determining;
  • longitudinal - in which different shades fall along the entire length of the hair;
  • transverse - in which the strand is divided into several zones, which are painted in different colors.

The advantages of this method include:

  • the visual hairiness of the hair;
  • giving the effect of any haircut and underscores its structure;
  • the ability to change the color of your hair, combing multicolored strands in different ways.

Some wizards working with coloring technique can also offer an unusual way to apply this technique - screen staining. As a result, a creative pattern is obtained or, for example, a tiger hair color.

Are you ready to change your life? If the answer is "yes", then you came to the address. The masters presented in our site will fulfill all types of staining described above.

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Popular Types of Staining Hair

The easiest and most affordable way to change the image is staining hair. The desired result directly depends on the staining technique you select. Let's look at the most popular to date different types of hair coloring.

Types of painting hair

  • "Toning". This type of staining does not harm hair, as the paint is used, disappearing with each hair washing. Accordingly, the rustic roots will not be visible. Tonic is in the form of foam, shampoo, or spray. With the help of toning, it will not be possible to hide the seed, if it is more than 40%.
    The pro is advised to refrain 2 months from the use of henna, since the toning result can differ significantly from the desired one. For toning used non -ammatic paints. The tone keeps about a couple of months. Tint it is advisable to choose your hair tone accordingly. With regular use, the color will become brighter.

  • Crazy Color. So called neon colors. The essence of the procedure is as follows: after discoloration of the hair, a special gel is applied. The tone rests not long. Often it turns out uneven staining. You can apply a geometric ornament. Do not advise to apply different colors together, you can become a look like a parrot)

  • "Melting". The popular staining method, which consists in lightening some curls by 3-4 tones. For the procedure, we need a specially silicone cap with holes and a hair clarifier. Strands are drained through holes and wrapped in foil, paint is applied over.

The determination procedure has several varieties:

  1. American timing. 3-4 shades are used.
  2. Venetian timing. Brightened strands on dark hair.

With the help of highlighting, you can make a hairstyle visually greater, well hide gray hair roots, change the appearance without changing the color of the hair.

It is not advisable to make a felting if there was a chemistry earlier.

Everyone knows that discoloration, even separate curls, harms the hair onion, disturbing their structure. Despite this, the definition of the procedure.

  • "Magimash." One of the species of highlighting. Perfectly suitable for weakened light curls. Not for dark hair.
    The paint does not include perhydro, so there are no light tones. But the wax is present. The color on the hair is a smooth, very soft and gold tint. By the type of American timing.

  • "Balayazh". This coloring refers to the most gentle staining. With this option, only the tips of the hair are scer. At the very length, staining is done in an open way. As a result, the "air" curls are obtained. Ballow on straight hair medium length Looks gorgeous. Long hair is used with caution.

  • "Shatus". Excellent option for dark hair of medium length. On light hair, you can not notice the result. In this form of the rise, there is no clearly designated border near the roots of the hair, so the adjustment can be done not often.
    Separate chaotic strands painted outdoors with indented hair roots. To give the volume of the haircut, separate curls are stained in depth.

  • "Coloring". For staining, various colors are used, which creates its highlight. This coloring is a modern season trend. The shades of red-colored are perfectly suitable for light hair. For red hair, you can take blonde and coffee shades, for dark hair - shades of red. Mostly all popular types of painting hair Based on the principle of felting.

  • "Armion". Coloring is akin to labeling, just softer. Hair after the procedure looks noticeably more dense and luxurious. There is a Sunlight effect. Additional shade is taken on the tone lighter main.
    More naturally looks on straight hair.
    The armor cannot be made independently at home, since the procedure is performed by a hairdresser-colorist. The adjustment of the resulting roots is carried out every 2-3 months. \\

  • "Ombre". This type of coloring is universal, suitable absolutely to all. The subtle hair of Ombre will give an additional volume, for a set of smooth transition of tone. Ombre, as well as Baublen, refers to gentle staining, as it does not affect hair roots and half length. The most rich color is obtained on the tips of the hair.
    It seems exactly the smooth transition from one tone to another. Ombre is a great way to hide growing hair roots. Only a master with experience can conduct a qualitative procedure.

Types of painting hair May be different. And they are all good. The main thing to choose the type that is suitable for you. It is advisable to refer to the professional master to create the desired image and your image will revive.