How can you tell if the water has broken or not. Consequences for the baby. The danger of the situation in early pregnancy

Many pregnant women have concerns about the fact that they have a very poor idea of ​​​​how the water leaves, and what should be done in this case.

Let's start a little further.

Amniotic fluid is the liquid environment in which the baby lives in the uterus of its mother. They are vital to him, as they create his world around him, protect him from infections and injuries, without them he will quickly die.

The amount of amniotic fluid depends on the duration of pregnancy, usually with a normal pregnancy, a woman has about one and a half liters of amniotic fluid by the time of delivery.

If we talk about a normal pregnancy and a physiologically flowing birth act, amniotic fluid plays an important role in its development. During childbirth, the head or other presenting part of the fetus is pressed against the bones of the woman's pelvis, dividing the amniotic sac into two parts, and this front part (anterior waters), with each contraction, presses on the cervix like a wedge, helping it to open faster. Thus, if the waters break early, this is already bad, the birth will not go quite right.

Unfortunately, this complication accompanies every tenth pregnancy.

If the water has broken in a pregnant woman at a time close to childbirth, hospitalization in the maternity hospital is necessary. Even if the waters have departed, but there are no contractions, for a period of more than 35 weeks, the doctors will call them, because the child is already ready to be born, and his further stay in the uterus is dangerous for both him and his mother. Now the baby is defenseless, the infection can easily get to him from the vagina, and there is absolutely no room for him to move, because the uterus now fits him tightly and literally suffocates him.

How does water flow in pregnant women?

Many are afraid that they will not be able to catch this moment, and these fears are justified. How to understand that the waters have broken? How do you know that the waters are breaking, and not something else?

The fact is that it will not necessarily be a whole waterfall, a very small hole may form in the shells, from which they will leak little by little, almost in drops, but this is also dangerous for the child. Given the increased discharge at the end of pregnancy, and in some especially unhappy ladies, urinary incontinence, which can be mistaken for water, many begin to think about it all the time, sometimes simply worrying themselves in vain with unnecessary fears.

Water leaves when the integrity of the membranes of the fetus is violated. This can happen in different ways, and it’s simply impossible to say how much water flows in time, for someone it will be a waterfall in a few seconds, for someone they will leak for weeks. In any case, if the water has broken, the question of what to do is not even worth it, immediately consult a doctor. If they go away little by little and there are doubts, in any case, you need to go to the antenatal clinic.

Today, special tests are carried out to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. You will have to buy the test yourself, and it will be carried out by a gynecologist who, using a tampon, will take a little secret from your vagina.

Women often in the later stages are afraid to even take a shower, afraid not to catch that the amniotic fluid has departed. You don't have to be afraid of it. When you leave the shower, if the water has broken, it will continue to leak. A reliable way to tell if your water is breaking is to wear a white cloth pad. It will provide an opportunity to objectively evaluate any discharge. With abundant discharge, it will get wet all at once, clothes will get wet, with a slight leak you will see wet spots that normally have no smell, unlike urine.

After the waters have broken, the question of when to give birth is decided individually. In case of premature pregnancy and the absence of the child's suffering according to CTG and ultrasound, the pregnancy is prolonged. You will have to lie still, take drugs that relax the uterus and an antibiotic to prevent complications. You can’t stay at home if you and your child are not protected by modern medicine, infection of the fetus can cost both lives. And do not be afraid that childbirth will be caused, they try to keep the pregnancy, even if the waters have departed at 20 weeks. If you can lie down for a few weeks, the child will be saved. If the waters broke early, it will still end in a miscarriage anyway ...

What can you feel when the water breaks:

In rare cases, it happens that a woman does not notice how the waters have departed. There is almost always an unusual sensation of moisture, many women describe their sensations as “peeding”, 100 or more milliliters of liquid can pour out at a time. Almost immediately, with premature rupture of amniotic fluid, there is a feeling of abdominal pain, contractions, or simply a periodic increase in uterine tone. With a slight leak, there may be a feeling of increased discharge, but they look unusual, watery. Usually there is a feeling of increased leakage when moving, walking.

If the fetus is experiencing hypoxia, the admixture of meconium in the amniotic fluid can turn it green, if the water is brown or pink, this is very dangerous. Normally, the water leaves light, not painted in any color.

If your water breaks at home, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. It doesn't matter how old you are, you need qualified help.

With the outflow of amniotic fluid at an early stage of pregnancy, when the baby is premature, the sooner you apply, the more likely it is to prolong the pregnancy. If the waters have broken on time, and the birth should take place the other day, what happened means that you will give birth in the next 6, maximum 12 hours, at least the doctors will try to make it so, because it will be better for you and the baby.

Every woman who is in an “interesting” position understands perfectly well that with the approach of childbirth, the likelihood of sudden discharge of amniotic fluid.

Inexperienced future mothers listen to the slightest change in their body, afraid to miss this important moment.

They are even more concerned about the question of what to do when the water has broken during pregnancy.

Do broken waters always signal the onset of labor Or you can safely wait until the appointed time?

How do you know if the water has broken?

The baby throughout pregnancy grows and develops in a special shell filled with liquid. This fluid is called amniotic fluid. In fact, amniotic fluid is formed from maternal blood plasma and is constantly updated and replenished if necessary.

This substance is absolutely sterile, which provides reliable protection for the developing organism from various infections. The content of a large amount of immunoglobulin in the liquid is an additional barrier from external influences.

The comfortable water environment allows the baby to turn freely and protects the bladder from uterine contractions. Regardless of environmental conditions and the condition of the mother, constant pressure and temperature indicators are maintained in the amniotic fluid. Due to the presence of water, the baby is reliably protected from physical and noise external influences.

If you feel the release of a warm liquid from the vagina (usually this happens when a woman lies and tries to get up), in an amount of more than 100 milliliters or more (it happens that a liter and a half is poured out at once), without a specific smell of urine - this is them, the water has departed.

Why are the waters breaking?

As the child grows, the volume of the surrounding waters also increases. By the time of birth, their number can reach 1.5 liters. Excess amniotic fluid or low content is considered pathological conditions that threaten the normal development of the baby.

With the approach of labor activity, the hormonal background of the expectant mother begins to change rapidly. Such processes contribute to the natural birth process. Under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, which also promotes uterine contractions, the fetal membrane becomes looser. And the pressure in the bubble increases significantly under the onslaught of the baby, seeking to leave the hostile pulsating uterus.

The fetal membranes do not withstand, and their rupture occurs. This moment is accompanied by the discharge of water during pregnancy. The woman may even hear the bubble burst. Unusual popping or clicking sounds confirm the violation of the integrity of the shell.

Ideally, the discharge of water occurs after the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​open by more than 4 cm. This development of events is considered optimal for both the baby and the woman in labor.

But in life, processes do not always coincide with descriptions in reference books. This does not mean that other variants necessarily confirm the pathology. But woman must be prepared for premature discharge of water.

How does the water leave?

Some pregnant women on the eve of childbirth are even afraid to take a shower so as not to miss such an important moment.

Anxiety is also present about involuntary urination, which often occurs over long periods. But the discharge of water has its own specific features, and it is difficult to confuse them with other physiological processes.

Water can flow in completely different ways. So, if the baby is prepared for childbirth and takes the correct position, his head rests against the womb and the amniotic fluid is divided by his body into two parts.

The anterior part of the amniotic fluid contains up to 250 ml of fluid. It is this liquid that is poured out when the fetal membrane bursts. Women have the feeling that a lot more fluid is pouring out of them. At the same time, this flow cannot be stopped by muscle tension or a change in body position.

In order for a woman to be able to imagine how the process will take place, in antenatal clinics in the classroom, they are advised to experiment at home with their own perception in advance. To do this, it is recommended to pour a glass of warm water on your feet in the shower. Such an experiment will allow you to remember the sensations.

In cases where the child takes the wrong position or did not have time to roll over, the volume of the outgoing fluid can be much larger. Sometimes all the waters up to 1.5 or even up to 2 liters can be poured out at once. Such a "waterfall" is difficult to confuse with ordinary secretions. But even in this case, the waters can gush all at the same time, or they can flow out in a small trickle.

Another option for water discharge during pregnancy is leakage. Such situations arise if the fetal membrane has burst in the upper part or microcracks have appeared. Leakage is difficult to distinguish from urinary incontinence or increased vaginal discharge. It can last for hours or even weeks.

There are situations when water does not break even during childbirth. If the contractions drag on, and the fetal membrane remains intact, doctors resort to forced piercing.

This is not a medical whim. In this way, the uterus is saved from overvoltage, which can provoke its rupture during childbirth.

What waters are leaving?

Woman must record the time discharge of water, as well as their condition. By the appearance of the water, the doctor will determine the presence of deviations and will be able to decide on further actions.

Normally, the water is absolutely transparent, may have an admixture of flakes or a slightly yellowish tint.

These waters do not have a specific odor., which allows them to be distinguished from urine. For amniotic fluid, a sweet smell reminiscent of fresh milk is considered natural.

If the waters are green, and even more so black, this indicates the presence of meconium in the waters.

Red waters confirm the presence of blood in them. This is a wake up call. Blood appears with placental abruption.

Reliable self-diagnosis methods

If a woman doubts the correctness of her conclusions about the fluid that has appeared, you can resort to well-known methods of self-diagnosis or contact the doctors. The need for additional diagnostics arises when the water leaves in an insignificant stream, but leaks in small portions.

Dry sheet test

This is a fairly common, informative and affordable way to determine the discharge of amniotic fluid.

To carry it out, a pregnant woman needs to visit the toilet to empty her bladder.

After that, the genitals are washed and wiped dry. The woman lies down on a dry white cloth. You can use a diaper or sheet.

If after 15–20 minutes wet marks are found on the fabric, the discharge of water is confirmed.

test pad

At home, you can use a more modern way to determine the discharge of water. Test pads can be purchased at a pharmacy. They allow you to confirm the type of discharge with high accuracy. Such a gasket is impregnated with a special substance that reacts to the acidity of secretions.

Normally, the flora of the vagina has a balance within pH 4.5. In amniotic fluid, the acidity reaches pH 7.0. The gasket begins to react to liquids in which this indicator exceeds 5.5.

For the test, the pad is placed on the underwear and is not removed until a fluid leak is felt. If there are no such sensations, the pad can be left on for up to 12 hours.

An indicator of the presence of fetal water is a change in the color of the gasket to a blue or green tint.

If you do not trust home diagnostics, you can contact the doctors. In gynecology, it is customary to determine the dubious discharge of water using:

Gynecological examination;

smear microscopy;

Aminotest with the use of a dye introduced into the amniotic fluid;

Cytoscopic examination

The waters have broken: when will the birth begin?

In most cases, the water breaks on the eve of childbirth. Contractions can begin literally immediately after the discharge of water, if the fetus is ready for birth and the cervix has time to prepare for labor. Some time may pass and labor activity will begin in 2-3 hours.

In pregnant women, the cervix opens more slowly. In an hour, the cervix can open only half a centimeter. Therefore, childbirth in such pregnant women begins no earlier than after 9-12 hours.

For women with childbirth experience, the process develops much more rapidly. Their cervix can open in 5-6 hours. In these cases, if there is no desire to give birth at home or on the road, you will have to hurry.

It's harder if the cervix is ​​not ready for labor and the waters have already receded. In such cases, before the onset of contractions, both 12 and 72 hours can pass. What to do if labor does not begin, doctors decide in each case separately.

There is a widespread belief among pregnant women that a baby without water is not able to live more than 6 hours, since he can die from a lack of oxygen. Such rumors absolutely unfounded.

Despite the departed water, the nutrition and breathing of the baby continues to be provided by the mother's body through the placenta. The absence of water will in no way affect its oxygen needs.

In addition, the waters do not drain in full and they are constantly updated. Therefore, literally after 4 hours, if the fetal membrane has retained its integrity and only leakage is observed, their volume will be replenished with new fluid.

What is the real danger for the baby? In open access for infections. If earlier the child was in practically sterile conditions, then a crack in the fetal membrane opens up direct access for the penetration of various pathogens.

The baby, still in the uterus, did not have time to develop protective mechanisms. Any infection is now fatal for him.

If the anhydrous period is delayed by more than 12 hours, doctors begin antimicrobial therapy with medicines that are safe for the child.

What to do if the water breaks?

What should a woman do if her water has broken? The answer is unequivocal: urgently go to the hospital. Do not wait for the next visit to the gynecologist, namely, collect the necessary things, documents and call an ambulance.

Further development of events will depend on the timing at which the waters receded, their characteristics in terms of color and volume.

38–40 weeks

Most likely, the baby is already ready for the birth. If the waters have departed in a normal volume or are constantly leaking, besides, their color is absolutely transparent, there is no reason for concern. The natural process has begun, and prenatal contractions will soon begin.

Moms giving birth for the first time still have a couple of hours left to calmly get together, gain strength and even get some rest.

In no case after the waters have broken:

To take a bath;

Be subjected to physical stress;

Have sex;

Use tampons or sanitary pads.

If there is a need to carry out hygiene procedures, for example, to treat or shave the genitals, you need to use the shower. Wash only from front to back to prevent germs from entering the vagina.

If the water is constantly leaking, instead of pads that are saturated with fragrances and are not always sterile, you need to use a cotton cloth.

Herbal teas made from chamomile, echinacea, mint will help to calm down. In addition, these drinks also have antimicrobial properties.

For mothers who give birth not for the first time, there is no time for tea drinking. Contractions and childbirth can begin at any time. For such women, the discharge of water is not an alarming, but an important signal. Therefore, they should immediately go to the hospital.

The reason for the immediate appeal for help is the abundant discharge of water. If the waters departed at once and in a large volume, then the entire fetal bladder was emptied. This confirms that the baby did not have time to take the correct position.

In such situations, it is extremely rare, but it is possible for one of the baby's limbs or even part of the umbilical cord to fall into the neck or into the vagina. If you do not help such a woman in labor in time, childbirth will be complicated. In addition, the prolapsed umbilical cord can be pinched by the cervical muscles or the fetus, and the child will have problems with oxygen supply.

If the waters have an unnatural color or smell, you should not postpone a visit to the maternity hospital. The presence of blood in the waters is a wake-up call. The natural process should not be accompanied by bleeding.

35–38 weeks

By 35 weeks, the baby has already formed lungs and is able to breathe on its own at birth. Therefore, if the waters break at this time, doctors decide to stimulate the birth process according to vital signs.

If nothing threatens the baby and the expectant mother, it is advisable to prolong the pregnancy. Expectant tactics allow you to inform the child and give birth on time.

The woman is placed in the hospital for the waiting period. Physicians are monitoring changes in the state and indicators of tests. To prevent infection of the fetus, I use antibiotics.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of infections, they resort to forced birth or caesarean section.

20–34 weeks

To prevent the birth of a premature baby and ensure the safe continuation of pregnancy after an early discharge of water, doctors adhere to expectant tactics in most cases. They try to prolong such a pregnancy as long as possible.

The woman will have to spend the remaining period before labor in the hospital under close supervision. The expectant mother is placed in a sterile ward, where she must remain in a supine position.

To control the condition of the baby and mother:

Once every four hours, temperature and pulse are measured;

Every day they conduct a blood test for the level of leukocytes;

The volume and quality of amniotic fluid released is constantly monitored, for which the diaper is regularly changed under the woman;

Every 5 days, sowing of materials taken from the vagina is carried out;

The condition of the baby is monitored using ultrasound and cardiotocography.

The decision on the timing and method of delivery is made in each case individually.

Up to 20 weeks

Water in the early stages may depart due to:

Infection of the fetus;

Inflammatory processes;

careless sex;

Hormonal failures;

Excessive physical activity.

There is no single tactic for the discharge of water in the early stages. The decision is made after a detailed examination. But in most cases, such a pregnancy cannot be saved.

The waters have broken, and there are no contractions

Only with ideal childbirth does the water break during contractions. Different "variations" are characterized by the discharge of water in the absence of contractions. Doctors recommend in any case to go to the hospital.

Do not wait a long time in the hope that labor will begin. Contractions may not start for the next 48 hours. Women, fearing the stimulation of childbirth, postpone visiting the maternity hospital, which creates favorable conditions for the development of infectious processes.

In some maternity hospitals, the practice is still preserved to stimulate labor activity 4–6 hours after the amniotic fluid has passed. Such tactics absolutely do not correspond to modern medical views.

Doctors have proven that the next 12 hours the baby is not in danger. And even the absence of contractions for 48 or even 72 hours is not considered a pathology.

The decision on urgent delivery is justified:

With complete discharge of amniotic fluid;

With the threat of displacement or abruption of the placenta;

If the contractions were present, and with the discharge of the waters they began to fade away;

In case of unnatural smell or color of amniotic fluid;

When the state of either the mother or the baby changes.

When the baby is infected;

If comorbidities are present.

The method of delivery in the absence of contractions, the doctor chooses in accordance with the condition of the woman:

1. If there is an incorrect location of the fetus, the woman in labor has health problems or a too narrow pelvis, a caesarean section is performed.

2. If the cervix is ​​ripe, but labor activity slows down, labor induction is used. To do this, the hormone oxytocin is injected, which allows you to accelerate uterine contractions and cervical dilatation.

3. With an immature cervix, labor is stimulated by introducing a gel or suppositories into the uterus containing prostaglandin hormones into the cervix.

In any situation, when the waters break, regardless of the timing and presence of contractions, it is necessary not to postpone a visit to the maternity hospital. Trust the doctors. In a hospital, all conditions are created for successful delivery or prolongation of pregnancy.

At that moment, when the pregnancy period is already approaching the final stage, the expectant mother can only wait for the water to break, the contractions and the actual birth will begin. This is the most exciting period, therefore, in order to calm women, it is very important to have theoretical knowledge about when the waters break and what needs to be done at this moment?

What does “breaking of the waters” mean, and how can we recognize it?

Amniotic fluid - fetal or amniotic fluid, which are located inside the amnion and chorion during pregnancy. They surround the fetus from all sides, creating a safe and natural environment for it, which plays a crucial role in shaping intrauterine life.

The waters can break not only right before the birth itself, but also a few hours before this moment. They may look like incontinence or come out as a stream of water, the amount of which can reach up to 1.5 liters. This is considered quite normal.

Very often, the discharge of water is confused with strong mucous secretions. It is best to have an amniotest for such cases, thanks to which it will be possible to find out exactly whether the discharge was or the water has departed.

There are several signs that will help tell you that the water has broken:

  • contractions may begin;
  • liquid oozes almost constantly;
  • the smell may be slightly sweet;
  • there may be inclusions of "white flakes".

Attention! It is very important to be prepared for this state of affairs so that, if necessary, do not panic and take a number of necessary measures.

How does water flow in pregnant women?

In the process of childbirth or before them, the bladder, where the fetus is in the liquid, bursts. After this, there is a discharge of water, which may indicate the imminent onset of labor. If at this moment the expectant mother is still outside the hospital, then it is necessary to get there as soon as possible.

As for the specific timing of childbirth after the waters have broken, everything is determined on an individual basis and they can vary significantly. Experts identify several options for the development of the situation:

  1. Premature (prenatal) discharge.
  2. Timely release.
  3. Protracted outflow.

Important! For each of these options, not only the doctor who leads the pregnancy, but also the woman in labor should be ready.

What should be the amount and color of the outgoing waters:

The outpouring of fluid is the main symptom of water withdrawal. The expectant mother will feel how a stream of liquid gushed out of her, which is not similar to urination, since the outpouring begins and ends quickly enough. It may seem to a woman during this period that there is a lot of fluid, but often not everything comes out at once:

  • most of the water that is directly in front of the fetus is poured out immediately. Thanks to this, the baby manages to get closer to the exit from the uterus. It will not be possible to indicate a specific amount of liquid, because everything depends on individual characteristics, including the weight of the child and the expectant mother, as well as the characteristics of the body. On average, 800-1000 ml comes out;
  • secondary outflow of fluid occurs already during childbirth. At this point, relatively little fluid comes out, about 200 ml, but the woman does not feel this, as she experiences stress during childbirth.

At this moment, the girl will feel a strong sputum in the perineum. In some especially rare cases, the water breaks slowly, which can present enough problems for further labor.

- leaks

Some time before the approximate date of birth or during the start of labor, every expectant mother can feel a strange kind of leakage. In rare cases, a situation of such a plan may also occur, when the waters do not depart immediately in large quantities, but gradually. Often this happens when a hole has formed in the amniotic sac, in which the liquid is located, for some reason.

The main problem is that often such leaks can be easily confused with incontinence or small discharges. Only a specialist in the laboratory is able to accurately determine the true cause.

- color

Amniotic fluid in the normal state should be transparent, without any inclusions or other shades. If green colors were detected, this may signal that the child is overdue and there is a risk of a lack of oxygen in the body of the fetus (hypoxia), which is why, in most cases, a decision is made to caesarean section.

The pink color of the water may indicate that during the separation of the placenta, blood got into the water. In this case, the woman must be taken to the intensive care unit as quickly as possible.

Important! If the waters depart at home, and not in the hospital under the supervision of specialists, it is necessary to remember their color, quantity and possible inclusions of white flakes or blood as accurately as possible.

It is very useful to monitor the color of the liquid, as it can indicate that pregnancy and early childbirth will proceed without complications or force emergency measures to be taken to avoid possible negative consequences. If there are any deviations from the norm, you must immediately inform the doctor about it.

Can the waters break without contractions?

It cannot be said unequivocally that after the waters break, contractions immediately begin. Often, the cervix should open first, after which the expectant mother will feel paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, after which the bubble should burst.

There are also cases when a pregnant woman does not experience any pain until the moment when the fluid is poured out. Even rarer are cases when contractions occur only after 10-12 hours. Everything entirely depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy.

There is a certain period of time after the waters have departed, it is called safe and lasts for 6-12 hours. During this period, if the woman in labor is not in the hospital, you must immediately call an ambulance and go there without waiting for contractions. At this time, bacteria will not be able to enter the woman's body.

If the contractions did not start in the hospital, then the following measures are resorted to:

  1. Stimulation.
  2. Drop or injection with oxytocin.
  3. Caesarean section (if contractions have not started).

How can you help the waters break?

For most women, the bubble remains intact, right up to the very contractions. This is quite normal and should not be alarmed. In the case when the attempts have already begun, and the bubble has not yet burst, it is pierced. Do not be afraid, this is a completely safe and painless procedure, which is carried out with a special probe through the cervix.

The probe in appearance resembles a hook, with which the shell is pierced. After that, contractions may become more frequent and the process of childbirth will become more active.

The piercing method is used already at the stage when the woman in labor is about to give birth, and a little in advance before this period, other stimulation methods can be used:

  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • nipple stimulation;
  • small physical activity;
  • sex;
  • eating a small amount of fresh pineapple;
  • the use of evening primrose oil (after consultation with a specialist);
  • the use of special cookies, which are designed to stimulate childbirth (sold in pharmacies).

What to do if the water breaks?

If such a situation caught a woman in the maternity hospital, then the specialists will do everything necessary and the woman in labor will have nothing to worry about and will only have to mentally and physically prepare for childbirth.

In the case when the waters began to break at home, then the woman and her close circle will need to complete a small but necessary list of measures so that further childbirth goes without complications:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Change underwear. Washing in this case is not recommended, because there is a high risk of infection.
  3. Get dressed for the hospital.
  4. Collect all necessary documents and things.
  5. During contractions, it is necessary to do breathing exercises that will ease pain attacks.
  6. If the color of the liquid is brown or red, you must take a horizontal position and try not to move until the ambulance arrives.
  7. Try to worry as little as possible and not panic.

Experts categorically do not recommend a woman to worry for the reason that the water does not leave until the last moment. If necessary, they will make a puncture. After the waters have broken, it is important not to panic, but to hurry up and call an ambulance as soon as possible in order to go to the maternity hospital, where qualified medical care will be provided.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Many expectant mothers are interested in how to understand that the water has broken during pregnancy? In order to answer this question as accurately as possible, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with all the details of the process and know what to do at the first sign of water leakage and where to go. This will help save valuable time and eliminate the risk of negative consequences that can harm the body of the mother and child.

Functions of amniotic fluid

Each process of pregnancy ends with childbirth. The first symptom that indicates that a woman will soon give birth is the outflow of amniotic fluid. They play an important role in protecting the fetus and are involved in various processes. During the entire period of development, the baby is in this water.

When the rupture of the fetal bladder occurs, it flows out, which leads to the onset of childbirth. Amniotic fluid performs many functions, the main ones being:

  • Protecting the baby from the action of infections and negative factors of influence that can lead to injuries.
  • Participation in material exchange.
  • Ensuring constant pressure and temperature readings are maintained.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the discharge of fluid can happen at any time during the gestation of the baby, but normally, this should happen at 38 weeks.

What is the discharge of water?

The presented process can be of several types, which is affected by the condition of the cervix and the presence of contractions leading to the onset of labor.

The main ones include:

  1. Premature discharge of water. As a rule, it begins before the onset of labor. Under such conditions, the waters depart, but contractions are not observed. This is not very good, but as statistics show, such cases happen, almost every tenth expectant mother.
  2. Early departure. In this case, the waters are poured out already in the process of contractions, but the cervix is ​​open no more than 4 cm.
  3. Timely departure. This variant of outflow is observed in the first half of childbirth. At this time, there are constant contractions, and the cervix is ​​open by more than four centimeters.
  4. Late outpouring. In this case, the outflow of water occurs after the cervix has fully opened.

Premature and early outflow of fluid is considered difficult, because in the absence of amniotic fluid, which previously protected the baby, the body becomes vulnerable to various infections. In cases where the waters have receded for a long time, and the contractions have not begun, there is a high risk of infection of the infant with an infection, as well as the internal genital organs of a woman.

This is especially true if the pregnant woman had inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system during the period of gestation. To avoid such risks, special antibacterial agents are introduced.

First signs of water break

Water during pregnancy should depart on time so that there are no negative consequences and complications. The process of effusion begins as a result of squeezing and tearing the anterior wall of the bladder by the head of the fetus.

The discharge of water has the following features:

  1. The volume of fluid that begins to drain should be about 200 ml, but for each woman, depending on individual characteristics, it is different.
  2. It is quite difficult to confuse the discharge of fluid with any other process. As statistics show, most often the water begins to break at night during sleep. The woman does not feel any significant symptoms, she just wakes up wet. When the waters break during the daytime, the expectant mother may experience a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, and then feel how the rupture of the fetal bladder has occurred inside.
  3. There are cases when a rupture occurs in the upper part of the bubble and there is only a small hole, water begins to drain in small portions for a long time. It is under such circumstances that a woman may begin to panic and the question arises, how do the waters leave? Such small droplets of liquid may resemble profuse discharge or urinary incontinence. The process of leakage is quite dangerous, because it can harm the fetus, so at the first sign of it, you need to see a doctor.
  4. The fluid from the fetal bladder has some impurities and a sweet smell. In cases where the water has a black, green or brown tint, the presence of meconium is diagnosed, which is secreted when the fetus lacks oxygen.
  5. If the water leaves with particles of blood, this may indicate the process of placental abruption, which requires urgent hospitalization.

Every expectant mother should understand how the process of water discharge and the onset of childbirth takes place. She also needs to know what to do in such cases and where to go.

If water leakage is observed, you should immediately contact a specialist so that there is no risk of deterioration in the health of the baby and mother.

Outflow of water before and during childbirth

The first sign that indicates the onset of labor is the discharge of water or contractions. In some cases, both processes can occur simultaneously. Water begins to pour out after 38 weeks, but, as a rule, in nulliparous women, this indicator is rare.

If the liquid is released in small portions, medical supervision is necessary. It should be clear or slightly pinkish in color. In cases where the liquid is clean, but the contractions have not begun or are very weak, you can get to the hospital on your own. When transporting by car, the expectant mother should lie on her side in the back seat to avoid the umbilical cord coming out or the onset of labor.

As practice shows, most cases of outflow of fluid from the fetal bladder at the time of childbirth occur with strong and frequent contractions. In this case, the uterus is open by more than 4 cm, and when one of the next contractions reaches a peak, the fetal bladder stretches and bursts. This process has no painful symptoms. In such cases, the liquid may come out in a stream or flow out gradually.

After the water breaks, the contractions intensify and become more painful. As women who have given birth say, the course of childbirth is easier to bear until the moment when the fluid of the fetal bladder leaves. As a rule, after that, a baby is born within 12 hours. If the birth of the baby does not occur, a caesarean section or induction of labor is performed.

If the discharge of water is difficult, it is advisable to call an ambulance so that the woman is under the supervision of specialists. The process of premature birth is dangerous for the fetus, so if fluid leaks out, you should immediately go to the hospital and not engage in self-care.

First steps

The discharge of water can occur both naturally and as a result of medical intervention. The doctor can open the fetal bladder using special tools. Basically, such measures are taken in cases where the pregnancy lasts longer than the due date and it is necessary to induce the process of childbirth. Before the birth process begins, the waters must break or contractions begin, or both processes at once.

What should be done first when the fluid of the fetal bladder began to flow out? This question is asked by many expectant mothers. It will also be useful to know about the details of the presented process for those who are just planning to have a baby. Hospitalization is necessary due to certain circumstances, which include:

  1. After the discharge of water, it is necessary to diagnose the cervix and assess its condition.
  2. Under some circumstances, the leakage of fluid from the fetal sac may pass without contractions, which may require further medical attention.
  3. With an outpouring, there are cases when the umbilical cord falls out. Sometimes, due to compression, fetal hypoxia can occur, which often leads to the death of an unborn baby. It is very important that the doctor sees such a problem in time and excludes it.

In some cases, the cervix may not be ready for childbirth, so additional intervention is needed to speed up the process. There is also a risk of infection of the fetus if it has been without amniotic fluid for a long time. The sooner the baby is born, the better will be his condition and the mother's body.

As soon as the water breaks, you should immediately go to the hospital so that in case of serious deviations, there are no negative consequences and complications that can harm the fetus.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the details of the process in advance and know what to do in such cases. You should not take independent measures, and after the outflow of liquid has occurred, you must immediately go to the hospital.

Amniotic fluid (as doctors call amniotic fluid, or fetal fluid) is a liquid, biologically very active medium that is inside the chorion and amnion (fetal membranes) during pregnancy. It surrounds the fetus from all sides, being its natural environment, playing an important role in ensuring its intrauterine life.

Immediately before childbirth or already in their process, the bubble, in which the liquid and the child are located, bursts. After that, the waters pour out, or, as they say, the waters break, and this is considered a sure sign of the onset of labor. It's time to get ready for the hospital, if the young mother is not there yet.

The timing of how much to give birth, if the water has broken, depends on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy and can vary significantly. There are several options for the development of events, for each of which a woman and doctors must be prepared.

Premature (prenatal) discharge

Starting from the 32nd week, at any time the bubble can burst. If this happens long before the cherished date of the birth of the baby, they talk about the premature outflow of amniotic fluid.

The question arises of what to do if the water breaks without contractions: it is important to get to the hospital as soon as possible. You can not sit at home and wait for the contraction of the uterus. You need to understand that at this moment the baby is without food and may die. Only the qualified help of doctors can save him.

To avoid such a development of events, it would not be superfluous to know the reasons why the waters leave ahead of time: they can be due to internal and external factors:

  • due to a fall
  • due to impact;
  • from internal diseases of a woman;
  • due to excessive, unbearable physical exertion;
  • strong emotional shock.

In this state of affairs, it most often happens that the waters have departed, and the cervix does not open at all or is not yet open enough. Contractions may not be felt at all if the baby is not ready for birth.

If the outflow of amniotic fluid occurred at the 32nd week, the pregnant woman is resuscitated and everything possible is done to save the fetus. After this period, the child is already more or less formed, so the doctors take delivery. However, in any case, this is fraught with certain dangerous consequences:

  • if the waters receded early, the chances are too high that the baby will be born prematurely and will not survive at all (in the short term). To save him, intensive (resuscitation) therapeutic measures are taken;
  • if at the same time an incorrect presentation of the fetus is also diagnosed, the umbilical cord may twist or fall out, which is fraught with oxygen starvation of the fetus. It can also end in the death of the child.

Many women are afraid of what to do if the water has broken and there are no contractions: if the amniotic fluid is released prematurely, the only right decision is to go to the hospital.

Timely outpouring

If the waters have departed when the cervix is ​​already sufficiently softened, slightly ajar (about 4 cm), it is believed that this is a favorable outcome of events. Everything is going the way it should be. As for the timing, after how long the contractions begin after the outflow of amniotic fluid, then normally they should already go in parallel with this process. In some cases, a woman begins to feel them only after 10-12 hours, which is also not a pathology.

lingering effusion

It also happens that the bubble, for some reason, cannot burst on its own. Then doctors have to pierce it mechanically (this procedure in medicine is called amniotomy). The reasons why the water does not leave on time can be very different.

There are the following medical indications for artificial opening of the fetal sac:

  • increased density, strength of the bubble, if the shells are not able to break themselves;
  • Rh-conflict pregnancy;
  • overbearing a child;
  • preeclampsia;
  • if the contractions are irregular and are not accompanied by the opening of the cervix;
  • low placentation;
  • flat fetal bladder.

There is no need to be afraid of a puncture of the fetal bladder, because there are no nerve endings in it, and this whole procedure is absolutely painless. Depending on individual characteristics, amniotic fluid can pour out at any time closer to the baby's cherished date of birth. The expectant mother needs to be very careful in the last stages and find out in advance how the waters of pregnant women leave, so as not to miss this moment and go to the hospital on time.


What is this process? What will the woman in labor feel at the same time and how to understand that the waters have broken, especially if this is the first pregnancy? There are signs by which a woman can find out that this has happened and go to the hospital without delay.


Many are interested in: does the water break first or do contractions begin? There is no definite answer here. Normally, the cervix will open first, that is, the woman will feel paroxysmal pains in the lower abdomen, which will differ in regularity. And then the bubble will burst.

In some cases, the woman in labor does not feel anything until the outflow of amniotic fluid occurs. It also happens that the characteristic pains come only after 10-12 hours. So the question of when the water leaves - before contractions or after - is ambiguous and depends entirely on the woman's body and the course of pregnancy.


Most young primiparous women are afraid of pain, so with bated breath they ask how the waters break before childbirth, what they will feel at that moment. Here you can relax and not be afraid. No discomfort, burning, pain should arise, because the bubble does not contain nerve endings.

Some women in labor still say that at the time of the outflow of amniotic fluid, they felt paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen. However, it was not water that provoked it at all. It's just that this crucial moment coincided with the usual fight. This happens often: one of them, if it is strong enough, can just provoke a rupture of the fetal sac.

Amount of liquid

The most important symptom when the waters break is the outpouring of fluid. At this moment, the woman will feel like a whole stream has poured out of her. This happens abruptly and quickly, so it doesn't look like spontaneous urination. At the same time, it may seem to a woman in labor that there is an unrealistically large amount of liquid (a whole bucket, according to their stories), although in reality everything rarely comes out at once (this is about 1 liter). You need to know how much water leaves before childbirth, so as not to worry in vain:

  • Most of the amniotic fluid is poured out immediately - it is called "anterior" because it was in front of the baby in the bladder. She helps the child get closer to the exit. The amount of water that leaves pregnant women before childbirth depends on the weight of the woman in labor and the fetus, the individual characteristics of both organisms. Usually it is from 800 ml to 1 liter.
  • The head of the fetus is so close to the pelvic bones that it does not allow the "rear" waters to pour out - this happens after childbirth. A woman practically does not feel this, because, firstly, she is in a state of stress, and secondly, there is very little of this liquid - about 200 ml.

At the time of the outflow of amniotic fluid, a woman will feel abundant sputum in the perineum. Sometimes the water can break gradually, but this is rare and represents a serious problem for the further course of labor.


For a certain period before the scheduled date of birth or already during contractions, a woman may feel a strange kind of leakage. The question arises whether the waters can leave a little bit, because normally they pour out immediately in a sufficiently large amount. Yes, in rare cases this can happen if for some reason a hole has formed in the bladder, through which the amniotic fluid leaks in drops or in very small portions.

The situation is complicated by the fact that in their appearance they are easily confused with prenatal vaginal discharge or ordinary urinary incontinence. What it really is, can only be determined by a doctor in the laboratory.


Sometimes a crack, pop, or click is heard before the water breaks: this is how the gestational sac bursts. Such a characteristic sound should not be afraid.


Sometimes the question arises, can the waters break earlier, and the answer can be very different. Firstly, a woman may simply not notice that a little earlier the cork had already come off. This often happens when urinating. Secondly, this clot of mucus can come out along with the amniotic fluid, which, when poured out, will simply wash it away after itself. Thirdly, which happens much less often, this protective lump can come out just before the birth of the baby.

These are the sensations that a woman feels when the waters break: contractions begin, the cervix opens (how to properly prepare it for this), the liquid simultaneously pours into the perineum, dampness and sometimes a characteristic sound. If everything is normal, no pathologies are observed, it is difficult to confuse this process with something else.

For some, the question arises when to go to the hospital, if everything has already happened. As soon as this happened, if the woman in labor is not in the hospital, you need to call the ambulance quickly and collect things. After all, within a day the baby will already be born.

A successful outcome of childbirth will largely depend on what color the water leaves in pregnant women - this indicator can tell a lot.


If there is time before the arrival of a doctor or the arrival of an ambulance, you can consider what color the waters have departed and draw the appropriate conclusions.

  • yellow

Muddy-yellow hue of amniotic fluid is the norm. You shouldn't worry. The only thing that needs to be done is to get to the hospital as soon as possible, because the birth will begin soon.

Some people ask if the water can break with urine - yes, this is possible. After all, a woman in this case has to strain, albeit slightly, but at that very moment the bubble can break through. Nothing wrong with that. It's just that the waters can take on a brighter yellow hue.

  • Red speck

Sometimes the waters that have broken have blood streaks along with the normal base (cloudy yellow) color of the amniotic fluid. If the woman in labor is feeling well, there is no need to worry. It's time to go to the maternity hospital. Red blotches are discharge during the opening of the uterine cervix.

  • Green

If the green waters have departed - what does this mean? There are two reasons, and both of them are dangerous for the health of the baby. Firstly, it may be a sign of an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, which may also result in his intrauterine death. Secondly, the green color of the waters that departed before childbirth may mean defecation of the fetus (i.e., its emptying). On the one hand, this seems to be a completely natural process that should not cause concern. But it was not there. Unfortunately, if the baby swallows meconium, it can get into the lungs. This is fraught with pneumonia or pulmonitis.

  • Brown

The darker the brown color of the amniotic fluid that leaves before childbirth, the more dangerous the situation. This may mean intrauterine death of the child.

  • Red

If the waters with blood have departed, which dyed them bright red (we are not talking about single inclusions and veins, but about a solid shade), this is also a distress signal - a sign of internal bleeding either in the mother herself or in the child. In this case, the woman is strictly forbidden to move. She needs to take a horizontal position and wait for the Ambulance. It is very dangerous to take her to the hospital in this position on her own.

So it is very useful after the waters have broken, to pay attention to their color. He can either reassure that everything proceeds without deviations from the norm, or force him to take urgent measures to avoid dangerous consequences. The doctor must be sure to report all his observations in this regard. After all, he will probably examine the woman in labor after the amniotic fluid has poured out, so he will not be able to examine her.

What to do?

One of the most important questions is what to do if the waters at home break? Indeed, if this happened already in the maternity hospital, the doctors will conduct all the necessary studies of the amniotic fluid, draw the appropriate conclusions, and help the woman prepare for childbirth. But if the expectant mother is at home at this moment, she and her relatives will have to take a number of measures on their own so that the birth of the baby goes without complications.

What needs to be done?

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. If a woman in labor has broken her water, she needs to change her underwear, which will get wet through. At the same time, you should not wash yourself, so as not to disturb the baby and not to bring the infection into the birth canal, since the cervix in most cases is already beginning to open.
  3. Change for the trip to the hospital.
  4. Collect things and documents.
  5. If contractions are already underway, you need to do to relieve paroxysmal pain.
  6. If the color of the waters that have departed is red or brown, the woman in labor should take a horizontal position, do not move and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
  7. Take away the excitement. Now it is very important not to panic and not worry: a calm mother is very important for the birth of a healthy baby.

It often happens that a woman is very busy with her pregnancy, she is very tired of her big belly, all the scheduled dates have passed, and the baby still does not want to leave her cozy bubble. The question arises of what to do so that the waters move faster - this provokes the process of childbirth. Doctors categorically forbid anything to be done in this case. When the time comes, they themselves will puncture the fetal sac.

But if a woman in labor is very ill from a post-term pregnancy, you can try the following methods (they will not harm the child, but they can cause an outpouring of amniotic fluid):

  • Hiking every day for at least 1 hour;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • nipple stimulation;
  • sex;
  • the use of a small amount of fresh pineapple (the substances that make up its composition activate the production of prostaglandins that prepare the body for childbirth);
  • the use of evening primrose oil (with the permission of a doctor);
  • the use of biscuits that stimulate labor: you can buy them at a pharmacy, specialty store or make your own hands.

Abundant sputum in the perineum due to the fact that the fetal bladder bursts - this is what the waters have departed. Once this happens, there is not a moment to lose. Labor has begun, and the baby is ready to be born very soon.

Without amniotic fluid in the womb, he will not last long. Therefore, you need to have time to get to the hospital within the next 2-3 hours. You will need to do everything much faster if the waters have departed too early or have an unusual color. To avoid pathologies, qualified medical care will be required.

In most cases, problems with this stage of labor are rare. So do not be afraid of him and worry in vain. On the contrary: rejoice, because the long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon take place.