How to clean the mold on clothes. Verified tools from mold on tissues. Application of onions, fermented milk products, clays, turbidar and ammonia alcohol

Mold refers to the category of mushrooms that have a microscopic size. However, in large numbers they are easily noticeable with the naked eye. Many people face the situation when a black or green fungus attacks their clothes. This article describes how to bring mold from clothes and how to prevent its appearance.

Causes of appearance

There are several situations that affect the appearance of an unpleasant fungus. Mold may occur for the following reasons:

  • lingerie was not well sucked;
  • things were kept in the raw room;
  • the fungus spread through infected clothes, which lay nearby.

On clothes can appear black or green mold. The longer the product is in contact with dampness, the deeper the fungus penetrates the material fibers. Ultimately, the moment occurs when it becomes very difficult to eliminate the stains. Sometimes even clothing begins to rot. Such things remain just throw out.

If you keep things in the raw state, it will lead to the formation of plates of mold. Clean the drying process special attention to the fungus does not feel good and did not apply to normal, dry clothes.

So that the fungus did not have a chance of distribution, you should create inappropriate conditions for it.Premises with high humidity need to be constantly ventilated and heated, and clothing thoroughly dry. Do not forget about things that are in the cabinets on long-term storage - they should also be ventilated.

What to wash?

There are several effective ways with which you can drop moldy spots from clothing. Before applying each tool, read the rules of use.

Onions and lemon

Such a means is popular among housewives, since the attributes necessary for the procedure are practically in every home. Do not refuse a way due to bow, its fragrance will eliminate the presence of lemon.Two big bulbs and two lemon will be required to work with mold. Onions placed in a blender. It should be pre-rid of husks. The juice is squeezed out of the lemon, and the zest itself is passed through the meat grinder.

Both components need to be connected and decompose the cleaner on a flat surface. The mass is placed on the stains of mold, after which it should be covered with a food film. After 30 minutes, the mixture can be deleted. Watch clothes in a washing machine using a washing powder and air conditioning. Drying products should be performed in the fresh air.

Milk with powder boos

This method exceeds itself in the processing of delicate material. To remove low-fat milk, boos powder, table vinegar and lemon juice. Juice can be replaced with citric acid. All ingredients are connected in a 50/50 ratio.

The formed mixture is applied to the stains, after which it should be covered with a food film and leave for 40 minutes. Then the composition needs to be laid with cotton disks, and the things themselves stretch several times manually.

Whitening means

In many stores, there are universal bleachers, which can be used with materials of any type and color. Vanish Oxi Action and Domestos is best shown. An instruction is attached to each product, in which the use rules are described in detail.


Many surprises, but kefir is an effective means in the fight against mold. Some hostesses are used for these purposes. The plot with mold should be generously pour kefir and leave for 8-10 hours. Then the thing should rinse manually. If the fungus does not disappear completely, repeat the procedure again.

How to withdraw from different materials?

Unfortunately, there is no universal method, which will remove fungal stains from the surface. Each material requires an individual relationship to not disturb its integrity. Remove spots of mold with white linen, woolen or cotton fabric using the following techniques:

  • divide a rich soap solution. With the help of economic soap you need to overtake the spots. The linen is then immersed in a solution for 30 minutes. Contaminated areas should be reheated and rinsed;
  • the second method is to use 1 large spoon of hydrogen peroxide by 0.5 liters of water. In the solution you need to immerse the clothes and carefully rinse. If this method did not bring the desired result, try to correct the position using the following solution: 200 ml of water and 1 teaspoon ammonia;

  • some hostesses report that the food soda helps them well. This product helps remove stains from clothing. Sycoda must be rubbed into the affected areas and spin it well. After this procedure, solve the thing;
  • Domestos helps to save white things and even a tablecloth of natural materials from fungus. Do not forget to dilute the substance so that it does not spoil the fabric;
  • in particularly severe cases, provided that the fabric did not start rot, you can use boiling. Buy any bleach, add a 1 large spoon with a 0.5 liter of water. Clothes should be immersed in boiling water. Take out things when you see that the stains disappeared. This method takes about 15 minutes.

These methods are suitable for any natural fabric.

Remove mold from color things using the following techniques:

  • take advantage of simple chalk. To do this, you will need to sprinkle a polluted area with a crushed powder and cover with a napkin. Find the designated place with a warm iron;
  • a good result showed a combination of salted water and ammonia. This method is suitable for linen colored material. Dissolve at 0.5 liters of hot water 1 teaspoon of the ammonia. Moisten the plot you need and leave for 30 minutes. Then you can cut off the pollution of the economic soap. In order not to suffer from an unpleasant smell, leave the clothes to dry out in the fresh air;

  • ascorbinka dissolved in alcohol will help remove mold from clothes at home. Treat the desired area with the solution and wait until it dry. Then you can wash the product;
  • to get rid of the annoying fungus silk fabric, you can use the turpentine. By this means, process stains by sprinkling Talc from above. Cover the powder with a paper napkin and swipe with a warm iron;

  • remove the old spots of mold and unpleasant smell using Vanish. This remedy will help remove stains from color clothes, jackets and other products;
  • synthetic materials should be treated with a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Do not forget to test the tissue to the reaction.

Fungus on a baby stroller

Many parents keep children's transport on the balcony or in the corridor. When the stroller becomes needed again, many of the mold spots are found on it. If the fungus struck a small plot, you can do without removal of fabric and disassembling the design. To return the product the original appearance, it takes soaking and washing elements.

There is an opinion that the use of a baby carriage, affected by fungus, is unacceptable.This conclusion is based on the dangers of inhalation of the disposition of mold. Such an argument is true, as the disputes that will fall to the baby into the lungs are able to apply feeling tangible harm. Therefore, you will not need to clear the surface of the parts from the fungus, but also to eliminate the infection itself.

The aesthetic component of the stroller in this case goes to the background, because you need to eliminate the reason for the occurrence of mold. One washing powder will not solve the problem, you need to find a tool that can fight fungus.

If he struck the mattress that was in a pile stroller, replace it with a new one. The removal of the fungus from porous material is often an unbearable task.

Choosing a means to combat mold, pay attention to special household chemicals or folk methods. Food soda is suitable, ammonia, table vinegar and means containing chlorine. All these substances are able to destroy the fungus, and chlorine can cope with the spots themselves.

Most manufacturers offer buyers with household chemicals, which is designed specifically to combat fungus. When choosing the desired product, pay attention to the following items:

  • the hazard class should be more than 4. If there is no such information on the label, refuse to buy, because it is dangerous to use such a means for children's things;
  • in fire hazardous tools, acetone or alcohol is always contained. Such products can be used if you can rinse the cloth, for example, in a washing machine;
  • explore the instructions for the product. Some trademarks produce a means of preventing mold and not eliminating;
  • it is not allowed to mix the ammonia with bleachs, which contains chlorine. The combination of two substances forms a toxic mixture that is harmful when inhaled.

To remove mold with a baby carriage, follow these rules:

  • moisten the problem areas with a table vinegar, a bleach or a solution that consists of 100 grams of ammonia and 1 liter of water. It is best for these purposes to use a sprayer;
  • leave the stroller for several hours;
  • then you need to wipe the stains with a rigid brush. If the material managed to dry, repeat the procedure;

  • the stroller should be wiped dry and store only indoors where there is no high humidity;
  • if you work with household chemicals, always guide the instruction manual. Remember that the work always begins with abundant wetting of a contaminated area with water or solution. This action is necessary to prevent the dispute in the air at the moment when you clean the brush;
  • clean the stroller on the street either indoors that is well ventilated.

This procedure is suitable for cleaning products that the fungus struck slightly. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the fabric and disassemble the design.

Instructions for removing fungus with removable parts:

  • mold does not like high temperatures. If you boil for two hours a fabric, it will be a guarantee of getting rid of fungus;
  • if the stains appeared inside the stroller, disassemble it and boil the material. Be prepared for the fact that poor-quality painted fabric will be discouraged;
  • instead of boiling, you can use the anti-game agent;
  • some strollers have a completely removable cloth. You will need to explore the instructions to correctly disassemble the design;

Mold is one of the types of fungus that can affect absolutely different surfaces and things. What if you discovered mold on clothes in your closet? Remove the fungus is sometimes extremely difficult.

Nevertheless, much depends on how common the material defeat is common and where it appears. Is it possible to fir the mold from clothes? Here is one of the questions that torments many owners who collided with a similar problem. To answer it, it is necessary to figure it out a little more for the reasons for the appearance and methods of combating mold.

Why does the mold appear on clothes?

Fungal defeat can develop on absolutely different surfaces. The material very often does not play for a dispute with a nickname principal. Whether it is cloth, wall, ceiling, wooden furniture or baby stroller.

The main factors that unite all these cases remain:

  • Increased humidity.
  • Insufficient air circulation.

It is in such conditions that the fungal defeat is best progressing.

If we talk specifically about clothes, then most often with the unpleasant manifestation of the hostess are faced when seasonal elements of the wardrobe (coat, jacket, sweaters) after long-term storage in the closet.

If you do not care about clothes, ignore the basic rules for the prevention of the appropriate problem, then the fungal defeat quickly may appear in the house and on the next blouse. The main thing is to prevent the sealing of the room in the presence of high humidity.

How to wash the mold on clothes?

Since the fungal lesion of the elements of the wardrobe can cause the development of allergic reactions and various pulmonary diseases, it is necessary to fight with it.

Sometimes even a small dark spot makes an extremely unpleasant smell that repels other people. The usual wash with the use of leather waters often cannot cope with a similar problem. In such cases, it is necessary to use more efficient means and techniques.

In the case of clothing, it is worth remembering that much depends on the material itself from which another jacket or jacket has been created. If, for example, one tool is suitable for wool, it can be destructive for genuine leather and the like.

When there is no complete confidence in the safety of a particular method of removing the fungus, and there is a risk to irretrievably spoil the specific element of the wardrobe, then it is better to trust it with professionals from dry cleaning.

Below will be a list of the most effective methods that will help solve the problem on how to wash the mold from clothing, depending on the source material.

Silk and Natural Wool

In order to eliminate mold spots from woolen things, you need to use Skipidar. A little fluid to apply on the tampon, to get into the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion several times and pour out clay.

After that, it is necessary to stroke things with an iron in a gentle mode. It is important to pre-cover the place of the temperature of the fabric or paper. After that, additionally rinse clothes in soapy water.

Silk can be perfectly cleaned from the fungus by ammonic alcohol. For this purpose, the latter needs to be diluted in the water in the proportion of 1:16. Mocked them stains, and then thoroughly rinse in ordinary water.

White fabrics and mold

In the case of bed linen or elements of white wardrobe, there are several simple, but effective methods of combating fungus.

The most popular remains:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This tool perfectly copes with mold not only on clothes, but also on other surfaces. It is necessary to moisten them the place of lesion, and then rinse thoroughly.
  • Chlorine. Similar to the previous medium, it perfectly copes with different types of fungus. The principle of use is the same.
  • Ethanol + ascorbic acid. A very extraordinary method that demonstrates good performance. You need to mix 40-50 ml of alcohol or vodka with 10 g of ascorbic acid. With the help of the brush, the resulting solution in the fungal lesion zone, clean the brush and give to dry. Then wash the thing in the usual mode.

Such simple ways you can not only get rid of hateful fungus, but also additionally make clothes are white usual.

Flax, cotton and satin

With stains of mold on cotton or linen things, it is possible to successfully combat the salt solution. To do this, it is necessary to add 30 g of ordinary kitchen salt to 1 l of warm water (2 tablespoons) and 5-10 ml of ammonia alcohol.

Pre-remedy is worth boiling on the slow heat half an hour. Such a solution needs to be treated with a fungus lesion and leave for a few minutes. Next to carry out the usual washing.

Vinegar or lemon juice also remain good natural means to combat mold. Slightly a few fluid apply to the appropriate stains. To be lost with a brush, give to dry, and then rinse in soap solution.

Cotton products can be clearly cleaned using a conventional onion juice. It is necessary to grasp them a couple of times the place of distribution of the fungus and then wash in the usual mode.

How to wash mold with color clothes?

If the problem of the fungus got to the colored elements of the wardrobe, then the ammonia alcohol will come to the aid of the hostess. It must be diluted in water at a concentration of 1: 1.

After that, the resulting solution is treated carefully all the corresponding stains. Leave for a few minutes, and then wash in not too hot water. It is first recommended to make a test cleaning on a small piece of fabric, since the ammonia has a property of changing the color of the canvas.

As can be seen, there are many ways to fight mold on clothes. The main thing is to choose the one that remains most useful in a particular case. It is best to simply not allow the spread of fungus in the closet.

To do this, it is worth venturing it regularly. At least once a year, it is recommended to dry all the clothes on the street. No need to lean the wardrobe too much. Between them should circulate air.

It happens that the thing has long lacquered in the closet, waiting in the wings. And so, remembering the once beloved dress, embroidered tablecloth or bedding, you can find out with horror that the fabric was covered with a fungus and acquired an unpleasant shaft. Surprise is replaced by disappointment, and the disappointment of panic, because the mold is not only not aesthetic, but also dangerous to health. How to wash mold from clothes at home?

Mold is a malicious fungus whose spread is promoted by a wet environment and heat. On the affected fabric sites, black, gray, white or green flare appears. Factors contribute to the emergence and distribution:

  • improper storage of things in old boxes or isolated packages;
  • increased humidity indoors or dampness in the closet;
  • incorrect or incomplete drying of things;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • contact fabric with surfaces affected by fungus.

How to wash mold from clothes: 11 folk recipes

Remove the mold from the fabric is a difficult task. The fungus is very viable, and therefore it will take a powerful tool. It is important to maintain the strength and brightness of the tissue. Based on the experience of the owners, 11 effective compositions for combating mold can be distinguished.

Lemon and onions from fresh spots

  1. Clean a couple of bulbs and turn into a puree with a terk, meat grinder or blender.
  2. Skip two lemon through the meat grinder along with the skin and bones.
  3. Mix the components.
  4. Tight layer apply on the fabric.
  5. Cover the polyethylene film.
  6. After half an hour, remove the tool and send the thing to the washing machine.
  7. Seeing the fabric outdoors. It is desirable that she warmed up well in the sun.

Do not be afraid that the thing will turn the smell of Luke. Lemon neutralizes it. To be restrained, use the double rate of the powder and the fragrant air conditioner during washing.

Milk and powder borants for delicate fabrics

  1. In equal amounts, connect the milk, powder boos, lemon juice and table vinegar (9%).
  2. Differently apply a mixture on problem areas.
  3. Cover the thing with a film or package.
  4. After 40 minutes, remove the composition using napkins.
  5. Put the thing manually, richly rubbing the treated areas with economic soap.

Chlorine bleach for bright products

  1. To remove the spots of mold with white clothes, point the chlorine bleach on the affected sections of the fabric.
  2. If there are many such "foci", completely soak the thing in the medium. On the liter of water will need a cap white.
  3. Leave half an hour.
  4. Fold the thing manually or in a washing machine.

Sometimes simple whiteness is not enough to cope with serious foci of fungus. After examining the host feedback, it can be concluded that to remove the black mold from the fabric it is better to use chlorine tools for cleaning plumbing. You can only apply them point and no more than a quarter of an hour.

Equal milk products for synthetics

  1. Kefir, serum or prostrip apply to plots with mold.
  2. In ten hours, carefully rinse the fabric and carefully examine. If the tracks of the fungus did not disappear, repeat the procedure. Do it until the thing becomes completely clean.
  3. It remains only washing in a large amount of powder.

Economic soap for any kind of fabric

  1. To get rid of white mold on clothes, soda half the bar of the economic soap.
  2. Dissolve the chips in a liter of water
  3. Place the moldy thing in the liquid.
  4. After half an hour, send a fabric to washing.

If the fungus hurts the cloth, then remove the spots of mold from the fabric at home will help boil. Prepare a soap solution at the calculation of the dining spoon of chips on each liter of fluid. Bring the composition to boil, put a thing in it and "boil" another quarter of an hour.

Chalk for color

  1. Perebit chalk in flour.
  2. Spread the thing on the ironing board.
  3. Plush the problem space with a chalk powder and cover the paper sheet.
  4. For about ten minutes, heating the surface with the iron.
  5. Send thing to washing.

Summer alcohol from solar spots

  1. Mix the ammonia alcohol with water in equal proportions.
  2. The places affected by mold are well impregnated with the resulting solution.
  3. After half an hour, post the thing in the powder.

Ammonia processing is a great way to remove the smell of mold with things. But the caustic smell of ammonia alcohol also absorbs into the fabric. To correct the situation, you will have to rinse a thing in clean water with fragrant air conditioning several times.

Universal means: vinegar

  1. In a liter of water, dissolve a quarter of a glass of table vinegar (9%) and a tablespoon of glycerol.
  2. Soak the thing in the solution, seal the tank with the food film and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse and abundantly soda in economic soap with subsequent washing.

Vinegar is a highly efficient tool from mold on clothing. Only 18% of famous fungi is resistant to it. The remaining 82% of species (including those that are affected by the tissue) are dying under the influence of an acidic medium.

Skipidar and talc for silk and wool

  1. The sponge is well soaked with turpentine and sweeten the moldy tissue.
  2. Put the processed place with the talc (also suitable white clay powder) and cover the paper sheet.
  3. For five minutes, warm the material with an iron.
  4. Remove the remnants of the talc with the fabric and comprehend in automatic mode.

Salt and lemon for children

  1. How to wipe mold with children's clothes? Slit lemon juice or prepare a concentrated citric acid solution.
  2. Moisten the spots of mold with a solution.
  3. Take a small salt and abundantly trigger areas previously treated with lemon juice.
  4. Wait until the fabric is completely dry, and wash with plenty of powder or soap.

To strengthen the lemon and salt effect, decompose the thing to dry in the sun. Straight rays will serve as a catalyst for a chemical reaction aimed at eliminating mold.

Aspirin and alcohol for bed linen

  1. In a third of a glass of medical alcohol, dissolve three tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.
  2. Treat the resulting stains, slightly rubbing the liquid into the fabric.
  3. Wait for the thing completely dry.
  4. Processed places Watch with a dry brush.
  5. Wrap up.

Remove the fungus with a baby carriage

In most families, this "transport" is transferred from the older child to the youngest. But when the time comes a new "passenger" to take its place, you may find that the tissue upholstery was covered with fungus. It is ugly and dangerous for the health of the child. It is worth using one of two methods, how to remove the mold from the fabric on the stroller.

Local spots

  1. Food soda mix with a small amount of water to get a mass like a paste.
  2. Distribute the mixture on the spots of mold.
  3. After three to five minutes, spend the processed places with an old toothbrush. For convenience, moisten it in water.
  4. Rock soda from the stroller.
  5. With the help of a soap solution and a sponge wipe the entire tissue surface.

Soda is a natural and safe antiseptic. The substance will perfectly cope with the fungus. After such treatment, the stroller can not be afraid that the child has irritation or an allergic reaction.

Strong pollution

  1. Before laundering a mold with a fabric on a baby carriage, treat the entire surface with turpentine. Do not regret the funds, the fabric should be good to soak them.
  2. Moisten a sponge in the water, pour soda and start intensely rub the surface.
  3. In 2 liters of water, dissolve three tablespoons of washing powder and peroxide. Treat the stroller by this composition, catching over soda.
  4. Wash clean water, then wipe with water, acidified with vinegar.
  5. Wipe the surface dry.

After washing on the surface of the fabric, soda can remain. To finally remove the particles, the stroller must be thoroughly speaking.

Prevention of the formation of black plaque

None of the ways guarantees full deliverance from the fungus. Even if there are no traces on the surface of the fabric, perhaps live disputes between the fibers and after some time the mold spots may appear again. In order not to search for ways, how to bring mold spots from clothes, observe preventive measures.

  • Do not hurry to hide the thing. After ironing clothes or bed linen, wait 15-20 minutes until things are completely cooled. If you use a steamer, you can put things on the shelf no earlier than half an hour.
  • Do not stuff the cabinet. In order not to create favorable conditions for the appearance of fungus, do not score a wardrobe. There must be enough free space so that the air is circulated.
  • Clean things regularly. At least once a year you need to get all the contents of the cabinets and airports outdoors.
  • Process the cabinet. While things dry out on the street, treat the shelves with a damp cloth moistened in acidic water, and wipe dry. It is necessary so that the mold in the closet does not appear.
  • Place the cabinet correctly. It is impossible to place furniture on the wall. By installing the cabinet, you need to observe a small indent (3-5 cm) to ensure normal air circulation.
  • Welcome the room. In any weather, do a daily room for a quarter of an hour. At the same time, the doors of the cabinet must be open.
  • Clean things keep separately. If on one shelf with clean T-shirts, you put a thing in which we went all day, it will be the first step towards the spread of fungi and microbes.
  • Exclude contact. If we fold seasonal things for long-term storage, put polyethylene packages between them.

Things can "get infected" mold not only in the closet, but also in a washing machine. To prevent the development of fungi, wipe and dry the drum. Keep the door ajar for continuous ventilation.

Noticing on the tissue mold, first of all take care of my own health. Fungi can cause allergic reactions, itching, redness and rash. Finding into the airways, disputes cause strong cough and sneezing. From things stored in the closet, fungus can spread throughout the house. Therefore, noticing the slightest hints, you should find effective ways how to fir the mold with fabric and from clothes. And do not pull with treatment, because with time the fungus will destroy the structure of the fibers, and the thing will be hopelessly spoiled.


Bring mold with fabric At home is quite difficult, it is not uncommon in our time. Bring it from various fabrics can sometimes be quite difficult because mold is not just grayish-green spots, these are whole microorganisms that will not want to leave the place of habitatwhile we do not take the situation in our hands, and we will not start acting radically!

Why does the mold appear on the fabric? Everything is very simple: it is enough to dry the fabric enough before remove it into the closet, and the moisture mold with joy to divorce not only on wet clothes, but also on dry neighboring.

Avoid this seemingly simple. You just need to carefully dry and stroke the clothes before you fold it into the closet, but even in this case the mold still appears on the tissues! What is this? And the point is likely that these microorganisms have long moved to the walls of the cabinet long ago on the walls of the cabinet, the seam is everywhere and everywhere their disputes. And this is not just unpleasant, and also harmful! Yes, and the smell is not the most pleasant ... Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of mold once and forever!

If microorganisms have already occupied your favorite dress, then it's time to act! To bring the spots from mold, you can use in three ways: to use industrial chemistry, entrust things to specialists in a dry cleaning, and you can still withdraw this nastiness yourself. To bring the mold with your own hands, you need to process the focus of infection by one of the following funds:

Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide);

Sour milk or sources;

Acid ascorbic acid;

Natural juice lemon;


Bite juice;

Table vinegar;

With proper use, any of these funds will give a positive result. The main thing - do not forget to extend the fabric after pre-processing by folk remedies. If none of them helped you, then you should give preference to professional means to remove stains.

But successful to wash the mold from clothes at home is not the end of the mission. It is necessary to know that for each type of fabric, one or another method can come. Therefore, now we describe in detail what method should be used to remove the mold from different types of fabric.

    To bring mold with light thingsIt is necessary to take advantage of hydrogen peroxide solution and conventional chlorks. The resulting solution must be applied to a polluted place, then thoroughly wipe it with a rigid brush. When the stain disappears - extend the clothes in the usual way.

    If mold struck one of your favorites colored things, then, for its excretion, use ammonia, divorced with water in proportion one to one. After such processing, the thing needs to be wrapped more than once.

    Natural Fabrics Lemon juice should be treated or vinegar. To do this, wash the fabric to one of these funds, it is impregnated for several minutes, and then intensively rub it. After that, clothing is erased in the usual way.

    Cotton fabric From mold will save the usual source. It needs things in it for a whole night. After that, the cloth needs to be washed in the usual way.

    Concerning woolen clothing, To bring the mold on it can help turpentine and dry clay. Just treat the chipidar contaminated surface, then pour out the clay, cover the affected place with a dense cloth, and then go a little iron. Empty after such a session is needed in ordinary soapy water.

    To remove mold with fabric on pediatric strollerIt is necessary to mix the soda with three tablespoons of water, add a terrible soap to a large grater there, after that it is necessary to process the contaminated surface with the resulting mixture. Leave it on a stroller for half an hour, after which it is treated with vinegar and give to dry in the sun.

In order to prevent the development of mold at home, always stroke and dry clothes before putting it into the closet, more often carry it out, and even better if you sometimes process its walls with a hot soda solution. In this case, the mold does not turn to you again!


The fungus is not uncommon in a bath or room with high humidity. Mold can flush on clothes, if you do not properly care for things. As a result, the wardrobe becomes unsuitable. There is an unpleasant smell from things, sections covered with white spots are formed. These are disputes of fungi that require immediate removal. How to remove mold from clothes? Initially, a washing powder is underway. If the synthetic means does not cope, then the decision is made. Do not make hasty conclusions, try folk methods.

How to remove mold from clothes at home?

Before proceeding to the methods of removal of stains, see what temperature it is withstanding the thing. Is it possible to soak clothes, use bleach to remove contaminants. It is important to take into account the type of fabric, painting and degree of damage to the fungus. How to remove mold from clothes at home?

With the help of turpentor. The method is used to purify things from wool or cotton. To remove white dots, moisten the sponge. Then sweat the contaminated areas. Next process each point of clay. Upon completion of the procedure, hover the clothes with the iron, setting the program with a small temperature. In order not to damage the fabric, put a piece of paper. So that there are no outsiders left, put the thing manually using a liquid agent.
Folk methods. Prepare onion juice. It is enough to squeeze 1-2 bulbs. Then the resulting liquid process the fungus. Fit stains, and then wash off with water. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the contamination is completely coming. So that the clothes remained on the clothes, send the thing to the washing machine.

Onion juice perfectly removes mold from clothes made of cotton fabric.

If the spots of mold are fresh, then try to treat the pollution with the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Just soda the fungus, then immediately rinse with water. In order not to be stained from the tomato, immediately extend the thing with the powder.

For removal, the fungus is often used acid. One of the well-known folk methods is the removal of the mold of the prostone. The milk product is processed by clothes and left in a bowl overnight. Then the usual wash is performed. As a result, stains and unpleasant smell leave. As a acid is still taken aspirin, lemon juice or vinegar. The last option is popular because the bottle with the means will be found in every home.

How to remove mold with vinegar clothes?

Pour the floor to the place where the fungus accumulated. After 30 minutes. Treat Mold Salt. If the stains entered the fabric, then read the contaminated places with a special brush. To wash off salt and vinegar, prepare soap fluid. For this, soda the soap bar in warm water. Leave clothes for a couple of hours in water. Then rinse and post the dry.
Add vinegar during washing. If you erase things manually, then pour the glass into a bowl. Leave clothes in the resulting solution. After the watch of soaking, put it in the usual way. If you plan an automatic washing, then just pour the bite into the hole intended for liquid tools.

Vinegar impresses clothes and eliminates the smell of dampness. In order for the stains from the first time, perform washing in hot water. The fungus does not like high temperatures. But, first, make sure that the clothes will endure such an impact. Look for appropriate signs on the label product.

How to remove mold with the clothes of the ammonia alcohol?

If the usual wash does not help, there are active and powerful tools. Mold is unpleasant to the fact that it quickly spreads. If you do not delete the first spots on time, then in time the thing turns the fungus and smells unpleasantly. One of the effective means of eliminating pollution is the ammonia alcohol. How to remove mold with clothes?

Divide the ammonious alcohol with purified water. Take a liquid without impurities so as not to leave divorces on clothes. The resulting composition is treated with a speck. Then be sure to rinse the thing. The final stage is the washing automatic way.
Take a tablet ascorbic acid, grind and enter into alcohol. Stitted fabric obtained by a mixture. Act carefully not to damage clean areas. Leave Cashitz on the stains for better exposure. This method is suitable for removing mold with white matter. If it did not work, then try to remove the stains of hydrogen peroxide.
Dissolve in a glass of water a couple of salt spoons. Then add 5 drops of ammonic alcohol. Before applying to the cloth, warm the resulting mixture on a water bath. If the stains have entered the cloth, then read the stain with the help of a toothbrush. It is used to remove fungus from natural fabrics (flax, hawk, cotton).

Summer alcohol is used to remove stains from color things. Just pre-check the action of the means by applying to the opposite direction or the invisible piece of clothing.

Mold spots are not easy. You have to simultaneously use a pair of methods to achieve results. If you do not want to once again encounter a fungus on clothes, observe simple rules.

How to prevent the appearance of mold on clothes?

Fold things into the closet after they are completely dried. Wet clothing provokes the development of microbes, fungi and mold.
Check things. Often we discover mold on things that have kept in the closet the whole season. In the summer, hang winter clothes outside, especially. The sun rays are an excellent prevention of mold formation.
Once a week spend the audit in the closet. If adults are monitoring that dirty things do not get on the shelves with clean clothing, then children do not attach attention to such trifles. Check all things, dirty clothes provokes the development of fungus.
If you got under the rain or returned from the workout, then at first dry things. You can not fold in a container with dirty linen wet clothing. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell will appear, and then mold.

Do not forget that the wet room is a favorable environment for the development of microbes. Measure the level of humidity in the room. Try when storing things to leave a place to circulate air. Do not clog the cabinet under the string, otherwise the mold is formed, and unpleasant odors will appear.

January 25, 2014, 17:24