How to dress with a carrot for a matinee. Carnival suit carrots. How to sew an original children's carnival costume with your own hands

What can be easier than carrot costume? You can buy ready or rent. But after all, nothing to compare emotions from a common cause - joint manufacturing costume on the Christmas tree.

Why carrots?

A masquerade costume helps the child to develop imagination, fantasy, and with which you can compare the pleasure of the result - a colorful New Year's costume, which is certainly not anyone.

With the help of a carrot suit, you can enjoy a child to healthy nutrition, to popularize a healthy lifestyle, to explain the use of vegetables, the number of vitamins in them. Even if earlier, never kid did not eat carrots, after working together to create a New Year's costume, it cannot but love a vegetable.

In addition, this is a universal outfit: suitable suit of carrots for the girl and for the boy. After all, the bottom of it, rhizome, can be made as a skirt and pants or capes.

Solid benefit!

Where to draw ideas?

The source of inspiration will perform carrot itself. You can take a vegetable, consider it together with the baby. Extending the child to contact, Mom will be able to consolidate his knowledge of taste and

You can also cook delicious dishes, bake the child for sure I understand that carrot is a real hero worthy of visiting the New Year's morning.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe preparatory stage is an interactive conversation about carrots and its benefits. Let the child describe the vegetable, what color is it, the shapes, what is his components, differences from other vegetables. And the main question is how he is a carrot costume.

I was blinded from what was ...

As a result, the child himself says that for a carrot suit you need two main colors: orange bottom to make rhizome, and green tops.

Surely in the wardrobe of the girls there are things of this color: a sundress or skirt and a green blouse, a hat, scarf, a cake, a bow. All this, turning on the fantasy, can be used in the preparation of the costume.

Long costume

Sewing a carrot costume with their own hands is easy. You can find examples of work and even patterns to them, as well as instructions and tips on cutting models and tailoring suit.

For the preparation of the bottom of the costume, that is, the root itself, you can use any form. You can leave the existing outfit unchanged or shelter it with a red, yellow or orange garland.

Porolon can serve as the basis of a surround suit. From a piece of desired size in length and width, the cone-shaped native of the carrot is made.

On top it is possible to launch a sewn cloth or a magnificent skirt, a sundress or cape in full growth. From the bottom you can insert a gum and pull a little. Or the fabric from the bottom to cut from two sides with a wedge, similar to the root of vegetable.

Miracle material foam

Porolon is an excellent material for the manufacture of the base of the costume. An important stage of work becomes the right cut of the material. It is important that the cut place is perfectly smooth at the desired angle.

For gluing, the universal glue "Moment-1" is suitable. I smeared both sides, give 5-7 minutes to dry, and then slightly press and twist so that the glue is smoothly distributed and grabbed. You need to do everything quickly and gently.

The foam rolling work should be done by adult, so as not to harm the baby's health.

It will only be covered with a suit with a cloth.

To make a carrot suit with completed, as a greens, you can use the finished item of the wardrobe of the girls or from any fabric of the desired shade of sewing jabs, scarf, bow.

The tops can be placed on the head as a green hat, a bow or hoop with visually similar leaves, which can be prepared from any material: fabric, cardboard, green garlands.

Simplified carrot suit

Used clothes that are in stock. Traditionally, the bottom is orange, top green. And on the head with the help of a hoop or a cardboard rim, the crown put the drawing or application - the image of the carrot. You can also attach carrots with a green cap to a green hat. Or attach the colorful pictures of vegetable to the chest and back.

Option in basket

You can make a carrot costume in a basket of three main parts.

Brown skirt with a foam base and a gear handle over the shoulder will remind the basket. The carrot itself may be an orange blouse. Green top - hat, scarf or bow.

Upside down

And you can completely simplify carrot costume with your own hands. A headdress will perform as a root. It can be a cone-shaped hat or cap made of foam rubber, color cardboard or painted.

And the bar serves or a set of blouses and pants that will be decorated with green garlands or bows.

It became fashionable to arrange a photo shoot. This is especially like to make young moms. You can submit your long-awaited child in any image.

It is easy to make a suit of carrot for the girl with their own hands. It can be associated with orange yarn knitting or sew from any fabric a regular carrot envelope.

As a tops, use a cap with pompons.

And what will we say Santa Claus?

On the New Year's holiday, the baby will be able to adequately present his carrot costume. The photo will show the bright emotions of the child. The main thing is not to forget to capture.

For a presentation of a suit, you can come up with a cheerful fairy tale, a scene with other heroes, such as beetroot, cucumbers, green peas or read the poem:

I was born carrot

The kids became angry

Don't want to eat me

All look at sweets.

And in me all vitamins

Only on top are not visible.

If you love me -

That healthy and strong will you!

I grew out beautiful

And on New Year's holiday

To the defector came today

On the Christmas tree New Year.

I want to tell you a secret

To all live with me, at least a hundred years.

I treat you with vitamins,

To grow you smart and strong.

The main rule of the manufacture of a carrot suit is to withstand a combination of two colors: orange rhizome and green tops. And which use materials, sizes and proportions depends on fantasy.

And then on the New Year's matinee, the festival of autumn or photo session, the beloved baby will be the most beautiful.

What can be easier than carrot costume? You can buy ready or rent. But after all, nothing to compare emotions from a common cause - joint manufacturing costume on the Christmas tree.

Why carrots?

A masquerade suit helps the child to develop imagination, fantasy, figurative thinking. And with which you can compare the pleasure of the result of the result - a colorful New Year's costume, which I really will not have anyone.

With the help of a carrot suit, you can enjoy a child to healthy nutrition, to popularize a healthy lifestyle, to explain the use of vegetables, the number of vitamins in them. Even if earlier, never kid did not eat carrots, after working together to create a New Year's costume, it cannot but love a vegetable.

In addition, this is a universal outfit: suitable suit of carrots for the girl and for the boy. After all, the bottom of it, rhizome, can be made as a skirt and pants or capes.

Solid benefit!

Where to draw ideas?

The source of inspiration will perform carrot itself. You can take a vegetable, consider it together with the baby. Extending the child to contact, Mom will be able to consolidate his knowledge about taste and the benefits of carrots.

You can also prepare delicious dishes, bake a carrot cake so that the child will certainly realize that carrot is a real hero worth visiting the New Year's matinee.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe preparatory stage is an interactive conversation about carrots and its benefits. Let the child describe the vegetable, what color is it, the shapes, what is his components, differences from other vegetables. And the main question is how he is a carrot costume.

I was blinded from what was ...

As a result, the child himself says that for a carrot suit you need two main colors: orange bottom to make rhizome, and green tops.

Surely in the wardrobe of the girls there are things of this color: orange dress, sundress or skirt and green blouse, hat, scarf, cake, bow. All this, turning on the fantasy, can be used in the preparation of the costume.

Long costume

Sewing a carrot costume with their own hands is easy. You can find examples of work and even patterns to them, as well as instructions and tips on cutting models and tailoring suit.

For the preparation of the bottom of the costume, that is, the root itself, you can use any form. You can leave the existing outfit unchanged or shelter it with a red, yellow or orange garland.

Porolon can serve as the basis of a surround suit. From a piece of desired size in length and width, the cone-shaped native of the carrot is made.

On top it is possible to launch a sewn cloth or a magnificent skirt, a sundress or cape in full growth. From the bottom you can insert a gum and pull a little. Or the fabric from the bottom to cut from two sides with a wedge, similar to the root of vegetable.

Miracle material foam

Porolon is an excellent material for the manufacture of the base of the costume. An important stage of work becomes the right cut of the material. It is important that the cut place is perfectly smooth at the desired angle.

For gluing, the universal glue "Moment-1" is suitable. I smeared both sides, give 5-7 minutes to dry, and then slightly press and twist so that the glue is smoothly distributed and grabbed. You need to do everything quickly and gently.

The foam rolling work should be done by adult, so as not to harm the baby's health.

It will only be covered with a suit with a cloth.

To make a carrot suit with completed, as a greens, you can use the finished item of the wardrobe of the girls or from any fabric of the desired shade of sewing jabs, scarf, bow.

The tops can be placed on the head as a green hat, a bow or hoop with visually similar leaves, which can be prepared from any material: fabric, cardboard, green garlands.

Simplified carrot suit

Used clothes that are in stock. Traditionally, the bottom is orange, top green. And on the head with the help of a hoop or a cardboard rim, the crown put the drawing or application - the image of the carrot. You can also attach carrots with a green cap to a green hat. Or attach the colorful pictures of vegetable to the chest and back.

Option in basket

You can make a carrot costume in a basket of three main parts.

Brown skirt with a foam base and a gear handle over the shoulder will remind the basket. The carrot itself may be an orange blouse. Green top - hat, scarf or bow.

Upside down

And you can completely simplify carrot costume with your own hands. A headdress will perform as a root. It can be a cone-shaped hat or cap made of foam rubber, color cardboard or painted.

And the barn serves a green dress or a set of blouses and pants, which will be decorated with green garlands or bows.

It became fashionable to arrange a photo shoot. This is especially like to make young moms. You can submit your long-awaited child in any image.

It is easy to make a suit of carrot for the girl with their own hands. It can be associated with orange yarn knitting or sew from any fabric a regular carrot envelope.

As a tops, use a cap with pompons.

And what will we say Santa Claus?

On the New Year's holiday, the baby will be able to adequately present his carrot costume. The photo will show the bright emotions of the child. The main thing is not to forget to capture.

For a presentation of a suit, you can come up with a cheerful fairy tale, a scene with other heroes, such as beetroot, cucumbers, green peas or read the poem:

I was born carrot

The kids became angry

Don't want to eat me

All look at sweets.

And in me all vitamins

Only on top are not visible.

If you love me -

That healthy and strong will you!

I grew out beautiful

And on New Year's holiday

To the defector came today

On the Christmas tree New Year.

I want to tell you a secret

To all live with me, at least a hundred years.

I treat you with vitamins,

To grow you smart and strong.

The main rule of the manufacture of a carrot suit is to withstand a combination of two colors: orange rhizome and green tops. And which use materials, sizes and proportions depends on fantasy.

And then on the New Year's matinee, the festival of autumn or photo session, the beloved baby will be the most beautiful.

In the fall, you may need a "seasonal" carnival costume for kindergarten - because there will certainly be a holiday of autumn! It will be originally and brightly look at any little girl not the most standard costume - carrots. Of course, you can buy a ready-made carnival outfit in the usual or online store. But does it make sense to spend, if you create it yourself very simple? In addition, it is possible to use a creative act as an educational point: let the child helps you, wrinkle a fairy tale about this vegetable, will learn poems about him. This is an excellent reason to chat with a baby on a cognitive topic: what other vegetables she knows what you can cook from the carrot ... A smart mom will always find than to interest! And my daughter will be nice to wear a "work" if its creation is connected to her with your attention.

How to sew a dress-suit carrot for a girl

So, it was decided to sew a "carrot" costume - the young lady, of course, is suitable for a dress. What do you need For an inexpensive and simple option:

    as a pattern - already existing free dress or a tunic of daughter;

    fabric - orange (on the dress) and green (on a barnichka) Gabardine;

    orange threads, the same button and a piece of oblique bay;

    gum for the lower edge;

    all for sewing - needle for desiccation, machine, scissors.

Important! Gabardine is a wonderful fabric, one disadvantage: Running, carefully act as a needle.

When all materials and tools are at hand, you can start:

    Carve out the main part like a tunic;

    The neck to make a semicircle (in a stitched form it will be more oval);

    On the back to make a small extra cutout in the form of a droplet - to conveniently put on the finished thing through the head;

    Cutting the neck for her form in its shape, process from the outer edge, stitching with a neck, turn inside out and flash the firing stitch from the front side;

    Sew a button, make a loop from threads for her;

    Steel side seams, treat frequent zigzag (option - overlight line);

    At the edges of the sleeves, adjust 5 mm, strain;

    Bottom dresses to adjust and form a scene, also to see, leaving the non-stitched portion 1-2 cm to turn the rubber band;

    Grind the gum, clean the bottom, sew the edges of the gum.

The main part of our "root" is ready, but you will agree, this dress-case is still not like carrots! Because she has a tops. Here we use green gabardine.

If you are not sure that you will immediately figure out the "greens", use the paper template for applying the contour fabric:

    Carve out "leaves";

    Treat the collar from the inside's oblique baker, leave 20-25 cm of bays from two sides - it will be strings;

    Expand Beach, sew to the involve side of the neck;

    Bare it on the front side, also flash.

Important! The curly edges should be carefully treated with a match of matches or lighters, so that the fabric does not pour.

Constructure carrot costume from individual parts: skirt + turtleneck

Another version of the carrot dress is possible: from two parts, and you will not need a sewing machine. Create an air, lush, a bright fate of a fate can be without it!

AND so, for the second - the prefab - option will be required:

    a piece of fate of orange color (length is needed at least 2 m);

    wide gum - it will play the role of the belt and hold the skirt on the figure;

    needle, threads in color, scissors.

Important! Use the medium hard fatin. Hard ugly "get up a bitter", and the baby will be uncomfortable to contact him, and the mild will not hold the form.

When all materials are assembled, we begin the manufacture of a skirt:

    It should be estimated by the growth of a small model, which length of the skirt is required, and cut the fatin on the strips: 50x20, 75x20 or any other required length;

    Measure the waist circle and mark on the rubber band, plus 2-3 cm. Write the edges of the pins. To put on an elastic band on something that it is convenient to fix fatin stripes on it (the back of the chair is suitable);

    Fasten strips on it, tieting out nude nodes, in a circle. If you want, so that the skirt turned out to be magnificent - do not spare fate;

    Sew the tips of the gum. Skirt is ready.

For a complete set, you need to find a suitable top of - turtleneck, a t-shirt, a green blouse (you can and orange, but then you will need an additional accessory or hat).

Other Carrot Costume options for girls

There are some more simple ways to create a suit:

    Very simple. Buy orange lining tissue (from 1 m), cut the hole in it. Cut from cardboard a circle - also with a hole, so that it is convenient to lay on the shoulders of the child. Top to wear a cape, estimate how to cut it, so that the cape narrowed down the book. On the head - secure on the bezel for the hair "Bott" from green paper sold in flower shops;

    "Upside down". In this case, the "tops" will be below - to choose any, better free, green clothes - a dress, a jumpsuit, a blouse with trousers. And the carrot itself will be a hat - roll the cone from thick colored paper. It is possible from the simple white watman, and the child will color it with orange paint (taking part in the creative process). So that the hat kept tightly, you can attach to it ties or a rubber;

    "Very ripe carrot". It will take an orange crying - to carve two triangles. Upper edge - on the size of the shoulders, length - to the knees (do not forget about the machining of processing). The volume "root" will help to give trimming of a synthetone or foam rubber - they must be attached from the wrong side. Matchous two halves of patterns, leaving the holes for the head, arms and legs, back to leave a cut on top of bottom. You can pose and insert zipper - but a black lacing will look more interesting. With the same laces, you can decorate all the product and be sure to pull them off, wrinkling the material - relief will appear. Carrots have black stripes? To such a naturalistic version will need an equally expressive "topping": think about the sham of a green wigbed or the same cap with a lush pompon from yarn (by the way, the pumps are simple - if you do not know how to learn and do together with your daughter, girls are usually delighted with this Process!);

    Another "fiscal" carrot, funny and extravagant. Again you will need green clothes - and the ability of mom or grandmother knit. Vegetables themselves will be a knitted cone-shaped hat - you can make a rather high and fill it with cotton wool or syntheps, but you have to make a rather dense basis, putting on the head directly and holding a knitted "tower" (a dense cardboard is suitable from the inside with a soft cloth, so that the carrot hat sat denser and did not give discomfort);

    From paper - it is necessary to choose a solid but unbalanced paper, cut two trapezoidal blanks from the shoulders to the waist. Wear a finished costume will be wide face down. Give glue to dry, paint the workpiece into orange with black stripes, wait now to dry out the paint, cut the holes for hands and securely glue the edges. It is worth ensuring that the child is able to fit freely inside. From the same paper glue a cone-shaped hat, paint the same as the main part, to turn the ribbon or rubber, which will hold it on the head. The role of the leaves will play a green skirt perfectly - even made in half an hour of strokes of material imposed on the gum (as in the case of the manufacture of a fatin skirt);

    The symbolic option is a long white tunic, green leggings and shoes, to put a large carrot applique in front;

    The original version - if you know how to sew a tunic, before leaving a shortened, and take a long-tavering cable "tail", reproducing the shape of the vegetable (though, the option is not suitable for the active point of the baby - it will be necessary to hit it! But you can paint, and then it's easy to stack. his).

Important! Be sure to check whether your daughter feels comfortable and can move freely. A carnival outfit that molds, especially children's - this is a misunderstanding! Your girl will surely actively move on the holiday, participate in games, events, dancing - the main thing that it was comfortable!

What to choose as accessories and decorations for carrot suit

You can not decorate the Botow's costume itself, but to give this role to the head leather or accessory. You can make "leaves" in several ways:

    From a rectangular piece of fabric (the length is twice as much more circumference of the head). Folding the fabric in half, flash on the machine. Create a stem and insert a gum into the bottom edge. Top, open, handle overlight and simply intercept green hair tie or rope;

    If d point and there is a hoop for hair, it is very easy to attach the carrotsb, stitched from matter or made from paper. You can use the hoop as a basis - attach it "Leaflets" from fabric By inserting the wires in them to stick out(or wrap a wire yarn);

    Role play perfectlyleaf lush bow on the head, scarf, cape, tied by a spectacular knot of a brazer, shawl with fringe or brushes,lace Jabn on the neck.

Important!Be sure to think over the overall concept of the entire costume. It is desirable that the accessories have stylically harmonized with it: this is an outfit for the girl, and it should be all the same carrot, and not a ferrous fervor! If ait is realistic then His attributes must be appropriate to plump carrotsine. the elegant lace bow is hardly suitable on the foam rubber, it will be combined soon with stylizedoutfit.

In the fall, the time comes to dress the boy and the girl in beautiful and original costumes. You can make them with your own hands. This is recommended to use the specified recommendations and explore several photos with examples.

Very often, when preparing for the New Year's matinee parents of children, they are asked to prepare creative creative for their Chad, often on a certain topics and fruit and vegetable is very often used on such events. We offer the first option of the needlework costume of the carrot, we offer for girls older - it will be with a beautiful pluma skirt. But first things first. Let's start working from the bottom of the costume.

To create a suit, we need the following materials: Cutting the fate of orange (about 2-3 m), a rubber band is about 2-3 cm, threads. You can use either golf to the top or any orange T-shirt or gentle green. Consider the process of creating a fatin skirt:

  • Cut the fatin strips 70x20 cm.
  • We measure the volume of the waist of the child and cut off part of the gum similar length (do not forget to add a steam of stock centimeters).
  • Fix the edges of the gum together with the help of a pin and stretch it either on a large book, or on the back of the chair.

  • We take a strip of a fate and fold it twice. The semblance obtained in this way, we produce under the gum and turn it off with her loop, and the end of the fatama is fed through this loop. Tighten the finished loop with pleasure and align so that the strip had a clearly vertical position.
  • In the same way, we act with the rest of the fatin stripes. If you have a desire, you can experiment and try to make a skirt pack. To do this, it is necessary to have a loop strip-tightened strips at a low angle to the rubber band.

Council. For the skirt turned out to be lush, use as many fatains as possible, but do not overdo it, otherwise it may turn out "Harmoshka".

  • If you wish, you can add a little green fatane strips, as well as various accessories like a bow made from the tape (you can either bind it around a gum, or to sew a band tape on the gum).

A regular green-color t-shirt without various inscriptions and drawings can be riding for a New Year's costume. There is only one detail - a headdress. The easiest option is to use an ordinary children's hoop without jewelry, which glues a small ornament in the form of carrots made of paper / fabric. You can try the option more complicated - from a small piece of fabric sent to the rubber band, we make a hat, and on the upper part it is sewn to the imitation of green carrot tops. Work completed!

Paper carrot costume

First of all, it is necessary to choose the appropriate paper for work - it must be tight enough and the elastic so that when the child moves on the costume, the fastes were not formed. We measure the distance from the shoulder to the waist of the girl and then cut out on the paper blank made for a suit in the form of a trapezoid. Hold it with a wide face down. Then you can glue the edges (it is necessary to do it very carefully).

Council. Before gluing the basis together, be sure to make sure that the child climbs into the costume and feels comfortable in it.

After the basis is finally "approved", you can proceed to its painting (we use, of course, paints for drawing). The main color is orange, then add some black horizontal strips for coloring and reliability of the image.

Gently cut in a trapezoid hole for hands. It remains only to make a cap for the head. We use as the basis the same paper in the form of a cone, stain in it in an orange color and glue the cap. So that he firmly held on his head, creating a rubber band. To do this, you need to do two small holes on the edges of the head removal and turn a rubber band through them.

The tops are added to the cap, using a small wire thickness as the basis (we form the basis of a circle from it with "rays" from it) and small pieces of green cloth, which are used on this basis. It remains only to attach the wire on the cap. Costume is ready!

Council. Instead of paper, you can use a foam rubber who will serve as an excellent soft base for a suit and, by the way, may even be more convenient for your child.

The foam foam base is made in the same way as the paper. And as a topboard can serve as an ordinary green scarf. If there is no suitable finished accessory, try to sew a small jaba or scarf alone. This should not be any difficulty. Instead of decoration on the neck, you can make a headdress, imitating a hood from a cap, hoop, etc.

Our master class comes to an end. It creates several options for the carrot suit, which can be easily done at home. We wish you good luck and creative inspiration!

Carrot suit for the matinee: video

Carnival suit carrots. In the fall comes the way to carnavals, holidays in kindergarten. In October, the autumn holiday is held. Children learn about autumn signs, guess the riddles, poetry tell. Participants of the presentation are dressed in carnival costumes.

We sew a carnival costume.

For sewing it will be needed with orange and green gabardine. Orange: Button, oblique bay, thread. The pattern will serve a casual dress of the child. Crow on the principle of the tunic.

The neck will be signed as follows:

On the back, we make a droplet, providing comfortable dressing through your head. Cutting for the design of the neck cut the same form. We heat at the outer edge, turn with the throat dresses. Soak the wrapper inside out, with the front side we lay the firming seam.

Then sew an intersection. We make a loop from threads:

Step lateral seams. We process the bottom dresses, sleeves. Side seams are processed by an overlock line or frequent zigzag. Bottom Dresses Condimate, forming a stem for gum. We leave a non-stitched seam of 1 cm to produce a rubber band.

The edge of the sleeves is being processed the same. Penitate 5 mm, lay the machine line.

Dress is sewn!

Carnival suit carrots. Creating a collar.

The collar cut out of the fabric, form reminiscent of the carrot tops. The edges of the "carved" elements are processing fire, warning the cropping of the fabric.

The inner edge of the collar is processed by oblique baking, leaving 25 cm of bays on each side for ties. Having made a "carv" decoration on the neck removable. We deploy the plaque, sew to the invalid side.

Bending a fairy side on the front side. We flash from the front side.