How to make clay masks correctly. Face mask with blue clay as a panacea for acne, scars and blemishes. How to properly apply a clay mask on your face

Few people know that miraculous clay face masks help women maintain their beauty, elasticity and fresh complexion for a long time. The magical properties of clay are explained by its mineral composition. It contains all the trace elements and minerals that the skin needs to maintain its youth and radiance. The clay mask works in different cosmetic directions - it moisturizes, nourishes, tightens and tones the skin.

These products are especially beneficial for oily hair and skin. Clay absorbs dirt and excess oil from the surface of the dermis, tightens pores and removes shine. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it relieves inflammation and, with regular use, helps completely get rid of rashes and acne at home. And finally, such cosmetics are very easy to prepare with your own hands using a simple recipe and step-by-step instructions.

What is the best clay to use for making cosmetic masks?

The color of the clay and its medicinal properties depend on the minerals it contains. Each of its types is aimed at solving different problems. Before applying clay face masks, you need to study the unique properties of each type and choose one of the most optimal options for you.

White clay

It is the most popular and often used in cosmetology. Many skin care products are made from it. White clay or kaolin is a substance rich in zinc and magnesium. The best effect of using cosmetic masks based on kaolin is observed among the owners of oily and problem skin. Inflammation disappears, the complexion is evened out, pores are narrowed, oily sheen and wrinkles disappear. And this is not surprising, because it is white clay that has anti-inflammatory and whitening effects, removes toxins, and improves blood circulation. It is recommended to use white clay masks for oily, thin and aging skin.

Clay hair mask with kaolin restores the hair structure, makes the hair look more voluminous and strengthens the hair follicle.

Green clay

Its characteristic green color is given by the iron oxide in its composition. This composition is unusually rich in minerals. It contains phosphorus, manganese, potash, calcium, cobalt, copper, aluminum, silicon and zinc. The darker the color of this cosmetic product, the more effective its action will be. This tool helps to cleanse the pores, normalize the sebaceous glands and get rid of rashes. It is best to use masks with green clay for owners of oily skin, as it perfectly cleanses and dries problem areas.

Blue clay

Blue clay face masks are extremely useful for all skin types. They contain more minerals than fruits and vegetables and contribute to the regeneration of skin cells, therefore they are actively used in medicine. It is used to speed up metabolic processes in cells and activate subcutaneous circulation. Due to the presence of phosphates, iron and nitrogen in the composition, blue clay heals inflammation, eliminates flaking, disinfects small wounds, tones, gives the skin a delightful matte and porcelain smoothness.

Inherent in blue clay and rejuvenating effect. Masks with its use help to retain moisture in cells, increase elasticity and instantly smooth fine mimic wrinkles.

The whitening effect of the masks allows you to independently lighten or completely eliminate freckles and age spots.

Clay mask for acne with blue clay will quickly help restore the healthy look and color of problem skin. Numerous positive reviews about its use as a cosmetic product are the best recommendation.

Black clay

The black clay mask has an anti-toxic and anti-aging effect. The procedure with its application will help remove harmful substances from the dermis, remove dead cells and excess sebum, deeply cleanse the pores and give the skin an even healthy color. Black clay actively nourishes the skin with essential trace elements, fights wrinkles and other age-related changes in the face, acting as a scrub and mask.

Yellow clay

The yellow clay mask will restore your skin to a healthy look and flawless color. Due to the presence in its composition of compounds of sulfur and sodium, as well as potassium and iron, such a tool will remove toxins from cells, enrich them with oxygen.

A yellow clay mask will help eliminate the following problems: dull, inelastic skin, rashes, acne, pigmentation. Moisturizes and nourishes aging skin, restoring youth and beauty.

Gray clay

The most positive reviews about the mask based on gray clay among the owners of dry and thin skin. It promotes wound healing, tones and moisturizes dry skin, making it immune to external irritants. The gray clay mask actively moisturizes rough, chapped or too tanned skin instantly leaving it velvety and soft.

How to prepare a clay mask

To prepare a mask from clay, it is better to choose ceramic, glass or plastic dishes, since contact of the cosmetic composition with iron is undesirable. It is better to take a small bowl so as not to smear the contents on the walls, and a large spoon should be used to make it easier to knead the lumps.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for a clay mask is relevant at all times. You can prepare it at home in stages following a simple scheme and you just need to buy one or more types of clay that suits you at the pharmacy.

  1. We take 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of clay powder and add 3 tablespoons of non-carbonated mineral water.
  2. Next, you need to wait until the powder completely absorbs the water and mix everything thoroughly. The finished cosmetic clay mask should have the consistency of a thick cream.
  3. Then apply this paste in a thick layer on the face until dry for 10 minutes.
  4. After that, it must be washed off with water without soap. Blot your face with a soft towel and apply a pre-prepared nourishing cream.

Drying clay masks

More often this tool is made on the basis of white clay, adding starch, talc, magnesium carbonate, citric or boric acid, and alum. There are many options for making a clay mask for acne. The simplest and most affordable: we take 1 tbsp. spoon of white clay and talc, 0.5 tsp of alum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, mix everything, apply on the face for 15 minutes. Then wash it off.

Clay hair masks

It has long been no secret that clay hair masks perfectly cleanse the hair, protect it from harmful factors, get rid of dandruff and make the hairstyle more lush and voluminous. After applying clay masks, hair becomes shinier and healthier. Minerals, which are rich in natural clay, have a stimulating effect on hair follicles, activating hair growth. Burdock or olive oil, honey, yolk, lemon juice, vinegar or milk are also added to such compositions. After using such a product, it is imperative to apply a balm to the hair.

Cosmetic clay has absorbed all the minerals and trace elements important for the beauty and health of the skin, due to which clay masks have an excellent antiseptic, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and tightening effect.

In nature, clay exists in different colors, this is due to its mineral composition. Hence, each type of clay fights different skin problems.

Blue clay - has a cleansing, brightening, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, nourishes, tightens pores, softens, tones, and therefore is ideal for normal and combination skin.

Green clay - has cleansing properties, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, has a disinfectant effect, therefore it is recommended for oily and problem skin. The only important argument against its use is the presence of rosacea.

Red clay - relieves skin redness, recommended for sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.

Pink clay - disinfects, smoothes, dries out inflammations, it is recommended for mature skin prone to dryness, inflammation and irritation.

Yellow clay is considered ideal for the care of sagging and wrinkled skin.

Black clay - supplies the epidermis with essential trace elements and minerals.

In cosmetology, blue and white clay is most often used. Clay masks are especially necessary for oily skin, as they remove various impurities, excess oil, tighten pores, giving the skin freshness and smoothness, matting it and eliminating traces of inflammation. Clay perfectly exfoliates dead cell layers, being an excellent alternative to peeling, and at the same time saturates the skin with the components essential for its health.

How to make clay face masks.
Any mask, including those based on cosmetic clay, should be applied to a face previously cleansed of dirt and makeup.

To dilute the clay, use cool water. After adding water to the powder, stir everything thoroughly so that no lumps form. Ideally, you should get a mass that resembles sour cream in density, that is, when it is applied to the face with a uniform (not thick or thin) layer, it should not drain from it. Too thick a mass will quickly harden, the skin will receive a minimum of benefits from this.

Clay masks should be prepared exclusively in glass, enamel or ceramic saucers, no metal.

The mask should not be applied to the area around the mouth and eyes, otherwise you will dry out this delicate and dry area.

After applying the mask, you need to lie down calmly, it is very important not to make any facial movements.

With oily skin, the clay mask should be kept for no more than fifteen minutes, with normal and combined - no more than ten minutes, with dry - no more than five minutes. And yet, the mask should not completely dry out on the face, it will simply draw life-giving moisture from the skin, making it dry. Our task is different - to cleanse, relieve inflammation, moisturize, supply with microelements.

To remove the mask, just put a damp cloth on your face and hold it for five minutes, and when the mask softens, remove the remnants of the composition from the skin with the same cloth. After applying the clay mask to the skin, it is important to moisturize with a good cream.

For oily skin, clay masks can be done twice a week, in other cases, one procedure every seven days is enough.

The mask can only be applied to problem areas, not necessarily the entire face area.

The mask should be prepared immediately before applying to the skin.

The clay should be selected according to your skin type.

Contraindications to the use of clay face masks.

  • Individual intolerance to any components of the mask.
  • It is forbidden to apply a mask to the area around the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.
A classic clay mask for all skin types.
Cleans away impurities, toxins and dead cells.

Mineral water without gas or ordinary purified water - 3 tbsp. l.

Dilute the clay with water until a homogeneous consistency, apply on cleansed skin and lie down calmly: for owners of oily skin - 15 minutes, normal and combination - ten minutes, dry - five minutes. Then moisten a cosmetic napkin in water, apply for a couple of minutes on the face, then remove the remnants of the composition with the same napkin. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Clay masks for oily skin, recipes.

Clay mask with talc and glycerin.
Dries, cleanses, mattifies, fights acne.

Glycerin - 5 g.
Powdered green clay - 20 g.
Talc - 10 g.
Alum - 1 g.
Alcohol - 5 g.
Water - 30 g.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply to cleansed face, avoiding the eyebrows, around the mouth and eyes. Withstand fifteen minutes, remove the mask with a dry cotton pad.

Clay mask with milk and glycerin.
Cleans, removes oily shine, dries.

Talc - 1 tsp
Green clay - 1 tsp
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and apply on the face, stand for fifteen minutes, remove with a dry cotton pad.

Clay mask with zinc oxide.
Dries, mattifies, cleanses, relieves inflammation.

Powdered green clay - 10 g.
Zinc oxide - 2 g.
Talc - 25 g.
Water is a small amount for density.

Mix the components and dilute with water until sour cream is thick. Spread the mask on the cleansed face, stand for fifteen minutes, remove with a dry cotton swab.

Clay mask with magnesia and zinc oxide.
Cleans, disinfects, mattes, dries.

Green clay - 1 tsp
Starch - 1 tsp
Zinc oxide - ½ tsp.
Magnesia - 2 tsp
Purified talcum powder - 2 tsp

Stir the ingredients until smooth. Apply on face for fifteen minutes, remove with a dry cotton pad.

Clay mask for dry skin.
Moisturizes, softens, relieves redness, and makes it velvety.

Honey - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - forty drops.
Powdered white clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Water - a little for density.

Heat honey in a water bath, add lemon juice and mix with clay. Pour a little water into the mixture to thicken it. Spread the composition on the face and stand for five minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. Lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Clay mask for problem skin.
Cleans, disinfects, anti-inflammatory, mattifies.

Blue or green clay - 3 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 15 drops.
Alcohol - 30 ml.

Combine the ingredients in a creamy mass and apply on the face. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask with cool water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin.

Clay mask for blackheads.
Eliminates oily sheen, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminates blackheads.

Vodka - 50 ml.
Lemon juice - ½ lemon.
Blue clay - 2 tbsp l.

Mix vodka with lemon juice and dilute the clay with the mixture until sour cream is thick. Apply the mixture to the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and let stand for ten minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water, moisturize the skin with cream.

Clay mask for normal skin.
Cleans, nourishes, smoothes.

Blue or white clay - 3 tsp
Starch - 1.5 tsp
Purified talc (or oatmeal) - 1.5 tsp.
Alum - 1 pinch

Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture for fifteen minutes, then remove with cool water. Lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Whitening clay face mask.
Improves complexion, evens out, brightens age spots and freckles.

Egg white - 1 pc.
Salt - 2 pinches.
Cosmetic clay for your skin type - 10 g.

Combine everything into a homogeneous composition and apply an even layer on the skin, stand for fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. Clay masks with a whitening effect can be done more often (three times a week).

Anti-acne clay mask for all skin types.
Dries, relieves inflammation and redness.

Green clay - 2 tbsp l.
Powdered bodyaga - 1 tbsp. l.
Cold water for a uniform consistency.

Combine clay with water and dilute with water until thick sour cream. Apply the resulting composition for half an hour on the face, rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Clay mask with honey for acne for oily skin.
Relieves redness, reduces inflammation, cleanses, nourishes.

Blue clay (or green) - 1 tbsp. l.
Table salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Water is for density.

Dilute a mixture of salt and clay with water to obtain a pasty mass, which is applied in an even layer on the skin (for combination skin, apply the composition to problem areas). Soak the composition for twenty minutes, rinse with cool water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Rejuvenating clay mask for all skin types.
Cleans, nourishes, softens, has a pronounced lifting effect.

Cosmetic clay (depending on the type of skin) - 2 tbsp. l.
Milk - 3 tbsp. l.
Honey 1 tsp

Dilute the clay with milk until a homogeneous consistency, add honey melted in a water bath. Mix everything and apply on cleansed skin, lie down calmly: for owners of oily skin - 15 minutes, normal and combination - ten minutes, dry - five minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Cleopatra mask.
Smoothes the skin, tightens, improves the oval of the face, additionally nourishes, softens and cleanses the skin.

White clay - 2 tsp
Green clay - 1 tsp
Grape seed oil - 1 tsp
Peach oil - 1 tsp
Mineral water without gas - to the desired density.

Dilute the clay with water until thick sour cream, add oil. Spread the finished composition on the skin and stand until the mask dries up and changes color. Wash off the composition with cool water, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. This mask should not be used on dry or irritated skin.

Clay mask with cucumber juice.
Brightens, tightens, refreshes, smoothes.


Cucumber juice - 2 tbsp l.

Dilute the clay with cucumber juice, distribute the resulting sour cream-like composition on the face and neck and leave for fifteen minutes, then wash with cool water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. In this recipe, cucumber juice can be replaced with parsley, strawberry, orange juice, only then half a teaspoon of lemon juice should be added to the composition.

Clay and oatmeal scrub mask for all skin types.
Cleans, nourishes, moisturizes, makes the skin smooth and soft.

Oat flour (or oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder) - 2 tbsp. l.
Cosmetic clay for your skin type - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk whey - 1 tbsp l.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.

Combine all ingredients. Apply to skin with light massage movements for two minutes, paying special attention to problem areas. After ten minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Clay masks for irritated skin.
Soothes, relieves irritation and eliminates redness, softens, fortifies, improves tone.

White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Tomato juice - 2 tbsp l.

Dilute the clay with tomato juice until thick sour cream. Apply the composition to the skin and stand for fifteen minutes, then wash with cool water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Do not be lazy, make masks from clay for the face, your skin will answer you with gratitude.

It is difficult to underestimate all the benefits of using such a cosmetic product as clay masks. Similar to the use of this material in artistic craft, masks made of healing clay can be safely called a "face sculptor", because they help restore the freshness of the skin, nourish with useful minerals, and treat skin inflammations. Therefore, such masks are the first assistants in the fight against acne associated with improper or excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Depending on the color of the clay, these treatments can improve the condition of dry skin.

The clay mask is prized for its two most important properties:

  • drying the integument - absorbs excess sebum;
  • cleansing - the mask helps to remove dead skin cells and relieve redness.

Do not forget that a clay mask for the face can, in that case, have a healing effect if you apply it to clean skin. Before using, you must get rid of any makeup that is on your face. Traditionally, clay is diluted to the thickness of sour cream, adding water, but you can enhance the composition with useful substances by preparing masks with herbal decoctions.

How to work with such a mask:

  1. Before you start kneading homemade clay masks, take a closer look at your dishes. You will need a glass, porcelain or plastic cup, but forget about metal appliances, since clay reacts to metal, and even after a short stay in such a bowl, it loses its useful properties.
  2. The clay mask not only has a dense consistency, but is generally heavy on the face. Therefore, in order not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles, the application procedure should be done lying down, so the clay will not weigh down the skin.
  3. If you are the owner of enlarged pores and oily skin, then the ideal time to keep the mask applied is 15 minutes. With normal skin, the procedure lasts ten minutes, and for girls with dry skin type, the holding time of the mask will be reduced to five or seven minutes. The number of repetitions for oily skin is equal to once every four days.

Skin tightening - white clay

White clay has antiseptic properties and can reduce facial breakouts and redness. White clay mask is recommended for those with oily skin. This type of mask allows you not only to effectively cleanse, start the regeneration of the epidermis, but also to narrow the enlarged pores, because white clay has. It is also important that it is the white clay mask that is suitable for the owners of sensitive skin, because its effect is mild, with an acidity of pH 5.

Good face contour and firmness blue clay

The secret of many beauties of the past was precisely the masks made of blue clay. If you need to restore the radiance to the skin of the face, to achieve elasticity and tone - turn to this particular type of clay. Masks with blue clay have a higher level of acidity (pH 7.3) than with white clay, due to which they perfectly release minerals to the epidermis, and, at the same time, promote the healing of small wounds. The "blue" composition is suitable for those women who have oily skin. But it can be used in anti-aging masks when you want to smooth out expression lines and improve skin tone.

Refreshing the skin with a healing composition - green clay

It is the green clay masks that have become the most important assistant in the fight against aging, because with age, the water balance of the skin deteriorates, which causes tightness and dryness. In the composition of green clay, in addition to the high content of iron oxide, manganese and magnesium, zinc and calcium, there is also silver - a popular disinfectant, it also slows down the aging process. The use of green clay masks allows you to nourish and moisturize the skin and restore its elasticity. These are girls with dry skin should take note of. A green (or blue) clay mask for acne helps.

Pink clay: specifics

Nature did not create a pink composition of clay, therefore it is obtained by combining white and red, and, depending on the proportions of substances in the composition of the powder, some or other properties will be enhanced. The pink clay mask is suitable for normal or dry skin. The effect of such a cosmetic product is mild: it delicately smoothes the skin and moisturizes, and after applying the mask, the surface of the face looks like velvet.

Remove redness - red clay

A red clay mask leads to better blood circulation due to the supply of oxygen to the pores. It contains copper and iron, which is why the bright color is expressed. Such a mask is able to relieve redness and remove itching, therefore it is indispensable for sensitive skin prone to inflammatory reactions or allergies. If your main request is to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, then you should pay attention to red clay, because it is from it that clay masks are obtained from wrinkles.

Gentle Cleansing - Yellow Clay

In its composition and properties, a yellow clay mask is similar to a green one, because it also contains a lot of iron, potassium and magnesium. However, it works more delicately, removing dead cells, reducing desquamation. In fact, it is the yellow clay that will provide the soft. It can be used for all skin types, especially if you need to achieve a tonic effect and make the surface of the face smooth and "fresh".

Black clay will remove harmful substances from the body

Of all types of exfoliation, you will not find anything better than a black clay mask that can gently unclog pores, penetrating deeply inside. It contains iron, calcium, strontium, quartz and magnesium. These elements help to get rid of harmful accumulations, toxins. Therefore, if you have problem skin, you should try a black clay mask. Due to its nutritional properties, black clay can also be used for dry skin, but you should be careful not to dry it out, therefore it is better to knead the composition on dairy products.


When the question comes about the selection of medical cosmetic procedures, they are the most demanded. With their help, you can improve the condition of the epidermis, deal with acne and keep the skin in good shape. In addition, clay is sold in a pharmacy and is inexpensive. A clay mask at home is quick and easy to prepare.

Traditional way of cooking- This is mixing in equal proportions of water and clay powder (for example, 2 tablespoons), and bringing the composition to "smoothness". The prepared mixture should be used immediately, because then the mask will dry out. But you can do a massage with clay, for which you need a more liquid composition, in which you will dip your fingers and make smoothing or circular movements along the surface of the face. Black clay is especially suitable for such purposes.

Depending on how to make a clay mask, what to knead it on and what to add to the composition besides clay, you will get different types of masks. For example, for adult skin, when it is necessary to increase hydration and restore elasticity, formulations should be chosen. When preparing the mixture for the face, remember that we measure the clay powder only with tablespoons.

Let's analyze the main recipes clay masks depending on the spectrum of action:

  • to smooth wrinkles... The first anti-aging composition includes white, red or blue clay (one spoon), which we mix with the same volume, and take one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. The second version of the mask - red clay (2 tablespoons) is mixed with warm milk, egg yolk and a spoonful of juice are introduced into the mixture;
  • to get rid of irritations... For this, cosmetic clay masks are made with an antiseptic composition. Pink, white, or green clay will do. First you need to dilute the clay with water, add 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply to the skin. After washing off the mask, let the skin rest for a few minutes, and then apply the cream. For the second recipe for irritation, you need to take white clay. Boil a decoction of herbs (celandine, chamomile and calendula in equal amounts) and cool. Add enough broth to the clay so that the mixture becomes thick and creamy. Decoctions are the most readily available remedy to relieve skin redness. Together with clay, the decoction will allow beneficial substances to penetrate deeper under the skin;
  • for toning... Yellow clay will help you, from which we prepare a mask by mixing a spoonful of powder with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and whipped yolk;
  • from peeling... If you have seasonal flaky skin, you need a delicate product to nourish and soften. We take pink or green clay (two tablespoons), grind in a food processor, and add one tablespoon of this flour to the clay. Next, we dilute the composition with clean water (mineral or boiled and cooled). Oatmeal also acts as a scrub, so you can massage your skin a little when you apply. You can mix clay with dairy products, such as kefir or cream. After such a mask, you don't even need a cream;
  • to get rid of fat content... To remove excess sebum and tighten pores, you need for oily skin. Take yellow, white or green clay (two tablespoons), and make a gruel with water (mineral). Add 2 drops of tea tree oil and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. To narrow the pores, you can add 1 tsp to the clay. apple cider vinegar, the same amount of lemon juice and honey. Mix everything and apply for 10 minutes. Make sure you are not allergic to honey beforehand.

For many centuries, clay has been the main remedy for youthfulness and freshness of the face. If you look at the reviews about the clay mask, you can be sure that every girl who made masks from clay (at home or in the salon) was satisfied with her silky and toned skin. Therefore, do not hesitate - start experimenting and choosing your own recipe for the perfect face mask. And also leave your feedback!

Since there are many colors of clay, and each type has special properties and filling, the best clay masks should be chosen according to the type of skin and the desired effect.

In cosmetology, clay face masks have recently become widespread, which have cleansing and drying properties.

Clay as a cosmetic agent in the composition of clay face masks acts on the skin in two directions:

  • dries up: Absorbs the secretions of the sweat glands and excess sebum;
  • cleans up: removes dead cells, helps to get rid of flaking, various types of redness and spots.

There are several types of clays, each with its own unique properties that are beneficial for different skin types.

We learned about the miraculous properties of clay for a long time. This product contains beneficial minerals that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and prevent many problems.

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find time for clay masks in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and the skin requires constant care, especially in cold seasons. We have to resort to cosmetic detergents. When choosing cosmetics, you should be very careful and disassemble the composition in detail. If the label is full of Sodium lauryl / Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate or DEA, MEA, TEA - these cosmetics are not suitable for you. It is extremely dangerous for the skin and can only create more problems, and even harm your health.

Choose only natural cosmetics that are naturally based and safe for permanent use. One of the highest quality brands in natural cosmetology is Mulsan Cosmetic ( Most professionals advise Mulsan Cosmetic for daily use and speak of its high quality and natural ingredients. Facial gels of this brand are rich in vitamins and useful extracts that take care of your skin and give it a healthy, well-groomed look.

Ancient recipes for the beauty of your face

Before you test for yourself the magical effect of clay masks, study the properties of different colors of clay, because each of them will affect the skin of the face in its own way.

  • 1. White clay

Drying masks made of white clay are recommended for owners of oily and problem skin, as this type of clay perfectly tightens pores, absorbs excess fat, has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect. It improves complexion, makes it more defined oval, gives the skin a feeling of freshness.

  • 2. Blue clay

Anti-inflammatory blue clay mask contains a lot of the most useful trace elements and mineral salts. It heals acne, heals small wounds, cleanses the skin of impurities, tones, and improves the complexion. It also has a rejuvenating effect: it is these masks that smooth mimic wrinkles. With the help of blue clay, freckles and other pigmented rashes are lightened. Masks, which include blue clay, activate the subcutaneous circulation and normalize the metabolism of the skin cells.

  • 3. Green clay

The green clay cleansing mask is widely used in cosmetology. It contains microelements useful for the skin that restore the skin's hydrobalance, so it is recommended to try such masks for owners of dry skin. The rejuvenating effect is no stranger to her: the green clay in the composition of such masks smoothes and tightens the skin, making it elastic.

  • 4. Red clay

Rejuvenating red clay + face masks from it give a simply amazing effect: wrinkles are smoothed out, facial contours become clearer. A mask made of red clay is ideal for sensitive skin, as it will soothe irritated skin and relieve any inflammation.

  • 5. Pink clay

If pink clay is available to you, face masks made from it are suitable for normal skin types, which need to be nourished and moisturized from time to time.

  • 6. Yellow clay
  • 7. Black clay

An anti-toxic black clay mask removes harmful substances from the skin, deeply cleanses the pores, removes dead cells and various kinds of impurities. Trace elements contained in black clay (magnesium, strontium, iron, calcium, quartz) act on the skin better than any scrub.

  • 8. Gray clay

Masks made of gray clay, which is extracted from the seabed, moisturize dry skin, enrich and nourish it.

So carefully study the properties of each of the described types of clay, choose the color that will be most optimal for your skin type and decide which one will form the basis of your cosmetic mask.

When can you use clay masks?

For any problem of the skin of the face and even if you just want to provide your skin with additional nutrition and cleansing, be sure to try making masks from clay at home, the action of which is truly universal. They will help:

  • with acne: masks made of white, blue, yellow clay;
  • with pigmentation: Whitens the skin with a blue clay mask;
  • with oily skin: use white and blue clay;
  • with dry skin: hydrobalance will be restored by green, gray and red clay;
  • for sensitive skin: irritation is relieved by red clay;
  • with aging skin: White, blue, green, red clay has a rejuvenating effect.

In order for clay face masks to have the most beneficial effect on the skin and delight you with the result, consider these indications and carefully study the information on the correct use of cosmetic clay.

Contraindications to the use of clay masks

There are no medical contraindications for the use of clay face masks, since they are based on clay - a natural, natural material that does not cause allergic reactions. To maximize the result after applying the mask, consider some of the nuances of its application:

  • First, pay attention to the other ingredients that make up the mask: do you have an individual intolerance to these components.
  • Secondly, keep in mind that clay face masks should be applied only to clean skin, previously cleansed of any impurities.
  • Thirdly, it is not recommended to apply such a cosmetic mask to the skin around the eyes - this is the only serious contraindication to the use of a clay mask.

Now you are fully armed and know almost everything about clay. The only thing left to do is to buy it at a pharmacy or a cosmetics store, get all the necessary ingredients and start preparing a miracle mask.

The best recipes for clay masks

Of all the variety of masks, we offer several of the most popular, effective, for different skin types and from different clay.


  • 1. White clay herbal mask

Brew in equal parts herbs (calendula, celandine, chamomile), cool, strain. Mix with white clay until creamy. Such an acne clay mask will relieve acne, relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin.


  • 2. Blue clay tomato mask

Blue clay is famous for its excellent whitening effect: mask + for face + for hands = brightens freckles all over the body. Mix blue clay with tomato juice and sour milk (all ingredients in equal amounts) until mushy.


  • 3. Sea buckthorn mask made of yellow clay

Mix a tablespoon of yellow clay with beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil.


  • 4. Lemon juice and black clay mask

Better than any scrub, black clay will cleanse the skin: a face mask is prepared from lemon juice (a teaspoon), calendula tincture (a teaspoon) and black clay (such an amount that will bring the mask to a thick state).


  • 5. Milk mask made of pink clay

Mix pink clay (a tablespoon) with warm milk until a creamy mass is formed.


  • 6. Oatmeal mask with green clay

Mix green clay (2 tablespoons) with oat flour (tablespoon), dilute with water (3 tablespoons).


  • 7. White clay cucumber mask

Mix white clay (2 tablespoons) with finely grated cucumber gruel (2 tablespoons).

  • 8. White clay honey mask

Mix white clay (3 teaspoons) with milk (3 tablespoons) and heated liquid honey (teaspoon).


  • 9. Hazelnut and green clay mask

Green clay is useful for oily skin: a face mask prepared on its basis normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Mix green clay (3 tablespoons) with hazelnut oil (3 teaspoons) and mineral water (teaspoon).

  • 10. Talc and white clay mask

The following face masks will eliminate the oily shine: white clay (2 tablespoons) is mixed with talcum powder in the same amount and warm milk.

We wish you an easy preparation of any of the proposed recipes and the most effective application of the mask.

Blue clay is an old, time-tested beauty product. Today it is as relevant as in the days of Queen Cleopatra. And not surprising. After all, a blue clay face mask can get rid of most skin defects in a short time. With its help, acne, blemishes, wrinkles and irritations go away.

The clay received a blue tint due to the high content of silver ions. They saturate the product with antibacterial properties. Blue clay will help to deal with all the imperfections of oily or problematic dermis. It is used to treat acne, tighten pores, remove scars and acne. And with the addition of additional components, the clay will provide the necessary nutrition for the dry epidermis.

Blue clay face mask: benefits and rules of application

Blue clay has a unique composition. Includes minerals that help improve cellular processes. These are macroelements and microelements that activate blood circulation, normalize the hydrobalance in tissues, and stimulate metabolism.

What effect

Women's reviews of the blue clay face mask show that the regular use of fine-grained rock can achieve incredible results. Here is the effect of this remedy:

  • eliminates acne, blackheads, blackheads, post-acne;
  • reduces the severity of inflammation;
  • normalizes the greasiness of the integument;
  • narrows pores;
  • discolors age spots;
  • improves complexion;
  • restores elasticity and firmness.

Blue clay is called Cambrian, since such a rock was formed precisely in the Cambrian period, about 600 million years ago. It is the oldest and most valuable clay.

A mountain product created by nature does not contain harmful components or chemical additives. Therefore, clay has practically no contraindications, except for individual sensitivity. However, it should not be thoughtlessly applied. Improper use is fraught with the development of skin diseases.

How should a blue clay face mask be prepared at home so that the rock is only beneficial? Cosmetologists are advised to adhere to five rules.

  1. Face preparation. Before using clay, the skin must be cleaned and preferably steamed using warm compresses from herbal decoctions. If you ignore this recommendation, then the beneficial substances contained in the clay will penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, "taking" with them all the dirt and toxins from the surface.
  2. Preparation of funds... Clay does not tolerate contact with metal. She immediately enters into a chemical reaction with it and loses some of its beneficial properties. Therefore, for the manufacture of clay products, glass, porcelain, wood, and ceramics are used.
  3. Application of the mask. The prepared mixture is applied to the face, trying to distribute it evenly over the entire dermis, excluding the area around the eyes. The clay mask provides a tightening effect. Therefore, during the procedure, you should refrain from talking, laughing. Any facial expressions can provoke the appearance of microtraumas on the skin.
  4. Completion of the procedure... Leave the mask on the skin until it dries completely. For about 15 minutes. If the product causes discomfort, then wash it off earlier. It is strictly forbidden to tear off the pieces of the mask. To wash off the product, moisten it with warm water and carefully remove it with a cotton pad or fingers.
  5. Systematic procedures... To ensure good results, masks must be applied regularly. If you have a lot of acne and increased greasiness, you can resort to the help of clay every other day. For dry skin, use the Cambrian product once a week.

The clay mask dries unevenly on the epidermis. Therefore, dry areas can be slightly moistened. The appearance of cracks or drying out of the clay mask leads to irritation on the dermis.

12 proven masks

Cambrian Clay is considered a skin care product for teenage skin for its ability to eliminate acne and provide antibacterial effects. However, the unique breed is able to help not only in the treatment of acne. When properly combined with additional components, it will become an irreplaceable assistant for all types of epidermis.

Deep cleansing

This blue clay face mask recipe is recommended for women with oily skin. The product will open and deeply cleanse your pores. The mask will gently but effectively eliminate oily sheen.

What is needed

  • Cambrian clay - one tablespoon.
  • Rice - one tablespoon.
  • Water is about two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Rice is chopped with a blender and mixed with clay.
  2. Water is carefully poured into the clay-rice powder, constantly stirring the mixture.
  3. The liquid is added until the consistency resembles homemade sour cream.

For the perfect tone

The combination of clay with baking soda and egg white provides a complex effect on the sebum. Such a remedy can be used for combined dermis. The components of the mask are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and ensure the removal of toxins. Cosmetologists recommend using this remedy for owners of age spots. The product whitens the face and provides the skin with a natural tone.

What is needed

  • Baking soda - half a tablespoon.
  • Clay is a tablespoon.
  • Crude protein is one.
  • Water is a tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Whisk the protein into a cool foam.
  2. Soda is carefully added to it.
  3. Then clay is introduced and mixed until smooth.
  4. To achieve a normal consistency, add a little water to the mixture.

This mask has a tightening effect. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the procedure time to ten minutes. Do not overexpose the product on the face so as not to injure the dermis.


Such an effect will be provided by a remedy that combines the Cambrian breed with lemon juice and calendula tincture. Cosmetologists recommend using this product for oily skin. The mask removes grease, prevents acne and helps to tighten pores.

What is needed

  • Clay is a tablespoon.
  • Lemon juice (squeezed from citrus) - a teaspoon.
  • Tincture of calendula (pharmacy) - a teaspoon.

How to do

  1. Lemon juice is introduced into the pre-sifted clay
  2. Add the tincture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. It is important that the mask does not contain lumps that can scratch the dermis.

For "general" cleaning of pores

For the epidermis, which is prone to acne, cosmetologists advise using products that provide high-quality pore cleansing. The ability to remove impurities and remove toxins from the dermis is possessed by a mask that includes Cambrian rock, honey, ground coffee and cinnamon. This tool will not only cleanse clogged pores, but also heal the epidermis, restoring its elasticity.

What is needed

  • Cinnamon powder - half a teaspoon.
  • Clay is a tablespoon.
  • Ground coffee - half a teaspoon.
  • Honey is a teaspoon.

How to do

  1. All powdery components are mixed.
  2. Honey is added to the mixture.
  3. Then carefully pour in water until the desired consistency is obtained.
  4. Carefully knead the product so that there are no lumps left in it that easily injure the skin.

Cinnamon provides a warming effect. Therefore, the mask may cause a slight burning sensation. Be sure to pay attention to your feelings. Do not tolerate if there is discomfort. This will not improve the procedure, but will provoke a burn on the dermis or severe irritation.

Anti-acne with tonic effect

A product that combines ground coffee and Cambrian rocks, it is recommended for problem skin. The mask provides deep cleansing and toning of the dermis. It will help eliminate foci of inflammation, reduce the number of blackheads, and prevent the formation of acne.

What is needed

  • Ground coffee - one tablespoon.
  • Clay - one tablespoon.
  • Water is about two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. For the manufacture of cosmetics, ground coffee is used. Soluble - not suitable. Ground powder can be replaced with coffee grounds left over from the drink.
  2. Clay is mixed with ground coffee or grounds.
  3. Add the required amount of water.

Bactericidal and sedative

The addition of tea tree oil and sour cream to the clay provides comprehensive care for problematic epidermis. The tool has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect. It reduces redness and irritation, cleanses the dermis well and protects it from acne breakouts.

What is needed

  • Tea tree oil - three drops.
  • Clay is a tablespoon.
  • Sour cream (medium fat) - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Pour clay into sour cream and knead the mixture until smooth.
  2. Then add tea tree oil.
  3. The last component can be replaced with the ether of lemon, lavender, tangerine, grapefruit. They will provide a similar effect.

Nourishing dry integument

The product is intended for dry skin care. But it can be used for normal dermis too. The mask saturates the tissues with useful substances, improves the color, gives the skin elasticity.

What is needed

  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Clay - one tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - one tablespoon.
  • One egg yolk.

How to do

  1. Initially, butter, honey and yolk are mixed.
  2. These components are mixed until smooth.
  3. Clay is introduced into the viscous mass obtained with constant stirring.

Cleansing for peeling

A product based on clay and natural yoghurt can only be used for dry, flaky skin. The mask nourishes and moisturizes the tissues. It acts on the deep layers and cleanses the epidermis well. The mixture provides a slight whitening effect and evens out the tone of the dermis.

What is needed

  • Clay - two tablespoons.
  • Yogurt (no fillers added) - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. The Cambrian product is diluted with yogurt.
  2. Rub all the lumps thoroughly.
  3. If the mixture is thick enough, then you can correct its consistency with water.

Antiseptic agent

A face mask containing blue clay and aloe juice has a strong antiseptic effect and eliminates inflammation. The tool cleans from acne, promotes healing of the dermis and dries acne well.

What is needed

  • Clay - one tablespoon.
  • Aloe juice - one tablespoon.
  • Water - by eye and if necessary.

How to do

  1. It's best to make aloe juice yourself. From a plant that is at least three years old, the bottom leaf is cut off. It is wrapped in cotton cloth and placed in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  2. Aloe leaf, kept in the cold, is crushed. Juice is squeezed out of the gruel.
  3. Aloe juice is poured into the clay.
  4. If the mask turns out to be thick, then you can pour a few drops of water into it.

One leaf of aloe produces significantly more juice than is required for one mask. Excess liquid can be stored for 14 days in the refrigerator in a dark glass container.

For tightening pores and against comedones

The main direction of this remedy is cleansing the dermis from acne, blackheads, comedones, acne. The mask eliminates inflammatory elements, soothes the skin, evens out the tone. It will help eliminate the oily sheen of the dermis and tighten the pores. And lemon juice will give the covers a light whitening effect.

What is needed

  • Lemon juice - one tablespoon.
  • Clay - two tablespoons.
  • Egg white - one.
  • Water is one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Initially, lemon juice and pure water are mixed.
  2. The resulting liquid is poured into blue clay.
  3. In a separate container, whisk the protein with a whisk.
  4. The foam is carefully added to the diluted clay. Mix well.

From ugly stains

Cambrian Clay has the unique ability to remove blemishes left on the skin after acne. When combined with a badyagu, this effect is enhanced several times. The mask is recommended for leveling the epidermis, eliminating age spots, post-acne, smoothing wrinkles. The tool can significantly reduce the severity of scars, stretch marks.

What is needed

  • Clay - two tablespoons.
  • Badiaga (pharmacy powder) - one tablespoon.
  • Water - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Badagu is mixed with clay.
  2. The mixture of powders is diluted with water.
  3. Mix the product well with a wooden pestle, carefully breaking all the lumps.
  4. If the skin tolerates this mask normally, then the procedure time can be increased up to 20 minutes.

Preventing aging

The main purpose of blue clay is to cleanse the dermis from acne and improve the condition of oily surfaces. However, the Cambrian product can be successfully applied to mature skin, in the fight against premature aging. The combination of rock with honey and linden extract allows you to restore the hydrobalance in tissues, disturbed over the years, to rejuvenate the skin, and to reduce the severity of fine wrinkles and emerging folds.

What is needed

  • Linden infusion - two tablespoons.
  • Clay - one tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Clay is diluted with warm linden infusion.
  2. Honey is added to the mixture. Stir all the ingredients well.
  3. It is recommended to wash off this product not with plain water, but with slightly warmed milk of medium fat content.

A face mask with blue clay will be especially beneficial in spring and autumn, when the dermis, like the entire body, suffers from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. A correctly selected remedy will allow, after the first procedures, to return the lost elasticity to the integument and to nourish the epidermis with useful components.

"The face freshens up, and all sorts of pimples go away," - reviews of the doctor and women

Blue clay, when mixed with different ingredients, is very good at helping with excess oiliness on the skin. And my face in my younger years suffered from both small pimples and the excessive shine of the T-shaped zone. But it is worth remembering that masks made of blue clay should not be done more often than is recommended, otherwise dryness and peeling of the skin may appear on the contrary.

I like to mix clay with sour cream, then a very good effect is obtained. The face is fresher, and all sorts of pimples go away, and sour cream perfectly nourishes the skin.

Nadezhda S, //flap.rf/medicine/Blue_clina

With the help of blue clay, I got rid of the blackheads and oily sheen. Once I tried it, I fell in love with this remedy, which makes the skin of the face whiter, much fresher and helps get rid of blackheads, acne and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Usually I dilute the clay with warm water or a decoction of chamomile flowers, add cucumbers in the summer and apply with a brush on the face and décolleté, neck. Then I cover with cling film, for the best effect, I apply the mask so as not to affect the area around the eyes. Then I wash it off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

When I have the time, I do steam baths for my face, and only then I make a mask with clay. An excellent remedy for removing dead skin, getting rid of blackheads, which are especially noticeable when the skin is oily.

Z. S., //flap.rf/medicine/Blue_clina

Blue clay is a gift from nature to humanity. It should be noted that there are extremely healing elements in clay, and the main one is radium. Many of the healing properties of clay are attributed to the action of radium. First of all, this is the natural radiation moment or background that really exists. As a result of this radioactivity, the following useful property follows: bactericidal. This is useful because it is radiation in micro doses, it has really healing properties, it activates the cell membrane, that is, it enhances the magnetism of the cell itself. The next action of clay is its magnetism. Radioactive radium changes the electromagnetic structure of the cell itself, destroys pathogenic cells, heals cells capable of vital activity, improves metabolic processes in the cells themselves.

Dmitry Varlamov, Head of the Department of Traditional Medicine, Irpinsky Hospital, //

I'm 20. I have mixed skin, mostly oily, thin, sensitive, light. Cleaning and exfoliating in the salon will only irritate you. Oddly enough, from the means of popular brands, the skin becomes even more oily or begins to peel off. (I tried a line of products for oily and sensitive skin). Clay has become a real salvation. Visibly reduces the number of blackheads, evens out the skin, mattifies for a long time. The effect is more noticeable if the mask is allowed to dry, but then the skin really becomes oily faster. It is better to use clay constantly without letting it dry out. Blue clay suits me. I add essential oils of orange, rosemary, palmrose and jojoba oil (only natural, not synthetic) to it, if there is no almond a couple of drops. I recommend to everyone.

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