How to do a back massage for a man. Erotic massage: step by step instructions. Video - Therapeutic back massage

Massage therapy undoubtedly requires professional training. He needs to study for a long time, to study physiology well, so as not to cause harm by his actions. However, a relaxing massage can be learned to do without special courses. Just watch the video, which shows a relaxing massage in detail. Its basic principles can be mastered in a few days.

How to do a back massage?

Back massage, the video of which you can see below, is the most common type. Naturally, all parts of the body need relaxation: tense legs, tired hands. However, it is the back that requires special attention - its tight muscles interfere with the normal functioning of the whole body. As you can see in the video, the relaxing massage is done sequentially. After all, the back consists of three parts - these are:

  • the collar zone, which stretches from the neck to the shoulder blades,
  • actual back
  • lumbar region - from the end of the ribs to the coccyx.

As a rule, you need to start with the lower lumbar part. To get the maximum effect from the procedure, its duration should be at least half an hour. Particular attention should be paid to the so-called problem areas, which are most tense.

At the end of the article in the video, relaxing massage is shown very well, and you can simply follow these tips. Among all movements, stroking should be the main one, because this light technique is able to deliver the greatest relaxing sensations. Stroking should be straight, your hand should be completely touching the surface of your back with ease, without pressure. The next movement is rubbing in a circular motion and the so-called sawing along and across the back with the edge of the palm. These movements are preparation. This is followed directly by the back massage technique. To do this, you need to conditionally divide the back into two parts. To make it easier to imagine how to perform the movements, you can draw an analogy between the back and the dough that needs to be kneaded. Thus, it is necessary to stretch the sides well, moving from the lower back up. The sacrum of the vertebral region must be squeezed out with the pads of the fingers and in this motion move upward. With your fingers, gently press between the ribs. Squeeze out along the entire back from the bottom up with palms as if in a spiral. Massage your spine lightly.

Now it is the turn to do collar back massage, the technique of which is aimed at relieving tension in the cervical spine. First, there is rubbing, sawing, squeezing with the pads of the fingers, and then with the palms, both on one side and on the other. At the end, you also need to calmly stroke the entire massaged surface.

How to give a back massage to a guy?

If you do not know how to massage a man, use the above techniques. Start with light movements, gradually increasing them - kneading should never go before stroking. In addition to them, you can focus on others. Pay more attention to the lower back, press on it with your fingertips. Also, the answer to the question of how to relax a man can be found in such a technique as rolling. It is performed on the sides - one hand strokes the side and then immediately the other, thus, the hands work continuously, replacing each other. A massage for a man consists not only in working out the back, but also in the arms, buttocks and legs. Everything is performed sequentially - if these are hands, then you need to move from the shoulders to the palms, and if the legs - then from the inner thigh up to the heels. You can turn the man onto his back and massage the thoracic region with the same movements as the back. All clicks should be smooth, not sharp, and then the man will definitely appreciate your efforts.

How to give a guy an unforgettable back massage?

Any girl dreams of being attractive and desirable for her boyfriend. Each has its own secrets and tricks. It is not difficult to make your chosen one happy. After a hard day at work, offer to give him a relaxing back massage and there will be no limit to his gratitude.

You can learn how to do a back massage for a guy by following a simple step-by-step instruction.

Step 1: prepare the room

Ambient atmosphere is 50% of success. Create comfort and eliminate all sorts of external stimuli. Turn on quiet relaxing music, choose the lighting so that you can see everything clearly, light the aroma lamp. The entire entourage should contribute to relaxation, and not distract the young man.

Pay attention to where your "patient" will lie. If it is a bed or couch, then they should be quite hard. The surface must be comfortable and not cause discomfort. You can put a small roller or pillow under your head.

Step 2: massage accessories

The modern cosmetic market provides a wide range of massage oils, creams, lotions. Depending on the composition and aroma of the applied product, you can change the intensity of the massage technique. In any case, you should feel the reaction of your partner and change the speed, strength and technique. Use the knowledge of aromatherapy as your trump card, thanks to the right scent, you can relax or tone your young man.

Make sure that everything you need is at your fingertips and as little interruption as possible from the process.

Step 3: Find "your" technique

Don't worry if you've never had a back massage. Your beloved understands this and does not expect a supernatural session from you, which he could receive from a professional massage therapist. All your mistakes will be compensated by a sincere desire to bring your boyfriend maximum pleasure. Instead of worrying, focus on your partner and their response. You will begin to feel how his body gradually gives in to relaxation and the tension in the muscles goes away.

Experiment and try to use not only the palms and fingers, but also other parts of the hands. This way you can elicit a wide variety of responses from the guy. Make sure that the contact between your hands and his body is not interrupted.

Alternate stroking of different intensities, then knead the tense muscles, pinch the skin of the back, do patting and alternate these techniques again. Listen to your partner's body reactions to avoid making them uncomfortable or painful.

More about back massage technique

Massage can be of different nature and not only relaxing. Depending on the intensity of the movements and the surrounding atmosphere you choose, you can achieve this or that result. Your young man will definitely have better blood circulation, muscle spasms will disappear, and they will become more elastic, and joint mobility will increase. As you can see, back massage is not only a process that brings pleasure to both participants, but also a useful wellness event.

Four classic tricks

Stroking. They can be very diverse. Circular movements, rubbing, kneading, longitudinal movements. All of them are performed in order to determine the condition of the skin and muscles of a person. With any manipulation, you should feel the reaction of your partner.

Rubbing. These movements are similar to stroking, but have a rich intensity. When rubbing, you need to squeeze and pull the skin with effort until a fold is formed (within reason, of course). With such movements, you act on the subcutaneous fat layer of the back. Receptions can be straight, circular, zigzag and others. They can be performed with the pads of the fingers, open palm, thumbs, edge of the palm, fist.

Kneading. This stage involves the impact on the deeper areas of the back. There are two ways to knead: ordinary and drilling. In the first case, the muscle is, as it were, captured and lifted from the bone, and in the case of drilling, this happens without detachment from the bone.

Vibration. In conclusion, a relaxed and well-stretched body must be brought into a state of tone. Vibrating movements can be performed in two ways - continuously and intermittently. Spanking, pinching of varying intensity are performed with fingertips, palms folded in a boat, their ribs or fists.

How about erotic massage?

It is worth immediately distinguishing between the concepts of classical and erotic massage. In the second case, these are no longer medical manipulations, but a series of sequential actions in order to give your boyfriend sexual pleasure. If you intend to show your lover all your passion and hot feelings, then you have to work hard. Your task is to bring him maximum pleasure from the massage process, through alternate excitement and relaxation. This is the whole point of this massage.

Knowing the secrets of erogenous zones in a man or individually in your chosen one, you can give him unearthly pleasure, which will lead you to a stormy and unforgettable sex as a result.

In any case, your boyfriend will be delighted only by the fact that you took the initiative. Feel free to experiment, try new techniques and use aromatherapy techniques, and your relationship will always be vibrant and tasteful of exciting newness!

Such a procedure is not only a method of treatment, but also an excellent relaxation option.

What is the right way to massage a man? It all depends on what goal you pursue during your manipulations. Today, there are many varieties from medicinal to erotic, and today we will comprehend the basics of most of them. You will be amazed at how powerful our advice can be and how to put it into practice. Your man is guaranteed to answer you with gratitude!

Types and varieties

Unfortunately, adultery is not uncommon, and, unfortunately, it happens all the time. But not always the reason for this is masculine nature or a woman's unwillingness to take care of herself properly, so that her second half always likes it. It happens that you look at a woman: she looks perfect, well-read and smart, educated and sweet, but the stories of her husband's betrayal are thundering around the neighborhood with frightening regularity. What is the reason?

It should not be said that men are by nature males, and sometimes they are attracted only by base reflexes, such as food and sex. But they all value not their quantity, but rather the quality component. Agree, homemade food tastes better to them than that prepared in a restaurant, and intimacy is good only when it is impossible to get enough of it.

Individuals of the strong half of humanity, perhaps more than women, love affection and touch. This means that massage will be the best reward for any of them. The procedure can serve as both a relaxing procedure and a prelude to sex. By performing such manipulations, you demonstrate to your beloved your loyalty and willingness to do something pleasant at any time.

In the Ancient East, massage was used to achieve a peaceful and calm state of mind and body. During the sessions, the muscles relaxed, each cell was filled with energy. If it is performed by gentle female hands, a man is able to remember the positive emotions received for the rest of his life, becoming for his savior his whole life: a lover, a reliable friend, companion and faithful family man.

Today, you will not surprise anyone with the presence of a massage parlor in a beauty salon or spa center. But not every representative of the strong half of humanity visits such establishments. But why not recreate the relaxing atmosphere in your own apartment? To do this, it is enough to prepare aromatic oil, turn on good music and ventilate the room. Well, let's get started?

So, we suggest you consider the following varieties:

  • Erotic massage- will help make your sex life bright and varied.
  • Restorative- it relieves tension that can accumulate in the body for a long time.
  • Sports- it is usually used to relax muscles after tiring workouts.


It should be noted right away that the matter should be approached with full responsibility. Try to treat the next session as a means to achieve a certain goal. And it should be the only true one - to please your other half. And half of the success lies in ensuring that both parties to the process have a positive attitude.

It is not difficult to guess that each of the above types of massage is based on a simple set of hand manipulations - stroking, rubbing, vibration and kneading. Let's consider each option separately.

  • Ironing is done with open palms that move in different directions from the center to the periphery. Touches can be chaotic and repetitive, zigzag and circular. If your husband is overweight, you can clench your hands into fists to influence the areas to be treated.

  • Pressing or kneading allows you to work out every centimeter of the working area, all muscles and ligaments. If you do the manipulations correctly, the skin will become soft and warm after the session. To achieve this effect, imagine that you need to knead the dough so that no lumps remain in its structure.

  • Pat and vibration. It is worth completing the procedure with these movements. They will help speed up the process of blood circulation, and hence the regeneration of the skin, make metabolic processes faster.

Advice! Here are some more tips for novice masseuses: on the back, you can find or make a leather roller with your hands, which you can roll upwards or pinch it with two fingers. And for kneading arms or legs, it is better to use rotational manipulations.

What is arousal technique?

Erotic massage has a large number of functions, the main one of which is, perhaps, increasing the sensitivity. Foreplay is an important stage, which should not be neglected, because its absence can ultimately adversely affect family relationships.

An arousal procedure runs the risk of becoming ordinary relaxing manipulations if a woman does not know where a man's erogenous zones are. You may not have guessed, but to create the necessary conditions, it is not necessary to caress the genitals of the other half. Sometimes they get just as much pleasure from rubbing their ears, feet, back, or buttocks. If you have been living with your husband for a single year, you probably already know the little secrets that often help you out.

Advice! During the whole action, try to demonstrate to the man the full depth of your desires. He should feel how much you are attracted to him. All your movements, as well as their intensity and passion, can indicate this.

Elimination of pain

Often, representatives of the strong half of humanity complain of pain in the back and neck. The reasons for this may be different, but it is in your power to save your spouse or partner from such discomfort. All you need is a flat, hard surface and the necessary knowledge that you can gain in this section.

So, do all the manipulations in the direction from the spine to the hips. To begin with, intensely smooth the lumbar region, as if preparing it for something stronger. Rub from top to bottom, and then thoroughly knead each point and muscle, focusing on the pain.

You can make the so-called "herringbone". To do this, place your index fingers about a centimeter from your spine. Slide them as if you were on a rink and act on each element of the bone chain.

The raindrop technique is very helpful. It involves a slight vibration with the fingers, as if water is falling on the back.

If you want to relieve your husband of neck pain, the movements should start at the head and smoothly down to the shoulders. With your arms around your neck, do active rubbing, tapping and kneading, as if you were sculpting something out of dough or kneading it. Whichever technique you choose, remember that for best results, it is recommended to repeat each manipulation at least three to four times.

Advice! A technique as simple as hitting the piano keys is very good at relieving tension and stress built up over a long day at work. With its help, you can act on important points and nerve endings.


For a long time, massage has been considered a wellness procedure, which means that, like any other medical technique, it has a number of contraindications. But first, let's talk about when it is advisable to use it. So, these are the following diseases:

  • Myositis, bursitis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Neuralgia.

Now let's get back to our question. Massage is strictly prohibited if there is a tendency to bleeding in the body, an increase in blood pressure of 2-3 degrees, as well as in the presence of any types of tumors, even if we are talking about benign ones.

Advice!Massage sometimes works wonders. Especially if the man develops prostate disease. In most cases, they end with surgery, but there is a chance to avoid these problems. Be sure to visit a urologist with your other half. You should find out from him what manipulations should be performed, and in what sequence. The duration of the procedure is about 4-5 minutes, but the effect of such procedures will be overwhelming!

Here you look at a woman, both clever and beautiful, and the husband is still looking to the left. What is he missing?

By nature, men are males, people of another planet, the main thing for them is food and sex, but not naked, rude, but one that causes a constant thirst for intimacy.

People of the opposite sex want attention, gentle touch, not only during sex, but constantly. Try to change your behavior, start massaging a man, and get a hundredfold love and devotion.

Meet - various types and techniques of massage for a man

In the ancient East, massage for a man originated as a procedure that brings relaxation and tranquility. The gentle touch of gentle hands gave peace, relieved tension from muscles, filled with energy.

Skillful manipulation of female hands give pleasure. A massage for a man, done with love, will help him experience unforgettable sensations not only for a short time, but also make him a wonderful lover, a faithful friend and caring owner for many years.

The time limit, natural laziness prevents a man from using the services of a massage parlor. In this case, the beloved woman comes to the rescue, because massage for a man at home does not require special preparation. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of massage, learn how to perform elementary techniques, prepare oil with your favorite scent for a man, ventilate the room and that's it, the process has started, you can start.

The main types of massage, the simplest techniques that every woman should learn are:

Erotic - will make your sex unforgettable;

Revitalizing - relieves stress after a hard day;

Athletic - Helps relax muscles after exercise.

The main thing is to set a goal for yourself - to please the man.

For this, first of all, you need positive attitude both partners.

Massage for a man at home does not require special knowledge and skills, for this it is enough to master the simplest principles of each technique.

Each of the listed massages is based on classical massage techniques: ironing, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

Ironing we do it with open warm palms, which move, as in all techniques, from the center to the periphery. We gently smooth the skin, as if dispersing energy to the sides, making circular movements, zigzag. On an obese, full, knocked down body of a sports type, ironing can be done with fists or phalanges of fingers folded into a fist.

- Many men take great pleasure in rubbing... This technique is performed at a fast pace, you can do rubbing, circular movements with your palm or fists. Then we put our palms on the edge and intensively rub the skin, moving them with one palm relative to the other up and down. After rubbing, the skin of the body becomes uniformly pink.

Pressing or kneading speaks for itself, with the help of this technique we do a deep study of each muscle. After rubbing, the skin becomes soft and warm, so we put our folded palms on it with a boat and make movements, as when kneading dough, raking from the edges to the middle.

On the back there is a roller of skin roll over from bottom to top or pinch it, pinching it between the index and thumb.

If we knead an arm or a leg, then it is enough to grab the limb with both hands and do intense rotational movements.

We finish every massage for a man patting or vibration... On the worked surface, you can pat with open palms or pound with fists. Finally, we finish the whole process with gentle stroking.

Erotic massage, what is it?

Erotic massage for a man helps to increase sensitivity, is a gentle prelude to sex, which is the basis of strong family relationships.

Erotic massage differs little in techniques from the classical one, although in this case stroking and kneading will be the main ones. If in classical massage it is enough to know the location of the main muscles, then eros-style manipulations require knowledge of the main erogenous zones of a man. Perhaps this will surprise you, but not only manipulations with the genitals, but with the buttocks, back and even ears, excite a man. A loving woman must know the main erogenous zones of her beloved.

Erotic massage for a man in salons does not end with sex, which cannot be said about massage at home. Make a man a slave to your hands, and you will feel like a queen anytime, anywhere.

The main erogenous zones of a man and the impact on them

There is a misconception that only the genitals are the erogenous organs of men. Each male organism is individual to the perception of touch. For some men, the erogenous zone is the point between the shoulder blades, for others, the coccyx, and for the third, stroking the thighs and upper legs brings special pleasure.

Almost all men are delighted. from ear massage.

Before a massage session, you should think over every detail:

Find out what kind of music your man likes;

How does he react to smells, candles;

Create an intimate twilight in the room;

Ensure the absence of strangers throughout the apartment.

If your goal is rough sex after a massage for a man, then conduct a session in a semi-nude form.

Every man loves touching the thighs and buttocks, with this we begin erotic massage.

- We start massage for a man with stroking the feet, from the fingertips, slowly rising to the groin area.

Lying on his stomach, a man should feel calm.

- With warm hands, barely smeared with aroma oil, we begin stroking the buttocks from the spine to the thighs, making large circular movements, pulling your arms down your thighs and returning to the lower back. Gradually reduce the radius of the circles. We stroke with our hands, fists, as if inadvertently touching the man with our bare thigh or chest.

When rubbing, try to convey your desires through the intensity of the movement.

Moving on to kneading, remember that during an erotic massage a man should not experience pain, therefore, knead gently, deeply working out the muscles of the buttocks. Pat the entire back and give a soft, playful pat on the butt of your loved one.

- We turn the man on his back and doing belly massage... We carry out all the techniques clockwise, from the navel to the hips, dropping lower and lower, but without touching the genitals. Keep intrigue all the time.

The abdomen of many men is covered with hair, so we do all the techniques with rake-like fingers. Vibrating the abdomen is best done finger "shower" tapping quickly and gently on the skin, as if quickly playing the piano.

- Having worked your stomach, if your massage has not yet been interrupted by violent sex, go to breast massage.

You can allow yourself to sit on your beloved's lap and start massaging his breasts, bending down low and lightly touching his skin with your bare breasts. For a thrill, you can use a piece of ice. We work out all the techniques according to the scheme.

Ear massage do it with your index finger and thumb. At a slow pace, rub and knead the auricles, starting with the lobe and ending with the tips of the ears. Slowly iron in the middle, alternating ironing and pressure, the intensity of the effect. We finish the massage of the ears, stroking it with open palms, in a circular motion from top to bottom.

Let all your fantasies come true!

Back and neck pain relieve wellness massage

A tired man will not be sensitive to erotic play if his back or neck hurts.

To relieve back pain, a man should lie on his stomach. For this, a hard sofa or a rug laid on the floor is suitable.

We perform all techniques from the spine to the hips. After ironing and rubbing from the bottom up, according to the scheme described above, we knead, carefully kneading each point, especially fix the effect on the painful area.

Be sure to massage the back with a herringbone, for this we put the index fingers at a distance of 1 cm from the spine and slide them up, like on skates, from bottom to top, with one hand, then the other, acting on each vertebra.

In case of back pain, we make vibration easily, we tap with only fingers, imitating raindrops.

With pain in the neck, we do all the movements from the head to the shoulders. After stroking, grab the neck with both hands and rub intensively, moving your hands back and forth.

Kneading is done with the index and thumb, grabbing the muscles along the neck, then stroking and making a herringbone.

We go through each technique 3 - 4 times, finish the neck massage with a light tap, imitating playing the piano.

Sports massage with devices

After the gym, our men very often need a relaxing massage, especially if they have spasms of the muscles of the arms or legs.

Not every woman knows how to massage a man at home, but every loving friend is ready to help.

Hand and electric massagers intended for mass use, they are available to everyone.

The easiest to use are plastic "crabs" all kinds of configurations.

We do sports hand massage with the help of a "crab" from the bottom up along the lymph, from the hand to the elbow, further to the axillary region. Having previously done ironing, rubbing and kneading, we use the massager in circular and zigzag movements. Intense exposure will help to disperse lactic acid, which causes cramping and pain after exercise.

Plastic massager can replace wood, rubber or electric.

Electric massagers are produced in various types, with red radiation and vibration, in various configurations and prices available to everyone.

Be attentive to indications and prohibitions

The healing effect of massage was discovered many centuries BC. Improving blood circulation helps relieve pain and spasms in such diseases:



Myositis; bursitis;


Whatever life-giving recovery does massage create for a man, there are a number of limitations.

It is strictly forbidden to do massage with a tendency to bleeding, the presence of any type of tumor, hypertension of 2-3 degrees. Skin diseases are also contraindications to massage.

And here prostate disease heals much faster with a skillfully performed massage. Having visited the urologist with your husband, ask the doctor to show you the simplest massage techniques for prostatitis. Remember that loving hands can save a man from surgery. Just 4 - 5 minutes a day and there will be no end of gratitude. To carry out this type of massage, you need gloves, cream and knowledge of two or three techniques.

When starting to massage a man, remember, the main thing is not to harm!

Both partners should learn how to do erotic massage so that love games later acquire a brighter color. This is useful not only for boredom, contrary to popular belief. In fact, it helps to study, understand your body and its reactions. If you know how to do arousing massage, then exciting techniques will turn the fulfillment of marital duty into an erotic holiday.

How to do a stimulating massage - technique

Finding erogenous zones

Many men know (and who do not know - let them find out immediately) that the main erogenous zones in a woman are the mouth, neck, breasts, clitoris, vaginal opening, inner thighs and ear.

Women overwhelmingly believe that the main erotic zone of a man is the penis, scrotum and inner thighs. The main one, but far from the only one. Experience an exciting massage on your loved one and you will discover many unfamiliar sex points of the male body.

Erotic massage technique: how to do it?

Start by lightly touching your neck. You can slightly tousle your hair, there are many biologically active points on the head. The contour of the face should be caressed with your gentle touches.

The area between the shoulder blades, the so-called "cat area", is equally sensitive. And so that the beloved does not get completely tired of the massage and does not fall asleep, you can walk over his body with your lips. The result will follow immediately.

You can continue the study of sensitivity in a variety of places, for example, just below the navel or in the ears.

Erogenous zones can be not only purely individual, but also wandering. At the same time, in an exciting massage, you can work not only with your hands, but also with your mouth: bite, pinch, even blow.

Towards the end, pay attention to the genitals. There is no man who would be indifferent to caress in these intimate places.

An unambiguous sign that you are on the right track is an increase in breathing and heart rate in your subject.

This means that the exciting massage has fulfilled its task and you can move on to what everything was started for - love itself.

Exciting massage for couples - step by step

Erotic massage helps relieve stress and feel close. The basic techniques are the same, but combined with sensual movements and nuances, they can turn massage into a romantic dance. Stroking in a stimulating massage should be light, playful and languid.

Light touches of the skin. These touches help to establish a connection. We often take our partner for granted, so take this opportunity to rediscover their skin. Stroke your partner with your palm, fingertips, and nails. The lighter the touch, the stronger the stimulation of the skin. Take your time. A stimulating massage doesn't have to be quick.

Warming the skin by breathing. This romantic movement can be used to complete any energizing massage techniques. Flex your muscles and then blow on your skin. The closer you are to the body, the warmer the breath will be. It perfectly relaxes and stimulates the partner's skin. Try on your arms, legs, back, or the back of your neck.

Hair touching. This movement of erotic stimulating massage can also be used to complete techniques. Run the ends of your hair over your partner's skin. This is especially gratifying.

Kneading the neck. Get creative with a stimulating massage. Use intimacy and intimate moments to create an unexpected massage with tenderness and attention. It's hard to express love while staying tense. Therefore, knead your partner's neck with your thumb and forefinger, as usual, without touching the spine.

Finger pressure on the face. Facial massage is extremely pleasant, and light gentle strokes make it magical. Run your fingertips across your partner's face, moving from center to side. Slowly and sensually circle the eyes, nose and mouth, gently touch the eyelids and lashes.

Hair pulling. The scalp massage is very pleasant, as is the gentle pulling of the hair. Movements in a stimulating massage should be light. Run through your hair from roots to ends, running through your fingers. Curl the ends, pull lightly, then tousle your partner's hair.

Back stroking. Be creative with the already known arousing erotic massage techniques. Try, for example, stroking your back in different ways, changing the pressure, pace and position. If stroking with your palms and fingertips no longer excites your partner, why not try your forearms or feet? For the most effective massage, follow the contours of the muscles. It can be energizing!

Exciting massage for a man with weak potency

Having faced this problem for thousands of years, the Chinese treat it with great attention, they were the first to find the most effective points. Although it should be noted that in such a mobile area as human sexual life, the result can never be guaranteed. But the safety and simplicity of arousal massage technique deserves to be used. You have to be persistent, especially since acupuncture is a good tool for any other therapy.

Erogenous points

In a stimulating massage, it is important to work on two main and two auxiliary points.


  • The first is in the lower back, on the spine, more likely even on the vertebra located on the line connecting the two iliac crests.

The second is on the outside of the calf, on the palm above the ankle, on the posterior border of the tibia, in a small depression.


  • The first is on the stomach, in the middle of the segment connecting the navel and the pubis.
  • The second is on the bend of the wrist from the side of the little finger.

How to work on points in a stimulating massage?

The points should be stimulated one after the other, not too intensely for five to fifteen minutes, in the morning and in the evening, by hand, needles or current. The duration of the course of stimulating massage is 10 days. After a week's break, treatment should be restarted and such courses should be carried out constantly.

The Chinese do at the point of injection of vitamins or male hormones.

How to learn how to do a stimulating massage: video