How to apply foundation correctly. How to apply foundation correctly: step by step instructions. Foundation for different skin types

Much has been said and written about how to do eye and eyebrow makeup correctly, how to paint lips, and which hairstyles to prefer. But for some reason, much less attention is paid to the skin of the face, although it is she who is the basis and a clean sheet on which any picture is applied. And this sheet should really be clean. Therefore, in our article we will pay attention to this issue and consider how to properly apply foundation on your face.

First of all, it should be said about the aspect of the quality of cosmetics. Remember that it is it that not only determines the result, but is also the key to the health of your skin. Therefore, the issue of choice must be approached consciously. To achieve the desired goal, you need to spend a certain amount of time and take into account a number of basic principles.

First, the foundation should be selected based on the specifics of your skin. So, if your sebaceous glands are overly active, matting agents are suitable for you, which can not only mask the elements of fat, but also absorb their excess. But for dry skin, products aimed at moisturizing it are suitable. They must contain the necessary vitamins, as well as hyaluronic acid.

In the event that some elements of rashes systematically appear on your skin - pimples and acne - the cream you have chosen should include antibacterial components. Older women are well suited for lifting creams, the application of which allows you to tighten the skin, making it more elastic.

The second principle assumes seasonality. When using a foundation, it is advisable to take into account the climatic factor. In particular, creams with a label of at least SPF 8 will help protect the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation.

The third rule: the shade of the base used should organically blend with your skin tone. This is the only way to achieve a natural and natural result. To determine the choice, you need to take a drop of the cream and apply it to the side of the neck. After that, wait a few minutes and then evaluate the result. Your choice should fall on the shade that merges with your skin as much as possible. In this case, it will also be a little lighter in tone than your face, which will allow you to refresh it somewhat and mask minor flaws.

Required tools and materials

You can apply the foundation on your face using various sponges and brushes, or with your bare hands. Some women combine these and other methods, focusing on achieving a specific goal. This allows you to neutralize the disadvantages that each of the application methods has.

Working with brushes

If you use liquid products, brushes will be the most successful solution. Their use will make it possible to qualitatively process hard-to-reach places around the eyes, nose, on the eyelids. A flat brush made from synthetic fibers will allow you to more economically apply foundation to your face.

Sponge application

Using a sponge, you can apply funds in different layer thicknesses and densities. When using a damp sponge, you can achieve a thin and light coating, and with the help of dry sponges, it will be possible to eliminate even quite significant flaws. In addition, the make-up itself will last for a long time.

Finger work

Makeup without tools can be used as a day-to-day solution. It is easiest to manipulate with your fingers, with their help you can treat any area, easily spread the cream over the skin to create a picture of natural naturalness.

It is especially worth noting the effectiveness of using hands when working with mousses and sticks. It is also convenient to use your fingers to dye your eyelids and treat the skin on other parts of the body.

Using the foundation with your hands, you can significantly save on the expense of this tool. The quality of the work performed in this way will always be at its best.

Application technique

To learn how to perform the procedure efficiently and achieve the desired goal, you need to practice and acquire certain skills. However, after some time, you will definitely work out a solution that suits you, and learn how to carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently.

Before applying foundation on your face, you need to properly prepare your skin. If necessary, remove the remnants of previous cosmetics from it, use a toner and moisturizer. If you have dry skin, do not forget to not only moisturize it, but also provide the necessary nutrition. The base coat can be applied only after the base is completely dry.

Provide good lighting for the procedure. This will make it possible to eliminate minor inaccuracies immediately, and will also allow you to determine the need to use color correctors that are applied under the base.

The preheated product will be much easier to use as it is applied and blended over the skin. To this end, apply the product to the back of your hand, and from there you should take it with a brush, sponge or finger of your other hand and apply it to your face.

It is better to do this pointwise - drop by drop for each conditional zone, which can be the cheeks, chin, forehead, tip of the nose. Movement when applying the product should start from the center of the forehead and go towards the ears and chin. If you apply the product in the opposite direction, you will get an uneven distribution of the cream in places of small wrinkles and folds.

It is not enough to impose a tonal substance on the face - now it is necessary to shade it qualitatively. Our main task is to make sure that color borders and transitions are not visible. This is especially true for the areas around the ears, neck and hairline.

We've talked about how to apply foundation, and to make your makeup even more mesmerizing, read our articles on how to paint your eyes and lips correctly, as well as many more useful things.

Foundation is a special cosmetic product that allows you to hide some skin irregularities. A good foundation should be invisible. This product is the basis of any makeup, it is applied first. Every woman should know how to properly apply foundation. Our article is devoted to this topic.

Varieties of tonal bases

To understand the features of applying a foundation, you need to get acquainted with the types of this cosmetic product. Today, in cosmetology, two types of foundation are used: cream powder and liquid makeup base.

  • Cosmetologists recommend applying a liquid tonal foundation to dry skin, with signs of severe peeling. The composition of such a product contains special components that nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • Cream-powder (mousse) is a tonal foundation created specifically for oily or combination skin. The formula of this product is characterized by a soft texture, well protects the pores from small particles of powder or blush, and does not clog them.

Choosing a tonal foundation according to the shape of the face

The shape of the face is of great importance when applying makeup. Correctly selected cosmetics help to smooth out some imperfections. There are certain requirements for applying foundation cream on faces of different shapes. We will talk about them in this section.

  • Round face. The foundation is applied according to the same principle as regular powder. The whiskey is painted over right next to the hairline. Here, a very important point is the correct choice of the shade of the cream. The shade of the product should be darker, but at the same time not create a sharp contrast with the skin color;
  • The face is triangular. This type is the most difficult, so make-up should be applied taking into account three areas (forehead, temples and chin). First, a cream of a light shade is evenly distributed over the entire face, then zonal staining is carried out in a darker color;
  • When creating makeup on a square-shaped face, the main thing is to divert attention from the angular features. To do this, the skin on the chin is colored with a darker shade, shaded;
  • The oval face is characterized by ideal features that can be favorably emphasized by applying a dark tone to the temples and cheekbones. The product is applied starting from the cheeks and gradually moving to the temples. You can visually reduce an overly oblong face by shading the forehead with a dark color.

Features of applying foundation

Before applying the foundation, you must carefully prepare the skin for this procedure. The cream will adhere better to moisturized skin. There are several rules, the implementation of which will allow you to apply the foundation correctly:

  1. Before applying the product, the skin is cleaned with a gel or tonic;
  2. After cleansing, a moisturizing procedure is carried out. To do this, a thin layer of day cream is applied to the skin and given time to absorb;
  3. 15 minutes after moistening, apply a tonal foundation. Cosmetologists recommend using a special sponge for this procedure. If you apply the composition with an ordinary brush, it will lie unevenly and this will be noticeable;
  4. The foundation is applied in small dots, evenly spreading over the entire surface of the face;
  5. After applying, the dots are shaded with an even layer on the skin of the face;
  6. Sometimes it is necessary to apply a small amount of the composition to the area around the zone so that the skin tone is even;
  7. After applying the product, you need to wait 10 minutes, then proceed to the next stage of creating makeup.

How to mask redness with foundation?

Small ones in the place of their localization cause a lot of trouble. They often appear at the most inopportune moment, and even several layers of foundation do not help to hide the flaw.

For good, you need to apply the cream to your face in several stages. First, an even layer of a light base is applied, the second layer is applied to the areas of the skin that require masking.

A green shade corrector will help to well mask redness and pimples on the skin. If you have problem skin, then you can replace the foundation with a compact powder. It masks small defects much better, and lies down in a thick layer, while eliminating oily sheen.

Secrets of applying foundation

Not every woman succeeds in applying foundation correctly. The fact is that this procedure has its own secrets. We will talk about some of them below.
  • The shade of the cream should be chosen so that it is slightly lighter than your skin tone. Performing this technique allows you to smooth out skin imperfections and make its appearance more attractive;
  • If you are using a sponge to apply foundation, try to keep this instrument clean. It is recommended to rinse the sponge with warm soapy water at least once a week. The foundation brush must also be kept clean;
  • If you are interested in how to apply foundation correctly , We recommend paying more attention to the initial hairline. In places where the hairline begins, you need to blend the product especially carefully to make the presence of this cosmetic product on the skin invisible;
  • The foundation is applied from top to bottom, this will distribute the composition as evenly as possible over the skin of the face;
  • It is better to store the foundation in a dark and cool place. Such a composition does not tolerate direct sunlight and quickly deteriorate in heat;
  • It must be remembered that the tonal base, like any other cosmetic product, clogs the pores and prevents the skin from breathing. Therefore, at night it must be washed off from the face in order to prevent the appearance of allergic and acne rashes;
  • If you intend to visit places with high humidity or high temperatures, then it is advisable to choose a cream with good stability;
  • If the foundation is applied in several layers, then the likelihood of smudges and smudges increases significantly. To prevent this, you need to blend the composition well with a sponge or apply the cream with your fingers;
  • If the facial features are not expressed, make-up artists recommend applying the foundation on the lips;
  • If it becomes necessary to mask bags, traces of lack of sleep or tears, you can apply a peach tone under the eyes, and on top of it - a reflective corrector;
  • It is not recommended to cover the entire face with a cream with reflective particles. It is better to highlight certain parts of the face for them, which you want to give more expressiveness;
  • If there are still noticeable skin imperfections through the base base, it is recommended to rub foundation with a sponge into the problem areas. They do the same if they want to hide mimic wrinkles or redness from acne.

Foundation application technique

As noted above, the foundation is applied using a sponge or cosmetic brush. The face is pre-degreased and moisturized. The further procedure is carried out using a liquid foundation.

A brush is lightly dipped in it and then the area around the forehead, nose and chin is fanned with a tool. When applying the composition, it is imperative to take into account the shape of the face. After the tonal base, blush is applied, shaded well.

It is desirable that the brush (sponge) be of a small diameter, this will help to avoid smudges. Are you wondering how to use foundation correctly? Makeup artists give several recommendations regarding the technique of applying the foundation on the face:

  1. It is easiest to tint damp skin. Therefore, before applying the tinting agent, you need to spread the day cream on your face, and wait until it is absorbed. Then blot the skin with a napkin and start applying the tone;
  2. Any makeup is best applied in daylight. This will help you to see the shortcomings in time and correct them;
  3. Various cosmetic tools are used to apply the base base. If it is a liquid and creamy texture, then it is better to use a brush or sponge. Cream mousses are applied to the skin only with the pads of the fingers;
  4. The method of applying the foundation is selected according to the desired result. If it is supposed to go out in the daytime, then the application of the product is carried out using a dry cosmetic sponge, the correction is carried out with the fingertips;
  5. To hide small blackheads and their corrective pencil, and apply a tonal foundation on top;
  6. To make the base lay an even layer on the face, it is better to apply it with a slightly moistened sponge. A dry cosmetic sponge is suitable for creating dense makeup;
  7. In the summer (especially when visiting the beach), you need to use a foundation with a protective complex against ultraviolet radiation;
  8. If the applied makeup looks sloppy, you can apply a mixture of foundation and moisturizer to your face;
  9. To avoid make-up drips, the skin is preliminarily wiped with special napkins to eliminate the oily sheen. You can buy an indelible foundation in a cosmetic store (it stays on the face for more than 12 hours without flowing). Such a tool, however, has the property of firmly adhering to the skin, therefore, it must be applied extremely carefully, since it will be difficult to correct the blemishes;

Remember that neat makeup will not tolerate thick layers. Your skin should look natural, no foundation should be visible on it. The tone is applied pointwise and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin.

In many beauty salons, the created makeup is fixed by sprinkling the face with pure mineral water from a spray bottle. We recommend using this method when creating home make-up (to fix it).

It is better to squeeze the beads of foundation onto the central parts of the face (center of the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin). After that, the cream is shaded with light movements from the central part to the periphery. That is, on the forehead, you need to grind the composition in circular movements, gradually moving towards the temple.

From the center of the chin, you need to move to the corners of the lips, from the cheeks to the cheekbones. When rubbing the foundation, do not stretch the skin too much, as this will lead to an increase in wrinkles. Do not rub the composition into the skin too much, the cream may lie unevenly and roll.


Now you know how to apply the foundation correctly. When creating makeup, you need to be moderate and try to maintain a natural skin tone. Any cosmetics should emphasize the beauty of the face and help hide various imperfections.

Many women use foundation to make their skin smoother and more velvety. Such a tool allows you to even out the complexion and make it flawless. But in order for this remedy to lie well on the skin and have a certain effect, it is necessary to apply it correctly. The correct application technique can help hide all skin imperfections, create the perfect make-up, and simulate facial features.

How to select?

In order to choose the right foundation for your face, you need to know three important rules so as not to inconvenience yourself. Initially, it is necessary to rely on the price of the given product. Since you use it for your face, in no case save on it, since all cheap products negatively affect the skin and create the appearance of a mask. This makeup looks unnatural. Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the value for money.

The next factor that you need to rely on when choosing a foundation is the type of skin. If you have an oily type of dermis, you need to choose foundations with a mattifying effect, as they are able to fight sebum by absorbing it. On problem skin, it is better to apply a foundation with natural ingredients that have a caring and moisturizing effect.

The foundation with cucumber and green tea extract has a calming effect. When choosing your everyday foundation, try to go for lighter-textured products that will have a moisturizing effect, since daily use of such a product can dry the skin, and moisturizing ingredients will prevent this. In winter, it is better to purchase nourishing tonal creams with a more oily texture so that they do not dry out the skin.

If you have dry dermis, you'd better choose a moisturizing foundation that contains hyaluronic acid. For teenage skin, it is recommended to purchase products with antibacterial substances, and for more mature skin, an age-related foundation, which will also have anti-aging effects. Such funds include antioxidants, they are able to have a lifting effect. They contain silicone and collagen.

Another important rule is that a foundation for the face must be selected based on your skin tone. It should be suitable for the color of the skin of the face and not darker than 1 tone. Makeup artists also point out that when choosing a foundation, you need to try to select it as close as possible to your real complexion in order to create a natural makeup and get rid of the mask effect.

It should also be borne in mind that such a foundation should not stand out on the face against the background of the neck and décolleté. To do this, when buying, try to compare the shade of the foundation with the skin on the neck. It is best if the product you have selected will merge with it.

How old can you use it?

Now among cosmetologists there is no unequivocal opinion about how old girls can start using a foundation. Most often, skin problems such as acne, blackheads and other imperfections are pushing young beauties to use such cosmetics. Many people use such products for the face after the transitional age, that is, about 14 or 15 years.

There are a large number of tonal means for young skin, so at this age it is not forbidden to use them, they, on the contrary, have a complex effect and even allow you to fight acne. Such complex and universal tonal means are absolutely harmless to teenage skin, so they can be safely purchased. Now cosmetologists recommend using tonal creams for girls from the age of 14 to 16 years. Indeed, according to them, now such facial cosmetics contain absolutely harmless components and do not clog the pores of the facial skin.

What can be replaced?

For face makeup, instead of foundation, you can choose cream powder or cream mousse, you can also give preference to 3 in 1 products, which have a complex effect. Such products are an excellent substitute for classic foundation and therefore perfectly even out the complexion. Also for lovers of light natural make-up are perfect BB and SS funds with a tonal effect. This is a complex action cosmetics that, in addition to a tonal effect, also has a moisturizing effect and has many other benefits.

Some people use powder instead of foundation, but these products have completely different textures, so they are not interchangeable.

Also, women often give preference not to tonal creams, but to ordinary correctors, but these products are of a point effect, they are not intended to care for the entire skin of the face, so it is better to use such types of cosmetics in a complex manner.

How to use in summer?

For the summer period, it is better to purchase a cream with a lighter texture. An excellent solution would be a sunscreen foundation with UV protection of at least 15 units. Such products allow you to preserve the skin and protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight, prevent aging, as well as pigmentation. It should be borne in mind that complexion changes depending on the season. That is, in cold weather the skin turns pale, and in warm seasons its shade changes, so you need to select other tonal means.

Base application rules

It is no secret that the foundation is the basis of makeup, but the foundation must be applied correctly, while preparing the skin so that the makeup is perfect. Do not apply foundation immediately on flaky skin as it can accentuate flaking. It is better to use an emollient oil before applying it, and it is also necessary to first treat the skin with a gentle scrub, then you need to moisturize and very thoroughly clean the skin.

If you have dry skin type, then for this you need to use a special moisturizing milk, and if oily, then it is better to clean it with a matting gel. After you cleanse your skin, be sure to moisturize it so as not to cause dryness. To do this, you need to use a day cream with a moisturizing effect. It is very important that such a product has a light texture and does not create a film effect on the face. The foundation will fit very well on such a remedy.

Where to start: concealer or foundation?

Undoubtedly initially, a corrector is applied to the skin of the face during make-up. With its help, you can hide many skin imperfections, as well as level the surface before using the foundation. After that, you can already apply concealer and highlighter. These funds can radically change the appearance of your face, with their help, sculpting is carried out. Also, thanks to them, you can visually correct the shape of the nose, cheekbones, and also hide many flaws. This type of cosmetics creates an excellent base for applying foundation. Therefore, the corrector is applied first, and the foundation is applied second.

Can it be applied after sculpting?

In case you want to smooth out the borders of the lines that were created after sculpting, you can feather them, and if you do not like the effect, you can use a foundation with a light texture. It will not harm the created lines and shapes, but, on the contrary, will soften them. That is why, in such cases, all makeup artists do not recommend using tonal effect products that have a dense texture. Light cosmetics are acceptable after the face sculpting procedure.

Can I apply powder without tone?

Among some women, the opinion was that powder can be replaced with foundation, because it is also capable of hiding some imperfections, especially if it has a dense texture. But in reality, these funds are not interchangeable.

Powder is the final step in your face makeup. It must be applied over the foundation, otherwise it can dry out the skin.

For those women who do not like to use tonal products, cosmetologists have created cream powders that have a light texture and are very easily distributed over the skin.

They have a matting effect and do not create an oily sheen. In addition, the cream-powder nourishes the skin, but at the same time it does not look too bright and unnatural on the face. With its help, you can easily create daytime makeup. All makeup artists recommend using just such powders if you don't like foundation. Otherwise, you can only use powder with a very light texture, such as loose products. But even the best dry powders will not replace foundation, as they are two different types of cosmetics.

Face Makeup Tool

Women prefer to apply foundation to their face in a variety of ways. To do this, they use sponges, hands or fingers. Which one to choose is up to you, but professional makeup artists prefer to use sponges or brushes for applying foundation, because this way you can very easily and hygienically distribute the tone over the face and create the perfect base. But cosmetologists also do not prohibit applying tone with fingertips, in this case they must be treated with an antibacterial agent and slightly warmed up in warm water.

Rubbing your fingertips can spread the cream very gently for a natural daytime make-up effect. It is very easy to apply the foundation with your fingertips, you can do it with massage movements. In this case, it is imperative to move only smoothly and gently, without pulling the skin.

What is the best way to paint?

Each master gives preference to his own means for applying tone to the face, but it is believed that it is best to use a brush, an applicator, and fingers for this at the same time. This is the perfect combination for superior results. Brushes are most often used to distribute products with a liquid texture over the skin. Also, with their help, you can process any area of ​​the face, including any folds around the nose and others. This way you can evenly distribute the foundation and get rid of any excess.

The most popular tool is a small flat brush made of artificial fibers. You can also purchase the very popular egg-shaped applicator, which is also capable of absorbing excess foundation so that it does not create a mask effect on the face, but it is not so convenient for them to process the skin in hard-to-reach places.

Use your fingers to spread the foundation over blemished, flaky, or irritated skin.

Thus, you can very gently distribute the tone without harming the skin. It is very convenient to apply foundation powder and cream mousse with your fingers. It is also believed that using your fingertips to apply foundation is much more economical than using a sponge that absorbs the product.

How to use a sponge?

Sponges are a versatile foundation for applying foundation. If you use a wet tool, you will get a very light effect, you can use it to create a beautiful natural daytime make-up. If you use a dry sponge, then you can apply the foundation more densely, as well as hide all facial imperfections. With this method of application, the foundation stays on the face for much longer, and the complexion becomes more even. It is better to use the sponge by applying the foundation with soft tapping movements, literally knocking it on the skin of the face and, as it were, getting it wet. Thus, you can make the perfect face makeup.

Technique and walkthrough

Each girl has her own scheme for applying foundation. Makeup artists offer different ways to apply it. In order to get the perfect makeup, you need to provide good natural light, daylight should fall on your face. Thanks to this, you can notice all facial skin imperfections, correct and hide them instantly. You will also be able to determine if you need to use color correctors that are applied under the base cream.

How to visually make the nose smaller?

You can make your nose smaller by using foundation and corrector of different tones. In order to make the nose visually smaller without changing its shape, you need to cover its skin with a darker color of foundation than all other parts of the face. If you have a large and wide nose, you need to draw two parallel lines of a darker color with the corrector, starting from the line of growth of the eyebrows to the edge of the nose. And the part that remains between the two lines must be covered with a lighter shade. Thus, you can visually narrow the nose.

If you have a large rounded nose, you need to make its wings darker, and cover the front part with a light foundation. The main thing is that all transitions are soft and smooth, so that the lines are not very clearly visible.

How to highlight cheekbones?

In order to emphasize the cheekbones with foundation, you must use a special technique. When creating makeup, you need to stand in front of a mirror, pull in your cheeks and stretch your lips, as if you are pronouncing the sound "O", on the cavities that appear, you need to draw a thin oblique line from the temples to the lower part of the face with a darker foundation. Then you need to lightly shade this line and darken the selected area. You should cover all other parts of the face with a classic foundation. It is important that the transition zones are not visible.

Next, you need to use a highlighter to draw the border between the part of the cheekbones that should protrude and the part that is more convex. The finishing touch will be the application of bronze blush. Thus, you will make the face narrower and the cheekbones will become pronounced and beautiful.

How to put on makeup perfectly?

Another secret to creating the perfect foundation with a tonal base is that it is best to spread the warmed-up cream over your face.

To do this, you need to apply it to the inside of the palm and from there take it with your fingertip, brush or sponge. Such a cream will be more gently distributed over the skin of the face and make it velvety.

Foundation for the face, its functions. Instilled in the choice of funds, taking into account the type of skin. Ways of applying foundation for every day.

The content of the article:

To be the owner of perfect skin is the dream of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But nature did not give such a luxurious gift to everyone. Make-up artist Max Factor helped to compensate for skin imperfections. In 1936, he used a light face cream instead of heavy makeup for the actors of the Royal Theater. Since then, women have long ceased to imagine their cosmetic bag without foundation.

Functions of the foundation for the face

Professional makeup artists pay great attention to the basis of the makeup, because even the most luxurious makeup is not possible without a high-quality and well-chosen foundation. Magical eyes, long eyelashes and perfectly defined lips will fade against the background of dark circles under the eyes or a lifeless wax mask on the face. A poorly chosen foundation can cause flaking, unpleasant sensations of tightness, or, conversely, a feeling of mask and stickiness on the face.

Daily functions of the face cream:

  • Protection of facial skin from external irritants: wind, frost, scorching sun, dust, etc.
  • Moisturize your skin throughout the day. Essential oils that make up the creams are able to moisturize, soften and give freshness to the skin of the face, and can spoil the oily sheen and feeling of stickiness of the skin. Excessive use of oily foundation can lead to the formation of pustules and acne.
  • Skin nutrition. The quality foundation contains minerals and vitamins that strengthen skin turgor and stimulate collagen production.
  • The durability of the make-up, its perfection directly depends on the quality of the foundation. Having made a choice in the direction of a long-lasting foundation for the face, excellent makeup is possible even on a rainy or hot day.
  • Masking skin imperfections, leveling the relief and visual lifting of the face oval. When using a correctly selected foundation, fine wrinkles, pigmentation inhomogeneity of the skin and slight redness visually disappear.

Features of choosing a foundation by skin type

At first glance, choosing a foundation for your face is a simple yet complex process. The same foundation in different weather conditions can be optimal, or vice versa, it can cause a terrible mood.

Foundation for dry skin

The first thing you should pay attention to is the composition of the foundation. Its composition, for dry skin, should include oils or cosmetic fat, as well as the presence of hyaluronic acid. These ingredients soften and nourish dry skin and eliminate flaky and dry skin.

The second symptom of a dry skin cream is its sparse consistency, possibly mousse-like. This state of the cream will instantly moisturize the skin and give a pleasant feeling of well-groomed and velvety texture.

The third sign of the cream should be hypoallergenic individually for your skin. The substances that make up the foundation are of natural origin, and dry skin, like no other, is prone to allergic rashes and irritations. The ideal solution to prevent undesirable consequences is to use a trial version of the desired cream.

Advice! For better hydration and to prevent flaking, your daily foundation should be mixed with a daytime moisturizer.

Foundation for combination skin

The difficulty in choosing a cream for combination skin is the presence of dryness in certain areas and a tendency to increased secretion of sweat-fatty glands in the nasolabial triangle and forehead.

Before buying a foundation, you need to determine for yourself which problem is more worried about - dryness or oily content. There is no special foundation for such skin. But a water-based product that won't clog your pores is a great option.

Minerals, hyaluronic acid, and reflective particles must be essential components for such a toning cream.

Foundation for oily skin

Oily skin has a number of unpleasant characteristics: oily sheen, enlarged pores and a tendency to acne. Enlarged pores, increased sebum secretion form a favorable field for the development of abscesses and constant inflammatory processes. This means that the main property of a foundation for oily skin is drying with a matting effect.

Signs of foundation for oily skin:

  1. Lack of fat and oils. The oily base will only aggravate the skin condition.
  2. In its composition, the cream should contain components that absorb fat, such as powder.
  3. An unacceptable property for such a cream is pearlescent particles. The cream should matte, not make the skin glow.
  4. The presence of acids will not only dry out the skin, but also narrow the pores, prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the form of acne or acne.

Advice! The mark on the packaging "OIL FREE" is what you need for oily skin. If you do not want to study the composition of the tone for a long time, this mark will serve as a good beacon!

Foundation for problem skin

Problem skin is a collective term for skin that needs additional care. Problems can be: dryness with foci of inflammation, purulent acne of the hypersensitivity zone, vascular network, acne, acne.

When choosing a foundation for a face with problem skin, you need to adhere to some recommendations of the beauty industry:

  • A cream of medium thickness with a composition suitable for the prevailing skin type. If the main problem is dryness, then you need to choose a cream with emollient oils. In the case of increased fat content, the cream should be fat-free.
  • Very carefully you need to choose a cream with the presence of powder. Inflamed skin, dry and sensitive skin can react very negatively to small particles of powder - profuse rash and peeling.
  • The minimum composition of vitamins and aromatic additives, sensitive skin does not like additional irritants and toxic substances. Can reactively "thank" an allergic reaction.

Rules for applying foundation step by step

Any application of cosmetic products should begin with skin preparation, cleansing and moisturizing with a toner. The choice of cosmetics should be made taking into account the characteristics of each skin type. You can apply the foundation by using some cosmetic devices (sponge, brush), or you can use your fingers.

How to apply foundation with a sponge

Sponge application of the cream is well suited for girls with oily and combination skin. The tonal cream from the sponge lays down in a thicker layer, which perfectly neutralizes skin imperfections.

To apply the product in the warm season, when the layer requires minimal application, it is better to moisten the sponge with plain water. A damp sponge will allow you to apply the cream in a lighter layer and blend well even thick cream.

Instructions for using the sponge for applying the foundation:

  • Dampen the sponge with a little water.
  • Apply a few drops of foundation on its surface.
  • Apply the cream with blotting movements from the center of the face to the periphery. You need to start from the nose area.
  • The forehead and chin should be treated with patting, small movements, starting from the center and moving along the massage lines to the temples and ears, respectively.
After using the sponge, it must be washed and dried. A fat-based foundation containing nourishing ingredients is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. On contact with the skin, especially if it has inflammation, these bacteria can enter the inflammation and cause more damage.

How to apply foundation with your fingers

Finger application of foundation is one of the most economical methods. sponge, sponge or brush absorbs cosmetics. In addition, it is convenient and pleasant to apply the cream with your hands.

Your actions:

  1. Warm up your hands by rubbing your palms together. In warm hands, the cream will melt a little, especially on an oily basis, and it will become better to apply it. Warm hands, it doesn't matter if you are putting on a cosmetic product or helping someone with makeup, are much nicer than cold ones.
  2. Take some cream and rub it between the fingers of both hands.
  3. First, spread the cream in short strokes on problem areas that require careful treatment. This is more often: nose, nasolabial triangle, problem areas of the cheekbones.
  4. Let it soak a little, soak for 2-3 minutes.
  5. After that, if necessary, add foundation and massage movements, starting from the center of the face, stretch to the periphery. Blend the cheekbones and cheeks to the temples, the forehead to the hair and temples, blend the chin to the ears.
  6. Do not forget about the neck and décolleté area if it is open. With a careful examination of your image, there should be no clear transition between the color of the face oval, neck and décolleté.
  7. After the tone is applied, let the skin rest for 5 minutes and only then continue your makeup.

How to apply foundation with a brush

In their professional career, renowned makeup artists often prioritize cosmetic brushes. And in daily MakeUp, many women and girls prefer to use brushes to apply different cosmetics.

Consider the features of applying foundation with a brush:

  • Apply a small amount of foundation on the back of your hand or wrist.
  • Take a wide or flat brush and grab some cream. Patting, driving the cream into the skin, with movements, apply the foundation.
  • Blend the areas of the nasolabial triangle, near the ears, neck and the area near the hair as carefully as possible.
Features of choosing a good brush for applying cosmetics:
  • Better to use a synthetic bristle brush. Such a brush practically does not absorb the cream, it is not whimsical at all in care, it is durable in use.
  • The hardness of the pile should be medium, pleasant to the touch, but not too soft. A brush that is too hard can stab and scratch the skin, making it uncomfortable to use. A soft brush will not cope with the task of applying and blending evenly.
  • Make sure the brush size is right for you. The most popular brushes by makeup artists: wide brush with a flat base, wide brush with a rounded tip, kabuki - a fluffy, tapered brush.
It is necessary to wash the brush, like any other tool, while holding it with the nap down. To care for a synthetic brush, use regular liquid soap. We dry in the same way as mine.

Here are some helpful tips for applying foundation on your face:
  1. The foundation fits perfectly on healthy skin. Daily care, the use of non-aggressive cleansers will soothe and moisturize the skin. When peeling it, it is recommended to apply a fine fraction scrub before applying foundation. Rashes should not be rubbed with tonal means, but treated with special preparations.
  2. With the help of a specialist, you need to choose the right tone. You can, of course, choose the most suitable one by trial and error, but this way you will only spend a lot. After all, the cost of a decent cream is not small. A visit to a professional make-up artist will allow you to choose an individual tone for you, get the necessary recommendations for applying decorative cosmetics and feel the pleasure of communicating with a specialist.
  3. When choosing a new foundation for the face, it is advisable to first purchase a trial copy or a tester. Each remedy may not suit you individually, even if recommended by professionals.
  4. Care requires not only the skin, but also the auxiliary items of cosmetic procedures. Hands, cosmetic brushes, sponges, sponges should be clean before makeup.
  5. A good mood, adequate sleep and a healthy diet are the keys to radiant skin and great makeup.

Not only cosmetics, but also daily skin care, a healthy lifestyle and an optimistic mood will help you become beautiful and attractive.

How to apply foundation - watch the video:

Thus, for a flawless make-up, you need a high-quality foundation. An excellent look is guaranteed when using a cream according to the needs of skin types. It can be applied in several ways: with a sponge, brush and fingers. When using sponges and brushes, care must be taken to avoid the development of harmful bacteria and skin infections. Be beautiful every day!

How to properly apply foundation on your face (step by step photo)? It is important to know some subtleties here, it is not enough to have a set of high-quality cosmetics, you also need to be able to apply them in practice. Remember, the basis of an ideal make-up is a correctly selected (according to the color and type of skin of the face) and applied foundation.

Stages of applying foundation

1.For the perfect daytime make-up, a liquid foundation works well, best of all from the full coverage series, which perfectly adapt to the color and type of any skin. Squeeze some of the foundation from the tube onto the back of your hand or a special stand.

2. Take a flat brush to apply the cream. If you do this with your fingers, then warm the tips by rubbing against your palm. Dip your brush or fingers in the prepared tone and paint dotted strokes on the chin, cheeks, nose and edge of the face.

3. Distribute the tone, starting with the wings of the nose. Using light tapping movements of your fingers, blend the cream evenly, going from the center of the face to its periphery. Do not forget about the chin, distribute the tone from its middle to the edges. Apply the cream that remained on the brush or fingers on the area under the nose, but, directly, do not touch the area around the lips for now.

4.To correct the area around the eyes, apply (pointwise) a small amount of the correcting agent (corrector) under the eyes, keeping out the dark areas and inner corners of the eyes, then - on the upper part of the eyes (eyelids and brow ridges). Blend with your fingertips.

6. Spread the rest of the cream on the hand or fingers on the face area under the chin. Retouch gently so that the transition from the face area is smooth and invisible.

7.It should be noted here that usually no tonal cream is applied to the neck and ears, only in extreme cases, when there is any defect and it needs to be masked. Therefore, it is necessary to make the perfect transition between corrected skin and untouched skin. To do this, apply quite a bit of tone to those areas of the skin of the face that are near the ears.

8. The rest of the cream can be applied to problem areas of the skin to achieve a more uniform effect. Finally, spread the cream around the mouth, but in a very small amount. If you apply too much of it, then after a while the cream can be found in the folds around the mouth, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

9.Finally blend the applied cream. So you can remove excess cream, give a natural complexion to the skin. Carefully examine the areas around the eyes, forehead and neck, hairline so that there is no disharmony between them. Blend until you achieve an even effect.

Wait three to five minutes for the cream to be absorbed into the skin. Then use a napkin, applying it very gently to your face, removing excess. Those with enlarged pores should not touch the line of the nose. To consolidate the effect, you can once again go through the face with the brush (fingers), blending the tone.

Thus, knowing how to correctly apply the foundation on the face (step by step photo), you can achieve the perfect face tone, hide minor skin imperfections.

How to achieve the perfect complexion?

  1. Use a toner or similar product to pre-clean your skin.
  2. Then apply a moisturizer to your face and let it absorb.
  3. Now you can apply the makeup base on your face and, directly, the tone itself, using your fingertips, a foam sponge, a brush or a sea sponge.
  4. Do not distribute the entire cream at once to all areas of the face (it is better to do this gradually so that the “points of the cream” do not have time to dry out).
  5. If necessary, the foundation can be applied to the neck and décolleté area.
  6. Only after ten minutes after applying the foundation, you can start working with other products.

To achieve a beautiful complexion, you need not only to know how to properly apply foundation on your face (step by step photo), but also to choose it correctly by color and skin type. All these factors will allow you to achieve the perfect result. Store the cream properly, in a cool place, so it will preserve its properties longer. Be sure to wash off your makeup at night, letting your skin breathe. Be beautiful!

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