How to stretch shoes that hise: several effective ways. Slightly simple ways how to stretch shoes at home if shoes rumbles how to stretch it

Each certainly happened such a situation: you come to the store for a new pair of shoes, watch half of the range, and when the long-awaited model you liked, you like the long-awaited model, you are happily picking a purchase and leave home. And in the morning, deciding to try in a relaxed setting of a new thing, you understand with horror that she is a little small, the leg is cloth or tough, and when you have discomfort.

And here we grab the head and think what to do? Run to the store change a couple on size more? If the store is near, there are no problems, and if it is at the other end of the city or was the new job, was ordered via the Internet? It is not necessary to despair, because there is a way out - you can stretch shoes at home, resorting to unacceptable methods so that in the end it "sat down on the leg."

How to stretch new shoes?

Especially for you, we picked up a few Lifehakov how to stretch close shoes at home and amounted to an instruction that will help solve the problem with shoes that have not in size.

Give a close pair to a shoe workshop

Yes, yes, this is a rather simple way to solve the problem of close shoes - contact the nearest shoe workshop, but it will have to pay for it. Many shoe workshops offer shoe stretching service - applying special expanding pads, close shoes stretch to the required size.

This method is especially effective if you need to expand the narrow-shine boots from genuine leather. The minus of this method is the cash costs, not always a convenient location of the shoe workshop.

Spray for stretching shoes

To stretch shoes or shoes at home, you can go to the shoe store and buy specialized fakes or sprays there, designed just for stretching. For example, good fame rightfully gained funds such as Kiwi, Duke of Dubbin, Silver, Twist, Oke, Salamander, Salton. These tools will help make shoes softer in those places where they are taking a foot, and they are especially effective for shoes from genuine leather. The stretching procedure is simple: we make a foam or spray on the sprinkling areas, both from the inside and outside, well wet the skin, wear shoes on thick socks from wool or mahry. Now we walk in new shoes in the apartment hour and a half before the remedy dry. If you have label skin shoes or natural suede, then the tool must be applied only from the inside. If it is not possible to achieve the desired effect from the first time, repeat the procedure a couple of times to a comfortable state of socks. But what if you do not have money for the purchase of special means and on a shoe workshop? Boldly go to the following items, where the secrets of absolutely free ways to stretch shoes are disclosed. Moreover, many generations have tried them on themselves, and the result was excellent.

Alcohol for stretching leather shoes

The most effective way in the people stretch home uncomfortable shoes without cash investments is to use alcohol, which is in the first-aid kit for everyone. It is able to quickly stretch the skin. The alcohol is diluted with water in proportion 1: 1, but if it is not, then you can safely use vodka or cologne. It is necessary to impregnate the shoes inside and outside, and then wear thick socks and stay in the apartment for a couple of hours.

You can richly sprinkle shoes from the spray or use wool discs. When using this method, it is necessary to be careful if the shoes are color, as from solutions that contain alcohol, the paint can quarrel or steal. Therefore, before the procedure, moisten the cotton disk with vodka and sweep the shoes slightly in an invisible place - if the disc is painted from the wool, then this method does not suit you.

Vinegar, Vaseline and Other Primary Funds for Stretching Shoes

You can use a 3% vinegar solution to expand the shoes, and for this you need to be treated from the inside shoes or shoes. If you give you shoes in your fingers, then this way is just for you, as the vinegar stretches shoes and makes it softer. But to process the outer part of the shoes it is better to use another tool. This method has one minus - a sharp smell of vinegar. Although, it has a property quickly evaporate.

If the shoes after the winter became tough and "blind", then vaseline, castor or sunflower oil, which, many generations, are famous for their softening skin properties. This method can be used on shoes, both from artificial leather and from genuine. Wipe the shoes with oil and go to it before it becomes soft.

If you have a paraffin candle at home, then it is also suitable to solve the problem. This method is especially effective if the shoes rubbing in separate places. You need to use a candle without dyes, so as not to leave stains. You need to graze shoes from the inside and give it to her clock 12. Sut the night to clean the paraffin in the morning and put on. If the problem is in a rubbing heel, then it is necessary to wipe it with alcohol or vodka, then wear socks and walk around the apartment to dry alcohol. Now you can safely rub the ass paraffin candle.

Stretching shoe newspapers

Many are used to stretch the shoes ordinary newspapers, which are always at home. The newspapers moistened in the water can stretch the demi-season shoes from the skin substitutes for which water is not terrible. Also, wet newspapers will cope with rubber and plated shoes. To do this, we warmly impregnate shoes with water and tightly stuff with newspapers and leave until complete drying. Newspapers need to be replaced after three to four hours to avoid shoe strain. It is necessary to finish when the shoes become dry. In no case do not accelerate the drying process, as it is very important here that the shoes are dried in the natural environment away from batteries and sunlight. On the battery shoes, too, you do not need to dry.

Space shoes to stretch

The method mentioned above can be made even more productive. So that the method acted at times more efficiently, you need to pre-displeate the shoes. For these purposes, a saucepan or kettle is suitable, and after boiling water, install shoes so that steam handle shoes from the inside. Then the newspapers need to moisten with alcohol or hot water and fill tightly inside the shoes. Consider that not all shoes are able to "survive" such radical stretching methods. And if you spent a lot of money for shoes, do not risk using high temperatures. Choose more delicate ways so as not to throw out expensive shoes or shoes in the trash can.

Stretch shoes using ice packs

Few people know that the shoes can be stretched using low temperatures, so if you can use the balcony, you can use the balcony. And if you live in a region with a warm climate, then the usual freezer is suitable. We take a plastic bag, put it inside the boot or boots, pour water and put the "design" for the night of the frost. It is better to take two packages for each boot, and the package that the bottom must be tied up, and the upper leave open.

What is the secret of this method? First, water, camshable in the package, should tightly fill the shoes, ranging from the back and ending with the Mask. When the water slowly freezes in the packages, there is an extension, and shoes, respectively, stretched. It is better to do this procedure for the night, and in the morning you only need to make shoes from the balcony into the room or get out of the freezer, wait until the ice starts to melt so that it will take out bags from it without effort. If shoes are a little more, the procedure can be repeated. We do not advise you to use this method for expensive models. Remember an important point: this method is completely not suitable for summer and demi-season shoes, as it is not designed for low temperature regime. And in the morning you can wait for stretched shoes with a crack on the sole.

Stretch shoes home hair dryer

Treatment with high temperatures will also help stretch shoes at home. To do this, use the usual hairdryer by sending a hot jet of the air inside the shoes, "warming up" each pair of minutes. After that, you need to lubricate the cavity inside with alcohol, vinegar or vodka, as we said above, and wear shoes on a woolen sock. Wear in it to complete cooling and repeat the procedure until you are comfortable to walk in it.

Using these simple and accessible to each methods, you are without much difficulty grow up close shoes right at home and will rejoice at each step.

Quite often, situations that you liked the shoes that have a basic function - convenience, it turns out to be small and rubs at the same time, creating a lot of problems with its owner and causes pain.

The next day, after purchase, you can find that such beautiful and comfortable shoes in the store, today I have acquired a smaller size. Why is it going on? These few simple tips will help you avoid such troubles:

  • The purchase should be done in the evening, or after dinner, when you spent most of the day on my feet, and they are a little swollen. If you buy shoes in the morning, then there is a high likelihood that in the evening she will begin to harm and rub, and maybe it will be at the size of less.
  • Foots can be deformed and add, and sometimes even decrease in size. For example, after pregnancy. It is worth considering that your legs can be different long, it is normal. Before fitting in the store it is better to measure your feet long.
  • Shoes are better to buy made from natural materials. Yes, such a purchase beats the pocket, and not everyone in the teeth, but if you decide to make it size it will make it much easier than shoes from other materials.
  • Shoes worth choosing only strictly in its size. Some girls who are completing about the size of their legs neglect this rule, creating a bunch of problems. Not so and just stretch shoes on size more. Especially the curve of the gait at grateful and nailed legs certainly do not like and will not look seduced for the opposite sex. As the practice of men in the soul of women firmly standing on this earth, confidently walking forward.

So what should I do if the shoes are not suitable in size?

Following the listed advice, you can find out how to stretch shoes at home. Before proceeding with the stretching of the shoes, it is worth deciding with some factors in order to choose the way you will do this:

  • If your shoes are from a synthetic material, then do not even begin to this lesson, because you can hardly achieve the desired result. Synthetic is valuable in that it preserves its form in any impacts on it, even professional processing can not cope with it.
  • When trying to increase the size, you can damage and spoil the shoes from textiles, since the fiber stretching can simply break.
  • If you encounter the fact that new shoes are constantly taking, regardless of the material or its kind, be it boots, shoes or sneakers, you need to use special orthopedic devices, such as wedge-shaped inserts. The cause of this problem may, serve your legs. All shoes are made strictly according to standards, so individual deformation of the leg or other problems are not taken into account.
  • The stretching procedure needs to be carried out quite carefully. Each material has its own limits for stretching. Do not think that leather shoes can stretch into several sizes and immediately.

So, as already mentioned above, it is worth considering the material from which it is made.

How to stretch leather shoes at home?

There are many ways to stretch shoes from leather. They can, combine, if you have after use, some kind of fashion shoes did not stretch, perhaps you did something wrong, or it is from another material.

No need to despair, you can try another way, but again, do not forget that any impact on shoes may result in its damage.

For stretching use:

  • Alcohol. You need to moisten from the inside the shoes from genuine leather, and be like a few hours in it, putting on a thick sock. If it did not work the first time, you need to repeat the procedure, 5-10 minutes 3-5 times a day.
  • Boiling water.

This is a quick and enough effective way, and acquiring the necessary form. It is enough just to pour boiling water the inner side of the shoes and wait until the water will cool. When the water cool down a little and acquires the temperature of the room, then you need to look like a footwear for a few minutes, so that the legs remain dry, you can put on socks cellophane packages.

Pelvis with water. This option is suitable only for high-quality factory shoes. If you are not sure as your shoes or shoes and where and under what conditions they did not use it, since your shoes may simply fall apart and revealed. In this case, you need to dial water in the pelvis and put your shoes on it for a day. After that, they need to spread.

Corn. This cowboy way stretched their boots on the old Wild West. Put any grain or oats into your boots or boots, pour enough water that can cover cereals, and leave for 8-10 hours.

After that, pour the swollen grain from the shoes and put them for a coup. In no case do not need to dry them, you need to blast you to wet shoes, in the process it should dry. Cowboys for a few days did not remove their wet boots, but it is unlikely that someone in our time will come in the same way.

Artificial leather

Make any actions with shoes with leatherette costs pretty carefully.

For stretching, you can use:

  • Paraffin candle. The inner side of the shoes or boots need to be lubricated with paraffin, and leave in this form for the day.
  • Alcohol. As in the above-described method with leather shoes, you need to brush shoes from the inside with alcohol.
  • Speakers on a wet sock. The shoes of shoes on a wet sock, and spreading them, it is possible to increase the size of the shoes on the field.

How to stretch shoes covered with varnish?

Stretching of the lacquered shoe is a rather dangerous procedure, as it can lose its glossy shine and there is a possibility of cracking, a former appearance.

  • Alcohol. In a 2: 1 ratio, mix the alcohol with water and moisten them socks that need to be put on, shore shoes and unwind it a couple of hours.
  • Socks and hairdryer. Lacked shoes, dressing socks and affect the hair dryer. With this method you need to be extremely careful.
  • Vaseline and shoe. Apply vaseline inside the shoes and insert a block or shoe to the leg with a warm sock.

Before stretching shoes from a nubuck you need to be convinced of its naturalness. In no case cannot be used by alcohol, vaseline, bold cream, otherwise spots and divorces will remain on the shoes.

  • Dismiss. Try just cut shoes. If the nubuck is natural, then it should work.
  • Foam stretcher for nubuck. Get it in the store, treat the inner surface of the shoes, and go for so a few hours, dressing my sock and shut.

Is it possible to stretch the rubber shoes?

Unfortunately, the usual rubber stretch will not work. But if your boots are made of PVC, then this can be done with boiling water. First you need to check the rubber: learn from the hottest item to an invisible place on boots and if it melt, you can safely begin to stretch.

  1. Fill boiling water boots.
  2. Wait for a while when PVC becomes soft.
  3. Put on legs socks.
  4. Pour cold water in the pelvis.
  5. Drain boiling water with boots and immediately exercise them.
  6. After a few minutes, become cold water to harden PVC.

By buying suede shoes, you need to remember what special care is needed. When it is paved, you should also handle it carefully.

You can try to dismiss suede shoes with:

Newspaper. After you challenge your shoes, you need to fill with wet newspapers and leave it for a day. Newspapers should not be tightly pressed, just lay them on the shape of their legs. For varnish shoes Also, you can apply newspapers.

Table vinegar. This version of the sample is quite effective. You need to moisten from the inside shoes with vinegar, but not strongly, whatever he leaked out. Odja, sock from Capron, you can, start swapping.

In addition to these methods, shoes can be stretched by means of mechanical and physical impact on it.

How to increase the size of the shoes through physical and mechanical manipulations?

Speakers. The most famous of all methods for the sown, leatherette and genuine leather, cloth moccasin. It is based on exercise and walking in shoes in his free time. It is necessary to take into account that you have to walk exactly, if you put a couple and sit in it, the proper result of alas, you will not get, especially if it is natural shoes, only earn edema.

Socks. At the same time, thin socks from natural wool are used, they are folded into rolls, put it tightly in the product. Leave in this form approximately 8 -12 hours. If the result did not meet your expectations, you need to repeat the procedure.

Socks thermal impact

This method will not only increase the size, but will make shoes wider. You will need to wear socks thoroughly, you can not have one pair and argued. After that, in the place where the most closely, to direct the warm jet of air from the hair dryer, and process them around 30-40 seconds. At the same time, it is better to move the foot, thus stretching shoes.

After that, you need to wait until our shoes will cool, remove it, and try to go on a bare foot or a thin sock. If shoes hide, you need to repeat the steps.


Very well acts on artificial skin, the other materials may simply deteriorate. A typical balloon or a whole package of polyethylene, you need to fill with cold water, to the third part, tightly tie to the water anywhere, and remove the refrigerator into the freezer, putting it into our shoes.

When everything freezes, get and remove an extra ice. The essence is that the water, freezing, expands, and the shoes are expanding with it.

Stretcher. It will cope with an increase in the size of the leather shoe special means - a stretcher. It must be applied on shoes, it softens the material, and stretching is much easier. It is not designed for other materials, so its use can badly affect them.

Shoe wooden or plastic pads, made in the shape of a leg, can be purchased in shoe stores. All you need to do is shove a shoe block into close shoes and wait until it stretches it, to improve the effect, you can, moisten shoes with water.

Spray can. Also in the store, you can, purchase aerosols for stretching shoes, especially in length. Such a means is inexpensive and quite effective.

Trempel. Old Trepel and water will greatly cope with stretching shoes. After you decide shoes into the water, after 5 minutes, it is necessary to trim the trempel in such a way that it was not much more than the shoe itself. Turn it into a couple of shoes. Water will slightly expand the shoes, and the trempel, the direction in which it must stretch.

Cologne. This method is quite effective, but they are reluctant to use it, as the smell of cologne, steadically absorbed and get rid of it not easy. You need to lubricate the inner part of the shoes cologne and then unwind 2-3 hours. It is better to do it after lunch or in the evening when the legs fall a little and swell. After that, fill the shoes with newspapers and paper.

Castor oil

It is good to cope with the task of castor oil, the only shoes to which it does not suit this suede. They need to handle the internal and outer walls of the shoes. Blind within 3 hours, after, remove excess oil from shoes.

It also easily returns to the life of the shoes that hardened, and gives it shine. By the way, vegetable oil and vaseline also softened shoes.


An excellent folk remedy for stretching shoes is the usual alcohol. It is necessary to prepare an alcohol solution, it consists of alcohol and water in proportions one to one, and with this solution to be treated from the inside with the help of a sprayer or a pulverizer a small shoes on you, before it dry needs to be laid and dismiss.

So, you have after the manipulations done it turned out to stretch shoes. Now you need to fix the result by covering the polyrolla. You can proudly walk, not rubbing corns!
And finally, the video of Elena Malysheva Transfer "Live Great": How to stretch narrow shoes?

Unsuccessful purchase

I am sure that every person came across the fact that the purchased pair of shoes, which was so perfect in the store, as a result, a little rising. I don't want to return such a lovely update at all, but also there is no special feet of a special desire. Therefore, you need to know several techniques, how to stretch shoes at home. Having learned some rules, you will be able to correct some flawed couple and wear it with great pleasure. Only stretching shoes in length, should not in any case, somehow spoil it.

How to stretch shoes at home, method number 1

This method is quite simple and very common among our population. In general, you need shoes that you are going to stretch, inside with alcohol, well, or, if there is no alcohol, vodka will easily replace it. The next thing to do is to wear it on your legs and again coexiste with the same chopper liquid. And in such a "submissal" state you need to pass for several hours. And what is important is not to lie down or sit. Thus, besides the fact that you grow out shoes, you will significantly soften it.

How to stretch shoes at home, Method number 2

The most primitive way, which is certainly known even to children. You need to cut shoes with a wet sock. For this, only woolen socks are suitable, as they are thick.

They need to wet in warm water and put on foot, after putting on the shoes you want to stretch, and to like so a few hours. The result will not make yourself wait, more purchased couple will not rub your legs.

How to stretch shoes at home, Method number 3

This method can be used only for leather shoes. The essence of this method is to pour a pair of boiling water. Next, it is necessary to drain the water, and as soon as the shoes will cool, it must be put on and wear until it fails. With other materials it is better not to experiment, since this stress they will simply do not stand. In the best embodiment, they will cover stains, in worst - will be unsuitable for use.

More options

There is also a special stretching for shoes, which you can in the shoe store or in special supermarket departments. Most often, it is produced in the form of a spray or foam. But in this case you need a special stretcher, which looks like a wooden leg.

In general, you need to apply a purchased tool for shoes and put it on the stretcher, or in the extreme it happens to spread it yourself. You can also use wet newspaper paper that is tightly shoved inside and leave until complete drying. Another option: take a sea towel wetted in hot water, wrap a pair of shoes into it and leave for a while.

If you purchased a pair of shoes while walking began to deliver inconvenience, you do not need to panic and hurry to the store to return the purchase. Use the methods described above and you can wear your purchase without problems. But remember that if the shoes are made of artificial materials, it is better not to use methods that use boiling water or any other aggressive liquid.

The famous phrase says: "Beauty requires victims," \u200b\u200band indeed many women neglect their own comfortable for a beautiful pair of shoes, making out of the "decoration" for the legs of a real torture.

Bloody corn and Natoptyshi - what the victims are not ready to go desperate fashionista, giving the tribute to the beauty industry. But fleeting someone else's "approval" to the address of beautiful shoes or boots is not worth such discomfort. Shoes, first of all, should be comfortable. So, does not exist any exit, and the newkee is destined to dust in the closet? Solve the problem of cramped and narrow shoes is possible even at home! There are several effective ways for stretching uncomfortable shoes, which will now rush with pleasure!

Effective stretching methods for narrow shoes at home

Before proceeding with the process of stretching shoes, it is necessary to set the type of material from which it was manufactured. It is often "cope" with leatherette, it turns out to be very difficult, therefore it is recommended to buy shoes only from genuine leather, which, if necessary, it is much more easily adjusted to adjusting the size with an independent way at home.

Effective ways to stretch uncomfortable shoes in an independent way:

1. Use alcohol. It is necessary to pour a little substance inside each pair of shoes and "getting drunk" in them in the apartment for one and a half or two hours, if possible. This procedure is recommended to be carried out with just purchased by a pair of shoes, even in cases where, with fitting in the store, it did not comprehend the feet and seemed perfect. After all, it often happens that initially the shoes "sat" on the leg as convenient as possible, but at the very first sock there were deficiencies - for example, rigid rumbing places. It is noticeable to soften them with a cotton swab, moistened with alcohol, wipe "problematic" parts of the shoes. If the discomfort after such a swollen is still present, then the procedure should be repeated, nulling for an additional effect dense socks.

2. Boiling water - in business! With shoes, strongly squeezing feet, ordinary boiling water cope without problems - it is enough to "unwind" spit boots or boots. When the shoes operated by hot water become a comfortable temperature, you must like in them a few hours around the apartment, protecting the legs from the blotch with a cellophane package. So, the shoes will take a convenient form at exactly the structure of the foot.

3. To give shoes perfectly suitable in the foot shape, you can use the hairdryer, while drying them a wet pair of shoes, weak on dense socks. Such a procedure will additionally give softly hard boots.

4. Increase the size of the boot will help the water basin, in which you need to soak shoes for one day, and after "distributing" around the house. The main thing is to make sure that the quality of the firmware of the shoes is made at a high level - it is impossible to do this method with models, where the sole is "planted" with glue. Otherwise, the boots will simply come to unsuitability.

5. For stretching a narrow pair of shoes in the width of an excellent solution will be the use of castor oil. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with several drops and lubricate them the inner and outer side of the boot. Further, the process of unwinding, after which the oil surplus should be washed. This method of shoe stretching is suitable for almost any materials - leather, Dermatin, - with the exception of suede.

6. To avoid the appearance of housing and corns, it is recommended to use paraffin candles that rub the shoes from the inside. With the help of paraffin wax, suede and lacquered boots will be acquired perfectly suitable for the foot shape without harm for the quality of delicate material.

7. A similar effect on use can be achieved with potato trimming (chips).

8. One of the most vintage and proven experimental ways of "coupling" of narrow shoes is the use of wet newspapers, which are "started" shoes to completely dry "paper stretch marks". It is important to take into account the factor so that the drying process takes place under natural conditions, that is, it is necessary to keep his pair of shoes away from heat sources - batteries, a fireplace or heater. This method is great for shoes made of suede - it turns out to be safe for such a delicate material.

9. Table vinegar can be applied and not for standard purposes - to stretch an uncomfortable pair of suede shoes, it is necessary to moisten it with a solution from the inside and proceed to the coupling. And in order to avoid damage to the skin of the legs, the footsteps or socks should be pre-put on the feet.

10. To stretch the shoes - it is necessary to freeze it! Another effective "homely" way of stretching shoes is to place shoes in the freezer of the refrigerator or shove into them with ice bags. The known property of water molecules to expand in cold conditions will help cope with the problem of close shoes.

11. A classic approach in the stretching of shoes is the use of plastic or wood pads. You can purchase such an invention in shoe specialized stores. The pads placed inside the shoes are capable of doing everything on their own to achieve the desired effect of without any additional intervention - stretch out shoes for further comfortable socks.

12. One of the most simple methods for stretching the boot is the use of an ordinary economic soap, which is perfectly suitable not only for shoes from natural materials, but also made of artificial leather. Soap rubbing the inner surface of the boot and after 5 hours remove remnants with a sponge. Next, you should unwind shoes until it is completely drying.

13. A similar way to unwinding a narrow pair of shoes is suitable for using petroleum.

14. For stretching of the lifting of shoes, use a very unusual "filler" - grain. It must be soaked to the state of swelling, then pour into the shoes, leaving overnight.

15. Old Trepel (hanger in the type of shoulder) can be useful for stretching shoes and giving it the necessary form. First you need to twist the boots, then the trempel is cut into the form of the foot shape for several hours. The splashing shoe material will take the form of plastic "design", increasing at the same time. So, new boots will no longer harm and will be perfect "fitted" in the foot.

Any of these "home" methods for stretching narrow shoes will exceed all the expectations! An important point remains to remember the measures of precautions in handling genuine leather.


The case of a narrow pair of boots made from natural materials, for the procedure at home requires compliance with some precautions to avoid damage to the material:

If used for stretching shoes from genuine leather hair dryer, then you should pre-lubricate the surface of the boot with a special cream, since the skin is prone to the loss of natural adhesive lubrication under strong thermal exposure, and this, in turn, can lead to its fragility.

Footwear from fine delicate material requires particularly neat and careful circulation - freezing procedures and boiling water treatment for this type of shoes are contraindicated. Models with lacquered surfaces are also not able to withstand the effects of hot temperatures, risking the cracks and losing their shine. For shoes of leather with a finelytic coating (nubuk), the use of fatty and alcohol creams is also not suitable, since such means can leave on the surface of the stain boot.

Ordinary water as a "stretcher" requires a rational approach to its application - should not be too carried away by the abundant soaking process, as it can negatively affect the texture of the product.

Methods of extreme stretching boots must be applied only in extreme cases when all the predicted methods did not give the desired result. More often than just stock patience and break the shoes for several hours around the apartment, rather than resorting to radical methods.

Probably, each person knows at least one way, how to cut shoes at home. Some methods really work, but some tips can in principle can harm. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether the stretch is needed in principle, what to expect in the end, and whether there are alternative ways to make any shoes more comfortable.

What if shoes is taking?

Stretching is needed if the new or long-time purchased shoes is tuned or causes any other discomfort. But the circumstances that led to this may be quite a lot:

    The shoes liked very much, but the store did not have the desired size. As a result, it is often bought by products for 1 size less with the hope that they can be stretched, and they will become comfortable for socks;

    Shoes can be perfect in length, but harvest in width (or vice versa);

    After rain or cleaning, leather shoes decreased in size (some skin species at all unacceptably put on rainy weather).

There are two ways: make a stretching yourself at home or seek help in a specialized workshop. There will make all the necessary processes on special equipment in a few hours.

How to quickly cut new gummy shoes?

The skin is the most popular material for the manufacture of shoes. Such products are distinguished by high aesthetic qualities, they are comfortable in the sock, do not wear out for a long time. However, all these advantages can only be felt only if the new job is perfectly sits on the leg. In some cases, it is necessary to stretch leather shoes so that it does not bring pronounced discomfort.

The easiest way is to moisturize the material. After that, the shoes are swollen, putting on warm socks. Impact should be carried out in a particularly gentle mode.

If there is no time, there is another similar, but faster method. For this, the socks themselves are abundantly wetted with water and put on their feet. Then you can wear new shoes. Now go around the house. Socks should dry and during this time the new job will acquire the desired parameters.

Also at home, you can use the technique to use in the most common workshops. To do this, it is worth a pre-buy a special block and means for stretching. Footwear is treated with these agents and placed on a predetermined strut.

What is better not to do?

As for products from genuine leather and the most popular moisture method, do not forget that natural materials can be quite vulnerable. In no case, the shoes are not watered with water, do not spray from the spray, do not omit in the whole. Such methods seem simple and rapid, but they are also extremely dangerous.

It will not be known whether this method will work, but the shoes can simply turn out due to such manipulations. In common complications include: the loss of insoles, the paint is spoiled, spots appear that cannot be eliminated in the future.

How to cut suede shoes that hise?

Any products made of genuine leather, as a rule, after the first socks, slightly dug and acquire the desired form. Suede is the most natural skin, which has been processed by a special method.

Experts advise to acquire suede products strictly in size. Usually, new narrow shoes bring discomfort for a maximum of a couple of days. Then the mechanism is stretched, repeating the foot surface. In the future, the sock should not bring any problems.

If close shoes for some reason do not swear, there are ways to change the situation. For example, you can purchase a special stretcher foam. The tool is applied solely inside the shoes. Otherwise, spots may arise on a gentle suede cloth that cannot be eliminated.

It is best to handle not all shoes entirely, but only those places where the strongest discomfort is felt. Then they put on the sock again and swear on the same principle as in the case of natural leather shoes. However, it is worth remembering that stretching of shoes from natural suede should occur extremely neat. This material may be extremely strongly stretched.

You should not pull the shoes too much, use an irrational thick sock or give shoes to someone else, who has a lot of leg more. All this can lead to the fact that the shoes made of genuine leather strongly stretch, and then the leg will be unpleasantly squatting.

Stretching without special means

If it is not possible to use a special cream or means for stretching, you can try alcohol as a home stretcher. Conventional vodka is also suitable.

Watch tampon is wetted in alcohol and wipe the product from the wrong side of the product in those places where the pressure is felt the strongest. Sleeps well moisturized, shoes wear and walk around the house.

In some situations, instead of a special shoe uses ordinary water. The method is the same as in the case of alcohol. However, water can leave divorces or stains. In the case of vodka or alcohol, this risk is much lower.

How to make lacquer shoes?

You can quickly cut the shoes with lacquer coated, but everything needs to be done with extreme caution. For such brilliant products, alcohol and water can also be used as stretcher. This method is very like everyone because of its simplicity and accessibility. However, with strong tension, shoes can be damaged. Varnish coating can just crack. It will be impossible to return the integrity.

The lacquer shoes are distinguished by special rigidity. Especially if we are talking about leatherette, and not about natural materials. To avoid troublesome procedures for stretching shoes, in the store you need to carefully pick up the size. Even shoes in size may not be at all suitable.

The safest way to affect products covered with varnish - using vaseline, castor oil or fat cream. Lakovy shoes at home are lubricated by one of the listed means, wear socks and go home again. The main dignity is to process the material you can both outside and inside.

How to cut shoes from leatherette and fabric?

It is impossible to quickly cut the shoes from the tissue or the oilcloth. Rather, the material or burst, or breaks. Such deformations may also occur that the shoes will fully lose their aesthetic appearance. However, if you need to cut shoes from suede (referring to artificial), you can try the freezing method of water. When water is transformed into ice, it increases in size. This quality is used to stretch the material. The method is also good for leatherette products:

    Two packages pour water. Carefully close them. Ideally, you need to find packages with a special clasp;

    Packages put on shoes (closer to sock);

    Shoes are sent to the freezer and leave them there until it freezes the packages with water. When the water turns into ice, it will stretch shoes.

The shoes from the leatherette most often rubs in the back area. To solve the problem locally, you can apply a candle. Paraffin thoroughly rub the skin and it must stop crushing. Paraffin will eventually erase, but shoes will have time to expand, and will not be crushed. Replacing a paraffin candle - ordinary household soap.

How to cut new rubber shoes?

Polyvinyl chloride is a common material. Now you can meet any type of PVC shoes: from graceful slaps to massive boots with insulation. And even this material can be stretched if necessary. However, ways to solve the problem differ significantly from other methods described above.

To stretch the shoes from rubber you need:

  • Deep container with cold water;

    Terry socks.

Boiling water is poured into rubber shoes and are waiting for 2-5 minutes. The material will gradually become softer. Boiling water poured, wipe dry the inner surface of the shoes and quickly put them on their feet. Previously to your feet you need to wear terry socks. In still warm boots or shoes you need to be like. Then leave shoes in cold water by 60 to 90 minutes. At the end, do not forget to dry well.

How to cut shoes with the newspaper?

There are still quite a few ways to help stretch shoes. For another popular method, you need a newspaper. The paper is well wetted and tightly pinch the shoes. The more newspapers can be placed inside the product, the better. Now you need to wait until everything dry. Remains of newspapers are removed. Shoes will become much more convenient. With a hair dryer, dry paper is not worth it. It is better to wait 1-2 days.

High-quality shoes are always worn with special comfort. Skin, suede and other materials must repeat the contours of the leg, adjusting to a certain relief. Too cheap and poor-quality shoes are poorly stretched. Even the perfect size does not guarantee that such shoes will be comfortable.

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