How to disassemble the Waterman feather handle. How to fix the Parker feather handle. Basic pieces of feathers

One of the main advantages of the feat handle is that it can serve for many years - it is possible to refuel its ink ink. However, like any other thing, which intensively uses constantly, sooner or later, even the highest quality handle can break and demand repair.

What if the handle stopped working?

First of all, find the original warranty card on the handle, which lay in branded packaging. Parker offers a two-year warranty on all its products, and it acts in any country in the world. Even if you purchased your handle from a private seller, you can give it to repair if the warranty period is not yet expired. That is why it is important to check the product package. The receipt necessarily indicates the date of purchase.

What does the warranty apply? Consider that wear or mechanical damage will not be recognized as a warranty case. The handle will be carried out to repair or replace only when problems during operation are caused by a factory marriage in materials or design. The brand takes care of its reputation and eliminates such problems completely free. Otherwise, the guarantee will not help you - if you dropped the handle, they were inaccurately threw it in backpack swisswin. And the feather was wondered - the repair will have to do at your own expense.

Today there is an opportunity to extend the warranty period for another two years. This can be done on the official English-speaking website of the brand, where you will need to fill out a small application form and specify the email address for feedback. After a while you will receive an electronic certificate that can be printed and attached to the original warranty coupon.

In order for the product to be fixed under warranty, it must be sent by the manufacturer by mail. To do this, pack the handle to the branded box, attach the warranty card and the printed extension certificate (if available). It is advisable to first clean the handle, rinse the mechanism, eliminating the traces of ink so that it does not accidentally flow from shaking on the road.

You can contact the Parker contact center by phone and email. You will always provide information about the progress of repair and will report to send a fixed or replaced handle so that you can expect the parcel. The replacement is made on a similar model, and in the case of its absence in stock - on a similar product similar to the characteristics of the same price category. In most cases, Parker is trying to repair the handle, and not to replace it, because everyone knows how much the owner can be tied to his Peru. - This is more than just written accessories, they are true value when associated with important events in life and keep a pleasant memories.

If the guarantee is invalid

In the event that the warranty period has long passed, and you did not have time to extend it in time, as well as in a situation where the breakage is caused by non-factory defects, but the consequences of non-accurant operation, the repair becomes a more challenging task than sending the product back to the manufacturer.

If the handle does not write, first check if the ink ended. They could also just die if you did not use the handle for a long time. In this case, it must be thoroughly rinsed and focus again. You can easily purchase in specialized stores. It is best to use high-quality brand ink - their service life is much longer, do not quickly dry out on paper and do not spread untrexious blots.

If ink is all right, and the handle does not write, you should contact the workshop that will offer repair services for money. Choose the masters carefully: today many unscrupulous citizens offer their services, and in fact disappear with your handle and money. Do not refer to little-known offices, prefer the well-known service center, which has long and has a good reputation. Even if the repairs price will seem too high you, you will be exactly sure that you get a good result.

Is it worth repairing the handle yourself?

If you have some experience, or the product is not too expensive to your heart, then why not try? Many problems arising from the operation of feathers can really solve themselves. Who knows, maybe you will discover something new and interesting for yourself? We can relatively easily replace some damaged or lost parts, such as clamp, button, pen. Many spare parts are on sale, and they will not be difficult to find them.

Well, if the repair is too troublesome and long, you can always from the new collection. Parker offers amazing models in different price categories, so that breakdown of an old handle can be a reason for the purchase of a new one.

Clean your feathers handle

Just as the car is needed to replace the oil, your referral is needed internal cleaning. You can clean it once a month, and it will keep you from a campaign to a specialist in the handle. After you wash the ink from the handle with water, we recommend rinse with a mixture of one part of the household ammonia and two parts of water. Fill and clean the handle three or four times to clean it from solid formations. Then rinse the handle with a solution of ammonia and three or four times - tap water. This is especially important if you change the stamps or ink colors or use the same cartridge (some ink interact with each other, creating a viscous creature).

On our site you can purchase a new original high quality, and timely care for it will give you the opportunity to keep your records for a long time.

Even if you are simply several times, irregular, woven the handle with tap water, you will succeed in preventing most problems associated with clogging. "Important Note": Never use ammonia for handles with aluminum parts. Ammonia eats aluminum very quickly! In addition, do not soak the containers of nitrocellulose handles in ammonia for a long time. This can lead to plastic bleaching.

Many pens with piston filleleme, such as in Pelikan and Omas firms, are laughing, if the ink destroys the container inside. In extreme cases, such destruction can damage the handle laying or even break the rotary mechanism. And if you notice how dry inks are accumulated in the transparent part of Pelikan handle, then you will also understand how this problem arises and understand what measures you need to take to solve it.

Handles with a cartridge or converter also need to be cleaned regularly - especially if the cartridges are most often used. Never leave your handle for a long time with a cartridge full ink, in it. It often turns out that the filling system of the handles with a cartridge or converter is the only part of the handle that is rare, but is washed. However, with these handles it is also easy to contact, as with spinning handles with piston filler. Use the converter to rinse the handle with a composition of one part of the household ammonia and two parts of the aqueous solution.

The special lamp "DE-Soldering Bulb" of Radio Shack, standing about $ 5 - a wonderful tool for flushing the handle. Remove the tip from the nylon, move the bulb hole to the handle section, try to roll out everything from there. You can work and syringe to clean the ear. With the help of household ammonia as a cleaner, many contaminated handles can be cleaned.

If the internal handle device is too dirty for cleaning, then, of course, send it to cleaning it. We have specializedtools to cope even with the most severe problems, such as damage to water-resistant ink. However, since we are not always able to immediately appreciate the bad condition of the handle, when it arrives to us for inspection, we sometimes increase the price for cleansing the ink filling system. We often facilitate complaints that the handle makes skipping or dries, and the pen is believed to be guilty.

Ink: What is it possible, and what can not be done?

We get a lot of questions about how to use what ink, and which are not. The first thing we must mention are that we are not ink experts. Nevertheless, we have convinced for many years that Indian ink and ink from waterproofthe carcasi often become sources of problems in feathers, which are not cleaned as follows from each use. Since these inks do not dissolve anything that it would not dissolve the handle or filling system, then the clogged parts are very difficult to clean. We also found that some red inks cause clogging of the filling system.

What is the safest solution? First of all, try to use strictly installed inks for feathers, like those that we sell on our own page for ink. If you want a stalentirput, try writing carbon-based ink or pigment paints specifically designed for feathers, such as Platinum and Sailor. And, what kind of ink you did not use, the constant cleansing of the filling system of your handle will provide her a long and happy life.

Problem with a scored filling system

So, before you are examples of three hard-affected systems. Everybody has a place to store ink, but since the ink spread across the entire ink storage system, ultrasound cleaning could not completely clean them. The problem of the Waterford model, models higher in the photo, was that the handle stopped writing after several phrases. Since the ink supply channel was not completely clogged, a little ink was still appearing. However, when a vacuum is installed in the tank, the air is not returned to replace the ink volume, which was used. The same complaints were about the model from Namiki, it is lower. The bottom of the Pelikan M600 system was completely clogged, so that neither ink nor the air could make a way to themselves. Note that all samples of the collection are carefully filled.

Ultimately, complete manual cleaning allows you to use all three of these systems in their full working readiness - but subject to cleaning, even if not always regular. Then, neither one of the channel channels will not need such close attention. Regular cleaning, as already described above, can save your pen from the replacement of the pen.

If you have problems, and you want us to decide it ...

We can deal with it and solve it properly.



Left - a very clogged and very unhappy system from Hysek. And the feather scored by red ink. After intensive cleaning, we returned to the owners already in working condition, and even by adjusting the pen and the ink distribution system, even better than before.

Hello everybody!
Another epidemic on the site ended for me by ordering two handles from Ebay expanses from Indian sellers.
As you know, in India there is a "subsidiary" production of Parker, which is called Luxor.
The company produces ball and feathers as under their own name, but also under license under the Parker brand.
If the usual luxor handles we can meet on the shelves of stationery stores, then Parker, produced there we will not find anywhere except India and Nepal. Since licensed restrictions, they do not have the right to sell them outside the above-mentioned countries.
Links for self-study, in order to exclude the same type of questions:

Likbez is over. Go.

But, as always, eBay makes it impossible possible. There are both who are engaged in selling Parker handles for the inner Indian market. Ratings and sales of them are about the same, maybe they are from one big and friendly family?
FRONTIER, similar to that shown in this review, can be bought in English eBay, but it will be worth it, given the cost of delivery from England about 10 pounds ,.
Is it worth overpaying for the lack of Luxor inscriptions to the blister to solve you.
One of them I bought this pair:
for yourself I.
For wife. She is not a fan of pens, but decided to make her a small present. What would not be offended))
I made an order at the very end of December, and did not count on the ray of receipt of the goods (the Hindus, too, people, they celebrate the new year).
But Seller worked more than quickly. Here is the track number parcel:

As you can see - more than promptly, given the holidays and the speed of our mail.
I immediately opened the parcel, and then I remembered about the fotik, so in the photo the envelope and packaging will be already opened.
From Chinese parcels distinguishes the color of the envelope:

The manufacturer does not hide his own name, which indicates the honesty of their relationship with Mr. Parker. On the reverse side of the blister written "For Sale in India / NEPAL".
Frontier was in a gift case, Jotter without.

Small photo session.

The quality of processing is impressive. I have not seen in a living more expensive model Parker, but also these are very good.
The black part of the Frontier resembles a "soft-touch" and does not slide even after a long letter.

Packing, dismantled:

In the handles installed standard "Parlery" rods, but different types:

FRONTIER is Parker Fine, in Jotter Parker Quinkflow. But I did not notice the difference in the speed of drying.
They write both pens softly and fine, no matter how trally sounded it. Shades differ slightly:

On the FRONTER hatching a little dirt, Jotter remains thin:

Also, yielding to the persuasion of the inner perfectionist, ordered an automatic PARKER pencil, for drawing at work.
Seller from Greece, delivery is also free ... But before me, the pencil has not yet reached.
I give a link to the lot.

When you buy your first feathery handle, you need to know a lot! In particular, how to clean it.

This article is devoted to the answers to the most popular questions of those who first acquire a feature handle.

Is it possible to use various colored inks, after the ink is run, which were in the handle initially?

Yes, you can. And it is half the pleasure of using feathers!

Make sure you use water-based ink. (For feathers, special water-based inks are being developed). Mascara is made of carbon, solid particles (usually this is soot), which will score a handle and spoil it.

How do you need to clean the feather handle? How to remove old ink?

Pens after washing with running water. If you just wash the handle, you will not wash everything ink.

Handles 30 minutes after flushing with flowing water. You see that wide tips continue to remove ink.

The pen must be separated and rinsed in cold water. The water pressure that you burn through the handle is cleaned ink. You can turn the handle and rinse it in the opposite direction. Rinse the handle several times until the water is absolutely transparent.

Do not deceive yourself, you have not finished yet.

If you just hold the handle down your head, the ink will remain over the tip of the pen, as it can be seen in the photos. There is a special reservoir that is made in order to keep the surplus ink and prevent the flow of the handle in a vertical position.

The handle is required to put in the inverted state on the folded paper towel and touch the towel tip of the pen. You will see how the capillary effect works, what happens when you write a featful handle. The liquid is drawn into the reservoir, and the greater the tip of the pen, the more ink he will behave in itself.

If the handle continues to leave the traces, repeat the rinsing process until the paper towel is clean. It should remain only water without traces ink. You can simply wrap the handle in the towel 30 minutes until the handle does not dry.

Even if you use the ink of the same color, it is recommended how to rinse the pen tip if you use to refuel with a small converter or cartridge. The reason is very simple: water that is included in the ink, evaporates, and solid particles remain and clog the converter. All solid particles need to be removed, otherwise they will score the tank and spoil your handle.

Ink is pretty thick, how can you dilute them? Is this due to low quality ink or because of the wrong handle refueling?

Any water-based ink over time becomes more dense, as the liquid evaporates, leaving solid particles. This is especially noticeable if you use a handle for a long time. If the handle has not been used for several months and was constantly closed by a cap, with a letter you will probably find problems with ink.

How to clean the front handle converter and cartridge? Can I use any special chemicals?

Special means dissolve dried solid particles, after which it is necessary to rinse the handle. Use such funds is best as less as possible, once a few months. Simple clean water is much safer for the feat handle. You can buy a chemical cleaner for especially complex feathers, but it is better not to use it.

Cleaning cartridges

Cartridges can be cleaned with the help of syringes if you use them conveniently.

Cleaning feather converters

You can rinse with water converters. Make sure that the ink is completely ended in the handle, remove the cartridge and first rinse the inner part of the handle.

Make it you can in two ways.

  1. Rinse the handle in clean cold water, moving it back and forth, passing water inside and pouring it back using a swivel mechanism on the handle housing
  2. If you lack patience, disassemble the handle completely and rinse all parts in running water. It is best not to use a strong pressure, because a powerful jet can damage the ring of the seal.

Shake the handle, holding the ring, pour water out of it and repeat several times until the ink stops, and the water does not clear completely.

When water falls for the seal, it is mixed with old ink, which can cause mold appearance. When using the handle, which damaged the mold, ink can leak, leave thick ugly lines. The converter spreads mold over the entire inner surface of the handle, and it is very difficult to cleaned it.

Glory, like a medal that has two sides. Facial - attractive, reverse - not too. So with PARKER handles. On the one hand, they are extremely popular, in demand in people wealthy, secured, are an indicator of high status. On the other hand, the popularity of the brand is the key cause of the mass appearance on the fake market. Many of them to distinguish with the unarmed look from the original products is not so simple. Therefore, before buying a handle, pay attention to the following signs indicating that you are not counterfeiting:

  1. Packaging. If you chose Parker, buy a handle is better where it is sold in the original packaging of the manufacturer. Make sure this personally!
  2. Cost. The price of the product cannot be significantly lower than in other stores or on alternative sites. The scatter is within 5-10% acceptable. But if the handle instead of $ 100 costs 50, you need to fear fakes.
  3. Guarantee. Together with the product, the buyer must pass a warranty card, which usually puts on the bottom of the case. Pay attention to the text - it is usually duplicated not only in Russian.
  4. Logo. PARKER print or engraving is an important feature that allows you to determine the originality of products. The logo must be clearly visible, differ in high quality engraving or printing.
  5. Rotation mechanism (for ballpoint handles). If the product is equipped with a rotating cap, it should be supplied with the closer, which fixes the rod and brings the cap to the final state.
  6. Spring (for ballpoint pens). The spring mechanism should be clearly fixed, its fallout is not allowed.
  7. Removable cap. This is a mandatory attribute for any PARKER handle. He should dress with a click, after a little effort.
  8. Pen. Pay attention to the geometry of this detail! Any deformations are excluded. The pen must contain engraving the Parker logo or handle name. If the Golden Feather is required.
  9. Marking thickness. Pen can have different parameters. To designate the thickness of the writing element, it is marked with letters and their combinations from the Latin alphabet. Thin pen - f, average - m, etc.
  10. The surface of the handle. When a varnish coating, the body of the product must be uniform, smooth. The presence of chips and burrs testifies to the fake. The surface of the original handles with lacquer reflects the light.

IMPORTANT When buying any product, do not forget to pick up a check. Even if, with the first visual inspection, it was not possible to determine the fake, after it is detected, the product will be returned back.

And the most important thing! Considering that the level of fakes is constantly growing to protect themselves from the acquisition of an unreal thing better to contact the proven online store - feathers in this case will be guaranteed original. We are ready to provide all documents confirming the origin of the goods, manufacturer's certificates and product warranty. Do not risk, buy Parker only where you are confident in the authenticity of the product!