How to curl your hair at home. Hair curling at home is quick and easy. Tools and accessories required for perm


Perm at home

What is a perm today?

Just do not confuse it with the “khimka” that our grandmothers did in Soviet hairdressing salons, and after which the hair looked like a washcloth. Modern curling allows you to achieve different effects and at the same time tries to minimize the damage to your hair.

But I warn you right away- there are no harmless ways to become curly. Even the most modern formulations used in the best salons act on the principle of an alkaline or acidic effect on the hair structure.

Perm is a special procedure that allows you to give your hair a curly shape. The fact is that straight hair in cross section is a circle, and curly hair is an oval. This is achieved by applying special chemicals that change the structure of the hair.

A special preparation is first applied to the hair, then wound on bobbins and treated with a neutralizer, after which they take the desired shape and keep it forever.

Types of curling


Suitable for any type of hair, as it provides a lasting type of fixation, but causes severe damage, therefore, after it, restorative procedures are required.


The most common type of curling, it acts more gently, curls have a more natural look. But curling lasts for several months and is not suitable for all hair types.


It is considered gentle, but it also violates the natural structure of the hair. Its plus - regardless of the condition of your hair, the curl will be the same along the entire length.

Amino acid

A novelty for those who have weakened, fragile, damaged hair - amino acid perm. The product contains proteins and amino acids that gently nourish the structure. The shorter and lighter the hair, the longer the result will last. Although this perm is not as durable as other types, it is allowed to use it for weakened hair.

Professional cosmetics manufacturers and beauty salons are competing in the speed of inventing new ways to create the effect of natural curly hair.

Masters suggest not only winding hair on bobbins of different diameters, but also making spiral curls and even curling hair in pigtails. You can also wind each strand with two different types of curlers, the result is very natural.

It should be borne in mind that usually with any perm, a neutralizer is used, which makes the hair 1-1.5 tones lighter.


  • tendency to allergic reactions (a special test must be carried out);
  • curling of weakened and severely damaged hair is prohibited, as you can burn them and completely ruin them;
  • it is not recommended to do this procedure for girls with bleached hair, since instead of curls, you can get fluff or your hair will simply fall off, even gentle formulations will bring problems;
  • it is not recommended to do chemistry for blondes (an exception is amino acid perm);
  • during menstruation and several days immediately after it;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • when taking potent drugs (especially hormonal ones);
  • with infectious and colds;
  • during the period of active hair loss (first you need to solve this problem);
  • if the hair is dyed with natural dyes - basma or henna;

To find out if you have any allergies, do the classic test: Apply a little curling compound to the skin behind your ear and wait 10 minutes. If no reaction is observed (you do not feel itching and do not see redness), then there is no allergy, and the procedure can be carried out. If there are alarming symptoms, then you are prohibited from using this composition.

Preparation before curling

Do not dye your hair for at least 20 days before a perm. Firstly, because the procedures are quite aggressive in relation to the hair. Second, the chemical reaction between the dye and perm components may not be predictable.

In addition, you should not wash your hair for at least one day before curling, but preferably 2-3 days. The resulting sebum will slightly protect the hair from drying out. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no wounds or injuries on the scalp.

What do you need to curl at home

First you need to choose a composition. Each brand of professional cosmetics offers several types of formulations, depending on the type of hair, Scharzkopf, for example, has three of them. Do not flatter yourself if you doubt that your hair is coarse, take the composition for normal ones. Better to let the curl not be so elastic than you will burn all the hair.

Let's see what we need for a classic (acid, alkaline) curl:

  • 60-80 plastic (not metal!) Curlers of different sizes with elastic bands for fastening;
  • two mirrors installed opposite each other to see the hair on the back of the head (or even better, call a girlfriend);
  • two bowls made of glass, porcelain or plastic for preparations;
  • plastic (not metal!) comb with sparse teeth;
  • a pair of foam sponges for applying the composition;
  • insulating head cap;
  • comfortable rubber gloves;
  • cape to protect clothing;
  • measuring beaker;
  • two large towels.

Prepare the workplace and you can start the procedure. The whole procedure will take you about 2 hours.

How to curl yourself

To find out if the product is right for you and how long to keep it - apply it first to one strand of hair, hold it for a minimum amount of time and unwind the bobbin. If the curl is elastic, then the timing is right.

The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging what is the minimum and maximum holding time. Do not exceed the maximum time.

For curling at home, it is better to choose the classic version of chemistry. The thickness of the bobbins is usually 5 to 20 mm. Large curlers will give the effect of wavy curls. It is easier to wind them up, so this option is ideal for a first experience. But keep in mind that the larger the curl, the less it holds.

Let's take a step-by-step analysis of the procedure itself in order to get a beautiful hairstyle and minimize the amount of damaged hair:

  • Rinse your hair thoroughly, the grease film may interfere with the action of the product. However, if your hair is weak, then it is better, on the contrary, not to wash your hair 2-3 days before the procedure. Try not to touch the scalp, the fatty film will not interfere with it.
  • Divide all hair into zones, secure with clips and start curling. The width of the strand should not exceed the width of the bobbin, otherwise the curls will acquire an ugly shape. Do not be lazy to part your hair into smaller sections. Yes, it doesn’t work very quickly, but then you don’t have to wear the result on your head for two days. Based on the length of your hair, you need to choose a suitable winding method:
    • if the hair is short, then they are first moistened with a curling compound, and then wound, after which the composition is applied twice more;
    • if the hair is of medium length, the composition is applied in an indirect way: first, the wet hair is wound on the bobbins, and only then the mixture is applied;
    • long hair is curled using a mixed method: first, only the ends are moistened with the composition - the lower third of the hair, and after winding the composition is applied to all hair (for each bobbin).
  • When winding your hair on curlers, pay special attention to the ends - they must be fixed firmly, when, as the main part, it is better not to overtighten. As a rule, thick curlers are used for the temples and the back of the head, and thin ones for the rest (for short hair, only thin bobbins are used).
  • Whatever the length of your hair, the composition should be applied evenly and as quickly as possible. It is applied from above and below the bobbins in 2-3 stages - first, the hair is moistened with the mixture only slightly, then completely moistened. With this application, the composition will not damage the scalp, since it will have time to be absorbed, and at the same time it will be enough for a high-quality curling.
  • At the end, the hair must be insulated with a cap and wait 20 to 40 minutes. After 20 minutes, unwrap a pair of curlers and rate the perm. Keep in mind that the curls on the back of the head are always not formed as well as on the sides.
  • When the degree of curling is sufficient, without removing the bobbins, rinse your hair with warm water (6-7 minutes). You need to wash the curling compound out of your hair.
  • Dry with a towel and a piece of foam rubber, apply a fixer / neutralizer (included with the curling set) - as a rule, this is hydroperite dissolved in warm water with the addition of a gel or shampoo.
  • After 5-7 minutes, remove the curlers and reapply the fixer.
  • After another 6-7 minutes, rinse off the composition with water without shampoo, and then thoroughly rinse your hair with a solution of citric acid or vinegar to neutralize the alkali.
  • Then dry your hair with a towel and apply the intensive recovery preparation.
  • Use a diffuser when dry, but let your hair dry naturally.

What problems can you face when curling?

Not every perm works perfectly, even if it is done by a professional master, not to mention cases when an amateur gets down to business. Let's take a look at the possible problems and their causes.

  • If there is irritation or itching on the scalp, this indicates that too much of the composition was applied, and the excess that was not absorbed has flowed onto the head.
  • If your hair is too brittle:
    • the composition was kept on the hair longer than necessary;
    • the fixer was applied incorrectly;
    • the hair was taut when twisted.
  • If the curls are too weak:
    • too little composition was applied;
    • the strands were twisted too loose;
    • a poor-quality or expired composition was used;
    • the hair was twisted too tight and the ends were not saturated;
    • the composition was not sufficiently concentrated;
    • too large curlers.
  • If the tone of the hair has changed significantly (as a rule, lightened):
    • concentrated fixer (3% or more) was kept for more than 7-8 minutes;
    • hair was poorly rinsed between curling and fixing;
    • were used metal curlers and dishes, the surface of which entered into a chemical reaction.

In order not to make annoying mistakes and not ruin your hair, you must take into account all the nuances and follow the described technology exactly. Before starting, it is best to watch one of the video tutorials.

A few words about care and styling

Curly hair, especially curled hair, is more dry and prone to breakage, and it also shines less. Therefore, you will have to make 2 times more effort to make your hair look healthy and well-groomed.

  • use sulfate-free shampoos;
  • curls are fitted with a hairdryer with a diffuser;
  • never comb wet hair.

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The hairstyle is very important in the image. That is why many girls devote a lot of time to creating it. But not everyone has original curls by nature. If the hair is straight, without volume, then it needs to be transformed. For this, a variety of means are used. Some want to straighten the curls, others - curl. In the second case, you have to spend a lot of time and money doing daily styling. It is necessary to use a perm, which does not require constant styling. The result is saved for a long period. Perming at home is the best option. When the procedure is completed, you will need a high-quality fixer, medical masks. Step-by-step instructions will help you to make a high-quality perm. To then straighten the curls, you will need special tools.

Types of procedure

Perm can be of different types, differing in the method of implementation and the result. After any session, you need medical masks.

  • American. You need to do this procedure with long hair. This will require large curlers. The result is large curls.
  • Vertical. The procedure is intended for long hair. You will need thin long curlers.
  • Basal. This method is rarely used, since, due to the growing curls, the result does not persist for a long time. More suitable for thin hair. Thanks to this method, you can make a volumetric styling.

Perming hair at home is not a very difficult procedure. You need to read the detailed instructions and buy the necessary tools. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with someone's help. The same applies if you need to straighten the curls.

During the procedure, you need to use:

  • plastic curlers or bobbins of the right size;
  • metal clamps;
  • waterproof negligee;
  • plastic comb;
  • two sponges with which the fixer is applied;
  • rubber gloves;
  • towels;
  • a cap for insulation;
  • measuring glass;
  • ceramic container;
  • a container with lemon juice;
  • curling agent;
  • we will dissolve.

Before making a perm, test the composition, after which you can not worry about the result. For this, a drop of the product is applied to the wrist. If after 10 minutes there is no redness, then the composition is perfect. After choosing the right product, you need to perm. For the fixer procedure, you can prepare yourself or purchase a ready-made product. And then to straighten the curls, you need to use proven effective methods.

Features of self-procedure

To make a curl correctly, you must follow the following stages of work:

  • Wash your hair with a simple shampoo, then towel dry and comb. Balm should not be used.
  • It is necessary to make a vertical parting at the back of the head. The rest of the hair is pinned. It is necessary to separate a thin strand with a horizontal parting, pull it off at an angle of 90 degrees. After that, the curls should be combed and wrapped around the bobbins. The tips should not wrinkle.
  • When the curls are rolled on curlers, the skin needs to be treated with a fat cream. In order not to get dirty, you need to wear gloves and a negligee.
  • Then you need a composition that must be placed in a container in the required amount. It lathers and then is applied to curled hair. It is necessary to apply the composition from the back of the head, and then process the lateral parts and parietal.
  • You need to put on an insulating cap and a towel.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the result and the type of hair. It will take 10 minutes to create light, natural curls. Cool curls can be obtained in half an hour.
  • Then the composition is washed off with running water. Only for this you do not need to unwind the curlers. Blot your head with a towel.
  • After that, you need to apply a fixer, or a fixing agent. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. To prepare a fixer with your own hands, shampoo (1 part) is mixed with perhydrol 33% (1 part), warm water (7 parts). The composition is whipped with a sponge, after which it must be applied to the curlers.
  • The fixer is kept for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to remove the curlers and treat the hair with the composition.
  • The fixer is then rinsed off with running water. The hair must be rinsed with lemon juice, which will neutralize the composition.
  • After that, you need to apply a balm. You will also need restorative products or masks.

Checking hair color

If the hair has been dyed before, then it is necessary to conduct a test. To do this, you need to cut off the strands. One strand is placed in a container with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), and the other in a container with a chemical agent. If the strands are discolored, then dye is still present in them.

Then you should not immediately follow the procedure. It is advisable to wait with her. Dyed hair should grow back. The remains of the colored curls must be cut off.

Security measures

To do everything right and not harm your health, you must follow safety measures.

  • It is necessary to study the instructions for using the chemical. It should indicate the expiration date, the duration of the procedure and other subtleties.
  • Do not use metal devices.
  • It is undesirable to perm in case of malnutrition, menstruation, low blood pressure and chronic ailments. During this period, it is undesirable to take antibiotics and hormonal agents.
  • Hair becomes shorter after curling.
  • There should be no wounds on the skin, as the chemical composition can worsen the situation.
  • Allergy testing should be done before proceeding with the procedure. For this, a little of the product is applied behind the ear. After 10 minutes, the skin should be washed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Chemistry can be performed if there is no skin irritation.

If you want to straighten your curls, then it is better to use proven methods. For this, you can do masks, as well as other home procedures.

Hair care after chemistry

To restore your hair, you need medical care. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules.

  • You do not need to wash your hair for 3 days, since during this time the composition should be well absorbed.
  • It is necessary to use shampoo for damaged hair.
  • To make the curls look healthy and shiny, you need to use masks. They will allow you to restore damaged strands.
  • For maintenance, you will need a wide-toothed comb, since the fine teeth destroy the strands.
  • If the hair has acquired a faded look, tint products should be used.

After a perm, you can do different hairstyles, since the new look provides great opportunities for experimentation. Hair becomes soft and easy to style. If you need to straighten the strands, then you should use safe and effective methods.

Preparation of masks

To make your hair healthy and beautiful, you need to use proven masks.

If the hair is properly cared for, even a perm will not damage it. Effective home remedies work great.

Almost every woman is capable of beautifully styling her hair before going out using a curling iron or curlers. When it comes to more serious hairstyle changes, many people prefer to go to the hairdresser, partly due to the inconvenience of processing the back of the head, which is not visible in the mirror, and partly due to superstition. Belief says that you cannot cut your hair yourself, otherwise you will cut happiness with your hair. There are no such folk signs about the coloring of the hair and the perm, here fashionistas are guided by practical considerations: the fear of not dyeing the occipital strands well or burning the hair with a perm composition.

Indeed, the first compositions, with the help of which the permanent was performed, were not harmless. They had to be handled strictly according to the instructions and take into account many nuances, which sometimes even hairdressers could not, let alone amateurs who undertook to make a perm at home. After serious mistakes, the hair fell off at best, and a very uneven "hedgehog" remained on the head. Sometimes this "residual hairstyle" turned out to be tattered and needed further haircut, which threatened to acquire a brutal look, which does not suit all the fair sex. In the worst case, the lesion spread to the hair follicles, and this already required serious treatment, as well as the purchase of a wig.

However, technologies are developing, and today it has been possible to create such compositions that have a gentle effect on the scalp and hair shaft, so it is safe to use them at home if you follow the instructions.

To convince you of this, you need to study:

  • what is perm today;
  • due to what processes straight hair turns into curls;
  • what are the contraindications for certain methods of chemistry.

What is perm hair

Understanding the process of perm will give you trump cards and will not be afraid for your hair. Let's figure out the basic concepts and types of creating curls for a long time.

Perm is ...

The perm procedure involves the creation of curls for a long time from straight hair. She is especially shown to the owners of thin or too oily hair, which simply does not look straightforward. Curls - large or small - create the impression of volume, give the hairstyle elegance or, conversely, perk - it all depends on the idea of ​​the hairdresser and on the wishes of the client. But what disappears completely is the dullness and expressionlessness of the sagging strands.

There are types of perm that allow you to maintain a lush hairstyle, whether it is the usual "Kare", "Sesson" or "Pixie". This method has received the popular name "light chemistry", understandable to any client and hairdresser. To prevent the hair from gathering into small curls after each wash, it was enough to style it once a week, and the stylish hairstyle would stay on its own. Conventional perm would curl curls or transform long, straight hair into mischievous springs. This method of spiral wrapping strands was called "American chemistry". There is also an option - "vertical chemistry".

But in addition to the options for fixing curls, hairdressers are divided by the type of active ingredient. To make a perm at home for the first time, you should choose the most gentle method.

Types of procedures

According to the active composition, the types of curling are distinguished:

  • acidic;
  • alkaline;
  • amino acid;
  • neutral.

Acid perm It is often called six months, because it is for six months that the curls obtained with its help hold. The active substance of the composition is glyceryl monothioglycolate. With this method, the hair scales do not open, since the composition is absorbed by osmosis into the hair shaft. The procedure involves heat exposure using a dryer, therefore, it is difficult to perform at home. It is difficult to achieve uniform heating of all curls with a hairdryer. Hair does not get thicker from the procedure, but the effect lasts long enough. It is undesirable to apply this method to brittle and excessively dry hair. With sensitive scalp, it is impossible to apply the composition to the hair roots. You can make curls only at the ends of semi-long or long hair.

Alkaline perm fluffs up every hair, affecting the scales. They open, so the hair looks thicker, which is a plus for owners of liquid hair. Those who do not work with acid perm can use the alkaline method. This procedure is not suitable for those with coarse or heavy hair. The perm lasts for three months, but it is easier to make it at home, since it does not require heating the hair. There is a risk of hair dulling due to the disclosure of scales.

Amino acid perm- a relatively new method in which complex protein complexes are used, which have a persistent but gentle effect. This look is suitable for short hair, as it does not cause a "astrakhan" effect. Coarse hair does not lend itself well to this method. Long and heavy hair can only become slightly fuller, but persistent curls will not work on them. On the other hand, the hair receives additional nourishment and improves its appearance.

Neutral perm considered the most harmless. It works well for hair that has been previously colored or weakened by past chemical or temperature effects. The composition is selected with the expectation of restoring damaged areas and equalizing the pH along the entire length of the hair.

Also hairdressers can offer:

  • perm with silk proteins;
  • carving ("light chemistry");

  • biowave.

These methods are gentle and are a variety of either amino acid or neutral curling.

Tools and tools

To make a perm at home, you will need tools:

  • containers for diluting the composition;
  • a sponge for applying it to the hair;
  • comb-ponytail;
  • bobbins or curlers;
  • clamps ("ducks", "crabs", etc.);
  • a tourniquet to protect the face and hairline from chemical composition;
  • towels;
  • protective gloves for hands;
  • timer;
  • cap (only for acidic types of compositions).

Perm products:

  • the main components of the selected composition;
  • retainer (if provided by technology);
  • hair balm;
  • shampoo.


There are conditions of both the hair and the whole body when it is impossible to do a perm, either at home or in the salon.

For example:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • period of menstruation;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • severe hair loss and significant brittleness;
  • allergy to the components of the curling compound.

The utmost care should be taken with henna-dyed hair. There will be no harmful effects on the curls from such a combination, but the hair color will be unpredictable. If you are not afraid of the appearance of redheads or fiery highlights, then feel free to start a perm at home.

Feature and differences in carrying out different procedures

In addition to the differences in the perm technology, it is possible to indicate a difference in the price category of the procedure, which is often determined not only by the high cost of the formulations used, but also by the complexity of the procedure. For example, making curls in the African style is not difficult, but you have to devote a lot of time to winding the strands on small bobbins. These time costs are especially noticeable with long hair, which either have to be divided into very small curls, or to choose a "vertical" curl, which in itself is more expensive. It requires special bobbins with spiral slots.

Biowave can consist of a larger number of stages due to the use of protective compounds. This cannot but affect the cost. However, sometimes it is better to pay more than to remain dissatisfied with the condition of the hair and the result of the curling.

At home

If you want to do a perm at home, you need to take into account the danger of burning or ruining your hair. Sometimes the simplest technology hides the use of an aggressive composition, so you should not buy into the ease of the process. Often, a longer process turns out to be the least harmful, so it is better to initially study the stages of how "chemistry" is done at home, and only then proceed to real actions.

If you have the slightest doubt about the body's reaction to the drug, you need to check the components on small areas of the skin and hair. Hairdressers try drugs on the client's elbow, you can do the same at home.

In the cabin

If you want to get confidence that your hair will not be spoiled in the salon, then you would like to read the reviews of your friends and acquaintances about this institution and its employee in particular. If the master, before giving the client a perm, conducts a test for allergic reactions and visually assesses the condition of the hair, then you can trust this professional. If the hairdresser is focused on the result, then if the client has contraindications to perm, he will advise first to prepare the hair, heal it, recommend certain procedures or carry out them. When the main thing in the salon is considered to be extremely quick profit, the stylist will close his eyes to the minor imperfections of the client's hair and can make "chemistry" without preliminary testing and assessing the condition of the hair. And this can already threaten the danger of burning your hair. Moreover, such salons can impose an expensive perm service, even if you only ask for a good styling for one evening.

How to prepare your hair for perm

If your hair is healthy, then you can do a perm on it at any time, except perhaps excluding the conditions of menstruation, lactation and pregnancy. The main thing is that you do not use conditioner to moisturize your hair for at least a day, as it will not allow perm preparations to properly affect the hair.

When things are not so rosy with hair, then they need to be prepared for a long time. You will have to use firming shampoos, make masks for the scalp, trim split ends. It may take several weeks, but during this time you will be able to understand whether you should resort to perm at all, because when the condition of the hair improves, it may look stronger and thicker, which means it will look good straight.

Also, before doing a perm, you often have to do a haircut. In this case, it is done almost "blindly", because when the curls become curly, their length will be significantly reduced. Therefore, the haircut should be entrusted to the same hairdresser who will do the perm for you, because only he will be able to estimate initially how the hair length will change after the procedure. The technician will also be able to select the correct bobbin diameter for different areas of the head, depending on the length of the hair.

Also, long preparation will be required for those who wear a short haircut "like a boy". If this is a specific "hedgehog", then you will have to wait until the hair grows back to such an extent that it can be wound on the bobbins.

How to make a perm at home

If you undertake to make "chemistry" at home, then you need to choose the right technology and determine what size of curls you need. For example, for short hair, it will not work to make a curl with large curls, and if you want to achieve splendor, then it is better to choose the root method, in which only the initial part of the hair near the bulbs is processed, while the ends remain straight.

Perm hair "Large curls"

You can get large curls if you use large diameter curlers. Large diameter means a size that is much larger than the standard bobbins used in hairdressing salons. Depending on the length of your hair, curlers from 1 to 10 cm across will work. For short hair, you need to choose smaller curlers, for long hair it is permissible to use different ones. With a diameter closer to 10 cm, large waves will be obtained, and not curls. After choosing a curler, you can start the curling process.

1) Start- testing the sensitivity of the skin and hair. If an abnormal skin reaction is obvious, then hair is not so simple. It is ideal to try the composition on a cut strand of hair if you cut your hair just before doing the "chemistry". If not, then it is best to choose a thin strand on the back of the head and try the effect of the drug on it. It is a bad sign when the hair turns gray like ash after three minutes or becomes brittle and has low tensile strength. This means that the composition is not suitable either in composition or in concentration. In the second case, you need to conduct another test: dilute the composition to a lower saturation and treat it to another place on the selected strand. If everything is fine with her, then you can do a perm.

2) Hair preparation. Next, you need to wash your hair without massaging the skin. Then wind the hair on curlers, dividing the hair into zones: parietal (crown and crown), occipital, temporal (lateral). If you need to protect the ends from the composition, they need to be wrapped in paper and only then wind the hair with curlers.

3) Protective measures. The hairline should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or greasy cream. Next, lay a tourniquet on it, fixing it on the forehead with curlers. You need to put a waterproof cape over your shoulders. If there is a velcro strap for the neck, this is ideal. Gloves should be worn on hands.

4) Direct application. The composition is poured or diluted in one of the selected containers. Apply with a sponge or the attached special applicator. You need to work quickly, but without splashing. Processing should begin from the back of the head to the forehead, then walk along the sides. If this is an acid perm, then you need a warming cap that replaces a dryer at home. Otherwise, you can use a shower cap. Then wait at least 15 minutes.

5) Checking the elasticity of curls. To do this, in each zone, one curler is unwound and the resulting curls are examined. If the curl unwinds spontaneously under the weight of the hair, you still need to hold the solution, but you should not exceed the time specified in the instructions. It is maximum.

6) Fixer. The fixing solution must be prepared in a different container. Better yet, use two identical bowls, in which the fixer is divided in half. Hair, without removing the curlers, rinse from the main solution. Take the retainer from the first bowl and distribute it evenly over all curls. We wait about 10 minutes, remove the curlers and fix the head with fixer from the second bowl. We hold it for about 5 minutes and wash it off.

In some cases, a balm is attached to the perm preparation, which should be used at the final stage before drying. It is better to dry your hair without using a hair dryer or dryer - outdoors in a warm room.

Perm for short hair

Even for short hair, you can do a perm at home, but it should be borne in mind that the hair, becoming curled, significantly loses in length. Choosing small bobbins for a short head of hair, otherwise you will not get curls, but a "hedgehog". Of course, if you want to do just such a hairstyle, "under the Billy Idol", then you can use very large curlers, but if you want curls, then choose curlers with a diameter of less than a centimeter.

The second danger is that you can get the "astrakhan effect". It will look like a poodle or a newborn lamb. Such a hairstyle looks especially strange when “karakul” does not cover the whole head, but separate areas, while curls remain on others. To avoid this effect, it is better either to wait until the hair grows back, or to do a “chemistry” at the ends, without touching the areas at the roots. Naturally, such hair will require styling even after curling, but curled ends will always soften the hairstyle. In addition, with a sparing option, you can make a new perm without waiting six months. This will not affect the roots in any way, and the tips, if they lose their appearance, can always be trimmed neatly.

As for the technology of performing perm at home for short hair, it differs from "large curls", only in the size of the curlers. It often takes less time.

If you have purchased Lokon for a perm, you will not be able to do anything with it alone at home if you do not purchase an additional fixing solution. It is best to pick it up from the same factory as Lokon itself. Then you can vouch for a good result of the procedure, thanks to the excellent compatibility of funds, even if it is done at home. It is even better to find the third component - a balm - from the same manufacturer. When all three components for a perm are collected, you need to stock up on tools. It must be remembered that "Lokon" is capable of rapidly oxidizing.

This prevents you from doing two things:

1) Use metal objects: bowls, bobbins, combs, clamps and anything else that may come into contact with the solution;

2) Leave the product in prolonged contact with air.

And if everything is clear with the dishes and appliances - you need to choose them wooden, plastic, ceramic, etc., then here's how to minimize the contact of the product with air, you need to figure it out in more detail. The bottle must be kept tightly closed. After applying the drug to the hair, they should be immediately covered with a shower cap or a cap made of an airtight material - polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.

Another feature of the drug "Lokon": it should be applied to dry hair.

Wet hair curling - execution technology

But "wet chemistry" can be done just on damp hair. Actually, this type of perm got the name "wet" not because of this, but because the hair turns out to be so shiny, as if it had not completely dried out after washing. Owners of wavy hair noticed that it is in this undried state that the hair takes on an excellent look, shines beautifully and flows with elastic curls. But as soon as the hair dries up, the curls stretch out and the hair grows dull. Hairdressers have figured out how to "hold" hair in this state for a long time - up to six months.

You can make a wet perm at home:

  • wash your hair twice with laundry soap to degrease your hair;
  • dry the strands slightly;
  • perform skin and hair testing;
  • all hair is divided into equal squares;
  • each square is screwed onto a small bobbin;
  • the hairline is lubricated with a protective cream, a tourniquet is put on the head;
  • after putting on gloves and capes, you can start applying the wet waving composition;
  • put on an insulating cap on your head and keep your hair in it for the allotted time (it is written in the instructions for each preparation for "wet chemistry");
  • without removing the bobbin, wash your hair;
  • apply a fixing compound for 10 minutes;
  • remove the curlers and wait 5 minutes;
  • wash hair with shampoo and rinse with a mild vinegar solution.

Easy hair curling at home without curling iron and curlers

Surprisingly, even a perm can be done at home if you have neither curlers nor bobbins, but only the necessary preparations. At home, you can even use an old cloth, naturally clean. It can be pre-cut into strips and hair can be wrapped around each of them, tying the ends so that the curl does not fall apart. After that, you need to process the hairline, make a tourniquet from another rag or old T-shirt and start treating the hair with the composition.

You can also use a headband (hoop) for hair at home, which can be obtained by cutting off the bottom of an old T-shirt. Wrap it twice around your head, wind strands of hair around it and start curling. The effect will be very interesting.

If you do not want to do a perm, and the effect for a week is enough for you, then just after washing your hair, wind your undried hair on textile devices - shreds or hoops. In this form, you can go to bed, and in the morning you will get a voluminous hairstyle with curls.

Care and recovery after chemotherapy on the head

It's not enough just to do a perm at home, you also need to provide good care for hair disturbed by a complex procedure. A suitable styling after the "chemistry" will remain exactly until the first washing of the hair. Next, you need to do the styling again so that the recalcitrant curls take on a fine-looking appearance.

After a perm, the hair needs special care, which can be provided at home. This is the use of moisturizing and nourishing shampoos and balms, the use of folk remedies. Castor or burdock, almond or peach oil is not found in every home, but edible vegetable oils are always available. They can also be used for masks at home. Both olive oil and sunflower oil are suitable.

A good option is to make a black bread hair mask. The crumb needs to be crumbled into a glass, pour boiling water and let cool to a temperature slightly above room temperature. It is good to rinse your hair with this infusion after washing. Hair that has been weakened by perm will gain new strength, but will continue to be curly and lush.

Yes, perm is a completely doable procedure at home, which will help you save a lot on going to the beauty salon. It does not require special skills, all that is needed is a number of necessary chemicals and several special devices. There are several types of curling, depending on the active ingredient:

The algorithm for performing these curls is slightly different, because they end up with a different shape of curls. Therefore, you should decide on the shape of the curls and their size:

  1. soft waves (braiding method);
  2. small spirals (lamb) - spinning on papillotes;
  3. medium curls (on curlers).

You also need to consider your hair type and length, as well as your face type. So, gentle soft waves will look spectacular on long curls, and small curls will decorate a medium-length hairstyle.

In addition, it is simply contraindicated for owners of thin and brittle strands, because curls in almost all cases are of different shapes, sizes and without root volume.

Procedure kit

If it was decided to do a perm at home, then you should definitely ask your mother, girlfriend or sister for help. Indeed, in one hand, this procedure cannot be carried out accurately and safely. To perform a curling, you need the following tools:

  • plastic hair curlers with elastic bands (diameter up to 2 cm, depending on the conceived hairstyle) - 40-50 pcs;
  • plastic hairpins and clamps;
  • a pair of combs - wooden, with a sharp end and sparse teeth;
  • 2 foam sponges (you can wash dishes);
  • plastic wrap or bag;
  • rubber gloves;
  • beaker;
  • 2 bowls, ceramic or plastic;
  • two towels and a cotton tourniquet;
  • rinsing bucket;
  • old T-shirt or robe.

You will also need special substances and care products for curls:

Before the procedure, do not dye your hair for 3 weeks. You need to determine your hair type (normal, dry, oily) and choose a product according to your type.

You should also do a test-check of the reaction of the skin to the action of the chemical - apply a little product on the elbow or the area behind the ear, wait a couple of minutes and track the reaction - if there is no redness, burning and itching, it can be safely applied.

Safety engineering

  1. Care should be taken that the chemical composition does not get on the scalp and face.
  2. The procedure is performed exclusively with gloves.
  3. It is forbidden to use any metal objects while curling.
  4. In no case should you overexpose the chemical composition and fixation on the hair.
  5. For discolored curls, the fixer concentration should be 3 times weaker.
  6. After curling, a hair neutralization procedure is required.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek the help of a specialist!

Step-by-step instruction

Carrying out a curl at home involves the following sequence of actions:

How to make large curls?

Large curls look most natural on a cascade hairstyle, therefore, it is advisable to have a haircut before carrying out "chemistry". They are also perfect for several types of faces (oval, square and trapezoidal). As for the type of hair - large curls will look good on normal, colored, oily and coarse strands.

The technique for curling large curls does not differ from the one presented above, the only caveat is that you need to choose curlers with a large diameter (2 cm), and also tighten your hair not tightly.

Note! But there is another option for curling - braiding, in this case, no curlers are needed.

And all you need is:

  1. divide your hair into equal strands and braid even, not tight braids;
  2. then impregnate them with a chemical reagent;
  3. further - the algorithm is the same as for regular curling.

Common mistakes

So, errors in the procedure include:

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to make a perm at home:


After curling, the hair needs special care, because it becomes drier and more brittle, loses color and shine. Every effort should be made to ensure that the curls play with their old colors:

  1. use shampoos without sulfates, parabens and silicones;
  2. use nourishing oils and masks;
  3. rinse hair with herbal decoctions (nettle, burdock and chamomile);
  4. do not use styling devices (hairdryer, curling iron, iron) and products (mousses, gels and varnishes).

All this gives its result - it returns the former beauty and health to the curls.

The question of how to curl hair correctly is of interest to most women. It is not in vain that it is believed that beautiful and well-groomed hair is the main female "weapon" that helps to conquer harsh men's hearts. That is why now we will look at some of the most popular ways to create a perm at your regular home.

Any representative of the fair sex strives to look perfect. Someone, in order to achieve the desired effect, visits fashionable salons and hairdressing salons, while others, on the contrary, prefer to take care of their hair on their own.

For those who prefer to "clean the feathers" in the comfort of their own home, we will now tell you more about how you can make a stylish perm on your own using a special composition. But, before proceeding directly to the curling itself, we recommend that you prepare everything that you may need to form beautiful curls:

Now we will look at one of the most popular ways to make a perm at home. Perming hair at home is somewhat similar to dyeing. Therefore, if you have experience in hair dyeing, you can easily cope with a perm. The methods of perm are different, but regardless of which one you choose, you first need to conduct a test aimed at identifying an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a chemical agent to the skin behind the ear and wait 5 minutes. If after this time the skin does not turn red, it means that you can start curling. Wash, dry, and comb your hair before applying the curling product. Then, using a comb, divide your hair into even strands and wind it with curlers. After that, a baby nourishing cream or petroleum jelly is applied to the skin at the roots. Once you have done this, you will need to pour the composition into a bowl and lather it with a sponge. Then the resulting mass will need to be gently applied to the hair. Next, a hat is put on the head and wrapped in a towel.

To make light curls, it is enough to hold the composition on the head for about 10 minutes. But for the formation of more elastic and tighter curls, it may take from 20 to 30 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, the hair is rinsed with water. But, bobbins and curlers are not removed. Then the excess moisture is removed with a towel and the retainer pre-foamed with a sponge is applied. The fixer is kept on the hair for about 10 minutes, after which the curlers are removed and the curls are re-lubricated with fixer. After 5 minutes, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water and rinsed with diluted lemon juice.

After some time after a perm, it is imperative to make a restorative hair mask. This will help restore their structure as well as restore their natural beauty.

Video: Chemistry at home

Perfect hairstyle at home

There are several types of perm:

  • carving;
  • the use of drugs on an alkaline basis;
  • the use of acid-based products.

By the way the curls are located, the perm is divided into:

  • vertical or, as it is often called, spiral. This type of perm is considered more difficult to perform, but the result is undoubtedly worth it;
  • horizontal.

As we said earlier, there are various types of perm. We will now take a closer look at some of them:

We hope that thanks to us you were able to learn how to curl your hair properly at home. And now you can easily make yourself an incredibly beautiful and stylish hairstyle!

Video: Perm procedure