How to satisfy a man and always stay for him the only one? Sexual satisfaction of her husband in sex. How best to do it

Anchor method

What implies the "Anchor" method? The psychological "anchor" is a general way to satisfy the man in bed. Before you lie down into bed, you need to think about something positive. To make it easier to imagine the desired picture, you should surround yourself with memories. So, for example, the song Frank Sinatra will remind the first date, Vanilla fragrance - about the first night of passion. A characteristic touch can serve as an anchor. For example, stroking the back of a man can cause positive associations.

Below belt

To think about household little things During intercourse, it is not a way to satisfy a man in bed. Most often, domestic problems penetrate the intimate sphere. Such negative "anchors" affect physiological processes.

Some caresses may not like men not because the girl does something wrong, but because they cause painful memories. For example,

gentle bumping can cause fright and even pain if the man once experienced a negative experience associated with the bite.

To avoid similar troubles, you need to ask in advance what partner like in sex.

The benefits and harm "Anchors"

Opinions of psychologists regarding such psychological reception, as an anchor, diverge. Some believe that programming causes addiction. In other words, without certain music, caress, the smells of a woman will not be able to start their partner. It is the opinion that "anchor" as a way to satisfy the man in bed, violates the emotional perception in humans. Emotions as if laid out on the shelves. Intimate life is subject to careful planning and control. Specialists advise using this method as an experiment.

Visual way:

1. Night shirt, lace panties can become an instrument of seduction, if they cause certain memories from a partner.

It is necessary to tie in the mind of a man's mindful sex and some specific underwear.

Whenever with his putting on, a man will be ready to get an incredible pleasure.

2. If the partner is long initiated and can not get satisfaction, will help erotic picture. At the right moment he will look at it and get excitement. This is an excellent way to tie a man to yourself. It will be difficult for him without this picture. In the other bedroom he will look for her eyes.

Sound method:

1. During the romantic night you can put melodywhich will remind you of the first romantic date

2. Instead of music, you can use special phrasewhich a woman utters at the peak of his passion.

Women's sighs strongly excite partner.

Kinesthetic method:

1. You can control the ejaculation of a man using your special touch or stroking to the same point on the body of your loved one.

2. The excitation tool can be a kiss or pain, for example, bite or tweezing.


1. So that the man never changed his lady of the heart and was always satisfied with it alone

you must not change your habits, namely, use the same spirits, body oil.

2. Some dishes have an exciting effect - a beam with aroma cinnamon, ginger. This should be the most favorite dish of a man - pies, gingerbread, pancakes with chicken.

Verbal method:

1. Satisfy a man can certain phraseto which you can catch the lover. Many men like the lady during passion asking for some kind of rudeness, for example, about slap.

The strongest and faithful of all methods is, according to psychologists, kinestatic (or touches). It is best that a special touch be on a point, which is not difficult to find on the body: the blades, the ear of the ear, the bones of the fingers, elbows. You must touch at the time of reaching the peak.

Each woman always wants to be an ideal wife. And this desire has little to disappear with age. But sometimes it happens that as if a woman neither tried to be impeccable, a man cooler over time, and what is worse, it goes to another. so that this does not happen? One of the biggest problems of marital relations is the absence of harmony in sex life. And, as a rule, more often and more reacts to this man, in fact, so he leaves the spouse or for a while or forever.

How to satisfy a man to bed (courtship or seduction)

  • Invite coffee.

If you invites a guy to drink coffee, it doesn't mean anything like a score - for a guy who does not want and means a lot to a guy who wishes you. Those you show that the interlocutor is fascinating and sympathetic.

The absolute majority of young men are afraid of failure, there is nothing shameful in this. The victim of the male ego tripled the fatal of the victim of the ladies. Poet make hints. It will not necessarily glue in the open, and offer direct text. Just make specific hints. I wish her eyes - this is not the permanent gaze, which you take after 15 seconds. I wish you fluttering through.

  • Ask for help.

Although what a trifle and a trifle - ask to set up a computer, ride home, assist at work ...

Wires, means how it would not sound it, you are not fascinating to him. You can experience another time, maybe he was really very busy then, and maybe it just does not know how. But almost always it says that it does not shine anything (at this moment you need to accept and switch attention).

If not dismissed, and with pleasure helps (this does not mean anything, maybe just courtesy and raised so that it cannot deny the maiden), say which he is smart and how perfectly that he has given his attention, otherwise life would give a crack.

Male need to know what he needed that he is smart good and like you

  • Date.

You brought him to visit either asked for him, maybe the invitation proceeded from him. But we know with you that the choice is always the lady, and the man only agrees.

Miscellaneous conversation about work, life, travel (Martini's littleness never hurts).

Looking together in the window either from the balcony, together my dishes or reading the magazine, looking at the movie, always make a move towards him, it seems to be pressed, touching. For a guy with whom you have pure business things, it does not mean anything, but for a guy who wishes you is a hint.

Come back and put your hand on the shoulder, just like that. The response should arrive instantly. In an intimate setting, he will press your hand to the shoulder cheek.

How to satisfy a man in bed?

Keep in mind, it may happen that in the bed you turned out to be even earlier than they began to football. Yes - it happens. For example, watch the movie, drinking shrimps, or you just invited him to the bedroom saying, let's go. And maybe he will do it. The pretext may be another type: "Do you want a massage?" Either "Yes, stay with me, it's too late, I am for you a bed." The same (if you have a visit to you) you can tell you.

Hugs and passionate kisses for adults with languages. At this moment, if the meeting was spontaneous (you walked all the day together, after studying or only from work) and you, not cooked to sex, you need to take up to the shower. It's just: - "I'll wait in the shower?"

In case you were there shortly, this step can be skipped.

From the shower you need to go out in one towel, you do not need to be cheap, you do not need heels. Pretty 1st Towel. Yes, and straight in hug.

It may be that your cavalier will also be as asking for a shower, and if you join him at one moment, it will be only happy. This is not certainly done, but if he is already in your soul, you can safely (waiting for a 5 minute) to look at it, and it is orally hinting what awaits it in bed, let it stroke.

Lady orgasm during the first intimate proximity for the holy man. He is even more important than his own. So do not worry, the man will try to restrain himself at the right moment, will be affectionate and gentle. It is a principled for your assessment.

But remember, if you just lie down and get pleasure, it will be the last date.

All men adore active women in bed

Let you be moderate, quiet and shy in daily life, but not in bed. Your activity should not be laid, do not fuss and do not need sharp movements. Smooth erotic touch, delicate stroking. No need to read anything, you can just reach gestures.

Understand, you need to adore his dick. Touch your fingers with my palm and aiming his lips. There is an ordinary formula: - 1st orgasm for a man. You can fully and absolutely satisfy the man orally. Boldly compress his dick in the cam, boldly embrace his lips. From time to time it is quite difficult to achieve ejaculation only orally. Therefore, help handles. The man will be ecstasy. Let his seed be in your mouth, let you swallow it. Maybe it is not pleasant for you. But at the moment, because it is not about this, at the moment about how to satisfy a man? ". In general, if you make it cum on the chest - it does not spoil the paintings in general.

2nd time!

At least what a young man (I mean the usual young men), now takes care that you get your own one, two, three, many orgasms. Rapidly in the shower, and back to the bed.

Maybe at the moment it is in a state of nonstunction, nothing terrible! Maiden, if at this moment continue to adore him, admire them, kiss, then the erection will not force themselves to expect a long time. Take the rest member in the pen either in the mouth, and you probably feel like it is gaining strength. Reach re-erection is even easier than re-ejaculation. And this means that now your man is tireless.

Do not limit yourself to the missionary pose (lady below the man from above, face to each other), men adore when the lady from above. Yes, no matter how surprising it sounds, but specifically in bed - men wish the lady on top. Do not confuse to change the pose, feel that you are tired - change the pose, just take the position in which you want to be. Changing the post only excites, and the man will certainly guesses how to put on you. Drive the game. Your active position will help you achieve the goal. And the guy will satisfy and themselves will reach indescribable pleasure.

How to satisfy a man or become an ideal mistress for her husband?

  • Rule number 1 - to be attentive to the partner.

"A little strange in a sexologist's office to hear that the bed problems with our husband do not decide if we are not defined with life installations, upbringing, interests, aspirations. I specifically looked at some very frank films - there are practically not talked to the heroes, but in the end They remained satisfied with each other. "

Life is not a movie, and in this case too. It is possible to learn something with such films, but with my husband a relationship is not one and a half hours, but for life. Do not try to reduce sex, such a simplification is the enemy of sexual well-being.

"I was ready for what I need to learn exactly sex, because I almost had no sexual experience before exploring my husband ..."

Many women would have prevented the initial school course Geish: knowledge of his body, their advantages (we often looped on shortcomings), the art of seduction, the ability to maintain a conversation, to be aware of modern problems ... It happens that it turns out that there is no idea What about intimate, but simply about relationships. As Freud said, a frequent change of sexual partners supports desire, but discoloring the soul. "When you gain experience", you can bring to perfection to the technical part of the sex, but after all the true desire causes only one person - Favorite. And then the spiritual appear at the level of intimate proximity, and in such conditions it is possible to learn sex, discovering everything New peaks of pleasure. Sexual relationships can be sedative, painkillers, tablet from loneliness. But true happiness is only when a physical and spiritual attraction is united. After all, it is impossible to separate the body from the soul.

"My husband and I have the closest people, no doubt: we almost do not part, even work in the same office."

Sensuality in the relationship sometimes becomes less than an excess of proximity. Always leave yourself and partner free space - when you approach a person too close, there is no place to become even closer. And the relationship that is not developing becoming uninteresting. Here are ways to learn your loved one with a certain distance ...

  1. If your husband must speak to the public - at the conference, at the meeting, at the concert, sit down in the hall and try to take it as a professional. You will see, he will seem very sexy.
  2. Assign him a date "On someone else's territory" - for example, remove the room at the hotel or ask the key from the apartment from a friend who is leaving on vacation. Unusual situations are worried.
  3. Go together for a party or other secular event, but agree to behave as if I just met. It warms the feelings.
  • Rule number 2 - not to fall into the trap of stereotypes.

"I read somewhere that men just need a regular sexual life for health, well, and I never refuse to prevent my husband for the prevention, I even try to do it at least three times a week. So you imagine it refuses sometimes ! I do not know what to think ... how to be? "

Three times a week is a myth. Sexy temperament is individual, someone and once a week enough, and it happens that I want every day. The discrepancy in this paragraph from the spouses can be the beginning of the disharmony in relations. It is better not to hope that "will pass" itself ", but to contact a sexologist - now such moments are" aligning "without any problems.

Much worse in the situation described what you "do not know what to think". This is already a signal that just proceeds in your relationship and lack, and not in the sense of the number of sexual acts. In order to become an ideal mistress for her husband, you need before You can only be His like-minded person, sincerely interested in his life, knowing the features - and strengths, and weakness, his joy and problems. Of course, for complete happiness and from the side of the husband there should be the same interest in you. And the mechanical observance of "three-time sex" is not Solves away from distance. Nowadays, she has become a rather acute problem of loneliness in the family.

People live together and do not even know simple things about each other. For example, please indicate on a special Erogenic zone of the spouses of many "chapters of families" put in a dead end. The examination has passed more than 200 couples with experience of relations from 3 to 15 years old - and almost 70 percent of the cases marked by his wife and her husband did not coincide. It happened that the man wrote: "My wife has no erogenous zones." This suggests that married relations turned into the cohabitation of two other people, between which instead of mutual understanding - the wall. They do not see, do not hear, do not feel each other. This should be disturbed, and not counting the sexual acts.

"And I am very afraid to know what he changes me. They say it is inevitable, because men are polygamins. Is it possible to keep it good sex?"

If you love a person, the theory of polygamy disappears unequivocally. And if the relationship is formal, then you can justify yourself with any theory - this statement is suitable for both men and women.

Scientists conducted a large-scale study: six months have been evaluated by the figures of sexual health in three groups of women: lawful marriage, often changing partners and civil marriage. It turned out that the most prosperous indicators - in the latter. Researchers explain this by the fact that in the relationship of civil marriage there is no completeness, persistentness is maintained, intrigue. The belief that the partner belongs to you forever - the killer of sexual attraction! In intimate relations there should be a feeling of the holiday. This is usually looking for "on the side." The one who wants to receive joy from sex should not take him as a marital debt. This debt will not hold people together. Make sex a beautiful game, fill in the world of another person - carry out his dreams. Main task - So that he told you about them, and not another woman.

Semistry rules

Seduction instead of accusations:

I do not remember when we last have sex!

You are such a wonderful lover! Show me this today.

Activity instead of waiting:

Well, since you do not want to do anything, I will not do anything either.

I bought massage oil. I know that you are tired, but for sure you will withstand a massage session.

Be inquisitive, but not a freeze:

Good family relationships require at least three sessions of sex per week. Let's start with this Monday!

What would you like to try with me?

Appreciate and not evaluate:

You are always so demanding!

I like your inexhaustible fantasy.

Leave freedom of choice instead of putting pressure:

I will offer something now, but if you also participate in this too.

I had a great idea, what do you think about this?

"So I try! Somehow decided to provide a passionate night of love - I bought expensive, very beautiful underwear, the belt for stockings, supplemented a mini skirt and a blouse with an extensive neckline. In this form, he met her husband from work. But he watched her I am dressed, or rather, spreading in all the laws of seduction, with bewilderment and even a light longguing. And then I asked for a long time, what happened, instead of being able to be involved in the kitchen table ... The conversation went into finding out relationships (I, of course, was offended - all efforts Wasy!), And the family life is integrated in almost a week. What did I do wrong? "

The fact is that erotic underwear excites not every man - this is another myth that spoiled a lot of romantic evenings. Someone prefers to see his wife without lingerie, and someone - in the "innocent" white panties. Do not think that "all of them are the same." Success - in an individual approach to the partner. The outbreak of passion can not cause underwear at all, but a frank conversation, for example. Or watching an erotic film. Or walk through the forest, a joint visiting gym. There are no standards in intimate relationships.

Take a closer if the spouse did not have any problems interfering to thinking about intimate joys? Do not forget that sexual disorders may occur as a result of diseases. And perhaps, in childhood, they inspired him that only women of easy behavior would look out, then all the focuses with changing his wife would not really be rejected, but rather upset. As you can see, the coincidence of these two worlds is the views on the life of a man and women - it is very important in sex.

"I also thought about seductive dances, even on the Strip-Dance section was discharged. But I didn't go. You know, my tummy is so noticeable ... and the chest is small. And on the hips - cellulite! Well, how will I show him a striptease?"

First, the most beautiful woman is the one that is satisfied with his appearance. Of course, you need to follow yourself, you should not hide behind the motto "What is natural, it is not ugly." But to strive to not meet the standards, but yourself like it. You need to be able to enjoy life, do not cultivate the negative and not focus on problems. Love yourself And the surrounding will also love you.

And secondly, sociological polls show that more than the external data of men appreciate sex. Translated from the English Sex-Appeal - "sexual call". That is, sexiness is all that attracts representatives of the opposite sex, including the voice of the voice and shine in the eyes. The criteria of sexuality have their own. And if the husband chose you, then cellulite Not eclipsed by your positive qualities. It is not necessary to shy myself - this is the secret of sex.

  • Rule number 3 - to amaze and delight.

"Sometimes I think: maybe to become a super love, need a special talent? What if I don't have it?"

In fact, people are liberated, aware of their desires and seeking their exercise, as well as those who are all allowed on samoneck. This also applies to sex. How would you make a career, shy to work?! If you carry out parallels and then - from the first time you turned out, for example, borsch? Remember how much effort it is necessary to become a skillful cook. And admit, still there are failures. So, in intimate relationships, too, you need to try and try. An ideal mistress can be, just making love. To be happy in bed, pay time to your sexual progress. "Self" nothing happens - very little instinctive left in human sexuality. And it is not necessary to think that the number of partners is proof of the cleverness in sex. Rather, on the contrary, it is worth a long relationship with one partner that it is possible to better understand and learn to give him pleasure.

Time is a friend of sexuality! Be curious, try to explore all the possibilities and do not stop there. You can come up with anything with a single condition: do it not because you need "or" suddenly will help ", but because it gives you the most pleasure. An important moment for women: only enjoying life (and sex!) You can not lose external attractiveness over the years and sex.

"It seems to me that even such extreme as a parachute jump, can not be the tenth time as exciting, as in the first. That is, in a long relationship, the feelings are inevitably dulled, whether it is worth spending forces, because you can't change it?"

Nature did not provide for a person a button by clicking on which after many years of living together you can immediately experience a feeling of love - with all his pleasant unrest, excitement, and overlooking. And the desire of sex, of course. But intimate relationships is a lot of happiness and joy for a person, and the one who underestimates them, knowingly refuses longevity and well-being. So, it is worth looking for ways to keep yourself in a state of love. Small things in everyday life you can cross a lot. Do not forget, in a joint life there must be an element of a beautiful game. At home, we often "without veil", but you need to keep a mystery - it is very important in intimate relationships. Great lovers like Casanov could create an illusion of extravagania, a holiday - this is exactly the main secret. That can be borrowed. Try to do what Yes, unusual. For example ...

* Suggest your husband instead of watching TV at night to listen to your expressive reading. And take an erotic novel.

* Give him a purchase certificate ... in a sex shop.

* Make a spouse erotic massage. Only a real! For such a case, buy a tutorial or sign up for massage courses. If it is troublesome for you, go together to the massage salon.

* Use modern appliances. To write each other exciting SMS and email letters are already quite trite, and you start a page on the Internet, where you will anonymously paint your intimate fantasies. And send him a link.

You did not think why many women with difficulty tie long relations? It is even difficult to sometimes be unequivocally called the cause of separation - it seems like both good, adequate people, and there were no obvious contradictions .. just happened ..

If your last man left himself and not in the monastery, but to another woman, then you need to immediately change something in yourself right now! So, we take on the agenda the question: how to satisfy men, To become the only one, about which he will always sincerely want to take care?

First of all, let's remove pink glasses and forget about everything that poets have been in verses about love. Let's try to look into the eyes most closely. In real life, in fact, when the desire appears find a loved one For relationships, as well as the satisfaction of many other needs, go where? To the bazaar, where there is a "product" and there is a "buyer".

Remember why the last / current man chose you exactly, although there were a lot of other not less worthy women nearby? The acquaintance occurred not on a deserted island, where simply besides your candidacy could not be found anymore, right? What is the reason for his definitely such a right solution?

Everything is simple - because you are more than the other women at the time at the moment it corresponded to its criteria About "beautiful" and possessed the best than them, qualities. And only therefore serious relationship began.

Based on all this, he wanted to meet with you. In other words, there was a clear list of your advantages over the rest (it is even possible to record it, a little digging in your buyer's head), and it was for this reason that he liked you, and not your girlfriend. Agree with me?

Consequently, if you want to keep a man, then do not lose these qualities you need at least, but as a maximum -

improved them continuously!

There are several standard win-win criteriaI don't stop reminding me of, because it is the basis of the foundations at all times:

  • exterior - Well-groomed hair and nails, dresses, shoes on a heel, makeup;
  • manners the most pleasant and charming;
  • communication is a light and interesting, delightful voice and cheerful laughter.

Conducting periodically changes in them and following the reaction of a man, already in a month you can work almost unshakable holding scheme. It is very important to "follow the reaction", since all people are individual and, of course, there are excellent measures for a particular person.

For example, a man loves to make a relaxing massage for the night. Well, here he is, "lovers of beautiful." You must adapt to it, but it is fundamentally important At the same time, to be very careful and know the face, so as not to turn into a silent maid, which as always quickly get bored, and the owner will go to look for a more interesting option. How to do it?

By the way, we, by the way, dedicate a lot of time in our women's club, and already from experience you can say about the right version, preventing a bad turn of events.

Want to become for a man the only thing - become the only one first for yourself!

What does it mean? And the fact that there was no such thing there is no, there may not be! In any case you do for yourself, do it exclusively! No wonder they say that the king is visible in the swamp, precisely because he knows that he is the king, and behaves accordingly! So be the same as the queen in everything! Try to implement his uniqueness Everywhere, for example:

  • When you go to the restaurant, make sure that this is the best place.
  • Order only what you really want to eat despite the price.
  • And in general, today to pamper yourself with something that you have long wanted, but they spoiled for this time and money.

The main conclusion:

Love yourself - and this will automatically feel your second half!

And after that, you can "indulge" your beloved massages, compliments and concessions. All your works will now be very difficult to devalue and even on the contrary, a man will appreciate everything that is done for him, as he knows that you are worth a lot. He will route you Equally, as you value, and certainly does not want to exchange to another, as it knows what treasure is waiting for him at home: beautiful, confident, causing all his desires woman! And you, in turn, will swim in his love and admiration.

I am sure you understand how nice it is! For this, there were no long treatises about whether "that in no case cannot be done to make a man not gone", But it turned out - you just need to go to the mechanics of the relationship in our world. Agree, he will play with completely new paints when you accept and love yourself!

Be sure to read the material in addition - how to become a beloved, and the question of how to satisfy a man will never put you in a dead end, because now you know exactly the answer!

You already live with your husband for no first year. Surely, remember the first dates, meetings under the moon, gifts and passionate nights, when everyone received an incredible dose of pleasure. But why everything has changed now. Where was the was a passion, where are the stormy nights, when did you fall asleep in the morning? In front of you, the same question arises: how to re-seduce your husband and establish a sex life?

It is good that you have become thinking about it, it means that the whole situation is not indifferent to you, and you definitely want to return the family life in the same direction. In fact, the temptation is a rather complicated process that requires the costs of incredible forces and, of course, his own desire to become desired for her husband.

How to seduce my husband at home

Is it possible to continue family life for a long time without sex. Definitely no. Partners quickly annoy each other, begin to quarrel and look for every shortcoming. If you do not want to turn your seed life into a terrible nightmare - it's time to act.

To begin with, start with work on yourself. Put your body in order, go to the cosmetic salon, do not be afraid to give the annal amount of money to make yourself beautiful. In general, you can change your style of clothing and hairstyle.

Change your lingerie to seduce your husband for sex: make it more sexy and seductive, but also do not overdo it. The too open outfits can bring your husband in a frank shock: until the same, he used to see you in cotton underwear, without any rustle and candid cuts.

Change the perfume - bring your life to the taste of new flavors and unusualness. Try to maintain your new image every day. Husband should see what his attractive wife, and want her.

Change the situation in your bedroom. You can even make a small repair. Change the color of the walls to more exciting, for example, red. Hang beautiful curtains and be sure to work on a family lie.

Throw old bed and buy something new. Silk linen can become a good option, and if you already have it, I just update it. Create a romanticity atmosphere in the bedroom: dispel the candles, put a saucer with roses petals - they may need at any time.

Subscribe your newly raging emotions every day: Speak to each other tender words, kiss and be sure to miss when you had to part. To know how to seduce your husband, you need to understand that only permanent and painstaking work on your relationship is able to give a positive result. Love should always be accompanied by your life and never fade is the most important point of the plan for seductivity.

How to satisfy your husband in bed: erotic techniques

To begin with, I should tell my husband that you wish to play the game of touch. Tell him that you have a desire to satisfy him and give pleasure that you are very pleased to learn and feel your body next to your.

How to seduce and satisfy your husband - just! It follows him to say what you want to do with it. Tell me, what you want to spread it. Remember his characteristic gestures when they coming home and starts to shoot their casual clothes.

Such gestures show them to proclaim themselves free from all daily worries, from the whole of the official. And if you stretch your hands, thereby showing it that you are ready to help, do not doubt that he will be only happy.

In order not to have a question - how to satisfy your husband in bed, you should know your man thoroughly. What he loves, and what not. What wants, what dreams of what wishes. Tell me, what you want to enjoy the minute when it will undress.

And your and his movements should be slow at that moment, because it is often at this time many couples miss such valuable seconds of pleasure. Slowly and sensually shoot a shirt and trousers from him, after which, without hurrying, explore his erogenous zones.

Hold his hand in your. Burn the tongue on hand, then take it to his palm with your delicate and hot fingers. On the back of the palm there are very sensitive hairs, which will be extremely pleasant to touch female hands.

The hand that you kiss, let her take up your chest, let it cares her, after which you can afford slid and lower. Kiss his fingers, smooth them. Most likely, a man wants to answer the same, it's not worth it to resist.

But it is possible and forbid it to do that, saying that the pleasure of today will receive exclusively, and he will answer you, the love of him will be a little later. After studying his hands and lips, ask him to sit on the bed or try to get it there after it.

In the bed, circle his contours of the fingers of the feet with their gentle hands, they are extremely sensitive to any touch, but especially the pleasure of them will deliver exactly the tender touch, which comes from the beloved woman.

To seduce your husband, make it a gentle and easy massage. And it may not necessarily be back or shoulders. Massage can be performed almost on any part of the human body. Whether it's a hand or leg, head or belly.

Nor do not doubt that your gentle touch will deliver a true pleasure man. It is not worth it to show that further sex will be a reward for a man for something or, they do not like it very much. It should be shown that sex is a given to a beloved man, without any reasons.

An important component of success is to satisfy her husband in bed, is your appearance. He must be attractive for a man, he must want you and lies.

It should be followed by your body, because so that the man does not say that he loves you such as you are, after all, each of them periodically looks at young and slender girls. In this case, it is worth keeping your body in good shape.

By the way, few who will like excessive hair vegetation on his wife, so you should make these small disadvantages as carefully. But it should be remembered that the irritation in the bikini zone will be even worse for the perception of a man than complete noncuses. And, of course, you should not simulate orgasms with your beloved man, even if it raises his self-esteem, most can greatly distinguish deception from the real state of affairs.


Whatever oaths lovers were given from the wedding altar, sooner or later, every woman begins to understand that her husband began to give away from her. If she is smart enough, it does not fall into despair, but begins to look for an answer to the question - how to re-seduce her husband.

Despite the seeming conservatism in desires, all men are actually looking for varieties, including in women. Therefore, learn this thin art - to give a man a variety in your face, otherwise, sooner or later, he will go to look for him on the side.

A woman always has to be a little actress, which is subject not to one amplua. It should be a reliable friend, and a tender and depraved mistress and a loyal friend and even a random fellow traveler, with which you can speak without a rustle.

Although your husband should feel that he is exactly the person you need. However, it should not be given to forget that there are many men in the world who would gladly occupy his place. Let he catch the admiring glances that other men accompound you. However, it should be ashamed and, flirting with a colleague for work will not play out and do not go to the invisible face that separates the innocent flirt from the wrong courtship.

Many men love the so-called sex marathons when sexual intercourse continues quite a long time - perhaps all night. To seduce your husband and hold out all night, you should not choose the days in the middle of the working week, the ideal option will be a weekend or vacation, when you can enjoy each other as much as possible. After all, an important success factor in such a matter will not be concerned with pressing affairs and the lack of early lifting.

In addition, it follows the ability to turn off all the phones, for some time the world can live without you. Of course, you need to properly prepare the room, maintain windows, light the candles and remove all things that can be paid attention to during intercourse. The room must resemble the room that is created exclusively for sex.

It should be minimized by all possible irritating factors - if there is a stuff - turn on the fan or air conditioner, if it is hot - close the balcony, if they are noisy on the street or neighbors - turn on the music. Naturally, it is necessary to take care that water has always been water during sexual acting, because sex isolating no less than a running distance, and permanent running for everything that can reduce sexual impulse.

In this regard, it should be remembered about all the important and necessary attributes of sexual intercourse, each pair can be different in each pair, so something advise here is simply meaningless.

Any relationship between his wife and husband must be actively supported by a sexual aspect of life. Each pair should have many methods, addictions and poses in sex. Only when mutual understanding will not have questions like: "How to re-seduce your husband and satisfy him in bed?"

You can seek help to Kama Sutra, if standard postures and preferences are tired and do not bring the desired results.

In the post, when the partner is top, the most top meeting of the partner is achieved. Because the male body creates the effect of "covering", thereby protecting from all adversity and fears. Of course, such a pose like both men, because It will not require any additional loads from them, thereby allowing both partners to get maximum sexual satisfaction.

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No matter, half a century lived or just a day, women seek to be perfect. However, in the sexual sphere, many moments are confused with an excellent half, because many suffer low self-esteem and uncertainty in themselves. The question of whether they are good enough in bed, tormented almost every woman, because they do not want the spouse to satisfy their needs on the side. Knowing that your chosen is good only with you, the nerves will save not only the female half, but also men in order not to torment them with jealousy and questions.
Several tips:
1. There is such a concept as temperament. If your husband does not seek to conquer you in bed every day, it does not mean that he cooled. Therefore, do not hurry with the conclusions. The needs of people are different, and still stress and bad habits do not affect the best way. Therefore, it is impossible to try to change the soul mate.

2. It is necessary to find out the wishes of the spouse. An ideal option would be a joint viewing video for adults. Some of the plots you like can be implemented in reality.
3. Some mistakenly believe that the process of prelude is not interesting. No one will give up the prelude, especially if the woman itself was organized. Try a variety in the form of erotic massage, while use aromamasla, trough, etc. From such an initiative, a man will be delighted.
4. It is necessary to find out where the most sensitive zones of the partner are located. This is not always the area below the belt, as many think. Also, a woman should know where she has "the very" places.
5. It sounds trite, but the opposite floor actually loves his eyes. Therefore, it is necessary not only to care for yourself, but also change the wardrobe to please the eye.

Tips are simple, but if you do everything, and not just read, your partner will always be interested in you.