How to improve the intellect of the child and not lose your own. Intellectual development of preschool children

Intellectually developed, smart personalities have always been at a great price. A person characterized by a good knowledge luggage in a variety of spheres has an advantage over other people, which leads to success in professional activities. A developed intelligence and readiness should be distinguished. After all, you can know a lot of fascinating information, but do not be able to analyze them, compare, logically thinking. Today there have been many ways to develop intelligence, which can be used from early age.

Intellect baby

Knowing that the human psyche is the ability to perceive the world around in a certain way and respond to it, it is easy and understand what intelligence is. - Quality of the psyche, covering all parties to human activity: both mental, and emotional, and physical. This ability to adapt to a variety of situations based on its level of development. In other words, well-developed intelligence is a synonym for a harmoniously developed personality, combinations of the wealth of the inner world with physical development.

"Do you know that the development of intellectual abilities of a child is an integral part of harmonious development, which includes spiritual and physical education?"

Many parents will create a question: why develop intelligence at the child? The answer is obvious: so that the child becomes able to quickly, easily and efficiently study, successfully use acquired knowledge, make discoveries in the future or learn how to do anything else. Consequently, the development of intelligence needs to be paid from early childhood.

Stages of development of intellect

First of all, the level of intelligence (mental coefficient, IQ) is manifested in the mental ability of the child. Thinking is directly related to physical activity. Moving, crawling, running, tough on puddles or playing with sand, baby learns the surrounding reality, developing the brain. It is in this connection that it should not limit the motor activity of the crumbs, allowing him to independently know the world. Bans and restrictions inhibit the brain activity of the kid.

Younger schoolchildren will intelligently develop, playing desktop or computer logic games. The game is a great way to organize learning anything. Agree, it is much better when the development of intellectual abilities takes place in an unobtrusive atmosphere.

Even more interesting, how to intelligently develop adolescents. The school program complicates the year after year, and therefore the first exams can be a real test for schoolchildren who have intellectual difficulties. Youth age is characterized by changes in the physical and mental spheres, as well as some decline in cognitive interest. Here, parents need to think carefully how to stimulate the intellectual development of adolescents, not only forcing them to read more.

Intellectual Development Factors

"Do you know that baby breastfeeding activates his mental development?"

The mental development of the child depends on certain factors:

1. Genetic factors. It is meant that that the child gets from parents at birth. The level, quality and direction of the intellectual development of the child depends on these factors.

2. Factors that occur during pregnancy Mother. What kind of lifestyle was pregnant, it is reflected in the mental development of the child. For example, the delay of the mental development of the future child can affect:

  • infectious nutrition
  • lack of iodine in the body of the mother
  • diseases during pregnancy
  • reception of medicines
  • drinking alcohol, narcotic substances, tobacocco.

3. Factors of the external environment.Violations in mental activity of kids may arise as a result:

  • poor food children
  • lack of communication
  • restrictions of motor and cognitive activity
  • incomplete family.

4. Factor of a large family.Studies have shown that the firstborn is more mentally developed in contrast to other children in the family. However, in large families, children are better developing in social terms: they easily acquire communication skills and are adapting faster in society.
5. Factor's social status factor. Children from very poor families do not always please their school performance of parents.
6. Factor influence school. In most general education schools, teachers still consider it a good one student who is calm, answers questions as it is required of it, nothing does without demand. These characteristics do not correspond to children with high creative potential: those that show a non-standard approach to solving tasks. Only individual and personal-oriented approaches to education will stimulate the mental development of children at school today.
7. The factor of the personal qualities of the child. The development of mental abilities affects what character and temperament has a child. Thoughtful children are attentive to the fulfillment of complex tasks, but they are not sure and fear failures. The freeware children are somewhat superficial, but they can spontaneously show creative impulses.
8. Factor of personal qualities of parents. Well, when parents are intellectually developed, successful, confident in themselves, love their work: in such conditions, children are developing faster. However, this is not the main condition in order to raise a smart child. The main thing in the upbringing is the concern of parents and faith in the strength of children.

Intellect of preschool children

"It is interesting. The brain of the child is formed up to three years by 80%. Try not to miss this moment to form a baby's intelligence. "

Seeing the toy for the first time, the baby carefully examines it: it looks, turns, shakes, tries to taste, listens to it. Knowing about this "research" nature of young children, you need to offer them toys that stimulate their mental ability:

  • block designers
  • toys that can be disassembled
  • simple household items with which you can play.

How else can the baby study the world, developing the brain?

  1. Try to buy not all toys. Toys can be made with your own hands, transform household items in toys: it will be more interesting to study them.
  2. Attract a child to joint creativity. Make a toy with a child and play with him.
  3. Let the child use different items that interest him as a toy. Naturally, in a reasonable framework: they should be safe.
  1. Many toys dispel attention. Therefore, the extra toys is better to clean.
  2. Children love multifunction toys.
  3. Toys from the store usually rapidly bored by the baby.
  4. The child is more interested in complex toys that can be explored infinitely.

Along with playing games, engage with the child didactic (educational) games, play on the street in sports games, read and train the baby reading, start comprehending with a crumb of foreign language aza, do drawn and model, musically develop a child. No need to overload the child. Ideally, when classes are held in a game form, fascinating and pleasure. Only then the intellect of the preschooler will develop naturally and harmoniously.

Watch the video about how to develop mental abilities of kids

Features of the intellectual development of schoolchildren

The leading activity of the younger schoolchildren becomes studying. Based on this type of activity, children are actively developing, concomitant features (analysis, planning and other), the need for training and motivation to it. From how interesting training activities are being carried out, as far as it is successful, the development of the student's personality depends. In the process of training activities, children master the ability to learn and use theoretical knowledge. refers to the intensification period of intellectual development. Mental development stimulates other student qualities. Due to this, the awareness of the need for training activities is coming, the emergency and intentional memorization is carried out, attention is developing and the ability to focus, etc. The success of intellectual development at this age depends on the identity and activities of the teacher, his ability to creatively approach children's learning, to use modern learning methods, aimed at stimulating all cognitive processes, consider the individual characteristics of students.

Interestingly, the school children are formed in school age. In one warehouse of the mind analytical, in other students - visual-shaped, and the third is characterized by the presence of both figurative and abstract elements. In order to harmonically develop the minds of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to work both on the logical and on the figurative component of the mind, the presentation of the training material volume.

Successful study contributes to the presence of such components of schoolchildren's thinking:

  • be able to think: analyze, synthesize, summarize, classify information, formulate judgments and conclusions;
  • to be able to think critically, having several solutions to the problem;
  • be able to allocate the main thing, to see the goal.

To successfully develop thinking at school age, it is best to use educational ideas. This pedagogical technology assumes that the tasks are of a problematic nature, which stimulates the active development of the student's intelligence.

Diagnostics of intelligence

Knowing the level of development of the mental development of the child, you can correctly select training methods for it. To determine the level of IQ, use special. For kids - bright pictures, considering which and answering questions, a child demonstrates a certain level of its intelligence. Preschoolers can undergo diagnosis using special tasks and questionnaires.

For testing IQ schoolchildren use psychological tests. They are built in the form of blocks aimed at the study of intelligence in different fields. Focusing on the results, you can find out how it perceives the information best.

Methods of development of intelligence

What can improve the mental quality of the child?

  1. Games, developing brain. These can be chess or checkers, puzzles, logical, psychological and board games.
  2. Mathematics and accurate sciences. Mathematics teaches structuring concepts to treat everything with the order.
  3. Reading. A good feature book will always give the ground to think. Read the child, learn to read yourself, discuss read.
  4. Training.The learning process is valuable in itself, as it activates the development of all human abilities.
  5. Studying of foreign language.
  6. Cognition new. Read the encyclopedia and directories, see educational films and programs, come on. Create conditions in which the child will be interested in opening something new every day. So the horizons and erudition will be expanding. Let the child be curious.

How to stimulate intelligence?

  • constantly ask the child questions
  • use the words "think", "be careful", "remember"
  • walking, resting, let's go a child (watch, count, solve a riddle)
  • teach the child to bring the work started to the end
  • discuss together with the child the results of its activities, detect the shortcomings, think about how to do better.


Develop a child harmoniously. Some books are not enough to make a child smart. Create houses a whole kid's intellectual development system. Do together, paying attention to the comprehensive development of mental abilities. Let classes be mischievous and benefit.

Is it possible to develop intelligence? Neurobiologists have long been answering this question positively. Your brain is plastic and is able to physically change depending on what you do. And even the most intelligent person has something to strive for. Therefore, do not lose time for nothing! We have collected from our books advice and exercises that will help you become more smarter.

1. Decide logical riddles

Fascinating tasks for training logical thinking can be found in the book of the popular blogger Dmitry Chernyshev "What to do in the evening with family in the country without the Internet." Here are some of them:


This is a kind of credit card. Cubs about the debt paid at the same time were made on both sticks. One kept the buyer, the other - the seller. This excluded fraud. When the debt was extinguished, the sticks were destroyed.


This is a mineson refuge to protect people during bombing. Not everyone had basements in which it was possible to hide. For poor households, the device was free. 500,000 such shelters were built by the end of 1941 and another 100,000 in 1943, when the Germans began to use the FAU-1 missiles. Refuge justified itself. According to statistics, in 44 houses equipped with asylum, which were very bombed, died only three of 136 tenants. Another 13 people were seriously injured and 16 are lungs.


See once again the condition of the task: there was no task "to continue the sequence". If 1 \u003d 5, then, 5 \u003d 1.

2. Train Memory

Until now, you tried to guess the number, choosing the average value. This is the perfect strategy for the game, in which the number was chosen randomly. But in our case, the number was not chosen in any order. We deliberately chose the number that you would be difficult to find. The main lesson of the theory of games is that it is necessary to put yourself in place of another player. We put ourselves in your place and suggested that you first call the number 50, then 25, then 37 and 42.

What will your last assumption be? Is it a number 49? Congratulations! Yourself, not you. You fell back to the trap! We migrated the number 48. In fact, all these arguments about the average from the interval were sent precisely to mislead you. We wanted you to choose the number 49.

The meaning of our game with you is not to show you what kind of cunning we are, but to visually illustrate what exactly does the game: you must take into account the goals and strategies of other players. "

5. Do Mathematics

Lomonosov believed that mathematics brings the mind in order. And indeed it is. One way to develop intelligence is to make friends with the world of numbers, graphs and formulas. If you want to try this method, you will help you the book "Beauty in a square", where the most complex concepts are described simply and exciting. A small passage from there:

"In 1611, Astronon Johann Kepler decided to find his wife. The process began not very well: he rejected the first three candidates. Kepler would take the fourth wives if he had not seen the fifth, which seemed a "modest, leaning and capable of licking the adoptive children." But the scientist behaved so indecisiously that he met with several women who did not interest him. Then he still married the fifth candidate.

According to the mathematical theory of the "optimal stop" to make a choice, it is necessary to consider and reject 36.8 percent of possible options. And then stop at the first one, which will be better than all rejected.

Kepler had 11 dates. But he could meet with four women, and then make an offer to the first of the remaining candidates who liked him more those whom he had already seen. In other words, he would immediately chose the fifth woman and delighted himself from six unsuccessful meetings. The theory of "optimal stop" is applicable in other areas: medicine, energy, zoology, economy, etc. "

6. Learn to play musical instrument

Psychologist, author of the book "We are music" Victoria Williamson says that the effect of Mozart is just a myth. Listening to the classic work, you will not achieve an increase in IQ. But if you do music yourself, then you will help the brain to work better. This confirms the following experiment:

"A number of thorough analyzes of communication between music lessons and IQ in children spent Glenn Shellenberg. In 2004, in a random order distributed 144 six-year-old Child from Toronto in four groups: in the first, playing classes on the keyboards, in the second - the occupation of singing, in the third - acting skills, and the fourth was the control group, where there were no additional classes. For the sake of justice after the study, children from the control group proposed the same classes as the rest.

Training lasted 36 weeks in the school allocated for this. All children have passed tests on IQ during the summer holidays before these classes began, as well as at the end of the study. Criteria of comparable age and socio-economic status were used.

A year later, the considerable majority of children have better proved themselves in the IQ test, which is logical because they have become a year older. However, in two groups where they were engaged in music, the increase in the mental development coefficient turned out to be more than in the acting and control group. "

7. Practice awareness meditation

Meditation not only helps to reduce stress levels, but also helps to develop memory, creativity, reaction, attention and self-control. More about this method - in the book "Awareness". Board of it:

"You noticed that the older becomes, the faster the time flows? The reason is that with age we are becoming habits defined by behavior patterns and live on "Automat": the autopilot leads us when we have breakfast, clean your teeth, go to work, each time I sit on the same chair ... As a result, life goes By, and we feel unhappy.

Spend a simple experiment. Buy chocolate. Calm a small piece from him. Consider it as if you see for the first time. Pay attention to all breaks, texture, smell, color. Put this piece in your mouth, but do not swallow right away, let him slowly melt in the tongue. Try the entire bouquet of tastes. Then slowly swallow chocolate, try to feel how it flows around the esophagus, mark the movement of the sky and language.

Agree, the feelings are not at all as if you just ate a bar without thinking. Try to do this exercise with another food, and then with the usual actions: show awareness in the workplace, while walking, prepare for sleep and so on. "

8. Learn to think non-standard

The creative approach will help find a solution even in such a situation that the majority will seem hopeless. book author"Ricestore"i am sure that any person is able to train creativity. To begin with, try to apply Leonardo Da Vinci method:

"Leonardo da Vinci has a way of developing ideas was: he closed his eyes, completely relaxed and mastered the sheet of paper with arbitrary lines and doodles. Then he opened his eyes and found out in drawn images and nuances, objects and phenomena. Many of its inventions were born from such sketches.

Here is a plan of action, how can you use the Leonardo da Vinci method in your work:

Write down the task on the sheet and reflect on it within a few minutes.

Relax. Provide your intuition with the ability to create images reflecting the current situation. You do not need to know how the drawing will look before you draw it.

Remember your task, denoting its borders. They can be any sizes and take out the outlines of your desire.

Exercise in drawing unconsciously. Let the lines and doodle themselves dictate you how to draw them and place.

If the result does not satisfy you, take another sheet of paper and make another drawing, and then still - as much as you need.

Explore your drawing. Record the first word that came to mind relative to each image, each slope, lines or structure.

Tie all words together by writing a short note. Now look at how written corrected with your task. Have you appeared new ideas?

Be careful to questions arising in your mind. For example: "What is it?", "Where did it come from?" If you feel the need to find answers to specific questions, then you are on the right path leading to solving the problem. "

9. Explore foreign languages

According to the researchers, it contributes to the development of the brain and helps to preserve the clarity of the mind even in adulthood. In the leadership of the Susanna Zarayskaya Polyglot, you will find 90 effective advice, how to learn new foreign languages \u200b\u200bis easy and fun. Here are three recommendations from the book:

  • Listen to the songs on the study when you lead the car, visit the household houses, cook, care for flowers or engage in other affairs. You will penetrate the rhythms of the tongue, even with a passive listening. The main thing is to do it regularly.
  • The Non-Profit Organization Planet Read uses Music clips from Bollywood in their program to improve literacy in India, adding subtitles to them in the same language. The format of subtitles is the same as in Karaoke, that is, a highlighted word sounding at the moment. Easy access to such videos increases the number of first-graders who have mastered reading twice. And all due to the fact that the audience naturally synchronize the audio and video sequencers. The method with which in India is struggling with illiteracy, will allow you to compare what you hear, with what you see.
  • Who said the drama is incompatible with the table of incorrect verbs? Soap operas can be a very funny benefit to explore a new language. Simple storylines, and the acting game is so expressive that, even if you do not know all the words, you will still be aware of what is happening, just following the emotions of the heroes.

10. Compound stories

This is another way to become creative and develop thinking flexibility. Do not know where to start? In the notepad "642 ideas, about what to write" you will find a lot of tips. Your task is to continue stories and turn them into finished stories. Here are some tasks from the book:

  • You meet a girl who can close the eyes and see the whole universe. Tell me about her.
  • Try to fit all my life of any person in one sentence.
  • Take an article from the fresh newspaper. Drink ten words or phrases that rushed into the eyes. Using these words, Sochini poem, which begins like this: "What if ..."
  • Your cat dreams of world domination. She calculated how to change with you bodies.
  • Write a story that starts like this: "The weird began with the fact that Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs ..."
  • Explain the gold miner from 1849, as E-mail works.
  • An unknown force threw you inside the computer. You need to get out.
  • Choose any item on the desk (handle, pencil, eraser, etc.) and write a note with thanks.

11. Purge!

The ability to learning depends on the quality of your sleep. Curious fact from the book "Brain in Dream":

"Scientists have discovered that different stages of sleep are intended for various types of learning. For example, slow sleep is important for the development of tasks associated with actual memory, such as combaling dates for history exam. But saturated dream fast sleep is necessary to master what is associated with procedural memory - in how something is being done, including with the development of new behavioral strategies.

Professor of Psychology Carlisle Smith says: "We drank the lippers from which the mouse labyrinth was built on the whole month, and then for ten days their brain activity was recorded around the clock. Those mice that showed a great thoughtfulness in the maze run, demonstrated a large brain activity in the rapid sleep phase. I never doubted that dream and training are interconnected, but now enough data has accumulated so that others are interested in this question. "

12. Do not neglect physical education

Sport has a positive effect on our intellectual abilities. This is what the biologist-evolutionist John Medina tells in his book "Brain Rules":

"All sorts of tests have shown: physical loads throughout their lives contribute to the striking improvement in cognitive processes, in contrast to a sequiguous lifestyle. Adherents of physical education bypassed lazy people and lekes in the indicators of long-term memory, logic, attention, the ability to solve problems and even the so-called mobile intelligence. "

More books about the development of intelligence- .

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Several ordinary tips will help improve the work of the children's brain and achieve great success in school.

"There is no doubt that a balanced diet is important to the health of children and adults," says Edward F. Group III, doctor of medicine and manual therapy, practicing naturopath. - Everything is simple: For full-fledged work, the body needs all sorts of beneficial substances, the brain is not an exception, e mu also requires "fuel", and he gets it out of food. "

Many scientific research shows that the correct diet and healthy habits of nutrition are very important to use the entire potential of the brain in adolescence, promote mental development and keep well-being. "

Food plays a significant role in ensuring a sufficient blood tide into the brain. More actively in his work vitamins A, E, C, D, and Groups, as well as some minerals - magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. Vitamin B12 provides the activity of healthy cells (neurons) of the brain, while the other vitamins of the group B - niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and B6 are important for the production of neurotransmitters, that is, they ensure the coordinated cell work.

A significant role in the development of the brain and the functioning of its normal processes is played by docosahexaenic acid (DGK), which is in our "gray cells". Scientifically proven: DGK improves the ability to master new information. Scientists have found that the multivitamin and mineral complexes are "capable of significantly improving the brain functions of healthy children." However, scientists focus on not on the positive effect of food enrichments, but on how the unbalanced diet affects the brain. This technique is not accidental - the meal of the modern person is quite scanty. Most people lack vitamin B12., and the copper level in the body is too low, which "can negatively influence thinking." Vitamin D.which is also important for normal brain performance, does not come with food in sufficient quantity. The lack of this vitamin is "a frequent phenomenon of both adults and in children", its deficit is associated with cognitive impairment, dementia, muscle weakness, depression and Alzheimer's disease.

Other nutrients needed brain - magnesium, iodine, omega 3, vitamin E, folic acid, proteins and iron. And so far, scientists focus on the most important role of nutrients in the work of "gray cells" of the brain, the content of vitamins and minerals in food rapidly decreases.

Many people lack vitamin B12, and the copper level in their body is too low, which "can seriously influence the function of the brain."

2 Cook breakfast according to the rules

Before sending a child to school, usually parents give their student breakfast. And this is correct: observations show that "missed morning meals worsens thinking and learning ability." In countries where breakfast is provided in schools, students have not only improved memory, attention, creativity, mathematical and verbal abilities - Morning meal also has a positive effect on achievements and cognitive functions. Breakfast is especially important for children aged 4 to 10 years: According to tomography, glucose (the main fuel of the brain) at this age is being recycled twice as fast as adolescents.

However, the rejection of the morning meals is the usual habit of 40% of adolescent countries. But even those who do not miss breakfast, the menu leaves much to be desired. For example, American teenagers prefer cold dry flakes and fruit juice in the morning. Carbohydrates, which are contained in fruits and grain products (bread, flakes), quickly turn into glucose that feeds the brain. Moreover, carbohydrates contribute to the separation of serotonin neurotransmitter, it helps calm down on the eve of important verification work. But most of the dry flakes have no value. - They are thoroughly reworked, contain genetically modified flour and corn, as well as a lot of sugar. One portion of flakes per day for a year adds 4.5 kg of sugar to the diet. And we are not only about flakes. For the sake of profits, manufacturers refuse quality and nutrients in many products. The same composition of the fruit juices should not be called useful. Apple juice, created for the wide consumption market, contains approximately the same sugar as the bank of sweet soda: in the cola is contained 10 table. Sugar spoons, and in juice - 8. In general, juices replenish the ration of American teenagers to 22 table. Sugar spoons (British Teenagers - up to 18.5), and children aged 4 to 10 years old-to 15 table. Sugar spoons.

Such a diet causes a sharp rise in blood sugar levels and causes a pancreas to throw away a lot of insulin. It quickly utilizes simple carbohydrates, whom to the eaten bar or drinking a glass of soda, and since further sugar arrivals do not occur, reduces blood glucose levels below the permissible limit. The result is weakness, dizziness, complexity with concentration, anxiety and fatigue 20-30 minutes after the child ate sweet. In addition, the constant high level of sugar reduces the brain ability to feel the satiety, which can lead to overeating and obesity.

A large amount of sugar is not the only enemy for IQ. Under suspicion, there are also cereals from which flakes, crackers and cupcakes are made. Neurologist David Perlmutter, doctor of medicine, the author of bestseller GRAIN Brain, who received the Linus Poling Prize for work in the science of food, discovered: Even if a person eats all his life, it would seem valuable grain products (even environmentally friendly), inflammatory processes may appear in the body which are able to cause attention deficit syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, depression and other health problems.

What is better to eat in the morning?

The best breakfast consists of ... eggs. He prepares from them different dishes: vegetarian Omelet, Italian Frittath, supplemented with salted salmon, etc. For a long time, the eggs were considered harmful to health (as well as all products that increase cholesterol levels), however, in fact it is an excellent source of proteins. In addition, eggs contain the necessary amino acid organisms, vitamins A, D, B12, iron, choline, unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol - No wonder 25% of the human brain consists of it from it.

To avoid monotony, neurologist advises not to forget about snacks made from raw nuts, coconut flakes, fresh berries (preferably from strawberries and blueberries) and milk.

7 products that stimulate the work of the child's brain

American food scientist Jil Castle recommends products that strengthen cognitive capabilities.

Avocado.It is rich in useful omega 3 fatty acids that enhance the tide of blood into the brain. Its flesh can be smeared on bread or, cutting the fetus into two parts, slightly sprinkle with Himalayan salt.

Blueberry. This berry is an excellent source of flavonoids, so improves memory, attention, logical thinking. Blueberry Handwood Mix with natural Greek yogurt, pour the mixture into a bottle and give a child to school. And if you pour into the blueberries with milk, you can get an excellent dessert!

Dark chocolate.Flavonol, which contain cocoa beans, strengthen the inflow of blood into the brain, so they activate mental activity and improve the mood.

Eggs. In one yolk, it contains approximately 200 mg of choline, and it is very important for children up to 8 years. In the eggs there are also iron, folate (folic acid) and vitamin A.

Fat fish.Umega 3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in seafood (salmon, mackerel, sardines) increase the ability to solve problems and concentrate on a difficult task, and also improve memory.

Nuts.They are an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids, there are also many vitamin E, which protects the brain from degenerative diseases.

Olives.Monounsaturated fatty acids that contain olives provide an oxygen inflow to the brain. Moreover, oil from these fruits is an excellent source of valuable antioxidants.

3 Make sure the child is well poured

"Many factors affect the efficiency of the brain, including physical activity, good sleep and balanced diet"," Says Dr. Science, a certified and licensed nutritional specialist in Connecticut Gil Castle. A sufficient amount of sleep is so important for successful studies that in 2014 specialists of the US Pediatrician Academy have developed recommendations for primary and secondary classes (from the 6th to 12th), in which they persistently advised the management of schools to start classes not earlier than 8.30.

Intellect - quality is not only congenital, but also acquired. Psychologist Richard Nisbett gives advice on how to purchase it, improve and convey to your child

Richard Nisbett: allocations and rules that will help you increase the intellectual level of your child

Intellect - quality is not only congenital, but also acquired.Psychologist Richard Nisbett gives advice on how to purchase it, improve and convey to his child.

For a long time it was believed that the intelligence is entirely determined by heredity. Education and education If there is some influence on intellectual abilities, it is insignificant. Schools and universities convey a certain set of knowledge and help to master specific operations like an invoice and letters, but do not make people smarter. If you are smart, then you have "such genes". Today, this look is completely refuted.

Many findings about the primacy of hereditary factors were based on banal errors. For example, scientists compared the twins, which from the very early age were brought up in different families. The difference in the level of intelligence between them was minimal. From this I followed the conclusion: the upbringing and environment do not matter much. But the researchers did not take into account that families who take on their care of admissions, are also almost no different from each other - all these are families with a fairly high income and level of education.

People become smart, not because they have "such genes", but because they had the opportunity to become such.

This does not mean that heredity does not affect anything, or that the child is a "clean board", on which the family and the environment can portray what they do. Congenital abilities matter. But the way you will use them and develop - no less important.

Based on numerous studies of the psychological development of children, the famous psychologist Richard Nisbett from Michigan University (USA) in the book "What intelligence and how to develop it" suggested several ways and rules that will help you increase the intellectual level of your child.

Intellect is formed before the maturity period occurs, but it is necessary to maintain it at a later age, so these rules will be useful and adults.

1. Exercise

Although future mothers can worry that physical exercises are risky, there is evidence that they increase the intellect of the newborn without any risk, both for the mother and for the child.

In a perfectly organized study, 40 pregnant women who are accustomed to often and actively carry out exercise, half of them, scientists asked to vigorously exercise at least three times a week - run, engaged in aerobics, skiing. And the other half suggested limiting the load walking.

By five years, the IQ children involved in women were 9 points higher. The study, perhaps, makes sense to repeat, as such a difference seems implausably large.

Exercise is useful for the child, for the future mother and in general for everyone.Training of large muscle groups really contributes to a more intensive growth of neurons, and experiments - at least on animals - show that physical exercises improve the blood supply to the brain. Exercises have a positive effect on intelligence, even if you begin to deal with relatively late.

The elderly people who are engaged in physical education, the ability to solve problems remain in the constant level longer than those who lead less active lifestyles.

<...> Power training in combination with special loads for the heart is more useful than just special exercises. Those who are regularly engaged in physical education in adulthood are three times less often become victims of Alzheimer's disease over the age of 70, compared with those who are not engaged. Even starting to do after 60 years, you reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease half!

2. Training of mobile intelligence

Contrary to popular belief, computer shooters do not reduce, and sometimes even increase the level of intelligence.

You can improve mobile intelligence using different types of activities, and not only in childhood.

Remember what is movable intelligence:this is the ability to solve non-standard tasks, where the previously learned rules and concepts may be useless.

Tasks of this type include progressive matrices equal. In this test, the test is proposed by geometric shapes, changed in a certain way, and it must promptly display the rule, on the basis of which it will be possible to predict the next stage of transformation of these figures. Classes that stimulate the development of mobile intelligence include computer games that train attention control and work memory.

Neurophysiologist Rosario Rueda and her colleagues described several types of games that contribute to the development of rolling intelligence in young children. One of them is the so-called prognostic exercises. An option of the game of this type that Rueda with colleagues used was that the children had to guess where the duck would nourdle, which in front of it dived into the pond. With the help of the joystick, the children managed on a cat on the screen, moving it to where, as they assumed, a duck should appear.

Training of mobile intelligence using such exercises helps children to cope with progressive matrices are equal to that require good attention control and work memory. These functions of mobile intelligence play a particularly important role in learning children who have not yet reached a teenage period.

3. Self-controlling

The famous Walter experiment Michela with Marshello.

The most reliable of the available data testify in favor of the fact that in children with a self-control level above the average intelligence is usually quite high, and in addition, with any intelligence, they have quite high performance.

Personal psychologist Walter Michel and his colleagues conducted a study in kindergarten at Stanford University, where children went mainly from secured middle-class families, and found that those who were able to endure the delay of remuneration and as a result, not one cookie now, and two But later, in adolescence there were higher estimates and significantly higher scores on SAT.

The same dependence was detected when monitoring children from the families of poor minorities in New York: the more patience showed a child in experience with a delayed remuneration, the higher his school assessments were.

It turns out that the correlation between the level of self-control and the middle score is twice as high than between the IQ and the middle score.

Here we can already talk about the presence of a causal relationship. Self-monitoring practically probably gives additional advantages, allowing you to achieve more than we can expect on the basis of indicators of human intellectual development.

Unfortunately, we are still unknown effective ways to develop self-control in children, but some studies still give to understand, in which direction it is worth moving. We know that if an example of an adult, rewarding yourself, regardless of the child, is likely to come in the same time before the baby's eyes. And if the child sees how adults allow themselves a fair remuneration only for well done work, he tries to follow the same rules.

4. Teach children flexibility - and praise for diligence

For parents, it is very important to inspire children that their intelligence is in their power.Asians are very inclined to assume that the abilities need to be developed. It is not surprising that Americans of Asian origin make more efforts to achieve better results during training than Euro American. Moreover, failures are more than success, serve for them incentive for even more hard work.

It is very important to inspire a child: if something does not work the first time, you need to try more.

Probably, you should not reward children for their mind. It is better to celebrate and encourage the hard work, which directly depends on their will. If the child is praised for being the mind, he specifically tries to demonstrate his capabilities, choosing the tasks with which he successfully copes, and trying to avoid those who are not given to him so easily. In other words, if the child praises for the mind, he seeks to avoid difficulties and is not even trying to take into the fact that he could give him some new knowledge and experience.

In one very interesting experiment illustrating this consideration, the age psychologists Claudia Muller and Carol FEK said children that they very well coped with the tasks of the test of progressive matrices equal, and awarded them both for the intelligence and for diligence. They then offered to children to perform other tasks - either simple ("So I can fine with them"), or complex, requiring effort and a non-standard approach ("So I will learn a lot, even if I will not look smarter than everyone").

Of those children who praised the mind, 66% chose easy tasks, thanks to which they could once again demonstrate their intelligence; And from the children who were awarded for zeal, more than 90% chose more complex tasks, the execution of which helped them learn something new.

If the child achieves success thanks to the abilitiesHe does not want to risk and discover that maybe it's not so smart. If the result is achieved by zealous laborThe child seeks to continue to take on the tasks that will allow him to check the limits of their own opportunities and acquire more diverse experience.<...>

Those who praised the ability, less sought to continue working and less often they said that they are interested in solving other tasks, in comparison with those whom they praised hard work. Those who were originally praised for intelligenceThey coped with a smaller number of tasks than those whom they praised for the effort. Moral: Remote adjacent, not the mind.

5. Do not reward the children for bringing them pleasure

It is wrong to promise the child a remuneration for making something that you want to encourage if the child is and so interesting.

Together with the age psychologists, Mark Lepper and David Green, I watched the pupils of the kindergarten, who were engaged in new things for them - painted "magic" markers.

Most children really liked this occupation. Then we promised some children an award if they draw something to the markers for us that they were glad and did. Then, a couple of weeks later, the children again offered markers. Children who have previously awarded the drawings began to draw less than those who were not awarded, and their drawings were worse.

It turns out that the contract prisoner has turned the game to work.

We praised the drawings of other children who did not promise remuneration, and subsequently these children were painted markers more than those who did not receive any awards nor praise. So, if you want your child to do something, praise him for the already done. No need to promise a reward for what he will do.

However, sometimes the reward is justified.If the child is not going to do something without remuneration, then it is possible to conclude an agreement with him. If his initial interest in activity is low, the promise of awards may encourage the child to do this, and then maybe he will be interested in this case.

6. Effective mentoring

Rising your children, try to keep the "five C" Mark Lepper in my head (Control, Challenge, Confidence, Curiosity, Context): Encourage a sense of control in the child, put complex tasks in front of him, inspire confidence, excite his curiosity and, giving him a task, relate it to the context: with a real world or films and TV situations and TV situations Program.

In addition, you do not need to focus on small errors, for example, if the child forgot to put a sign "-"; Try to prevent errors, with the exception of those cases where the lesson can be learned; Do not simplify the material for the sake of self-assessment of the child, but better change the method of feeding; Specify the leading questions; And do not take a child over measure.

7. Schools

Finally, some considerations about schools. As far as it is in your power, try to define your child in a class with the best teachers, especially at the very beginning of training.

Avoid inexperienced teachers.If at school, where your child learns is not used effective computer programs for learning reading, mathematics and natural science, try to discuss with the administration the possibility of their application.<...>

If the school does not use cooperative learning techniques, in which children work on solving the tasks and acquisition of knowledge together, offer to use them at school. Find out whether the director of your school is aware of the best qualifications, and learn whether it is possible to encourage the best. If there are no such possibilities, try to influence the public council of the school so that it becomes possible.

Communicate against a preissing attitude towards the presence of various kinds of certificates and academic degrees.

There is no evidence that teachers with certificates and degrees work better with children. Teachers must pay more time to developing pedagogical skills using colleagues and specialists who would have been observed for their work and provided support and feedback. Posted.

Oleg Matfatov

I have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

In this article:

The development of intelligence in children can occur independently or under the sensitive leadership of adults. Clear thing that the same child developing in different circumstances will grow by a completely different person. So, if at an early age, the child's development will be actively engaged, he will be able to achieve more than if parents are empty by the situation on Samotek.

Those who do not stand aside, allowing the crumb to develop their potential independently, to identify the deposit, finding them. And the wrong parents shifting their children's development to children's educational institutions. However, there is also a moment of excessive pressure for the sake of comprehensive development, which manifests the round-the-clock load on the child, which is poured into mental disorders, chronic fatigue and apathy.

At the same time, many parents are asked not only about how to develop a child's intelligence, but and what factors affect these processes. From whom the baby gets a leaning to thinking? Whose genes prevail? And so on and so forth. If you believe the results of research, mental abilities are most often transmitted from the mother, while the development of the mind is influenced by the environment and conditions in which Karapuz is raised.

As soon as the baby is formed in nature, he will have a desire to know the world. Here it is necessary to show maximum effort. But not in the development of intelligence as such, but in stimulation of desire To knowledge. Only an integrated approach will help crude interest, the main condition of which is the provision of choice.

The development of intelligence in the child takes its beginning in the womb. No wonder, many pregnant women listen to classical music, which has a beneficial effect on the intellect of the future baby. At the same time, moms choose smooth, delicate and beautiful melodies. They not only calm down, but also form a sense of excellent, actively affecting brain centers. It is at the moment of listening to the mother of the classics of the fetal brain cells intensify and transmit a maximum of positive information directly affecting the development of intelligence.

Factors of development of intelligence in children

Most parents think that the main factors of the development of children's intelligence are attention from adults, communication on equal and educational classes. Everything is so, but not quite. For example, one of no less important factors, which is often not taken into account by adults, is proper nutrition.

Studies confirm the fact that not only on the vital activity of the child, but also on his mental ability it has a special influence breast milk. In addition, balanced nutrition at an early age forms mental qualities, developing intelligence up to adolescence. Therefore, the question, whether to feed the child with breasts or when lactation fails to switch to adapted mixtures, disappears by itself. Lactation should be adjusted! If it does not return to the fullest, it is necessary to feed the crumb to at least the amount of breast milk, which is available, even if you have to do it with a spoon or a bottle after prior compression.

The following factor affecting the development of intelligence is the conditions of education. The child needs peace and positive atmosphere. Tensions leads to frequent stress, which in the future beat the hunt to learn. Therefore, the baby should be made to give a maximum of positive emotions, while trying not to spike out permissiveness. Calm, favorable, joyful and light atmosphere - here is the key to the desire to develop at the kid.

What else is needed by a crumb for the development of mental abilities? Of course, care, support, warmth, love, attention, positive attitude, which would be transmitted from parents to Chad. Children should not only hear that they love them, but also feel this with each cell. Give your siblings love. And not only in the conscious age, and from birth. And even better - with the womb!

When a child feels love, he feels its significance. This is important for the development of intelligence, because with the awareness of its significance, the child acquires self-confidence and its own forces. Therefore, besides love, we should not forget about praise. After all, there are such parents who never forget about the censure, but always forget about the praise and its meaning for the development of a future personality.

Even the smallest achievements should praise. Let the child live with positive emotions. Approval plays a greater and important role on the way to the feats. Inspire your genius - let him create and improving without fear and look at the reproaches and censure.

Metal Development Methods

The first and most important rule in the education of a child is respect. And not only the child must respect the parents, but they are him! Yes, it's a little karapuz, but first of all he he is a man, with his desires, abilities, fears and hopes. Therefore, parents should learn to respect their child and demonstrate this respect from an early age.

In addition to respect, the child needs to formulate the tasks. Do not require it from the same as from adults. It is one thing to respect the baby, as an adult, another thing is to demand that he does not know what he does not master, but in the end it will be forced to recognize the defeat, accompanied by disappointment and the understatement of self-esteem.

In the house in which a harmonious and purposeful person is growing, and mutual support always reigns. No need to do everything for a child - just instill faith in it in your own strength, support and help. Do not require much: it can confuse and scare. The baby will have to think how you can please, while he will understand that it is not able to do this.

The harmonious development of intelligence needs stimulation by means of inflow to the oxygen brain. To do this, it is necessary to regularly be in the fresh air and no less regularly ventilate the premises. Walk better in parks and squares, where there is no high gaspace. To improve the influx of blood also helps regular charging or gymnastics. It is also useful for strengthening the overall state of health.

Beautiful stimulant development of intellectual abilities - books. From infancy they can read parents to children, and a little later, the baby will want to learn to read. At the same time, not only read, but also to discuss read, pushing the crumb to thoughts and reasoning.

Talents of the child

To develop the talents of a child, they must be revealed first. How to do it? The easiest way is to observe the baby. He will definitely show his abilities and interest in one or another kind of creativity or craft. What attracts crumb? What is interesting for him to do? What can he speak infinitely? What is the main dream of a young son? Answers to all these questions will allow you to collect one-piece picture. At the same time, the most important thing is that parents should make, - ask the child, what would he want to do, and not solve it for him, which makes the majority parents. Moreover, they choose the direction of activity, focusing not on the possibility of a baby, but on their ambitions, most often unsatisfied in their own childhood.

Some moms and dads give children into early development schools, wanting to start teaching the baby as early as possible, to then be able to boast of his success before familiar, relatives and loved ones. This approach is incorrect. Like the fact that the child should not learn from the most diapers. Childhood is given to a person to know the world in the game, freely, without obligation and coercion.

In order for the child a desire to learn, he needs to provide psychological comfort. Overloading a son or daughter, especially at an early age, parents will achieve the opposite effect. By the time Kroch goes to school, he can harvest the learning process or losing interest to him.

The optimal age in which experts recommend to give children to specialized mugs is five to six years, but not three years old, when a child should be only a child, without worries and stresses of a person with a tight schedule.

Are the talents inheritance transmitted? More likely no than yes. Genes are naturally important. But sometimes their combination can give a striking result that none of the ancestors have possessed or on one of the lines. If the child develop natural deposits, they can please be excellent results. The main condition of development is the pleasure of the baby, which he should receive from the process. At the same time, the child itself is obliged to be strong and healthy. Only with such conditions can be safely going ahead to the goals and success.