How to choose an aroma for a woman. How many perfume can cost? Quality is the last, but important criterion

Correct the perfume - art, not every woman and a man, can use them. Spirits seduce, bring pleasure, become a means of expression, sometimes cause disgust.

Aroma We choose guided by intuition, not logic. It can be argued that the perfume is a business card I, which is hidden from the eyes.

Surely, you noticed that the change of mood or condition of the soul leads to a change of fragrance. That yesterday caused delight and admiration, today it does not cause emotions, but it annoys. How to choose for yourself your favorite fragrance? How to please your beloved (beloved) when choosing? How not to get lost among thousands of attractive bottles?

There are no unambiguous tips, as there are no two identical people. Each smells are perceived differently. Some and the same spirits "sound" differently, depending on the color of the hair, the type of skin, temperament, season time.

Recent studies have shown that aromatic addictions are associated with life experience, social status and human character. For example, floral options attract energetic people. Romance and dreamers like warm and vegetable. Flower-fruit smell choose funny and carefree natures.

In the oriental smells are collected fairy tales of the East, they have to deep feelings and focus. They choose people seeking freedom and independence who want to emphasize the originality. Men try to pick up the perfume expressing the ideal. Leading wood notes and smell of skin.

Men's aromas

The market of male perfume is saturated as female. The gamma flavors is rich and extensive, which causes confusion. Men are conservative and retain loyalty to the selected smells, even if they came out of fashion.

Buying toilet water, men are guided by the recommendations of the consultant, which clarifies, for what type of one or another odor is suitable. If a man sees a definite type or wants to match him, he will choose the smell, even if not fit. Notes if the perfume men are successfully selected, it is a merit of a woman.

Male smells are always stable and saturated women, thanks to special ingredients. Special components, perfumers they are called "notes", emphasize masculinity, strength and independence, restraint and calm. Often, men express individuality with perfume. Some consider the stronger than it smells, the better, not believing with the opinions of those present, and then they are surprised why the first date turned out to be unsuccessful.

Video Tips and Selection Rules

To impress the companion, it is better to choose natural smells. Time is changing and now brand creators are looking for not too simple and banal images for men. The compositions of perfumers each time becomes more difficult.

Choose perfume for a woman

People compare their own fragrance with magical actions. If you are guided by the content of the vial, and not a brand or type of bottle. To accurately and correctly make a choice, it is worth listening to the advice of perfumes.

  1. Going for buying better in the morning. At this time, olfactory recipes are most active and sensitive. By evening, nuh dulled.
  2. The optimal period for choice, a few days before menstruation. At this time, the perception of smells intensify.
  3. Before going to the store, do not use spirits, deodorant or toilet water, it interrupts the smell and distracts.
  4. It is better to buy in boutiques with a good reputation. Avoid random markets and underground transitions. Sites selling perfume do not always cause confidence.
  5. It is recommended for one trip to the store not to sniff more than 4 odors, the smell receptors are tired and lose sensitivity. It will not be possible to completely feel notes of fragrance and its composition. If you are in a perfume shop, you will be offered a jar with coffee beans or cocoa beans.
  6. Inhale the smell between the tests, which will restore the susceptibility of the nose. Do not try to argue the immense, do not try the entire range. If you could not find the perfume from the proposed limit, do not despair, return to the store on another day.

Useful advice

Choose perfume in style

It is believed that bright and sweet smells are suitable for brunettes, but not very tart. Blonde, owner of light skin, suit with fruit and freshness notes. Blonde women who have a matte skin shade, perfumers advise to pick up elegant floral notes. Brown shoes are ideal for inimitable oriental perfume.

The color is not the only argument when choosing. Considate individual style, age and character. Under the tenderness and romantic of the blonde, a strong and powerful woman can hide, and the brunette, on the sight of the volitional and strong, may turn out to be a tender and romantic nature.

Not every brunette is suitable spicy or sweet options. Young and mischievous lady, it is better to choose a fragrance of freshness, tender and romantic nature - floral. Stylish and confident blonde with a strong character, advise you to pick up perfume with chypro and woody notes.

Regardless of the color of the hair, but with a strong, can be in charge, saturated, bright tones are suitable, sometimes similar to men. Sultry and erotic ladies are suitable oriental perfume, and gentle, romantic agents, fresh or fruit tones.

Express method

Basic levels of smell

Perfumes distinguish 3 levels of spirits: upper notes or initial level, basic or main, residual or aftertaste.

As soon as you open the bottle, it immediately fits a sharp fragrance, this is the upper notes. You can not judge on this smell or outgoing from the inside of the lid, the true fragrance is manifested after 15 or 20 minutes after applying to the skin. Only then can the real character of the spirits.

If the perfume is resistant, after applying to the skin it is felt by another 20 hours, and after about 10 hours it remains barely caught fragrance - aftertaste. If you like the smell on three stages, it is worth thinking about the purchase.

Immediately interest options do not apply on the skin. For a complete feel better to apply to a special paper strip test.

Apply perfume on the strip, wait a few seconds and sniff the probe. Sphay at a distance of 2-3 cm, if the fragrance triples, apply a droplet of perfumes on the wrist, thumb through 10 minutes to make sure how well it is combined.

Immediately lack a bottle with content, if everyone liked. Perfume is not going anywhere. This is not a cat and not a dog. Take a strip-test home with you. Spirits on the skin are not timed to give the opportunity to open the aroma completely, noting how it changes during the day. If in this case you are not disappointed, the next day, go to the store to purchase a clicked bottle.

What odors attract most?

Perfumes consider weapons, the fighting appended the opposite sex. To charm a man, it is enough to take advantage of flavors, because he loves not only his eyes, and the smell of a woman is worried. Many will retempose by saying that the natural smell is better, but, in combination with a good and well-selected perfume, it gives additional sensations.

Most often, sharp flavors are not perceived, and preference is given to gentle, barely catchy. According to scientists, the fruit fragrance causes appetite in men, and not quite to borschs and salads. The aroma of Ilang Ilanga and Vanilla causes a passionate desire in a man. They are good to bring up a man, and when it comes to the bedroom, it is better to choose an aroma with notes of eucalyptus, ginger or patchouli. According to perfumers' specialists, jasmine for men resembles a natural smell of a woman.

Perfume and seasons

When choosing spirits, take into account the seasons. In winter, in the period of the new year, the chip notes are better perceived. The wooded shade with sharp tart notes will emphasize the wealth of fur, it seems to exude warm, so necessary in winter.

Summer are appropriate sweet, honey-oriental tones. With him a woman is like a drop-down flower bud, attracting bees.

To keep up with the times and not fear to choose a perfume released from fashion, buy a classic: generally accepted brands or news in the world of perfumery. Such a choice is optimal and suitable for almost all occasions.

  1. Do not keep the perfume in the bathroom, high humidity, heat and direct impact of light, harm them. Keep them in a dark place.
  2. Try other cosmetics to pick up the same with the perfume series so that there is no multi-chance. If oriental notes are present in the spirit, shampoo and shower gel choose similar.
  3. Perfumes are applied to clean skin on the wrist, the elbow fold, under the knee, under the breast, under the urine of the ear or the hook of the neck. Some recommend to strike a droplet of favorite spirits above the upper lip, in the sink, even with the most close communication to feel the wonderful aroma and charming breathing.
  4. You can smear your hair, overlook the dress is not worth it, the fragrance can show the essence only on the skin. On the dress can remain stains.

The life that we transform smells pleases, brings pleasure, chas and fascinates. If you choose an aroma for the time of year, day, outfit and circumstances, life will play with other colors, it will become brighter and rich.

Perfume for a modern woman is the same piece of wardrobe as everything else. The correct aroma will increase the attractiveness of a woman at times, it will emphasize her style, task the mood for the next day or evening. It is very important to know how to choose the perfume - even the most beloved your products may be inappropriate at certain events or, on the contrary, too fastened and bright for everyday use.

The choice of composition is separate art, no less important and complicated than the selection of clothing or accessories. If you consider this with attention and effort, the result will be pleasant to amaze you.

What spirits differ from each other: how to choose your fragrance perfume

High-quality toilet water is different from cheap fakes by two factors: the duration with which it remains on body and clothing, as well as the presence of several strokes in one bottle, inaccessible immediately to avoid mixanins. It is possible to achieve this only with the use of a special production technology, thanks to which the loop is not destroyed immediately, but gradually. Thus, the quality product consists of separate blocks that organically combine and do not interfere with each other. Such blocks are called "notes" and are clearly classified.

As notes are placed in a common pyramid

  • Initial (top) note. This smell is felt first as you and those surrounding. Often it is the most pronounced component, fresh and memorable. The actions time is only 15 minutes, after which this part will destroy, allowing you to manifest themselves next, deeper. Standard flavors: citrus bats, coriander, rosemary or pink tree.
  • Cardiac (average). Based on the name, it is clear that this segment is perceived by the creator as a major, as the meaning of the entire part of the perfume. The components are usually persistent, wood or floral, hold a couple of hours after weathered initial. Standard representatives: Jasmine, Verbena, Geranium or Pink Essence.
  • Basic (lower). This is what remains with you for almost full day (10-15 hours). In high-quality toilet water, the database pay more attention. So that the scent holds, the most persistent natural: vanilla, sandalwood, sage, oak moss fall into the bottom notic. Even the fler of animal origin like amber, musk and cybeth.

Having these knowledge, it will be easier to understand what you want from your perfect bouquet. Understanding how to choose the perfume for yourself, will come by itself. The main thing is to understand what the smell you want to wear for a long time, and how do not want to feel more than hours or two.

Perfume from the very moment of their invention is of consumer's court in elegant bottles - these works of art often cost much more than the fluid itself. And if the initial technologies were too expensive and imperfect, then the development of the modern world in the perfume community passed the tradition to associate the color of the water and the direction of the composition - the signal of the potential target audience is supplied.

Thanks to this unwashed rule, any woman can understand how to choose the perfume for themselves, focusing on his color. Here are some examples of how the manufacturer gives you a signal:

  • lilac, violent and pink tones sign that the bouquet suits young girls for romantic meetings or modest casual socks;
  • deep blue and purple tones say that the fragrance is strong and in good quality heavy, slowly dishes and fits adult women for evening clocks;
  • red is talking about warmth and sexuality, often such bouquets are given to sweetness or spices;
  • green toilet water is ease, unobtrusive citrus, mint or herbal smells, is remarkably suitable for everyday wearing women of any age.

Thinking how to choose the right perfume or perfume, do not forget about your companion if he accompanies you. The choice of toilet water for men is no less wide than women. Few people pay attention to the compatibility of satellite fragrances, but a couple who will do it will be an undisputed highlight of any event.

For a man and women there are separate pyramids. Having studied them with the minimum knowledge of their preferences and wishes, you can easily understand what spirits it is better to choose yourself and your companion.

What a perfume or toilet water to choose without ocked with the type

People who are not interested in perfumery may think that all the words that are called women's and men's aromas in everyday life - just synonyms, one way or another, who arrived in different countries and cultures, and now simply used in parallel. It is like that - a big mistake, and the manufacturer on the package writes the name on the basis of not from his own desire, but only from the composition.

Perfumes (this is how the French word Parfum translates) - the most expensive type. They have the highest level of concentration, 20-30%, which allows such products to be effective during the cold seasons and relevant in evening events. The last, the last, the lower notes - they are ashamed skillfully, since they are designed for considerable socks. Their minus is that wearing them in hot weather or early in the morning it is not recommended. Strong bouquets in such conditions will be unpleasant and you, and others.

Toilet water is an easy, day version of perfume. Suitable for use in hot weather, as it does not reach heavy lower chords, while remaining on the upper and medium. It disrupts quickly, but the toilet water is designed for several applications during the day. The concentration is only 6-10%, suitable for everyday use. How to choose toilet water for yourself - imagine the fragrance that you want with pleasure to feel even in the most sacrifice weather or indoors, it will be the perfect option.

Parfum water is a cross between toilet water and spirits at a concentration (15-20%). Designed for daytime use, it lasts 5-7 hours. It is pronounced "Heart" in it, it is the average chords who hold longer than everyone else. It is not worth overdoing with it - attempts to apply such a product several times will not give the desired result, but only spoil consistent steps.

Cologne - the easiest view. Mainly used by men, but female cologne exists, too, enjoy at work, on trips, with very hot weather. The concentration of cologne is 3-5%.

What to choose - toilet or perfume water? If you can not decide on, pay attention to the oil tools. Typically, a share in such a cosmetics for the body (in its number of milk for the body, oil or facial skin care products) is small, but it is felt bright, although it is not long - a large surface of the application is affected. Oil plants rarely have heavy, resistant odors. This is usually citrus, fresh notes.

How to choose your fragrance of perfumes for an important event.

Perfumery is closely connected with time. Using, for example, evening compositions is invalid in the morning - you will look like a person who did not get rid of yesterday's toilet. In everyday life, light bouquets that will not interfere with it to productively work or fully relax, do not annoy the too heavy or sweet fler, explicitly intended for a public evening event. To preserve the naturalness of your daily image, select Citrus, Forest, Fresh, or Slightly Spicy Smells.

For an evening access to the world (it may be a trip to the theater, a concert, buffet or filmmaker), any real compositions with a strongly pronounced "basis" and a concentration of 20-30% should be approached. Use any option as hard as he did not hold down - at the evening event, far from everyday affairs, it is permissible. Choose deep floral, wood chords.

How to choose the flavor of the spirits for yourself if today is waiting for dinner in the restaurant? It all depends on your company. On a romantic dinner with a loved one, you can afford to afford spicy and sweet bouquets - vanilla, rose, fruit notes and spices. But on dinner with business partners or family, such a fler will be inappropriate. Depending on the importance of the situation personally for you, make a choice between the casual and evening deep bouquet.

How to choose yourself perfume

Alas, the peculiarities of weather conditions and the time of the year are also dictated by perfume modes their conditions. From the weather directly depends on how long your product will hold and what it will turn in conditions of high humidity or, on the contrary, unbearable heat.

In winter, any option will be weathered faster - it acts cold on it. For confidence that your favorite product will not destroy quickly, in the morning, give preference to strong fragrances. Sandal and rose suitable, noble muscat - all these are tart and warm chords that will become just by the way to the cold.

In warm periods, everything is diametrically opposite. You will have to think about how to choose the right spirits for yourself and do not prevent these people around people. Your favorite sweet smells of colors or spices can be corrupted by heat beyond recognition. Everything rescued at first and strong over time, on the bottom note, it will be too heavy for a hot day. With this weather, you have to use a lot of hygiene products, which is sometimes mixed with a composition into a very unpleasant duet. For stuffing hours in the office, use refreshing options - mint, herbal, citrus. All that exudes freshness is suitable.

How to find and pick up your fragrance of spirits

Not every woman has experience in the selection of perfumery. Finding the perfect creation is a whole art and there is nothing galloping in not to own it perfectly. But this skill will not be superfluous, it will be useful to create a harmonious image under any circumstances.

If you seriously think about how to choose an aroma for ourselves, do it live. Find in the city profile shop and find out everything you need is very convenient, because in any such salon there is a sales assistant who will gladly help the Council.

  • Before you ask the Council, listen "blindly", not knowing the age category, gender recommendations and the high-profile name of the manufacturer. Trust your taste.
  • During the day you will perceive well only 3-4 options. Ask a consultant to bring those perfumes that match your preferences as much as possible and choose from them. You can apply the most likely to a special blotter (dense paper strip), but only one - on the wrist.
  • Do not rub the liquid into the skin - you do not speed up the process, just spoil the impression.
  • Spray the cloud over yourself. So a special "loop" is formed, the most imitating the natural spread of the flue around you.
  • Do not inhale the fragrance deep and all at a time. In this case, satiety will come, you will quickly lose the sharpness of the sense of smell, and further fitting will be corrupted until the next day.

Do not hurry, if you do not know how to choose the right perfume for yourself, especially if you do it for the first time. You should not take the first thing that happened if no longer distinguish thin notes - it is better to postpone the visit to tomorrow.

Where best to choose perfume

"The first Moscow store of customs goods" will provide you with the level of service, which is no different from the cabin of the appropriate subject. To disassemble how to choose the perfume "Montal" or any other, we will definitely help. In the store you are consulted exclusively experienced specialists who have worked in the field of manufacture and selling perfumes for more than one year. Buying products from us, you acquire a sincere desire to help you find your fragrance and all the necessary conditions for the wanted bottle to get to you on time.

Remember your composition - continuation of your wardrobe. Its choice requires a good taste no less than any other subject from your image. Respect your chosen option, do not abuse them, not allowing him to reveal in all its glory, and you will see how the spirits will transform you every day.

The fragrance is a business card of any seducer. Good perfumes require good money. And the fragrance can say more about a woman than a suit, hairstyle and makeup combined. Therefore, every woman should know everything about how to choose perfume in order to acquire what reflects its individuality.

First you need to understand what spirits are suitable for you. Sea, ferns, chip, oriental, floral - such fragrances are allocated today. There are also their combinations. You need to think and decide which family is more in taste, more precisely, by smell, personally to you.

It should be remembered that the spirits are like an outfit or makeup. That is, one of them can be "wearing" during the day, and others in the evening. Some and the same spirits are not used in the office and at the party. The aroma for the day should be light, unobtrusive. The fragrance for the evening can be strong, spicy, sensual. Having thought about how to choose perfume, remember how in the yard the time of year, and in accordance with it, choose the fragrance. Energetic citrus and sweet floral perfumes are good for summer. In winter, the cream will be a spider fragrance.

Professional perfumers believe that between the temperament of the woman, the color of her hair and the aroma that is suitable for it, there is a relationship. Spicy scenic east flavors are suitable brunette brunettes. For blondes, a good choice will be light fragrances with floral notes. Redhead is worth stopping the choice on a bright, but fresh aroma. Gentle suitable brown shoes. Perhaps this is a good way to choose perfume.

Another way to get "in the apple" with the choice of spirits is to choose them under your temperament. Oriental and chip aromas are harmonized with calm and restrained behavior. For active ecstasters, floral and citrus smells are suitable. Sweet flavors worth choosing romanticians.

Of course, choosing perfume according to the rules is not quite true. Rely on your own taste is the only unmistakable tool, how to choose perfume. Advertising, packaging, loud name, seller's recommendations - all this is secondary. The first role is given to your taste and opinion. Do you feel that the fragrance delivers unpleasant sensations? Do not take it. You have to feel this fragrance during the day, so he should be pleasant and comfortable.

In how to choose the right perfume, it matters not only the fragrance itself, but also how you try it. Perfumes allocate three stages of fragrance. The first stage is immediately after applying. The smell concentrated, too strong and sharp due to alcohol. But it is here that its main emphasis is heard. The main fragrance opens after a quarter of an hour after applying. It is this smell that will be present around you for 20 hours, so this is the main landmark. The residual fragrance is preserved another 10 hours after weathered the main one.

To choose perfume, the situation of aromatic neutrality is needed. Do not use high-spirited cosmetics, do not use other spirits. Selecting the fragrance, first acquire a probe. In a perfume shop, it is easy to make a mistake, so it is worth checking the spirits in another setting to understand their fragrance to the end. Only with the aroma for several days, you can understand, it suits you, or not.

The choice of perfume is a carefully thoughtful event. In order not to throw money into the wind, due to the unnecessary acquisition, go to the selection of the flavor seriously.

"Perfume is invisible, but it is an unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. He notifies the appearance of a woman and continues to remind her when she is like. "

Coco Chanel.

How to choose the same, "your" fragrance? What is different toilet water from perfume? Where can I apply perfume? Why are some aromas "stitch" after applying? The rules for individual choices of perfume fragrance are very and very multifaceted. How not to make a mistake with the aroma? 5 tips when choosing perfumes from cachefobrand.

5 secrets of the choice of spirits

1. There is an incorrect view that if the fragrance after applying ceases to feel, then this is definitely "your" smell. This is not true. If you stopped hearingx after applying, then your the body protects you from tiring odorsnot to overload the olfactory system.

2. If you think how to choose perfume, then do it best in the morning when the brain is not yet overloaded by other odors. For one trip to the store you can listen to a few flavors, the three most liked - apply on the tester and only one - which will like most - apply on the wrist.

3. Perfumes adviseapply fragrance to certain "Hot" points on the body. These include the area on the neck near the artery, wrist, elbow, knee and shoulders.

4. It happens that after applying the fragrance "soul". This is a physiological reaction: allergies or spasm of vessels. If the fragrance really liked, but it is too much, you can use the trick - apply it to the area between the blades.

5. Very many after applying the fragrance begin to rub it. It is not right. Alcohol should evaporate naturally - It is necessary that the spot from spraying perfume completely disappeared. Only then, after about 20 minutes, you can listen to the aroma and distinguish its other notes.

Families of aromas

Skip and green

Smells of hay, moss, fresh grass, geranium, lavender, honeysuckle, bergamot, green tea. Examples - Chanel No19, Green Tea from Elizabeth Arden, Into The Blue from Givenchy.


Synthetic aromas that are revealed only from heat exposure to the skin. A bright representative is the most famous flavor chanel # 5. Examples - Climat from Lancome, Very Frank Olivier Women from Frank Olivier.


The most common family in female perfumery. Contains smells of roses, valley, jasmine, lilac, lilies, peony, mimosa, cloves, violets, magnolia, chrysanthemums, daffississ, etc. Fragrances Champs Elysees from Guerlain, Eternity Moment from Calvin Klein.


Apple fragrances, pears, apricot, pineapple, orange, peach, papaya and other fruits. This is Lemon Fresca from Guerlain, Touch of Pink Women from Lacoste, Paloma Picasso from Paloma Picasso, Amor Amor In a Flash Edt from Cacharel.

Leather aromas

Tobacco, moss, juniper, birch to manage, smoke fire. Scandal leather fragrance from Livin, Cuir de Russie from Chanel, Colonia Leather from Acqua Di Parma, Par Amour from Clarins. Rarely used in flavors for women and are suitable for extraordinary and self-confident people. In the end, only you decide which spirits to choose.


Smells sandalwood, rose bush and patchouli, dry cedar, myrta, musk and blue iris. These include Truth Women from Calvin Klein, Dolce Vita from Dior, Carolina Women from Carolina Herrera, Trustsardi Fresh from Trustsardi.

Eastern notes

Vanilla, Cinnamon, Carnation, Jasmine, Tubery, Muscus, Patchouli and Sandal. If you do not know which perfume to choose for evening exit is the best option. This includes Opium from Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry Brit Red from Burberry, Chanel Allure Women from Chanel.

Sea odors

Freesia, green apple, citrus, synthetic notes. These flavors prefer young girls or business women - Dune from Cristian Dior, L'Eau Par Kenzo from Kenzo.

Real spirits are not just a solution of various essential oils. Their creation is a whole art. That is why good high-quality perfumes can not be cheap. A difficult task is the choice of fragrance, which would emphasize the individuality of the woman and attached to her a unique charm. To understand how to choose the spirits so that the "soul turned out", it is worth using simple rules.

How to buy spirits

Buying spirits - a fairly responsible thing, because they are not in vain called invisible clothing. They should not only reflect the fragrance of the perfume composition, but also to enjoy their owner.

In specialized stores there is so rich assortment of perfumes, which is difficult to choose something one. Several tips will help facilitate this task:

  • going away to buy perfume, you should not use perfume or deodorants with a pronounced smell;
  • since in the morning, the smell perception threshold is the highest, this is the best time to choose spirits;
  • to the question of how to choose a male perfume, you need to approach, guided by certain features of the chosen character;
  • you should not take perfume in the market or in small shops, good perfumes should be sought in branded shopping centers;
  • do not rub a drop of perfume, evaporation must happen gradually, then the flavor will be revealed better;
  • for one visit to the store, you can carefully taste no more than four odors;
  • if you immediately liked the flavor of spirits, you should not hurry with the purchase, their composition will completely open later - it is better to put a drop on the wrist and trace during the day, as their smell change;
  • preferring smell smell from the bottle to know that it will not be able to understand the fragrance;
  • since the perfume composition begins to open about half an hour, it is better not to immediately sniff a strip with a tester, but a little wait. It must be remembered that the smells are revealed at a very different way, otherwise than on paper;
  • if the spirits of good quality, then their smell will be saved for a long time.

Features of choice

The fragrance of spirits is disclosed gradually. At the initial stage, sharp notes are manifested, which gives the alcohol basis. The exceptions are oil perfumes, which should be preferred. External factors have a significant impact on the perception: the presence of extraneous smells in the store, the interaction with the skin, the ambient temperature and humidity, and even the time of day and the weather.

After evaporation, the basics begin to reveal the main fragrance. It holds almost a day and should become a major reference in the preference of certain spirits. After the main flavor of the residual fragrance remains the main one for a few more hours. To decide which spirits to choose, it is better to first purchase a platoon with the fragrance and use it for two or three days. During this time, the smell of perfume will fall completely, it will be clear, these perfume fit you or not.

When choosing perfume, it is necessary to be guided by other factors - in the summer it is better to choose flavors of flowers and citrus sodes, and in winter - wood smells. The day spirits should have a gentle light fragrance, and in the evening it can be more dense and spicy. Perfumes are also divided into the nature of prevailing flavors.

The most common flavors

  • The most popular are floral flavors, among them are distinguished by such as the valley, violet, lilac and others. Their basic smell can be very gentle, slightly caught, and concentrated, sweetish. They are loved by young girls, and mature women.
  • Spicy oriental smells are present in amber flavors with musk notes, ginger, sandalwood.
  • Ozone, sea flavors create a feeling of coolness, impending thunderstorms, ocean breeze.
  • You can choose for summer. You can choose beautiful refreshing smells of citrus fruits - orange, lime, grapefruit.
  • Fernic flavors are created by exquisite compositions with lavender notes, oak, vanilla.

Classification of perfumery products

The perfume assortment is also classified by concentration and resistance of flavors.

  • On the upper step on this criterion are perfume. Their saturated flavor is preserved for a long time, the concentration of oils is above 20%. Flakes with spirits are distinguished by small sizes.
  • Daytime spirits or perfume water occupy second place on the concentration of smell and its resistance, but their price is much more accessible.
  • Lovers of light smells will prefer toilet water with ten percent flavoring additives. It is possible to determine it in large bottles with a sprayer.
  • Colognes have a low extract content that creates a lung pleasant smell. Good cologne can choose a man.
  • Deodorants are also distinguished by unobtrusive flavors and relate to hygienic agents.

The importance of the right choice

It has long been noticed that the smells are able to influence not only the mood, but even well-being. If the perfume is chosen correctly, it must please and worry, give confidence and awakened energy. The smell of vanilla removes stress, rose and jasmine contribute to active creative processes, citrus notes in smells refresh, remove fatigue.

There are such aromas that are able to cause negative emotions. Inappropriate smell can spoil the mood and cause a headache. Therefore, the right choice for itself is so important.

Features of the use of spirits

In the art of use, spirits also have their own rules, not knowing about which, you can make widespread errors.

  • Many believe that if the fragrance perfume is felt only in the first minutes, it means it is ideal. However, the smell of spirits should cause positive emotions. If it does not feel at all, it may indicate the so-called olfactory adaptation, when the brain blocks the smell as a protective function.
  • Each person has an individual smell, mixing with which spirits create their own unique fragrance. Their "sound" will not be the same in different people. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy perfume only because they are disclosed on some comes irresistible aroma. Solving which perfume to choose, you must try their "sound" on yourself.
  • Since external factors have a significant impact on shades of aromas, it is not recommended to use the same perfume at any time of the year and within a day. The fragrance must match the weather, season, time and place of visiting.
  • The real flavor of perfume occurs only when they interact with the skin. No need to apply them on clothing or jewelry.
  • For the appearance of aroma, some rubbing perfume into the skin. However, they only accelerate the evaporation of flavoring substances.
  • Do not throw away after buying perfume paper packaging. It performs, besides decorative, and protective function, preventing the contents of the bottle from the destructive effect of light. Otherwise, the smell of perfume will change over time.

Selection of men's aromas

How to choose a perfume for men? Representatives of the strong half are more difficult to visit perfume shops, especially the tasting of numerous odors. Usually perfume and toilet water for them are selected women, focusing on their taste and intuition, and often their solution is successful.

  • The choice of male fragrance is largely determined by the nature of the potential owner. A funny sociable person with whom it is always interesting, most often prefers fresh, sea odors with vegetable notes of mint, hyacinth.
  • Fantasy romantics is endless, they invent new surprises daily to surprise and please their chosen. Such a person will most likely prefer the lung aromas of citrus, lavender, cedar.
  • For confident and self-sufficient men with a strong character, options with saturated flavors of Bergamot and Muskus can be selected.
  • How to choose male perfumes for a scattered person with a creative soul and a wide range? He has a bright and deeply individual nature. Such a person will choose a fragrance with unusual notes, such as thyme, sage or twig.

Men's flavors have greater saturation than women, their composition adds notes that emphasize such traits such as strength, independence, individuality.

There is also such a concept as "perfume etiquette", which is part of a common culture. He is connected not only with the ability to answer the question of how to choose perfume, but also with the art of their "wearing". It is no less important than the definition of the best aroma. And the main principles here are relevance and moderation.