How do I choose good bedding? Which fabric is best for bedding

Before choosing bed linen, we first of all pay attention to its appearance, colors. It is impossible to make recommendations here: everyone has their own preferences. But how to determine its quality and comfort for sleep is a whole science. Want to know more about this? I will tell you everything I know about fabrics used for sewing underwear, as well as what else to look for when choosing.

Choosing the type of fabric

Since in a dream we spend almost a third of our lives, the question of which fabric is better to buy bedding from does not seem idle. After all, it should contribute to good rest, without causing discomfort and giving positive emotions.

This can be ensured only by natural fabrics - environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, hypoallergenic, breathable and do not accumulate static electricity. Of no less importance are characteristics such as durability, shapes and colors, easy maintenance and price.

Let's see what materials have these properties so that choosing bed linen does not turn into buying a pig in a poke.

Option 1. Cotton

Cotton fabrics are the most widespread and varied. All of them are 100% natural raw materials, but differ in the type of weaving. Depending on it, the following materials are distinguished:

  • Calico... The weaving method used in its creation provides the material with high strength and resistance to creasing. Calico products are good allow air to pass through and keep warm, are inexpensive. But they are harsh to the touch.

  • Ranfors... An analogue of coarse calico with the same weaving, but from a thinner and better twisted thread, which provides a higher density of the fabric and wear resistance. It is soft and silky to the touch.

  • Chintz... An excellent choice for everyday use at a very affordable price. Chintz absorbs moisture well, breathes, is pleasant to the touch, easy to iron. But it fades over time and does not have high wear resistance.

  • Percale... Very tightly woven fabric, durable, resistant to wear and tear. It is not for nothing that sails and parachutes are sewn from this material. For the manufacture of bed linen, very fine threads are used, so it turns out to be soft and smooth. Due to its high density, percale does not shrink, does not roll and does not let feathers, fluff through itself and other fillers, so it is often used for sewing bedcloths, mattress covers.

  • Satin and satin DELUXE... This is an elite cotton fabric that looks like smooth silk. She practically does not wrinkle and can withstand up to three hundred washes without losing its shape... The higher the density of satin for bedding, the more delicate, flowing and silky it will be. It is the higher density and lower thickness of the thread that makes DELUXE satin different from the usual material. Often, satin weaving is combined with jacquard, resulting in incredibly beautiful iridescent patterns.

  • Batiste... It is also a rather expensive and beautiful fabric, which is not distinguished by its resistance to wear and tear. Batiste linen is not used for everyday life, but in special cases. or for dear guests. You can also buy it as a gift.

  • Poplin... A distinctive feature of this material is a small scar, which is formed due to the use of threads of different thicknesses in weaving. The fabric is soft, velvety, durable and dense. And with proper care and very durable.

  • Flannel. If you are thinking what kind of bedding is better to choose for the off-season, when it is already cold, but the heating has not yet been turned on, then there is nothing better to find flannel. This is a satin or plain weave fabric with a soft pile. She perfectly retains warmth, her touch gives a feeling of comfort and tenderness. It is not for nothing that most of the textile for newborns is sewn from it.

  • Frote... This mysterious name hides a familiar makhra. Linen made of it is warm, comfortable, easy to care for and use. It is not only unnecessary, but also not recommended to iron, since after ironing, the pile is crumpled and absorbs moisture worse... Only 100% cotton frotte will remain pleasant to the touch during the entire period of use. Adding only 5% synthetic will make it tough after just a few washes.

To reduce the cost of production, manufacturers often use blended fabrics, adding synthetic fibers to cotton. Outwardly, such fabrics hardly differ from natural ones, and sometimes they look more attractive and last longer. Costing at the same time one and a half to two times cheaper.

But at the same time such the fabric is more rigid, it does not breathe and does not absorb moisture well, it is electrified... And these properties are the more noticeable, the higher the percentage of synthetics, which can reach 85%. If you do not want to deprive yourself of comfort and restful sleep with your own hands, it is better to stay away from such products.

Option 2. Flax

Natural linen sheets and duvet covers would be perfect if they didn't wrinkle so much. In addition, they cannot be called gentle - they are harsh and rude to the touch. And they are inhumane.

But flax very well absorbs moisture released from the body and allows air to pass through, maintaining a comfortable thermal regime. If you do not consider yourself to be sissies and aesthetes, then feel free to buy such underwear - you will not regret it.

Option 3. Bamboo

Bamboo fabrics have appeared relatively recently, immediately gaining popularity. Its secret lies not at all in fashion trends and consumer interest in new products, but in something else.

Bamboo fibers are believed to have unique antimicrobial properties, neutralize unpleasant odors and prevent dust mites from settling in bed.

I cannot say that this is really true and not a publicity stunt. But the fact that these types of bedding are very comfortable to use, strong and durable is absolutely certain. True, you have to pay a lot for these properties.

Option 4. Silk

Do you want real luxury and bliss? Buy linen made from natural silk. But only natural, without impurities, otherwise just throw your money down the drain. Because puffs and clues will quickly appear on it, the sheet under you will creak and sparkle, and you will sweat under a thin blanket.

Real silk gives coolness in the heat and warmth in the cold... It gently envelops you and gives you unforgettable pleasure with its touch. And it looks just gorgeous, without requiring complex care. It is expensive, but having at least one such kit for special occasions is a must.

A variety of silk is natural satin. It is a denser fabric with a smooth, shiny front surface and a matte backing. It practically does not stretch, and when it breaks it does not bloom and does not wrinkle.

Despite the rather high price, satin underwear can be classified as everyday, because it has a unique wear resistance, easily withstands many frequent washings... At the same time, both color and shape are preserved in their original form.

You now know enough about the choice of material to understand which one you need. It remains to learn how to determine the quality of products.

Choosing high quality bedding

The quality of bed linen depends on the raw materials used for its manufacture, and on sewing, and on the dyeing method and storage conditions. In order not to miss and buy a product that will be pleasant to sleep on, easy to care for and use for a long time, pay attention to the following points:

  • Density of fabric... It is determined by the number of threads per square centimeter and depends on the type of fabric and the thickness of the threads. It differs for different fabrics and can vary from 20 for cambric to 60-70 for satin. Of course, you should not count the strings right in the store with a magnifying glass. You just need to inspect the product in the light and give preference to the frequent and even weaving of threads.

  • Seam quality... Turn out your pillowcase or duvet cover and inspect the seams. They should be double with edges hidden inward.... If this is not the case, refuse to purchase - such linen will quickly creep from washing. At the same time, look at the color of the threads, they should be matched to the fabric.

  • Smell... It should only be the subtle scent of new textiles, but not a strong chemical smell of paint... The presence of the latter indicates that in this case a cheap, low-quality dye was used, which will wash out, shed, or, even worse, cause allergies and irritation on the skin.

  • Color quality... There is one more piece of advice on how to choose high-quality bedding: according to the color intensity on both sides of the canvas. It should not be very different from the face and from the inside. The stability of the dye can be judged by the recommended washing temperature, it should be at least 60 degrees.
  • Package... Regardless of whether you want to choose bedding for a gift or for personal use, always pay attention to the packaging. An unmarked set sealed in polyethylene is an indicator that the manufacturer is not concerned with its own reputation, but with cost savings. In addition, the packaging must contain instructions for use and care and manufacturer's details.

In addition, you need to know the required dimensions, otherwise the purchased bedding set may not suit you. Make sure it includes all the items you need.

For example, if you prefer to sleep under different duvets, you need a Family set with two duvet covers. And if under one, then "Double" with one, but designed for a wide blanket.

Do not forget about the sizes of pillowcases - they can be square or rectangular with different side lengths.

The sheets should completely cover the mattress and fold under it. The ideal solution is a sheet with an elastic band. But when buying it, make sure that it matches not only the perimeter, but also the thickness of the mattress.

Now, after making sure that the quality suits you, you can choose the most beautiful bedding in your opinion. Monochrome or patterned, with or without frills and lace inserts - this is a purely individual matter, so there is no need for advice.


If names such as calico, percale or cambric don't tell you anything, read this article again. She will help you when choosing bedding from unfamiliar materials. In any case, you will know what to expect from them during use and after washing.

And advice on determining the quality will give confidence when communicating with the seller trying to stick you stale consumer goods at the price of an airplane wing. Want to know even more - watch the video in this article. And be sure to tell us how and by what criteria you choose bed linen.

Reading time: 6 minutes

A comfortable bed and bed linen made of natural materials are necessary for a person's good rest. Sleep affects your well-being and mood throughout the day. What is the best quality bedding and how to choose it? We suggest that you study all the characteristics in order to decide which kit is best for you. The stores offer a wide assortment: from budget sets to luxury ones.

Main characteristics of the PBC

A quality kit has the following characteristics:

  • High indicators of strength and wear resistance. You will realize the importance of these parameters after several washes. Too loose linen will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable.
  • Good hygroscopicity and breathability. This is useful in the summer when a person sweats more often. Cotton, linen, silk and other natural fabrics will help withstand the heat.
  • The dyes must be hypoallergenic and resistant to regular washing.

What is the best quality bedding

Density of fabric

Density is an important selection criterion that affects the strength and durability of the kit. Density indicators are often indicated on the label only by manufacturers of products that meet all standards. Density is divided into linear (number of threads per 1 cm²) and surface (gram per m²).

Table 1. Linear density (n. Per 1 cm²)

Very low 20 to 30
Low 35 to 40
Average 50 to 65
Above average 65 to 80
High 85 to 120
Very high 130 to 280

In determining the areal density, the type, weaving method and twist of the thread play an important role. Therefore, it is impossible to make a general gradation, since each canvas must be considered separately.


The packaging should be light but strong. It protects the sets from moisture, light and ensures safety during transportation and storage. The appearance and quality of the packaging reflects the quality of the linen inside. Polymer film and reinforced multilayer materials are widespread. Reinforcement makes the packaging stronger, which contributes to the safety of the goods.


The presence of a label with marking is a prerequisite for the production and storage of bed linen. The labeling includes symbols, advice on caring for the product, date of packaging. Also indicated are the technical characteristics of the product and a list of products included in the kit. The text should be easy to read and understandable for the common buyer. The label is attached directly to the kit or packaging.

Conscientious manufacturers, whose products comply with all standards, provide information about the product and contact information. The lack of information on the label indicates the low quality of the product and the manufacturer's unwillingness to disclose the name of the company.


A set that meets the requirements of GOST must be sewn from a single piece of fabric. The presence of a seam on the sheet or duvet cover is unacceptable. The seam reduces the strength of the product and spoils the appearance. Also, avoid an abundance of accessories - buttons make it difficult to wash and can injure a person while sleeping. If possible, it is worth checking the seams for strength. To do this, stretch the fabric in different directions. If the thread tension during sewing was insufficient, the seam will be loose, weak and you will see gaps. You should refrain from buying such a kit. All sections must be sewn with a linen seam.


High quality paint can withstand high temperatures during washing. On the label, an inscription on the recommended mode and maximum washing temperature is mandatory. Some manufacturers indicate the strength of the dye, which should be from 4 and higher. In order to check the quality of the dyeing, you need to rub the front side of the fabric. A colored palm indicates low quality. The pattern must be clear on both sides, otherwise the kit will quickly shed.


Bed linen made in accordance with GOST has an unobtrusive smell of a new textile product. The presence of a chemical or paint smell indicates a high content of harmful substances and non-compliance with production technology. It also indicates improper storage and transportation.

Dimensions (edit)

Before buying, measure the parameters of the mattress, blanket and pillows, because the sizes of the Russian and foreign manufacturers are different.

Set Duvet cover Sheet Pillowcases
1,5 sleeping From 143х210 cm

Up to 160x230 cm

145x200 cm 50x70cm
2-bedroom (Russian standard) From 175x210

Up to 180x220 cm

175x210 cm 50x70 cm
2-bed () From 200x220 cm

Up to 215x220 cm

200x215 cm 70x70 cm
Royal (Euro maxi) 240x260 cm 220x240 cm 70x70 cm
and 2 duvet covers From 140x210 cm

Up to 160x230 cm

From 175x210 50x70 cm


When buying European bedding, it is worth knowing some markings:

  • 1 bedroom - 1 bed / single;
  • 2-bedroom - full / double / 2-bed;
  • Euro - Queen;
  • 5 set - extra long single;
  • 3-bedroom - King size.

How to choose a PBC from fabric varieties


Tight for a budget price. increases strength, so the material does not need careful maintenance.

The benefits include:

  • Wear resistance;
  • Strength;
  • Absorbs moisture quickly;
  • The cost is within 1300 rubles;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Hygiene.

Satin bedding

Created by twisting cotton fibers. In production, not only natural, but also synthetic threads are used. The stronger the curl, the stronger the shine. does not wrinkle at all. It looks like silk, but the cost is much lower. The seamy side has a rough structure and therefore does not slip on the mattress.


  • Strength;
  • Practicality;
  • Noble shine;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Warms up in cold weather.

Despite all the advantages, disadvantages are also present: if gloss was used when creating the fabric, then it will be slippery to sleep on such linen. In the summertime, it is worth abandoning satin in favor of breathable materials.


Outwardly, it is similar to calico, as it has a plain weave. However, in the production of poplin, silk, viscose, woolen and synthetic threads are added to the composition. The main difference and feature is the use of two threads of different widths, which set the appearance of the fabric - ribbed.


  • Shine;
  • Softness;
  • Elasticity;
  • Smooth, even surface;
  • Withstands up to 300 washes;
  • Excellent hygroscopicity;
  • Keeping warm;
  • Does not lose shape after crushing;
  • Does not fade.

In general, it is good quality at a low cost. It can be washed at a temperature of 100 °.

Percale in bedding

- a type of cotton fabric with strong weaves of fibers. To create it, cotton with a long pile is used. The threads form a plain weave. The untwisted thread adds strength and smoothness to the finished product. The density of percale is 90/160 per 10 cm of fabric. This is a high indicator that increases the service life without losing shape.

  • Density 100-160 per cm²;
  • Comfort during sleep, due to the velvety, delicate surface;
  • Good breathability and heat retention;
  • In terms of quality and appearance, it is not inferior to satin, but it is cheaper;
  • It is environmentally friendly, therefore it is suitable for making kits for children.


- a refined and airy material made from cotton, linen and synthetic fibers. The density of cambric is increased due to the simultaneous use of several types of threads. Density in the range of 20-30 threads per cm provides a silky surface and airiness of this fabric. It is inferior to poplin and satin in the number of washes. For comparison: poplin can withstand up to 200, and satin up to 300.

This aristocratic material needs delicate care. You need to wash in warm water without spinning, and iron from the wrong side through cheesecloth.

  • The small weight of cambric creates a light, airy coating, so it is very comfortable to sleep on such linen;
  • The fabric is breathable, so it is suitable for the summer;
  • Hypoallergenic material;
  • Batiste, despite the airiness, keeps its shape well and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • Dries quickly and is pleasant to the tactile sensations.

Bed linen sets from ranfors

- material made from refined cotton. The higher the cleaning quality, the less shrinkage the fabric will give after washing. It has a diagonal weave, due to which the strength increases and the surface becomes smooth. The density of this material is higher than that of coarse calico and amounts to 42 threads per 1 cm².

  • Lightness, but at the same time durability. Does not require special care and tolerates washing well;
  • Quickly absorbs moisture, so it is suitable for summer;
  • Does not lose shape;
  • Does not get electrified;
  • Hygienic, as only high quality dyes are used in the production.

Ranfors is sometimes confused with coarse calico or poplin, since the characteristics are similar. However, it has a higher cost.


This material is considered elite. Delicate and flowing silk will appeal to even the most selective personalities. has a natural composition without impurities and chemicals.

Excluding the high price tag, silk has only one advantage:

  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Conducts heat well. It is not hot in summer, and not cold in winter;
  • Will last a long time due to the strength of the threads;
  • Aesthetics in appearance and pleasant tactile sensations.

In order not to buy a fake, it is worth touching the material - it will quickly heat up, and the artificial one will remain cold.

Also, take a closer look at the picture: it should match on the face and the wrong side.


Top 10 manufacturing firms:

Regularly, there is something new in the world of bedding. Improved technologies are being introduced and new fabrics are being created. The choice is huge, but among this variety it is important to find what suits you.

To answer the question of which bedding is best, you need to know your comfort preferences. Someone likes cool and smooth fabrics, others are more comfortable wrapping themselves in terry bedspreads, the third is naturalness and high quality. Let's take a closer look at all the options for materials from which bedding sets can be made in order to find out what is better to sleep on.

Varieties of compositions

Surely you have heard such a thing as elite lingerie more than once. But what do they mean when they say so? And what else is there?

So, the kits can be conditionally divided into the following classes:

  • Baby;
  • Budgetary;
  • Elite.

The latter class is usually distinguished by a high price, but not only. First of all, expensive fabric is used for the manufacture of such sets. Quality bedding is made from:

  • Flax;
  • Natural silk;
  • Expensive satin;
  • Cotton jacquard;
  • Cotton with long fibers (mako, pima);

In addition, such sheets look luxurious due to noble colors, luxurious and unique design, embroidery and handmade lace may be present.

What belongs to the budget segment is designed for the mass consumer and daily use. Such linen should be durable and practical, it should not be broken by frequent washing. Calico, percale, poplin do an excellent job with the requirements put forward.

For babies, the bed should be not only cozy and comfortable, but, above all, safe. Newborns spend most of the day in the cradle, so hypoallergenicity and quality of materials should come first.

Children often stain both bed sheets and duvet covers, so the kit should remain intact after many washes. You can cope with such tasks:

  • Calico;
  • Percali;
  • Ranfors;
  • Chintz.

Children's sets are distinguished by cute colors, images of cartoon characters and fairy tales.

What kind of raw material

In order not to guess which material is better to choose bedding - natural or artificial, remember the axiom: in any good set, most of the composition should be made of natural fibers.

Natural include:

  • Cotton;
  • Silk;
  • Wool.

The first two are made from plants, while silk and wool are made from animal raw materials.

Artificial fabrics are:

  • Polyester;
  • Lavsan;
  • Bamboo;
  • Tencel;
  • Viscose.

Synthetic fabrics are usually not used in their pure form, they are mixed into natural compounds to give strength, shape, color.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type

The choice of bed linen is a delicate matter. Your sleep and health depend on the quality of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers. What fabric is the best choice for a set? Now we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of material on the market.


This natural cotton material is most commonly found in home textile stores. Differs in average quality, low cost, density from 50 to 140 threads per cm. The denser the fabric, the better it is.

  • Does not wrinkle;
  • Unpretentious care;
  • Wear-resistant;
  • Good air permeability;
  • Smooth.
  • It might sound a little rough.


Also, a natural cotton representative, with a density of 120 to 140 threads / cm, is made by twisting the fibers in half. This fabric is more expensive than calico and looks more representative. With its smoothness and shine, it resembles silk a little, but it costs much less.


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Breathable
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Strength;
  • Withstands frequent washings.


  • High price compared to other cotton counterparts.

Satin is used for both budget and luxury lingerie. The manufacturing technology and the country of production of raw materials differ.


It is also called satin or cotton jacquard. Its appearance resembles the luxurious and rich bedchambers of the aristocratic nobility. Has embossed patterns, soft and silky.

  • Luxurious view;
  • Does not get electrified;
  • Nice to use.
  • Easy to wrinkle;
  • Expensive.


According to user characteristics, it is between coarse calico and satin. For its manufacture, natural cotton imported fibers of various thicknesses are used, which are woven in a checkerboard pattern. The thickness is 115 threads per cm. It has a slight sheen and a pleasant roughness.


  • Soft;
  • Lasting;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Some will find it too rough.


Already with just one look it warms and envelops with care. Made of cotton and wool, covered with soft bristles, very delicate. Ideal for harsh winters. It can be one-sided or two-sided.

  • Conserves heat;
  • Absorbs moisture;
  • It becomes even softer after washing (wash in cold water).
  • Pills appear over time;
  • Rapid wear.


Very dense and durable fabric, perfect for framing down and feather items, because will not let a single feather seep. At the same time, it is a soft, smooth and delicate covering that warmly and gently hugs the recumbent.

Made from linen, cotton or cotton with a mixture of synthetic additives. Especially appreciated for the unique weaving method - sizing, which seems to glue the threads together.


  • Strength and durability;
  • Long service life;
  • Breathable
  • Absorbs moisture;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • High price.


Inexpensive material, but due to its fragility, it is rarely found in bedrooms. You can choose it for a summer residence, since there you will not use it every day.


  • Cheapness;
  • Variety of colors.


  • It is difficult to smoothen;
  • Wears out quickly.


Expensive and incredibly thin material (only 20-30 threads per cm thick). The unique weave of the threads allows you to create beautiful patterns. Very beautiful and exquisite, but quickly deteriorates. Can be used for special occasions.

Strong points:

  • Beauty and sophistication.

Weak sides:

  • Short service life.


The most natural material presented, is considered a representative of the elite class. It is breathable and meets high hygiene standards.

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Air permeable;
  • Antiseptic properties;
  • Natural colors.
  • High cost;
  • Easy to wrinkle.


Why are such accessories so famous and why are they referred to the luxury segment?

Firstly, many people love them for their luxurious appearance, which creates a solid impression. In all romantic films, we see exactly the silk decoration in the frame. It is pleasant to touch, soft and smooth. Although many say that in a dream you involuntarily roll off of it.

Suitable for the warm season as it gives a cool touch. For cold winters, it is better to replace with other kits.

Of the advantages, we highlight:

  • Repels dirt;
  • Luxurious view;
  • Retains color (if not dried in the sun);
  • Skin-friendly;
  • Doesn't cause irritation.

We note the following disadvantages:

  • High price;
  • Faded when exposed to sunlight;
  • Slides.

Which bed linen is better to choose is up to you. Match the characteristics of the fabrics with your requirements and make a purchase.

Let's say you have already decided on the type of fabric, but how to choose the best bedding among other things being equal?

First, make sure that the kit matches the size of your bed. A set that is not in size will be very inconvenient to use.

Look at the seamy side and the seams, everything should be firmly sewn, there should be no threads sticking out. If you notice a loose seam, skip the purchase.

Fitted sheets will keep you on the nerves and eliminate the need to make up your bed every day.

A blanket duvet cover with a zipper is an ideal solution for a modern housewife, since in it the blanket will not pop out.

Make sure that the dye applied to the fabric does not stain your body after sleep.

Choose the color you like 100%. You should really want to drown in the arms of this linen.


Good bedding is the perfect gift for a wedding or anniversary. As a presentation, they choose more presentable models in beautiful packaging. For home use, comfort and high quality are important.

Summing up and highlighting the favorites among the materials, the top three will look like this:

  1. Calico. Excellent durable fabric, suitable for adult and kids sets. It is unpretentious in care and is adequately worth it.
  2. Satin. Durability and beautiful gloss make it the favorite of many. The higher the price tag slightly reduces the popularity.
  3. Poplin. Strong, durable, pleasant to the touch.

If we talk about fashion, then in the photo of all the trendy bedrooms you can now see linen sheets. Plain pastel canvases look natural and expensive.

Make an informed choice and remember, you should not save on your sleep, because your health depends on its quality.

What does a person need to meet a new day in a cheerful mood? Nice weather outside the window, a funny song on the alarm clock and bed linen, which is nice to wake up in.

Blakit - the best Belarusian bedding


Average price:1090 RUB

The most famous Belarusian textile trade mark is "Blakit". The enterprise is located in the city of Baranovichi and specializes not only in the production of bed linen, but also in the production of overalls, yarn, table linen, bandages and gauze.

Bed linen from this manufacturer is relatively cheap, but at the same time excellent quality. The linen can withstand an infinite number of washes, does not fade, does not tear and does not lose color. The best bedding for practical housewives - solid pluses for a modest price.


  • Models for every taste: geometric and abstract designs, bright flashy colors, calm neutrals and mysterious dark
  • Sets are made for all sizes of beds - from single to "king size"
  • Does not fade or tarnish
  • Does not wrinkle much and is easy to iron
  • Wear-resistant


  • Some models have awkward clasps

From reviews about bed linen "Blakit" from coarse calico:

“I am very pleased with the quality of the tailoring. The lines are neat, all linen is cut evenly, without bevels and distortions. Bed linen is perfectly washed, does not fade (I have been using three sets for more than three years), is well ironed, does not shrink after washing. And the prices are even more pleasing - an order of magnitude lower than other manufacturers.

Monolith is the most popular Russian bedding


Average price:1210 RUB

One of the largest Russian manufacturers of bed linen is the textile association "Monolit". 6 sewing workshops, 31 branches, 8 retail stores - the scale is truly mesmerizing. The company specializes in the manufacture of textiles for bedrooms, dining rooms, as well as for restaurants and hotels. Bedding sets range from practical inexpensive to luxurious. The products meet the highest quality standards. Monolith bedding can be purchased at any bedroom supply store - a tribute to the marketing and dealer network.

In addition, it is the Monolit company that owns the most popular Mona Lisa bedding series. This brand is notable for the fact that it was created in a duet with the famous designer Alena Akhmadullina. Bed linen "Mona Lisa" is made of high quality satin using multicolor printing and reactive dyeing.


  • Very bright colors (to preserve color, it is recommended to wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees)
  • All fabrics are 100% cotton
  • Relatively inexpensive price
  • After washing, the laundry does not shrink, does not fade or tarnish
  • Quite dense fabric (ironing is necessary)
  • Durable and wear resistant
  • Very nice packaging (great as a gift)


  • On some models of bedding, labels are sewn on the front side

From reviews about bed linen "Monolith" from coarse calico:

"Setlight green colorI bought it 4 years ago, and to be honest, I am still glad that I made the right choice. Over the years, the kit, fortunately, did not wash out much and did not fade, in any case its colors remained pleasant. Bed linen is of very high quality and even seams (I am certainly not an expert, but in my common opinion the seams are flawless.) ".

ArtPostel - the best durable bedding


Average price:1150 RUB

Bed linen "ArtPostel" is produced in the very heart of the Russian textile industry - in the city of Ivanovo. The trade mark belongs to the ART Design company. Production has been established since 1997 and at the moment the products of the ArtPostel brand are not only in demand in Ivanovo, but throughout Russia. The enterprise annually takes part in the all-Russian competition "The best fabric of the year" and has repeatedly received awards at this prestigious event.


  • Colors for every taste - from calm and harmonious to dark shocking
  • Acceptable cost
  • Lingerie does not shrink, does not fade or tarnish
  • Bed linen will remain in its original condition for at least a year
  • Body-friendly fabric
  • Beautiful packaging
  • Neat tailoring of bed linen

From reviews about ArtPostel bedding made of coarse calico:

“I bought bed linen by accident and first one set. I really liked the first set and ordered several more. The linen does not dye, does not fade, does not fade, and after a few years it looks very good. "

“I have been using it for over 5 years. I am very satisfied with the quality and design. Not a single set shed or torn. I myself live in Ivanovo and worked with textiles, and I can officially declare that this is one of the best sets of bed linen to date. "

Tac - the best manufacturer of satin bedding


Average price:1640 RUB

Tac is one of the world's largest bedding manufacturers. It is part of the Zorlu Textiles Group holding. Founded in the middle of the last century in Turkey, "Tac" produces almost all home textiles: towels, curtains, tablecloths, blankets, carpets. The company came to Russia in the early 90s and has already gained a reputation not only as a conscientious, but also the largest manufacturer of satin bed linen.


  • Bright print - the drawing is applied very high quality
  • After washing, it does not fade or shrink
  • Bed linen that is soft to the touch, but durable enough
  • Bed linen is neatly made - all seams are perfectly straight
  • Long-lasting, does not shrink or tear after many washes


  • It is more expensive compared to similar Russian kits

From the reviews about the bed linen "Tas" from satin:

"I am delighted! Value for money 5+. The threads do not stick out anywhere, the inner seams are serrated, the set is pleasant, soft to the touch, tightly woven. Very beautiful shades. After washing, it did not shed, did not sit down, did not roll. I am very pleased."

Asabella - the most luxurious bedding


Average price:RUB 17140

Having firmly established itself in the Russian market, the Asabella company surprises buyers with the luxury of its bed linen. Products made of silk, ranfors, jacquard and other elite fabrics are the strong point of the Asabella company. Bed linen is produced in China (in the historical homeland of silk), but the design and equipment are already the merit of the Italian branch of the company. There is no need to doubt the quality of the product - bed linen "Asabella" deserves the best recommendations!


  • Truly luxurious bed linen - straight lines, bright pattern, "juicy" fabric
  • The design is beyond praise - truly royal
  • Made with high quality - everything is firmly stitched down to the smallest beads or lace
  • Long lasting with minimum wear
  • Does not tear, does not fade, does not shrink


  • High price
  • Capricious laundry: not suitable for washing in a washing machine - only dry cleaning

From reviews of Asabella jacquard bedding:

“The bed is just wonderful! The quality is also on top! Almost does not wrinkle! ";

“Excellent appearance and quality. Lovely pillowcases - beautiful, pleasing to the face. Bright color, went well with the room».

Vasilisa - the best inexpensive bedding


Average price:1055 RUB

Produced in the city of Ivanovo, Vasilisa bed linen has earned a reputation for high quality, practical and inexpensive. The company is over 10 years old. "Vasilisa" is just one of the few trade marks produced by TDL Textile LLC: there is also "Aura", "Eco", "Vasilek". Blankets, pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, towels - and these products are produced from the machines of this enterprise. In addition, one of the directions of TDL Textile LLC is the production of dressings.


  • The most inexpensive bedding (often sold for promotions in large retail chains)
  • Very vivid drawing
  • Does not fade, does not fade, easy to iron
  • Even after prolonged use, the laundry does not tear, pills do not form on it, does not shrink
  • Linen is strictly tailored to size

From reviews about bed linen "Vasilisa" from coarse calico:

“Excellent prints, bright colors, nothing gets in when washing, does not fade, does not roll up, does not stain (unless, of course, you do not wash with socks and observe the temperature regime). It is always sewn exactly. A distinctive feature is the seam at the bottom of the duvet cover, tucked in from the bottom. The fabric is chic. Well, it crumples, of course, I spin like a top at night. I straighten it in the morning, stretch it and everything comes back to its natural form. How many sets I had - all served for a very long time and simply gradually lost the appearance and strength of the fabric, but none of them completely ruptured. "

Valtery - the widest assortment of bed linen


Average price:RUB 1560

The Valtery company is a well-known world leader in the production of bed linen. The company is located in China, and all products are manufactured in this country only on high-tech machines. This particular manufacturer has the widest assortment: the buyer is offered linen made of coarse calico, satin, silk, jacquard, poplin. For children, bed linen is also produced - calm colors for babies and bright sets with cartoon characters for older children.


  • Very nice drawing
  • The linen is trimmed with embroidery
  • The sheet comes in a slightly larger size - a mattress of any size will be firmly covered
  • Beautiful packaging - the linen is packed in a mini suitcase
  • The linen is smooth, soft and delicate


  • Lint and pellets form quickly
  • Slightly fades after the first wash

From reviews about bed linen "Valtery" from satin:

“In size, all the sets fit almost perfectly on our pillows and duvets. The fabric is actually very pleasant, soft, tightly woven, delicately felt by the skin. The seams do not interfere, the only thing is that the buttons on the duvet covers are not very comfortable - but this is subjective. "

Sileid - the brightest colors of bedding


Average price:1430 RUB

Sailid is a Russian company operating since 2002. She became famous for her beautiful drawings and bright colors of bed linen. They work mainly with calico and satin, but some models are made of jacquard (most of them are gift sets). Bed linen can be decorated with embroidery or photo printing. Also "Sailid" produces bedspreads, blankets, decorative pillowcases.


  • Wide range of patterns, vivid saturated colors
  • High quality embroidery
  • Durable
  • Does not fade, does not shrink
  • Straight stitches
  • Strict compliance with the dimensions indicated on the package


  • Laundry may shed

From reviews about Sileid bed linen made of satin and jacquard:

“Purely by chance, on the Internet, I went to a site with Sileid bedding, and I was struck by a huge number of color variations. Rich sets of satin, jacquard, satin with embroidery. Especially, for some reason, we touched the pillowcases with ruffles. Well, not in a soviet way, but in a good way, bourgeois. I bought several sets. I would especially note jacquard linen - this is a fairy tale, it looks royally - expensive and luxurious! I also liked the embroidery kit. I also found good bedding for the child for the nursery. Funny drawings, bright colors - my daughter is happy! I have been using the linen for the third year, I wash it in a washing machine and dryer. The colors have not faded over the years, the linen is like new. "

Cleo is the best 3D bedding manufacturer


Average price:RUB 3020

Another best manufacturer of bed linen in our rating is Cleo. Made in China, Cleo bedding is renowned for its vibrant 3D prints. The range of products is constantly growing - you can decorate your bedroom with a view of the city at night, a summer meadow or a pair of graceful tigers. Bed linen is made mainly on sateen. In addition, Cleo sleeping textiles are additionally offered with a variety of bedspreads, blankets, pillows.


  • Drawing as if it were alive - very high quality 3D-linen
  • Good, even tailoring - neat stitching, solid fasteners
  • Bed linen does not fade and the pattern remains high quality for a long time
  • Wear-resistant
  • Does not shrink after washing, practically does not wrinkle, paint does not fade


  • Fairly expensive bedding

From the reviews about "Cleo" satin bed linen:

“I liked it as soon as we opened the box. Very clear, rich pattern, the fabric is soft, smooth, dense. Duvet cover and pillowcases with zippers, all 4 pillowcases with "ears". I wash it faster, first to "gentle" (everything is as taught) - all the colors remained in place. On the first night, however, it was a little bit prickly from the fabric, apparently so far new, and then everything went away. Now the kit has withstood 10 washings. Well done! All the lines, the whole drawing, everything is in place. "

Bed linen: how to please yourself?

Bed linen is the basis for healthy sleep. And the choice of this basis should be approached with all responsibility.

When choosing the best bed linen, one should be guided only by personal preferences - it is unlikely that a conservative lover of coarse calico will be able to fully relax on silk, and an elderly person will not be delighted with a black set. You can also listen to the recommendations of the sellers (if, of course, they inspire confidence). And of course, the third aspect of choice is personal finance. You should not buy a luxurious jacquard set if it is difficult for a wallet - it is better to buy 3 sets of practical satin or chintz and feel like the master of the situation.

In any case, good luck with your choice and pleasant dreams!